The word legislature in a sentence

законодательная власть, законодательный орган, законодательный орган штата


- законодательный орган

state legislature — законодательное собрание штата (в США)

- законодательная власть

Мои примеры


a supine legislature that is afraid to take action — инертная законодательная власть, которая боится действовать самостоятельно  
a plenary session of the legislature — пленарная сессия законодательного органа  
to enact the will of legislature — выразить волю законодателей в законе  
bicameral legislature — двухпалатный законодательный орган  
one-chambered legislature — однопалатная легислатура  
previous legislature — легислатура прежнего, предыдущего созыва  
successive legislature — легислатура последующего созыва  
two-chambered legislature — двухпалатная легислатура  
policy of the legislature — намерение законодателя  
a bicameral legislature — двухпалатный орган  
force a bill through the legislature — протащить законопроект через парламент  
shove a bill through the legislature — протолкнуть законопроект через палату  

Примеры с переводом

Each state has its own legislature.

В каждом штате есть свой законодательный орган.

The bill cleared the legislature.

Законопроект получил одобрение законодательных органов.

He pushed the bill in the legislature.

Он упорно продвигал законопроект в совете штата.

The legislature expended its time on school questions.

Законодательный орган полностью потратил своё время на школьные вопросы.

The duty of the legislature is to effect the will of the people.

Обязанность законодательной власти состоит в том, чтобы исполнять волю народа.

The legislature hesitated to charter the corporation.

Законодательное собрание не решилось дать разрешение на создание корпорации.

The legislature has passed a measure aimed at protecting consumers.

Законодательная власть приняла постановление, направленное на защиту потребителей.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She skillfully steered the bill through the legislature.

The new constitution provides for a 650-seat legislature.

The bill was neutered by the changes made by the legislature.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): legislature
мн. ч.(plural): legislatures

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word legislature, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use legislature in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «legislature». In addition, we also show how different variations of legislature can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are legislature’s, legislatures, legislatures–and, legislature—the and legislature—which. If you click on the variation of legislature that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Legislature in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word legislature in a sentence.

  1. The legislature narrowly elected him.

  2. The bill passed the legislature in 1999.

  3. It passed the legislature with little debate.

  4. In 1838, Stevens ran again for the legislature.

  5. Bernard responded by dissolving the legislature.

  6. In 1797, the state legislature elected him as U.S.

  7. He also took office without a seat in the legislature.

  8. Three days later, the legislature re-convened in Salem.

  9. Brown hoped the legislature would elect him to the U.S.

  10. Two days later the legislature elected him to the Senate.

  11. Brownlee’s work as an MLA extended beyond the legislature.

  12. There was no civil legislature, executive or judicial body for the entire region.

  13. Brownlee was on vacation in Victoria during a special sitting of the legislature.

  14. After much debate, the legislature chose John Page to fill the rest of Hill’s term.

  15. He voiced this view in remarks to a joint session of the Texas legislature in 1875.

  16. Sharp’s nomination was unanimously confirmed by the legislature on October 30, 1821.

  17. After Desha bitterly denounced Holley in an address to the legislature in late 1825, Holley resigned.

  18. In 1827, Dow lobbied the Maine legislature to reform the fire companies to increase their efficiency.

  19. Several months later, Texas was granted increased representation in the Coahuila y Tejas legislature.

  20. The crucial battleground was the Republican caucus, as the party held the majority in the legislature.

  21. The following year, he ran for the state legislature in a special election, but was narrowly defeated.

  22. In the 1997 legislature, Patton began his mission of reforming the state’s system of higher education.

  23. Within a month of taking office, he lobbied the state legislature to pass a statewide prohibition law.

  24. Porto Alegre was elected general deputy in 1872 for the legislature that would be seated in that year.

  25. In 1865, he left medicine and later became a bank president and member of the Connecticut legislature.

  26. Josiah Randall was a leading Philadelphia lawyer who had served in the state legislature in the 1820s.

  27. This mollified the settlers, though Seward proved unable to get the legislature to pass reforming laws.

  28. In 1908, the legislature incorporated part of the island as the Town of Chincoteague, and on July 4, A.

  29. On December 11, 1894, Benjamin Tillman was elected to the Senate by the new legislature with 131 votes.

  30. By resolution of the Democratic-controlled legislature, Tyler could be instructed to vote for the bill.

  31. On November 24, the South Carolina legislature nullified both the Tariff of 1832 and the Tariff of 1828.

  32. In 1825, he convinced the legislature to fund the creation of the Louisville and Portland Canal on the Falls of the Ohio.

