The word island in a sentence

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1) No man is an island.

2) We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. 

3) The latitude of the island is 20 degrees south.

4) Back on the island, he dedicated himself to politics.

5) He went to the island looking for treasure.

6) The island was originally circular in shape.

7) They circumnavigated Cape Horn Island in canoes.

8) The island is of strategic importance to France.

9) This island is our territory.

10) Enemy soldiers had overrun the island.

11) Taiwan is the largest island of China.

12) The island is only accessible by boat.

13) The bridge links the island with the mainland.

14) This island is two miles off shore.

15) The growth of tourism brought prosperity to the island.

16) This island was once French territory.

17) It’s easy to hydroplane to the island.

18) Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island.

19) The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.

20) This island is a paradise for bird-watchers.

21) His money is in an offshore island bank.

22) It lies at the southern tip of an island.

23) The island is 3.5 km in circumference.

24) They were pulling hard for the small island.

25) He lives on a lonely island.

26) Jamaica is a very cosmopolitan island.

27) He went to a small island off the shore.

28) The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.

29) The causeway to the island is only accessible at low tide.

30) Sugar has always been an important crop on the island.

More similar words: Islam, Islamic, legislator, legislature, legislative, legislation, aisle, slam, slap, slave, slavery, land, translate, lane, plan, blank, plant, translation, landing, planet, glance, blanket, landmark, planner, homeland, planning, parlance, jubilant, balanced, airplane. 

Examples of how to use the word “island” in a sentence. How to connect “island” with other words to make correct English sentences.

island (n): a piece of land completely surrounded by water

Use “island” in a sentence

This island has an ideal climate.
This island has an ideal climate.
There is only one store on the whole island.
How long have you been living on this island?
I want to live on that island.
How long have you been living in this island?
The island has a tropical climate.
The weather on this island is warm all the year round.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

Jorma had lived with Venna almost two years now, one while she learned to sail, well; on their way up from the Yakhan, and another here on North Island of Sinbara

I talked to you about this when we swam at that beach on the West Island

There was still a good chance that her packet hadn’t even left Sinbara and Jorma struggled up the path to the house and then down the street to the town side of north island

By now the whole population of North Island knew that she was gone

They were splashing their way thru between north and east island of Sinbara

Anyone who has ever lived on an island quickly learns the value of the ocean

Being surrounded by water, island living relies on the resources of the ocean

Also found here were the ingredients to help man grow food in the barren island soil

ten saints of the island, and then, sadly, he showed them to a table tucked away at the

Just a few hours later the lovers were on Santorini looking out over the caldera from the balcony of Theo’s luxury apartment on the island

The island, from this vantage point, is about 100 yards away

Dave, facing John, slowly rows to the island on the lake


The boat touches the shore of the small island, the Buddhist temple in back

That surname is traditionally a North Island iwi

«But I have to talk to you about where I’m going to live and how we’re going to manage this tiny island of the league

«Is it alright if I adjust my island to have a lot more wild fruit on it?» She asked

«Let’s look at this island down here

She swooped down toward the island like a fighter plane peeling off the formation

She brought her feet down gently to the sand on a beach of moderate surf, one of the exposed sides of this island

days and nights on the island

Less than twenty four hours in Ireland and he was here, ready to harass the most evil and vile scum on the island

«His Moko are all South Island

Glenelle had shaped the island where her house was docked into the last backup she had of Morg’s island in his universe

I look around at the expanse of lawn, dotted here and there with island beds of shrubs and the occasional stretch of herbaceous border set against a wall

From the license plate she knew that the driver lived in Grand Island, Nebraska, her next stop, but that wasn’t all

«Grand Island, Nebraska,” Leonora announced with confidence

«Grand Island, just so happens,” Sarah answered after a pause

«So, why are you going to Grand Island?» Saya asked

That same car was tracked at several locations along the highways, all the way into Grand Island, Nebraska

«To find the parts we wanted back on Staten Island

Since last Wednesday I have been in Mandy’s cottage in Amarynthos, on the island of Euboea, together with her parents and grandparents

Here in this damp little island, where the eyes of the masses dim with disappointment when still young, this man enjoyed the luxury of profession and vocation

This morning we departed for the island of Zakynthos, on a trip organized by a travel agency

This morning we went on an boat ride around the island: Picturesque caverns with blue, crystal waters; white arched rocks looming over emerald waves; swimming in the open sea near the Cave of Keri

There really was another human soul existing within the close-bounded universe of my island home

Four bodies dumped in the dirt at an abandoned and decrepit farm somewhere in the nether reaches of this damnable, awful little island

Once thru these sandbars; and before Great Fright Island, she would have to cut back south to avoid the swamp itself, but that should be just about dawn

I’m going to try and see something from the mast before Wen Island but we’ll probably hold steady til then

