The word jurisdiction in a sentence

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1 The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.

2 The court has no jurisdiction in/over cases of this kind.

3 This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.

4 The senate committees have exclusive jurisdiction over the FBI.

5 The offshore government claims jurisdiction over the mainland.

6 The court has no jurisdiction in this case.

7 These matters do not fall within our jurisdiction.

8 This case falls squarely within the committee’s jurisdiction.

9 School admissions are not under/within our jurisdiction.

10 She acted beyond the jurisdiction of any teacher.

11 The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.

12 This case falls outside my jurisdiction.

13 The territory is still under Russian jurisdiction.

14 The court may exercise its jurisdiction to compel the husband to make a settlement upon his wife.

15 The matter is outside the jurisdiction of UK administrative agencies.

16 The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.

17 As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction,( the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.

18 An industrial tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide whether an employee was fairly or unfairly dismissed.

19 The Court of Appeal exercised its jurisdiction to order a review of the case.

20 The matter was not within the jurisdiction of the court.

21 The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country.

22 He is subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

23 A coherent theory of jurisdiction is produced.

24 The relevant county court jurisdiction is now unlimited.

25 Calais arose over jurisdiction, but returned before his death from an intestinal disease.

26 The courts ought, therefore, simply to decline jurisdiction in such matters.

27 The expert’s jurisdiction to make a determination depends on the definition of the issue between the parties.

28 The village you speak of does not fall under my jurisdiction.

29 The Act of 1868 does not except from that jurisdiction any cases but appeals from circuit courts under the Act of 1867.

30 Thus the headman had a veto over criminal prosecutions for the petty offences over which village tribunals had exclusive jurisdiction.

More similar words: prediction, dictionary order, fiction, conviction, restriction, medication, indication, action, auction, section, function, reduction, election, sanction, reaction, fraction, objection, selection, infection, production, inspection, reflection, and function, collection, connection, functional, take action, projection, distinction, protection. 

юрисдикция, подсудность, правосудие, подведомственность, сфера полномочий


- судопроизводство, отправление правосудия
- юрисдикция; подсудность; подведомственность

- подведомственная область; сфера полномочий; компетенция

this matter does not come /does not fall/ within our jurisdiction — это дело выходит за пределы нашей компетенции
the principal has jurisdiction over the teachers in a school — учителя подчиняются директору школы

- район или место, на которые распространяется юрисдикция или контроль

all islands to the north-west are their jurisdiction — все острова, лежащие на северо-западе, находятся под их контролем /подпадают под их юрисдикцию/

Мои примеры


territory under the jurisdiction of the federal government — территория, находящаяся под юрисдикцией федерального правительства  
courts having jurisdiction in this district — суды, обладающие юрисдикцией в этом районе  
to fall within one’s jurisdiction — входить в чью-л. компетенцию  
to fall within jurisdiction — подпадать под юрисдикцию  
general jurisdiction — общая юрисдикция  
within the jurisdiction — ответственный; подсудный  
jurisdiction in rem — предметная подсудность  
elective jurisdiction — элективная, факультативная подсудность  
investigative jurisdiction — подследственность  
effective jurisdiction — эффективная власть  
actual jurisdiction — существующая судебная практика  
adjudicatory jurisdiction — решение судебных дел  

Примеры с переводом

That case is under the jurisdiction of this court.

Дело должно обсуждаться в этом суде.

The arbitrators had exceeded their jurisdiction.

Арбитры превысили свои полномочия.

His attorney claimed the court lacked jurisdiction in this matter.

Его адвокат заявил, что суд не имеет полномочий в этом вопросе.

The matter falls outside the jurisdiction of this court.

Вопрос находится вне юрисдикции этого суда.

It is within the councils jurisdiction to sell council houses to tenants.

Совет вправе продавать муниципальные дома их арендаторам.

The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.

Комитет обладает юрисдикцией в отношении всех налоговых мер.

The court has jurisdiction over most criminal offenses.

Данный суд обладает юрисдикцией в отношении большинства уголовных правонарушений.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He has sole jurisdiction of the area.

He was arrested in another jurisdiction.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): jurisdiction
мн. ч.(plural): jurisdictions

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word jurisdiction, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use jurisdiction in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «jurisdiction». In addition, we also show how different variations of jurisdiction can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are jurisdiction’s, jurisdictional, jurisdictions and jurisdictions’. If you click on the variation of jurisdiction that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Jurisdiction in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word jurisdiction in a sentence.

  1. A jurisdiction is covered by the formula if:.

  2. They were now out of the jurisdiction of the Dutch.

  3. He cannot invoke the jurisdiction of the civil courts.

  4. Starr, USAF, under the legal jurisdiction of Santarelli.

  5. Legal limits on acetic acid content vary by jurisdiction.

  6. He finalized jurisdiction in the Balkans with Directive No.

  7. The three county roads were transferred to state jurisdiction on October 1, 1998.

  8. These were maintained by thirteen staff under the jurisdiction of a head gardener.

  9. There were more bodies on the northern bank, but this lay outside his jurisdiction.

  10. However, he contended that the United States held no jurisdiction on the reservation.

  11. In federal enclaves that are under the jurisdiction of other federal departments (e.g.

  12. The jurisdiction is divided into three police commissionerates: Hyderabad, Cyberabad, and Rachakonda.

  13. Moreover, the court may require the jurisdiction to preclear only particular types of voting changes.

  14. Federal examiners could be assigned to a covered jurisdiction if the attorney general certified that.

  15. It has jurisdiction over all Catholics on its territory, both of Latin Church and Byzantine Catholics.

  16. On October 10, 2005, the city and the state exchanged jurisdiction of the three roadways in Marquette.

  17. Public Act 51 of 1951 amended and clarified the current system of jurisdiction over roads in the state.

  18. The ACT Government was the first jurisdiction in Australia to enact legislation to regulate the service.

  19. The ISO country code 3166-1 alpha-2 «AQ» is assigned to the entire continent regardless of jurisdiction.

  20. Voting is compulsory for all enrolled citizens 18 years and over in every jurisdiction, as is enrolment.

  21. Challenges to the subject matter jurisdiction were heard before the circuit court in early October 1885.

  22. In April 2005, the City of Marquette agreed to exchange jurisdiction over a number of roadways with MDOT.

  23. The National Park Service was formed in 1916, and Yosemite was transferred to that agency’s jurisdiction.

  24. From its foundation, the Court of Chancery could administer estates, due to its jurisdiction over trusts.

  25. Hence, the archbishop was eclipsed by Vicegerent Cromwell in regard to the king’s spiritual jurisdiction.

  26. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) had jurisdiction to conduct the investigation into the accident.

