The word labor in a sentence

Synonym: effort, employment, industry, task, toil, work. Antonym: relax, rest. Similar words: elaborate, laboratory, laboriously, collaboration, abortion, lab, label, suborn. Meaning: [ˈleɪbə(r)]  n. 1. productive work (especially physical work done for wages) 2. a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages 3. concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of labor to the birth of a child 4. an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement 5. a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor’s interests and the socialization of key industries 6. the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners in the United States; created in 1913 7. any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted. v. 1. strive and make an effort to reach a goal 2. work hard 3. undergo the efforts of childbirth. 

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1. Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. 

2. We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress. 

3. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.

4. He mediated a settlement between labor and management.

5. They live by honest labor.

6. Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor.

7. A little labor, much health.

8. Management and labor are dickering over pay, benefits and working conditions.

8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

9. The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.

10. The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.

11. His palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling.

12. You need to rest from your labor; you look very tired.

13. His wife is in labor.

14. We regard labor as a matter of honour.

15. We must labor for a better future.

16. We’vegot stable labor, decreasing interest rates, low oil prices.

17. She went into labor two weeks early.

18. They mediated the settlement between labor and management.

19. the puissance of the labor vote.

20. The mill was started up with scab labor.

21. Labor costs have actually fallen.

22. We should try to reform criminals through labor rather than punish them.

23. We observe a striking shift away from a labor theory among all mainline economists.

24. The group became the spearhead of the labor union movement.

25. She was in labor for two hours before her baby was finally born.

26. Though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled.

27. The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.

28. The government revoked her husband’s license to operate migrant labor crews.

29. The day will fall so big people, first Zhi, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger, tough, line whisk it was chaos, so the spirit, increasing it not beneficial.

30. It was difficult to measure the precise impact of the labor action.

More similar words: elaborate, laboratory, laboriously, collaboration, abortion, lab, label, suborn, born of, border, available, border on, neighbor, be available, about, availability, get about, go about, neighboring, know about, set about, come about, care about, above all, a body of, neighborhood, just about, forget about, abound in, bring about. 

labor — перевод на русский


Reichsarbeitsdienst — RAD (Reich Labor Service) march past

Рейхсарбайтсдинст(RAD) — Имперская Служба Труда

Konstantin Hierl, Reichsleiter and Reichsarbeitsführer (Reich Labor Service Leader

Константин Хиeрль, Рейхсляйтер и Рейхсарбайтсфюрер (Глава Имперской Службы Труда

His find represents not only his own labor but that of 999 others to boot.

Его находка — результат не только его труда, но и усилий остальных 999-ти.

This is worth ten months of suffering and labor, this joke is!

Эта шутка стоит десять месяцев труда и лишений!

They pay you to be terrified. There’s your division of labor.

Ты не понял разделения труда -ты ведешь машину, а я подыхаю от страха.

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Doctor, Yvonne’s in labor.

Доктор, Ивонна рожает.

Qiu Ju’s in labor but something’s wrong

Цю Цзю рожает, и у нас проблемы!

— She’s in labor?

— Она рожает?

There’s a woman going into labor!

У меня там женщина. Женщина рожает!

His wife is in labor.

Его жена рожает.

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You can tell His Highness that labor has started.

Доложи князю, что роды начались

His wife seldom came to a successful labor… and those children she was blessed with died before weaning.

Роды у его жены редко оканчивались благополучно, а те дети, коих посылал ей Господь, умирали во младенчестве.

The important thing right now is just to to keep her from going into labor for at least two weeks.

Нужно задержать роды еще хотя бы на две недели.

She could go into labor any day.

В любой день у нее могут начаться роды.

What if you go into labor?

А что, если начнутся роды?

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It’s for when Carol goes into labor.

Это на случай, если у Кэрол начнутся схватки. Она сможет сообщить мне, где бы я ни был.

Woman in labor.

У женщины схватки!

And speaking of my friends, the Catholics, when John Cardinal O’Connor of New York and some of these other cardinals and bishops have experienced their first pregnancies and their first labor pains and they’ve raised a couple of children

И к разговору о моих друзьях, Католиках, когда Нью-Йоркский архиепископ Джон О’Коннор и прочие кардиналы и преподобные испытают на себе что такое первая беременность, и родовые боли и схватки, а также вырастят хотя бы пару детишек

Drive her to the hospital if she goes into labor.

Чтобы отвезти ее в больницу, когда у нее начнутся схватки.

It’s probably false labor.

Наверное, это ложные схватки.

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Konstantin Hierl, Reichsarbeitsführer, Head of the German Labor Service

Константин Хиeрль, Рейхсарбайтсфюрер, Глава Немецкой Трудовой Службы

Today, the German people are spiritually and soulfully ready… to undertake their obligation in the general Labor Service.

Сегодня, народ Германии в сплоченном единодушии готов… исполнить свой долг в всеобщей Трудовой Службе.

Reich Labor Service Review before Hitler

Смотр Трудовой Службы Рейха перед Гитлером

Reich Labor Service Review before Hitler

Парад Трудовой Службы Рейха перед Гитлером

Gerd von Rundstedt, salute the Reich Labor Service men in their march past the Führer

Герда фон Рундштедта, салютуют членам Трудовой Службы Рейха шествующим мимо Фюрера

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Just came back from forced labor in Germany a week ago.

Неделю назад вернулся из Германии, с работы.

And, well, to be raised by a man… no wonder you’re built for hard labor.

Да и мужское воспитание… неудивительно, что ты сложена для тяжёлой работы.

She was well into the active stage of labor.

Час? Она уже была в хорошей активной фазе работы. Я не понимаю.

The first stage of labor.

Ты на первом этапе этой работы.

I brought you here to see the fruits of our labor.

Я привёл вас сюда, чтобы показать результаты нашей работы.

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But I’d like you to discuss the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, labor union rights, and also that future society of yours.

Но я бы хотел, чтобы вы обсуждали Конституционные права, права рабочих союзов, а также — каково будущее общества по-вашему.

Behold! The greatest breakthrough in labor relations… since the cat-o’-nine-tails!

Наибольший прорыв в рабочих отношениях со времен плетки!

KUNDE: We expect a labor force of 25,000 to 30,000.

Мы ожидаем рабочих, от 25 до 30 тысяч человек.

With their sense of ethics definitely on the side of labor.

С их чувством этики она определенно на стороне рабочих…

We’re concerned with the effect the flow of cheaper goods into the country will have on American labor.

Джош, мы очень беспокоимся о том, какой эффект окажет приток дешевых товаров в нашу страну на американских рабочих и американскую промышленность.

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In South Africa, a black woman can work as a maid, a farm hand or in a factory: she’s the cheapest labor available.

В Южной Африке черная женщина может работать горничной, трудиться в поле или на фабрике; она — самая дешевая рабочая сила из всех доступных.

Left side, Ghetto B, surplus labor, the elderly and infirm, mostly.

Слева — гетто Б: резервная рабочая сила… старики и больные.

You are not the only industrialist who needs labor,

Вы не единственный производитель, которому нужна рабочая сила,

I must lower costs in manual labor.

Я не могу снижать цены. Остаётся рабочая сила.

You’re all cheap labor for Bloomingdale’s!

Вы все — дешевая рабочая сила для нанимателей!

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You have labored long, Spock… Now receive from us this symbol of total logic.

Вы трудились на протяжении многих сезонов, Спок и доказали, что Вы достойны получить от нас этот символ чистой логики.

They were men who labored all their lives so their children would be well-fed, clothed and educated.

Люди в те времена без устали трудились, чтобы их дети были накормлены, обуты, одеты и образованы.

Twenty-four hours a day they labored.

«24 часа в сутки шахтёры трудились,

Their turn to die would come later, like the cobblers, tailors, goldsmiths, laundry women and also some children who, for months or weeks, had been living in the part of the camp called Camp #1. (Adjacent to Camp #2, the actual death camp with the gas chambers.) They were slave labor for the Nazis and were periodically eliminated.

В свою очередь, его смерть пришла бы позже, как это было в случае с сапожниками портными, ювелирами, прачками и несколькими детьми которые жили месяцы или недели в секции лагеря под названием «Лагерь № 1» (Лагерь № 2 с газовыми камерами был лагерем смерти рядом с первым) и рабски трудились для нацистов периодически в смене.

We can ‘t let that happen to the social safety net that we have labored as a society to pitch.

