The word knowledge in greek

  • The deep knowledge entailing understanding (think «carnal k.» in English) and what you get from a detailed investigation is γνῶσις (gnôsis).

  • A more intellectual variant entailing expertise is ἐπιστήμη (epistēmē); mastery (from «standing on it»).

An acquired knowledge, so, something you learn, education, is μάθημα, μάθησις (mathēma, mathēsis).

In Hellenistic times, especially in the New Testament, gnôsis picks up a connotation of moral or religious wisdom. This connotation does not survive in modern Greek.

The modern Greek terms are pretty much the same, except episteme has veered into «science» and mathema into «lesson, the teaching». The basic distinction between gnosis and mathesis persists, but sometimes the plural of gnosis is used for mathesis, whereas the singular is also used for «wisdom, maturity».

1. γνώση γνώση

Greek word «knowledge»(γνώση) occurs in sets:

Κορυφαίες Αγγλικές Λέξεις 751 — 800

2. γνώσεις γνώσεις

Greek word «knowledge»(γνώσεις) occurs in sets:

M 3b. 41 — 3f. 14

Table of Contents

  1. What is the root word for understanding?
  2. What is the meaning of understanding in Hebrew?
  3. What is the Greek word for true knowledge?
  4. What are the 4 types of knowledge?
  5. What are 3 major types of knowledge?
  6. What are the 6 types of knowledge?
  7. What are the 5 types of knowledge?
  8. What are the two major types of knowledge?
  9. What is a synonym for good knowledge?
  10. What are the two types of knowledge in philosophy?
  11. What are the sources of knowledge in philosophy?
  12. Is knowledge equal to truth?
  13. What does knowledgeable mean?
  14. What does glanced mean?
  15. What is a knowledgeable person called?
  16. How do you describe someone who is knowledgeable?
  17. What do you call an intelligent woman?
  18. How do you describe a smart person?
  19. How do you describe someone who is calm and collected?
  20. How do you describe someone who is calm?
  21. What do you call a person who plans everything?
  22. What is a calm personality?
  23. Is calm a personality trait?
  24. Is being calm a personality trait?
  25. What are good personality traits?
  26. How can I be calming presence?
  27. Is being calm a strength?


What is the root word for understanding?

Understand seems like a pretty straightforward English word. When we understand we “get it,” “catch the drift” or “get a handle on it.” The root of comprehend is the Latin prehendere, grasp. Perceive comes from capere, “take hold of.” Many languages refer to these metaphors in their vocabulary of understanding.

What is the meaning of understanding in Hebrew?


What is the Greek word for true knowledge?

Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (γνῶσις, gnōsis, f.). It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a spiritual knowledge or insight into humanity’s real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence.

What are the 4 types of knowledge?

According to Krathwohl (2002), knowledge can be categorized into four types: (1) factual knowledge, (2) conceptual knowledge, (3) procedural knowledge, and (4) metacognitive knowledge.

What are 3 major types of knowledge?

The philosophical differences in types of knowledge

  • Propositional knowledge or Declarative Knowledge, which is knowledge of facts (like who won the FA cup, or what last month’s sales figures are);
  • Procedural knowledge, which is knowledge of how to do something (like ride a bicycle);

What are the 6 types of knowledge?

this group presentation is about to explain Types of knowledge, so we have found 6 TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE, these are:

  • Priori Knowledge.
  • Posteriori Knowledge.
  • Propositional Knowledge.
  • Non-Propositional Knowledge.
  • Explicit Knowledge.
  • Tacit Knowledge.

What are the 5 types of knowledge?

There are 13 types of knowledge in this world:

  • A Posteriori Knowledge.
  • A Priori Knowledge.
  • Dispersed Knowledge.
  • Domain (Expert) Knowledge.
  • Empirical Knowledge.
  • Encoded Knowledge.
  • Explicit Knowledge.

What are the two major types of knowledge?

As we mentioned earlier, knowledge management considers two types of knowledge: explicit and tacit. Of course, every company in the world owns both explicit and tacit knowledge that is unique to that specific organization.

What is a synonym for good knowledge?

wisdom (lore, erudition, knowing >>) science (education, literacy, scholarship >>) familiarity.

What are the two types of knowledge in philosophy?

Philosophers typically divide knowledge into three categories: personal, procedural, and propositional. It is the last of these, propositional knowledge, that primarily concerns philosophers.

What are the sources of knowledge in philosophy?

There are gernerally four sources of knowledge; intuition, authority, rational induction, and empiricism.

Is knowledge equal to truth?

Knowledge is always a true belief; but not just any true belief. (A confident although hopelessly uninformed belief as to which horse will win — or even has won — a particular race is not knowledge, even if the belief is true.) Knowledge is always a well justified true belief — any well justified true belief.

What does knowledgeable mean?

: having or showing knowledge or intelligence.

What does glanced mean?

intransitive verb. 1a : to take a quick look at something glanced at his watch. b of the eyes : to move swiftly from one thing to another. 2 : to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle The bullet glanced off the wall.

What is a knowledgeable person called?

adjective. 1’a knowledgeable old man’ SYNONYMS. well informed, informed, learned, with great knowledge, well read, well educated, educated, widely read, erudite, scholarly, cultured, cultivated, enlightened, aware.

How do you describe someone who is knowledgeable?

In this page you can discover 66 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for knowledgeable, like: erudite, au fait (French), well-versed, smart, acquainted, up-on, learned, proficient, cognizant, well-grounded and advised.

What do you call an intelligent woman?

acute, alert, apt, brainy (informal) bright, clever, discerning, enlightened, instructed, knowing, penetrating, perspicacious, quick, quick-witted, rational, sharp, smart, thinking, well-informed.

How do you describe a smart person?

adjective. good at thinking clearly and quickly, at understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and using knowledge.

How do you describe someone who is calm and collected?

You can also say “calm and collected”. Someone who keeps calm in the face of difficulties can be described in one word as: Brave, Unfazed, Together, Collected, Even-keeled, Stable, Consistent, Focused These are the best words I could think of. Hope that helps.

How do you describe someone who is calm?

composed Add to list Share. The adjective composed describes someone who is calm and shows no nervousness or agitation.

What do you call a person who plans everything?

architect. noun. the person who has the idea for something such as a plan or policy and makes it happen.

What is a calm personality?

Someone who is unflappable or, formal contexts, imperturbable is calm and in control of their emotions in difficult situations because it is a part of their personality. A person who is even-tempered has a calm personality and doesn’t get upset, angry, or excited very easily or very often.

Is calm a personality trait?

