The word justice in a sentence

Antonym: injustice. Similar words: do justice, justify, just, just as, just now, adjust, just about, just the same. Meaning: [‘dʒʌstɪs]  n. 1. the quality of being just or fair 2. the administration of law; the act of determining rights and assigning rewards or punishments 3. a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice 4. the United States federal department responsible for enforcing federal laws (including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation); created in 1870. 

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1. Justice has a long arm.

2. Many lords, many laws; much law, little justice

3. Punishment is justice for the unjust. 

4. Justice must be done even if the sky falls. 

5. Where might is master, justice is servant. 

6. It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill. 

7. An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men. 

8. Justice has long arms.

9. She has a strong sense of justice and fairness.

10. Justice is an important element of good government.

11. He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.

12. Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.

13. The families of the victims are crying for justice.

14. Everyone should be treated with justice.

15. He had justice on his side.

16. The killers will be brought to justice .

17. They are demanding equal rights and justice.

18. You should do justice to everyone.

19. We must hold to the principles of justice.

20. All men should be treated with

21. He devoted his life to the struggle for justice.

22. He demanded, with some justice, that he should be given an opportunity to express his views.

23. I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.

24. A member of the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice, Miss Rafferty is well-placed to comment.

25. I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I’m gone.

26. There’s no justice in the world when people can be made to suffer like that.

27. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 

28. Legal aid is a fundamental part of our system of justice.

29. There’s a basic contradiction in the whole idea of paying for justice.

30. Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.

More similar words: do justice, justify, just, just as, just now, adjust, just about, just the same, adjustment, practice, give notice, in practice, take notice of, stick to, stick out, plastic, out of practice, artistic, domestic, bombastic, realistic, fantastic, optimistic, altruistic, statistics, statistical, sophisticated, characteristic, oust, rice.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word justice, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use justice in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «justice».

Justice in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word justice in a sentence.

  1. The hour of justice is at hand.

  2. What we want is, we want justice.

  3. No one was ever brought to justice.

  4. There is no justice in television ..

  5. Jem’s faith in justice is badly shaken.

  6. In September he was named a royal justice.

  7. Words can barely do justice to this work..

  8. Ben himself was elected justice of the peace.

  9. This raises questions about justice and fairness.

  10. By 1759, he was appointed a justice of the peace.

  11. Taft resigned as chief justice on February 3, 1930.

  12. Roosevelt later appointed Stone to be chief justice.

  13. Nigel also served as a royal justice under Henry II.

  14. He is an advocate for Aboriginal justice in Australia.

  15. He seemed quite prepared to let justice take its course.

  16. For example, he wrote about the nature of democracy, social justice and religion.

  17. It was difficult for justice to be done, though, and was to take nearly ten years.

  18. Tirwhit was a newly appointed royal justice and a well-known figure in the county.

  19. The lone justice dissenting from that opinion was Kentuckian John Marshall Harlan.

  20. A unique form of justice, where trial attendees voted on sentences, was introduced.

  21. And certainly he didn’t have anything against gay — he was for human rights, human justice, you know.

  22. Henry gathered increasing revenue from the expansion of royal justice, both from fines and from fees.

  23. Charlie and Gil are able to retrieve a folder of photographs and decide to keep fighting for justice.

  24. May he instil into the hearts of your judges every sentiment of justice, generosity and compassion ..

  25. Viewed positively, Lewis Warren considers that John discharged «his royal duty of providing justice ..

  26. Dandanayakas were in charge of armies and the chief justice of the Hoysala court was the Dharmadhikari.

  27. The 1130 Pipe Roll noted that Pain was a royal justice in Staffordshire, Gloucestershire, and Pembroke.

  28. The king employed him on several tasks, including as a negotiator, a justice, and as a royal secretary.

  29. This was opposed by Gibbs as a mere ploy to delay justice; Mansfield concurred, and the trial proceeded.

  30. Snake is depicted as «brave, loyal and intelligent», with a strong desire for justice, and a kind nature.

  31. In May 2020, she called for justice in the deaths of African-American men Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd.