Мы не можем позволить, чтобы это случилось с сетью социальной безопасности, над которой мы трудились как и общество на поле.

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No officers will do manual labor.

Ни один офицер не будет работать.

I assure you, I barely know the meaning of the word «labor. »

Могу заверить вас, что даже не знаю значения слова «работать»

Who will do our labor now that your cow friend has freed the slaves?

Кто будет на нас работать, теперь, когда твой друг-корова освободил рабов?


И каждый нелегальный иммигрант, который не хотел подневольно работать, был похоронен в поле.

And a disequilibrium exists where people are forced to compete for labor in order to pull enough money out of the money supply to cover their costs of living.

И обесценивание происходит там, где люди вынуждены работать за гроши, чтобы заработать хоть немного денег для возможности свести концы с концами.

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Отправить комментарий

труд, рабочие, работа, роды, трудиться, работать, трудовой, лейбористский


- труд, работа

child labor — детский труд
forced labor — принудительный труд
physical labor — физический труд
hired labor — работа по найму
casual labor — непостоянная работа

- рабочая сила, трудовые ресурсы

skilled labor force — квалифицированная рабочая сила
labor obtainable locally — местная рабочая сила

- усилие
- рабочие
- рабочий класс


- трудиться
- выполнять тяжелую работу
- добиваться
- стремиться
- рожать


- трудовой; рабочий

labor experience — трудовой стаж
earnings of labor — трудовой доход
labor class — рабочий класс

- лейбористский

labor party — лейбористская партия

Мои примеры


a congress of the ruling Labor Party — съезд правящей Лейбористской партии  
the puissance of the labor vote — могущественное влияние электората лейбористов  
labor of many moons — работа на большой срок  
to belabor / labor a point — разрабатывать, исследовать вопрос  
labor shortage — нехватка рабочей силы  
big labor — амер. основные профсоюзы  
the Labor Caucus — фракция лейбористов  
labor certification — амер. справка о наличии профессии  
labor-intensive commodity — трудоемкий товар  
labor hours contract — контракт с оплатой рабочего времени  
division of labor — разделение труда  
labor demand — потребность в рабочей силе; спрос на рабочую силу  

Примеры с переводом

Labor Day

День труда (первый понедельник сентября, официальный рабочий праздник)

She had a difficult labor.

У неё были сложные роды.

His labor did not require a great deal of skill.

Его труд не требовал большого мастерства.

Department of Labor

Министерство труда (в США)

She went into labor this morning.

Утром у неё начались схватки.

He rested from his labors.

Он отдохнул от своих трудов.

They put in years of patient labor on the project.

Они вложили в этот проект годы терпеливого труда.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…tourism along the coast phases down after Labor Day…

…Labor Day is the day on which we recognize those men and women who daily travail with little appreciation or compensation….

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Возможные однокоренные слова

laborious  — трудоемкий, трудный, трудолюбивый, тяжелый, многотрудный, утомительный, вымученный
labored  — затрудненный, вымученный, трудный, тяжеловесный, доставшийся с трудом
laborer  — рабочий, чернорабочий, неквалифицированный рабочий
laborist  — лейборист, член лейбористской партии
laborite  — лейборист, член лейбористской партии
laboring  — трудящийся, рабочий, затрудненный, трудящийся
overlabor  — переутомлять работой, слишком тщательно отделывать

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word labor, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use labor in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «labor».

Labor in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word labor in a sentence.

  1. Pregnant ewes may grunt when in labor.

  2. Fillmore was relegated to menial labor.

  3. The most serious problems concerned labor.

  4. The year 1894 saw considerable labor unrest.

  5. The labor situation in Jerome was complicated.

  6. Trinta di Mei also reshaped Curaçao’s labor movement.

  7. Phillips bested Louis Vignola, a labor union official.

  8. Of course, that applies to labor as to everything else.

  9. The state’s statute labor system was abolished in 1907.

  10. The company did not recognize labor unions at the factory.

  11. He further garnered the support of the United Mine Workers and labor boss John L.

  12. A farmworker or agricultural worker is someone employed for labor in agriculture.

  13. The development of Red Dead Redemption 2 again faced allegations of labor issues.

  14. He was later replaced by two Chicago labor lawyers, Dan Schulman and Bernie Baum.

  15. Construction is done with local labor and sometimes without the use of machinery.

  16. The White Court had, in 1918, struck down an attempt by Congress to regulate child labor in Hammer v.

  17. This labor was used to good effect by Horatio Alger, who wrote Garfield’s campaign biography in 1880.

  18. Widespread strikes marked 1922, as labor sought redress for falling wages and increased unemployment.

  19. On 4 July, the Slovak government issued a decree conscripting all Jewish men aged 18 to 60 for labor.

  20. Beginning in May 1941, Jews were sent to labor camps around Dęblin from the Opole and Warsaw ghettos.

  21. They organized multiyear expeditions but struggled to remain on good terms with the local labor force.

  22. The percentage of children not in the labor force has also risen to over 90% in 2000 from 76% in 1960.

  23. She began her career as part of the settlement movement, investigating women’s labor in New York City.

  24. In northern Maranhão province, slave labor was used in cotton and rice production in the 18th century.

  25. The primary reason is that mechanization is not feasible, so return per hour of labor is not maximized.

  26. In his contributions he frequently advocated for equal pay between black and whites for the same labor.

  27. Several plantation owners in Hawaii favored the importation of coolie labor from the East India region.

  28. Predictions of economic and labor disruption caused by the abolition of slavery proved to be unfounded.

  29. The hard labor had a detrimental effect on the general morale of the Union troops stationed at Suffolk.

  30. Throughout history, much of the money and labor of sheep husbandry has aimed to prevent sheep ailments.

  31. Reuther, former leader of the United Auto Workers labor union after he and his wife died in a plane crash on May 9, 1970.

  32. The transition left Washington with a surplus of slaves and revealed to him the inefficiencies of the slave labor system.

  33. A considerable labor struggle and compulsion were necessary for the PPR to claim the factories and enforce its own rules.

  34. In June 1944, a popular pro-democracy movement led by university students and labor organizations forced Ubico to resign.

  35. The events of 1969 both expressed and hastened the development of a more distant relationship between labor and the state.

  36. Many ghetto inhabitants worked on labor projects for Dęblin Fortress (a German Army base), the railway, and the Luftwaffe.

  37. At the time, the main agricultural college in the USSR was in Moscow, and students did not do the manual labor of farming.

  38. The 93rd Division was a segregated African American unit, and was mainly used for security and labor tasks during the war.

  39. Speer was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, principally for the use of slave labor and forced labor.

  40. The next year, 1894, saw pay cuts and labor disturbances, including a massive strike by the workers at the Pullman Company.

  41. Women were exempt from the annual corvée labor duties, but often engaged in a range of income-earning occupations aside from their domestic chores of cooking and cleaning.

  42. Facilities such as schools and community centers are built using local labor, and Seacology provides approximately $20,000 for supplies and to facilitate the construction.

  43. In 1874–75, after labor unrest disrupted coal production, the Union Pacific Coal Department hired Chinese laborers to work in their coal mines throughout southern Wyoming.

  44. On Labor Day in 1956, members of the government were booed off a stage at a labor rally, while officials who had previously been in the Árbenz administration were cheered.

  45. Armstrong was advised by Abu Bakar that while the inhabitants of Singapore and the Malay peninsula were good at varied professions, agricultural labor was not one of them.

Synonyms for labor

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word labor has the following synonyms: Department of Labor, Labor Department, Labor, DoL, labor movement, trade union movement, labour, toil, working class, proletariat, Labour Party, Labour, Labor Party, parturiency, confinement, lying-in, travail, childbed, undertaking, project, task, fag, grind, drudge, dig, moi, tug, push, drive and push on.

General information about «labor» example sentences

The example sentences for the word labor that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «labor» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «labor».

Definition of Labor

to work diligently

Examples of Labor in a sentence

The dwarves would labor in the mines all day and only return to their cottage at night when work was finished.


Because she was not strong enough to labor in the field, the slave was placed in the house to help the mistress.


Without anyone to labor in his shoe shop, the business owner had to shut the factor doors for good.


The evil boss expected his sweat shop workers to labor all day without even a small break.


Not long after the farmer began to labor in his pasture, a rainstorm came and postponed his day’s work.