  27. They remain under state control until their respective city or county accepts jurisdiction of the roadway from the state.

  28. In April 1870, the Central Park commission was dissolved and the City of New York obtained jurisdiction over the property.

  29. Despite having no jurisdiction on American soil, Brock sent a party across the border in pursuit and the men were captured.

  30. Privileged status at Oxford allowed tradesmen to practice their trade free from the jurisdiction of the town’s authorities.

  31. No congressional action was required, though the committees of each house with jurisdiction over the coinage were informed.

  32. He secured the continued immunity of clergy from secular jurisdiction, and supervised the administration of the archdiocese.

  33. Beginning in 1882, the Indian Rights Association (IRA) also tried to extend federal jurisdiction, but in a different manner.

  34. Later that year, the court declined the appeal, finding that the issue was within the sole jurisdiction of the state courts.

  35. That he fell under episcopal jurisdiction suggests he had ecclesiastical status, most probably being an ecclesiastical clerk.

  36. The common law courts also had jurisdiction over some estates matters, but their remedies for problems were far more limited.

  37. The District wished to move a voting location from a private home to a public school, but that change was subject to preclearance because Texas was a covered jurisdiction.

  38. Although casinos are not under the jurisdiction of the ABC, many of the regulations for casinos and casino vendors are similar to those for ABC class C retailer licensees.

  39. The county road was transferred from the Marquette County Road Commission (MCRC) to the jurisdiction of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) on October 1, 1998.

  40. The lower-ranked inspector had executive powers only during times of crisis, such as raising militias across the commanderies under his jurisdiction to suppress a rebellion.

  41. Also known as the Court of the Verge, and the Court of the Marshalsea of the Household of the Kings of England, the Marshalsea court was a jurisdiction of the royal household.

Jurisdiction’s in a sentence

Jurisdiction’s is a variation of jurisdiction, below you can find example sentences for jurisdiction’s.

  1. Another type of vote dilution may result from a jurisdiction’s requirement that a candidate be elected by a majority vote.

  2. State Board of Election (1969), holding that any change in a jurisdiction’s voting practices, even if minor, must be submitted for preclearance.

  3. If the court determines that the covered jurisdiction is eligible for bailout, it will enter a declaratory judgment in the jurisdiction’s favor.

  4. There is a statutory framework to determine whether a jurisdiction’s election law violates the general prohibition from Section 2 in its amended form:.

Jurisdictional in a sentence

Jurisdictional is a variation of jurisdiction, below you can find example sentences for jurisdictional.

  1. He took a great interest in water power, and advised the government on jurisdictional issues surrounding the Niagara, St.

  2. The ratification of the second Maryland Constitution of 1851 provided for the jurisdictional separation of the former Baltimore Town, founded in 1729.

  3. The Eighth Circuit’s panel noted that in the Duro decision, the Supreme Court had observed that Congress could address the jurisdictional system, which Congress did.

  4. To improve productivity, he also struck restrictions on machinery which saved labor, established a standardized overtime rate, and resolved jurisdictional conflicts between unions.

  5. Attorney and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) fully supported the jurisdictional shift to the federal government and were immediately prepared to prosecute the case in federal courts.

  6. John contested the right of the archbishop to some jurisdictional rights however, as well as forest rights, forcing Coutances to pay 2,100 Angevin pounds to secure most of the contested rights.

Jurisdictions in a sentence

Jurisdictions is a variation of jurisdiction, below you can find example sentences for jurisdictions.

  1. Other countries and jurisdictions followed suit.

  2. It is probable that it varies between jurisdictions.

  3. This formula reached few jurisdictions outside the Deep South.

  4. As of 2016, the diocese has 7 churches under its jurisdictions.

  5. Fanno Creek passes through or near 16 parks in several jurisdictions.

  6. Six local political jurisdictions overlap with the Johnson Creek watershed.

  7. SWIM assists local jurisdictions with purchasing land for wetlands restoration.

  8. The act also contains «special provisions» that apply to only certain jurisdictions.

  9. Between that date and 2009, all jurisdictions that bailed out were located in Virginia.

  10. The Section 203(c) formula encompasses jurisdictions where the following conditions exist:.

  11. Therefore, jurisdictions may continue to be bailed-in and subjected to Section 3(c) preclearance.

  12. By the end of the 1960s, both of the alternate routes had been turned over to local jurisdictions.

  13. These expansions brought numerous jurisdictions into coverage, including many outside of the South.

  14. In other common law jurisdictions, interpretation for similar situations is significantly different.

  15. During the Act’s early history, Section 3(c) was little used; no jurisdictions were bailed in until 1975.

  16. Congress intended for the coverage formula to encompass the most pervasively discriminatory jurisdictions.

  17. As Congress added new triggering dates to the coverage formula, new jurisdictions were brought into coverage.

  18. The federal Cabinet also appoints justices to superior courts in the provincial and territorial jurisdictions.

  19. NAIT is similar to an Institute of technology or university of applied sciences as termed in other jurisdictions.

  20. Holders of passports issued by the following 2 jurisdictions are granted visa-free entry to Malaysia for 14 days:.

Jurisdictions’ in a sentence

Jurisdictions’ is a variation of jurisdiction, below you can find example sentences for jurisdictions’.

  1. Until the 2006 amendments to the Act, Section 6 allowed the appointment of «federal examiners» to oversee certain jurisdictions’ voter registration functions.

Synonyms for jurisdiction

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word jurisdiction has the following synonyms: legal power.

General information about «jurisdiction» example sentences

The example sentences for the word jurisdiction that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «jurisdiction» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «jurisdiction».

Definition of Jurisdiction

the valid power to make official decisions and rulings

Examples of Jurisdiction in a sentence

The probate court has jurisdiction over the validity of wills.


