The word lady in a sentence

Definition of Lady

a woman who carries herself/behaves in a polite or traditional way

Examples of Lady in a sentence

Mother believed that every lady should take etiquette classes to learn good manners that all women need.


Moving through the crowd gracefully, the elegant young lady smiled politely at all of the other women at the gala.


The pompous lady always dressed to impress as she believed that a woman should carry herself stylishly.


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Examples of how to use the word “lady” in a sentence. How to connect “lady” with other words to make correct English sentences.

lady (n): a polite or old-fashioned way of referring to or talking to a woman

Use “lady” in a sentence

He gave his seat to an elderly lady.
Do you know the old lady at the gate?
Who is that lady?
Do you know the old lady at the gate?
May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen?

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леди — перевод на английский

Посмотри на его лицо. Это Джо Биден, а это его жена, вторая Леди.

That’s Joe Biden, and this is his wife, the Second Lady.

Но тут один леди, а другой джентельмен..

Oh, but one’s a lady, and one’s a man.

Я умолчу о тех страшных признаньях, к коим я принудил юную леди меньше, чем за минуту…

I will not reveal the terrible confessions I forced from the young lady in less than a minute.

Эта юная леди потеряла ожерелье стоимостью 100,000 долларов… и она даст в награду 1,000 долларов тому, кто его вернет.

This little lady has lost a necklace worth $100,000, and she offers a thousand dollars’ reward for its return. 2,000.

А теперь, друзья, я хочу представить вам очаровательную юную леди.

And now, friends, I want to present to you a charming little lady.

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От твоих разговоров молодой леди скучно.

Don’t speak about marching. You’re boring the young lady.

Правда? А слышали про леди из Болгарии?

Have you heard the one about the young lady of Bulgar?

Молодая леди промокла.

The young lady’s terrible wet.

Я дам леди ночную сорочку.

Maybe I could lend the young lady a nightgown. Will you please to register?

Леди внизу хочет спать.

The young lady downstairs wants to sleep.

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Конечно, я не смогу играть лучше этой милой леди.

Of course, I probably wouldn’t be as good at it as this pretty young girl.

Юная леди, мне придется позвонить в полицию. если вы не ограничите себя Английским и притом осмысленным Английским.

Young woman, I shall call the police unless you confine yourself to English and sensible English at that.

— Ах, миссис Харрингтон, без сомнения. Ужасно сметливая юная леди.

— Ah, Miss Harrington, no doubt… that horribly bright young woman.

Передайте мои наилучшие пожелания разумной молодой леди с вами.

Give my regards to that intelligent young woman.

Надеюсь, юная леди, вы довольны теперь

Well, young woman, I hope you’re satisfied?

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Если бы я увидел эту леди, знаешь что бы я сделал?

If I was to see that dame, you know what I’d do?

Она настоящая леди:

She’s a hell of a dame.

Мы с ее матерью, леди Дафни старые подруги.

Her mother, Dame Daphne, is one of my oldest and dearest friends.

— Да, Дживс? Если мистер Финк-Нотл должен получить благословение у крестной мисс Бассет,.. то я думаю, что это должна быть Леди Дафни Уинкворт.

If it is to Miss Bassett’s godmother that Mr Fink-Nottle must present himself, I think you’ll find that it is Dame Daphne Winkworth.

Я слышал, как отец мисс Бассет, сэр Уоткин, говорил,.. что у мисс Мейделин две крестные: Леди Дафни и миссис Грегсон, сэр.

I heard Miss Bassett’s father, Sir Watkyn, mention that Miss Madeline’s godmothers are Dame Daphne and Mrs Gregson.

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— Не знаю, я думал, ты кокетка, а не леди.

— I don’t know. I thought you were more of a coquette… not so ladylike.

У неё, наверное, мелодичный голос, как у леди.

— Sweet and low, dulcet, very ladylike.

Ну же, леди так не поступают. После того, как я проехал 30 миль ради одного поцелуя.

That wouldn’t be a very ladylike thing to do, would it… after me riding thirty miles just for a kiss?

Это не достойно леди.

It’s not ladylike.

Они редко бывают такими леди.

They don’t usually come that ladylike.

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Маленькая леди и я уходим.

The little lady and I are going out.

Маленькая леди всегда поступает правильно.

Always the little lady doing the right thing.

Как леди понравились часы?

How the little lady like the watch?

Юная леди поймала… Боже мой!

The little lady just pulled a beautiful doll for herself.

— Это для маленькой леди.

Uh, here. This is for the little lady.

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1 It ain’t over till the fat lady sings. 