‘Whereabouts on the island is the touching place, Lintze?’ Berndt asked, producing a map of the island and laying it out on the table, pushing odd bits of tableware out of the way as he does so

’ I said eventually, pointing to a place on the far left of the island … I’m not sure about cardinal points; there are none on this map and I am not sure how the island is orientated

As the dark approached once again they found a keltoid clump that was on an island in the brook, which was now a stream

She lived in Zhlindu while Zhlindu became the city and not the island the cities were on

An island no more

We’d dragged Drens along to join in the discussion; after all he knows the island much better than we do

I’d a vague memory of lots of rocky hills … almost mountains … but it was pointed out to me by a somewhat tetchy Berndt that I had doubtless travelled to the Naveta from the other end of the island along the spine of hills which runs along the centre of the island

On my lap was the map Auntie had given me and although I remember passing over the island of Egina then Ios I remember nothing else

Minutes earlier I’d almost climbed aboard the regular bus for the island capital but an incident with the driver had left me a little anxious and caused me to change my mind

We’d cook up his island foods and he’d teach me bits of Greek

It was more or less taken for granted that when my schooling was done I’d go and live with them on their island and it’d be happy holidays every day

With a few essentials stuffed in a backpack, I’d boarded the shuttle at Newquay and woken up on Pani’s island

Kids tormented animals, naughty and short-tempered in the gathering heat, waiting for the next ferry that would take them to the southern sister island of Kissafari or on to the largest island of Crete

No actual land, even behind a large island there is more water, covered still with enthora to the horizon

With a voice hoarse from too many cruel cigarettes, he rasped over the growl of the engine as we headed up the mountain, ‘Please, if there is one thing unique to this particular island and something no other Hellenic island can offer, it is this very village

She was built on the mountain by people from the coast seeking refuge from ravaging pirates and so, it is isolated from the rest of the island

I needed neither but by then he was in full flow, ‘Sophia is unspoiled because the village was cut off from the whole world until about thirty years ago when a dirt road was made wider, connecting the north to the south of the island and this explains why time seems to have stopped for Sophia and all its traditions

They would cross the Garvaskul and then around Southwest Island to the final reach

He found out that they were storing some of their plunder in the beloved ruins on our own little island of Faria

They use the island because there’s very little passing traffic

“If he had his way I can never be sure I’m alone any more, and the boundary he picked is halfway across the island I’m on

‘You can see why he loved his island home, can’t you? Raw, wild and beautiful

‘Oh, before you disappear, I suppose you know Daphne’s on the island? She’s just been here

I did not feel much like invading the island of Faria without the support of Odysseus

‘My family has lived on the island for generations and Papa used to teach history when there was a proper school

There, in a village on an island in the Aegean Sea, I stood in the nave of a gentle, humble church where above me hung a trio of splendid silver and gold chandeliers

His boat was a traditional wooden Aegean island fishing boat

chocolates, and tickets to a great getaway island somewhere in the south Pacific

What if we were to go to the island tomorrow when the looters aren’t around and carry back as much as we can hide in the village?’

That sheltered side of the island was an enchanted landscape of grazing-grounds and willow trees and the surest way to know such a place is through the soles of the feet

Crates marked Afghan, Uzbek, Cyr, Scy, Ity, Try, Cthge and every Greek island including Faria stacked high to the roof on galleries along four or five avenues

Ever been to the little island on the end, Godfrey?’

On Pani’s island I’d grown used to pushing my way forward in crowds, and knew how much tolerance I was allowed in heated argument

The good news was, they only sailed about a half day at a time, from island to island

She ate only in the afternoon and evening when they anchored at one small island or another

The next day, she was lead to a stables and lead to believe they had one more day to travel into the interior of this island or continent, whichever it was

northern island was once such and such and I can just picture them

them isolation are the nightmares composed by media: deserted island

There was an island of monkeys

monkeys on the island knew how to do it

the monkeys on that island

islands all around that island began to wash their

On the last day they approached a large and densely populated island

The sea was covered with ships around this island

In the bay was a ring of lower islands, but in the center of that was a smaller bay, nearly a mile wide, and in the center of that, yet another island

Great canals had been carved thru the inner island and those rowboats covered the water, along with sailing ships of every description

The next island had a gentle shore with white sand beaches backed by comfortable villas all along

There were substantial homes along shady plazas all the way up the gentle side of the inner island, with larger structures high on that ridge

In many ways the entire island was covered with a single structure, but there were many open spaces within it

“Officially Atlantis is just the center island, there’s about three hundred thousand there, it is the densest population on Earth until 20th century Mumbai

“Ours is a dead branch, because Thera did explode in real life, no more souls revived on the island, but we have had significant immigration, like me, so that the archipelago has four and a half million residents in the 2341ad echo, the most recent

