The word language is an adjective



1. Sound: homophone.

2. Device that receives or emits sound: geophone.

3. Speaker of a language: Anglophone.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


combining form

1. (forming nouns) indicating voice, sound, or a device giving off sound: microphone; telephone.

2. (forming nouns and adjectives) (a person) speaking a particular language: Francophone.

[from Greek phōnē voice, sound]

-phonic adj combining form

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v.t., v.i. phoned, phon•ing.






[1865–70; < Greek phōnḗ voice]


a combining form meaning “speech sound” (homophone), “speaker” (of the language specified) (Francophone), “an instrument of sound transmission or reproduction” (telephone), “a musical instrument” (saxophone; xylophone).

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

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What is the adjective for French?

The word French *is* an adjective. It is the proper adjective
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What part of speech is Chinese?

Chinese can be a noun and an adjective.
Noun: The language spoken in China (this is a proper noun); The
people from China.
Adjective: Of or pertaining to China.

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Spanish can be both a noun and adjective. As a noun, Spanish is
a language. As an adjective, it describes anything that is Spanish
(like Spanish Rice).

Предложения со словом «language»

We thought it was essential that people should be able to use this system in their own language .

Нам нужно было, чтобы люди могли использовать эту систему на их собственном языке.

If you speak more than one language , please stand up.

Если вы говорите больше чем на одном языке, пожалуйста, встаньте.

That second or third language you spoke indicated your elite education.

Если вы говорите на двух или трёх языках, значит, у вас элитное образование.

It is written in our bodies, manifested in a genetic passage of PTSD and in families facing cyclical poverty and immense cultural rifts and language barriers.

Война сохранилась в наших телах, проявляется посттравматическим синдромом в нашей генетической памяти, семьи сталкиваются с циклической нищетой, с огромными культурными трещинами и языковым барьером.

I was really fascinated about the world, about the DNA, about, you know, the language of life, the program of learning.

Я был восхищён миром живых существ, их ДНК, так называемым языком жизни и программой самообучения.

Under all the divisive language , what was really going on?

Что действительно скрывалось за всеми этими противоречивыми речами?

This is the original problem written in Japanese, and we had to teach it 2,000 mathematical axioms and 8,000 Japanese words to make it accept the problems written in natural language .

Исходная задача записана на японском, нам понадобилось научить робота 2 000 математических аксиом и 8 000 тысячам японских слов, чтобы он смог воспринимать задачи, написанные на естественном языке.

All this art history that I had been absorbing helped me to realize that painting is a language .

Вся история искусств, которую я впитал, помогла мне осознать, что живопись — это язык.

Painting is a visual language where everything in the painting is meaningful, is important and coded.

Живопись — это визуальный язык, всё на картине наделено смыслом, важно и закодировано.

Language is a powerful tool.

Язык — это могущественный инструмент.

It’s an intricate, communicative language that an epidemic of glass would simply wipe out.

Это сложный коммуникативный язык, но засилие стекла может запросто его уничтожить.

I was used to measure their moves and to gauge their emotional state by watching their body language and looking into their eyes.

Я привык предугадывать их ходы и оценивать их эмоциональное состояние, наблюдая за их жестами и поведением, глядя им в глаза.

Chris Anderson: So Robert spent the last few years think about how weird human behavior is, and how inadequate most of our language trying to explain it is.

Крис Андерсон: последние несколько лет Роберт изучал странности человеческого поведения и тщетность всех наших попыток это поведение объяснить.

You may not see Ku Klux Klan robes, you may not see burning crosses, you may not even hear outright white supremacist language .

Сейчас не ходят в мантиях ку — клукс — клана, нас не пугают горящими крестами, не встретишь откровенно расистские высказывания.

You’re not showing any impairments in memory, language , or cognition , yet.

У него нет симптомов ухудшения памяти, речи или мыслительных процессов, Пока ещё.

After the tipping point, the glitches in memory, language and cognition are different.

После этого критического момента сбои в памяти, речи и в процессах мышления становятся заметно ощутимы.

Tenderness is the language of the young children, of those who need the other.

Нежность — это язык малышей, которые нуждаются в ком — то рядом.

He lowered himself, he lived his entire human existence practicing the real, concrete language of love.

Который спустился и прожил целую человеческую жизнь, следуя языку любви.

Even the language we use in talking about marriage and relationships illustrates this.

Даже слова, которые мы используем, говоря о браке или отношениях, чётко отображают это.