The ability to remain calm is undoubtedly one the most notable traits of leaders with solid character. To become great leaders ourselves, we must train ourselves to hold and express this same type of self-possession.

Is being calm a personality trait?

It is possible to adopt the traits of a calm personality. It gives you clarity and control over your life and protects you from getting overwhelmed by stress. A person with a calm personality is also a pleasure to talk to, because they have a tendency to make other people feel calm too.

What are good personality traits?

Let’s look at 25 good character traits that impact your happiness.

  • Integrity. Integrity is a personal trait that has strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide.
  • Honesty.
  • Loyalty.
  • Respectfulness.
  • Responsibility.
  • Humility.
  • Compassion.
  • Fairness.

How can I be calming presence?

The most calming people excel at living in the moment, and being fully present with whoever they’re talking to. “They do not have their head in their device or in other thoughts,” intimacy coach Xanet Pailet tells Bustle. Instead, they make eye contact, “which immediately brings our defenses down.

Is being calm a strength?

It helps you navigate the complicated waters of our modern world by enforcing a strong sense of self. To develop your abilities as a calm superhero, focus on a daily meditation or self care routine to ensure you take time each day to find stillness to tune in to your inner guidance.

What is the ancient Greek word for knowledge?

Epistêmê is the Greek word most often translated as knowledge, while technê is translated as either craft or art.

What is the root of the word knowledge?

Knowledge comes from the Greek word, Gnosis, signifying knowing through observation or experience.

What well known word stems from the Latin for knowledge?


What does Gnosis mean?

: esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation.

Do Gnostics believe in Jesus?

Different gnostics believed different things about the death and resurrection of Jesus. But some were people, whom we know as docetists, [who] believed that the death and suffering of Jesus were things that only appeared to happen, or if they happened, didn’t really happen to the core of Jesus’ spiritual reality.

Do Gnostics believe in God?

Gnostics believed that God didn’t set out to create the world. God’s emanation created the first beings, called Aeons, who were less than God but still powerful and possessed a great deal of the divine spark. They lived with God in Pleroma, the realm of divine fullness.

What do Archons want?

In accordance with the depictions of fallen angels in the Enochian writings, the archons incite passions to humans. Further, they both teach idolatry, sacrifices and bloodshed to enslave the Gnostics and trapping them in ignorance.

Are there modern day Gnostics?

Gnosticism in modern times includes a variety of contemporary religious movements, stemming from Gnostic ideas and systems from ancient Roman society. The Mandaeans are an ancient Gnostic sect still active in Iran and Iraq with small communities in other parts of the world.

What is the Gnostic secret?

The Gnostics believed rather in a radical dualism that governed the relation between God and the world. God was separated from creation, which was the work of lesser, evil powers, who had no capacity to know God. Yet man’s inmost being belonged to the divine world.

Does Arianism still exist today?

To many Christians, the teachings of Arianism are heretical and are not the correct Christian teachings as they deny that Jesus was of of same substance of the God of this monotheistic religion, making it one of the more prominent reasons Arianism has stopped being practiced today.

What does Gnosticism mean in the Bible?

Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός, romanized: gnōstikós, Koine Greek: [ɣnostiˈkos], ‘having knowledge’) is a collection of religious ideas and systems which originated in the late 1st century CE among Jewish and early Christian sects.

What exactly is Gnosticism?

Gnosticism (after gnôsis, the Greek word for “knowledge” or “insight”) is the name given to a loosely organized religious and philosophical movement that flourished in the first and second centuries CE.

How is Gnosticism different from Christianity?

Gnostics were dualists and worshipped two (or more) gods; Christians were monists and worshipped one God. Gnostics focused on eradication of ignorance; Christian concern was the eradication of sin.

What was found Nag Hammadi?

The Gnostic Gospels: The 52 texts discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt include ‘secret’ gospels poems and myths attributing to Jesus sayings and beliefs which are very different from the New Testament. Scholar Elaine Pagels explores these documents and their implications.

Is the Nag Hammadi true?

Although the manuscripts discovered at Nag Hammadi are generally dated to the 4th century, there is some debate regarding the original composition of the texts. The Gospel of Thomas is held by most to be the earliest of the “gnostic” gospels composed. Scholars generally date the text to the early-mid 2nd century.

Are the Dead Sea Scrolls the same as the Nag Hammadi?

The Dead Sea Scrolls, which contain more than 800 texts, were found in 1947 in rock caves west of the Dead Sea. The Nag Hammadi Codices is a collection of early Christian Gnostic texts, mostly translated from Greek into Coptic, originally written between the 2nd and 4th centuries AD.

Who created Gnosticism?

Henry More

Who fought against Gnosticism?

Saint Irenaeus, (born c. 120, /140, Asia Minor—died c. 200, /203, probably Lyon; Western feast day June 28; Eastern feast day August 23), bishop of Lugdunum (Lyon) and leading Christian theologian of the 2nd century. His work Adversus haereses (Against Heresies), written in about 180, was a refutation of Gnosticism.

Who is the father of Gnosticism?

Simon Magus

Why are Gnostic Gospels not in the Bible?

The Gnostics Gospels saw no connection between Jesus and the nation of Israel and the acts of God in the Old Testament. These reasons may be the biggest reasons why the Gnostic Gospels are not in the Bible.

Did Jesus write a gospel?

These gospels were probably written in the mid to late 1st Century. They were accepted as either written by Jesus’ apostolic disciples or the followers of these disciples. Some of the lost gospels were written significantly later, in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries – and this would have counted against them.

What are the three heresies?

For convenience the heresies which arose in this period have been divided into three groups: Trinitarian/Christological; Gnostic; and other heresies.

What are the 5 heresies?

The… During its early centuries, the Christian church dealt with many heresies. They included, among others, docetism, Montanism, adoptionism, Sabellianism, Arianism, Pelagianism, and gnosticism.

What’s the difference between heresy and blasphemy?

In Christianity, blasphemy has points in common with heresy but is differentiated from it in that heresy consists of holding a belief contrary to the orthodox one. In the Christian religion, blasphemy has been regarded as a sin by moral theologians; St. Thomas Aquinas described it as a sin against faith.

What are the heresies against the Holy Spirit?

Macedonianism, also called Pneumatomachian heresy, a 4th-century Christian heresy that denied the full personhood and divinity of the Holy Spirit. According to this heresy, the Holy Spirit was created by the Son and was thus subordinate to the Father and the Son.

What is the sin against the Holy Spirit Why is it known as the unforgivable sin?

Conscious and hardened resistance to the truth leads man away from humility and repentance, and without repentance there can be no forgiveness. That is why the sin of blasphemy against the Spirit cannot be forgiven, since one who does not acknowledge his sin does not seek to have it forgiven.

