The word legislation in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word legislation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use legislation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «legislation». In addition, we also show how different variations of legislation can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are legislations. If you click on the variation of legislation that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Legislation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word legislation in a sentence.

  1. The National Assembly makes legislation.

  2. As a result of legislation introduced by U.S.

  3. Congress refused to pass any such legislation.

  4. Robertson, shepherded the legislation through Congress.

  5. Despite Coffee’s opposition, the legislation was enacted.

  6. Once the amendments were made, the legislation was passed.

  7. Congress passed authorizing legislation on August 5, 1892.

  8. Historians differ widely regarding Æthelstan’s legislation.

  9. Diocletian may have been searching for some good publicity with this legislation.

  10. The publisher suggested the fees were a bribe for the killing of the legislation.

  11. The restoration of Charles II in 1660 effectively made this legislation a nullity.

  12. In support of the proposed legislation, the League addressed a letter to Walter E.

  13. Laurent tabled legislation to make the Department of Defence Production permanent.

  14. The King received criticism by Carlist and other far-right conservatives for signing the legislation.

  15. Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation, it was designed to combat unemployment during the Great Depression.

  16. Dickinson introduced legislation for a cent made out of billon, copper with a small amount of silver.

  17. The designation was conferred in Public Act 207 of 1945, with companion legislation for US 2 in 1949.

  18. It has the power to review legislation, treaties and international agreements prior to their adoption.

  19. After several attempts to stymie passage failed, the legislation passed 20 votes to 18 on 8 September.

  20. The legislation added 8.5 million women to the electoral roll; they constituted 43% of the electorate.

  21. The crisis eventually led—after Edward’s death—to the removal of the Lords’ right to veto legislation.

  22. Authorizing legislation was slowed by discussion on whether to take the Nicaraguan or Panamanian route.

  23. The act was reauthorized in 1996, 2000, 2006 and 2009 and remains an active piece of legislation today.

  24. The Imperial Diet had the power to pass, amend, or reject bills, but it could not initiate legislation.

  25. His new legislation called for another general sacrifice, coupled with a general offering of libations.

  26. Jolie has pushed for legislation to aid child immigrants and other vulnerable children in both the U.S.

  27. On August 3, 1964, Congress passed legislation providing for the striking of 45,000,000 silver dollars.

  28. On August 3, 1964, Congress passed legislation providing for the striking of 45 million silver dollars.

  29. The premier introduced electoral legislation that would have entrenched his government further than under the Playmander.

  30. Cuse spoke out against legislation to curb television violence, saying that politicians were «chasing a false objective».

  31. This legislation ensured that such tenants could not be evicted without a court order or if they were over the age of 65.

  32. Slavery, which had initially been widespread, was restricted by successive legislation until its final abolition in 1888.

  33. Adair oversaw the abolition of the practice of incarceration for debt, and sanctioned rigorous anti-gambling legislation.

  34. Garfield’s murder by a deranged office-seeker awakened public awareness of the need for civil service reform legislation.

  35. Conservatives called for new anti-obscenity legislation, while their opponents warned of the dangers of state censorship.

  36. During his term, he introduced legislation to reimburse and indemnify persons who were fined under the 1798 Sedition Act.

  37. The General Assembly passed this legislation, giving the executive branch some semblance of structure for the first time.

  38. Virginia has no «pocket veto,» and bills will become law if the governor chooses to neither approve nor veto legislation.

  39. Stone proved to be a firm believer in judicial restraint and was regarded as one of the court’s three liberal justices who would often vote to uphold New Deal legislation.

  40. Of the legislature’s actions, Combs opined «Kentucky has now, by reason of this legislation, decided to become educated—and we have embarked on a crusade for that purpose.

  41. Under the Elysee Accords and the subsequent legislation that created the State of Vietnam in 1949, Bảo Đại’s position as head of state was neither permanent nor indefinite.

  42. Immediately following the signing of the legislation, he visited each major island in the kingdom for a personal look at how the reciprocity treaty had affected his people.