The language of marriage is often the language of ownership rather than the language of partnership.

Разговор о браке больше напоминает разговор о собственности, чем разговор о партнёрстве.

We didn’t know each other, but we decided to run a very radical experiment, starting a communication using only data, no other language .

Мы не знали друг друга, но тем не менее решились вместе провести довольно смелый эксперимент, заключавшийся в использовании для общения только данных и никакого другого языка.

So you would say this is a trap that liberals have fallen into by celebrating causes they really believe in, often expressed through the language of political correctness.

По вашему, это ловушка, в которую попались либералы, радуясь победе важных для них тем и часто выражаясь на языке политкорректности.

But I do think if you’re living in Minnesota or Iowa or Arizona, the coastal elites make themselves aware to you, so you know that language as well, but it’s not the reverse.

Но я убеждён, если вы житель Миннесоты, Айовы или Аризоны — вы так или иначе замечаете прибрежную элиту, вы понимаете их язык, но не наоборот.

So is that a project you would urge on liberals, if you like — progressives — to rethink the ground rules around political correctness and accept a little more uncomfortable language in certain circumstances?

Значит, вы предлагаете либералам — если хотите, прогрессивным, — пересмотреть основные правила касаемо политической корректности и признать неприятную доселе манеру в сложившихся обстоятельствах?

I believe her language and her style communicated that she didn’t believe she had much value to offer.

Я думаю, её язык и её стиль говорили о том, что она сама не верила в то, что может многое предложить клиентам.

And I’m thinking — in today’s language , it would be OMG or WTF.

Мне сейчас интересно, как бы я сказала теперешним языком: О, Боже или Что за?

Neither the question nor the answer are new in the Spanish language .

Для испанского языка ни сам вопрос, ни ответ на него не новы.

They have been bouncing around from century to century since 1492, when in the first grammar guide of the Spanish language , Antonio de Nebrija, set a clear and simple principle for our spelling: , thus, we have to write words as we pronounce them, and pronounce words as we write them.

Они неоднократно поднимались на протяжении столетий, начиная с 1492 года, когда в первом грамматическом справочнике Антонио де Небриха зафиксировал простой и ясный принцип орфографии испанского языка: … слова должны писаться так, как они произносятся, а произноситься так же, как пишутся.

It is, because the Spanish language , in contrast to English, French or others, always strongly resisted writing words too differently to how we pronounce them.

Является, потому что испанский, в отличие от английского, французского и других языков, всегда сильно сопротивлялся написанию слов, сильно отличающемуся от их произношения.

It was the etymological approach, the one that says we have to write words according to how they were written in their original language , in Latin, in Greek.

Это этимологический подход, согласно которому мы должны писать слова так, как они пишутся на языке, из которого они были заимствованы, из латыни или греческого.

But unlike in other aspects of language such as punctuation, in spelling, there’s no individual expression involved.

Но в отличие от других аспектов языка, таких как, например, пунктуация, в орфографии нет возможности проявить свою индивидуальность.

Wouldn’t it be more sensible to simplify the current rules so that all the time we devote today to teaching spelling, we could devote to other language issues whose complexities do, in fact, deserve the time and effort?

Не будет ли разумнее упростить действующие правила, и тогда всё время, которое мы посвящаем обучению орфографии, потратить на изучение других категорий языка, которые заслуживают большего внимания и времени?

Language is a tool of common usage, and so I believe it’s fundamental that we use it following common criteria.

Язык — это инструмент общего пользования, и поэтому я считаю принципиальным следование общепринятым правилам.

When spelling is simplified, the quality of the language doesn’t suffer at all.

От упрощения орфографии качество языка совершенно не пострадает.

But we shouldn’t forget that throughout the history of our language , it has always been teachers or people involved in the early learning of language who promoted spelling reforms, who realized that in our spelling there was often an obstacle to the transmission of knowledge.

Но нам не следует забывать, что за всю историю языка всегда существовали учителя или люди, имеющие отношение к истокам изучения языка, которые предлагали реформы в орфографии, которые осознавали, что в ней довольно часто встречаются обстоятельства, мешающие распространению знаний.

In our case, for example, Sarmiento, together with Andrés Bello, spearheaded the biggest spelling reform to take place in the Spanish language : the mid-19th century Chilean reform.

Например, в нашем случае Сармьенто вместе с Андресом Бельо стали инициаторами самой большой реформы орфографии в испанском языке — Чилийской реформы в середине XIX века.