How did nestorius die?

It was Nestorius’s hope that the council would result in the condemnation of Cyril. When the council met at Ephesus in 431, however, Nestorius found himself hopelessly outmaneuvered by Cyril. Nestorius died in Panopolis about 451, protesting his orthodoxy.

Why is Adoptionism a heresy?

Adoptionism was declared heresy at the end of the 3rd century and was rejected by the Synods of Antioch and the First Council of Nicaea, which defined the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity and identified the man Jesus with the eternally begotten Son or Word of God in the Nicene Creed.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (γνῶσις, gnōsis, f.).[1][2] The term was used among various Hellenistic religions and philosophies in the Greco-Roman world.[1][3][4][5] It is best known for its implication within Gnosticism,[1] where it signifies a spiritual knowledge or insight into humanity’s real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence.[3][4][5][6][7]


Gnosis is a feminine Greek noun which means «knowledge» or «awareness.»[8] It is often used for personal knowledge compared with intellectual knowledge (εἴδειν eídein), as with the French connaître compared with savoir, the Spanish conocer compared with saber, the Italian conoscere compared with sapere, the German kennen rather than wissen, or the Modern Greek γνωρίζω compared with ξέρω.[9]

A related term is the adjective gnostikos, «cognitive»,[10] a reasonably common adjective in Classical Greek.[11] The terms do not appear to indicate any mystic, esoteric or hidden meaning in the works of Plato, but instead expressed a sort of higher intelligence and ability analogous to talent.[12]

Plato The Statesman 258e

— Stranger: In this way, then, divide all science into two arts, calling the one practical (praktikos), and the other purely intellectual (gnostikos).
Younger Socrates: Let us assume that all science is one and that these are its two forms.[13]

In the Hellenistic era the term became associated with the mystery cults.

In the Acts of Thomas, translated by G.R.S. Mead, the «motions of gnosis» are also referred to as «kingly motions».[14]

Irenaeus used the phrase «knowledge falsely so-called» (pseudonymos gnosis, from 1 Timothy 6:20)[15] for the title of his book On the Detection and Overthrow of False Knowledge, that contains the adjective gnostikos, which is the source for the 17th-century English term «Gnosticism».[16]

Comparison with epignosis[edit]

The difference and meaning of epignosis (Greek: ἐπίγνωσις) contrasted with gnosis is disputed. One proposed distinction is between the abstract or fragmented knowledge (gnosis) and a clearer or more precise knowledge (epignosis). Other interpretations have suggested that 2 Peter is referring to an «epignosis of Jesus Christ», what J.B. Lightfoot described as a «larger and more thorough knowledge». Conversion to Christianity is seen as evidence of the deeper knowledge protecting against false doctrine.[17]


Gnosticism originated in the late 1st century CE in non-rabbinical Jewish and early Christian sects.[18] In the formation of Christianity, various sectarian groups, labeled «gnostics» by their opponents, emphasised spiritual knowledge (gnosis) of the divine spark within, over faith (pistis) in the teachings and traditions of the various communities of Christians.[3][6][7][19] Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God, and the Demiurge, «creator» of the material universe.[3][6][7][20] The Gnostics considered the most essential part of the process of salvation to be this personal knowledge, in contrast to faith as an outlook in their worldview along with faith in the ecclesiastical authority.[3][6][7][20]

In Gnosticism, the biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden was praised and thanked for bringing knowledge (gnosis) to Adam and Eve and thereby freeing them from the malevolent Demiurge’s control.[20] Gnostic Christian doctrines rely on a dualistic cosmology that implies the eternal conflict between good and evil, and a conception of the serpent as the liberating savior and bestower of knowledge to humankind opposed to the Demiurge or creator god, identified with the Hebrew God of the Old Testament.[6][20] Gnostic Christians considered the Hebrew God of the Old Testament as the evil, false god and creator of the material universe, and the Unknown God of the Gospel, the father of Jesus Christ and creator of the spiritual world, as the true, good God.[3][6][20][21] In the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite systems, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) is regarded as the malevolent Demiurge and false god of the Old Testament who generated the material universe and keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the world full of pain and suffering that he created.[22][23][24]

However, not all Gnostic movements regarded the creator of the material universe as inherently evil or malevolent.[21][25] For instance, Valentinians believed that the Demiurge is merely an ignorant and incompetent creator, trying to fashion the world as good as he can, but lacking the proper power to maintain its goodness.[21][25] All Gnostics were regarded as heretics by the proto-orthodox Early Church Fathers.[3][6][7][20]


In Mandaeism, the concept of manda («knowledge», «wisdom», «intellect») is roughly equivalent to the Gnostic concept of gnosis.[26] Mandaeism (‘having knowledge’)[27] is the only surviving Gnostic religion from antiquity.[28][29]: 15  Mandaeans formally refer to themselves as Nasurai (Nasoraeans) meaning guardians or possessors of secret rites and knowledge.[30][31] The Mandaeans emphasize salvation of the soul through secret knowledge (gnosis) of its divine origin.[27][32] Mandaeism «provides knowledge of whence we have come and whither we are going.»[33]: 531 

Christian usage[edit]

Despite rejection of Gnosticism,[citation needed] Christianity has sometimes used the term or derivatives of it in a laudatory rather than lambasting sense.

New Testament[edit]

The New Testament uses the term γνῶσις (Strong’s G1108, Transliteration gnōsis) 28 times.[34]

Patristic literature[edit]

The Church Fathers used the word gnosis (knowledge) to mean spiritual knowledge or specific knowledge of the divine. This positive usage was to contrast it with how gnostic sectarians used the word. Cardiognosis («knowledge of the heart») from Eastern Christianity related to the tradition of the starets and in Roman Catholic theology is the view that only God knows the condition of one’s relationship with God.[35][36]
Boston College Catholic philosopher Dermot Moran notes that

…even in early Christianity, matters were complex, such that an anti-gnostic writer like Clement of Alexandria can regularly invoke the notion of gnostike theoria in a positive sense.[37]

Eastern Orthodox thought[edit]

Gnosis in Orthodox Christian (primarily Eastern Orthodox) thought is the spiritual knowledge of a saint (one who has obtained theosis)[38] or mystically enlightened human being. Within the cultures of the term’s provenance (Byzantine and Hellenic) Gnosis was a knowledge or insight into the infinite, divine and uncreated in all and above all,[39] rather than knowledge strictly into the finite, natural or material world.[40] Gnosis is transcendental as well as mature understanding. It indicates direct spiritual, experiential knowledge[41] and intuitive knowledge, mystic rather than that from rational or reasoned thinking. Gnosis itself is gained through understanding at which one can arrive via inner experience or contemplation such as an internal epiphany of intuition and external epiphany such as the theophany.

