The word joy in a sentence

Antonym: grief, sorrow. Similar words: boy, job, toy, do., go by, gob, poly, pop.. Meaning: [dʒɔɪ]  n. 1. the emotion of great happiness 2. something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness. v. 1. feel happiness or joy 2. make glad or happy. 

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1. Joy put heart into a man. 

2. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy

3. A cheerful wife is the joy of life. 

4. The joy of the heart makes the face merry. 

5. Joy puts heart into a man. 

6. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. 

7. Joy often comes after sorrow, like morning after night. 

8. There is no joy without alloy. 

9. No joy without alloy [annoy].

10. Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbours. 

11. The foundation of true joy is in the conscience. 

12. Joy shared with others are more enjoyed. 

13. No joy without annoy.

14. I leaped into the air with joy.

15. Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.

15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. He welcomed me with joy.

17. Wishing you many years of joy and happiness.

18. The news filled him with inexpressible delight/joy/horror/pain.

19. She swooned into his arms for joy.

20. He is a great joy to listen to.

21. May joy and health be with you always.

22. They all shouted for joy when they heard it.

23. Love, hate, joy, fear and grief are emotions.

24. Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintances, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace of happiness. 

25. When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. 

26. The past is for wisdom, the present for action, but for joy the future. 

27. Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy

28. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. 

29. Money is a singular thing, It ranks with love as man’s greatest source of joy. And with death as his greatest source of anxiety. 

30. As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. 

More similar words: boy, job, toy, do., go by, gob, poly, pop., any, bay, body, bow, buy, by, cop, cow, day, do, dot, fog, for, gay, go, guy, hay, hey, holy, how, jar, jaw.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word joy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use joy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «joy».

Joy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word joy in a sentence.

  1. He’s a joy to be around.».

  2. He was such a joy to work with.

  3. One could simply shout with joy.».

  4. Of work and joy, and that unhoped serene,.

  5. I don’t think that any joy entered into it».

  6. All is one chaotic mingling of joy and noise.

  7. Their only joy is when the Americans bomb the camp.

  8. IGN ranked the graphics in this third release, «a joy to watch ..

  9. Stanley Holloway’s undeserving dustman [Doolittle] is a pure joy.

  10. In times of despair, happiness, and joy, its mood is always my own.

  11. My words cannotexpress their joy at deliverance to say nothing of ours.

  12. In China, bats have been associated with happiness, joy and good fortune.

  13. Some emerge from their graves with joy and hope, and others with despair.

  14. The «Rhinemaidens’ joy and greeting to the gold»: «Heiajaheia, Heiajaheia!

  15. Spain’s Iribar said «When we won, we were full of joy, we were so into it.

  16. They have done the job well, and every pine tree is waving its arms for joy.».

  17. The elongated «L» in Lat’s signature was born from his joy in completing a work.

  18. When directors play up his cocky, hunkish, folksy side […] he’s a joy to watch.

  19. News of the war’s end was brought by Pereira Pinto and met with joy in Rio de Janeiro.

  20. The trip was a huge success, with the Emperor welcomed everywhere with warmth and joy.

  21. Like great prehistoric monsters, they leapt and skipped with joy when the signal came.

  22. The Hollywood Reporter similarly called the film «a joy for those who can appreciate it».

  23. On «Dormir Contigo», the protagonist talks about the joy of sleeping with his love interest.

  24. He longed unendingly, in the most dark of days, for joy, for ‘life with a definite purpose’.

  25. This urged Simeon to raise his siege and enter peace negotiations, to the joy of the Byzantines.

  26. As a youngster, I still remember my feeling of joy that one could look at the earth differently.

  27. His sentences slide from silk to steel, and take tonal joy rides from the ironic to the earnest.

  28. Deeply, deeply, they wish to respond to your touch, to your look, and when you smile, their joy ..

  29. It is not a conventional symphony, but rather an extended meditation on the joy of human union and love.

  30. These sodina performances, which express the joy of reuniting with the ancestors, are often competitive.

  31. Farrell praised Thompson’s part in «Rejoined», calling her a «wonderful actress and a joy to work with».

  32. After the birth of his only daughter, Jim Hogg wrote to his brother, «Our cup of joy is now overflowing!

  33. His final words were, «If this is death, it is as I wished, perfect peace, perfect comfort, perfect joy.».

  34. The birth of a much needed male heir—thus regarded by contemporaries—was met with joy throughout the empire.

  35. At the age of twelve in 1894, to his great joy, Wodehouse was able to follow his brother Armine to Dulwich College.

  36. Walton, the anti-Klan governor of Oklahoma; to the group’s joy, Walton was impeached and removed from office in 1923.

  37. USA Today’s Steve Jones praised the performer for the «remarkable depth in her poetics about joy and heartbreak».

  38. Tank Girl drives down rapids, pulling Booga behind on water skis, then takes them over a waterfall, shouting for joy.

  39. But when I have some new works ready next year, as I hope, it would give me great joy to perform them in Gothenburg».

  40. We gave the Prix de Rome the other day to a young man who wasn’t expecting to win it and who went almost mad with joy.

  41. The birth of Sambhaji was an occasion of great joy and significance in the royal household for many different reasons.

  42. Robertson-Glasgow described him as an unusual man, «fiercely independent, witty, argumentative, swift to joy and anger.

  43. Throughout the realm, the people greeted the birth of a male heir, «whom we hungered for so long», with joy and relief.

  44. She expressed joy at participating in the project, saying, «I am pretty outspoken and have my own view on every subject.

  45. He was a man of emotion, a man of awe, his soul easily shaken by the beauty of nature, sadness and joy alternating freely.

