The word lawyer describes a person officially qualified

  1. Какие
    требования предъявляют к квалификации
    юриста в современном обществе?
    Прочитайте и переведите текст.

  2. The Profession of Lawyers

  3. The
    word «lawyer»
    describes a person who practices law, who has
    become officially qualified to act in certain legal matters because
    examinations he has taken and professional experience he has gained.
    Most countries have different groups of lawyers who each take
    a particular kind of examination in order to qualify to do
    jobs. In Japan, a lawyer must decide whether he wants to take
    examination to become an attorney,
    public prosecutor or a judge.

  4. A
    distinctive feature of the legal profession in England is that it is
    divided into two groups: barristers
    are lawyers
    who specialize in arguing
    front of a judge and have an
    exclusive right to be heard, the right
    of audience
    all law courts
    in England, even in the highest courts. They are not paid di­rectly
    by clients, but are employed by solicitors. Judges are usually
    from the most senior barristers, and once appointed they cannot
    continue to practice as barristers. Solicitors are lawyers who do
    much of the initial preparation for cases. They prepare legal
    (e.g. wills, sale of land or buildings), advise clients on legal
    matters, and speak on
    their behalf
    lower courts. In other words,
    a barrister spends most of his time either in a courtroom or
    his arguments for the court and a solicitor spends most of his time
    in an office giving advice to clients and making investiga­tions.
    Many people in England believe the distinction between bar­risters
    and solicitors should be eliminated, as it has already happened in

  5. In
    both the United States and other industrialized countries, lawyers
    are becoming more and more specialized. Working in small firms,
    lawyers now tend to restrict themselves to certain kinds of work
    and lawyers working in large law firms or employed in the law
    of a large commercial enterprise work on highly spe­cific
    areas of law.

  6. How
    to enter the profession of lawyers? Lawyers are subject to
    examination and other controls to regulate their com-

  7. 418

  8. petence.
    In some countries in order to practice as a lawyer it is nec­essary
    to obtain a university degree in law. However, in others, a degree
    may be insufficient; professional examinations must be passed.
    In Britain, the main requirement is to have passed the Bar Final
    examination (for barristers) or the Law Society Final exami­nation
    (for solicitors). Someone with a university degree in a sub­ject
    other than law needs first to take a preparatory course. Someone
    without a degree at all may also prepare for the final ex­amination,
    but this will take several years. In most countries, law­yers
    would say that the time they spent studying for their law finals was
    one of the worst period of their life. This is because an enor­mous
    number of procedural rules covering a wide area of law must be
    memorized. In Japan, where there are relatively few lawyers, the
    are supposed to be particularly hard: less than 5
    of candidates pass.

  9. A
    solicitor in England must then spend two years as an articled
    which time his work is closely supervised by an ex­perienced
    solicitor, and then he must take further courses. A bar­rister
    spends a similar year serving as a pupil
    an experienced barrister.

  10. In
    most countries, once a lawyer is fully qualified he receives a
    proving his right to sell his service. There are also insur­ance
    provisions so that if a lawyer is ever successfully sued by a
    for professional incompetence, there will be funds available to
    him to pay damages. Even if a lawyer is very competent, he must
    take care not to break the many rules of procedure and ethics set
    by the body which regulates his profession. In England, the body
    regulating the conduct of solicitors is the Law Society. There is
    also a Solicitor’s Disciplinary Tribunal with the power to
    even disqualify a solicitor.

  11. In
    most legal systems, conversations between a lawyer and his client
    are privileged:
    client should know that what he says will not
    be passed on to someone else without his permission. In theory, it
    could pose difficult ethical problems for a lawyer. For instance,
    should he do in a criminal case if he believes his client guilty? In
    any case, it is the prosecution’s job to prove guilt, not the
    to prove innocence. A lawyer could therefore defend his cli­ent
    simply by trying to point out weaknesses in the prosecution case.

  12. Notes to the Text

  1. the
    right of audience —
    право выступать в суде

  2. on
    their behalf —
    от их имени

  1. 419

  2. 3.