In the Philokalia, it is emphasized that such knowledge is not secret knowledge but rather a maturing, transcendent form of knowledge derived from contemplation (theoria resulting from practice of hesychasm), since knowledge cannot truly be derived from knowledge, but rather, knowledge can only be derived from theoria (to witness, see (vision) or experience).[42] Knowledge, thus plays an important role in relation to theosis (deification/personal relationship with God) and theoria (revelation of the divine, vision of God).[43] Gnosis, as the proper use of the spiritual or noetic faculty plays an important role in Orthodox Christian theology. Its importance in the economy of salvation is discussed periodically in the Philokalia where as direct, personal knowledge of God (noesis) it is distinguished from ordinary epistemological knowledge (episteme—i.e., speculative philosophy).



Knowledge (or gnosis) in Sufism refers to knowledge of Self and God. The gnostic is called al-arif bi’lah or «one who knows by God». The goal of the Sufi practitioner is to remove inner obstacles to the knowledge of God. Sufism, understood as the quest for Truth, is to seek for the separate existence of the Self to be consumed by Truth, as stated by the Sufi poet Mansur al-Hallaj, who was executed for saying «I am the Truth» (ana’l haqq).[44]

Jewish usage[edit]

Hellenistic Jewish literature[edit]

The Greek word gnosis (knowledge) is used as a standard translation of the Hebrew word «knowledge» (דעת da’ath) in the Septuagint, thus:

The Lord gives wisdom [ħokhma] (sophia), from his face come knowledge [da’ath] (gnosis) and understanding [tevuna] (synesis

— Proverbs 2.6

Philo also refers to the «knowledge» (gnosis) and «wisdom» (sophia) of God.[45]

See also[edit]

  • Enlightenment
  • Gnossiennes
  • Gnosticism in modern times
  • Gnosiology
  • Gnosis (chaos magic)
  • Jnana
  • Neoplatonism and Gnosticism
  • Noema
  • Noetics
  • Noetic consciousness
  • Prajñā (Buddhism)
  • Prajna (Hinduism)
  • Satori
  • Valentinus (Gnostic)
  • Samael Aun Weor