  46. Watson wrote that «the chief joy [of the episode] was the stealthy way the atmospheric story was built up layer by layer».

  47. The movement is a dance of joy: the word «Wonne» (joy) is rendered in figuration that Gardiner finds reminiscent of Purcell.

  48. In the words of one of the surviving crew members, «From the delirium of joy, we fell into profound despondency and grief.».

  49. FiringSquad disagreed, calling their computer controlled teammates worthless and finding joy in leaving them to their deaths.

  50. This passion for music brought happiness and joy to Theoren and his family as it was a part of their Metis heritage growing up.

Synonyms for joy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word joy has the following synonyms: delight, pleasure, joyousness, joyfulness, gladden and rejoice.

General information about «joy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word joy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «joy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «joy».

joy — перевод на русский


What joy in having killed our children

.. Какая радость — эти наши убитые деточки! ..

And laugh, like youth and beauty do when life still promises joy and happiness.

» смейс€, пока есть молодость и красота, пока обещает жизнь радость и счастье.

Before them lay the uncertain years That promised joy and maybe tears.

Пред ними лежат года несчетные, что обещают радость, а может и слезы.

O, God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers… mercifully accept our prayers… and grant to thy servants the help of thy power… that our sickness may be turned into health… and our sorrow into joy.

Милостивый Боже, опора слабых и приют страдальцев прими наши молитвы дай силу рабам твоим исцели болезни, здравие нам даруй и обрати горе наше в радость.

— I think it’s a joy, a gift from heaven…

— Я принимаю за радость, за вознаграждение с небес…

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Joy’s expecting again.

Джой снова ждет ребенка.

I left the kids at Joy’s, so I’d better go pick them up.

Я оставила детей у Джой, поэтому я лучше съезжу, заберу их.

Wants me to patch things up with Joy.

Хочет, чтобы я уладил отношения с Джой.

Do you know what, Joy? I’ve been thinking.

Знаешь что, Джой, я думаю,

It’s just a detour, Joy.

Но мне просто придется сделать обходной маневр, Джой.

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There is great joy in heaven

Словно огромное счастье случилось в небе.

The crane that lives a thousand years A symbol of myriad joys

Журавль, живущий тысячу лет, символизирует бесконечное счастье.

You picked out the spots where I was to feel such joy.

Выходит, что это ты, дорогая, заранее выбрала место, где мне довелось испытать такое счастье.

She’s known such joy.

Она познала такое счастье.

How could I express, dear friends, my joy at seeing you all assembled around me?

Друзья мои! Какими словами мне описать счастье, которое меня переполняет, когда я вижу здесь всех вас?

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They smiled graciously. A moment later I turned up 9, of course. I had the voluptuous joy of sharing my ‘theft’… with my wife and my mistress.

Они улыбнулись любезно, мгновение спустя я выбросил 9, конечно и имел удовольствие поделиться своим наворованным с моей женой и моей любовницей.

It is an honor and a joy…

Это честь и удовольствие….

It would be an honor and a joy…

Для меня это честь и удовольствие….

Frozen joy.

Холодное удовольствие.

— That’s my joy.

Для меня это удовольствие.

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— But today is all fun and joy!

-Но сегодня все прекрасно и радостно!

Yesterday you said it was a joy.

Правда? А вчера ты говорил, что радостно.

It is a joy and yet it hurts.

И радостно и больно.

«With the FELIX alarm clock, you’ll welcome every day with joy!»

«С будильником ФЕЛИКС ты радостно приветствуешь новый день!»

Walking with Friday around my kingdom was so funny that we spent days and nights so happy and delighted that we couldn’t believe that such joy could exist.

Ходить с Пятницей по моему королевству было так радостно, что мы проводили за этим дни и ночи. Я был так счастлив и рад, и не мог поверить, что это все на самом деле.

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There will be joy again in this house.

-Да здравствует веселье!

There you will find your friends the Cat and the Fox, joy and happiness.

Там ждут тебя друзья — Кот и Лиса, веселье и счастье.

Tell me, what do Jewish people do to express joy?

Скажи мне, что евреи делают, чтобы испытать веселье?

— Do you feel joy?

Ты чувствуешь веселье?

Word of your death will trigger joy among your people.

Когда умрёте, в стране пойдёт бурное веселье.

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If only we grown-ups… could preserve their capacity for simple joys and simple beliefs.

Если бы только взрослые могли сохранить свою способность радоваться простым вещам и иметь простые верования.

The world is a lovely place, if there is joy.

Хорошо человеку на свете, если он умеет радоваться.

It is necessary, and not in the least shameful to take pleasure in the joys of the little world.

Нужно, и в этом нет никакого стыда,… радоваться маленькому миру,

Joy will be mienne.

Я буду радоваться.

A possibility for joy is gone.

Возможность радоваться утрачена…

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Go and make my joy complete.

Иди-иди… Я счастлив за тебя.

What gives me joy to say that.

Как я счастлив, что ты это говоришь!

It is a great joy to see Your Majesty is not hurt.

Счастлив видеть, что вы уже здоровы.

The little boy smiled with joy in his eyes

Мальчик был счастлив, скажу вам без тени сомнения

I want to tell your Majesty the joy and the pride that I have to have served

Я хочу сказать Вашему Величеству, Что я был счастлив и горд Служить Вам

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— What joy verte.

Рад тебя видеть.

Thanks, you give me great joy.

Спасибо. Я так рад.

What joy to see a man!

Как я рад снова увидеть мужчину!

It is a joy and a privilege… to introduce tonight’s keynote speaker.

Я рад представить вам основного докладчика.

