The word ladder game

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Lewis Carroll’s doublet in Vanity Fair, March 1897 changing the word «head» to «tail» in five steps, one letter at a time

Word ladder (also known as Doublets,[1] word-links, change-the-word puzzles, paragrams, laddergrams,[2] or word golf) is a word game invented by Lewis Carroll. A word ladder puzzle begins with two words, and to solve the puzzle one must find a chain of other words to link the two, in which two adjacent words (that is, words in successive steps) differ by one letter.[3]


Lewis Carroll says that he invented the game on Christmas day in 1877.[3] Carroll devised the word game for Julia and Ethel Arnold.[4] The first mention of the game in Carroll’s diary was on March 12, 1878, which he originally called «Word-links», and described as a two-player game.[3] Carroll published a series of word ladder puzzles and solutions, which he then called «Doublets», in the magazine Vanity Fair, beginning with the March 29, 1879 issue.[3] Later that year it was made into a book, published by Macmillan and Co.[5]

J. E. Surrick and L. M. Conant published a book Laddergrams of such puzzles in 1927.[1]

Vladimir Nabokov alluded to the game using the name «word golf» in the novel Pale Fire, in which the narrator says ‘some of my records are: hate—love in three, lass—male in four, and live—dead in five (with «lend» in the middle).’[1]

The game was revived in Australia in the 1990s by The Canberra Times as «Stepword».[6]

Word ladders are often featured in the New York Times crossword puzzle.[7][8][9]


The player is given a start word and an end word. In order to win the game, the player must change the start word into the end word progressively, creating an existing word at each step. Each step consists of a single letter substitution.[3] For example, the following are the seven shortest solutions to the word ladder puzzle between words «cold» and «warm», using words from Collins Scrabble Words.


As each step changes only one letter, the number of steps must be at least the Hamming distance between the two words – four in the above example.[10] Lewis Carroll’s example has an extra fifth step as the third letter changes twice.

Often word ladder puzzles are created where the end word has some kind of relationship with the start word (synonymous, antonymous, semantic…). This was also the way the game was originally devised by Lewis Carroll when it first appeared in Vanity Fair.

Some variations also allow the player to add or remove letters, and to rearrange the same letters into a different order (an anagram).

Five-letter word ladders[edit]

Donald Knuth used a computer to study word ladders of five-letter words. He felt that three and four were too easy and six was too hard.[3] Knuth used a collection of 5,757 common English five-letter words, excluding proper nouns. He wrote a program which showed the steps connecting any two words, or noted that no connection was possible.[3] He found that many word pairs were connected, but that 671 words were not connected to any other word, i.e ‘had no neighbours’, as he put it. He called these words «aloof», and noted amusingly that «aloof» is itself such a word.[3]

See also[edit]

  • Paronym


  1. ^ a b c Augarde, Tony Oxford Guide to Word Games Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2003 p.216 ISBN 0-19-866264-5
  2. ^ «Laddergrams». Laddergrams. Retrieved 2016-03-05.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Deanna Haunsperger, Stephen Kennedy (July 31, 2006). The Edge of the Universe: Celebrating Ten Years of Math Horizons. Mathematical Association of America. p. 22. ISBN 0-88385-555-0.
  4. ^ Cohen, Morton N. (2015-04-09). Lewis Carroll: A Biography. Pan Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4472-8614-1.
  5. ^ Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1879). Doublets, a word-puzzle, by Lewis Carroll. Macmillan and Co.
  6. ^ «Cold Heat». The Canberra Times. Vol. 65, no. 20, 392. Australian Capital Territory, Australia. 10 February 1991. p. 3. Retrieved 18 September 2017 – via National Library of Australia.
  7. ^ Amlen, Deb (2017-02-21). «Quite Enough». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2020-08-22.
  8. ^ Amlen, Deb (2018-06-13). «Way to Go on Record». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2020-08-22.
  9. ^ Gaffney, Thomas (2013-06-19). «Climb the Ladder». Wordplay Blog. Retrieved 2020-08-22.
  10. ^ Waggener, Bill (1995). Pulse Code Modulation Techniques. Springer. p. 206. ISBN 9780442014360. Retrieved 13 June 2020.