  32. Nosanchuk says that Lamb had «no hesitation» in signing a paper authorising the justice to represent him.

  33. During the debate she said: «[W]e are doing at last a great act of justice to the women of the country ..

  34. The National Caucus of Labor Committees was charged, along with others, of conspiring to obstruct justice.

  35. Its focus on welfare and sentience, and its egalitarian nature, allow the extension of justice to animals.

  36. Hilary served in England as a royal justice in 1156, and then was with the king in Normandy from late 1156 to April 1157.

  37. The castle bailiffs, Thomas Thornhaugh and John Bate, were later arrested and tried for allowing Agatha to escape justice.

  38. One of the lead characters works in the arsenal and assists the wife of an imprisoned «mutineer» in her fight for justice.

  39. When he was sworn in on July 11, he became the first and to date only person to serve both as president and chief justice.

  40. Curaçaoan poetry after Trinta di Mei, too, was rife with calls for independence, national sovereignty, and social justice.

  41. Under her are seen the Fates, their subservient position meaning that human fate will henceforth be determined by justice.

  42. Rendering prompt justice is the foremost purpose of the constitution as enshrined in the Preamble to the constitution also.

  43. Peter Oliver, the exiled chief justice of Massachusetts, characterized him as a devious Machiavellian with a «cloven Foot».

  44. He praised the ensemble cast and interesting characters, and said the show would be renewed «if there’s any justice in TV».

  45. Waggett added: «Marty’s subsequent quest to bring her rapists to justice dominated the show» throughout the summer of 1993.

  46. Although unsuccessful at that time, the March provided an iconic image for the 1930s and helped to form post-Second World War attitudes to unemployment and social justice.

  47. Eastwood argued that in putting the guilty party before his victims’ families, justice may be done, but after such a spectacle the family would find it hard to find peace.

  48. In 1828, Adams nominated him to replace Kentuckian Robert Trimble as an associate justice of the Supreme Court, but Jackson supporters in the Senate refused to confirm him.

  49. Taft took five months to replace Fuller, and when he did, it was with Justice Edward Douglass White, who became the first associate justice to be promoted to chief justice.

  50. Breckinridge asserted to his superiors that Bragg’s report «fails to do justice to the behavior of my Division»; he requested a court of inquiry, but the request was denied.

Synonyms for justice

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word justice has the following synonyms: Department of Justice, Justice Department, Justice, Do, judge, jurist, magistrate, judicature and justness.

General information about «justice» example sentences

The example sentences for the word justice that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «justice» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «justice».

justice — перевод на русский


I’m sure she sees it as ironic justice.

Уверен, она увидит в этом ироничное правосудие.

By what right do you interfere with justice?

Какое у вас право посягать на правосудие?

And just to make sure that there won’t be no miscarriage of justice… as chief magistrate… I’m gonna try this case myself.

Но чтобы правосудие не упустило всех деталей я, как главный судья сам возьмусь за это дело.

The State’s behavior during this trial has turned it into a travesty of justice.

Этот суд превратился в пародию на правосудие!

Don’t give me that law and justice routine.

Не рассказывай мне про закон и правосудие.

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— Water? Taking off our water supply just makes us thirstier for justice!

Перекрыв водоснабжение, он только пробудил в нас жажду справедливости!

‘Thalidomide parents had no expectations, ‘but they fought for justice for more than 50 years.

Родители детей, искалеченных талидомидом, ничего не ждали, но они добивались справедливости более 50 лет.

If there is no longer any justice in the legion, where is there any ?

Если нет больше справедливости в легионе, куда идём?

As I fell asleep that night in the empty house… I formed an opinion on theft and justice which… is rather a paradox and yet, 40 years of experience… haven’t altered it.

В ту ночь, когда я засыпал в пустом доме у меня сложилось о справедливости и воровстве возможно парадоксальное мнение и тем не менее, 40 лет опыта не изменили его.

What were you intending with this impersonation? -We wanted to aid justice.

Мы хотели содействовать торжеству справедливости.

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This is a discretion of the Chief of Justice.

Это решение министра юстиции. На каком основании?

Dr. Hans Frank, Reichs Minister of Justice and later Governor General of occupied Poland

Доктор Ганс Франк, Рейхсминистр Юстиции, а позднее Генерал-Губернатор оккупированной Польши

‘This was Congress, ‘the White House and Department of Justice under one roof.

Это был Конгресс, Белый Дом и Министерство юстиции под одной крышей.

He became Minister of Justice in Germany in 1935.

В 1935 году он был назначен министром юстиции Германии.