Dear friends, what a joy it is to welcome you to our church on this wonderful day for Angus and Laura.

Друзья мои! Я рад приветствовать в этом храме всех, кто пришел поздравить Энгуса и Лору.

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— Hi, Joy.

— Привет, Джои.

I want to challenge you, Joy.

Я брошу тебе вызов, Джои.

Joy, it’s so cold.

Джои, холодно.

Joy, what the hell did you put in there?

Джои, что ты туда вставил?

Joy and Avinash worked together even when Gandi Simpson dissolved himself.

Джои и Авинаш работали вместе, даже, когда Ганди Симпсон решил исчезнуть.

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Отправить комментарий

радость, удовольствие, веселье, утеха, веселить, веселиться, радовать


- радость; веселье; удовольствие

to jump [to cry] for /with/ joy — скакать [плакать] от радости
to wish smb. joy — желать счастья /удачи, успеха/ кому-л.
to the joy of his mother he won first prize — к восторгу своей матери, он завоевал первый приз

- что-л. вызывающее восторг, восхищение

to be smb.’s only joy — быть чьей-л. единственной утехой /радостью/
on a hot day a cold swim is a joy — в жаркий день поплавать в холодной воде большое удовольствие

- разг. успех, удача

no joy — а) ничего не известно, нет никаких новостей /сведений/; ответа нет; б) ничего хорошего; ≅ не повезло, не удалось
I tried to get through to her on the telephone, but I didn’t have any joy — я пытался связаться с ней по телефону, но безуспешно

- праздничный; радостный

joy bells — колокольный звон по случаю праздника
joy fire — костёр, зажигаемый по случаю праздника
joy gun — орудие, из которого стреляют по случаю праздника

- амер. сл. создающий иллюзию хорошего настроения (обыкн. о наркотике)

joy juice — алкоголь, спиртное
joy powder — морфий
joy smoke — марихуана
joy stick — трубка опиума
joys shared with others are more enjoyed — посл. разделённая радость
God give you joy, joy go with you — желаю вам счастья /удачи/


- поэт. радовать; веселить
- радоваться; веселиться

to joy in smth. — черпать радость в чём-л.
to joy in a friend’s success — радоваться успеху друга

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Joy go with you!

Счастья и успеха вам!

She wept for joy.

Она плакала от радости.

They found joy in helping others.

Они находили радость в помощи другим.

God give you joy!

Дай Бог вам счастья!

The garden was his pride and joy.

Сад был его гордостью и радостью.

We tried to locate Patrick’s position again, but without joy.

Мы снова попытались установить местонахождение Патрика, но безуспешно.

There’s even less joy in sending us money.

Ещё меньше толку высылать нам деньги.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I didn’t exactly jump for joy (=I was not very pleased) when I heard the news.

I leaped into the air with joy.

Seeing her again brought tears of joy to my eyes.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

joyful  — радостный, веселый, счастливый, довольный
joyless  — безрадостный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): joy
мн. ч.(plural): joys

Examples of how to use the word “joy” in a sentence. How to connect “joy” with other words to make correct English sentences.

joy (n): great happiness

Use “joy” in a sentence

The joy you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.
She jumped for joy at the news.
A good pet is the joy of life.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Ms. June Adams

Score: 4.7/5
(69 votes)

Joy sentence example

  1. The next morning I awoke with joy in my heart. …
  2. My heart is singing for joy this morning. …
  3. The memory of it is a joy forever. …
  4. In that moment of obvious joy , Alondra barely had an accent.

What is an example of joy?

Joy is defined as happiness and delight. An example of joy is what you feel on your wedding day. … A feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness, especially related to the acquisition or expectation of something good. A child’s joy on Christmas morning.

How do you use joys?

Joys sentence example

  1. Their joys are few; their sorrows are many. …
  2. Countess Mary was jealous of this passion of her husband’s and regretted that she could not share it; but she could not understand the joys and vexations he derived from that world, to her so remote and alien.

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted.

What is a definition of joy?

1 : a feeling of pleasure or happiness that comes from success, good fortune, or a sense of well-being. 2 : something that gives pleasure or happiness It’s a joy to have you visit. More from Merriam-Webster on joy.

16 related questions found

How do you describe joy?

the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation: She felt the joy of seeing her son’s success. a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated: Her prose style is a pure joy.

Where do you find joy?

11 Simple Ways to Find Joy in Your Everyday Life

  • Stop waiting to be happy. …
  • Add happiness to your life, right now. …
  • Make self-care part of your routine. …
  • Get in a joyful state of mind. …
  • Stop worrying. …
  • Appreciate the small things. …
  • Surround yourself with positive people. …
  • Laugh more.

What are 10 simple sentences?

50 examples of simple sentences

  • She doesn’t study German on Monday.
  • Does she live in Paris?
  • He doesn’t teach math.
  • Cats hate water.
  • Every child likes an ice cream.
  • 6.My brother takes out the trash.
  • The course starts next Sunday.
  • She swims every morning.

What are the 7 types of sentences?

The other way is based on a sentence’s structure (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex).

  • Statements/Declarative Sentences. These are the most common type of sentence. …
  • Questions/Interrogative Sentences. …
  • Exclamations/Exclamatory Sentences. …
  • Commands/Imperative Sentences.

Do sentences examples?

Do sentence example

  • Do you like fish? 794. 249.
  • I never thought I could do it. 420. 166.
  • I’ll do the best I can. 268. …
  • I want this baby as much as you do , Alex. 302. 179.
  • Should I do more in my role? 241. 129.
  • Do you want to see it? 123. …
  • «Let’s do it,» she finally said unceremoniously. 145. …
  • Can I do more in my role? 110.