Since the crime took place in China, the Chinese government has jurisdiction of the case.


Our state police does not have jurisdiction to follow the criminals into another state.


When the federal judge overturned the decision, he cited the lower court’s lack of jurisdiction as part of his reasoning.


The man felt safe once he crossed the county line and travelled to an area where the crooked sheriff had no jurisdiction.


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The jurisdiction of the Council of State has been progressively

transferred to the administrative courts of appeal.


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Произошла последовательная передача компетенций Государственного совета апелляционным административным судам.


A closely related issue was the relationship between international and


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С этим вопросом тесно связаны взаимоотношения между международными и


The cases are distributed in accordance with territorial jurisdiction of particular prosecutor.


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Дела распределяются в соответствии с территориальной юрисдикцией отдельных прокуроров.


The following shall belong to exclusive jurisdiction of the Senate.


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К исключительному ведению Сената относится.


The primary responsibility

must remain for the flag State to exercise its jurisdiction.


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Основную ответственность за осуществление юрисдикции должно по-прежнему нести государство флага.



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Сфера применения соответствующих законов.


State jurisdiction Western Australia is 2,646 million miles.


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Территория штата Западная Австралия составляет 2,

646 млн км.


Universal jurisdiction is not provided for in Salvadoran constitutional law.


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Конституционное законодательство Сальвадора не предусматривает универсальной юрисдикции.


Togo is a civil-law jurisdiction with an inquisitorial system of criminal procedure.


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Правовая система Того является системой гражданского права, основывающейся на следственной уголовно-процессуальной системе.


To benefit from a leniency programme, a jurisdiction must actively fight against cartels.


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Чтобы программа была эффективной, страна должна активно бороться с картелями.


Previously, only the jurisdiction of the husband’s residence determined the applicable jurisdiction.


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Ранее исключительно судебная инстанция места проживания мужа принимала решение

об определении компетентной

судебной инстанции.


Sorry, but we got no jurisdiction if you’re not in the park.

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Простите, но это не в нашей компетенции, если вы не



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The Competition Authority has neither jurisdiction over regulated sectors nor advocacy powers.


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Орган по вопросам конкуренции не обладает юрисдикцией в отношении регулируемых секторов и не имеет консультативных полномочий.


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Гражданских судов не случается.

States may also confer jurisdiction on the Tribunal through international agreements.


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Государства могут также передавать Трибуналу юрисдикционные полномочия на основе международных соглашений.


Lastly, the military court, which had no jurisdiction, could be neither fair nor impartial.


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Наконец, военный трибунал, будучи некомпетентным, не мог быть ни справедливым, ни беспристрастным.


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Heading VIII. Relationship between indigenous jurisdiction and ordinary jurisdiction.


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Раздел VIII. Взаимоотношения между юрисдикцией органов коренных народов и


судов общего права.



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Международная конференция по уголовной юрисдикции, Габороне.



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Страна ВВП в млрд. долларов США данные за 2010 год.


Jurisdiction Whether enhanced due diligence measures to be applied for high

risk customers(Yes/No)?


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Страна Применяются ли усиленные МНПК для клиентов с высоким уровнем риска(

да/ нет)?


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However, a jurisdiction cannot rely entirely on another’s enforcement.


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Вместе с тем страны не могут полностью полагаться на правоприменительную деятельность других стран.


Jurisdiction is also established over offences committed against the State.


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Results: 25362,
Time: 0.029





committed under his jurisdiction

Knights over the jurisdiction of heresy charges

Although the Duke held no jurisdiction in Troyes, he would

are now outside the diocese and have no jurisdiction here

‘There’s no way he could act beyond the jurisdiction

‘This falls within the jurisdiction of the Church, Bailli,

Dominicans interfering within his jurisdiction and, in the

In the disorderly times which gave birth to those barbarous institutions, the great proprietor was sufficiently employed in defending his own territories, or in extending his jurisdiction and authority over those of his neighbours

It might, probably, be necessary to grant to such towns as were admitted to farm their own revenues, some sort of compulsive jurisdiction to oblige their own citizens to make payment

One was to erect a new order of jurisdiction, by establishing magistrates and a town-council in every considerable town of his demesnes

The authority and jurisdiction of the Saxon lords in England appear to have been as great before the Conquest as that of any of the Norman lords after it

«Fallhalt and Waterchester fall into the jurisdiction of the Oakneil outpost, while the other ones fall into Ravenwey Burrows outpost’s

We’ve had a total of 8 consecutive encounters in the jurisdiction of the Ravenwey outpost and 9 consecutive ones in the jurisdiction of the Oakneil outpost, which means our rat moved again between the outposts

The mother city, though she considered the colony as a child, at all times entitled to great favour and assistance, and owing in return much gratitude and respect, yet considered it as an emancipated child, over whom she pretended to claim no direct authority or jurisdiction

She assigned them lands generally in the conquered provinces of Italy, where, being within the dominions of the republic, they could never form any independent state, but were at best but a sort of corporation, which, though it had the power of enacting bye-laws for its own government, was at all times subject to the correction, jurisdiction, and legislative authority of the mother city

The thousand men whom he thus maintains, depending entirely upon him for their subsistence, must both obey his orders in war, and submit to his jurisdiction in peace

In the Tartar governments of Asia, in the governments of Europe which were founded by the German and Scythian nations who overturned the Roman empire, the administration of justice was a considerable source of revenue, both to the sovereign, and to all the lesser chiefs or lords who exercised under him any particular jurisdiction, either over some particular tribe or clan, or over some particular territory or district

Originally, both the sovereign and the inferior chiefs used to exercise this jurisdiction in their own persons

This substitute, however, was still obliged to account to his principal or constituent for the profits of the jurisdiction

Each court endeavoured to draw to itself as much business as it could, and was, upon that account, willing to take cognizance of many suits which were not originally intended to fall under its jurisdiction

44), not only Senegal and its dependencies, but the whole coast, from the port of Sallee, in South Barbary, to Cape Rouge, was exempted from the jurisdiction of that company, was vested in the crown, and the trade to it declared free to all his majesty’s subjects