2 The opera ain’t over till the fat lady sings. 

3 Faint heart never won fair lady

4 Faint heart never wins fair lady

5 She is a perfect lady.

6 Mind your language, young lady!

7 He was with an attractive young lady.

8 Lady Yolanda was swathed in elegant furs.

9 The old lady told me all her troubles.

10 The lady put her wallet in her purse.

11 The young lady at reception sent me up here.

12 The two men fought a duel over the lady.

13 The lady was kissing a little lap dog.

14 She was a very gracious lady.

15 The old lady is a mystic.

16 There’s a lady waiting to see you.

17 The old lady climbed up the stairs with difficulty.

18 I haven’t seen your old lady for months, Bill.

19 Who’s the rather large lady in the hat?

20 The old lady wandered off.

21 Susan was an intense young lady.

22 The lady returned from Boston Monday week.

23 He bantered the old lady out of her money.

24 She behaves as a lady.

25 The old lady is very cautious with her money.

26 The lady returned from Boston Wednesday week.

27 Move up, John,[] and let the lady sit down.

28 She’s a real lady never loses her temper.

29 A little old lady opened the door.

30 A good surgeon must have an eagle’s eye, a lion’s heart, and a lady’s hand. 

More similar words: malady, steady, already, get ready, clad, glad, blade, laden, salad, already in, accolade, philadelphia. 

Vera’s talking with the old lady, Ruthie, and a couple I don’t recognize

He ordered his assistant to fetch some over-priced coffee from the nearby Starbucks and contemplated his next big deal, a large painting of Jesus and Lady Julep entwined in a strangely sexless pose

Aldous emerged, smiling at Kira’s old lady griping

One that, when alive, was probably aching to swim upriver and spawn with some lady eggs

Keep rollin with it, Sadie lady

One lady sitting by herself chatters happily

«I don’t know, I’m being paid by a lady of the Kassikan to deliver a cargo of considerable size and weight from one point to another with its security container unharmed

A very hot and bothered young lady, obviously acting as waitress for the day, bustles over to collect it

’ Emma said emphatically, ‘I’m looking forward to meeting her in the flesh, she sounds like quite a lady

«This isn’t a camping trip to entertain a lady,» doostEr said

‘Found this delightful lady downstairs, Stephen

rising pulse in the veins of the aforementioned lady

believe a lady of a certain age will come along the road shortly in a late model Ka

She knew this was going to resonate with the lady

I hear you are quite the lady of the moment

» One tough inner city lady said

narratives creation proceeds with an Earth mother, Coatlique, the Lady of the Skirt of

“Haw, haw, haw! That all you got piss-boy? Hah?” The big lady mocked

‘Hello, lovely lady! How are you today?’ he said with a smile

Fred drops in just after half eleven – he’s been round to see his lady friends and doesn’t comment at all about them being ill, so I can assume they haven’t had any adverse reaction to the food

This morning, as soon as she stepped into my office with some new texts in hand, the screen suddenly went black with a »system error», without my pressing a single key! What the heck, has she got a magnet or something? We called for a technician, as usual, but in the meanwhile the fair lady fumed and fretted at me and started shouting about my incompetence

The young man seeks to escape running along Nereid street, but he is someone else now: I am the man! A plump lady with blond plaits, who resembles my grandma Alice at a young age, appears as a spirit on the sky and declares that “the world of matter is appealing to everybody”

He jumps up and runs to the front to see that the helpful lady at the desk has been replaced with a young, attractive woman with brown skin and long black hair

“You are here at last, Sandra Nox!” announced Lady Chimaera in a sonorous voice, her long blond hair slightly waving at the graceful motion of her arms

“Be careful! He hates it, when someone annoys his mistress!” crowed Lady Chimaera with a sarcastic smile

Such a sorcery requires huge amounts of energy, but that was no problem for Lady Chimaera

Lady Chimera screamed in terror and the room resounded with her shrill cry of pain, as Arion fired again, this time against her

The only thing that I failed to find out, was what had happened exactly between Arion and Lady Chimaera during the time he was her prisoner

As the boy sat at table and ordered half a litre of the house red while he perused the by now predictable menu his heart sank in converse proportion to the rising pulse in the veins of the aforementioned lady

In the bloody annals of Aztec narratives creation proceeds with an Earth mother, Coatlique, the Lady of the Skirt of Snakes

She is a charming young lady and Wiesse’s initial demurrals were overruled as soon as he met her

You are not a disappointment to my Lady, Daniel

My Lady, he will be very sick for several days

‘Sorry to keep you waiting, lady

Lady Jennie said it was a new one,” he hugged her back and turned and made his way down the mountain, “keep your fingers crossed!”

“Really, dear lady, I hurt all over, and my head is about to burst, but other than that I’m ok

Wonder at the bearded lady

that begins with the lady

I shall provide my own food My Lady, do not worry

When Lady Jennie hatched, she was accepted right along into our extended family

(Well done, lady!)