What is joy in grammar?

(dʒɔɪ ) Word forms: plural joys. 1. uncountable noun. Joy is a feeling of great happiness.

What is the sentence of enjoy?

«We really enjoyed your company tonight.» «She enjoys the beauty in this park.» «They are enjoying their retirement.» «The tourists enjoy the local food.»

What is the sentence of share?

«House work is shared between the roommates.» «He has to share his toys with his younger brother.» Used with nouns: «They share an apartment.»

What is my joy?

It is a feeling of “great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying” ( Other words for joy include bliss, jubilance, exultation, glee, and appreciation.

How do you give someone joy?

So, we came up with 10.

  1. Smile. One of the easiest ways to bring others joy is simply by smiling at them. …
  2. Give a compliment. When was the last time you received a genuine compliment? …
  3. Remember your manners. …
  4. Do the dirty work. …
  5. Help someone out. …
  6. Write a thank you note. …
  7. Be kind online. …
  8. Spend time with someone.

Is joy a feeling or emotion?

Joy is the emotion that makes life worth living in the moment because it resonates with our core identity. It is associated with feelings of ease, appreciation, and meaning.

What are the 12 types of sentences?

Types of Sentences

  • 1 (1) Declarative Sentences.
  • 2 (2) Imperative Sentences.
  • 3 (3) Interrogative Sentences.
  • 4 (4) Exclamatory Sentences.

What are the 3 main types of sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders).

What are the 10 types of sentences?

10 Sentence Structure Types You Should Recognize With Examples

  • Simple Sentence Structure: Ernest Wolfe. …
  • Periodic/Interruptive Sentence Structure: Definition: …
  • Cumulative/Loose Sentence Structure: …
  • Inverted Sentence Structure: …
  • Parallel/Balanced Sentence Structure: …
  • Tricolon/Triadic Sentence: …
  • Anaphora: …
  • Rhetorical Question:

What is the example of 1 sentence?

Simple Sentences

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. The train was late.

What is an example of 5 sentences?

5 sentences: The police department in my town is just around the corner from my house. Every summer I try to find the biggest tree around to climb. My mom always complains that my socks stink after I get home from camp.

How do you write 5 sentences?

A five sentence paragraph consists of a main idea sentence, three sentences that explain the main idea with reasons, details or facts and a concluding sentence.

What are joys in life?

Simple joys are the small gestures, the scents, the sounds, the warmth of the sun on your skin. They’re the simple pleasures that we often overlook when we’re so busy running from point A to point B. What is this? Simple joys engage our senses, make us feel present, and bring out our inner child.

What is joy vs happiness?

Joy is an inner feeling. Happiness is an outward expression. Joy endures hardship and trials and connects with meaning and purpose. A person pursues happiness but chooses joy.

What is the meaning of joy answer?

Explanation: the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation: a state of happiness or felicity. …

The twinkling stars of the sky are the things of joy for children.

Self-discipline does not kill joy but builds it.

They are full of new energy and are beaming with joy.

Nature is a storehouse of joy and pleasure.

He lived all his life in a realm of joy and beauty.

He begins to dance with joy at the smallest success.

His face was suffused with joy as he had won a victory.

I gave out a cry of joy on seeing my mother.

It is time for joy and merriment.

The secret of happiness lies in the joy of giving and sharing.

It is essential to find joy at your workplace.

This festival is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm all over the world.

Any smile is a spontaneous expression of joy.

Holi is a festival of joy.

Being a mother is the greatest joy in the world.

Motherhood is a boon and a joy for every woman.

A baby is, no wonder, a bundle of joy for a mother.

I am flooded with joy.

All people seek joy.

Diwali is a festival of joy and goodness.

Christmas is the festival of joy and peace.

Diwali is a time of joy and merriment.

The joy of giving is genuinely excellent.

Depression can suck the joy out of life.

It is an occasion for great joy and celebration.

It is a matter of joy that India has won a cricket match.

It is a matter of joy that my friend has got a job.

My joy at her wedding was boundless.

They begin to dance with joy at the smallest success.

He exclaimed with joy that he had won the match.

It is a matter of joy that my friend has come.

The poems of Keats are a joy forever.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

There’s great joy in satisfying oneself.

It is a matter of joy that he has topped the list.

He was mad with joy when he met his family.

His joy knew no bounds.

There was nothing but joy all around.

This is a moment of great joy.

We heard with joy that he had escaped injury.

They jumped with joy on their victory.

We welcomed the news with great joy.

He could not suppress the joy of his heart.

It is a matter of joy that he scored a goal.

It is a matter of joy that we have won the match.

My joy knew no bounds when I read that you are coming to visit me.

The child gets a strange joy from playing with its toys.

I experienced both joy and sorrow.

To my utmost joy, I passed my Matriculation Examination in the first division.

They find no joy in life.

I like English the most because besides increasing my knowledge, it fills me with great joy also.

How were people expressing their sense of joy?

They have no joy in their lives.

A morning walk costs nothing, but it has a joy of its own.

I sang and danced with joy at the sight of a bumper crop.

The day of Holi is spent in great joy and delight.

Festivals bring peace and joy to all.

A beautiful object fills the heart with joy and delight.

He was mad with joy when he met his family.

It is a matter of joy that I have won a prize.

Sadness and Joy are two parts of the same coin.

The joy and happiness of life come from honest labor.

Beauty is a source of eternal joy and everlasting pleasure.

Diwali is a festival of joy and happiness.

Small pleasures give us enormous joy, which is usually unmatched with any amount of wealth in the world.