  1. ^ a b c Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. (2018). «Gnosis/Knowledge». In Hunter, David G.; van Geest, Paul J. J.; Lietaert Peerbolte, Bert Jan (eds.). Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online. Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers. doi:10.1163/2589-7993_EECO_SIM_00001440. ISSN 2589-7993.
  2. ^ Porter, Stanley E. (2016). «What Do We Mean by Speaking of Paul and Gnosis/Knowledge? A Semantic and Frequency Investigation». In Porter, Stanley E.; Yoon, David (eds.). Paul and Gnosis. Pauline Studies. Vol. 9. Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers. pp. 7–22. doi:10.1163/9789004316690_003. ISBN 978-90-04-31668-3. LCCN 2016009435. S2CID 147727033.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g May, Gerhard (2008). «Part V: The Shaping of Christian Theology — Monotheism and creation». In Mitchell, Margaret M.; Young, Frances M. (eds.). The Cambridge History of Christianity, Volume 1: Origins to Constantine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 434–451, 452–456. doi:10.1017/CHOL9780521812399.026. ISBN 9781139054836.
  4. ^ a b Kurt Rudolph (2001). Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism. A&C Black. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-567-08640-2.
  5. ^ a b Williams, Michael (20 July 1998). «Gnosticism». Encyclopædia Britannica. Edinburgh: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Archived from the original on 4 January 2021. Retrieved 12 April 2021.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g Ehrman, Bart D. (2005) [2003]. «Christians «In The Know»: The Worlds of Early Christian Gnosticism». Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 113–134. doi:10.1017/s0009640700110273. ISBN 978-0-19-518249-1. LCCN 2003053097. S2CID 152458823.
  7. ^ a b c d e Brakke, David (2010). The Gnostics: Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Christianity. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 18–51. ISBN 9780674066038. JSTOR j.ctvjnrvhh.6. S2CID 169308502.
  8. ^ Liddell Scott entry
    γνῶσις, εως, ἡ,
    A. seeking to know, inquiry, investigation, esp. judicial, «τὰς τῶν δικαστηρίων γ.» D.18.224; «τὴν κατὰ τοῦ διαιτητοῦ γdeetr.» Id.21.92, cf. 7.9, Lycurg.141; «γ. περὶ τῆς δίκης» PHib.1.92.13 (iii B. C.).
    2. result of investigation, decision, PPetr.3p.118 (iii B. C.).
    II. knowing, knowledge, Heraclit.56; opp. ἀγνωσίη, Hp. Vict.1.23 (dub.); opp. ἄγνοια, Pl.R.478c; «ἡ αἴσθησις γ. τις» Arist.GA731a33: pl., «Θεὸς γνώσεων κύριος» LXX 1 Ki.2.3.
    b. higher, esoteric knowledge, 1 Ep.Cor.8.7,10, Ep.Eph.3.19, etc.; «χαρισάμενος ἡμῖν νοῦν, λόγον, γνῶσιν» PMag.Par.2.290.
    2. acquaintance with a person, «πρός τινα» Test. ap.Aeschin.1.50; «τῶν Σεβαστῶν» IPE1.47.6 (Olbia).
    3. recognizing, Th.7.44.
    4. means of knowing, «αἱ αἰσθήσεις] κυριώταται τῶν καθ᾽ ἕκαστα γ.» Arist.Metaph.981b11.
    III. being known, «γνῶσιν ἔχει τι», = «γνωστόν ἐστι», Pl.Tht.206b.
    2. fame, credit, Hdn.7.5.5, Luc.Herod.3.
    IV. means of knowing: hence, statement in writing, PLond.5.1708, etc. (vi A. D.).
    V. = γνῶμα, Hsch. s. h. v.
  9. ^
    Pagels, Elaine (1995). The Origin of Satan. Allen Lane, The Penguin Press. p. 167.
  10. ^ LSJ entry γνωστ-ικός, ή, όν,
    A. of or for knowing, cognitive: ἡ -κή (sc. ἐπιστήμη), theoretical science (opp. πρακτική), Pl.Plt.258b.c., etc.; τὸ γ. ib.261b; «ἕξεις γ.» Arist.AP0.100a11 (Comp.); «γ. εἰκόνες» CA25p.475M.: c. gen., able to discern, Ocell. 2.7. Adv. «-κῶς» Procl.Inst.39, Dam.Pr.79, Ph.241.22.
  11. ^ In Perseus databank 10x Plato, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman 2x Plutarch, Compendium libri de animae procreatione + De animae procreatione in Timaeo, 2x Pseudo-Plutarch, De musica
  12. ^ Cooper and Hutchinson. «Introduction to Politikos.» Cooper, John M. & Hutchinson, D. S. (Eds.) (1997). Plato: Complete Works, Hackett Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN 0-87220-349-2.
  13. ^ Plato. Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol. 12 translated by Harold N. Fowler. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1921.
  14. ^ George Robert Stow Mead, and Stephen Ronan. The Complete Echoes from the Gnosis. London, Chthonios Books, 1987, p. 113.
  15. ^ feminine nominative adjective
  16. ^ «Gnostic | Origin and meaning of the name Gnostic by Online Etymology Dictionary». Retrieved 2021-07-24
  17. ^ Green, Michael (1987). 2 Peter & Jude. Eerdman’s. p. 70. ISBN 9780802800787.
  18. ^ Magris 2005, pp. 3515–3516.
  19. ^ Layton, Bentley (1999). «Prolegomena to the Study of Ancient Gnosticism». In Ferguson, Everett (ed.). Doctrinal Diversity: Varieties of Early Christianity. Recent Studies in Early Christianity: A Collection of Scholarly Essays. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc. pp. 106–123. ISBN 0-8153-3071-5.
  20. ^ a b c d e f Kvam, Kristen E.; Schearing, Linda S.; Ziegler, Valarie H., eds. (1999). «Early Christian Interpretations (50–450 CE)». Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. pp. 108–155. doi:10.2307/j.ctt2050vqm.8. ISBN 9780253212719. JSTOR j.ctt2050vqm.8.
  21. ^ a b c Bousset, Wilhelm (1911). «Valentinus and the Valentinians» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 27 (11th ed.). pp. 852–857.
  22. ^ Litwa, M. David (2016) [2015]. «Part I: The Self-deifying Rebel – «I Am God and There is No Other!»: The Boast of Yaldabaoth». Desiring Divinity: Self-deification in Early Jewish and Christian Mythmaking. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 47–65. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190467166.003.0004. ISBN 9780199967728. LCCN 2015051032. OCLC 966607824.
  23. ^ Fischer-Mueller, E. Aydeet (January 1990). «Yaldabaoth: The Gnostic Female Principle in Its Fallenness». Novum Testamentum. Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers. 32 (1): 79–95. doi:10.1163/156853690X00205. eISSN 1568-5365. ISSN 0048-1009. JSTOR 1560677.
  24. ^  This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Arendzen, John Peter (1908). «Demiurge». In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 4. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  25. ^ a b Logan, Alastair H. B. (2002) [2000]. «Part IX: Internal Challenges – Gnosticism». In Esler, Philip F. (ed.). The Early Christian World. Routledge Worlds (1st ed.). New York and London: Routledge. pp. 923–925. ISBN 9781032199344.
  26. ^ Buckley, Jorunn Jacobsen (2002). The Mandaeans: ancient texts and modern people. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-515385-5. OCLC 65198443.
  27. ^ a b «Mandaeanism | religion». Britannica. Retrieved 8 February 2022.
  28. ^ McGrath, James (23 January 2015), «The First Baptists, The Last Gnostics: The Mandaeans», YouTube-A lunchtime talk about the Mandaeans by Dr. James F. McGrath at Butler University, retrieved 8 February 2022
  29. ^ Rudolph, Kurt (1977). «Mandaeism». In Moore, Albert C. (ed.). Iconography of Religions: An Introduction. Vol. 21. Chris Robertson. ISBN 9780800604882.
  30. ^ Rudolph, Kurt (7 April 2008). «MANDAEANS ii. THE MANDAEAN RELIGION». Encyclopaedia Iranica. Retrieved 3 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  31. ^ Drower, Ethel Stefana (1953). The Haran Gawaita and the Baptism of Hibil-Ziwa. Biblioteca Apostolica Vatican.
  32. ^ Drower, Ethel Stephana (1960). The secret Adam, a study of Nasoraean gnosis (PDF). London UK: Clarendon Press. xvi. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 March 2014. Retrieved 19 February 2014.
  33. ^ Deutsch, Nathaniel. (2003) Mandaean Literature. In The Gnostic Bible (pp. 527–561). New Seeds Books
  34. ^ Lexicon: Strong’s G1108 — gnōsis Blue Letter Bible
  35. ^ Donald K. McKim, Westminster dictionary of theological terms, 1996, p. 39
  36. ^ Gerald O’Collins, Edward G. Farrugia (2004). concise dictionary of theology p. 130 Publisher: T. & T. Clark Publishers ISBN 978-0-567-08354-8
  37. ^ «Gnostic Return in Modernity and Gnostic Apocalypse». Notre Dame.
  38. ^ «Spiritual knowledge is the state of spiritual theoria, when one sees invisibly and hears inaudibly and comprehends incomprehensibly the glory of God. Precisely then comprehension ceases and, what is more, he understands that he does not understand. Within the vision of the uncreated Light man also sees angels and Saints and, in general, he experiences communion with the angels and the Saints. He is then certain that resurrection exists. This is the spiritual knowledge which all the holy Prophets, the Apostles, Martyrs, ascetics and all the Saints of the Church had. The teachings of the Saints are an offspring of this spiritual knowledge. And, naturally, as we said earlier, spiritual knowledge is a fruit of the vision of God. «THE ILLNESS AND CURE OF THE SOUL» Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos [1][permanent dead link]
  39. ^ St. Symeon the New Theologian in Practical & Theological Discourses, 1.1 The Philokalia Volume Four: When men search for God with their bodily eyes they find Him nowhere, for He is invisible. But for those who ponder in the Spirit He is present everywhere. He is in all, yet beyond all
  40. ^ Faith And Science In Orthodox Gnosiology And Methodology by George Metallinos
    «The scientist and professor of the knowledge of the Uncreated, in the Orthodox Tradition, is the Geron/Starets (the Elder or Spiritual Father), the guide or «teacher of the desert.» The recording of both types of knowledge presupposes empirical knowledge of the phenomenon.
    The same holds true in the field of science, where only the specialist understands the research of other scientists of the same field. The adoption of conclusions or findings of a scientific branch by non-specialists (i.e. those who are unable to experimentally examine the research of the specialists) is based on the trust of the specialists credibility. Otherwise, there would be no scientific progress.
    The same holds true for the science of faith. The empirical knowledge of the Saints, Prophets, Apostles, Fathers and Mothers of all ages is adopted and founded upon the same trust. The patristic tradition and the Church’s Councils function on this provable experience. There is no Ecumenical Council without the presence of the glorified/deified (theoumenoi), those who see the divine (this is the problem of the councils of today!) Orthodox doctrine results from this relationship.»
    University of Athens — Department of Theology
  41. ^ The Philokalia Volume Four Palmer, G.E.H; Sherrard, Philip; Ware, Kallistos (Timothy). ISBN 0-571-19382-X, glossary, p. 434, Spiritual Knowledge (γνῶσις): the knowledge of the intellect (q.v.). As such, it is knowledge inspired by God, as insight (noesis; see also Noema) or revelational, intuitive knowledge (see gnosiology) and so linked with contemplation and immediate spiritual perception.
  42. ^ Glossary of terms from the Philokalia p. 434 the knowledge of the intellect as distinct from that of the reason(q.v.). Knowledge inspired by God, and so linked with contemplation (q.v.) and immediate spiritual perception.
  43. ^ The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, SVS Press, 1997. (ISBN 0-913836-31-1) James Clarke & Co Ltd, 2002. (ISBN 0-227-67919-9) p. 218
  44. ^ Nasr, Seyyed Hossain (2007). The Garden of Truth: The Vision and Promise of Sufism, Islam’s Mystical Tradition. Harper Collins. p. 30.
  45. ^ New Testament studies: Society for New Testament Studies – 1981 «see also the more extensive analysis of gnosis in Philo by Hans Jonas, Gnosis und spatantiker Geist 11/1»