Other words in the Jobs, Occupations and Professions category:

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«Labor is free here Ava, any one of us could have been supporting her all along, even one of the wives with a single stainless kitchen knife

This was all the fruits of his labor

Tahlmute was clearly not enjoying the manual labor he was involved in

«If you don’t mind a little labor

The map itself could be purchased in town for half a shift of unskilled labor or half of a small steel ball-bearing

It’s the free labor in this basin of travelers willing to pull sail, but that’s another lecture

It was a labor of love on her part, and they all understood

The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives has prepared a list of general information about nearly 100 programs operated by the Departments of Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Education

time Shawn was born when I went into labor at 33

hopelessness while she was in labor

For what it was worth, this time was a prelude to trouble because the captains of Atlantean industry were already stirring up trouble by trying to find cheap labor on the mainland

Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? And your labor for that

28Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest

any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labor: and this was my portion of all my labor

rejoiced because of all my labor, and this was my portion from all my labor

looked at all the works that my hands had worked, and at the labor that I had labored to

18 I hated all my labor in which I labored under the

will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will have rule over all of my labor in which I have

Therefore I began to cause my heart to despair concerning all the labor in which I had

21 For there is a man whose labor is with wisdom, with

labor, and of the striving of his heart, in which he labors under the sun? 23 For all his

drink, and make his soul enjoy good in his labor

every man should eat and drink, and enjoy good in all his labor, is the gift of God

4 Then I saw all the labor and achievement that is the envy of a man’s

There is no end to all of his labor,

“For whom then, do I labor, and deprive my

than one, because they have a good reward for their labor

again as he came, and shall take nothing for his labor, which he may carry away in his

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled

drink, and to be joyful: for that will accompany him in his labor all the days of his life

your days of vanity: for that is your portion in life, and in your labor in which you labor

I did a shipment of lowland thesh before that, as I remember, I made about an iron or two a day for the labor I put into that deal

with pain, eyes closed, sounding much like a woman in the throes of labor

All roads ran to the main one, if that were blocked, they would have to— «It’s Rosie, she’s in labor

«Labor, I thought the place was on fire

There were lots of hawkers about, and labor boards pleaded for algal technicians, metallurgists and moldmakers with attractive rates, as well as the usual factory help

As he watched them labor, Brodin still found it strange that, among the rest of the Triad, his people had somehow gained the title ‘dwarf’

Of course, it was possible that the labor of his search had worn down Andrastus

“‘For in nature he is like the stingless drones who waste the labor of the bees, eating

We’ve learned so much from Hesiod, about ordinary life and honest labor

It symbolizes fruitless labor, an emotional void, or loneliness

As I mentioned earlier, a couple of centuries ago, people were involved in a lot of manual labor

As for the sons, one hears little from them, but it would appear that they soon learn to adjust to this labor — in fact, there is some evidence that most of the boys grow to enjoy the situation enormously

Barrin himself wished to pay for his boarding with silver or labor, but Gerill would not accept

It made a difference to me that the captain was a good man, as he appreciated my labor

‘Strange,’ Martin thought, ‘how countries and regions had adopted the same idea to keep people of different religions or culture from entering unless of course they were to do labor for the rich ones

“Therefore, He will give them up until the time when she who is in labor has borne a child

None had made a sound since my labor intensified

almost endless labor before them, but they had every

There is no one body of men or women who can be simultaneously abreast of the intricacies of, for example: taxes, medical care, foreign aid, military spending, agriculture, labor, foreign trade, and on and on

Superb liberal Massachusetts Senator re health, labor and other issues, when he wasn»t in a drunken state chasing waitresses under the restaurant tables

Thus, the Department of Labor reported the last week of June in this year 2011 that „A smaller share of 16-19 year olds is currently employed than at anytime since records began to be kept in 1948…Only 24 per cent of teens, one in four, have jobs, compared to 42 per cent as recently as 2001

Her tuna fish husband (a major owner in the Starkist brand) has more than benefited from her being able to pass legislation that exempted Guanamian tuna fishermen from the Fair Labor Standards Act, thus ensuring that those fishermen, who catch the tuna that would become Starkist, would be paid less than the minimum wage

No doubt Tessa was in labor and searching for a private place to give birth — some place high in the rocks, away from the water but sheltered from the wind

After that it’s achievable with commitment and unflinching labor

He put another 18 million in slave labor camps! Most of the time, these people weren’t even involved in any political movement or connected with the government, they were just exterminated

Grandma and Grandpa, both individually and as a tag-team, have argued tirelessly that they will not let me come over to help them plant trees, clean out the gutters, put sealer on the driveway, climb ladders, clean their chimney, dig ditches, split firewood, or do any other type of labor for them, if I do not accept their money

The recent passage of NAFTA is a certain indication that labor unions are gradually losing their political clout

Softer skills in the field of information, commercial and industrial technology, computer and software designs, among others, are gradually replacing the diminishing demands for unskilled labor (especially) among manufacturing and factory workers whose positions are facing daunting challenges from computer-based technologies

In the old days it was Immigrants, Catholics, Labor and Farming, among other groups that were routinely pandered to

Immigration Reform is unlikely to occur anytime soon for the (very) simple reason that such measures designed to quiet the tides of illegal immigration must necessarily conflict with the efforts of corporate lobbyists and their political minions in conjunction with private enterprises that have come to rely heavily on cheaper sources of labor to operate their businesses and who have repeatedly demonstrated their calloused indifference to rules of law and native born working men and women and are willing to operate outside the law if that‘s what it takes, at the expense of Native Americans for the ―benefit‖ of Illegal Aliens who are ―here‖ to collect a paycheck if nothing else, who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws while abetting an underground economy injurious to open markets

Whenever the cost of labor becomes prohibitive or (comparably) higher in certain markets in relation to others, most businesses will likely gravitate toward (the) cheaper sources of labor

In modern times, with the exception of importing cheap(er) labor from (Mexico) or migrating to friendlier working environments in (Right to Work States), a growing number of companies are fulfilling their labor requirements by (Outsourcing) abroad

“What, you called us out here because of some broken carts? Get your children out there carrying the wheat by hand, and put your back into it! That is what you are there for – to do menial labor!”

determined pursuit of higher profits by corporate interests at the expense of increasing numbers of underemployed (American) Workers forced to compete against cheap(er) labor from burgeoning Third World populations, whose (own) increasing demands for jobs are further reducing domestic salaries, (if salary is the appropriate word), paid to workers whose wages (that‘s better!) barely places many above the poverty line (although I suppose it beats living in the streets)

Meanwhile, future (employment) opportunities continue to look grim for the American Worker as companies are presently finding themselves in the enviable position of being able to secure their labor requirements from an expanding (global) pool of labor including such (potential) resources who are routinely flaunting our nation‘s borders

A car in every garage and a television in every room is the stuff that middle-class dreams are made of! It is questionable, however, in light of diminishing incomes and job displacements precipitated by the emergence of cheap(er) labor from across our borders and the outsourcing of jobs overseas, not to mention a bubbling economy, that American families will be able to sustain its frenzied lifestyles once that bubble bursts

The fact of the matter is that there is no turning back the hands of time, if such was ever a reasonable option to begin with! As evolving technologies continue developing efficient ways of replacing brawn with brain, increasing competition for skilled labor in highly competitive global environments will require transforming (the) worker from a corporate to a human resource commissioned with the task of managing his or her (own) career paths

President Bush‘s flawed Immigration Reform Bill providing ―conditional‖ amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens must be reassuring to 1) (Moderate) Republicans who would consider its passage a political opportunity to place the party in better stead with Hispanic Voters and the Business Community, 2) Corporations seeking to attract Cheap(er) Labor, 3) Democrats who, for the same reasons indicated above, are uncomfortable with the idea of controlling our nation‘s borders at the risk of alienating a sizeable voting bloc and (who) would otherwise seize the moment, for purely political reasons, to challenge Republican proposals that (surprise!) ―don‘t go far enough,‖ 4) Multiculturalists and Internationalists likely to embrace such ―reforms‖ as a (positive) first step towards achieving their (respective) Universalist Agenda, and 5) Shakers of Western Culture who would seek its destruction at any cost for its own sake and who would therefore (also) consider such measures as an appropriate step in the ―right‖ direction

Much of the mining during the Gold Rush was done, not be Anglo-American miners, but by enslaved California Indians doing forced labor for Anglo-American miners

This is the inevitable outcome of expanding global economies and the pursuit of cheaper labor abroad that has raised domestic competition to a fevered pitch