But that board seems to have no direct jurisdiction over the committee, nor any authority to correct those whose conduct it may thus inquire into; and the captains of his majesty’s navy, besides, are not supposed to be always deeply learned in the science of fortification

The court of the Mayor of Calcutta, originally instituted for the trial of mercantile causes, which arose in the city and neighbourlood, had gradually extended its jurisdiction with the extension of the empire

An extraneous jurisdiction of this kind, besides, is liable to be exercised both ignorantly and capriciously

The person subject to such jurisdiction is necessarily degraded by it, and, instead of being one of the most respectable, is rendered one of the meanest and most contemptible persons in the society

Whoever has attended for any considerable time to the administration of a French university, must have had occasion to remark the effects which naturally result from an arbitrary and extraneous jurisdiction of this kind

They were founded by the authority of the pope; and were so entirely under his immediate protection, that their members, whether masters or students, had all of them what was then called the benefit of clergy, that is, were exempted from the civil jurisdiction of the countries in which their respective universities were situated, and were amenable only to the ecclesiastical tribunals

The teachers had no jurisdiction over their pupils, nor any other authority besides that natural authority which superior virtue and abilities never fail to procure from young people towards those who are entrusted with any part of their education

The privileges of the clergy in those ancient times (which to us, who live in the present times, appear the most absurd), their total exemption from the secular jurisdiction, for example, or what in England was called the benefit ofclergy, were the natural, or rather the necessary, consequences of this state of things

ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the parish

DPPs head the respective regional jurisdictions, which are attached to the high courts of the country and all the public prosecutors and state advocates manning the district, regional and high courts report to the DPPs in their respective areas of jurisdiction

State and local authorities quickly hand over jurisdiction and work in cooperation with the federal government

The FBI has jurisdiction over the murder of any federal agents

She made a mental note to phone and have Mike take care of him yet, still managed to answer Caroline with a laugh that what she had done was her secret but, she continued with a wry smile, should Caroline have any needs within the jurisdiction of the Port Authority, she could help

That meant that he was back in the UK and MI5 had complete jurisdiction over everything in the UK

He decided that he would trespass on the homicide division’s jurisdiction, and investigate the murder himself

They’re way out of their jurisdiction

As far as I’m concerned, you’re way out of your jurisdiction

“But why were they so far out of their jurisdiction?” asked Clive

“That is, if you overlook the significant factor that they were a hundred and twenty parsecs out of their jurisdiction,” Weo said

proposal from the UN which would place all of the oceans of the world under UN jurisdiction and would

“He was under our jurisdiction,” says Tori

“Number Forty-five: Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals

overruled Supreme Court Chief Justice Marshall, who wrote that the states (in this case Georgia) had no jurisdiction over the tribes (in this case the Cherokee), who in turn enjoyed a relationship with the federal government, as “a ward has to a guardian

Honey: To be naturally sugary; not to be offered at the alter; strength; jurisdiction with change; wisdom; Spirit of God; the abiding anointing; the

Name: Notability; designate; rank or status; individualism; jurisdiction; notoriety; personage; look up what the name means; could be about the

Either way, the choice is under my jurisdiction, not the captain’s or the Emperor’s, though we will behave in a civil manner over the affair,” I said

This means that he falls under my jurisdiction now, and no longer that of the Empire,” I said

Here the Supreme Court was asked to try Marbury’s case as a matter of original jurisdiction, as an ordinary trial court would

The Constitution grants original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court in a few cases, but those do not include the type of dispute at issue in Marbury’s case

Congress, however, in the Judiciary Act of 1787, had granted to the Supreme Court the additional original jurisdiction to issue such writs as Marbury requested

The reason, he said, was that in authorizing the Court to issue the writ Congress was expanding upon the original jurisdiction of the Court as provided in the Constitution

That clause provides that, “No State shall … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

A number of the Justices have openly expressed dissatisfaction with the opportunities available to the Court to enlarge its jurisdiction

It will subject the body of every American to “the jurisdiction of government bureaucrats

District Court’s original maritime jurisdiction

but OSHA has no jurisdiction over Congressional buildings and

No matter what happens, leaders of great nations are expected to control their emotions and work through proper legal procedures, even upon the death of a child and while under a curse, and to not lash out personally at those who are not under their jurisdiction

She prepared herself to deal with whatever difficulties or tragedies came under her jurisdiction, just as Johan had always done

7 When he found out that He was in Herod’s jurisdiction he sent Him to Herod who was also in Jerusalem during those days

1 And Pilate said to the chief priests and the multitude I have not found 2 against this man anything; But they cried out and said He has disquieted our people with his teaching in all Judaea and he began from Galilee and to this 3 place; And Pilate when he heard the name of Galilee asked Is this man a 4 Galilaean? And when he learned that he was under the jurisdiction of Herod he sent him to Herod for he was in Jerusalem in those days

The lands under our jurisdiction were falling away, walking a more violent path

Coast Guard jurisdiction and allowed Coast Guard personnel to stop and board vessels involved in drug running, pollution, illegal treasure salvage and alien smuggling

The Revenue Service assumed jurisdiction because the mayor was also a Customs inspector! The mission was supported by the officers and crew of the cutter McLane, a 357-ton sidewheel steamer

Marshal in his Arctic and Sub-Arctic jurisdiction and aided the cause of science and navigation by making ice and weather reports and navigation charts

federal funding and yet carry out defense and military roles more related to the missions of the Department of Defense, which the Coast Guard is administered by when under the jurisdiction of the U

Since Revenue Service days, the Coast Guard has had the multiple responsibilities of being a military service and having jurisdiction over civilians while enforcing national and international law

The USCG was launched upon the heritage of the Revenue Marine Service and its missions of life saving, aids to navigation, maritime law enforcement, and participation in the nation»s wars under the periodic jurisdiction of the United States Navy

Military police units of one military service have jurisdiction over members of the other services

” (Italics mine) For reference, here is the text of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

So then, what would interest Raidan that was in Aleator? It was a system on the edge of the Empire, outside the jurisdiction of all major powers and governments

Calvin had no jurisdiction over Special Forces, even on his own ship, so he couldn’t order the Major to stand down

«It’s the T’orma, a Rotham sloop working in our territory under the joint jurisdiction of the Republic and Brimm Authorities