We served in the Ministry of Justice together from 1929 till 1935.

С 1929 по 1935 год мы вместе служили в Министерстве юстиции.

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The chief justice is crazy about this type of sewer.

Главный судья помешан на такого рода трубах.

I’m squire of Pengallan and justice of the peace.

– Я владелец Пангеллана и судья.

Even if Trehearne lives to do any informing, he’ll do it here. I’m the only justice in the neighbourhood.

Если Тракерн всё кому-то и расскажет, то мне – я ведь судья.

Your respected justice of the peace brought here by your pal Mr Trehearne.

Да, Гарри, это мировой судья.

And the person whom justice calls the murderer, I call him the winner.

И человек, которого судья объявляет убийцей, я называю победителем.

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All rise. The justice of the court.

Встать, суд идет!

If you want to tell the board I’m obstructing justice and ask them to revoke my license, hop to it.

А если вы хотите сообщить в суд, что я нарушаю закон и потребовать лишить меня лицензии, то можете попробовать.

But if you ignore it, I warn you that as chief of police of France, I will track you down to the ends of the earth if necessary, recover the treasure, and bring you all to justice.

Если же нет — предупреждаю, что как шеф полиции Франции я вас из-под земли вытащу, чтобы вернуть награбленное и отдать вас под суд.

Summary justice!

Скорый суд!

If she be in her chamber or your house let loose on me the justice of the state for thus deluding you.

Закон и суд вы на меня обрушьте За мой обман. Эй, высечь мне огонь!

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Prosecutor from the Justice Department

Обвинитель от министерства Юстиции.

Here at Dulles, the quiet men from the Justice Department will handcuff the man who symbolizes the enemy in America’s fight against cocaine.

Здесь, в аэропорту Даллеса, молчаливые люди из министерства юстиции наденут наручники человеку, символизирующему врага в американской борьбе с кокаином.

Dr. Lamont teaches the pathology of psychopathic behavior at Stanford… and also on the Justice Department Psychological Profile Team.

Доктор Ламотт преподаёт в Стэнфорде психопатологию и входит в психологическую комиссию министерства юстиции.

He was a stool pigeon for the Justice Department.

Он был осведомителем Министерства юстиции.

I’ve reviewed recommendations from Justice and the OPA, and T ribbey’s office had its own.

Я просмотрел представления от Министерства юстиции и от Поверенного по амнистиям. У Трибби, возможно, тоже найдутся свои.

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Mm, that’s only justice, ain’t it?

Это будет справедливо.

So that’s justice?

— Это было бы справедливо?

On the contrary, you were treated with justice and with compassion, which you’ve failed to show towards any of your intended victims.

С вами обошлись справедливо, проявив сострадание, которое вы не смогли проявить ни к одной из своих жертв.

That’s not justice.

Это не справедливо.

— You call it justice?


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Justice demands accuracy, my dear.

Закон, брат, точность любит.

Justice is on our side!

На нашей стороне закон!

God, justice…

Бог, закон…

They enjoy watching justice triumph over evil…every time.

Их сердца наполняются радостью всякий раз, когда закон торжествует над злом.

How did I obstruct justice?

Разве я нарушила закон?

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This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice.

Говорит шериф Бьюфорд Ти Джастис.

This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice of Texas!

Я — шериф Бьюфорд Ти Джастис из Техаса!

This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice again.

Это опять шериф Бьюфорд Ти Джастис.

— Sheriff Justice is in there!

Там шериф Джастис!

This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice of Texas.

Это шериф Бьюфорд Ти Джастис из Техаса.

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I believe, with persistent discipline… even the poorest student can end up becoming, oh, say… chief justice of the Supreme Court.

В таких условиях даже самый бедный студент вполне может стать… главой Верховного суда СшА.

Chief justice Of the Supreme Court.

Главой Верховного суда СшА.

Homer, do you want your son to become Chief justice of the Supreme Court… or a sleazy male stripper?

Гомер, ты хочешь, чтобы твой сын стал главой Верховного суда или распутным танцовщиком в стриптизе?

If I stick to my guns, the boy could wind up… chief justice of the Supreme Court.

Если я смогу выдержать до конца, парень станет главой Верховного суда.

One senior citizen and one chief justice Of the Supreme Court.