  33. One of the resolutions would have been more suited for passage by a state legislature than a group of concerned citizens.

  34. The state was torn between Union and Confederacy, with the legislature supporting the former and the governor the latter.

  35. Stevens remained in the legislature for most years through 1842 but the episode cost him much of his political influence.

  36. The government also relied on Brownlee in the legislature, where it found itself under relentless attack from the John R.

  37. Genesee Road was approved by the state legislature in 1794, and construction began in sections from Utica to Canandaigua.

  38. Mackenzie criticized the Legislative Assembly in the Colonial Advocate and called the legislature a «sycophantic office».

  39. In 1835, a split among the Democrats put the Anti-Masons in control of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, the legislature.

  40. A Confederate sympathizer during the Civil War, Magoffin’s power was entirely checked by a hostile, pro-Union legislature.

  41. The white Democrat-dominated legislature passed a poll tax in 1885, which largely served to disenfranchise all poor voters.

  42. His reform acts were beneficial for the state, leading Ross to become the only Texas governor to call a special session of the legislature to deal with a treasury surplus.

  43. All members of the House were Federalists, as Rosas had restored the legislature that had been in place under Dorrego, and which had subsequently been dissolved by Lavalle.

  44. The state legislature added the portion of SR 78 from SR 115 to the Riverside County line in the 1964 state highway renumbering, also naming the road the Ben Hulse Highway.

  45. In January 1875, he had friends in the state legislature begin an investigation into Wallace’s clique, which ultimately turned state Democratic leaders against the senator.

  46. He amended the militia act to allow use of all available volunteers and ordered enhanced training of these raw recruits, despite opposition from the provincial legislature.

Legislature’s in a sentence

Legislature’s is a variation of legislature, below you can find example sentences for legislature’s.

  1. Fletcher applauded the legislature’s efficiency.

  2. Crawford captured the legislature’s support, but Tyler’s proposal was defeated.

  3. During his tenure, he supported the legislature’s election of Henry Clay to the U.S.

  4. In 1868, he was elected to the national legislature’s lower house, but never assumed office.

  5. The election gave the UFA a slightly reduced majority, with 39 of the legislature’s 63 seats.

  6. The legislature’s intent was to equalize funding between wealthier districts and poorer ones.

  7. The Indiana Territory held elections to the legislature’s upper and lower houses for the first time in 1809.

  8. In campaign materials, Tyler was praised for integrity in resigning over the state legislature’s instructions.

  9. The cabinet resigned on 24 May 1862 after losing its majority in the Chamber of Deputies (the national legislature’s lower house).

  10. Nevertheless, when he attended the legislature’s meeting in Columbus, he wore a Hanna button, and seemed happy after Hanna’s triumph.

  11. He also supported the legislature’s efforts to purchase the Huddle portrait gallery, a collection of paintings of each governor of Texas.

  12. These committees met in private, unlike the legislature’s all-party committees, which fell almost entirely out of use during the Klein years.

  13. He pledged support to Paraná and in 1857 was elected general deputy (member of the Chamber of Deputies, the national legislature’s lower house).

  14. While the regionally-charged issues attracted much attention, they were far from the government’s only initiatives during the legislature’s first session.

  15. Although he was at one point within a single vote of victory in the legislature’s balloting, the Republicans eventually elected Henry Cooper over Johnson, 54–51.

  16. Although Stanley was against prohibition, he supported the 1918 amendment in order to settle the liquor issue and clear the legislature’s order paper for other measures.

  17. Of the legislature’s actions, Combs opined «Kentucky has now, by reason of this legislation, decided to become educated—and we have embarked on a crusade for that purpose.

  18. In 1903, he received the support of the Democratic minority in the California State Legislature during the legislature’s vote to elect a United States Senator from California.

  19. The following week, the legislature’s all-party Standing Committee on Member Services extended this to all MLAs by voting unanimously to freeze MLA salaries for the fiscal year.

  20. At the time, the state legislatures still elected United States Senators, and in 1903, Lane received the vote of the state legislature’s Democratic minority in the Senate election.