You said that Michael reported Lady Jennie might have found a hatching ground

My Lady, Lady Jennie’s search is over

We are here My Lady, and the twins are greeting us

My lady, Daniel is truly enjoying the ride; his enthusiasm warms my heart

Yes My Lady, I do; he is indeed weak, no food or water for several days

He is to be Lady Becky’s mate, it is very clear

Michael, I have explained all to Lady Jennie and she is coming for you

I have also informed Daniel and he is on his way to you My Lady

Michael is riding Lady Jennie and they are on the way to pick you up

Lady Jennie curved to the right and gently glided over the mountaintop and headed for camp

My Michael, purred Lady Jennie after Michael relayed what Collin had said, he certainly does have manners

‘That, my lady, is not the answer you should have given me

«Is that booze, lady

Michael slid off Lady Jennie and the young man tried to do the same

She, the Lady Frances, lies mouldered in some lost pit,

Lady Beth is where she always is, on the South Ridge

She carries a crossbow with her at all times My Lady

Jake and Lady Jennie reared their heads up and back and roared their approval as flames shot into the air

They have all said yes My Lady

She is to be Michael’s mate, My Lady

He then took off over the mountain and joined Lady Jennie and they headed out west, towards the newfound hatching ground

My Lady, there are no dragons in the vicinity, announced Jake, we can land safely and begin our task

The lady came into the courtroom, looking around herself

the bearded lady, every inch of her body alive with fur,

Lady Beth had finally gotten over her fear; and Jerry had listened to Jake’s advice, and took his time and showed her what pleasure there was in loving well

‘You are a lady of many talents

My Lady, she hatches! They could all hear the throaty roar as Jake signaled the emergence of his Queen

Lady Ashley was called next

He was bigger than Lady Jennie, but not quite as big as Jake

I am Rah, First Wing to Jake, Mate to Lady Jennie

Do you hear Lady Jennie; he is a wonderful mate for you

Michael called for Lady Jennie to take them home

Come here, you silly lady

Next to me stood another American lady wearing a large pair of glasses with unusually thick funky lenses all supported by an unfortunate growth on the side of her nose

Using Lady Jennie as a test dragon, they tried the rigging out on her

Leave me my lady, I must think carefully of this turn of events

If necessary, I could concentrate on the bald spot on the head of the lady in front of me and pretend it was a new planet

Jake and Lady Jennie with Kate and Michael rose and disappeared into the night sky

Love My Lady, pure simple love

Michael and Lady Jennie flew above quickly

Rhontin and Lady Olivia, you will fly patrol at sunset

It was another foot, but tiny, belonging to a little old lady entirely over-dressed in black headscarf, ankle-length skirts, embroidered waistcoat and leather boots

It was the same old lady but this time she was almost bent double, right in front of me like a bundle of washing, and still struggling with those boxes and bags

at the incredible bearded lady,

Daniel, tomorrow morning I need you and Lady Kate, along with Steve and Lady Ashley to come to the Riders Hall

Just then Steve entered the Hall with Lady Ashley

Once there, Steve and Lady Ashley called their dragons and asked a ride for their friends

Lady Olivia flew Jerry over to Steve on the other side of the mountain, and together they blew out a rather large cave for the new riders

They stopped short when they saw Jake, and then Lady Elzbeth landed and Steve dismounted

“Answers are as follows; yes, yes, yes, very big, and Steve riding Lady Elzbeth

They took off quickly with Steve and Lady Elzbeth in the lead

What do you want us to do Jake? Jason asked with wide eyes, as he stared at Lady Elzbeth and Steve

“Especially that Daniel, he’s a fox!” Andrea, a sixteen year old gushed, “and did you see the hair on Kate and Lady Ashley, man they are too much!”

” Daniel put his hand on the young mans shoulder and turned to them, “My young friends, I’d like to introduce you to Michael, rider of Lady Jennie,” Daniel indicated the large chocolate dragon on the mesa

“This is Lady Sally, rider of Rah, First Wing to Jake

“Next is Lady Ashley, mate to Steve, rider of Daowyn

Lady Ashley smiled at them, and Daowyn bent his head in a nod of acknowledgement

“Over here we have Jerry, rider of Lady Olivia, mate to Rhontin

Sentences with the word Lady?



