The word is your source

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Torovo ваш источник специально отпечатанные USB флэш- накопителей.

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Лизинг YZER Motors- это Ваш источник для автолизинговых сделок в ОАЭ.


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SurveyMonkey Question Bank is your source for thousands of pre-written, certified questions created by our team of methodologists.


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База вопросов SurveyMonkey- это Ваш источник тысяч готовых и утвержденных вопросов, составленных нашей командой методистов.


The Internet is your source of largely truthful information and we look forward to the

day which


coming, when the media


also able to freely and truthfully report events.

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Интернет- это ваш источник широкой правдивой информации и мы в ожидании дня,

который грядет, когда все СМИ будут в состоянии свободно давать репортажи о событиях.

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If you run that story, everyone in D.C. will know that Douglas was your source.

What is your source of information on the procedures for advanced rulings?


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Какой источник информации Вы используете для получения сведений о процедурах принятия предварительных решений?


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Results: 99633,
Time: 0.0205





You Have More Impact Than You Know

You Have More Impact Than You Know


When You Face Opposition

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Signs and Wonders Follow Those Who Believe

Signs and Wonders Follow Those Who Believe


Not All Thoughts Are Your Thoughts

Not All Thoughts Are Your Thoughts


The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever

The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever


The Mind is The Battleground

The Mind is The Battleground


The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd


Taking Thoughts Captive

Taking Thoughts Captive


Zealous For His House

Zealous For His House


Praise & Worship In Every Situation

Praise & Worship In Every Situation


The Cost of Worship

The Cost of Worship


Everyone Worships Something

Everyone Worships Something


We're all part of The Kingdom of God

We’re all part of The Kingdom of God


Effective Worship

Effective Worship


Walking in Abundant Life

Walking in Abundant Life


Praise and worship is about His presence

Praise and worship is about His presence



Предложения с «source word»

The Late Latin word is generally thought to originate from an Afro-Asiatic language, but every proposed source word has presented problems.

Считается, что Позднелатинское слово происходит от афро — азиатского языка, но каждое предложенное исходное слово представляет проблемы.

At no point in this article is any meaning actually given for the source word, whether Zink or Zinke.

Ни в одном пункте этой статьи не дается никакого значения для исходного слова , будь то Zink или Zinke.

For reference, most translations seem to translate the source-word as being either ‘coat of mail’ or simply as ‘armor’.

Для справки, большинство переводов, по — видимому, переводят исходное слово либо как кольчуга, либо просто как броня.

An Excel spreadsheet works well as a data source for mail merge if all data is well-formatted and on one sheet so that it can be read by Word.

Электронная таблица Excel хорошо подходит в качестве источника данных для слияния, если все данные находятся на одном листе и отформатированы так, что приложению Word удается их правильно распознать.

I mean, all I have is his word to go on and no offense, but he doesn’t present as the most trustworthy source.

Я могу только на его показания опираться, а они — без обид — не самый достоверный источник.

I mean, I… all I have is his word to go on, and… and no offense, but he doesn’t present as the most trustworthy source.

Я могу… только на его показания опираться, a они, без обид, — не самый достоверный источник.

You get that far along, you start resonating with the word. Or with its source on the material plane.

Когда ты так далеко проходишь, то начинаешь резонировать со Словом или с его источником на материальном плане

Many colleges and universities use the Purdue OWL website as an academic writing reference source for proper word usage, punctuation, grammar, and style.

Многие колледжи и университеты используют веб — сайт Purdue OWL в качестве академического справочного источника для правильного использования слов, пунктуации, грамматики и стиля.

At one time, common word-processing software adjusted only the spacing between words, which was a source of the river problem.

В свое время распространенное программное обеспечение для обработки текстов регулировало только интервал между словами , что было источником проблемы с рекой.

As the Word, Jesus was eternally present with God, active in all creation, and the source of humanity’s moral and spiritual nature.

Как слово , Иисус был вечно присутствующим с Богом, активным во всем творении и источником нравственной и духовной природы человечества.

This is the source for the word for asbestos in many languages, such as the Portuguese amianto.

Это — источник слова для асбеста во многих языках, таких как португальский amianto.

It is of ancient roots, even to the word and its pronunciation, and you have yet to produce ONE SINGLE SOURCE for any other proposition.

Оно имеет древние корни, вплоть до слова и его произношения, и вам еще предстоит создать один единственный источник для любого другого предложения.

The word ikigai usually is used to indicate the source of value in one’s life or the things that make one’s life worthwhile.

Слово икигай обычно используется для обозначения источника ценности в жизни человека или вещей, которые делают его жизнь стоящей.

The usage of the word is a source of contention among some fans, owing to its negative connotations and stereotyping of the fandom.

Использование этого слова является источником разногласий среди некоторых поклонников, из — за его негативных коннотаций и стереотипизации фэндома.