Legislatures in a sentence

Legislatures is a variation of legislature, below you can find example sentences for legislatures.

  1. State legislatures elected U.S.

  2. Pressure on individual state legislatures continued through the 1960s.

  3. The territorial legislatures also differ structurally from their provincial counterparts.

  4. The Act was imposed by the British Parliament without consulting the American legislatures.

  5. In 1835, the 1824 Constitution was overturned; state legislatures were dismissed, militias disbanded.

  6. Her great-grandfather, Thomas Hogg, served in the state legislatures of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.

  7. Provincial legislatures are unicameral and operate in parliamentary fashion similar to the House of Commons.

  8. Full power remained in the hands of the Viceroy, however, who could dissolve legislatures and rule by decree.

  9. The Canadian treaty was ratified by Congress, the British parliament, and by the colonial legislatures in Canada.

  10. By the end of 1974, Harper had formed the United Conservative Party, which called for separate black and white legislatures.

  11. In 1883, he was the Republican nominee in the election for United States Senate—until 1913, senators were elected by state legislatures.

  12. By early 1957, the Liberals controlled the legislatures only in the tenth province, Newfoundland, and in Prince Edward Island and Manitoba.

  13. He concentrated on making speeches aimed at gaining a legislature that would re-elect Dubois—until 1913, state legislatures chose senators.

  14. The Fourteenth Amendment—including the Citizenship Clause—was ratified by state legislatures and became a part of the Constitution in 1868.

  15. All elections are by the Ohio General Assembly, as state legislatures elected senators until the ratification of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

  16. The empire’s bicameral parliament was elected under comparatively democratic methods for the era, as were the provincial and local legislatures.

  17. Canada’s three territories also have legislatures, but these are not sovereign and have fewer constitutional responsibilities than the provinces.

  18. Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec allow for both English and French to be spoken in the provincial legislatures, and laws are enacted in both languages.

  19. The Republicans gained control of the House, as well as the Senate, which until 1913 was elected by the state legislatures rather than by the popular vote.

  20. Written by Trumbull and others, it was sent for ratification by state legislatures in a process in which the president plays no part, though Johnson opposed it.

Legislatures–and in a sentence

Legislatures–and is a variation of legislature, below you can find example sentences for legislatures–and.

  1. A UNPA might begin as an inter-parliamentary institution–an assembly of parliamentarians from their respective countries’ legislatures–and then change to a directly elected body.

Legislature—the in a sentence

Legislature—the is a variation of legislature, below you can find example sentences for legislature—the.

  1. Before 1707, the Kingdom of Scotland was a sovereign independent state which had its own legislature—the Parliament of Scotland—which met, latterly, at Parliament House on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh.

Legislature—which in a sentence

Legislature—which is a variation of legislature, below you can find example sentences for legislature—which.

  1. In June, Adams headed a committee in the Massachusetts House—with the doors locked to prevent Gage from dissolving the legislature—which proposed that an inter-colonial congress meet in Philadelphia in September.

Synonyms for legislature

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word legislature has the following synonyms: legislative assembly, legislative, general assembly and law-makers.

General information about «legislature» example sentences

The example sentences for the word legislature that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «legislature» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «legislature».

Definition of Legislature

a governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws

Examples of Legislature in a sentence

When unusual laws are made and enforced, the public blames the legislature.


If the laws did not protect its citizens, it seems that the legislature did not do its job.


The legislature in Kansas met in the assembly room to discuss their agenda for the day.


Senator Phillips knew that if he wanted to protect children, he would need to make sure the law was passed in the legislature.


Benjamin Foster decided to run for Congress so that he could be a part of making laws in the legislature.


Other words in the Government, Politics category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

1) They addressed a petition to the legislature.

2) The bill cleared the legislature.

3) The legislature appropriated funds for the university.

4) The new constitution provides for a 650-seat legislature.

5) John is lobbying some members of the legislature.

6) He was elected to the state legislature.

7) The legislature voted narrowly to table a motion of no-confidence in the government.

8) Fresh attempts at compromise with the legislature were also on the agenda.

9) The state legislature passed an act banning the sale of automatic weapons.

10) The legislature comprises a 212-member Chamber of Deputies elected for a four-year term.

11) The legislature passed a law to prohibit the dumping of nuclear waste.

12) The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.