External links[edit]

  • The longest word ladder puzzle ever Computer analysis to find long word ladders
  • Doublets, a word puzzle, by Lewis Carroll
  • An on-line word-ladder solver for Afrikaans, English, Esperanto, German and Spanish (requires login)
  • An on-line word-ladder solver for English
  • Lewis Carroll Resources On-line facility giving Carroll’s original puzzles with hints and solutions and tool to help solve and compile puzzles

Giant Word Ladder I

One little letter can totally change the meaning of a word, no wonder English is so hard to lean.

Giant Word Ladder II

‘You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb.’ —Andrew Carnegie

Step Ladder

If you don’t have time, you can always do this quiz ladder.

Word Laddyrinth VII

After seven of these things, we still don’t know what a laddyrinth is. We hope it’ll show up in a dictionary someday.

Giant Word Ladder V

Hollywood is a place where a man can get stabbed in the back while climbing a ladder. — William Faulkner

Word Lattice

It probably looks very lovely in the summertime.

Kids are more than capable of being great readers, but it can be difficult to motivate them. One way parents may find success is by playing games with their kids that build reading skills and vocabulary at the same time! Word Ladder helps kids work on decoding words while also teaching new words through a game-like experience. Playing word ladder has helped my son develop his fluency and made him much better reader in general–I highly recommend giving this game a try for your own kid today!

What is meant by word ladders

So, what is a word ladder ? It’s a game where you begin with one word and then create a sequence of words by changing just one letter from the previous word at a time. Each word in the sequence should be a proper english word. For example, if you want to create a word ladder from TEA -> POT , try TEA->PEA->PET->POT. Ladder grams, Word Golf, and Step word are some of the other names for this game.

What do word ladders help with

It’s a great game for building decoding, spelling, phonics and vocabulary skills which are an essential skill for reading. When kids are replacing letters to make a new word they are examining the letter-sound relationship which is important to recognize familiar words quickly and to correctly pronounce the written words. This is an important skill in order to learn how to decode and spell correctly. The kids might think that they are playing a game but in fact they are developing their important reading skills in a fun way.

How to Play Word LaddER GAME

You can have your kids play this game alone or in a pair. I generally like to play it with my kids.

  • Give your kids a starting word and an ending word.
  • Make sure the starting and ending words must be the same length (FLY and CRY, or SKIP and THAT)
  • Each player change one letter at a time, attempting to move from the starting word to the ending word.
  • As a rule, they can not change the order of the letters.
  • And each intermediate step must be a valid word.

For example, if your starting word is COLD and ending word is WARM, then you can do it as follows

  • WARM (change d – m )
  • WARD (change c – w )
  • CARD (change o – a )
  • CORD ( change l – r )
  • COLD

word ladder cold to warm


Here, is a list of words to get you started.

ideas for word ladder

I have also created a word ladder pdf file, the word ladder for Kindergarten is free to download below, all other grade levels can be downloaded from my Tpt store. The files contains word ladder puzzles with solutions for elementary level grades, but they’re the best kind of problem solving- because it’s not just about what words to use and how many letters are in them -it is all about figuring out where that one letter fits!

Simply click the download icon below to download and print this free printable. This worksheet is available for personal use only; no commercial usage of any kind is permitted.

If you share this printable, please link back directly to this post instead of the PDF.

There are several ways to teach your children at home. One method is to use a fortune teller to practice spelling words. Not only will children enjoy making their own fortune tellers, or as they call them, cootie catchers, but they will also enjoy learning to spell. For younger children, using easter eggs or drawing rainbow words can be a fun way to practice sight words. Try out some of these activities, and I hope these ideas will spark a little creativity in your homeschooling!