I’m filled with joy every time I see you.

Neither joy nor sorrow can last forever.

Childbirth is a dual experience that comprises of joy as well as hardships.

It is a festival of joy.

The performance of your children will bring a sense of pride and joy to you.

His joy showed on his face.

He gave himself to the pursuit of joy, body, and soul.

He danced with joy as if he had won the first prize.

I was mad with joy to hear the news of your success.

Babies are a source of great joy and pleasure.

It is a matter of joy that he has topped the list.

It is a matter of joy that I have won a lottery.

It is a matter of joy that your movie is a hit on the box-office.

We jumped in joy at the arrival of the train.

It is a matter of great joy that we have won the match.

It is really a great experience and a joy to be a student of this college.

His joy knew no bounds.

They jumped for joy when they got their presents.

My joy knew no bounds when I read that you are coming to visit me.

They find no joy in life.

I experienced both joy and sorrow.

My joy knew no bounds.

She exclaimed with joy that she had stood first.

I had mixed feelings of joy and fear.

My heart is filled with joy in the rainy seasons.

I feel so much of joy overflowing in my heart that I cannot stop singing.

Rains fill us with joy.

The greatest joy in life sees happiness in the eyes of your near and dear ones.

Some people bring joy wherever they go

On your birthday, I wish you joy and happiness.

Everyone shouted for joy when they heard the news.

I feel great joy for this job.

No one really understands the grief or joy of another.

It was the greatest joy that I have ever experienced.

Synonyms of Joy


It is a day for fun, amusement and rest.


He told of his adventures with animation.


Who will live for ever in a world of bliss ?

My childhood was really a period full of bliss and happiness.

If one wins over all these five evils they can attain the supreme bliss .

Domestic bliss will be of high order.

The bliss was often interrupted by anxiety.

Her unhappiness turned to bliss when she heard his voice.


Life in a college has a charm of its own.

Multi colored bulbs and lovely fountains added charm to the exhibition.

The greatest charm of traveling lies in its new experiences.

Her charm does not consist only in her beauty.


Cheer up, friend !

We should always try to cheer him up.

I hope they will cheer you up.

Even doctors have to lie sometime to cheer their patients up.

There was no one present who did not cheer her.

No sooner they appeared on the stage than the people began to cheer loudly.


I thanked God when I reached the cool comfort of my house.

They give comfort to our mind.

They complained against me to the police.

He tried to comfort her

What’s your favorite comfort food?


We take delight in beauty and not in ugliness.

The pudding is delicious.

Censorious people delight in casting blame.


A hobby is a welcome diversion from the daily routine of life.


My heart is filled up with ecstasy.

Agony was transformed into ecstasy.

Here are some love ecstasy tips just for you.


Real felicity comes from contentment.

Only a person with uncontaminated virtue can enjoy true felicity.

The first Lohri after a girl’s marriage or after a baby is born is an occasion of great festivity in the family.

What did he notice at a particular festivity ?

There is festivity all around.


Raksha bandhan was celebrated with full gaiety in the city today.

We celebrated Christmas event with traditional fervor and gaiety.

The festival of Shivaratri was celebrated with religious fervor and gaiety.

He celebrates Holi with gaiety.

Dasehra was celebrated all over the city with usual fervor and gaiety here today.

Vishwakarma Day was celebrated with religious fervor and gaiety in the city.


He was a gem among the people.

I realize that you are a gem of a man.

Can you imagine a baby having a gem on his forehead?

I’m a member of the glee club.

This is the only way to kiss the glee.


That job gave him little gratification.

He had the gratification of seeing his son graduate from collage.


This play has no humor in it.

She has a great sense of humor.

His humor is quite apparent.

The best of everything humor and laughter comes at no cost!

You have no sense of humor at all.

I don’t see the humor in anything.

Your sense of humor is beginning to exert itself.

He was out of humor as he had lost his wallet.


I must crave your indulgence

Excessive indulgence spoiled the child.


The jewel was stolen during the night.

The jewel was found in an unlikely place.

I sold the best jewel that I had.

She attracts because of her extreme liveliness.

Having a sound sleep is a luxury which many of us are deprived of.

The market for luxury goods is growing fast.

They used to live in luxury.

Taking a taxi is a luxury for me.


They had given themselves up to merriment.

The atmosphere was of joy and merriment.

It was a day of great merriment.

They had given themselves up to merriment .


Joining the Indian Army as an officer at this young age would be a matter of pride for you and whole family.

Her pride in her own beauty is intolerable.

The son who was his chief pride in his old age is dead.

I do not like him on account of his pride and boastfulness.

The average man takes pride in walking with his woman in public.

Today’s men take pride and care in having a glowing and good looking skin.


There was a group photograph of the prize winners with the chief guest.

The winner will get a prize of $25.000.

He announced a prize of five hundred rupees to each young artist.

The children gave the prize winners a big hand.

He was given a prize for his essay.

He shall get a prize if he does not make a single mistake.

This year the prize distribution function of our college was held on 22nd March.


She danced with great rapture.

Nose bleeds are caused by a small rapture in the blood vessels.


There were some passers in the refreshment room.

Students and teachers come here for refreshment in vacant periods.

Light refreshment was provided in the bus.

We were given light refreshment.

They take lunch or light refreshment.

Finally we went to the refreshment corner.


Diwali is a day of rejoicing for all.

They all are rejoicing at her success.

The rejoicing of the people ended soon after the sun blazed and made the weather very hot.

It is an occasion for family rejoicing and community celebrations.

It is the time of rejoicing and celebrations all over India.


It would be a satisfaction to you and to your family.