The Royal Spanish Academy, all of language academies, also believes that spelling should be progressively modified.

Королевская академия испанского языка и все языковые академии также считают, что орфография должна развиваться.

That language is linked to history, tradition and custom, but that at the same time, it is a practical everyday tool .

Что язык неразрывно связан с историей, традициями и обычаями, но в то же время это практический инструмент, применяемый ежедневно.

Indeed, this explains the fact that our language , much more than the others we are geographically close to, has been historically modifying itself based on us.

На самом деле это объясняет тот факт, что наш язык — намного больше, чем другие, к которым мы ближе географически, — исторически видоизменился под нашим влиянием.

It’s always said that language changes spontaneously, from the bottom up, that its users are the ones who incorporate new words and who introduce grammatical changes, and that the authority — in some places an academy, in others a dictionary, in others a ministry — accepts and incorporates them long after the fact.

Всегда считалось, что изменения в языке происходят неожиданно, от самых истоков, именно его носители добавляют в него новые слова и изменения в грамматике, и только потом авторитетные источники: иногда академии, иногда словари, а иногда и министерство, принимают и фиксируют их через какое — то время.

This is true only for some levels of language , it is true on the lexical level, the level of words.

Это характерно только для некоторых категорий языка — для лексики, категории слов.

Our language has homonyms, words with more than one meaning.

В нашем языке есть омонимы, слова, имеющие более, чем одно значение.

I’m convinced that if we do that in the humble but extremely important realm of language , we’ll be leaving a better future to the next generations.

Я убеждена, если мы сделаем это в простой, но очень важной категории языка, следующие поколения скажут нам за это спасибо.

The young men never used that language .

А юноши никогда не употребляли таких слов.

The English language is a magnificent sponge.

Английский язык подобен чудесной губке.

I love the English language , I’m glad that I speak it.

Я обожаю этот язык и рад, что говорю на нём.

And the whole mission of the project is to find holes in the language of emotion and try to fill them so that we have a way of talking about all those human peccadilloes and quirks of the human condition that we all feel but may not think to talk about because we don’t have the words to do it.

Цель проекта — поиск пробелов в языке, описывающем эмоции, и их устранение, чтобы появилась возможность обсуждать все те слабости и странности поведения людей, которые все мы ощущаем, но о которых не можем поговорить, поскольку подходящих слов просто нет.

Now, there’s no reason why a network, a studio or a production company cannot adopt the same contractual language in their negotiation processes.

Непонятно, почему сеть, студия или продюссерская компания не могут вести переговоры на этом юридическом языке.

Can we build systems that converse with humans in natural language ?

Можно ли создать механизмы, которые говорят на человеческом языке?

Again, we didn’t start out thinking, Oh, let’s invent a language .

И опять же — мы не подумали: А давайте изобретём язык.

So we have the watches and the language , and you’re detecting a theme here, right?

Теперь у нас есть и часы, и язык, и вы понимаете, о чём речь, не так ли?

The language must be technologically neutral.

Язык должен быть технически нейтральным.

Most of us will probably fall in love a few times over the course of our lives, and in the English language , this metaphor, falling, is really the main way that we talk about that experience.

Вероятно, большинство из нас влюблялось не раз в течение жизни, и в английском языке метафора падение в любовь [falling in love] — это основной способ выразить такого рода опыт.

You could say that I get paid to argue that the language we use matters, and I would like to argue that many of the metaphors we use to talk about love — maybe even most of them — are a problem.

Вы можете сказать, что мне платят за доказательство значимости нашего языка, и я готова доказать, что многие метафоры, посвящённые любви, возможно, львиная их доля, представляют собой проблему.

And then our culture uses language to shape and reinforce these ideas about love.

Потом наша культура использует такой язык, чтобы оформить и усилить эти представления о любви.

To get at this, I like to use language from one of the busiest people I ever interviewed.

Чтобы до этого дойти, я использую фразу одной из самых занятых женщин, с которыми я говорила.

If you think about it, that’s really more accurate language .

Если задуматься, это более точное выражение.

Using this language reminds us that time is a choice.

Использование этой фразы напоминает, что время — это выбор.

Second of all, I think it is about representing these patterns with a language .

Во — вторых, я думаю, математика — это представление таких закономерностей с помощью языка.

We make up language if we don’t have it, and in mathematics, this is essential.

Мы придумываем язык, если у нас его нет, а в математике это просто необходимо.