The dramatic decline in manufacturing and factory jobs has created a tighter domestic labor market that is increasingly finding expression within the corporate mainstream

We assume that he is either in jail or sent to a labor camp

” When she heard those words, she fainted and went into labor in the hallway

Even in the US where the Communist movement was always tiny, never numbering over 50,000, there were at least four main Communist parties, the Communist Party USA, the American Communist Party, the Communist Workers Party, and the Communist Labor Party

British Prime Minister John Major was the strongest ally of GW Bush in the war, supporting the war over the opposition of much of his own Labor Party and the British public

Future generations of nonwhites were consigned to subservience and limited lives, more likely to die younger and live in greater poverty, their possibilities limited to manual labor or insulated communities

Instead, he transformed himself, by his own ineptitude, into a political caricature of himself reduced to spending his remaining political capital on ceremonial issues while making obscene concessions to Big Business whose inexhaustible demand for cheap(er) labor at the expense of (native) low income wage earners, many of whom are younger African Americans living on the fringe, are morally and providentially unconscionable on every conceivable level

Competitive global economies and (outsourcing) designs for cheaper labor have rendered this demographic group an endangered species

Plantation owners recruited labor from China, Japan, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Blacks from the US

Hawaii continued to have a turbulent history, with some one of the most radical labor conflicts in the US, seeing major strikes in 1900, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1920, 1924, 1934, 1938,and 1940

Recognition of unions, unemployment insurance, a 40 hour work week, and child labor laws all are successful anti poverty practices that led to longer, healthier lives

In Asia, Japanese militarists were notoriously brutal in their treatment of other Asians, mass executions of civilians, forced labor camps, rape camps filled with local “comfort women,” even germ warfare experiments

Often the only labor activists who would recruit minorities were socialist or communists (not allied with the Soviet Union) such as A Philip Randolph and Emma Tenayuca

But almost all credit for ending Somoza’s dictatorship goes to the popular Sandinista movement, a wide coalition of Nicaraguan business, churches, farmers, labor unions, and students

In part this was due to his own party’s history in Texas, where business leaders long recognized more of their profits depend on trade with Mexico than on trade with the rest of the US, and much of the workforce is made up of immigrant labor

May it illuminate our lives and our labor

We proceeded to the Marist campus and residence and, in spite of the persistent drizzle, we were able to appreciate the luxuriant fields where we, students, used to do essential manual labor, such as pick fruit from trees

Where would Britain then get labor for Texas cotton plantations? It may bring in laborers from India, much as it did in part of the Caribbean

With the coming industrialization of America, labor struggles would define America for the next century

When labor struggles began on a bigger scale, especially the huge railroad strike in 1876, Wade would support that

After the war he presided over an enormously benevolent occupation of Japan, transforming a fascist state into an officially pacifist liberal democracy, one with an enviable progressive record of environmentalism, feminism, labor rights, and economic prosperity and technological development

Natives as young as five years old faced military discipline, fourteen hour workdays of forced labor, and physical punishment that included whippings and being chained to their work stations

He supports San José legislators who labor on a bill that, if enacted, will require equitable distribution of tax revenues among all the provinces

All he’d ever done is spend his days working like a dog for her, and never once had she shown an ounce of appreciation; all he ever got for all his labor and concern about her well-being was bitching and more bitching

Elaborate full color murals depicting farm and industrial workers at their labor with AK-47’s slung over their shoulders, had been painted to cover the entire sides of buildings

Such a man though was beyond base thoughts of that sort; he was certainly merely grinning at the studious labor going on around the Strategium Proper, indirectly praising the high spirits of everyone involved and personally congratulating the General of the Army for kicking off the preparations in a way that was only expected of him:

Communist partisans still controlled the northern mountains, and it was only because of the guerrillas’ connections with the Italian railway labor unions that rail travel moved relatively unscathed

Tyrpledge was stunned in silence and was instantly awed at the power put forth by the Castigator, effectively forcing every able bodied man to serve as labor and offer his belongings for the express purposes of this Last Holy Campaign

becomes alienated from the results of his labor

breathing was still labored

looked at all the works that my hands had worked, and at the labor that I had labored to

18 I hated all my labor in which I labored under the

labored under the sun

not labored for it

He was sure Tellin’s Balloon had passed him while he labored thru the city

He had indeed been at full strength then, bearing not so much as a scratch or a labored breath as a result

After several minutes of running and labored gasps for air, they were faced with a four-way split in the corridor: they DRAFT

“I got my hot pecker up a girl’s cunt,” the boy grunted, as he labored over her

except those of Joseph»s coughing and labored breathing

Neither institution sought/seeks to improve an individual‘s ―natural‖ condition but exploit, rather, that individual‘s labored and intellectual resources for economic and political reasons

Some labored in fields while the ―favored‖ among them were retained as house servants

Drenched with sweat and with labored breathing they continued, the one mostly retreating, the other receiving additional cuts for his boldness

His crashing footsteps grew louder with each of Colling’s strides, and Colling began to hear his pursuer’s labored breathing over his own

Had it shaken the ground under his feet a little? Within his labored trot it was hard to tell

most of the same stuff I’d just labored through, all over again

“What your feeling is lust, nothing more” she said, her breath labored she looked up at me and her green eyes sparkled with the same desire I felt “And for me its not just about that anymore”

Each labored movement as he lowers himself to the ground and struggles to stand back up reminding him of the wrestling match he had with the angel

We can’t leave the house,” she said, her breathing becoming labored

Dixie’s breath was labored and she just took one last large breath, exhaled, and did not breathe again

What he did not know as he labored through

“They have considered a thousand plans before deciding, and Nemia has labored for countless hours over Talia’s wedding dress

Her dress was also white, with similar gold trim around the floor-length hem and the cuffs of the sleeves, and he could readily believe that Nemia had labored many hours to produce such perfect simplicity

With a huge effort and desperately labored breaths, he began to slowly read the names of children killed by monsters

What he had given to her, she was now giving back to him, as she labored to bring forth a new life

� His breath was more labored than before

He heard the labored breathing of others as Yigal and Naaman joined him

“Men!” Moshe was forced to shout repeatedly above the noisy throng as they labored through the choking dust

Caleb explained, shouting above the noise of the hoofbeats and labored breathing of the

He heard the labored breathing of others as Yigal and Naaman

“Men!” Moshe was forced to shout repeatedly above the noisy throng as they labored through

His breathing was labored, but quiet

I noticed that his breathing had become labored

labored in love for the Christ they met in the man

The room was still except for the labored breathing of George Potter and

Warren, concerned about his next week»s appearance before the Senate committee labored on his presentation and the related visuals

After a few seconds the compressor kicked in, labored briefly, and the unit shut down

From down the hall the heavy tread of Despina reverberated as she labored up the stairs

The pregnant women labored and delivered in a rather cramped room with two delivery tables separated only by a flimsy curtain

building growing beneath his fingertips as he labored with intricate

A generation of goblins had labored to build the massive structure

That done, I labored just to breathe since in a sack, still gagged, still bound

Ceder kept her chin down as she labored, doubting whether her tired effort helped at all

Even this high in the Clestender Mountains it was humid, and the work that Tristan labored at was hard and sweat-inducing

” He took a labored breath

The genius owes something to both his ancestors and his progeny; likewise is he under obligation to the race, nation, and circumstances of his inventive discoveries; he should also remember that it was as man among men that he labored and wrought out his inventions

Besides these towns they labored in many villages as well as in the countryside

For years she labored acceptably as a member of the women’s corps, and when Peter was driven out of Jerusalem, she accompanied him upon all his journeys to the churches as well as on all his missionary excursions

15 John traveled much, labored incessantly, and after becoming bishop of the Asia churches, settled down at Ephesus

‘ I am now sending you to reap that whereon you have not labored; others have labored, and you are about to enter into their labor

2 John had now been in prison a year and a half, and most of this time Jesus had labored very quietly; so it was not strange that John should be led to wonder about the kingdom

7 On Friday evening, and again on Sabbath morning, the Jerusalem leaders had labored long and earnestly with Jairus to prevent Jesus’ speaking in the synagogue, but it was of no avail

6 «Some of you, when you could not find me after the feasting of the multitude on the other side, hired the Tiberias fishing fleet, which a week before had taken shelter near by during a storm, to go in pursuit of me, and what for? Not for truth and righteousness or that you might the better know how to serve and minister to your fellow men! No, but rather that you might have more bread for which you had not labored