He had been fulfilling his duties to the satisfaction of all.

You have fulfilled duties of your office to satisfaction of everybody concerned.

If you favor me with an appointment I shall do my best to work to the entire satisfaction of my superiors.

It will not only give us satisfaction but also good use of leisure.

She had a sense of satisfaction because the cause of her discomfort was removed.


He kid finds solace in sketching.

The poor take solace in dreams.

He toured the riot-affected areas bringing solace and comfort to the people.

There is another matter of solace for me.


Put on your blue sport shirt.


The pirates buried the treasure in the sand.

There is no treasure more precious than a child.

It happened that he found the treasure.

This ball is that boy’s treasure.

He stopped looking for the treasure and went back home.


You can’t treat the class as a whole.

He is going to give his friends a treat in some restaurant.

I shall treat the patients with a human touch.

Let me treat you to a cup of coffee at the coffee shop over there.

Teachers should treat all their students impartially.

It’s shameful to treat a child so cruelly.


I’ve heard it said that it’s harder to please a woman than to please a man. I wonder if that’s true.

I wonder what I should make for dinner.

I wonder what materials the garment is made of.

I wonder who will help me decorate the Christmas tree.

I wonder why eggs are sold by the dozen.

Antonyms of Joy


Are you prone to anxiety attacks and bouts of depression?

If you are suffering from a heart disease, depression and stress can worsen it.


Under all difficulties and discouragement, he pressed on.

He did it without any feeling of discouragement.

He exhaled a deep breath in discouragement.


I dislike living in such a noisy place.

Some people dislike eels because they look like snakes.

It’s not that I dislike reading; it’s just that I have no time.

He is such a bad person that everybody dislikes him.

I dislike the house he is in.


He is full of melancholy after his failure.

A cheerful beggar is happier than the melancholy rich.

It is a melancholy story

We sensed a melancholy note in his voice.


Is it possible to send mourning clothes to the cleaner?

After few hours of mourning we left her.

A disaster threw the whole family mourning.

They are mourning for their child.

A disaster occurred and it threw the family into mourning.

After a few hours of mourning we left her alone.


That scene filled me with sadness.

He wanted to know the reason of his sadness.

I’m drowning in sadness falling far behind.

He hid his sadness behind a smile.

Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings.


Do you realize the seriousness of the situation?

He was not unaware of the seriousness of the situation.

Many men are really interested to know about the seriousness of their girlfriends.

They couldn’t comprehend the seriousness of the matter.

He soon realized the seriousness of his error.


He poured out his sorrow while talking to his friend.

She was mad with sorrow at her son’s death.

He gave vent to his feelings of sorrow in strong words.

Where is the sorrow that can tamper with my Happiness?

He felt great sorrow when his wife died.


They cause unhappiness to their families.

To my great regret, I have suspended him.

Discontentment is the root cause of all unhappiness.

A sedentary lifestyle can impact your mental health in several ways reducing your quality of life and causing unhappiness.

what are the reasons behind such compelling unhappiness that is eating yours and your partner’s peace of mind in the relationship.


Let us take any vocation of life.

His vocation is banking.

You have to pursue your vocation whole heatedly.

He wanted to take up medicine as his vocation but circumstances forced him to become a teacher.

What is his vocation in life?

Don’t push your child into any vocation he dislikes.


I can’t tell which work is better than the other.

You should work hard so that you can pass any exam you take.

We must work as long as we live.

He was determined to finish the work at any cost.

Do this work by tomorrow if possible.

Don’t you think most of these work hard?

For peace, joy and love to exist, we should control violence

Excitement, fear, joy, nerves

things: and now have I seen with joy thy people, which are

They bring back a wonderful feeling of joy to your life

You should experience joy while giving help, just like the joy a mother feels while making her child sleep in her lap

Give with joy

But instead of joy and pride in his task as guardian, and overwhelming jealousy bubbled in his stomach

The practitioner of laid down Dharma experiences peace, joy, strength and tranquility within himself

A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect

self-seeking; to joy and laughter without the aid of alcohol; to the true

Ahmed begins to cry again, but this time it’s tears of joy

The joy of the chase

After the joy and exaltation of awakening, the Countess stayed true to her

the believer, affirms his testimony and brings joy to the lord and

single mediocrity, she could feel the ravening joy of her twin cravings rising in her

The joy of it

forests as each of these immortal beasts sang with joy in the bright light of full moons

souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you

(17) “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you

ino «the great flame» (joy of the sun)

Yet, the popular person commands and the others carry out his or her orders with spontaneous joy

Not sure if I imagine her relief or not, but I’m pretty sure about how I feel about it – the thought of spending Christmas with Amy and the family is not one I can contemplate with anything remotely approaching joy

Joy of joys, a toothbrush

I caressed each object, staring at it, turning it over and over in my shaking hands, discovering the simple joy of some bright plastic birthday nothing as if for the very first time

She was impressed and she suggested my joining her party! I accepted at once, full of joy

We both stood there for a moment, Menachem waiting, quiet and still, and me dancing a palsy of relief and joy

He too stepped boldly forward, held out both of his arms, grabbed Aban in a huge bear-hug and yelled out pure joy at the very top of his voice

After the joy and exaltation of awakening, the Countess stayed true to her upbringing for some years, making the best that she could out of the debilitation and decay around her

While he foresaw an evening of single mediocrity, she could feel the ravening joy of her twin cravings rising in her gorge

You might be nice and show kindness while you’re being pampered, but when you are no longer babied, how do you act? Do the gloves come off in the parking lot? Are you able to show face and be Christian while in the building, but as soon as there is traffic you can’t continue and remain in that peace and joy?