  • «The nurse accompanied the old lady everywhere»
  • «Gielgud played Hamlet»; «She wants to act lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role»; «She played the servant to her husband’s master»
  • «the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays»; «jam every other day»- the White Queen
  • «May I serve you?»; «She attends the old lady in the wheelchair»; «Can you wait on our table, please?»; «Is a salesperson assisting you?»; «The minister served the King for many years»
  • «The old lady is boarding three men»
  • «a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady«- Dorothy Sayers
  • «cultivated speech»; «cultured Bostonians»; «cultured tastes»; «a genteel old lady«; «polite society»
  • «We preserve these archeological findings»; «The old lady could not keep up the building»; «children must be taught to conserve our national heritage»; «The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts»
  • «the policeman answered politely, `Now look here, lady…'»
  • «The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect»; «The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet»
  • «a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady«
  • «The district attorney’s office investigated reports of possible irregularities»; «inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady«
  • «faint heart ne’er won fair lady«
  • «a young lady of 18″
  • «it was my good luck to be there»; «they say luck is a lady«; «it was as if fortune guided his hand»
  • «give the little lady a great big hand»
  • «hand the elderly lady into the taxi»
  • «hold in place»; «She always held herself as a lady«; «The students keep me on my toes»
  • «was buried with indecent haste»; «indecorous behavior»; «language unbecoming to a lady«; «unseemly to use profanity»; «moved to curb their untoward ribaldry»
  • «a nice lady at the library helped me»
  • «The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house»
  • «She volunteered to drive the old lady home»; «I offered to help with the dishes but the hostess would not hear of it»
  • «meet my old lady«
  • «The old lady is pottering around in the garden»
  • «pure and vestal modesty»; «a spinster or virgin lady«; «men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal»
  • «the old lady expressed herself somewhat quaintly»
  • «the old lady‘s quavering voice»; «spoke timidly in a tremulous voice»
  • «The lady is receiving Sunday morning»
  • «his scathing remarks about silly lady novelists»; «her vituperative railing»
  • «he acted selflessly when he helped the old lady in distress»
  • «you put me to forget a lady‘s manners by being so verbal»- Shakespeare

леди, дама, девушка, госпожа, барыня, жена, мать, невеста, дама сердца, хозяйка дома


- леди, дама; госпожа

- амер. прост. женщина (обращение)

you’ve dropped your gloves, lady! — женщина, вы обронили перчатки!

- (Lady) леди (как титулование жён пэров, баронов и рыцарей ставится перед фамилией; как титулование дочерей пэров ставится перед именем)

Lady Greystone — леди Грейстоун
Sir John and Lady Smith — сэр Джон и леди Смит
Lady Angela Silverbridge — леди Анжела Силвербридж
my lady — миледи (обращение к женщинам, носящим титул леди; обыкн. употр. прислугой)

- поэт. дама сердца; возлюбленная
- жена, супруга

your good lady — ваша милая супруга
First Lady — первая леди, супруга президента

- хозяйка

the lady of the house — хозяйка дома
the lady of the manor — владелица поместья

- поэт. владычица

our sovereign lady — королева; государыня
Our Lady — богоматерь, владычица небесная

- (-lady) как компонент сложных слов означает занятие, профессию и т. п.:


- женского пола

lady doctor — женщина-врач
lady secretary — женщина секретарь
lady friend — подруга, приятельница
lady help — прислуга, часто на положении члена семьи

Мои примеры


a lady of honor and virtue — честная и добродетельная дама  
the old lady’s quavering voice — дрожащий голос старухи  
foxy lady — соблазнительная женщина  
convergent lady beetle — жук-коровка Hyppodamia convergens; жук-коровка Hyppodamia convergis  
lady cook — повариха; кухарка  
lady-cook — повариха; кухарка  
very correct young lady — благовоспитанная девица  
lady cow — жук-коровка  
lady’s delight — полевая фиалка  
take a lady in to dinner — сопровождать даму к столу; вести даму к столу  
lady-doctor — женщина-врач  
lady dog — собака-девочка; самка собаки; собака-дама  

Примеры с переводом

A lady dressed in red

Дама, одетая в красное

They say luck is a lady.

Говорят, что удача — это женщина.

Shall we rejoin the ladies?

Не вернуться ли нам к дамам?

Lady Spencer

Леди Спенсер

Her mother was always telling her to act like a lady.

Мать всегда говорила ей, что нужно вести себя, как леди.

She’s swell, a real lady.

Она одевается стильно, как настоящая леди.

She’s a very spirited young lady.

Она — очень энергичная девушка.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Lady Yolanda was swathed in elegant furs.

She has remarkable hearing for a lady of her age.

…a beautiful Spanish lady with a lace mantilla…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

lad  — парень, мальчик, юноша, паренек, лихой парень
laden  — груженый, нагруженный, обремененный, подавленный, налитой
ladies  — женская уборная
lading  — груз, погрузка, фрахт, нагрузка
ladyhood  — звание леди, положение леди
ladylike  — изысканная, женоподобный, воспитанная, изнеженный, элегантная, имеющая вид леди
ladyship  — титул леди, звание леди

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): lady
мн. ч.(plural): ladies

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