  • Magris, Aldo (2005). «Gnosticism: Gnosticism from its origins to the Middle Ages (further considerations)». In Jones, Lindsay (ed.). Macmillan Encyclopedia of Religion (2nd ed.). New York: Macmillan Inc. pp. 3515–3516. ISBN 978-0028657332. OCLC 56057973.

The Commission’s Communication on the international dimension of the European research area (1 ) argues that the European Union must have considerable top-quality scientific and technological potential and knowledge at its disposal in order to be able to play the part to which it aspires in today’s global society and, to that end, the European Research Area must be opened up to the rest of the world (2 ).

Η ανακοίνωση της Επιτροπής για τη διεθνή διάσταση του ευρωπαϊκού τοµέα έρευνας (1 ) επισηµαίνει ότι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει να διαθέτει ένα υψηλής ποιότητας επιστηµονικό και τεχνολογικό δυναµικό ώστε να µπορεί να διαδραµατίσει το ρόλο που επιθυµεί στη σηµερινή παγκόσµια κοινωνία και για το σκοπό αυτό, ο ευρωπαϊκός χώρος έρευνας πρέπει να είναι ανοιχτός στον υπόλοιπο κόσµο (2 ).

The Communication of the Commission “Delivering on the Modernisation Agenda for Universities: Education, Research and Innovation”2 highlighted the key role Universities play in Europe’s future and for the successful transition to a knowledgebased economy and society.

Στην ανακοίνωση της Επιτροπής «Επίτευξη της ατζέντας εκσυγχρονισµού για πανεπιστήµια: Εκπαίδευση, έρευνα και καινοτοµία»2 τονίζεται ο κύριος ρόλος που διαδραµατίζουν τα πανεπιστήµια για το µέλλον της Ευρώπης και για την επιτυχή µετάβαση σε µια οικονοµία και κοινωνία της γνώσης.

In its review of the Single Market (3 ), the Commission drew attention to the need to promote the free movement of knowledge and innovation.

Στο πλαίσιο επανεξέτασης της ενιαίας αγοράς (3 ), η Επιτροπή υπογράμμισε την ανάγκη να προαχθεί η ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία των γνώσεων και της καινοτομίας.

The Competitiveness Council has also called for work to identify a limited and consistent set of indicators which will serve as an operational tool in line with the Council political objectives and strategies to monitor progress towards full achievement of the European Research Area6 (a European ‘single market’ for research and innovation, where researchers, ideas and knowledge circulate freely).

Το Συµβούλιο Ανταγωνιστικότητας ζήτησε να καθοριστεί ένα περιορισµένο και συνεκτικό σύνολο δεικτών οι οποίοι θα αποτελέσουν λειτουργικό εργαλείο σύµφωνα µε τους πολιτικούς στόχους και τις στρατηγικές του Συµβουλίου για την παρακολουθηση της προόδου που συντελείται για την πλήρη επίτευξη του Ευρωπαϊκού Χώρου Έρευνας6 (µια ευρωπαϊκή «ενιαία αγορά» έρευνας και καινοτοµίας, όπου κυκλοφορούν ελεύθερα οι ερευνητές, οι ιδέες και η γνώση).

Projects in this category are intended to improve the response to certain types of crime through better knowledge of criminal circles and the techniques they employ; to improve the skills and operational methods leading to the arrest and punishment of the criminals; and to develop multidisciplinary cooperation (9 ) and cooperation between public authorities and the private sector.

Τα σχέδια της εν λόγω κατηγορίας αποσκοπούν στη βελτίωση της ανταπόκρισης σε ορισµένους τύπους εγκλήµατος µέσω της καλύτερης γνώσης των εγκληµατικών κύκλων και των τεχνικών που χρησιµοποιούν, στη βελτίωση των ικανοτήτων και των επιχειρησιακών µεθόδων που οδηγούν στη σύλληψη και τιµωρία των εγκληµατιών, στην ανάπτυξη πολυτοµεακής συνεργασίας (9 ) και συνεργασίας µεταξύ δηµοσίων αρχών και ιδιωτικού τοµέα.

Further impetus should come from the so-called Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) to be supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)37 .

Περαιτέρω ώθηση αναµένεται να προέλθει από τις αποκαλούµενες κοινότητες γνώσης και καινοτοµίας (ΚΓΚ) που υποστηρίζονται από το Ευρωπαϊκό Ινστιτούτο Καινοτοµίας και Τεχνολογίας (ΕΙΤ)37 .

In addition, the Commission will explore the possibility to further develop all existing initiatives, such as the Smart Cities initiative1 or the use of the Intelligent Energy — Europe II budget, e.g. for the purpose of knowledge sharing and technical assistance on the establishment of national revolving funds.

Επιπλέον, η Επιτροπή θα διερευνήσει τη δυνατότητα περαιτέρω ανάπτυξης όλων των υφιστάµενων πρωτοβουλιών, όπως η πρωτοβουλία για τις έξυπνες πόλεις1 ή για η χρήση του προϋπολογισµού για την νοήµονα ενέργεια – Ευρώπη ΙΙ, π.χ. για τη διάδοση των γνώσεων και την παροχή τεχνικής αρωγής για τον καθορισµό των εθνικών κεφαλαίων ανακύκλωσης.