Unlike RS-232 modems the data source also supplied word marks which were passed to the sink.

В отличие от модемов RS — 232 источник данных также снабжался словесными метками, которые передавались в приемник.

‘Child maltreatment’ should only be used when necessary or when the source specifically uses that word.

Жестокое обращение с детьми должно использоваться только в случае необходимости или когда источник специально использует это слово .

That source suggested the followers of Byam became known as ‘Bims’ and that this became a word for all Barbadians.

Этот источник предположил, что последователи Байама стали известны как бимы, и что это слово стало словом для всех Барбадосцев.

A particularly rich source of options arises when the plural of an acronym would normally be indicated in a word other than the final word if spelled out in full.

Особенно богатый выбор вариантов возникает тогда, когда множественное число аббревиатуры обычно указывается в слове , отличном от заключительного слова , если оно написано полностью.

I don’t have a source for this and don’t know where to even find one but about half of people in the South do tend to drop the ING on a word.

У меня нет источника для этого, и я даже не знаю, где его найти, но примерно половина людей на юге склонны опускать ИНГ на слове .

There is almost always an ambiguity during word-to-word translation from source to the target language.

При переводе от исходного языка к целевому почти всегда возникает двусмысленность.

Word games are generally used as a source of entertainment, but can additionally serve an educational purpose.

Словесные игры, как правило, используются в качестве источника развлечений, но могут дополнительно служить образовательной цели.

Do you have a source that the word terrorism will cease to have all meaning if applied to the military use of bulldozers?

Есть ли у вас источник, что слово терроризм перестанет иметь какое — либо значение, если его применить к военному применению бульдозеров?

Another source of confusion is the different usage of the word college.

Еще одним источником путаницы является различное употребление слова колледж.

A trademark is a word, phrase, or logo that identifies the source of goods or services.

Товарный знак — это слово , фраза или логотип, которые идентифицируют источник товаров или услуг.

The protection only exists for source-designating uses of the word, not descriptive or generic uses of the word.

Защита существует только для использования слова , обозначающего источник, а не для описательного или общего использования этого слова .

I’ve been editing WP for years, and never had a problem when I’ve used the exact word of a cited source.

Я редактировал WP в течение многих лет, и никогда не возникало проблем, когда я использовал точное слово цитируемого источника.

As of right now, you are the only source, and your word is not good enough.

На данный момент Вы — единственный источник, и ваше слово недостаточно хорошо.

The word Sanskrit is on that page of Hatley source.

Слово санскрит находится на этой странице источника Хатли.

A backronym, or bacronym, is a constructed phrase that purports to be the source of a word that is an acronym.

Бэкроним, или бакроним, — это сконструированная фраза, которая претендует на то, чтобы быть источником слова , которое является аббревиатурой.

Priteni not the source, only a Greek word representing the native source.

Притени не источник, а только греческое слово , представляющее родной источник.

This topic is a source of lively interest, both to lovers of word puzzles and lovers of words.

Эта тема вызывает живой интерес, как у любителей словесных головоломок, так и у любителей слов.

and each source I checked did use the word caste.

и каждый источник, который я проверял, действительно использовал слово каста.

What source refers to misotheism as a nonce word?

Какой источник относится к misotheism как данное слово ?

you must provide a source which must use the word unusual in reference to the death.

вы должны предоставить источник, который должен использовать слово необычный в отношении смерти.

ZPAQL source code uses a textual syntax, with each space-delimited word assembling to one byte in most cases, and comments in parenthesis.

Исходный код ZPAQL использует текстовый синтаксис, причем каждое слово , разделенное пробелом, в большинстве случаев составляет один байт, а комментарии заключены в круглые скобки.

source word

Общая лексика: переводимое слово, слово на языке оригинала, слово на языке исходного текста перевода, SW

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «source word» в других словарях:

  • word — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Written communication Nouns 1. word, term, expression, locution, linguistic unit or form, word form, lexeme; homonym, synonym, antonym, heteronym, homophone; syllable, monosyllable, polysyllable; stem,… …   English dictionary for students

  • Word game — Word games and puzzles are generally engaged as a source of entertainment, but they have been found to serve a very useful and progressive educational purpose as well. For instance, young children can find enjoyment playing modestly competitive… …   Wikipedia

  • Word error rate — (WER) is a common metric of the performance of a speech recognition system.The general difficulty of measuring performance lies in the fact that the recognized word sequence can have a different length from the reference word sequence (supposedly …   Wikipedia

  • Word grammar — is a grammar model developed by Richard Hudson in the 1980s. It is based on the dependency grammar model, in which information is almost entirely contained in the lexical entries for particular words, and syntax is seen as consisting primarily of …   Wikipedia

  • Word of Wisdom — For the Pentecostal usage of this term, see Word of wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is the common name of a section of the Doctrine and Covenants, [In the edition published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, it is… …   Wikipedia