( Disclosure : Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase )

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Word Ladder (также известный как Doublets, словесные ссылки, головоломки со сменой слов, параграммы, лестничные диаграммы или слово гольф ) словесная игра, изобретенная Льюисом Кэрроллом. Головоломка со словесной лестницей начинается с двух слов, и для решения головоломки нужно найти цепочку других слов, чтобы связать эти два слова, в которой два соседних слова (то есть слова в последовательных шагах) отличаются на одну букву.


  • 1 История
  • 2 Правила
  • 3 Пятибуквенные цепочки слов
  • 4 См. Также
  • 5 Примечания
  • 6 Внешние ссылки


Льюис Кэрролл говорит, что он изобрел игру на Рождество в 1877 году. Кэрролл разработал словесную игру для Джулии и Этель Арнольд. Первое упоминание об игре в дневнике Кэрролла было 12 марта 1878 года, которое он первоначально назвал «Word-links» и описал как игру для двух игроков. Кэрролл опубликовал в журнале Vanity Fair, начиная с выпуска от 29 марта 1879 года, серию головоломок и решений со словесной лестницей, которые он затем назвал «Дублетами». Позже в том же году он был преобразован в книгу, опубликованную Macmillan and Co.

J. Э. Суррик и Л.М. Конант опубликовали книгу Ладдерграммы таких головоломок в 1927 году.

Владимир Набоков упомянул игру под названием «гольф» в романе Бледный огонь, в котором рассказчик говорит: «Некоторые из моих записей: ненависть — любовь в трех, девушка — мужчина в четырех и живая — мертвая в пяти (с« одолжить »в середине)».

Игра была возрождена в Австралии в 1990-х годах издательством The Canberra Times как «Stepword».

Словарные лестницы часто используются в кроссвордах New York Times.


Игроку дается начальное и конечное слово. Чтобы выиграть игру, игрок должен постепенно менять начальное слово на конечное, создавая существующее слово на каждом шаге. Каждый шаг состоит из замены одной буквы. Например, ниже приведены семь кратчайших решений головоломки со словом «лестница» между словами «холодный» и «теплый» с использованием слов из Collins Scrabble Words.








Часто головоломки со словесной лестницей создаются, где конечное слово имеет какую-то связь с начальным словом (синоним, антоним, смысловой…). Именно так игра была первоначально разработана Льюисом Кэрроллом, когда она впервые появилась в Vanity Fair.

Некоторые варианты также позволяют игроку добавлять или удалять буквы и переставлять те же буквы в другом порядке (анаграмма ).

Пятибуквенные лестницы слов

Дональд Кнут использовал компьютер для изучения словарных лестниц пятибуквенных слов. Он считал, что лестницы из трехбуквенных слов были слишком легкими (хотя Льюис Кэрролл обнаружил, что для превращения APE в MAN требуется шесть ступеней), и что лестницы из шести букв были менее интересны, поскольку относительно небольшое количество пар шестибуквенных слов могло быть связано со словесной лестницей. Кнут использовал фиксированный набор из 5 757 наиболее распространенных английских пятибуквенных слов, за исключением существительных. Он точно определил, когда между двумя словами из сборника возникла словная лестница, через другие слова из сборника. Кнут обнаружил, что большинство слов связаны друг с другом, и он также обнаружил, что 671 слово из сборника не образуют словесную лестницу с другими словами. Он назвал эти слова «отчужденный», потому что «отчужденный» сам по себе является примером такого слова.