The center island was only a quarter mile from here

From here she could see canals went into the island that had many of those rowed taxi cabs plying their waters

They sailed round and round the island, changing boats often whenever one reached the end of its era

The whole center island was restored as a museum and tourist trap

Even so, they were delayed by traffic on a big bridge that reached from an inner ring island, to the main island near the edge of the caldera wall, allowing motor vehicle access to a road system that reached all over the island

Their home was out on the end of the island, just back of the waterfront out of the reach of any tsunamis

It was too rectilinear and horizontal to remind her of Pinnacle Labs in Yondure, but the setting was similar, on the edge of a caldera, but the caldera of City Island in Yondure is filled with a large recreational park and does not reach the water

It’s a small island, but even a six mile ride in what is essentially a hanging roller coaster thru soaring towers along the crater rim was almost starting to get old when the car took a turn and launched straight out over the crater wall, a thousand feet above the water and a mile from the inner ring island

The track itself was the cable suspending itself above the water in a sweeping arc that was steep here near the cliff and the leaning pyramid that held it, nearly horizontal where it came out on the island

She did have a few new friends who knew her as Ava on North Island, she seldom went to the mainland except for business

There was a prehistoric time when the Gengee had been purely Troll and the Trolls had been peaceful fishermen on its shore where the onion groves survived the winter on islands in the lagoons

Please, at least settle your cherub on one of the hundreds of big islands I’ve scattered in a lazy arc across this water

They flew a few miles into the sky before she could appreciate how many islands Ava had, as long as Japan

On a day like this the lake runners were used to having the water to themselves, except for those islands called cargo ships

He had to dodge them both, though he could not treat the fat-sailed lake runners like islands, even wide open

It sits where the Lita joins the Lhar, the actual center is on the North side of the combined river, but an active waterfront exists on all shores of the three rivers and the two main islands in the river junction

bases her science fiction work on the culture of the islands

All in all there are about forty two islands between here and where the swamp starts, so we have to guess early which path to take

It is an open landscape with few trees and the land rises steadily towards the rocky hills we can see in the distance; stretches of scrubby grassland are interspersed with dense groves of olive trees and, as Drens said, dry stone walls carving up the landscape, as well as islands of tall, dark stands of yet more pines

I visit islands whenever possible

Tiny islands with only a few clawleaves are scattered here and there

The bay at Dorini served the needs of the people who had to go to Faria to tend their goats, to worship or to establish trade with nearby islands or down to Stephanos main town in the south long before the road was built

There were more Caribbean islands in Ava’s universe than the real one

The archipelago was as big as Japan but the islands were smaller and more numerous

‘Hey, don’t the islands look beautiful from here? They have such potential

The bad news was, islands in the distance went by twice as fast as those nearby

Out on the sea, she saw the islands going by faster, the farther in the distance they are

“Yeah, some of the casks on some of the outer islands are pretty fermented ,” Yellelle told her, “especially back in these days

islands all around that island began to wash their

They wove their way around numerous islands

In the bay was a ring of lower islands, but in the center of that was a smaller bay, nearly a mile wide, and in the center of that, yet another island

The palace she saw at Knossos was a country cottage compared to the city that covered the islands in this great bay

The cliffs of the outermost islands could be seen beyond it all

They were in the channel between two of the inner ring of islands now

She shouldn’t be so impressed, Zhlindu would cover all these islands twice as high, in tens times as many stories of habitation

The inner caldera islands hold another million and there’s another half million on Santorini

Podata would not take them into the future, but left them on the inner face of the inner ring of islands

On this branch of history the modern day Atlantis looked more like China, with hundred story buildings along the shore and great hanger bridges and even venerable motorway bridges spanning between islands

They were coming to a view of the sea, there were several islands in view

As she scanned the horizon it was as if she was moving her head hundreds of miles, distant islands moved across her view much faster than closer ones

One end of the room was a window that looked out over the cliffs and the inner islands of the city

All the inner islands were thickets of skyscrapers in this age, but most of them were less than twenty stories

Most of the shipyards were now on the outer shores of the inner ring islands, not on their inner shores like it was four thousand years ago

’ It turned out to be the Atlantis Department of Clandestine Operations [DOCA] which was housed in an office tower on one of the inner ring islands

The cliffs were lower on these islands, but the buildings were taller, some of them as tall as the cliffs of the outer islands

This one was marching off toward the flat lands, hiding the distant hills and making it look like they were on remote islands

Both islands and cliffs provided roosting spaces for thousands of

see a small number of other islands, most of which appeared to be

The islands will look to me and wait

9Surely the islands look to me; in the lead are the ships of Tarshish,

It abounded with rugged islands with waterfalls and coral reefs, lots of sand and palms