Spring: A spring of clear water indicates riches, joy and success; if the water is dirty, it bodes problems and delays; a spring with no water means illness and failure

She heard the welcoming in the hills and forests as each of these immortal beasts sang with joy in the bright light of full moons

and emotional state into a life-‐affirming, positive state of joy

told her, “It will bring you no joy

relationships, the job that’s draining you of your joy, friends

and joy that you can step into and refresh yourself with until

Remember when you were fired from a joy you hated, or a

Everyfolk all clapped with approval and joy

Choruses should be the expression of joy, not its substitute

Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance

It will be their joy and their honor

Dorin and her husband, Ayle, make a great fuss of Gilla, exclaiming with joy when they hear she is engaged to Caderl

I… I never knew it could be like this, never knew there was such joy

Affirmation: I Am a Success Now and Always, Because of This, I Have Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness

He brought her to the heights of ecstasy again taking great joy in her utter pleasure

Impatience takes away joy; it has you focusing on the long term instead of focusing on the current activity

She was remembering her first meeting with Jake, and she smiled at the joy these people were about to experience

He turned to them and there was a look of such joy on his face, the transformation was striking

They all knew that they would soon be feeling that same joy

Once she lifted it, there was a moment of hesitation, then a spreading smile on her face and she too was engulfed by that joy of knowing she had found her dragon

You are wonderful! So big, so fantastic! She was sobbing and with tears of joy

As they approached, a whiff of the fragrance reached them and contributed to the joy of their deliverance

Then to my joy, a wonderful tableau of an older, more romantic Greece opened before my eyes

I do not seek death, but I shall embrace it with joy when it comes

He fell asleep happy that he had followed his dreams and found this joy

That it is likely to be more than a week is not a prospect I view with joy … but he may well have household business to deal with … it will pass, Lintze, I remind myself

With a cry, I drop the brush and fly into his arms, half crying with sheer joy

The joy on his face told her how he felt about her

Archibald’s joy at finding his darling was quickly tempered by his frustration at not being able break her out of her prison

She beamed with joy because the enhancements he’d made to himself over the centuries insured that no woman would ever fail to find fulfillment in his bed again

Their joy filled his heart and he was troubled no longer

‘I wish you joy of your escort, pretty lady

When I did get out of the car to go to the bathroom I would jump around and do cartwheels in joy, happy to get out

She had come to him crying with joy; told him it was the only thing she had ever really wanted

‘Alleluia!’ I cried with heartfelt joy

I open my eyes to find Berndt gazing at me, joy clear in his eyes

Then the sun came back and shone for the rest of our ride and what a thrilling, spiralling joy it was to be screaming down the mountain towards Dorini

At first old Ted was a little confused, but his state of mind changed to one of pure joy as his niece explained it all to him

As the young man leaned forward and kissed his bride to be softly on her ruby red lips, Betsy Windsor, the congregation and the viewing public all stated to sob tears of pure joy

Excitedly, she turned and grinned at Tarak with such innocent joy that he was momentarily taken aback

Sound therapy is a powerful way to transform fear into joy, peace and inspiration

And then when she sang out the first time, he reveled in her overwhelming joy

She told him they were tears of joy

” Rayne hugged him out of sheer joy

they announced to the world their pride and joy in the fact that little

To her joy, her daughter agreed with her actions

Truthfully I was not over joyed at the item as my main focus was to bid and buy the more beautiful watches that had gone for far more than I had been wiling to pay, but I pocketed the item and left to find my car

Thomas was over joyed when the tree frogs started

This was the voice I fell in love with but this wasn’t the man that made me feel so joyed but a stranger who had just broken my heart

14 And he began to say A certain man was rich and wore silk and purple and en- joyed himself every day in splendour and there was a poor man named Lazarus and he was throw down at the door of the rich man afflicted with sores and he longed to fill his belly with the crumbs that fell from the table of that rich man; yes even the dogs used to come and lick his sores; And it happened that that poor man died and the angels conveyed him into the bosom of Abraham and the rich man also died and was buried; And while he was being tormented in Hades he lifted up his eyes from afar and saw Abraham with Lazarus in his bosom; And he called with a loud voice and said My father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus to wet the tip of his finger with water and moisten my tongue for me; for look I am burned in this flame

When she was alone, Anne settled more comfortably into her chair, joyed that when she

Indeed, Anne was so joyed at the sight that she almost

joyed was when I went away to prison

Well met they were, said Master Dixon, joyed, but, harkee, young sir, better were they named Beau Mount and Lecher for, by my troth, of such a mingling much might come

She wondered if old dreams could haunt rooms—if, when one left forever the room where she had joyed and suffered and laughed and wept, something of her, intangible and invisible, yet nonetheless real, did not remain behind like a voiceful memory

5 For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ

Joy of joys, a toothbrush

My experience of life might seem deplorably meagre to many, but still had those moments to cherish, and I believed, sitting in the back of that van with Robbie, that I would have a life full of such joys

Despite the joys of new friendship I came to think of myself as a failure

Night: It denotes that you have neglected yourself and the joys of life; stop worrying so much about everything

That day they beckoned to me to come and taste the joys of the ocean

As pain may result from these unforetold surprises, the joys that come from meeting someone and discovering their

They even had special world cup tattoos on their shoulders and they introduced fashionistas the world over to the joys of diamond encrusted toe piercings

you did, you’d miss out on the joys and wonders

world over to the joys of diamond encrusted toe piercings


so close to life, about the simple joys of life

He nectar quaffs, and Hebe crowns his joys

small-small joys, and this man kills them

When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union

The first of these is compassion, which in this philosophy is the ability to identify with the joys and troubles of others

seems to be the norm rather than celebrating the joys and

“She said writing to you was one of the joys of her life

is just added joys for them

Item: Grade school children are taught the joys of oral and anal sex with same sex partners, and given the exercise of licking condoms

Whatever the material joys of that meal might be, it certainly was not

hopes and joys, he hid his face upon his desk and sobbed aloud

‘The joys of being a mother,’ I said to myself while I laid her down on the bed, got a diaper, wet wipes, bum cream and changed her

The joys of being a mother! I shook my head as I thought about how much I really did love her

There are so many joys in my life that I would have missed had I given up

Ah, the small mercies, the little joys of his life and work

from very surfeit of their joys

On top of all the other joys, I felt most alive when singing

The Joys of Masturbation

There’s so much to be said about the joys of masturbation!