См. Также

  • Пароним


  1. ^ Огард, Тони Оксфорд. Руководство по играм в слова Оксфордского университета Press, 2-е изд. 2003 с.216 ISBN 0-19-866264-5
  2. ^«Лестничные диаграммы». Лестничные диаграммы. Проверено 5 марта 2016 г.
  3. ^ Дина Хаунспергер, Стивен Кеннеди (31 июля 2006 г.). Край вселенной: празднование десяти лет математических горизонтов. Математическая ассоциация Америки. п. 22. ISBN 0-88385-555-0 .
  4. ^Коэн, Мортон Н. (09.04.2015). Льюис Кэрролл: Биография. Пан Макмиллан. ISBN 978-1-4472-8614-1 .
  5. ^Чарльз Латвидж Доджсон (1879). Дублеты, словесная головоломка Льюиса Кэрролла. Макмиллан и Ко.
  6. ^«Холодная жара». Канберра Таймс. 65(20, 392). Австралийская столичная территория, Австралия. 10 февраля 1991 г. с. 3. Получено 18 сентября 2017 г. — через Национальную библиотеку Австралии.
  7. ^Амлен, Деб (21.02.2017). «Достаточно». Нью-Йорк Таймс. ISSN 0362-4331. Проверено 22 августа 2020 г.
  8. ^Амлен, Деб (13 июня 2018 г.). «Путь к записи». Нью-Йорк Таймс. ISSN 0362-4331. Проверено 22 августа 2020 г.
  9. ^Гаффни, Томас (19 июня 2013 г.). «Поднимитесь по лестнице». Блог игры слов. Проверено 22 августа 2020 г.

Внешние ссылки

  • Самая длинная словесная головоломка в истории Компьютерный анализ для поиска длинных словесных лестниц
  • Дублеты, словесная головоломка, Льюис Кэрролл
  • Он-лайн слово-лестница для африкаанс, английского, эсперанто, немецкого и испанского (требуется вход в систему)
  • Он-лайн слово-лестница для английского языка
  • Ресурсы Льюиса Кэрролла Он-лайн средство, дающее оригинальные головоломки Кэрролла с подсказками решения и инструменты для решения и составления головоломок

A word ladder puzzle has two words in the ladder, one at the bottom and one at the top. You must form a sequence of words (a word ladder). On every step of the ladder you must place a new word that only differs one letter than the previous word.

It is easy to create your onw printable word ladder puzzle with this generator. Word ladder puzzles are fun to do, but difficult to make without the help of a program or website. Luckily you can create easily your own word ladder puzzle or load a puzzle from the list. The rules of the game are very simple. The game starts with two words, a begin- and an end word. The students need to change the begin word into the end word by changing one letter of the word at every step. This can be rather difficult. You can help your students to reveil one or more letters of the words in the word ladder. Click in the preview to show or hide letters in the puzzle.

How to use the word ladder generator

First select the word length. Then type the first word on the ladder or click on the ‘pick a word’ button to select a word from the dictionary. After this you can type or select the next word. It will be easier to use the ‘pick a word’ button, because you will get all possible words you can use. The webpage will check if the word you typed or choose is valid. If the word on the ladder is not valid, then the background will be red.

When you don’t have the time to make your own puzzle, you can choose one of the many puzzles in the list.

The “Puzzle of the day” was always a hit with the students I worked with. The most consistently successful type of puzzle in my class was the Word Ladder or Doublet, invented by Lewis Carroll in 1877 (allegedly on Christmas Day!).


In a Word Ladder:

  • Players get a starting word and an ending word
  • Starting and ending words must be the same length (PIG and HOG, or CAT and DOG)
  • Players change one letter at a time, attempting to move from the starting word to the ending word
  • Each intermediate step must be a valid word, and no proper nouns allowed!


Here are a few samples. Note that each step is a word and changes only one letter from the previous word.


Get from FLY to CRY in one step.

  1. FLY
  2. FRY (l → r)
  3. CRY (f → c)


Turn a CAT into a DOG in two steps.

  1. CAT
  2. COT (a → o)
  3. DOT (c → d)
  4. DOG (t → g)


Naturally, they can get increasingly complex. Carroll’s MAN to APE is a famous example that takes four intermediate steps despite how short the words are.