«The regulations are very clear, I don’t have any jurisdiction over the ship’s command

It was plausible, he thought, that Intel Wing—who had jurisdiction over the Nighthawk—might contradict and override an order from Fleet Command

It’s handy to have a few outside the jurisdiction of the Empire

Killing a policeman was a serious matter in any jurisdiction and it usually brought the full force of the investigating resources into action

“As a member of the Animal Police, I have no jurisdiction over humans

Coins from the same jurisdiction, of the same

-The Genie is not in his jurisdiction – He said — therefore he has no permission to exercise the magic here, and if he does can be judged and deprived of all his powers forever

In the jurisdiction of England and Wales a bond is

Moreover, Alistair lives in its jurisdiction and that’s enough for some hard-charging AUSA to grab and run with it

Barry simply nodded knowing that Andrew could have asserted jurisdiction for those crimes as well

Although the statutes defining battery will vary by jurisdiction, a typical definition for battery is the intentional offensive or harmful touching of another person without their consent

Varying by jurisdiction, a homicide that occurs during the commission of a felony may constitute murder regardless the felon’s mental state with regard to the killing

Robbery is a state crime for the most part, but certain types of robberies fall under federal jurisdiction

The federal government also has jurisdiction over robberies that affect articles in the stream of interstate commerce

The legal definition of the crime of sexual assault is determined by each jurisdiction

3 Understanding all of this and knowing that the Master refused to work in defiance of his established laws of nature in so far as his personal conduct was concerned, you know of a certainty that he never walked on the water nor did anything else which was an outrage to his material order of administering the world; always, of course, bearing in mind that there had, as yet, been found no way whereby he could be wholly delivered from the lack of control over the element of time in connection with those matters put under the jurisdiction of the Personalized Adjuster

He thought out the advisability of inaugurating the spiritual kingdom with a brilliant and dazzling display of power — and such a course would have been permissible and wholly within the jurisdiction of Michael — but he fully decided against such a plan

It was being quietly whispered about that Jesus, desiring to avoid trouble with both Herod and the Jerusalem leaders, had chosen this quiet spot outside the jurisdiction of all his enemies as the proper place to be crowned king

The rulers of the Hebron synagogue refused to acknowledge the right of the Sanhedrin to exercise such jurisdiction over their assembly

Jesus had departed from their jurisdiction before they awakened to the realization that they had been mistaken in the belief that his sudden and bold appearance in Jerusalem had been due to a secret understanding with the Roman officials

1 A company of over three hundred Jerusalemites, Pharisees and others, followed Jesus north to Pella when he hastened away from the jurisdiction of the Jewish rulers at the ending of the feast of the dedication; and it was in the presence of these Jewish teachers and leaders, as well as in the hearing of the twelve apostles, that Jesus preached the sermon on the «Good Shepherd

He fell out with Peter and James (Jesus’ brother) over questions of administration and the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem church; he parted company with Paul over differences of philosophy and theology

They would not have to arrest Jesus in public, and the securing of Judas as a traitorous ally insured that Jesus would not escape from their jurisdiction as he had so many times in the past

From now on you may exercise no jurisdiction over your brethren except that which you have earned in your capacity as spiritual leader, and which your brethren therefore freely recognize

From this hour you may exercise no authority over your brethren unless they restore such jurisdiction to you by their definite legislative action after I shall have gone to the Father

Jurisdiction (from the Latin ius, iuris meaning «law» and dicere meaning «to speak») is the practical authority granted to a legal body to administer justice within a defined field of responsibility, e.g., Michigan tax law. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

(b) will frequently be engaged in adversary proceedings in the court of which the judge is a member, or in any court subject to the appellate jurisdiction of the court of which the judge is a member.


Payment systems and banking raise numerous issues of jurisdiction in e-commerce, among them: privacy (discussed below), cryptography, money laundering, and electronic money.


Remember, health and safety are clearly under provincial jurisdiction in our Constitution.


Apart from the Ordinary and two other former Anglican bishops, who were ordained shortly after the new jurisdiction was officially set up, the first ordinations of priests took place last Eastertide, and the first batches of laity were received at Pentecost.


The provisions of this arbitration section will be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction.


Under pressure from Cuomo, lawmakers created the commission last year, giving a state ethics panel jurisdiction over the State Legislature for the first time.


Slaw already reported that Ontario and the Federal jurisdiction also have granted official status to their online consolidations of laws.


The Court can override the refusal of a competent child/a capacitated young person [12] and a person with parental responsibility; using the parens patrie powers under the inherent jurisdiction.


Under the jurisdiction of the NYC Department of Education, Bronx public schools have been closed and subjected to co-location by charter networks.


And within that relevant category, «[t] here is almost no legal or political issue that is unlikely to come before a judge of an American court, state or federal, of general jurisdiction


We operate as a cohesive whole, mirroring the «one-firm firm» approach of our firm as we aim to support our clients across as many jurisdictions as they need, applying a consistent quality management regime and procuring the highest levels of coordination.


The defendants removed the case to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana on October 10, 2012, citing that court’s subject matter jurisdiction over the plaintiffs» constitutional claims.


Beyond national jurisdictions is one of the major issues for the next ten years.


However, in light of these additional requirements, expert selection must also take into consideration the requirements for the jurisdiction where the case will be filed.


The members of the Pacific Coast Collaborative met in Vancouver on Friday to mark its 10th anniversary and agreed to add drug overdoses and trade to the list of issues considered vital to the four jurisdictions.


You may use the Services only if you can form a binding contract with fanatix and are not a person barred from receiving services under the laws of the United Kingdom or other applicable jurisdiction.


The content of this site is meant to inform investors, potential investors and their intermediaries, and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation by anyone in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation.


The podcast includes discussion of the importance of pecuniary penalties for cartel conduct and consideration of how Australia’s penalty levels and processes compare with other comparable OECD jurisdictions (not well…).


Most legal academics have free access to briefs, pleadings, and motions on WestlawNext or Lexis Advance, but those services may not provide comprehensive databases containing all filings for a given jurisdiction.


Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients.


Courts» inherent or implied jurisdiction does not allow courts «to enter the field of political matters such as the allocation of public funds, absent a Charter challenge or concern for judicial independence» (para 41).