She listened attentively and genuinely shared in my joys and sorrows

She caught his gaze but he felt very amateur at all of this, it had been so long since he had felt the simple joys of romance

He said, «Put all your sorrows in the black box, and all your joys in the gold

both my joys and sorrows I stored,

William praised the elements, humbly asking for protection and singing about the joys of life and continuity

One of the joys of being a Chair is that you can summarize all the action points at the end of the meeting

One of the joys of being a Chair is that you can

introduced a bill to require all California Schools to teach children from grade 1 through 12 of the joys and fantasies of being homosexual

He looked for something far greater than the passing joys of the flesh, he wanted an everlasting reward

The joys of the

I cannot keep these joys from her

This scene should be filled with shapes and patterns of her past, her worries, her joys, but she could not grasp them or turn towards the man she loved

We could curtail our citizens’ newly-enhanced luxuries and joys, and militarize as thoroughly as they have in Venak, but that wouldn’t help our defensive position as much as you might think

Travers was quite positive in his belief that all Air Force personnel, even those non-rated types, should know and experience the joys of flight

Playing, laughter and other joys

everlasting joys after the vicissitudes of the

These hearts were woven of human joys and cares,

For youth goes over, the joys that fly,

But this passion for life had never had seriously to fight for its rights and joys

‘You and I know that you can never remember your lovers for more that a few weeks, therefore you will never experience, well at least remember the joys of true love

responsibility, and of sharing our joys and suffering as well as our

One of our great joys is the way we love

The surprise was the words that he whispered in my ear, and that I would remember forever, even years later, whenever I was facing so drastic and final situations such as the ones I was facing there which merited the aid of a foray into the joys of life

Thou wilt endure what few could bear: great fears and joys and sorrows deep

these calming words, “…thou wilt endure what few could bear: great fears and joys and sorrows deep

She was a teacher who had simply been doing her job; instructing her more sensitive charges about the joys and mechanics of sex

‘No, Sasha, it’s for everyone who wants to share the joys of sex with someone else

the joys of having a pet around the house

Sit down with me while I tell you of the service trails and happiness highways which lead from the sorrows of self to the joys of loving activities in the brotherhood of men and in the service of the God of heaven

They thus abandon themselves to the enjoyment of their lusts and deprive their souls of the joys of virtue and the pleasures of righteousness

And all of this loving service of the children of God enlarges our capacity to receive and experience the joys of heaven, the high pleasures of the ministry of the spirit of heaven

You cannot reveal God to those who do not seek for him; you cannot lead unwilling souls into the joys of salvation

The youth had found a partner in the solace of the poisonous dreams; a young prostitute who sold the joys of her teen life only for the jab of a needle

They live only for sensual joys

Friendship enhances the joys and glorifies the triumphs of life

Wealth, in itself, is not a curse, but the love of riches many times leads to such devotion to the things of this world that the soul becomes blinded to the beautiful attractions of the spiritual realities of the kingdom of God on earth and to the joys of eternal life in heaven

Yet dealing with a woman’s pain and fears, joys and pleasures, is not simply a

«Permit me to watch two lovely young people in the joys of procreation

You are not merely to proclaim the joys of heaven but also to exhibit in your daily experience these spirit realities of the divine life since you already have eternal life, as the gift of God, through faith

Her entire being radiated a total animation that sparkled constantly with the joys of life

These are the joys of life,

You have given us al the joys of life

The summer hath his joys,

He is deeply entangled in the toys and joys and relationships of the world

The ships had shared their joys, their triumphs and their grief

“May your journey be filled with inner joys and peace”, said Rosemary in return

Missionary self-sacrificial commitment built both joys and regrets into our lives

With writing and all the joys of working with

The first of my books published in 2008, tells of my adventures, with the joys,

I agree with much of what he writes and will add my own joys of that

we can, for the unspoken joys that are just ahead

purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with

my partner of the joys of cabbage

Throughout the trials and joys of business ownership, I have

Throughout the trials and joys of business ownership, I have learned there is one constant in life: nothing stays the same

Her words made dozens of children of all ages come out of their cabins at once, pushing screams of joys on seeing at least one of their parents

My joys without bounds,

The Trolls Discover the Joys of Shopping Obeast, who had been looking at trolls his whole life, now saw a troll he had never seen before

The Trolls Discover the Joys of Shopping

Immediately there were waft of joys and happiness amongst the hostages

My world was thunderbolt with the lightening of happiness and joys

After a few minutes, they landed from their world of joys and excitements

One of the wonderous joys of working second shift is it allowed you to

Those are the joys I’m allowed in the life I’ve chosen for myself

Between my sorrows and joys it is hard to find a balance

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  • The word is celebrated
  • The word is always changing
  • The word is all yours перевод
  • The word is a very beautiful place
  • The word is a mess