  1. MAN
  2. MAT (n → t)
  3. OAT (m → o)
  4. OPT (a → p)
  5. APT (o → a)
  6. APE (t → e)

Change a word into another by changing only only one character at a time. All intermediate words should be contained in a dictionary.

This problem is pretty simple if we can choose a proper data structure. Let’s begin with a simple example. Say, we have a dictionary of words, the word to navigate from. and the word we need to navigate into.

Dictionary: {“DOG”, “COT”, “COG”, “FOG”, “DOT”}, source: “FOG”, and destination: “COT”

We can navigate from “FOG” by changing ‘F’ into [‘A’ – ‘Z’] except ‘F’. So, there will be 25 different transformed words. But we are only allowed to use only those exist in the dictionary. In this case we have 2 words : {“COG”, “DOG”}

If one of the transformed word matches with the target then our search was successful. If not then we can apply the same navigation procedure on this valid transformed word. If none of the valid transformed word lead us to the solution then we need to back track and follow the same procedure for the next character position. If the procedure didn’t find the target word then we fail the search.

For example: ‘COG’ can to transformed into ‘COT’ by changing character in 3rd position (‘G’ to ‘T’).  So, the path was: ‘FOG’ –> ‘COG’ –> ‘COT’.

Now, which data structure and algorithm should we use? It sounds like a breadth first search , right? Exactly! We can use a queue to perform BFS. Below is a O(n) solution for this problem using LinkedList as for queue operation.

public static boolean isNavigable(final String src, final String dst, final Set<String> dictionary) {
    if (src.length() != dst.length()) {
        return false;
    if (src.equals(dst)) {
        return true;


    final LinkedList<String> q = new LinkedList<String>();

    while (!q.isEmpty()) {
        final String intermediate = q.remove();

        for (int i = 0; i < intermediate.length(); i++) {
        	char[] candidateChars = intermediate.toCharArray();
            for (char j = 'A'; j < 'Z'; j++) {
                candidateChars[i] = j;

                final String candidate = new String(candidateChars);

                if (candidate.equals(dst)) {
                    System.out.print("-->" + candidate);
                    return true;
                } else if (dictionary.contains(candidate)) {
                    System.out.print("-->" + candidate);

    return false;

How to find all possible shortest transformations?

For example, Dictionary = [“hot”, “dot”, “dog”, “lot”, “log”, “lob”, “cob”];

Then, to navigate from src = “hit” to dest = “cog”, we can have 3 possible paths as follows –

              dot         lot
               |        /     
              dog      log    lob
               |        |      |
              cog      cog    cob

But the shortest paths are [hit–>hot–>dot–>dog–>cog, hit–>hot–>lot–>log–>cog] of total 4 transformations. How to extend our previous solution to achieve this?

Note that, while we are traversing in BFS we can maintain the total numbers of transformations. We can use this as the length of a path from the source word. If current transformation (i.e. a candidate word that presents in dictionary) was previously generated by some other intermediate word then we have two choice – either take this path if it leads to a shorter path to solution then the previous path or don’t take current path and discard this transformation. We can easily do this using Dijkstra’s shortest path invariant where we only update a neighbor path len when pathLen[mine]+1 <= pathLen[neighbor]. Also, we each time we select a transformed candidate word to visit , we will update its parent to the the intermediate word it is transformed from so that later we can reconstruct the path.

Below is an implementation of the above approach using O(n) space and O(n) time.