(c) the person or the person’s parent or guardian is the owner or tenant of business property in the area of jurisdiction of the board.


Rather, it’s that the amount that Brite sought at the time of his initial pleading as compensation for front and back pay exceeded $ 100,000, thereby depriving the county court of jurisdiction from the inception of the case.


«This decision, although 20 years in the making, may in some way be positive for local jurisdiction,» LeFebvre said.


The result is that employees unknowingly agree to be eliminated with minimum severance, demoted, banished to far away jurisdictions, see their salary slashed, prevented from competition following their departure, and have promises broken at their employer’s pleasure — all with legal impunity.


Remember that the unlocking provisions for LIRAs fall under provincial jurisdiction and are slightly different from province to province.


Following the recent Bermuda cyber-attacks, the Panama and the Paradise papers, the EU has released a blacklist of 17 non-compliant tax jurisdictions, with 47 countries getting off with a warning notice.


«Deferring the scheme’s commencement will ensure it commences operation from a solid platform, unlike other jurisdictions who are still struggling to repair dysfunctional operations.


The continued expansion of an already substantial number of jurisdictions enacting Model Law legislation means even greater harmonization of national laws through all stages of the commercial arbitration process, from the arbitration agreement itself, to the recognition and… Read More


The Bureau has signalled that it is keen to exercise this jurisdiction.


According to the court’s website, it is the court itself that invites judges from other common-law jurisdictions


Ripple Labs designed the Ripple protocol as such because we believe that local jurisdictions are best suited to define their own standards in connecting fragmented payment networks given the complexity of financial regulation.


For example, the country remains a top jurisdiction for Ethereum and is witnessing greater adoption of Litecoin.


Governor Andrew Cuomo has not said if a special election will be held to fill the 25th District seat in New York, but the decision falls under his jurisdiction.


If you were injured by an uninsured motorist outside of B.C., the amount you are covered for can vary, depending on the jurisdiction where you were injured.


I practice law and offer legal services only in jurisdictions where we are properly authorized to do so.


These materials have been prepared for informational purposes only, are not legal advice, and under rules applicable to the professional conduct of attorneys in various jurisdictions may be considered advertising materials.


In the jurisdiction of Columbia, it is compulsory to have auto insurance prior to using or keeping a motor vehicle on public roads.


Other jurisdictions have a marketshare test, which is subjective in nature and can be difficult to define.


This depends upon the chosen method of enforcement and size of the jurisdiction.


Obviously, all must be done within the ethical guidelines of your particular jurisdiction.


To know where your Flat Rock Michigan certificate of completion will be mailed, check with the Flat Rock Michigan court that has jurisdiction over your ticket.


These are based on the Oregon model, but there is minor variation in process between jurisdictions.


Maritime law applies in space which means jurisdiction lies with the country of registration of the vessel.


The Court of Appeal of Alberta therefore had jurisdiction to hear the appeals by the Crown in the present cases.»


Data collection in the presence of authorities and/or employees may be required in some jurisdictions and completing documentation for compliance purposes is important.


The final stage assumes that the prosecutors have been unable to reach agreement on the issues surrounding concurrent jurisdiction at which point their respective law officers will take the lead to resolve the issues.


Eleventh Amendment immunity, for example is, in technical terms, a carve-out from the federal courts» Article III jurisdiction («The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state…»).


If, after making a reasonable effort, you and we are unable to agree upon an arbitration forum or arbitrator, the AAA or a court having proper jurisdiction will appoint an arbitration forum or arbitrator.


The justices also have extraordinary writ powers and original jurisdiction in proceedings involving habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, and certiorari.


Phrases with «jurisdiction»:

  • jurisdiction
  • other jurisdictions
  • one’s jurisdiction
  • competent jurisdiction
  • of jurisdiction
  • jurisdiction of the court
  • to be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction
  • to deny to any person within one’s jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws
  • jurisdiction across the country
  • jurisdiction over someone
  • (see

«The sovereignty and jurisdiction of the Commonwealth extend to all places within the boundaries thereof, subject only to such rights of _concurrent jurisdiction_ as have been or may be granted over any places ceded by the Commonwealth to the United ❋ Jefferson Davis (1848)

As with national sovereignty, I believe that defining the term jurisdiction would be beneficial. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The most urgent challenge facing my jurisdiction is the current unemployment rate. ❋ Post (2010)

The most urgent problem facing my jurisdiction is the heavy tax burden that residents of Montgomery County are forced to bear. ❋ Post (2010)

The reason you keep hearing these questions is that you can’t bring any old case to the United States Supreme Court, quit must have what we call jurisdiction, it must be the type of case that belongs here, it has got to have a federal question. ❋ Unknown (2000)

Generally, subject matter jurisdiction is based on either a federal statute or diversity of citizenship. ❋ Unknown (2010)

At about the same time this change in jurisdiction took place, forest officials began to report potentially serious problems for the future of the deer. ❋ Unknown (2009)

“Are you barred in [jurisdiction]?” is a typical inquiry where I practice. ❋ Unknown (2010)

They state what no amount of meandering about allegiance to the king or interpretations of the word jurisdiction can negate; that we are here. ❋ Pablo Alvarado (2011)

Determining jurisdiction is one. 7-11s have that easy. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The panel does, now that he has appeared, retain jurisdiction over Popovych and he could be called back to testify at a later date, though that appears to be unlikely at this point. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Therefore the controlling jurisdiction is Turkey and in principle it is Turkey which has the right to investigate the incident and commence any appropriate prosecutions relating to the deaths. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Therefore the controlling jurisdiction is Turkey … ❋ Unknown (2010)

The taxpayers of (fill in jurisdiction) are paying for all of this — how’s this being swung in this case? ❋ Unknown (2009)

With government, because its jurisdiction is so extensive, the cost to me of escaping adverse policies is much higher. ❋ Unknown (2009)

As mentioned in our previous report, the plot concerns two cops who discover that a recent murder in their jurisdiction is connected to the notorious “Killing Fields Murders.” ❋ Unknown (2010)