  43. Although the House was closely divided, neither major party included the Greenbackers in its caucus, leaving them few committee assignments and little input on legislation.

Legislations in a sentence

Legislations is a variation of legislation, below you can find example sentences for legislations.

  1. The Directive Principles have been used to uphold the Constitutional validity of legislations in case of a conflict with the Fundamental Rights.

  2. Rick Sear, in a 2011 article, wrote, «By 1936, thanks to enabling legislations put forth by accommodating Congressmen, it was possible—or nearly so—to get a coin struck to observe a town picnic ..

Synonyms for legislation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word legislation has the following synonyms: legislating, lawmaking and statute law.

General information about «legislation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word legislation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «legislation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «legislation».

Definition of Legislation

a body of law or rules

Examples of Legislation in a sentence

The senators hope to pass national legislation that will make it illegal for mothers to use drugs while pregnant.


Though it goes against legislation, many people break the law and buy illegal products on the black market.


The judge ruled that the legislation is unconstitutional and ordered the unlawful statute of the books.




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Synonym: decree, enactment, lawmaking, ordinance, regulation, resolution, ruling, statute. Similar words: legislative, legislator, legislature, translation, allegation, relation, isolation, inflation. Meaning: [‚ledʒɪs’leɪʃn]  n. 1. law enacted by a legislative body 2. the act of making or enacting laws. 

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1) The legislation has a fundamental weakness.

2) Congress has been tinkering with the legislation.

3) The police think that such legislation would be unworkable.

4) This is a very important piece of legislation .

5) The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders.

6) The legislation is still in draft form.

7) He gave his assent to the proposed legislation.

8) New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns.

9) This new legislation effectively prevents us from trading.

10) The legislation has failed to achieve its stated objectives.

11) This is a significant piece of legislation.

12) The legislation will be difficult to enforce.

13) A major amendment was introduced into the legislation.

14) The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.

15) Calls for more legislation to protect tenants were not heeded.

16) In 1987,( Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru’s banking and financial systems.

17) Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.

18) Because of the legislation I could not employ a woman. Women have made themselves unemployable. They have scored an own goal.

19) The assembly voted to delay the legislation to allow further consultation to take place.

20) Wit Wolzek claimed the legislation could impinge on privacy,( self determination and respect for religious liberty.

21) Working conditions are susceptible of improvement by legislation.

22) The legislation was made retrospective.

23) The legislation had been ambiguously worded .

24) The prime minister is personally committed to this legislation.

25) Is this situation not susceptible of improvement by legislation?

26) The paramount duty of Congress is to stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislation which has always been the firmst prop of the Treasury. 

27) Small businesses are expressly exempted from the requirements of this legislation.

28) There are few precedents for this sort of retroactive legislation.

29) Two of the projects are deemed to infringe EU legislation.

30) Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation.

More similar words: legislative, legislator, legislature, translation, allegation, relation, isolation, inflation, violation, regulation, population, revelation, installation, speculation, correlation, calculation, relationship, in relation to, nation, equation, location, donation, zonation, operation, education, national, formation, migration, summation, situation. 

legislation — перевод на русский


New legislation requires that you consent to dissection.

Закон требует разрешение родственников на секцию.

New legislation requires us to obtain the relatives’ consent if we want to dissect a corpse.

У нас есть закон, который требует согласия родственников на вскрытие трупа.

Now I’m honored and pleased to sign this historic piece of legislation — the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003.

Я счастлив и польщён подписать этот исторический закон Акт Улучшения и Модернизации Медстрахования и Выписки Лекарств 2003 года

People understand that the House of Representatives needs to pass this piece of legislation.

Люди понимают, что палата представителей должна принять этот закон.

And now, legislation has been introduced in Congress to expand a system of FEMA concentration camps across the United States under the National Emergency Centers Act, H.R. 645.

А теперь, в Конгрессе был представлен закон по расширению системы концентрационных лагерей ФАЧС на территории Соединенных Штатов, согласно закона о центрах государственных чрезвычайных ситуаций, H.R. 645.