Старик и Глава Верховного суда СшА.

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The founding fathers laid the foundation of an independent nation through the Constitution, and one of the inspiring phrase from the Constitutional Preamble mentions to ‘establish justice’.

Отцы-основатели заложили фундамент независимого государства на основе Конституции, и одним из вдохновляющих фраз из конституционной преамбуле упоминаются в ‘справедливость’.

Hayek disapproved of the notion of ‘social justice’.

Хайек отнесся неодобрительно к понятию ‘социальной справедливости’.

The princess thought of that proud word ‘justice’.

Принцесса никогда не думала об этом гордом слове: «справедливость».

The term ‘social justice’ is in danger of losing its rational content which would he replaced by a powerful emotional charge.

Термину «социальная справедливость» грозит потеря рационального содержания, заменой которому будет мощный эмоциональный заряд.

Sometimes, as a way of justifying our ‘joyful revenge’, we call it ‘justice’.

Иногда, чтобы оправдать свою «радость мести» мы называем это «правосудием».

Another child, age 12, received a 25-year sentence from the ‘justice’ system.

Еще один подросток 12-ти лет, получил 25-летний срок от системы «правосудия».

Another dark day in history can be subverted by intellect, temperance and justice’.

Наступление еще одного темного периода в нашей истории может быть предотвращено с помощью интеллекта, сдержанности и справедливости.

We are actively involved in ‘juvenile justice’ issues and the various cultural, religious and lingual variables in the community.

Мы активно занимаемся вопросами правосудия для несовершеннолетних и различными культурными, религиозными и лингвистическими аспектами жизни в общине.

I invite you to examine what laughingly passes for ‘justice’ in our current society.

Я предлагаю вам проверить, что слывет «правосудием» в нашем современном обществе.

They chanted for democracy, calling for ‘rights, law and justice’.

Они скандировали демократические лозунги, призывая к соблюдению «прав, закона и справедливости».

In the context of conflict, the terms ‘justice’ and ‘fairness’ are often used interchangeably.

6 В контексте конфликта, понятия «правосудие» и «справедливость» часто используются попеременно.

They call it ‘restorative justice’.

Называется он — «восстановительное правосудие».

There is no ‘modern justice’ category in the natural law.

He has talked at great lengths about tackling government corruption, ‘telephone justice’ and appointment nepotism.

Он много говорит о том, что надо бороться с коррупцией во власти, с «телефонным правом» и кумовством при назначении на должности.

Where is the ‘justice ‘in these actions?

К чему же сводится «правосудие» по этим делам?

The common people once faced with the modern judicial system learn all about ‘justice’.

Кто из простых людей хоть раз сталкивался с современной судебной системой, тот знает всю её «справедливость».

The term ‘restorative justice’ makes me laugh.

Here he heard for the first time the term ‘climate justice’.

Среди прочего, в нем впервые вводится понятие «климатической справедливости».

But, within the constitutional framework the struggle for ‘social justice’ increased.

Тем не менее, в рамках демократии усиливалась борьба за то, что называлось «социальной справедливостью».

The word ‘justice’ means fairness.

Слово «жаргы» означает справедливость.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат justice’

Результатов: 306. Точных совпадений: 306. Затраченное время: 224 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Justice

the outcome of using regulations to impartially judge and penalize a person or group accused of a criminal act

Examples of Justice in a sentence

When the man who killed my daughter was found not guilty by a jury, I knew there was no justice in the court system.


Some people believe justice is blind to wealthy individuals because most of them don’t receive harsh consequences.


The people in the courtroom waited for the judge to announce the justice that would be administered to the guilty man.


Do you view capital punishment as a type of justice or a means of revenge?


Perhaps justice would be better served if the young man was forced to repaint the house he vandalized.


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Table of Contents

  1. What does injustice mean in sentence?
  2. How do you use social injustice in a sentence?
  3. What is injustice examples?
  4. What is justice in your own words?
  5. What is justice in simple words?
  6. How do you show justice to others?
  7. What are some words for justice?
  8. What is an example of distributive justice?
  9. What are some examples of justice?
  10. What are the two kinds of justice?
  11. What is justice and its types?
  12. What is an example of equality?
  13. What are the 3 types of equality?
  14. How do you explain equality?
  15. What is a real life example of equality?
  16. What is the true meaning of equality?
  17. What is an example of equal opportunity?
  18. What’s the difference between equity and equality?
  19. What exactly is equity?
  20. Why do we need equity?
  21. What is another word for equity?
  22. Are terms used synonymously with equity?
  23. Is equity and capital the same?
  24. How is equity calculated?