    служащий конторы солиситора, выпол­няющий
    свою работу в порядке платы за обучение

  3. Упражнение
    словосочетания глаголов из колонки А
    и суще­ствительных
    из колонки В.

  4. А В

  1. enter a.

  2. prepare/
    prepare for b. a degree in law

  3. become с

  4. gain d.
    a problem

  5. give e.

  6. argue f.
    a job

  7. pose g.
    on one’s behalf

  8. speak h.
    a profession

  9. get/
    guilt/ innocence

  1. prove j.
    a case

  2. take/

  3. do 1.
    documents/ the final exam

  4. spend m.
    a lawyer

  1. Упражнение
    5 словосочетаний со словами law

  2. Упражнение
    Заполните пропуски.

  3. 1.

    a general term for a member of the legal profession, e.g.
    judge, barrister, solicitor, law teacher, etc.
    common pur­pose of a barrister and a solicitor is to provide
    professional service and advice on legal

    is a lawyer who can speak and

    case in one of the higher courts.
    are persons who are
    allowed to act on

    someone else.
    may now
    a right of… in certain courts.
    present a solicitor may

    advise his client or to appear for the client in

    a clerk who has passed the examination to become a
    but has to work in a solicitor’s office for some years to
    the law.
    protected by privilege, e.g. a letter from a
    to his lawyer.
    are members of a

    is an ex­

    is science and philosophy of human

  4. Упражнение
    пропуски следующими словами: legal,

  5. 1.

    to make something legal.
    sue means to take

    against someone in a civil court.
    directors of large
    enterprises are


    labour rela­
    is reflected in the law of employment.

  6. 420

  7. Упражнение
    пропуски синонимами или словами,
    близкими по

  1. higher
    in authority

  2. remove

  3. limit

  4. need

  5. hand
    to smb. else

  6. show
    attention to

  7. some

  8. discuss

  9. rule

  10. not

  11. control

  12. think

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PROFESSIONAL TITLES OF LAWERS Lawyers, the word really describes a per перевод - PROFESSIONAL TITLES OF LAWERS Lawyers, the word really describes a per русский как сказать

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Lawyers, the word really describes a person who has become officially qualified to act in certain legal matters because of examinations he has taken and professional experience he has gained.

Most countries have different groups of lawyers who each take a particular kind of examination in order to qualify to do particular jobs.

In England, the decision is between becoming a barrister or a solicitor.

Barristers specialize in arguing cases in front of a judge and have the right to be heard, even in the highest courts.

Judges are usually chosen from the most senior barristers, and once appointed they cannot continue to practice as barristers.

Solicitors do much of the initial preparation for cases which they then hand to barristers.

Solicitors also have the right of audience in lower courts.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ЗВАНИЯ LAWERS Адвокаты, слово действительно описывает человека, который стал официально уполномочен действовать в определенных правовых вопросов из-за экзаменов, которые он предпринял и профессиональный опыт, который он получил. Большинство стран имеют разные группы адвокатов, которые принимают определенного вида экспертизы для того чтобы квалифицировать для выполнения конкретной работы. В Англии является решение между стать адвокатом или юристом. Адвокаты специализируются в утверждая случаях перед судьей и имеют право быть услышанным, даже в высоких судах. Судьи обычно выбираются из самых старших адвокатов и после своего назначения, что они не могут продолжать практиковать как барристеров. Адвокаты во многом первоначальной подготовки для случаев, которые они затем передать барристеров. Адвокаты также имеют право аудитории в нижестоящих судах.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЕ НАИМЕНОВАНИЯ Lawers юристов, слово действительно описывает человека, который стал официально уполномоченным выступать в некоторых правовых вопросах, из-за экзаменов, которые он принял и профессионального опыта он приобрел. Большинство стран имеют различные группы юристов, каждый из которых принять особый вид экспертиза для того чтобы квалифицировать делать конкретные рабочие места. В Англии, решение между становится адвокатом или адвокатом. Адвокаты специализируются в споре случаев перед судьей и имеют право быть услышанными, даже в высших судебных инстанциях. Судьи как правило, выбирают из самых старших адвокатов, и после назначения они не могут продолжать практиковать в качестве адвокатов. Адвокаты же большая часть первоначальной подготовки для случаев, которые они затем рукой адвокатов. Адвокаты также имеют право аудитории в низших судах.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