public static List<List<String>> wordLadderAll(Set<String> dictionary, String src, String dst){
	if(src == null || dst == null || dictionary == null || src.isEmpty() || dst.isEmpty() || dictionary.isEmpty()){
		return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
	//Queue to traverse in BFS
	Queue<String> queue = new ArrayDeque<String>();
	//path from a node to its parent along the BFS traversal
	Map<String, String> parent = new HashMap<String, String>();
	//level of a word appeared in the DAG
	Map<String, Integer> pathLen = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
	//min length path so far
	int minLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	//resulting shortest paths
	List<List<String>> paths =  new ArrayList<>();
	//resulting shortest path last nodes
	Set<String> shortestPathLeaves = new HashSet<String>();
	//add source to queue to start traversing
	pathLen.put(src, 0);
		String intermediate = queue.poll();
		//we already have a shortest path, so discard this longer path
		if(pathLen.get(intermediate) >= minLen){
		//BFS to each possible 1 edit distance neighbors in dictionary
		for(int i = 0; i<intermediate.length(); i++){
			char[] candidateChars = intermediate.toCharArray();
			//all possible words with current character variations
			for(char c = 'a'; c < 'z'; c++){
				candidateChars[i] = c;
				String candidate = new String(candidateChars);
					pathLen.put(candidate, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
				//Dijktra's shortest path formullae
				if(pathLen.get(intermediate)+1 > pathLen.get(candidate)){
				//if we reach a solution, add it to solution
					minLen = Math.min(minLen, pathLen.get(intermediate)+1);
				//otherwise if this intermediate word is present in dictionary then 
				//add it as children and update the path len
				else if(dictionary.contains(candidate)){
					parent.put(candidate, intermediate);
					pathLen.put(candidate, pathLen.get(intermediate)+1);
	//Add all paths to result set
	for(String path : shortestPathLeaves){
		paths.add(getPath(parent, path, src, dst));
	return paths;

private static List<String> getPath(Map<String, String> parentMap, String leaf, String src, String dst){
	List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>();
	String node = leaf;
	path.add(0, leaf);
	while(parentMap.get(node) != null && parentMap.get(node) != src){
		node = parentMap.get(node);
		path.add(0, node);
	path.add(0, src);
	return path;

UPDATE 6/19/2022: Liam at Fourword just notified me that he built a new section of the site just for teachers so you can make your own 4-letter word ladders! Click here to make a custom Fourword puzzle!

In yesterday’s post about Spellie, the Wordle variation designed for younger players, I referred to the original post by Jacob Cohen where I found that link and many more. Another daily online puzzle he made me aware of is called, “Fourword.” This is a word ladder game, where you are given a beginning and ending word, then tasked with changing one letter at a time of the beginning word to make the ending word in as few moves as possible. Each step of the “ladder” has to spell a real word. I find it to be quite as addictive as Wordle, so it’s now on my home screen as one of the daily games I do when I need a break from work or crazy dogs.

According to this post by Ian Byrd, Word Ladders were invented by Lewis Carroll. Donna Lasher, in an article about language fun for younger students, was the first one to introduce me to the Word Ladder books for elementary students, which you can see by clicking on the affiliate link in her post. If you want to make your own Word Ladder puzzles, here is a generator (FYI, there is a minor grammatical issue when you print out the instructions). And here are some printable ones — definitely for older students. This page gives you suggested games and solutions, which I find quite helpful. Sporcle also has Word Ladder Quizes, though mostly designed for age 10 and up. Of course, it’s inevitable that you can find a way to cheat (I mean, “get hints that give you the actual answers”) on the internet, so I’ll save you some time searching for that site by linking a Word Ladder solver here.

I’ll be adding this post, along with Jacob Cohen’s “Puzzles for Progress” site, to my “Brainteasers and Puzzles” Collection. You can go there or directly to my Wordle Variations collection for links to specific Wordle games. And, visit my Wakelet home page if you’d like to follow me for updates or see my other collections.

Published by Terri Eichholz

Terri is a curriculum and tech integration specialist, speaker, and author with a passion for engaging and empowering learners. She delivers engaging professional learning, consultations on a variety of educational needs, and professional articles for various outlets . Find out more about Terri on the About page in the site menu.
View all posts by Terri Eichholz

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  • The word is not enough текст
  • The word kremlin use to describe a russian castle or fortress
  • The word is not enough перевод
  • The word kremlin means fortress in russian the most famous