He thundered along the road that followed the valley bed, labored up a slope, swept along a low ridge where treacherous shale on either hand lurked for the unwary, and came upon a trail that followed the lap of the left-hand wall

The two Simons were well-nigh agreed in their estimate of Jesus, and they labored diligently to bring their brethren around to the full acceptance of their views

She labored with the oxen to drag the pointed stick through the stubborn soil, and she crouched endlessly over looms in peasant huts

In the course of this month these twelve groups labored in Gerasa, Gamala, Hippos, Zaphon, Gadara, Abila, Edrei, Philadelphia, Heshbon, Dium, Scythopolis, and many other cities

1 At Edrei, where Thomas and his associates labored, Jesus spent a day and a night and, in the course of the evening’s discussion, gave expression to the principles which should guide those who preach truth, and which should activate all who teach the gospel of the kingdom

1 And then went Jesus over to Abila, where Nathaniel and his associates labored

5 In accordance with this understanding, early in November Abner and his eleven fellows cast their lot with Jesus and the twelve and labored with them as one organization right on down to the crucifixion

18 And so, for centuries, the Christian church has labored under great embarrassment because it dared to lay claim to those mysterious powers and privileges of the kingdom, powers and privileges which can be exercised and experienced only between Jesus and his spiritual believer brothers

This servant came forward, saying, `Lord, I knew you and realized that you were a shrewd man in that you expected gains where you had not personally labored; therefore was I afraid to risk aught of that which was intrusted to me

The murderer in me wakes, hates thieves of any space I’ve labored to clear

By day he labored in a blacksmith‘s shop, going directly heat and hammering to hyper-motion and sweat

‖ The veterinarian‘s voice sounded as if he truly cared about the big dog sitting naively on the hard table with his labored breathing the only sign of distress, now that the good doctor was through with the blood-taking and examination

While winter settled in on the small community on the ground, the flight crews labored in the perpetual winter of space

Once they had reached 2 G of acceleration, Avi noticed how labored her mother’s breathing had become

Trying to steady the canoe as it labored,

They could hear it for a long time as the truck labored up the incline, going through the gears and getting nearer

pressing against my bare chest with each of her labored breaths, and she was writhing around,

Those who labored in the fields received another setback with the Bracero Program, an agreement between the United States and Mexico bringing workers from south of the border to work in Texas and other states

Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, labored endlessly to avoid holocaust, despite the pressures from others in power that urged each leader to stay his ground

Maybe I’ve labored this point a bit, but I’ve seen time after time that very good engineers and

Sorry if I’ve labored this point a bit, but it is a real trap I’ve seen many inventors crash over

interaction among the ladies in the kitchen while they labored,

The end result was what everyone labored for

Back in those days I also labored as a carpenter, since by the

labored as tradesmen, so that one could have an additional

the prisoner still refused to labor or labored inefficiently, which

Nephilim about the storm and then labored over time to help them

It was a sign that I had labored way too

who fought, died, and labored to raise this nation into its new

I labored as a

the tripod up in the home office where I labored daily to seal

construction company that I once labored for

Throughout the fields in long rows labored the Bollobane

On both sides the Bollobanes labored

thy labored profit only flow,

Burt set off up the hill listening for voices or the sound of an engine between his labored breathing

His mouth was dry and his labored breathing rasped his throat; how long could he continue with this mission, he wondered

Ariel waited awhile, while Stephi’s breath labored over the line, the lapping of a dam

He collapses on top of me both of us with labored breathing

You could hear is labored breathing due to many

His breathing labored and hard

[thou] hast labored, and hast not fainted»

Sigrid had never married, probably due to her limp leg and labored gait caused by her left leg being significantly shorter than the other

Bolt stands to one side, ignoring the laboring men, taking seemingly random shots of something on the other side of the highway that only he can see: click, whir, click, whir

laboring within the sphere of this deep sadness all

its owner, except to feast on them with his eyes? 12 The sleep of a laboring man is sweet,

For many floors now he’d been laboring up the zigzag stairs that had been planked up to what were once balconies

He continued laboring over her heatedly and then another orgasm swelled from within her to a tremendous bursting, only to be followed by still a third eruption which tore through her being with delightful ferocity

There was a defining moment in our nation‘s history when the laboring classes (en masse) went from resenting the rich to emulating their lifestyles…or trying to, at least

They weren’t particularly welcome in Costa Rica and usually could find a place for themselves only in the most undesirable of areas, laboring in menial jobs – hence his welcome reception by authorities when attempting to locate and return them to Nicaragua

eyes was a small mouse laboring to move a piece of

Continuing their rapid progress up the line, the groaning refrain was soon suffused with a more melodic chanting coming from those more used to heavy laboring activity, and the sounds were of the kind made in unison that helped to mitigate the arduousness and boredom of those efforts

melodic chanting coming from those more used to heavy laboring activity, and the sounds

They would constantly ask if they were laboring in the

love of Christ, or if they were laboring for the man they greatly

The experience gained by laboring in love

When I was a child a laboring man was

1 One evening at Shunem, after John’s apostles had returned to Hebron, and after Jesus’ apostles had been sent out two and two, when the Master was engaged in teaching a group of twelve of the younger evangelists who were laboring under the direction of Jacob, together with the twelve women, Rachel asked Jesus this question: «Master, what shall we answer when women ask us, What shall I do to be saved?» When Jesus heard this question, he answered:

The Pharisees had been laboring to persuade Mary that Jesus was beside himself, demented

‘I’ll do it!’ His voice was thick with laboring emotions

During most of the night and since they had arisen that morning, Simon Peter and Simon Zelotes had been earnestly laboring with their brethren to bring them all to the point of the wholehearted acceptance of the Master, not merely as the Messiah, but also as the divine Son of the living God

The stallion panted, laboring hard

As it was, I recall laboring until the wee hours of the morning

until the value of his upkeep superseded his value as a laboring

with me, laboring just as attentively as I was

laboring skill that they were being taught, and nothing else

It was an intense day, laboring in

that my laboring efforts in thy illustrious service

the fruits of all their laboring efforts

laboring to stir the potions and chant the charms,

In the course of thy laboring logic and analytical deduction,

only to be forcefully imposed upon those laboring masses of subjugated men,

of the laboring nether mortals

that of an aged, hardened worker who’d spent all his life laboring to

He laid a gentle hand on her laboring chest and whispered, ‘Sorry

Take for instance, a man laboring in the hot sun with nothing to drink, and working until he’s worn blisters on his feet and hands and he’s nearly in tears from the terrible ache in his back

There was no organization other than Rogerdonia and few of his friends laboring on keeping the 222

Biology and psychology are still laboring under the old “linear time, objective space” view

laboring over a box the size and shape of a torpedo casing

Jesus has already told us that if we try and build our house all on our own efforts without any of God’s help or guidance, that we will end up laboring in vain when it is all said and done

Bottom line – unless God is the One who is building up your life in the direction that He will want it to go in, you will end up laboring in vain when it is all finally said and done

The Jayco was laboring hard, fighting to gain a tirehold on the shifting gravel of a much too-steep hill, when something caught the woman’s eye and dragged it to the driver’s-side window

In I’mage’s culture of judgement laboring under an ethic of perfection, the will to self-define is a terrifying choice

Money enslaves the dancing mind to the laboring body and chains the creative spirit to the consuming hunger

Parnell has been laboring for nine hours now

It is still alive, but if she is still laboring a couple of hours

Zombie tranced by monergy, owners and controllers try to divide workers into separate unions, fields, and occupations to propel us into a class competition between skilled and unskilled labor, the higher, the lower, and the non-paid, so we fight each other, rather than resisting and refusing that which enslaves worker and owner alike – money; that which you are laboring for, rather than the health of each other and Eartheart

All work should be reconceived as functions for health creation, laboring to maintain and improve the vitality of society, the integrity of the commons, and the creativity of the individual

The present revolution in the opinions of all classes of men, the highest and most cultured of men as well as those of the laboring class, stands unparalleled in the history of the world