As well as the mainland and Highlands, Scotland has several islands including the

This western country has thousands of islands and beautiful fjords (where mountains plunge hundreds of metres into the sea)

Stockholm sits on thousands of tiny islands, and most of the north is covered by forests, although there are pretty seaside towns like Gothenburg

With garden-like islands, the blue seas support dolphins and whales

Shaped like a boot, Italy’s history and food is dominated by regions, plus the islands of Sicily and Sardinia

This warm country on the Mediterranean Sea owns the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands

It has one thousand islands, a beautiful coast and the river Danube

Most of these are in the southeast Gulf of Mexico, and are a chain of islands

With warm winds and safe harbours, these islands are famed for their unbroken coral reef

This has the world’s longest underwater limestone cave, secluded islands and so much

Comprising three islands (St Thomas, St Croix and St Jon), these are nicknamed Rock City, Twin City, Love City (and Smal City for the local Water Island)

This smal group of islands northeast of Australia’s Queensland is very remote

Located around 4000km from Hawai , this group of over 30 coral islands are shaped in

Only one of these islands is inhabited, and some say it is the most remote place on earth to live! Most are descendents of the Bounty Mutineers and Tahitians who accompanied them

These 10 islands are halfway between New Zealand and Hawai

Nine islands make up the fourth smal est country in the world

Another island with over 100 languages, these 80 plus islands include some of the world’s most beautiful rainforests and underwater volcanoes

Offshore lie the Galapagos Islands

Three shillings a-week, the same price, very nearly still continues to be paid in some parts of the Highlands and Western islands

islands, they knit worsted stockings to the value of a guinea a pair and upwards

Hamath, and from the islands of the sea (Isaiah 11:11 NASB)

The sea in the neighbourhood of the islands of Shetland is more than commonly abundant in fish, which makes a great part of the subsistence of their inhabitants

I have never even heard of any tobacco plantation that was improved and cultivated by the capital of merchants who resided in Great Britain; and our tobacco colonies send us home no such wealthy planters as we see frequently arrive from our sugar islands

islands and just as many canals – it’s a city which has the

Whereas we have but a few islands they have vast swathes of fertile soil

They questioned him about the details of his government and how many islands of sovereignty there were

live on islands, where they feel isolated

Though Father didn’t know this sea, its currents or its shoals, he was able to navigate unerringly past hundreds of islands

We still have, though not altogether, yet very nearly, the monopoly of the sugars of our West Indian islands

Holland lies at a great distance from the seas to which herrings are known principally to resort, and can, therefore, carry on that fishery only in decked vessels, which can carry water and provisions sufficient for a voyage to a distant sea ; but the Hebrides, or Western Isdands, the islands of Shetland, and the northern and north-western coasts of Scotland, the countries in whose neighbourhood the herring fishery is principally carried on

The colonies of the Dorians resorted chiefly to Italy and Sicily, which, in the times preceding the foundation of Rome, were inhabited by barbarous and uncivilized nations; those of the Ionians and Aeolians, the two other great tribes of the Greeks, to Asia Minor and the islands of the Aegean sea, of which the inhabitants sewn at that time to have been pretty much in the same state as those of Sicily and Italy

They discovered the Madeiras, the Canaries, the Azores, the Cape de Verd islands, the coast of Guinea, that of Loango, Congo, Angola, and Benguela, and, finally, the Cape of Good Hope

He sailed from the port of Palos in August 1492, near five years before the expedition of Vasco de Gamo set out from Portugal; and, after a voyage of between two and three months, discovered first some of the small Bahama or Lucyan islands, and afterwards the great island of St

The cotton plant, indeed, afforded the material of a very important manufacture, and was at that time, to Europeans, undoubtedly the most valuable of all the vegetable productions of those islands

The small islands of St

Their consumption increases so fast, that, though in consequence of the increasing improvement of Jamaica, as well as of the ceded islands, the importation of sugar has increased very greatly within these twenty years, the exportation to foreign countries is said to be not much greater than before

The expense of the ordinary peace establishment of the colonies amounted, before the commencement of the present disturbances to the pay of twenty regiments of foot ; to the expense of the artillery, stores, and extraordinary provisions, with which it was necessary to supply them ; and to the expense of a very considerable naval force, which was constantly kept up, in order to guard from the smuggling vessels of other nations, the immense coast of North America, and that of our West Indian islands

The islands of Guernsey and Jersey, without any means of resisting the authority of parliament, are more lightly taxed than any part of Great Britain

Though the Europeans possess many considerable settlements both upon the coast of Africa and in the East Indies, they have not yet established, in either of those countries, such numerous and thriving colonies as those in the islands and continent of America

In the spice islands, the Dutch are said to burn all the spiceries which a fertile season produces, beyond what they expect to dispose of in Europe with such a profit as they think sufficient