13) After furious debate, the legislature defeated the bill.

14) Brock was elected to the state legislature.

15) It passed the Legislature with strong bipartisan support.

16) Meanwhile, the Legislature is considering the committee’s recommendations.

17) And the local elected legislature will cease to exist.

18) One is the Legislature, whose members are elected by the people to enact laws.

19) The Harijan candidates for some seats in the legislature would be selected in private consultation between Hindus and untouchables.

20) In 1994,[] the legislature allocated only $ 2 million statewide to shore up security at older facilities.

21) Who should their legislature not forbid racial discrimination on buses but permit it in restaurants?

22) She is the youngest woman to be elected to the national legislature.

23) His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature.

24) He is a member of the upper house of legislature.

25) The constitution provides for an elected two — chamber legislature.

26) In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.

27) Blacks, in steadily decreasing numbers,( continued to serve in the Legislature for the next 20 years.

28) The purpose of the referendum was to change the balance of power between the executive and the legislature.

29) I urge, therefore, a cautious approach to the ascertainment of the intention of the legislature.

30) However, the actual policy process in a cabinet system depends on whether there is a coherent majority group in the legislature.

However, activities of the legislature are not limited to adopting legislation.


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Однако дела парламента не ограничиваются законотворческой деятельностью.


and General Council Consiglio grande e generale.

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итал. Consiglio grande e generale.

The New Mexico Senate(Spanish: Senado de Nuevo México)

is the upper house of the New Mexico State Legislature.

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Сенат Мексики( исп. Cámara de Senadores/ Senado)-

верхняя палата парламента Мексиканских Соединенных Штатов.

In the legislature 13 of 108 law makers are women

and 95 are men elected positions.


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В парламенте 13 из 108 депутатов- женщины и

95- мужчины выборные должности.


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Unanimous support in the legislature was needed to bypass public consultation.

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Требовалась единодушная поддержка в парламенте, чтобы обойти консультации с общественностью.

He served in the state legislature in 1836, 1840, and 1854, representing the Whig Party.

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Служил в легислатуре штата в 1836, 1840 и 1854, представляя партию Вигов.


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For instance, 10 per cent of all seats in the legislature were henceforth reserved for women.


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Так, 10 процентов мест в парламенте отныне будут предоставляться женщинам.


From 1882 until 1888,

he also served as a delegate in the West Virginia legislature.

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С 1882 по 1888 год был делегатом в легислатуре Западной Виргинии.

On May 19, 2005, the Legislature unanimously passed changes to the Education Act.


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Парламентом 19 мая 2005 года были единогласно приняты изменения в Закон об образовании.


The President and members of the Supreme Court were appointed by the legislature.


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Председатель и члены Верховного суда назначаются парламентом.


In 1884, he served a term as a representative to the Utah Territorial Legislature.

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В 1884 году он в течение одного срока был представителем в Территориальной легислатуре Юты.

A preliminary draft on the establishment of a

Judicial Council had been submitted to the legislature.


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Предварительный проект документа о

создании судебного совета представлен на рассмотрение законодателя.


The Democrat party won a majority of seats in the legislature.

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Президентская партия получила большинство мест в парламенте.

The Legislature held its first regular session from February

16 to May 13, 1846.

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Первая сессия легислатуры проходила в период с 16 февраля по 13

мая 1846 года.

The legislature has a critical role to play in scrutinizing new legislation.


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Парламенты играют решающую роль при рассмотрении законопроектов.


The protocol has not been submitted by the Government to the legislature for ratification.


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The new government and the legislature have yet to enact the necessary reforms.


The Executive and the Legislature are both ready to accept it.


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Women’s participation in the legislature, the executive branch and the judiciary is steadily increasing.


For the details,

refer to the recommendations of the national assessment report to the legislature.


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Подробнее об этом говорится в рекомендациях парламенту, изложенных в национальном аналитическом докладе.


The legislature introduced additional requirements for courts to declare

unauthorized construction as legal.


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Законодателем введены дополнительные требования* признания судом права собственности

на самовольную постройку.


This ordinance was subsequently approved by both the state legislature and a statewide referendum.

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Neither the Executive nor the Legislature intervened in the appointment of judges.


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Legislature: 20-member Legislative Assembly 18 elected

and 2 ex officio members.


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членов 18 избираемых членов и 2 члена ex officio.


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