To this end, and in accordance with the objectives of the communication43 “Innovation in a knowledgedriven economy”, activities will be implemented in a number of specific areas that are complementary and mutually supportive, within themselves and with the actions carried out under the heading “integrating and strengthening the European Research Area”.

Για το σκοπό αυτό και σύµφωνα µε τους στόχους της ανακοίνωσης43 «Καινοτοµία στο πλαίσιο της οικονοµίας της γνώσης», οι δραστηριότητες θα υλοποιηθούν σε πολλούς ειδικούς τοµείς που είναι συµπληρωµατικοί και αλληλοϋποστηρίζονται, τόσο µεταξύ τους, όσο και µε τις δράσεις που διεξάγονται υπό τον τίτλο «Ενίσχυση και ολοκλήρωση του Ευρωπαϊκού Χώρου Έρευνας».

The proposal therefore concludes that ‘an Integrated Programme should (…) be established to contribute through lifelong learning to the development of the European Union as an advanced knowledge society, with sustainable economic development, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion’ (2 ).

Εποµένως, καταλήγει η πρόταση,«θα πρέπει να θεσπιστεί ένα ολοκληρωµένο πρόγραµµα που θα συµβάλει, µέσω της δια βίου µάθησης, στην ανάπτυξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ως προηγµένης κοινωνίας της γνώσης, µε βιώσιµη οικονοµική ανάπτυξη, περισσότερες και καλύτερες θέσεις απασχόλησης και µεγαλύτερη κοινωνική συνοχή»(2 ).

In order to make the «fifth freedom», the free movement of knowledge, a reality and create a genuine European research area and in partnership with Member States, all three components of the knowledge triangle, research, innovation, and education, need to be strengthened5 .

Για να καθιερωθεί η «πέμπτη ελευθερία», η ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία της γνώσης, και για να δημιουργηθεί ένας γνήσιος ευρωπαϊκός χώρος έρευνας πρέπει να ενισχυθούν, σε συνεργασία με τα κράτη μέλη, και οι τρεις συνιστώσες του τριγώνου της γνώσης: έρευνα, καινοτομία και εκπαίδευση5 .

Conference on «The knowledgebased bio-economy towards 2020

Διάσκεψη «Η γνωσιοκεντρική βιο-οικονομία προς το 2020

Council Directive 2005/94/EC (5 ) on Community measures for the control of avian influenza also provides for surveillance programmes by Member States to be carried out in respect of poultry and wild birds in order to contribute, interalia, on the basis of regularly updated risk-assessments, to the knowledge on the threats posed by the wild birds in relation to any influenza virus of avian origin in birds.

Η οδηγία 2005/94/ΕΚ (5 ) του Συμβουλίου σχετικά με κοινοτικά μέτρα για την καταπολέμηση της γρίπης των πτηνών προβλέπει επίσης την εκτέλεση από τα κράτη μέλη προγραμμάτων επιτήρησης των πουλερικών και των άγριων πτηνών προκειμένου να συμβάλλουν, μεταξύ άλλων, με βάση τακτικά επικαιροποιημένες αξιολογήσεις κινδύνου, στη γνώση των απειλών που προέρχονται από τα άγρια πτηνά σε σχέση με οποιονδήποτε ιό της γρίπης των πτηνών.

Where appropriate, the examination shall also cover linguistic knowledge in accordance with Article 9(4).

Ενδεχομένως, η εξέταση αφορά επίσης τις γλωσσικές γνώσεις σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 9, παράγραφος 4.

With regard to consumer knowledge of the name ‘Feta’, the Member States were asked to describe the situation as regards the following factors: definitions of this term, in particular in general works such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias, relevant demoscopic studies or surveys, and any otheradditional information.

Όσον αφορά τη γνώση της ονοµασίας «φέτα», τα κράτη µέλη κλήθηκαν να παρουσιάσουν τα ακόλουθα στοιχεία: τους ορισµούς του όρου αυτού, ιδίως σε έργα γενικού χαρακτήρα, όπως λεξικά ή εγκυκλοπαίδειες, δηµοσκοπήσεις ή έρευνες ή οποιοδήποτε άλλο βοηθητικό στοιχείο.

Since the effects of the relatively new Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998 concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market15 will not become apparent until well after 2006, when the first evaluation of active substances for use in biocidal products will be finalised, neither the Commission nor most Member States currently have sufficient knowledge or experience to propose further measures regarding biocides.

Δεδομένου ότι τα αποτελέσματα της σχετικά νέας οδηγίας 98/8/ΕΚ του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου της 16ης Φεβρουαρίου 1998 για τη διάθεση βιοκτόνων στην αγορά15 δεν θα γίνουν αντιληπτά παρά μόνον μετά το 2006, όταν θα ολοκληρωθεί η πρώτη αξιολόγηση των δραστικών ουσιών που χρησιμοποιούνται στα βιοκτόνα, ούτε η Επιτροπή ούτε τα περισσότερα κράτη μέλη έχουν επί του παρόντος επαρκή γνώση ή πείρα ώστε να προτείνουν περαιτέρω μέτρα σχετικά με τα βιοκτόνα.

   Knowledge of rolling stock


The proposal should also be seen against the backdrop of the Commission’s recent Communication ‘A project for the European Union’ (1 ), the Commission’s initial overall contribution to the debate on the Future of Europe, which identifies education as being among those policies which encourage the competitiveness of our economies and businesses and which need to be developed in order to strengthen a knowledgebased Europe.

Η παρούσα πρόταση πρέπει επίσης να εξεταστεί έχοντας υπόψη την πρόσφατη ανακοίνωση της Επιτροπής «Ένα όραµα για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση»(1 ), την αρχική και συνολική συµβολή της Επιτροπής στη δηµόσια συζήτηση για το µέλλον της Ευρώπης, στην οποία η εκπαίδευση εντοπίζεται µεταξύ των πολιτικών που ενθαρρύνουν την ανταγωνιστικότητα των οικονοµιών και των επιχειρήσεών µας και πρέπει να αναπτυχθούν ώστε να ενισχυθεί η Ευρώπη της γνώσης.

An excellent knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union (5 ) and a very good knowledge of another such language are required.

Απαιτείται η άριστη γνώση μιας από τις επίσημες γλώσσες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (5 ), καθώς και πολύ καλή γνώση μιας άλλης από τις γλώσσες αυτές.

To improve the matching of knowledge, skills and competences with the needs of society and the economy as a means to increased competitiveness and growth, as well as to greater social cohesion, in Europe.