In the islands where they have no settlements, they give a premium to those who collect the young blossoms and green leaves of the clove and nutmeg trees, which naturally grow there, but which this savage policy has now, it is said

Even in the islands where they have settlements, they have very much reduced, it is said, the number of those trees

If the produce even of their own islands was much greater than what suited their market, the natives, they suspect, might find means to convey some part of it to other nations; and the best way, they imagine, to secure their own monopoly, is to take care that no more shall grow than what they themselves carry to market

Under the government even of the Portuguese, however, those islands are said to have been tolerably well inhabited

the Milo made a turn to the southeast after clearing the Elizabeth Islands and headed out into the Atlantic Ocean

South Africa to the Indian Ocean and into the Pacific South Seas, with a number of stopovers at many of the islands there for

On the way, the Roman had made stops in the Azores and Cape Verde Islands for fresh provisions of food and other supplies

Roman stopped at a number of major ports and smaller islands as a matter of routine

were few rules for the natives except those provided by the many missionaries who had found their calling at most of the inhabited islands

During the second voyage on the Roman, stops for provisions were made at some of the same islands visited on the previous

Sandwich Islands and anchored in the Port of Honolulu during

Honolulu was the major city in the Sandwich Islands and was a

The Sandwich Islands was the name given to Hawaii by Captain

James Cook on his discovery of the islands in January 1778

As with the other islands in the

and Japan, by way of the Hawaiian Islands

On April 20, the Milo arrived at the Sandwich Islands and dropped anchor in the Port of

of the ceded islands

A fast vessel with auxiliary steam power, leaving the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on the first of January, would reach Sydney in Australia in forty days, adding twenty days for incidental interruptions, and leaving the coast of Australia on the first of March, passing through the whaling ground between New Zealand and New Holland, and the Caroline Group, touching at Ponape, and allowing 30 days for incidental interruptions, would reach the Ladrone Islands by the first of June

Ethiopia, [Southern Africa,] close adjoining to which is a small island, called _Conie island_, [Dassen island] all low land, and bordered by many dangerous rocks to seawards. ❋ Robert Kerr (1784)

Abyssinian coast, and anchored at night three leagues short of it, under an island which we named _Crab island_, owing to the great abundance of crabs we found there. ❋ Robert Kerr (1784)

He has come to the title island, the home to a hospital for the criminally insane that sits in the midst of Boston Harbor, because a violent patient who murdered her own children has disappeared from her cell. ❋ Unknown (2010)

On an island like this, I use the term island because it is only accessible by boat and cut off from the main world, time is not a valuable commodity. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Moving ones gear onto and off of the island is a royal pain in the butt, however one is paid off in beautiful scenery and good hunting. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The story of how the Losties ended up working for Dharma was interesting, as was the revelation that whatever caused the problems with pregnant women on the island is a fairly recent phenomenon, at least post 1977. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Joining the Irishmen on the island is another group of clichés. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I should explain that for some enthusiasts of Irish history, rerunning the partition of the island is a favourite pastime, and the most significant point of departure is the conference held at Buckingham Palace in July 1914, to try to get agreement on what parts of Ulster should be excluded from the jurisdiction of an autonomous Home Rule government in Ireland. ❋ Nwhyte (2009)

But at least, Penangites know for sure that their island is an international industrial town. ❋ Jerine (2009)

Our heroes, who have turned up to discover more about the death of an old friend, conclude that the island is a nest of telepathic mutants. ❋ Nwhyte (2010)

The other island is as high as the wall shelves and holds all my other books. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In the movie, the island is a MIRROR of all the bullshit of real life. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Sadly, the island is apparently full of chocolate tea haters, from the national chain grocery stores all the way to the speciality tea store. ❋ Unknown (2010)

So the «growth» in the GDP of the island is the difference between nothing and the fish caught. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This island is the most savage of the Solomon chain, the stamping ground of «blackbirders,» labor recruiters who enslave natives to toil on plantations for a wage of $30 a year. ❋ Unknown (2008)

For example, the English I speak on the island is a mixture of English with Islandese bits and made-up funny words. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Essentially, the island is the future, just waiting for the “present time” to catch up to it. ❋ Unknown (2008)

[After all] those [PBR’s] last night, [I left] a huge island in the toilet this morning. ❋ Ihavespoe (2010)

[I live] [on an island]. ❋ Rentastrawberry (2004)

[Islander] #1: «Do you want to go to [the mainland] this weekend?»
Islander #2: «[Hell no]!» ❋ KodiakMamaBear (2005)

«After the [Mets] game we’re going out to The [Island] [for dinner].» ❋ Bronxcheer (2008)

[Todd] rigorously [licked] my island before we [hooked up]. ❋ Flores (2003)