Use “justice” in a sentence | “justice” sentence examples

What does injustice mean in sentence?

1 : absence of justice : violation of right or of the rights of another : unfairness. 2 : an unjust act : wrong. Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More About injustice.

social injustice in a sentence

  1. There is enough social injustice out there that still needs correcting.
  2. We are not an engine for social change or social injustice,
  3. He is director of the Institute on Victimization and Social Injustice.
  4. He used showings of his photography to speak about social injustice.

What is injustice examples?

The definition of injustice is something that is not fair or just. An example of injustice is when an innocent person is sent to jail for a crime he did not commit.

  1. It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill.
  2. Many lords, many laws; much law, little justice.
  3. Punishment is justice for the unjust.
  4. Justice must be done even if the sky falls.
  5. An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men.
  6. Where might is master, justice is servant.

What is justice in your own words?

the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause. the maintenance or administration of what is just by law, as by judicial or other proceedings: a court of justice.

What is justice in simple words?

Justice is a concept on ethics and law that means that people behave in a way that is fair, equal and balanced for everyone.

How do you show justice to others?

Treat people the way you want to be treated.

  1. Take Turns.
  2. Tell the truth.
  3. Play by the rules.
  4. Think about how your actions will affect others.
  5. Listen to people with an open mind.
  6. Don’t blame others for your mistakes.
  7. Don’t take advantage of other people.
  8. Don’t play favorites.

What are some words for justice?

  • fairness,
  • justice,
  • integrity,
  • honesty,
  • righteousness,
  • impartiality,
  • rectitude,
  • uprightness,

What is an example of distributive justice?

In social psychology, distributive justice is defined as perceived fairness of how rewards and costs are shared by (distributed across) group members. For example, when some workers work more hours but receive the same pay, group members may feel that distributive justice has not occurred.

What are some examples of justice?

An example of justice is someone being set free from prison after dna evidence shows they are innocent. Justice includes the notion of upholding the law, as in the work of police, judges and the court. All races and religions include a definition of justice in their codes of law and conduct.

What are the two kinds of justice?

But for Aristotle, justice is of two types, viz., universal justice and particular justice. The former refers to obedience to laws—that one should be virtuous. As far as particular justice is concerned, it is again of two types, viz., distributive justice and remedial or corrective justice.

What is justice and its types?

Justice is the principle of balancing or reconciling human relations in society in such a way as enables each one to get his due rights, towards and punishments. 8. Justice has several dimensions: Social Justice, Economic Justice, Political Justice and Legal Justice.

What is an example of equality?

Equality – Key Terms & Types

Equality Types Explanations/Examples
Social equal opportunity for all; jobs, club memberships and promotions
Political access to the same processes and opportunities; the right to vote or run for a political office

What are the 3 types of equality?

There are different types of equality such as political, social, legal, natural, and economic equality.

How do you explain equality?

Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. Equality recognises that historically certain groups of people with protected characteristics such as race, disability, sex and sexual orientation have experienced discrimination.

What is a real life example of equality?

It’s a way in which equality is achieved. For example, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was written so that people with disabilities are ensured equal access to public places. For example, it means that public restrooms need to have ramps so that people in wheelchairs can enter.

What is the true meaning of equality?

Equality means “the state of being equal.” It’s one of the ideals a democratic society, and so the fight to attain different kinds of equality, like racial equality, gender equality, or equality of opportunity between rich and poor, is often associated with progress toward that ideal of everyone being truly equal.

What is an example of equal opportunity?

This outlaws direct or indirect discrimination in access to employment as well as private and public services on grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability, age, religion or belief, marriage and civil partnership.

What’s the difference between equity and equality?

Equality: What’s the Difference? Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.

What exactly is equity?

Equity represents the value that would be returned to a company’s shareholders if all of the assets were liquidated and all of the company’s debts were paid off. The calculation of equity is a company’s total assets minus its total liabilities, and is used in several key financial ratios such as ROE.

Why do we need equity?