Να βελτιωθεί η αντιστοιχία των γνώσεων, δεξιοτήτων και ικανοτήτων με τις ανάγκες της κοινωνίας και της οικονομίας, ως μέσο αύξησης της ανταγωνιστικότητας και της ανάπτυξης καθώς και της κοινωνικής συνοχής στην Ευρώπη.

Mr Haarder, to my knowledge no official has been authorised to say such a thing.

Κύριε Haarder, απ’ όσο γνωρίζω κανένας υπάλληλος δεν εξουσιοδοτήθηκε να πει κάτι τέτοιο.

The provisions of Article 47 of Decision No 1/95 must be interpreted as not requiring that the information which the contracting parties which adopted anti-dumping measures must provide to the Customs Union Joint Committee pursuant to Article 46 of Decision No 1/95 or to the Association Council pursuant to Article 47(2) of the Additional Protocol, must be brought to the knowledge of operators.

Οι διατάξεις του άρθρου 47 της αποφάσεως 1/95 έχουν την έννοια ότι δεν απαιτούν να γνωστοποιούνται στους επιχειρηματίες οι πληροφορίες τις οποίες τα συμβαλλόμενα μέρη που λαμβάνουν μέτρα αντιντάμπινγκ οφείλουν να παρέχουν στη μεικτή επιτροπή για την τελωνειακή ένωση δυνάμει του άρθρου 46 της αποφάσεως 1/95 ή στο Συμβούλιο Συνδέσεως δυνάμει του άρθρου 47, παράγραφος 2, του προσθέτου πρωτοκόλλου.

Knowledge and innovation give a competitive advantage as stressed in the Europe 2020 Communication1 .

Η γνώση και η καινοτομία εξασφαλίζουν ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα όπως τονίζεται στην ανακοίνωση «Ευρώπη 2020»1 .

  The test of theoretical knowledge included in the examination shall cover the following subjects in particular

  Ο έλεγχος θεωρητικών γνώσεων που περιλαμβάνεται στις εξετάσεις θα καλύπτει ιδίως τους ακόλουθους τομείς

The digitalisation of cultural works and particularly of scientific information (14 ) carries considerable potential for access to knowledge in the light of the concept of lifelong learning (15 ).

Έχοντας υπόψη την έννοια της δια βίου μάθησης (14 ), η ψηφιοποίηση των πολιτιστικών έργων και ιδιαίτερα της επιστημονικής των επιστημονικών πληροφοριών (15 ) περιέχει ένα τεράστιο δυναμικό για την πρόσβαση στη γνώση.

EUROPA — PRESS RELEASES — Press release — EUR 100 million new EIB financing for knowledge economy in Greece


We wish to signal our agreement with a series of suggestions by Parliament concerning priority numbers 2 ‘Information society technologies’, 3 ‘Nanotechnologies’, 4 ‘Aeronautics’, and 7 ‘Citizens in the European knowledge-based society’.

Σημειώνουμε, επίσης, ότι συμφωνούμε με μία σειρά υποδείξεων του Σώματος σχετικά με τις προτεραιότητες 2, “τεχνολογίες της κοινωνίας της πληροφορίας”, 3, “νανοτεχνολογίες”, 4, “αεροναυπηγική” και 7, “πολίτες στην ευρωπαϊκή κοινωνία της γνώσης”.

   Railway undertakings and infrastructure managers issuing harmonised complementary certificates may themselves provide training for general professional knowledge, linguistic knowledge, knowledge of rolling stock and infrastructures.

   Οι σιδηροδρομικές επιχειρήσεις και οι διαχειριστές υποδομής που χορηγούν τα ανωτέρω πιστοποιητικά μπορούν να παρέχουν οι ίδιοι γενική επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση, γλωσσική εκπαίδευση, γνώση όσον αφορά το τροχαίο υλικό και τις υποδομές.

For example, Boeing’s current knowledge about composites, which is being used extensively in its new 787 Dreamliner, stems – by its own admission – from its work on developing the V-22, the F-22, the B-2 and the Joint Strike Fighter.

Για παράδειγμα, η τρέχουσα γνώση της Boeing για τα σύνθετα υλικά, η οποία χρησιμοποιείται εκτεταμένα στο νέο της μοντέλο 787 Dreamliner, προέρχεται –όπως η ίδια παραδέχεται– από τις εργασίες της για την ανάπτυξη του V-22, του F-22, του B-2 και του «Joint Strike Fighter».

   In order to guarantee the necessary uniformity and transparency, the Community should establish a single certification model, mutually recognised by the Member States, attesting both to train drivers’ compliance with certain minimum conditions, and to their professional qualifications and linguistic knowledge, leaving it to the competent authorities in the Member States to issue licences and to railway undertakings and infrastructure managers to issue harmonised complementary certificates.

   Για να εξασφαλιστεί η απαραίτητη ομοιομορφία και διαφάνεια, η Κοινότητα θα πρέπει να θεσπίσει ενιαίο πρότυπο πιστοποίησης, αναγνωρισμένο από όλα τα κράτη μέλη, το οποίο θα πιστοποιεί τόσο τη συμμόρφωση των μηχανοδηγών με ορισμένες στοιχειώδεις απαιτήσεις όσο και τα επαγγελματικά προσόντα και τις γλωσσικές τους ικανότητες.

M. Peter BRIGGS British Association for the Advancement of Science (B.A.) and Committee for the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS) Fortress House, 23 Savile Room UK-LONDON W1X 1AB Tel. 44/71/494.33.26 Fax. 44/71/734.16.58 12) The future of scientific culture in Europe Conference jointly organized by the Instituto de Prospectiva (Lisboa), the CNRS (Paris) and the MUSIS (Roma) : conditions for diffusion of scientific knowledge; the translation of scientific language; future of scientific education in the school systems in Europe.

M. Peter BRIGGS British Association for the Advancement of Science (B.A.) and Committee for the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS) Fortress House, 23 Savile Room UK-LONDON W1X 1AB Tel. 44/71/494.33.26 Fax. 44/71/734.16.58 12) Το μέλλον της επιστημονικής μόρφωσης στην Ευρώπη Διάσκεψη που διοργανώνεται από κοινού από το Instituto de Prospectiva (Λισαβώνα), το CNRS (Παρίσι) και το ΜUSIS (Ρώμη): προϋποθέσεις για τη διάδοση της επιστημονικής γνώσης· η απόδοση της επιστημονικής γλώσσας· το μέλλον της επιστημονικής παιδείας στα εκπαιδευτικά συστήματα στην Ευρώπη.

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