профессиональные титулы lawers

адвокатов, словом, правда, описывает человеку, который стал официально могли бы действовать в некоторых правовых вопросов, потому что экзаменов он принял и профессиональный опыт, он получил.

большинство стран имеют различные группы юристов, которые каждый примет особого рода экзамен, чтобы претендовать на право делать конкретных рабочих мест.

в англии,решение между становится барристером или адвоката.

барристеров специализируются на спорить дел перед судьей и имеют право быть услышанным, даже в высших судах.

судьи, как правило, выбранных из самых старших адвокатов, и после назначения они не могут продолжать практику, поскольку адвокаты.

адвокаты во многом от первоначальной подготовки дел, которые они затем руку адвокатов.

адвокаты также имеют право выступать в судах первой инстанции.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • Любить всего тебя
  • они играют
  • Read and number
  • Выделены личностные типы руководителей,
  • мы узжаем в 8 часоа вечера
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Task 4 : Put each of the following words and phrases into its correct place.

1. accused

2. court

3. judge

4. legislature

5. panel

6. trial

7. acquit

8. cross-examination

9. jurors

10. list

11. sentence

12. witnesses

13. civil suits

14. fault

15. jury

16. money

17. swear

18. counsel

19. guilty

20. legal disputes

21. officer

22. testimony

A jury is a selected group of laymen that hears the trial in court and decides the facts.

Task 5: Read and translate the text.

Legal profession.

The legal profession has existed for over two thousands years. From the Greek city – states and the Roman Empire to present day. The word “lawyer” describes person who has become officially qualified to act in certain legal matters because of examinations he or she has taken and professional experience he or she has gained. Nowadays lawyers perform four major functions.

First, lawyers counsel. This means that lawyers offer advice to their clients. Second, lawyers negotiate. They mediate between competing aiming for results that will prove advantageous to their clients.

Third, lawyers draft documents. It is the most intellectually challenging function.

Fourth, they litigate. But only a small fraction of all lawyers devote much time to courtroom activities. Lawyers play a vital and active role in the formulation and administration of laws. Because of their role in society and their close involvement in the administration of law, lawyers are subject to special standards, regulation, and liability. Judicial ethics consist of the standards and norms that bear on judges and covers such matters as how to maintain independence, impartiality, and avoid impropriety.

For example, in the USA Disciplinary a state judicial commission typically controls actions for infractions of the rules of conduct by state judges. Their responsibility is to deal with complaints of judicial misconduct. If a complaint directed to the judicial commission passes the screening and deposition phases, it is investigated and a trial-like hearing is instituted. Judicial committees typically have the power to sanction a judge and to require a judge to retire or resign.

The rate at which the legal profession grows is terrific. Why is the career in law so popular? In the USA the average salary of experienced lawyer in private practice is more than $ 100,000.

Lawyer’s salaries are substantially greater than those of many other professions.


Профессия юриста существует больше двух тысяч лет. Из греческого города – государства и Римская империя до настоящего момента. Слово “адвокат” описывает человека, который стал официально компетентным, чтобы действовать в определенных правовых вопросах и экспертиз, которые пуличили профессиональный опыт.В наше время адвокаты выполняют четыре главных функции.

Task 6: Translate into Russian.

1. officially qualified — официально квалифицированы

2. legal matters — юридические вопросы

3. professional experience — профессиональный опыт

Task 7: Answer the questions to the text.

1. When did the legal profession appear?

The legal profession has existed for over two thousands years.

2. What does the word “lawyer” describe?

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