It is true the tragedy of the faded face combined with the uncomfortably young heart, which is the tragedy that every woman who has had an easy life has to endure for quite a number of years, finds no place in the existence of a drudge; it is true too that I never yet saw, and I am sure you didn’t, a woman of the laboring classes make efforts to appear younger than she is; and it is also true that I have seldom seen, and I am sure you haven’t, women of the class that has little to do leave off making them

laboring over this material

laboring under the belief her mother’s illness was her

But even if we admit for a moment that it might be better for the race to discard its present foundation, Individualism,-that it is a nobler ideal that man should labor, not for himself alone, but in and for a brotherhood of his fellows, and share with them all in common, realizing Swedenborg’s idea of heaven, where, as he says, the angels derive their happiness, not from laboring for self, but for each other, -even admit all this, and a sufficient answer is, This is not evolution, but revolution

The highest life is probably to be reached, not by such imitation of the life of Christ as Count Tolstoi gives us, but, while animated by Christ’s spirit, by recognizing the changed conditions of this age, and adopting modes of expressing this spirit suitable to the changed conditions under which we live, still laboring for the good of our fellows, which was the essence of his life and teaching, but laboring in a different manner

freely accepted these high-tech tags while laboring daily to keep paying for them

clearly infers that they were laboring, hence alive and only symbolically dead! Likewise this is an

He was laboring under the “mental spell” of an “indestructible spirit,” and of course saw but two possible ways—either to set the sinner free, or torment him eternally—and as God could not do the former, He must do the latter

Unquestionable, he found the word “destroy” used in an accommodated or figurative sense, but does that prove that it was a figurative sense in the flood? This is proof positive that he is laboring to bring both the figurative and literal under one and the same sense, obliteration the literal and making it all figurative

Why is it other people can perish and not realize it, and still be in a hopeful condition? Is Nichols too thickly clad in tradition to see that such is the Bible sense of the word, and that such must be its final use, and that he was laboring under a monstrous delusion?

On the contrary the thought of it, as the vastness of the universe is further disclosed, weighs more and more heavily upon the laboring mind;—yet, while there open through this gateway infinite prospects of glory, one beyond the other—crowding on the vision of the enraptured spirits who contemplate them in earth and heaven,—the evidence brightens as the future unfolds; and though the fact of the Incarnation ‘passeth knowledge,’ the soul is compelled to recognize in the loftiest conceptions of man’s destiny through redemption the nearest approaches to the truth of God

For it appears to be as irrational to declare that those persons shall perish and be destroyed, who are in fact to be kept alive evermore in suffering, as it would be to say of a man laboring under a distemper, which was certain not to be fatal and mortal, that he was dying or perishing in it

The general alienation from Christianity, of the scientific, literary, and laboring classes of Europe, so far as it is speculative, is the final result of a skepticism, which began, with a denial of the endless torment of the lost

I see all the menials of the earth, laboring,

Al , all the shows of laboring life,

John Brooke’, and evidently laboring under the delusion that the whole affair had been brought about by his excellent management

«Has Jo smashed all the bottles by accident?» he whispered, «or am I merely laboring under a delusion that I saw some lying about loose this morning?»

» And Meg led her son away, feeling a strong desire to spank the little marplot who hopped beside her, laboring under the delusion that the bribe was to be administered as soon as they reached the nursery

There, the prisoners live on thin soup and hard black bread, laboring to chop down trees in temperatures as cold as seventy below zero

Although the president approves and gets credit for these treaties, legions of hardworking public servants laboring under the direction of the secretary of state actually hammer out the agreements

The sticks were removed, and the stones lifted; for Indian cunning was known frequently to adopt these objects as covers, laboring with the utmost patience and industry, to conceal each footstep as they proceeded

«With this boy? Why, he is a common laboring boy!»

They could see the sprawling yellow clinker-brick complex of the AEG Kabelwerk factory just outside town, but they could not see the thousands of slave laborers that would soon be put to work there, manufacturing electric cables, laboring twelve hours a day, living in squalid camps nearby until they died of typhus or malnutrition

Each day, Louie and Harris hung together, laboring through forced exercise, bearing blows from the guards, and whispering

He is most likely somewhere else, sealed in a space capsule in the center of a field of lavender, laboring over words

Duke Salthar and Duke Fern were laboring frantically to rebuild, calling up thousands of militia and enlisting even more thousands of new recruits

In spite of all his social experience Vronsky was, in consequence of the new position in which he was placed, laboring under a strange misapprehension

conversation? Well, far be it from me to keep a pair of willing hands from laboring for “Do you indeed, my ministering angel? Then lice and slops are preferable to my Our Glorious Cause

But they knew instinctively, as they knew thoroughbred horses laboring to save him

“Where’s your husband? Aren’t you interested in him?” India’s pale eyes blazed with “India, please!” Melanie had mastered her voice but her white, shaken face and tortured eyes showed the strain under which she was laboring

She was suddenly tired, more tired than she had ever been laboring, the strain which had given her strength, suddenly snapped

He felt like Whistler laboring over the proto-Ab-Ex fireworks in Nocturne in Black and Gold, which John Ruskin, his supposed buddy, had likened to “a pot of paint thrown in the public’s face

He has been laboring all his life

His side of Lowick was the most remote from the village, and the houses of the laboring people were either lone cottages or were collected in a hamlet called Frick, where a water-mill and some stone-pits made a little centre of slow, heavy-shouldered industry

He had shut his eyes in the last instant of reverie while he heard Dorothea saying, «Advise me—think what I can do—he has been all his life laboring and looking forward

The workers were bent over in the extreme heat, laboring with pickaxes and sieves

Think of Fritz Haber, laboring in Karlsruhe, hoping to find a solution to hunger

laboring sides of his chestnut horse with his whip as if it were a flail

«I have consulted upon this point many ecclesiastics laboring in Our Lord, who occupy themselves in the exercises of the clerical life, and who bear wonderful fruit

labor, and of the striving of his heart, in which he labors under the sun? 23 For all his

9 What profit has he who works in that in which he labors? 10 I have seen the burden

what profit does he have who labors for the wind? 17 All his days he also eats in

which he labors under the sun, all the days of his life which God has given him; for this

the work that is done under the sun, because however much a man labors to seek it out,

George, Belle and White Feathers, who had been in on the secret for weeks, were still justly impressed with the results of the girls’ labors, even as much as Harry

I mention this because my daughter has only known the benefits of my labors and has no firsthand knowledge of the hardships faced to obtain this level of accommodation

His labors slaying the Nemean lion, vanquishing

the labors that reveal their full truth

That many financially successful individuals should decide to pass along the fruits of their labors to their families and loved ones instead of having them arbitrarily redistributed to other individuals, should be a prerogative of acquired wealth; a privilege enjoyed by those who have properly earned it and should enjoy the right of disposing it as they think fit

That all might eat and rejoice in their labors?

You will not be paid for your labors and all that you produce will be turned into the community store, to be doled out by the Committee

The sound, repeated endlessly, was like a continuous clapping of hands that accompanied their labors

This is so out of character for them that it seems almost impossible, but apparently they even assist in the most mundane and distasteful of labors with as much stoic military discipline as any commander could ask! Imagine Dark Dragons expending their flame in flaring latrine pits! I would have thought that any of them would gladly die before submitting to such malodorous drudgery, but our witnesses have seen it with their own eyes, and reported that it was accomplished with no more griping and complaint than one would expect from any other soldiers!

The scene of his labors was Parthia and Ethiopia in which latter country he suffered martyrdom being killed with a halberd in the city of Nadabah A

Apostle Paul (Apostle of Jesus Christ appointed after the Resurrection by Jesus) Paul the apostle who before was called Saul after his great travail and unspeakable labors in promoting the Gospel of Christ suffered also in this first persecution under Nero

that accompanied their labors

jobs in between you should discover that your labors are

the Lord rested upon his life, and his labors

should help man in his labors, we humbly pray

* His intention was to put in practice in America, communities founded on the principles of “equal distribution of enjoyments and of labors

The labors of battle for this victory become insignificant when one contemplates that he joins and is numbered among those who

He enjoyed his labors with Zebedee in Capernaum, but he missed the children playing out by the side of the Nazareth carpenter shop

5 And this youth, Fortune, subsequently became the leader of the Christians in Crete and the close associate of Titus in his labors for the uplift of the Cretan believers

But he did not know how well the Jewish tutor had prepared the way for his labors

Throughout the remainder of Jesus’ earth life this Personalized Adjuster was associated with him in all his labors; Jesus was in constant communion with this exalted Adjuster

He now clearly and fully comprehended all these far-flung relationships, and he desired to be away for a season of quiet meditation so that he could think out the plans and decide upon the procedures for the prosecution of his public labors in behalf of this world and for all other worlds in his local universe