In order to create true equality of opportunity, equity is needed to ensure that everyone has the same chance of getting there. However, we must be cautiously when dealing with equity; providing too little to those who need it and too much to those who do not can further exacerbate the inequalities we see today.

What is another word for equity?

SYNONYMS FOR equity 1 disinterest, equitability, impartiality, fair-mindedness, fairness, justness, evenhandedness, objectivity; justice, probity.

Are terms used synonymously with equity?

OWNER’S EQUITY = ASSETS – LIABILITIES There are a few more synonyms for owner’s equity, usually used more when talking about a company: Net worth. Shareholder’s equity. Stockholder’s equity.

Is equity and capital the same?

Both capital and equity are used to describe the ownership of the company owners but they are not the same at all. Equity refers to the owner’s share of the assets of a business while capital describes the owner’s investment of assets into a business.

How is equity calculated?

You can figure out how much equity you have in your home by subtracting the amount you owe on all loans secured by your house from its appraised value. For example, homeowner Caroline owes $140,000 on a mortgage for her home, which was recently appraised at $400,000. Her home equity is $260,000.

This gives the on going programmes of the central government in the area of social justice

Just — Moses was very concerned with justice

Moses realized that God is a just God and, thus, demands justice from man

name of justice and freedom and then, when they think they’re winning their fear

Catching the wizards unawares and trapped within their compound where they can physically be brought to justice

He was also the god of truth and justice

“My son, if you receive my words, and store my commands within you, inclining your ear to wisdom, and applying your mind to reason; if you appeal to intelligence, and lift up your voice to reason; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures – then will you understand reverence for the Lord, and will discover the knowledge of God; for the Lord gives wisdom, out of His mouth comes knowledge and reason; He has help in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk honestly; He guards the paths of justice, and protects the way of His pious ones; then will you understand rectitude and justice, and will keep to every good course; for when wisdom finds a welcome within you, and knowledge becomes a pleasure to you, discretion will watch over you, reason will guard you – saving you from the way of evil men, from men who use perverse speech; who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, exult in wanton wickedness’ who are crooked in all their ways, and tortuous in their paths – saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress who plies you with smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets her pledge to God; for her paths lead down to death, and her tracks descend to the Shades; none who go to her come back again, or reach the paths of life – helping you to walk in the way of good men, and to keep to the paths of the righteous; for the upright will live in the land, and the honest will remain in it; while the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the faithless will be rooted out of it

We read of this in Isaiah 51:4: “Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation; for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my justice to rest for a light of the peoples

As it says in Isaiah 32:1, “Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in justice

We bring justice and righteousness, which the demonic forces never have brought

that this is the law of man and God’s frank justice

PABLO: So this is where white justice is dispensed

Justice will be done now

) You thought the work here was done? Justice was done? Perhaps your justice was done… But not mine… NOT MINE! You’d like me to give up this gun and turn myself in, wouldn’t you? Go ahead and tell me you’d give me a fair trial before you hanged me

I’m not coming to you for justice

Poor Samantha made that mistake in coming to you for justice

You couldn’t do justice

You cannot do justice

He was prepared to give evidence in any trial bringing the traffickers to justice, as long as it guaranteed financial independence for Sophia

Is this justice? Should we keep bearing it? I am just an old man, I

“Ha-ha!” he shouted loudly, picking her up by the waist and swinging her around, “I knew you could do it! Your training does you justice little one!” Rayne laughed loudly with him

It is about justice

The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives has prepared a list of general information about nearly 100 programs operated by the Departments of Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Education

the seams of her considered sense of justice

She wished she was half as good at this as he was, if there was any justice in this world she would be the one offering goods to the temple of fertility

Many years ago a young girl of fifteen had burst into Altera’s study and begged for justice

After consulting with the Queen, Altera received a judgment that the girl be trained so she could be part of the justice she craved when it was dealt out

Justice was served in that Hold for the time in years

Her rule would prove to be one of peace and justice

Justice to evolution before this world was forced to evolve thru disaster

justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest

justice, that wickedness was there; and in the place of righteousness, that wickedness

He prefers to stay in the light in these troubled nights of binge drinking chaos and unprovoked menace, although in his head he can still see the hard fist of his youth dealing out a solid and immediate form of justice to the kids in the hood