«[Wilin] on the island.» -Nas/ [One Love]/ [Illmatic] ❋ Dcdan (2007)

“Aye [bro what] is that out there on that body of water?”
“Bro that’s obviously an [island island], jeez [man it]’s a common term” ❋ Saucyg (2020)

Due to [lack] of [resources] I’m feeling very Islanded on this [project]. ❋ Mr_Skinback (2007)

[look at that] [sexy] islander ❋ Christophurrrrr (2006)

Hey is that [your girl] bro, she’s hot and awesome
[Yup] that’s [islande] ! ❋ Mconnorq (2013)

  • Use the word Island in a sentences

Sentence Examples


«The first wave will strike at Pearl Harbor, «Schofield Barracks, and the Ford island airdrome…

We could stop the Queen Mary anywhere here, just off the coast of Abaco island.

Can you beat a Coney island tady? Yeah.

Nobody has the right to call Krewe island «Invergordon’s folly. «

You say he’s been invited to play at Krewe island?

Do yourself a favor and get off this island. Go home. Go home before evil befalls your little, skinny, aerobicized booty.

But in the 60s, Britain was still what was once called «a right little, tight little island

So you come all the way from Apapa, Victoria island

I thought about us On a deserted island

We’ve discovered trace elements of a rare vegetable… found only on one island, here, in the Caribbean.

There’s Dr Evil’s island.

According to this map… the entire island is crawling with Dr Evil’s guards.

Austin Powers is on the island.

Since when did this become the island of Lesbos?

The island of the Blessed

To this uncharted island.

Act 2 The island of the Blessed

4th Act The island of the Blessed

Torarin’s cottage was situated at the highest point of the island — — and all the Scottish mercenaries, mariners and fishermen, locked in by the ice at Marstrand, used to pass by his cottage on their way to see if the sea had begun to cast off its blanket of ice.

Generous donations have made it possible for Elias Renato to create a home for the orphans of society on an island not far from the city… Generous donations have made it possible for Elias Renato to create a home for the orphans of society on an island not far from the city…

Despite the extensive mission on «The island of the Homeless» Elias Renato never neglects his congregation on the mainland.

«Come with me to «The island of the Homeless» — we can talk better there.!

Wenka’s step-father seeks admission to the island.

On «The island of the Homeless»

«I should leave my island and leave all the people, who put their destinies in my hand. «

Ysabel sails to the island.

At dawn the island was a smouldering ruin.

I sentence you to transportation for life, whatever that»s worth to the sulfur mines on the island of Sicily.

My island Elysium, with all its buildings, fountains and resplendent gardens, with all its miracles of art unheard of and rare treasures of generous nature,

The island‘s auspicious name, for us it augurs well.

My friends sent me to appeal to you: you may prevent that Alviano’s island, Elysium,

Damn it, what has Salvago, what has the island to do with your heinous intrigues?

On that island an artificial grotto makes wonderful rooms accessible,

I came to this island full of secret fear.

We cast a ban on the island Elysium.

Before the temple of Adonis, in Cythera, the island of the goddess of love, Aphrodite, the Greeks invoke the arrival of spring.

Chapter 1, wherein we will know an incredibly small island which might be in the Mediterranean Sea, the Great Dukedom of Abacco, its charming tyrant, Ramon the 12th (Harry Liedtke), last heir to a little crown and to a quite big public debt,

«Were I not to get my money within the next 3 days, I’ll keep your entire island

Throw him out of the island, which isn’t even his anymore!»

Cham Shang the Great, Prince of Mongols, King of Ho Sho Governor of Wah Hoo and the island of Wak.

In search of rare treasure, the Prince of the Mongols came to the island of Wak.

Exited to Devil’s island for criminal insane

On a neighbouring island lay a magic lake

Ellis island, the Funnel of America.

I’m gonna be transferred next month to Governor’s island.

Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba.

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Take part in the island tournament game Super Pang playing


game Super Pang-


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Примите участие в островном турнире игры Супер Панге, играя в игру Super Pang-

The Island Tournament.


The island ecology of Jamaica is more vulnerable than conditions in




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Островная экология Ямайки более уязвима, по сравнению с условиями в США.


Festivals and concerts take place in the island castle in summer.

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Летом в Островном замке проходят фестивали и концерты.

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С этого времени островная колония считается заброшенной.

The island spotted skunk is endemic to






coast of Southern California.

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Островная лисица( лат. Urocyon littoralis)- вид лисицы, эндемик

островов Чаннел, расположенных близ берегов Калифорнии.

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За островное расположение( открытое с 4- х сторон).

Despite all these the island managed to keep its identity and culture.


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Несмотря на это, островам удалось сохранить свою самобытность и культуру.


Abolish physical punishment as a criminal sentence by the island courts; and.