In view of John’s precarious situation, Jesus began definitely to plan his program of public labors in behalf of his people and the world, in behalf of every inhabited world throughout his vast universe

Thus by one great decision Jesus voluntarily deprived himself of all superhuman co-operation in all matters having to do with the remainder of his mortal career unless the Father might independently choose to participate in some certain act or episode of the Son’s earth labors

No miracle, ministry of mercy, or any other possible event occurring in connection with Jesus’ remaining earth labors could possibly be of the nature or character of an act transcending the natural laws established and regularly working in the affairs of man as he lives on Urantia except in this expressly stated matter of time

2 Jesus thus settled upon another and consistent policy for the remainder of his earth labors

Andrew’s counsel finally prevailed, and they went forth to their labors

Rest yourselves from the arduous labors of the kingdom and enjoy the refreshment that comes from reverting to your former vocations or from discovering new sorts of recreational activity

The Apostle Philip, in his labors for the Samaritans after the death of Jesus, held many meetings on the site of this old Samaritan temple

2 As the twenty-four began their labors in Sidon, Jesus went to stay in a home just north of the city, the house of Justa and her mother, Bernice

This stage of his ministry was characterized by his acknowledgment of divinity and embraced the labors of his last year in the flesh

3 But John oftentimes recounted this experience in connection with his subsequent labors in behalf of the kingdom

Jesus and his associates were about to enter upon their last mission, the three months’ tour of all Perea, which terminated only upon the Master’s entering Jerusalem for his final labors on earth

From these labors Jesus went directly to Jerusalem to pass through his final experiences in the flesh

The seventy, supplemented by the periodic labors of Jesus and the twelve apostles, worked in the following cities and towns and some fifty additional villages: Zaphon, Gadara, Macad, Arbela, Ramath, Edrei, Bosora, Caspin, Mispeh, Gerasa, Ragaba, Succoth, Amathus, Adam, Penuel, Capitolias, Dion, Hatita, Gadda, Philadelphia, Jogbehah, Gilead, Beth-Nimrah, Tyrus, Elealah, Livias, Heshbon, Callirrhoe, Beth-Peor, Shittim, Sibmah, Medeba, Beth-Meon, Areopolis, and Aroer

That evening, in response to the labors of Peter, James and John made suitable apologies to the ten and were restored to the good graces of their brethren

2 Jesus met Abner at Heshbon, and Andrew directed that the labors of the seventy should not be interrupted by the Passover feast; Jesus advised that the messengers should go forward with their work in complete disregard of what was about to happen at Jerusalem

1 WHEN the work of teaching the people did not press them, it was the custom of Jesus and his apostles to rest from their labors each Wednesday

Show all men on earth and the angels of heaven how cheerfully and courageously mortal man can, after having been called to work for a season in the special service of God, return to the labors of former days

If, for the time being, your work in the outward affairs of the kingdom should be completed, you should go back to your former labors with the new enlightenment of the experience of sonship with God and with the exalted realization that, to him who is God-knowing, there is no such thing as common labor or secular toil

In judging others, a man labors in vain, errs often, and easily sins; but in judging and looking into himself, he always labors with fruit

so tired from their physical labors that they, too, became victims

now felt the need to justify and defend her labors

wood-stove stood my Grandmother, patent in her labors of love

themselves to any of the labors thereof

Our days were filled with our labors and our cherished

I knew not as I scrambled about in my labors

knowing that their labors were of an outstanding profit to those

them of the huge profit increase that my honest labors and

the fruits of their guided labors amid the

the reducing value of thy labors worth?

“It was not many days thereafter that I completely understood that this decision to follow Him, and to cease from my labors, was exactly what was ordered for me, on behalf of God

The death of himself is now recognize, he has ceased from all his labors, there is no more strife within him, an empty vessel, the things he knew in life, the knowledge, the worrying, the fears and frets, and so on are now left far behind him

Sure, a laborer is worthy of being paid for his labors, but preaching, teaching and spreading the ‘Good News’ is not laborious

twelve labors was to steal the apples

So, what is the worth of one’s labors? Forbes Magazine reported that Oprah Winfrey

And it’s seen all the time; people exhausted from their labors, yet they’ve accomplished nothing useful

What is severe is the waste of youth in such fruitless labors

Jesus says that you will be rewarded for your good works and labors that you do for Him while down here on this earth

By the time Lauds was over this morning he had reported to me the results of his labors

How cheering to read of Baxter and his labors

lime»! And in the much-blest labors of that

of his labors now hangs at your belt

until he was freed by Hercules in one of his twelve labors

When the Day comes, your Provider will bring your acts before your eyes and show you the fruit of your labors in this world

agriculturally supported community that shares the labors and bounty of

Crouching, kneeling, sitting ringed around the fire pit, our first Table, sharing food from the common fire gave us time to cease from our labors of endless scavenging and enjoy the rich caloric abundance of nutrient dense cooked meat

Our hunger sated and labors abated, we discovered the bounty of shared labor and collaborative leisure: sharing work produced not only a plentitude of food, but also created a surplus of time

When Money is the master, we are its beast of burdens and the plundered Earth is the saddlebag we weary from our labors in Meonly Mine

Controllers of smart labor continually increase their economic power and class advantage from smart labor’s technological production of wealth that has been built, distributed and purchased by the common wealth of brute workers’ common labors, which create the infrastructure from which all genius depends upon and emerges from

When you finish work, you not only cease from your labors, but also cease from producing income

“For when the heart labors it is not work, but common purpose

Love solves the cheater problem by super redundancy – we all labor and share together, there are more people than labors and more necessities than needs

Hercules obtains immortality with his twelve labors and he earns the right to stay up on Olympus with the celestial gods and goddesses

He began to feel tired without getting any result from his labors

“What has befallen you of misfortune is the fruit of your own labors

“A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer lives are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving

Exodus 23:16 “And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labors, which thou hast sown in the field: and the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labors out of the field

“But most of his labors required no cleverness,” Than said

When one labors for the fruits of the Spirit, then the Spirit of joy grows in a man’s heart

He and his fellows paused their labors for a moment when one of the

As the wheel began to take shape the boys could finally visualize the fruits of their labors after the many months of effort with ax, saw, adze and shaving knives

The overseer was sweating from his labors in spite of the winter air

Delaney hadn’t planned on having the gold for himself but he wanted his children to have access to the vein in hopes that after a few more decades, or when his children where adults themselves, he could turn the fruits of his labors over to them

he worked on Homer he never sat among habitual accompaniments of his legislative labors

labors of the Antioquian country folk ( Poesías, Bogotá,1881; Paris, 1908)

When one person enjoys the benefits of other human lives, in thousands, if not millions of man-hrs: they have effectively stolen that time, that life-energy from other human beings… they in effect have stolen the lives of those people who serve them and work for them; who otherwise could have used all of those wasted, unrecompensed years to live their own lives, follow their own dreams, raise their own families, spend time with their own children… and enjoy the fruits of their own labors: instead of a few, rich, privileged elite enjoying the fruits of thousands of laborers who work for them and not for themselves

They turned all of their labors and their ambitions into a secret, unspoken personal religion of greed

1 Corinthians says: “To submit to such people and to everyone who joins in the work and labors at it

They pour out their lives for the persecuted sheep in China both in labors and by subjecting themselves to the dangers of imprisonment

I urge you, brothers and sisters, to submit to such people and to everyone who joins in the work and labors at it

The Church that multiplies committees and neglects prayer may be fussy, noisy, enterprising, but it labors in vain1020 and spends its strength for naught

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labor vs labour

What’s the Difference Between Labor and Labour?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Labor and Labour?
  • 2 Using Labor in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Labour in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Labor vs. Labour
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Labor vs. Labour
  • 7 Article Summary

These two words are alternate spellings with the same meaning. Labor is the preferred American spelling, whereas labour is the preferred British spelling. They both mean the noun and verb form of work. They can also both refer to a woman giving birth.

  • After a lot of labor, the man was finally finished with his project. (American spelling)
  • The cost of labour is rising to the point where companies must pay their employees more. (British spelling)

The most common error with these two spellings is using the wrong spelling for your audience. Both spellings are correct in their own right, but you will still want to choose wisely on which to use. The correct spelling depends on where you live, or which country most of your readers are from.

Now, let’s go over a few ways you can use these words in your sentences.