’ He said, his sense of justice stirring

confident that justice would be firm and swift on both

would have been nice to bring the terrorists in alive so they could face justice


And with that, Justice picked up the Delacroix Church with one hand, without breaking a sweat, and tossed the building at one imp; it was hit with full force, and he was crushed into the ground, as the Delacroix Church itself fell into pieces and became rubble

Justice then grabbed another imp and strangled it until the imp began to cry

The imp begged for mercy, but Justice just picked up the nearby swing set, and pummeled the imp into the ground, then pulled the imp up again and tied the imp to the maypole, hitting the imp over and over again with a big, red dodge ball

“Oh, you want some more, do you?” Justice said with a laugh, and threw the imp with supersonic speed at the train station, blowing up the complex

Justice appeared next to her in a flash of lightning

“Tell that to all the families they hurt, Monica!” Justice said

Justice his eyes and turned to Monica with a murderous glint in his eyes, and Monica wished she’d never spoken

Justice howled with laughter

“Oh, really? Do you all honestly believe that?” Justice asked

‘super-hero’ Justice had given them 30 minutes to stop the imps, and they were running out of time

Then, Justice appeared above them, following them like a fairy

“What’s the matter, having a little trouble, are we?” Justice asked with a smirk

But then, in the doorway, Justice appeared in a flash of lightning

Justice pulled the kids along to watch

“Ha ha ha ha! Yes, that’s it! Kill them! Kill them all!” Justice said

“You just lost! You broke the rules and now the last of your stupid village is being destroyed! And you know what that means!!!” Justice said

And then, before they could react, the children were enveloped in black smoke, and when they emerged, they had become creatures with red eyes and dark red skin, and were now under the control of Justice

He could see the figure of Justice standing above the mountaintops

“This village shall serve as my throne, as we spread truth and justice across the universe!” Justice announced, and out of the ruins of Trouble Valley he rose a great, giant pillar, and on the top was his throne, which he proceeded to sit down upon

Just then, Justice appeared in front of them

That’s Justice!” Justice said

Justice said, and then he blew up the entire house, killing both Tane and Moana instantly

Justice then appeared in front of Tipene and Wiremu

THE WAY OF JUSTICE!” Justice screamed, and Sunil was zapped with full force

“Ha ha! Now move along, I have work to do!” Justice said, tossing the children across the street

“Retreat! Retreat!” The Heseans screamed, but Justice was having none of that

Meanwhile, Justice called upon his human slaves, the corrupted forms of Andrew, Jack, Monica, Julia and Matt

“Now that we’ve warmed up with a little city-burning, let’s move onto destroying some planets!” Justice said

Justice, meanwhile, was atop his throne, as large as he wanted to be

“Hmm, my sense of Justice suggests that evil is afoot!” Justice said, raising an eyebrow

Just then, Justice appeared in another flash of lightning

Justice rose up the atmosphere to meet the enormous Hesean Fleet, this one much larger than the one he had defeated earlier

Justice raised an eyebrow for a second and smirked as the ineffectual blasts struck him

“Stop it, that tickles! Tee hee hee!” Justice said

Justice waved a hand and a third of the battalion exploded in a wave of fire

“Really, though, I just want to know why you choose to stand in the path of Justice,” Justice said, “All I’m doing is making the universe a better place!”

Julia tried to be confident, for though she was not sure whether the five of them could stop Justice, she knew she had to fight for liberty, for the creature that called itself Justice was truly nothing more than a monster driven by vengeance and hatred, and she knew that under him there would be no more freedom for any living creature in the universe, and she could simply not abide by that

Matt thought back to what Justice had said to them when they last met

They were much luckier than the millions of humans Justice had destroyed through laser blasts and tsunamis, and were much luckier than the millions of aliens killed when Justice blew up several planets

“Well that will surely not happen, I have confidence that the combined force of every Hesean combined battling against Justice will bring an end to him once and for all!” The Hesean Governor said, though looking up at the battle scene folding out in the sky, he was not quite sure

“My guess is Justice happened

The three of them must have removed that black sun, and Justice managed to escape out of that hole, and he rewarded them by killing them,” Andrew said

Maybe he really thinks that he’s saving the universe, maybe he’s just a monster hiding under the label of justice; either way, we must save the universe from him

“Yes; we’re not quite sure of what it is, but we do know that it’s the only force capable of holding back that spirit of revenge and wrath, that calls itself Justice!” The Hesean said