  • #1

Any difference between these two expressions?

  • Copyright

    • #2

    We’ll never know without context. :)

    If you’ll follow that link, you’ll see what we ask for (ok, demand) in order to answer your question properly. Without context, there are just too many variations of a particular word or phrase to discuss.

    • #3

    Ok Let me give you the background.
    Where Did the English language come from?
    Why English language is very important?
    How can I distinguish them?


    • #4

    They’re easy to distinguish: #1 is right and #2 is wrong. :D

    Well, #1 is right when you lowercase that «did.»

    • #5

    Well,should I add an the in front of all the form [country+language]?


    • #6

    Well,should I add an the in front of all the form [country+language]?

    I think that’s the general way you structure adjective + noun:

    I drive blue car :cross:
    I drive the blue car :tick:
    I speak English language :cross:
    I speak the English language :tick:

    So, yes, but it’s not country + language (English isn’t a country), but adjective + language.

    • #7

    Well,should I add an the in front of all the form [country+language]?

    When used as the name of a language associated with a people or nation, all the time:

    The French language is derived from Latin.
    The English language is spoken throughout the world.
    The Dutch language is a Germanic language.


    French is derived from Latin.
    English is spoken throughout the world.
    Dutch is a Germanic language.

    When [national adjective] plus the word language is used attributively—that is, as a phrase functioning as an adjective—the article the is used only when needed for the following noun.

    This work has never appeared in an English-language translation.
    He prepared the English-language translation used by the Web site.

    • #8

    Mplsray, Aidanriley ,and Copyright.
    I got it.

    • #9

    I think that’s the general way you structure adjective + noun:

    I drive blue car :cross:
    I drive the blue car :tick:
    I speak English language :cross:
    I speak the English language :tick:

    So, yes, but it’s not country + language (English isn’t a country), but adjective + language.

    I hope it’s not offtopic.

    What’s the difference then between ‘the English language’ and ‘English grammar’? Why isn’t ‘English’ preceded by the definite article ‘the’ in the latter expression?


    • #10

    Because we are much more likely to say «grammar» than to say «the grammar.»


    • #11

    Dear friends, I’m writing a report about an English course…One of the paragraphs goes like this:

    The problem of time

    «Although the organizers and all the people involved made a point of having the best materials provided to us, there were some shortcomings, such as the lack of punctuality in some users which affected those who were on time. 70% of the students believe that the teacher couldn’t attend to the needs and abilities of every student due to this reason. Another point to consider would be that the whole course didn’t cover all the necessary aspects of language that we needed due to this lack of time. Some of us were interested in specific areas of

    the English language, and coaches tried to invest time into these areas. However, they were hampered by the scarcity of time.»

    A friend suggested «in specific areas of English, and coaches...» but I feel that if I write «the English language» that would be suitable? Why? or why not?
    Thanks in advance:)


    • #12

    I don’t think the issue is to do with ‘the English language’ as opposed to ‘English’. Those two are interchangeable most of the time.

    I think you might be better replacing ‘areas’ with ‘aspects’.

    • #13

    «Although the organizers and all the people involved made a point of having the best materials provided to us, there were some shortcomings, such as the lack of punctuality in some users which affected those who were on time. 70% of the students believe that the teacher couldn’t attend to the needs and abilities of every student due to this reason. Another point to consider would be that the whole course didn’t cover all the necessary aspects of language that we needed due to this lack of time. Some of us were interested in specific areas of the English language, and coaches tried to invest time into these areas. However, they were hampered by the scarcity of time.»

    A friend suggested «in specific areas of English, and coaches..

    Err… what? Do you mean to tell us the instructors just sat there with you waiting for the entire group to assemble twiddling their thumbs while the clock was ticking, effectively stealing your money? As a matter of course? That’s ridiculous. If I were writing that review, I’d rip them a new one.

    As for your sentence, I’d use the word English as my first choice (your friend’s advice was sound), but since you probably already specified the type of course you were taking earlier, it’d also be perfectly acceptable to just say the language, as in: Instructors made an (honest) attempt to accommodate our individual needs and focus on the language problems we struggled with the most.

    To some extent is is a specific feature of English and other languages you tried. It is not a completely general rule, but it is quite common.

    Also, many languages are not named after countries, but after nations that do not always have their country or got their country only relatively late (often in the 20th century).