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Запретить использование островными судами телесных наказаний в качестве меры уголовного наказания;




signature St. Regis Bloody Mary gets a local twist as the Island Mary.


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Фирменный коктейль нашего отеля на Мальдивах-« Островная Мэри», местная вариация популярной« Кровавой

Мэри St. Regis».


Cooperation between


Netherlands and the island territories.


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Сотрудничество между Нидерландами и островными территориями.



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Подход на основе управления островными системами 33 11.


Many religious and national festivals are celebrated openly at the island, community and national levels.


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Многие религиозные и национальные праздники открыто празднуются на островном, общественном и национальном уровнях.


Several years later an alcoholic and divorced Anders returns to the island.

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Однако спустя несколько лет ярмарка и возникшее поселение были перенесены в Островное.

He arrived after


French had abandoned the island.

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После этого события французы решили покинуть островную группу.

Within twenty minutes, most of


men in town were at the island cemetery.

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Не прошло и двадцати минут, как большинство горожан явились на островное кладбище.


waterfall is divided into four parts of the island on


edge of a precipice.

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Водопад разделен на четыре части островами на краю пропасти.

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А остров вот тут, в Южных морях.

First reason why the island has become so popular- it’s night-club life!


The island was first mentioned in writing in 1391.


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Вормси впервые упоминается в летописях в 1391 году.



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До острова можно добраться на пароме, автобусе и автомобиле.




foundation of


fortress, around the island were found mammoth bones.


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После основания крепости в окрестностях острова неоднократно находили кости мамонта.



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Идра: До острова можно добраться морским транспортом.


A vein of silver as wide as the island, that’s what it’s all about!

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Серебряная жила, шириной с остров— вот для чего!

However, the island had taken action to combat poverty and achieved universal education.


The Island is one of


world’s best locations for whale

and dolphin watching.


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Тенерифе— одно из лучших мест в мире для наблюдения за китами.


We are waiting for you on the island of scarves in


South Gallery of


shopping center.


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Мы ждем Вас на островке шарфов в ТЦ Южная Галерея.


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Отвезите нас на осторов, где нет никого.

Results: 14901,
Time: 0.0256





Learn how to use Island in a sentence and make better sentences with `Island` by reading Island sentence examples.