(That is, either one of the two would have been sufficient to result in jurisdiction – which is why the prosecution of Pinochet for the execution of Spanish citizens would have been possible in Spain.) buck (Quote) ❋ Unknown (2010)

[Stop] [trying to] jurisdict [your girlfriend] dude. ❋ Gig1780y (2018)

She couldn’t [vote] because she got home [late] because she wasn’t [jurisdicted]. ❋ PinkyFloydy (2008)

[I am] so [happy] [i had] original jurisdiction on this fine-ass-bitch! ❋ Grover Cleveland Alexander Hamilton Van Den Hoogenband III, Esq. (2004)

Paul: «Wait your girlfriend is only [16 years old]?»
Mike: «Yeah but I only turned 18 [last month], so she is still within my [sexual jurisdiction ❋ XP_hound101 (2012)

Friend: «He’s totally [flirting] with you. You know what he wants.»
Girl: «[yeah but] where he want to go, he doesn’t have [personal jurisdiction].» ❋ B0unc3rdude (2011)

Dave- «Wait dude, your girlfriend is only [16 years old]???»
Nick- «Yeah but I only turned 18 [last month], so she is still within my [sexual jurisdiction ❋ XP_Hound212 (2012)

enforcement of [cyber] [laws] [call] cyber jurisdiction ❋ S J Tubrazy (2013)

Two [District] [Attorneys] are jurisdiction pud-pulling over this [murder] rather than solving the crime. ❋ Jondich (2020)

Partner: «You did [the research], can our client sue here in [Maine]?»
Associate: «You’re not gonna like this, but I think we’re [jurisdictionally challenged].» ❋ GW1L (2007)

No [government] [agency] has jurisdiction over [the truth].
This is where my jurisdiction ends. ❋ Herobrine049X (2023)

Learn how to use jurisdiction in a sentence and make better sentences with `jurisdiction` by reading jurisdiction sentence examples.