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I make a point of order against the DeMint amendment, that it’s legislation on appropriations.

У меня процедурное возражение против поправки Деминта, так как это законопроект об ассигнованиях.

So, next time he needs to push his legislation, he can contact all of these people.

Поэтому, в следующий раз, когда ему нужно будет выдвинуть законопроект, он может связаться со всеми этими людьми.

It’s a good piece of legislation.

Это хороший законопроект.

It’s illegal in some states, and legislation in Illinois — is on the horizon. — Which explains why they shut it and tried to bury it.

Это незаконно в некоторых штатах, а в Иллинойсе законопроект еще только на горизонте.

As Under Secretary of the Treasury, I had a big hand in crafting that legislation.

Как помощник министра казначейства, я легко могу продвинуть этот законопроект.

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— Anti-productive legislation.

— Антипродуктивное законодательство.


Обсудили анти-гомосексуальное законодательство.

At this point, we can’t tell what category we’ll enter with this, but in public service especially, greater weight is given to stories that result in changes to policy, or new legislation.

Пока мы не знаем, что у нас выйдет в итоге, но власть особое внимание уделяет статьям, в результате которых меняется политика или законодательство.

He also promised that he would call on Congress to take at least five days to read new legislation before it was voted on.

Он также обещал, что будет призывать Конгресс выделять хотя бы пять дней, чтобы изучить новое законодательство, прежде чем оно выносится на голосование.

Obama’s handlers were in a race to pass a raft of legislation before the people discovered that Obama was just a slicker, updated version of previous puppets.

Руководители Обамы спешили провести законодательство, прежде чем люди обнаружат, что Обама был просто жуликом, обновленной версией предыдущих марионеток.

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It’s illegal to steal space under the European Act of Legislation which happens… in a court.

Как вы можете знать, красть пространство незаконно по европейскому законодательному акту, который проходит… в суде.

‘Its two major pieces of legislation on immigration and penal reform…’

Обсуждались два важных законодательных акта: об иммиграции и о реформе в области уголовного права…»

I don’t have any legislation experience.

У меня нет опыта в законодательной работе.

States such as California and Indiana are already seeing the benefits of a purified society and are considering writing it into their legislation.

Такие штаты как Калифорния и Индиана уже наблюдают преимущества очищенного общества и собираются закрепить это законодательно.

I mean in terms of legislation.

Хочу сказать, на законодательном уровне.

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законодательство, законы, законодательный


- законодательство, законодательная деятельность
- законы

labour legislation — трудовое законодательство
the proposed legislation — предложенный законопроект

- законодательная инициатива

power to introduce legislation — право законодательной инициативы

- собир. законопроекты, находящиеся на рассмотрении законодательного органа

Мои примеры


draft legislation — законопроект  
to introduce legislation — внести законопроект  
to abrogate / repeal legislation — отменить закон  
to adopt / enact / pass legislation — принять закон  
to veto legislation — наложить вето на законопроект  
to vote down legislation — провалить предложение  
legislation in force — действующее законодательство  
legislation veto — ветирование законодательства  
progressive legislation — прогрессивный закон  
remedial legislation — процессуальное законодательство  

Примеры с переводом

More legislation is needed on this matter.

Необходимы новые законопроекты по этому вопросу.

The legislation has a fundamental weakness.

Законодательство имеет существенный недостаток.

The new legislation puts the unions in a difficult position.

Новое законодательство ставит профсоюзы в трудное положение.

The legislation had been ambiguously worded.

Законодательство было сформулировано неоднозначно.

The legislation was rushed through parliament.

Законопроект в срочном порядке провели через парламент.

There must be more of the give-and-take system in legislation.

Законодательная система должна предусматривать больше компромиссных решений.

The present Act makes a fresh departure in bankruptcy legislation.

Данное постановление служит новой отправной точкой для законодательства о банкротстве.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The legislation is retroactive to 1st June.

Members of the extreme right opposed the legislation.

Certain animals are protected under state legislation.

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