  • For the entree I ordered the crispy Island noodles.
  • For the more adventurous, experience shark cage diving off nearby Dyer Island.
  • But alas these items were made by Joe’s Island Grinds, another business who moved somewhere else.
  • Island Sushi you lived up to what we had been craving since we visited last year.
  • They serve drinks like long Island ice tea for only $4 at certain times of the day.
  • Indeed it’s on an Island.
  • I have just returned from a great holiday on the white sand beaches of Hilton Head Island, SC.
  • So is it still possible to find cheap homeowners insurance quotes in Rhode Island.
  • Many of us are familiar with the cities of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka on the main Island of Honshu.
  • I played Dead Island and wasn’t especially impressed.
  • And I seem to recall them having a really good long Island, if you’re into that kind of thing.
  • It’s a small but quaint shop with music that would transport you to a tropical Island.
  • In order to visit this Island you have to buy Pleasure Island Tickets.
  • Amazing Atmosphere, Beautiful decor, Island music, sure takes you to a happy place.
  • And Erie Island has the local magic to make that happen.
  • Senior travelers, on the other hand, can feel at home on almost any Island in the Caribbean.
  • Kauai is about 20 minutes by air from Honolulu and is the oldest and most northern Island of Hawaii.
  • BEST sandwiches in west Island by far.
  • At night this tropical Island switches into high gear and Cancun nightlife starts in earnest.
  • I didn’t feel like driving to Island flavor so I decided to settle for this instead.
  • Because Muskoka is too far, and dreadfully cliche, there is Toronto Island Park.
  • Do have the Island flavored drinks with all the fruity greatness and happy power mixed into them.
  • This Island has received critical acclaim as one of the most luxurious place in the Caribbean.
  • Make sure you bring your appetite when you come to eat at Ellis Island BBQ.
  • Definitely the place to go when you’re in the west Island.
  • We also enjoy the Island fire chicken.
  • The Island is especially known for its luxurious resorts.
  • I moved to Mountain Island.
  • My Long Island Ice Tea was freshly made.
  • Going to the Island is so much fun and a way to make money fast.
  • This new expansion allows you to do just that, take your WHOLE FAMILY to a tropical Island vacation.
  • What’s the one baby gadget you would want if you were stranded on a desert Island.
  • Cute boutiquey little shop with a touch of Island flair.
  • Roughly 9 miles offshore, the Island contains the Mexican beach culture of a bygone era.
  • Dead Island has pretty good graphics.
  • Island Mixs’ saving grace is their food, because as far as Customer Service, THERE IS NONE.
  • Forbidden Island had a great replay value but this has even more.
  • There is no better way to experience a tropical adventure than with Bahamas Island yacht charters.
  • Honolulu International Airport on the Oahu Island is the common entry point to the Hawaii islands.
  • New Zealand is split into two main areas, the North of the Island and the South of the Island.
  • Would come again if I was staying in Treasure Island again and didn’t want to walk outside.
  • Oh, and don’t forget the dessert Island in the middle of the buffet.
  • Thinking of Greek Island holidays for your next family adventure.
  • From Palma, you can explore the varied countryside that the Island has to offer.
  • Yes, this is a remake of Yoshi’s Island for the SNES in case the Mario Advance 3 confused you.
  • My new ‘desert island’ food are these pancakes.
  • This Island has a gorgeous landscape good beaches and a well deserved name for diving and snokeling.
  • I also had the Island roll and the energy roll, both are lightly torched and tasted fantastic.
  • This aspect alone made Dead Island feel like a true to life survival apocalypse was underhand.
  • Island Flavors is closer to is and their poke is way better and no extra charge for brown rice.
  • Definitely will try the Island Style take out on a different occasion.
  • With each new release of each Moneky Island sequel, there was always something new and fun to do.
  • It’s one of the most active areas on the Island.
  • You’re supposed to be trapped on an Island with other ship wrecked survivors.
  • My long Island and beer were reasonably priced for Vegas standards.
  • Made me miss the Island Paradise.
  • This tasteful resort blends perfectly with the tropical nature of the Island.
  • Thai Island is not too bad compared to other food court Asian food.
  • It was fresh, clear, with a hint of Island fruits.
  • Mary is located in the northwest of the Jersey Island and occupies a land area of 3,604 vergees.
  • Hidden treasures to find all around the Island.
  • Since the 1970s, Island has been charming visitors and guests.
  • I had the Sammy Kay with corned beef and pastrami with thousand Island dressing.
  • AtG is right on the water with views of Toronto Island and the sailing camps.
  • No they don’t go to the Island of forgotten toys or misfit merchandise.
  • Tossed about in the water, he lands on an Island.
  • Makes you feel like you’re really escaping the Island with something tangible.
  • If you are staying at treasure Island or nearby hotels, I highly recommend this place.
  • Altogether, zombie lovers will find Dead Island very fun.
  • Island reggae tunes playing and even the menu looked promising.
  • I went in with very low expectations good Asian food, in Treasure Island, on the Las Vegas Strip.
  • Why is Yoshi’s Island so incredible you ask.
  • Loving this Island vibe with Island style fusion food.
  • Would go back def better than that sushi place that used to be at Treasure Island.
  • James Island is one of the most popular areas to live in Charleston, SC.
  • This Island is the largest of Florida’s 10,000 islands and it attracts many tourists every year.
  • Im still on the Island.
  • It is also the home of the high end Amanpulo Island Resort.
  • We get to the bar after 15 minutes of fighting with the crowd and ordered two Long Island Iced Teas.
  • What We Already KnowPalm Beach is an Island, chic and quiet.
  • So now I have Island of Hope on my computer AND now on nintendo DS.
  • Great place in the west Island to catch a movie.
  • Or finding a new Island with hidden secrets and interesting wildlife.
  • It is the most important highlight of the whole Island and you are just about to find out why.
  • That’s when Long Island Movers can make your work easier and hassle free.
  • It’s a bit of a walk of you’re trying to get to Caesar’s Palace, Treasure Island, The Venetian, etc.
  • Their menu contains a large selection of sushi rolls, poke, and Island dishes to choose from.
  • At first I liked it because it was a big Island and I just explored it.
  • The free form pool, built like a lagoon, has an Island with jungle vegetation.
  • However it is an Island and as such has some marvelous beaches on offer.
  • I do feel that you must have heard a lot about this Island.
  • A 250 square kilometre rounded Island which is about the same size as Penang.
  • The Island is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico to the west and Little Sarasota Bay to the east.
  • We had the thousand Island burger, basic burger and chili cheese fries.
  • This particular Island attracts people from all over the world every single year.
  • Especially on Saturday night’s and also if you’re accustomed to GOOD Island food.
  • The Island offers one of the world’s best climates and year round diving for marine enthusiasts.
  • The service isn’t super fast, but c’mon we are on Island time here.
  • It reminds me of all the fun we had at our Island cottage every summer.
  • It is like being on Long Island.

Similar words: Isle Of France, Islanding, Islesmen, Isl, Islamize, Islaen, Islandicae, Islamism, Islandic, Islamized, Isls, Isleta, Island State, Islandman, Islamistic, Islamised, Isling, Islendinga, Islington, Island Studded

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