  • Mineral rights are not mortgageable in this jurisdiction.
  • Their rules on daycare forms vary from state to state and depending on their jurisdiction.
  • It developed into a title implying jurisdiction over metropolitans, partly as a result of the organization of the empire into » dioceses,» partly owing to the ambition of the greater metropolitan bish
  • Two types of additional jurisdiction developed to address this issue via judicial interpretation : pendent and ancillary jurisdiction.
  • It then has quasi in rem jurisdiction.
  • Administrative are not listed in sub — paragraphs under the jurisdiction of administrative organs thethe matters take place.
  • This parish was the chief of thirteen locally situated within the diocese of London but exempt from the bishop’s jurisdiction, and it was no doubt owing to this circumstance that it was selected origi
  • Located in the central Galilee, it falls under the jurisdiction of Merom HaGalil Regional Council.
  • Consequently, they did not cede the jurisdiction to him despite the Pope’s letter of appointment.
  • Cases as determined by the Supreme People’s Court to be under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people’s courts.
  • However, service might have made to the administrative appellant or intervenor appellant, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal deemed necessary.
  • Gu Cheng water on Gui, a county under the jurisdiction Tianshui.
  • The Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court is a court of limited jurisdiction of Bernalillo County.
  • It created regional narcotics task forces that drew cops from all agencies within a jurisdiction.
  • The Judiciary Act of 1789 gave the Supreme Court original jurisdiction in cases involving writs of mandamus.
  • In the civil law the judex ordinarius is a judge who has regular jurisdiction as of course and of common right as opposed to persons extraordinarily appointed.
  • Mueller came across information about a probable crime that was out of his jurisdiction.
  • Carmel mountain range and the Jezreel Valley, it falls under the jurisdiction of Megiddo Regional Council.
  • On 12 January 1858 these courts ceased, and jurisdiction for the granting of probate was passed to the new secular Court of Probate.
  • And, subject only to this limitation, the jurisdiction of the state courts covers the entire field of civil and criminal law.
  • We accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and are active in development of the international law.
  • The Trump Organization is in Bhara’s jurisdiction.
  • The precondition and foundation of constituting administrative imperative executive system in our country is to clarify the jurisdiction and distribution of administrative imperative executive power.
  • There’s no reference to an appellate jurisdiction.
  • «‘ Sahuarita High School «‘( » SHS » ) is a high school located in Sahuarita, Arizona under the jurisdiction of the Sahuarita Unified School District.
  • What everyone in this country, or its jurisdiction does have the right to is due process.
  • A recorder has concurrent jurisdiction with a justice of the peace.
  • Jurisdiction would normally lie in the Ecclesiastic Courts.
  • The court held that exercise of jurisdiction must meet the requirements of due process.
  • In protest-and because the city claimed the parade gave it jurisdiction to demand otherwise-private membership lists-the 19th-century krewes Comus and Momus stopped parading.
  • Article 1 of DSU stipulates the jurisdiction of DSM.
  • There is no ex post facto jurisdiction.
  • District Court as Court of First Instance under the jurisdiction of criminal misdemeanor cases.
  • From a peculiar jurisdiction ranking as episcopal the appeal lay to the court of the metropolitan.
  • A just and limited government recognizes those realities outside its jurisdiction.
  • Located in the Galilee, it falls under the jurisdiction of Jezreel Valley Regional Council.
  • Finally, on April 26, 1955, the National Mediation Board reaffirmed Amalgamated Sheet Metal Worker jurisdiction over plumbing and pipefitting work in the railroad industry.
  • Locus delicti has been described as affording a ‘ weighty circumstance ‘ pointing to the jurisdiction where any claim arising should be tried.
  • All jurisdiction over their lands was vested in them, no new mints or toll-centres were to be erected on their domains, and the imperial authority was restricted to a small and dwindling area.
  • Christians are notunder the jurisdiction of the Old Testament law.
  • The precise name and nature of these warranties differ by jurisdiction.
  • Taking the first class of courts, which have both civil and criminal jurisdiction, the lowest tribunal in the system is that of the juge de paix.
  • The Armenian Prelacy of Lebanon, now headed by Primate of Lebanon Archbishop Kegham Khatcherian, is within the jurisdiction of the Catholicossate of the Great House of Cilicia in Antelias.
  • Nagar Palika Parishad also impose taxes on properties coming under its jurisdiction.
  • Legal regulation of multinational corporations is difficult because they are not under the control of any one jurisdiction.
  • The Philippines would have jurisdiction over those who commit crimes while off duty.
  • Each county is divided into a number of districts or precincts, for each of which there is a justice of the peace, elected biennially and having jurisdiction in minor cases.
  • An ICC judgement acts as a bar to future claims, and an ICC payment conclusively establishes extinguishment ( although, for timing purposes, the ICC has not jurisdiction to extinguish ).
  • There were four families which in the seicento that owned property in Bionde di Visegna and were titled as having jurisdiction.
  • The governing synod now sits at St Petersburg, but appoints delegated commissions, with a portion of its jurisdiction, in Moscow and Georgia.
  • In Canada, the creation of municipalities falls under provincial jurisdiction.
  • Banishment meant being ordered to leave the jurisdiction of the colony.
  • He said broader federal jurisdiction to prosecute these crimes is essential.
  • The emblem of a shepherd’s watchfulness over his flock , and denotes episcopal jurisdiction and authority.
  • This case is outside my jurisdiction.
  • There are not only different laws, rules and regulations, but also jurisdiction issues.
  • Jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal.
  • The burgh is under the jurisdiction of a provost and council, and unites with Macduff, Elgin, Cullen, Inverurie, Kintore and Peterhead in returning one member to parliament.
  • Up to 1861, the date of the emancipation, the peasant serfs had been under the patrimonial jurisdiction of their lords.
  • While determining the physical location of an individual for the purposes of » in personam » jurisdiction was easy enough, applying the same principle to non-physical entities became difficult.
  • That is not ‘standing,’ and the 4th Circuit had no jurisdiction to hear this case at all.
  • With its inactivation, jurisdiction of Kincheloe AFB was transferred to Strategic Air Command on 1 October 1968.
  • However, the appearance of EC proposes the challenge to the traditional international tax revenue pattern and tax jurisdiction.
  • Pecora, like many inmates, had committed his crime under federal jurisdiction in the Indian Territory, now Oklahoma.
  • A pro would not describe an 18th century event using a mid 19th century jurisdiction.
  • Locus delicti has been described as affording a » weighty circumstance » pointing to the jurisdiction where any claim arising should be tried.
  • The primary responsibilities of the Sabula Police Department, like other city agencies, is to patrol and respond to calls in their jurisdiction.
  • Anguilla is another jurisdiction with misleading bank secrecy.
  • The Constitution limits federal court jurisdiction to real cases and controversies.
  • Further, the court would interfere if the tribunal exceeded its jurisdiction.
  • During the period Pirmasens was formal jurisdiction in Bishop of Metz.
  • Bromley’s jurisdiction reaches beyond the San Francisco Four Seasons.
  • In all other matters, the Court has regular appellate jurisdiction from the lower Courts of Appeals.
  • The Poles are mostly Roman Catholics, the Ruthenians are Greek Catholics, and there are over 770,000 Jews, and about 2500 Armenians, who are Catholics and stand under the jurisdiction of an Armenian a
  • At that time, a state court could not assert » in personam » jurisdiction over someone who was not physically served remedy be limited to involving only the attached property.
  • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Hong Kong and any dispute shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.
  • Whaling also developed, but it had its most profound effects in the communities that circled the island, yet not within the jurisdiction of Madalena.
  • The city is surrounded by the Oneonta, a separate municipal and political jurisdiction.
  • On 31 March 1944, Congree was removed from the jurisdiction of Columbia AAB, and on 30 April Congaree AAF was transferred to the United States Navy.
  • After the Christian conquest in 1462, the town remained under the seigniorial jurisdiction of the House of Osuna.
  • The subject matter of the jurisdiction of Hellenic courts Christian seems to be confined to strictly spiritual discipline, mainly in regard to the professional misconduct of the clergy.
  • Located ten kilometers south of Afula, it falls under the jurisdiction of Gilboa Regional Council.
  • Kwekwe Rural is that part of the district that does not fall under the jurisdiction of Redcliff Town Council and Kwekwe City Council.
  • Everything else such as common taxpayers are General Enforcement’s jurisdiction.
  • The Mussulman cadis retain their jurisdiction in regard to religious affairs, marriage, divorce, the wardship of minors and inheritance.
  • I don’t think Maura Healey has any jurisdiction here.
  • Elis and Melicent conspire to substitute an unconscious Eliud for Elis, thus removing Eliud from Hugh’s jurisdiction.
  • They also differed over the prerogatives of Canterbury with regard to probate and other questions of ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
  • The SAT was established by the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 and the State Administrative Tribunal ( Conferral of jurisdiction ) Amendment and Repeal Act 2004 ( Conferral Act ).
  • The court jurisdiction is Kenton County, KY ( Circuit ).
  • When the Ausgleich, or Compromise, of 1867 created the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy, the Habsburg crownlands of Croatia and Slavonia were effectively merged and placed under Hungarian jurisdiction.
  • Education in Canada is under complete jurisdiction of the province and territories.
  • As the jurisdiction is a previous question of resolving consuming dispute on Internet environment, the Internet has shaken the current jurisdiction standards.
  • In addition, the High Court has general supervisory and revisionary jurisdiction over all subordinate courts in any civil or criminal matter.
  • Not all cases are heard in trial courts of general jurisdiction.
  • Those two desires blend together as Kat kinds herself involved in a case outside her jurisdiction.
  • The abolition of the papal jurisdiction removed all obstacles to the divorce from Catherine and to the legalization of Henry’s marriage with Anne Boleyn (1533).
  • These legislative provisions counsel resistance to expansion of appellate jurisdiction by court decision.
  • An Egyptian court threw out the suit Saturday, saying it has no jurisdiction since the alleged infringement of Baddy’s rights took place outside Egypt, officials said.
  • Located in the Jordan Valley and covering 3, 500 dunams, it falls under the jurisdiction of Bik’at HaYarden Regional Council.

Similar words: Jurien, Jurisprudence, Juru, Jurisprudent, Jura, Jury Rig, Jure, Jurara, Jury Box, Juristic, Jurymen, Jurists, Juridicial, Juramentado, Jural, Jurywomen, Jurata, Jurisconsult, Jura Trias, Jurgis

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