    Of course, in basically all languages, when you use the form:

    some_modifier + the word for «language»

    Like (Latin): «lingua anglica», «lingua germanica», «lingua hispanica»

    the modifier will be an adjective. Hence you will indeed meet many adjectives. And in many languages you can then use these adjectives separately, maybe as an evolution of the older combination (perhaps inspired by the languages of old grammarians, Latin and Greek).

    In Czech and Slovak the names of languages or either nouns: angličtina, němčina, španělština or they are and adjective + «jazyk» («language»): anglický jazyk, německý jazyk, špenělský jazyk. Yhe latter are the formal names and you cannot use the adjectives separately without «jazyk». The everyday words (and even the titles of the Wikipedia articles) are the nouns.

    In Russian it is similar: anglijskij jazyk, německij jazyk, ispanskij jazyk, but you can use just the adjective on its own as well.

    When we refer to a nation or region, we can use:

    – the name of the country or region: Turkey, Japan, Germany, Brazil, Asia

    – a singular noun that we use for a person from the country or region: a Turk, a Japanese, a German, a Brazilian, an Asian

    – the plural expression the … used for the whole population of a country or region: the Turks, the Japanese, the Germans, the Brazilians, the Asians

    – an adjective: Turkish, Japanese, German, Brazilian, Asian

    The name of a national language is commonly the same as the national adjective. In this case, the words are nouns and may be modified by adjectives. We don’t use the or the word language:

    Do you speak Chinese?

    Not: Do you speak the Chinese? or Do you speak Chinese language?

    Russian is difficult to learn, isn’t it, especially the alphabet?

    She speaks fluent French.

    We use a capital letter when we refer to a nationality, a language, a country and a region:

    They have studied American literature.

    Not: They have studied american literature.

    When we talk about the United Kingdom (UK), English is not the same as British. English is not used for Scottish or Welsh or Northern Irish people. (Great) Britain refers to the territory of England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom refers to England, Scotland, Wales and the six counties of Northern Ireland. Some people from Northern Ireland refer to themselves as British in the context of the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland. However, everyone from Northern Ireland has the right to Irish nationality and can hold an Irish passport. Irish also refers to citizens of the Irish Republic.

    The Scots themselves prefer the adjective Scots and it also occurs in the compounds Scotsman and Scotswoman. We use the adjective Scotch to refer only to food and drink from Scotland e.g. Scotch broth (broth is a kind of soup).

    Nowadays we use the noun Briton only to refer to the ancient tribes that lived in Britain:

    The ancient Britons built huge earthworks to bury their kings and leaders.

    The short form of British, Brit, is often used as a noun (or less commonly as an adjective) in journalistic style and in informal situations to refer to British people:

    The Brits have a bad reputation in some countries.

    We use Arabic for the language spoken in Arab countries; the normal adjective is Arab (e.g. the Arab World, the Arab Press). We use Arabian in a few fixed expressions and place names (e.g. Arabian Nights is a famous film; the Arabian Sea).

    Countries and regions and their adjectives and nouns

    The singular noun is normally the same as the adjective (e.g. Moroccan), and the plural expression is the same as the adjective + -s (e.g. the Moroccans).



    Person (noun)

    People (plural noun)



    an Algerian

    the Algerians



    an Australian

    the Australians

    America/the USA


    an American

    the Americans



    a Belgian

    the Belgians



    a Brazilian

    the Brazilians



    a European

    the Europeans



    an Italian

    the Italians



    a Hungarian

    the Hungarians



    a Moroccan

    the Moroccans



    a Norwegian

    the Norwegians



    a Greek

    the Greeks



    an Iraqi

    the Iraqis



    an Israeli

    the Israelis



    a Thai

    the Thais



    a Chinese

    the Chinese



    a Portuguese

    the Portuguese



    a Russian

    the Russians



    a Slovak

    the Slovaks



    a Swiss

    the Swiss

    Here are some exceptions:



    Person (noun)

    People (plural noun)



    a British man/woman

    the British



    an Englishman/woman

    the English



    a Frenchman/woman

    the French



    an Irishman/woman

    the Irish



    a Spaniard

    the Spanish

    The Netherlands/


    a Dutchman/woman

    the Dutch




    a Welshman/woman

    the Welsh



    a Dane

    the Danes



    a Finn

    the Finns



    a Pole

    the Poles



    a Swede

    the Swedes



    a Turk

    the Turks

    The + country name

    A few countries have the as part of their name, for example, The United States, The United Kingdom, The United Arab Emirates. We often abbreviate these to USA, UK and UAE.

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