Using Labor in a Sentence

When to use labor: Labor is a noun or verb that means work. A second definition is the process of giving birth. Labor—without the letter u—is the American spelling. While labor often has the connotation of physical work, it doesn’t always necessarily mean this.

For example,

  • Many Americans believe that to be successful, you must labor long and hard.
  • Laboring in the fields in the hot sun was very hard for the farmers in California.

There are also several expressions with labor:

  • a labor of love: work that a person does for personal satisfaction rather than economic benefit
    • She started an organization to help the homeless. This was a labor of love for her. In fact, she often had to spend her own personal money.
  • the fruit of one’s labor: the results of one’s hard work
    • Marie Curie’s research on radiation caused her to become sick and die. However, her life was not in vain. The fruits of her labor included important new knowledge about physics as well as newly opened doors for women in science.
  • labor of Hercules: a gigantic task
    • The student was intimidated by writing his thesis paper. He thought it was a labor of Hercules.

The American spelling is different from the British spelling because America became independent from Britain before spelling rules were completely standardized.

Americans intentionally altered some spellings to show linguistic and cultural differences between America and Britain. They believed their changes made the spelling more intuitive and efficient.

Using Labour in a Sentence

When to use labour: Labour has the same meaning as labor, which is work and to give birth. The only difference is the spelling, and the fact that this spelling is used in Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations.

For example,

  • The artist laboured for hours over her painting. (verb)
  • The woman was in labour for 18 hours. (giving birth meaning)

The idioms with labour are all the same as with labor.

Interestingly, labour is the original spelling in English. However, before it was an English word it was a Latin word, which is spelled without a u.

Remembering Labor vs. Labour

There are a couple different ways to remember which word is which.

Labor is the shorter word, and it is used mostly only in America. Labour is the longer word, and it is used in many more countries, the United Kingdom and all the countries in the Commonwealth of Nations. Remembering that the shorter word length relates to fewer countries, and the longer word length relates to more countries can help you keep the two spellings straight.

Additionally, labor omits the u, which isn’t necessary for the pronunciation of the word. The United States, as a newer country than Great Britain, believed this was a new and improved spelling.

Outside Examples

  • Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor last year for allegedly stealing a political poster from a hotel in Pyongyang. –New York Post
  • The bulk of the cost — $6,369 — covered labor, including a wide array of routine maintenance that had fallen out of date. –USA Today
  • Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, speaking in London, linked Britain’s actions overseas to the increased extremist threat at home. –LA Times
  • The government and the BOJ have been upgrading their economic assessments recently as private consumption, capital expenditure, a tight labour market, and growing exports point to solid economic growth. –New York Daily News

Quiz: Labor vs. Labour

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either labour or labor.

  • He stayed at a job he hated for years because he believed his _____________ would be rewarded. (This sentence comes from the United States.)
  • The doctors had to induce ____________ for the mother from Manchester. (This sentence comes from England.)
  • The _____________ Party in the United Kingdom is more liberal than conservative.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use labor or labour? These words are the same except for the spelling. Choose which one to use based on where you are writing, or for whom you are writing.

  • Labor means work and is the American spelling.
  • Labour means work and is the British spelling.

Both are correct, but it is best to follow the standards of the country in which you are writing.

Answers from Quiz 

  • labor
  • labour
  • Labour

A scientific and technological revolution, which continues at an accelerating pace, has already largely accomplished the substitution of knowledge for physical labor as the principal force of production, and we live in the conditions which Marx, over a century ago, saw as the final outcome of capitalist production: ‘The process of production has ceased to be a process of labor…. ❋ Bottomore, Tom (1971)

You charge upon abolitionists «_the purpose to create a pinching competition between black labor and white labor;» and add, that «on the supposition of abolition the black class, migrating into the free states, would enter into competition with the white class, diminishing the wages of their labor_.» ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

Such labor and diligence also is required in them that rule, whilst they are charged to rule _with diligence_, Rom.xii. 8, which is as much as _with labor_: yea, the common charity of Christians hath its labor; and this very word ❋ Unknown (N/A)

It is to be noted, that the apostle saith not, «Let the presbyters that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially because they labor in the word — for then he should have pointed at the distinct offices of ministers;» but he saith, _especially they that labor_, which clearly carries the sense to the distinction of elders themselves, who have distinct employments. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

Barbarians in old times, who knew nothing noble nor grand but war, despised labor, and left it to their slaves; so much so, that the name _servile labor_, _i. e._ the labor of slaves, has stuck to it in some places. ❋ Jean Mac�� (1854)

Countries, therefore, which do not enjoy these advantages, must gain by commerce with those which do; because the exchanges of commerce are between _labor and labor_, subtraction being made of all the natural advantages which are combined with these labors; and it is evidently the most favored countries which can incorporate into a given labor the largest proportion of these ❋ Fr��d��ric Bastiat (1825)

Since you have laid claim to the _right to profit_, I claim the _right to labor_, or to the instruments of labor. ❋ Fr��d��ric Bastiat (1825)

Countries therefore which do not enjoy these advantages, must gain by commerce with those which do; because the exchanges of commerce are between _labor and labor_; subtraction being made of all the natural advantages which are combined with these labors; and it is evidently the most favored countries which can incorporate into a given labor the largest proportion of these _natural advantages_. ❋ Fr��d��ric Bastiat (1825)

The agriculture of these regions, as before observed, is a sort of commerce; and it is a species of employment in which labor seems to form an inconsiderable ingredient in the productive causes, since the portion of white labor is exceedingly small, and slave labor is rather more like profit on stock or capital than _labor_ properly so called. ❋ Daniel Webster (1817)

The second aspect of this problem is that, as a worker, you don’t sell the results of your labor, you sell your _labor power_ (workers, or would-be workers, are people who don’t have anything to sell than their labor power-most people haven’t). ❋ Unknown (2008)

_labor_; that it is impossible to conceive of a material possessed of value while totally unindebted to human labor; that the distinction which the raw-materialists make is wholly futile, in theory; that, as ❋ Fr��d��ric Bastiat (1825)

I have been making calculations with regard to the probable results of emancipation, and _I have ascertained beyond a doubt, that I can cultivate my estate at least one third cheaper by free labor than by slave labor_. » ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

Never mind that the «illegal immigrant» problem would disappear overnight if the US would decide that central planning in labor is just another failure, and let the market do it’s work. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The moral struggle against pleasure is designated by the term labor, and Heracles is held up as an example. ❋ RAGNAR H (1968)

And the term labor meant no more than one-tenth its definition in any other town. ❋ Alfred Henry Lewis (1885)

labor is a very [painful] experience for a mother or mother to be. but if ur [married], its worth [the pain]. (i guess) ❋ Gunslingergirlvy_c_e (2005)

It [has been] [said] that labor makes [free]. ❋ Mr. Dum (2005)

Mike: What are you up to?
Zach: Just about to [head out] the door.
Mike: Ok, [see ya] later.
Zach: [Labor]. ❋ MiScLi (2008)

She is in labor at [hospital] [now]. ❋ CansuHoca (2016)

«Joe is a [laborer], he does labor for a living»
«With no education, I must do labor for work»
«[Gyms] are [for pussies], Labor is for men» ❋ Laborman (2009)

[Labor] Logic — «Think with your muscles, not your brain…»
[laborer] 1 «We lost Joe!»laborer 2 «Nevermind Joe, open the [valve] already!»
«That man is pretty built, he must do alot of [labor]…» ❋ Laborman (2009)

I [pushed] out my [twins] I finished the [hard labor] ❋ Doodleart (2014)

[Woman]: [I need] to go to the [hospital]!
Man: Why?
Woman: I went into Labor ❋ Ktelynnnqweeqeee (2011)

Kenny,Kevin,Jim,Jamie,Matt,Matt,Robert,Bill,Tom,[Uriah],Ulysees,[Harun],Harold,Harvey,Hayden,Lincoln,Herman,Jason,[Fargo] and Theo all work as laborers at ES3. ❋ JMC70 (2017)

Friend: What’s my [shirt] say? [La] [bored]?
Me: It’s Labored, not La bored! ❋ TheMadQueen (2020)

Examples of how to use the word “labor” in a sentence. How to connect “labor” with other words to make correct English sentences.

labor (n): practical work, especially when it involves hard physical effort

Use “labor” in a sentence

This machine saves us a lot of labor.
We need some manual labor this afternoon.
My younger sister went into labor three weeks earlier.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


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