But in this court there was no Lady Justice holding her scales, no lawyers, no

“They’re surrounding Justice with an inescapable force-field that Justice can’t escape right now, but in order to hold it, at least one Hesean has to die in front of the Singularity, so that the force-field lasts,” The Hesean explained

It’s unpredictable and dangerous with humans, but it’s possible! If I could corner Justice, he’d have to obey me, because if he killed me in front of the Singularity, I’d activate a force-field automatically, right?” Matt said

Justice was gaining the upper hand

But this changed as the doors slammed behind him and there in front of him, in the flesh, standing at 50 feet tall, was the enormous and terrifying figure of Justice

Justice said, applauding in a sarcastic way

By finally resorting to violence after all! It’s all about spilling blood in the end, isn’t it?” Justice said, his smile growing

You don’t have the courage to sacrifice yourself! You couldn’t even kill the girl who killed your parents when you had the chance! You are nothing more than a coward, Matt, and no matter how much you achieve, no matter what you do, you will always be a coward!” Justice said arrogantly

Suddenly, the void shone a bright light, striking Justice in the stomach and imprinting his image into the doors like a woodcut, where he remained forever, and the light spread across the universe faster than time itself, and everything turned white

is a god of justice, blessed are all

He has filled Zion with justice and

The Lord corrects us but with justice,

earth, who have upheld my justice,

possession of a very strong sense of justice, and her

gift that words could not give justice to describing

All this other mumbo-jumbo so once again like in grade school and high school, the Catholic Church came through – not as Wayne would say and so we were married by a Justice of the Peace

had the machinery to do it justice! Drowning out all but

there was any justice in the Universe

The altar represents justice and the ark with its mercy seat represents mercy, so as one walked though the tabernacle they began with justice and ended with mercy

юстиция, правосудие, справедливость, судья, управа


- справедливость

to treat smb. with justice — относиться к кому-л. справедливо /беспристрастно/
to cry for justice — взывать к справедливости
to uphold the justice of a cause — отстаивать правоту какого-л. дела

- правосудие, юстиция

Court of Justice — суд, судебный орган
Department of Justice — министерство юстиции (в США)
to administer justice — отправлять правосудие
to bring to justice — привлечь к судебной ответственности, отдать под суд
to deliver smb. up to justice — передать кого-л. в руки правосудия
to do justice on /upon/ smb. — покарать кого-л. (преим. смертной казнью)

- расплата; вознаграждение по заслугам
- обоснованность; законность (чего-л.)

to complain with justice — обоснованно жаловаться; изъявлять законное недовольство

- судья

Justice of the Peace — мировой судья
Lord Chief Justice — лорд главный судья, председатель отделения королевской скамьи Высокого суда правосудия
Lord Justice General — лорд верховный судья, председатель сессионного суда Шотландии
Chief Justice — амер. председатель суда; председательствующий на судебном заседании

- (Justice) судья (титулование)

Мои примеры


the U.S. Department of Justice — Министерство юстиции США  
an inherent concept of justice — природное понятие справедливости  
an impassioned plea for justice — страстный призыв к справедливости  
administration of justice — осуществление правосудия  
to do smb. justice — воздавать должное, воздавать по заслугам  
fight for justice — борьба за справедливость  
fugitive from justice — укрывающийся от правосудия  
in justice to smb. — отдавая должное кому-л.  
travesty of justice — пародия на правосудие  
to obstruct justice — препятствовать правосудию  
to pervert justice — искажать, извращать правосудие  
justice prevails — правосудие побеждает  

Примеры с переводом

Justice will prevail.

Справедливость восторжествует.

They received justice in court.

Они добились справедливости в суде.

They must not be allowed to escape justice.

Им нельзя позволить ускользнуть от правосудия.

European Court of Justice

Европейский суд

I saw no justice in the court’s decision.

Я не увидел справедливости в данном судебном решении.

Kids have a natural sense of justice.

Дети обладают врождённым чувством справедливости.

Apprehend and carry him before a justice.

Задержите его и доставьте в суд.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mr Justice Waller, presiding judge for the north east

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

injustice  — несправедливость
justiceship  — должность судьи, звание судьи, срок службы судьи
justicing  — отправление правосудия

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): justice
мн. ч.(plural): justices

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