  • Word-sense disambiguation — Disambiguation redirects here. For other uses, see Disambiguation (disambiguation). In computational linguistics, word sense disambiguation (WSD) is an open problem of natural language processing, which governs the process of identifying which… …   Wikipedia

  • Source criticism — This entry is about source evaluation (or information evaluation) in an interdisciplinary context and thus not limited to some discipline specific understanding of the term source criticism . A source (an information source) may be a document, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Word processor — Writer in Version 3.2 …   Wikipedia

  • Word sense disambiguation — In computational linguistics, word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the process of identifying which sense of a word is used in any given sentence, when the word has a number of distinct senses. For example, consider two examples of the distinct… …   Wikipedia

  • source — I UK [sɔː(r)s] / US [sɔrs] noun [countable] Word forms source : singular source plural sources *** 1) a) a person, place, or thing that provides something that you need or want a light/power/energy source source of: The best sources of potassium… …   English dictionary

  • Word stem — Examples The stem of the verb wait is wait: it is the part that is common to all its inflected variants. wait (infinitive) wait (imperative) waits (present, 3rd person, singluar) wait (present, other persons and/or plural) waited (simple past)… …   Wikipedia

источник, исток, исходный текст, начало, родник, первопричина, ключ, верховье


- верховье; исток

source of a river — истоки /верховье/ реки

- родник, ключ; источник
- источник, основа; начало, (перво)причина

source of grief [of inspiration, of joy, of knowledge, of supply, of infection] — источник горя [вдохновения, радости, знаний, снабжения, инфекции]
source of funds — эк. источник финансирования
a legitimate source of income — законный источник дохода
to tap a new source of revenue — открыть новую доходную статью
to cut off the evil at its source — подавить зло в его истоке /в зародыше/

- источник информации

to know smth. from reliable sources — знать что-л. из достоверных /надёжных/ источников
well-informed sources say that … — из хорошо осведомлённых источников стало известно, что …
we cannot trace the source of this report — мы не смогли выяснить, откуда исходит это сообщение

- письменный источник, документ

historical sources — исторические документы /данные/
original /primary/ sources — первоисточники

- происхождение, предки

to trace smb.’s source — проследить чьё-л. происхождение

- спец. источник (энергии, питания)
- физ. излучатель
- вчт. исходный текст; исходная программа (тж. source code)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Red meat is a rich source of iron.

Красное мясо является богатым источником железа.

Beans are a very good source of protein.

Бобы — очень хороший источник белка.

Sources dry up.

Источники пересыхают.

He refused to disclose the source of his information.

Он отказался раскрыть источник своей информации.

Success in sport is a source of national pride.

Успех в спорте является предметом национальной гордости.

Information from various intelligence sources

Информация из различных разведывательных источников.

So where to source: local or global?

Где же искать поставщиков: локально или глобально?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

resource  — ресурс, средство, запас, возможность, находчивость, способ, изобретательность

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: source
he/she/it: sources
ing ф. (present participle): sourcing
2-я ф. (past tense): sourced
3-я ф. (past participle): sourced

ед. ч.(singular): source
мн. ч.(plural): sources

Therefore, we investigate the effect of pension fund governance on the two sources of value creation separately.

Data have been collected using a variety of sources, including parent interviews, teacher assessments, child interviews, standardized psychometric tests, medical and official records.

However, no large stockpiles of batteries or other obvious sources of heavy-metal contamination were found.

Of the various approaches to personality, they are clearly opting for trait and social cognitive approaches as the likely sources of valid data.

Building a useful pharmacotherapy data set from multiple sources.

The two main sources of information in the study were clinical records and staff evaluations.

To distinguish between the two different sources, two different shading colours are used for concentration values exceeding 80% of the maximum signal amplitude.

Two sources of influence may guide the development of any application.

Finally, the design of the sources may change.

Therefore, changes in the original sources will not be reflected in the new one.

According to these authors, the readings often attributed to variant forms are retentions of meanings associated with their original lexical sources.

Finally, private-sector «uses» must equal private-sector «sources» of funds.

There are two types of channel ends: sources and sinks.

The limited information available on the sources of income of urban and rural households confirms these results.

The sparse endnotes for each chapter point to a book based almost entirely on secondary sources, and often very limited ones at that.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

What is considered a source word?

Thread poster: Yves Jacques

Yves Jacques

Yves Jacques  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
English to French
+ …

Mar 24, 2010

For an agency requesting a bid, what is considered a source word?
Is it every word in the document? Is it a 5 character segment? Or do they consider new words as a source word?

The reason for my asking is that I bid on a job at 0.10usd new words, 0.08usd fuzzy words and 0.02usd for 100% and repetitions. The agency came back stating that it is too expensive and are offering 0.09usd per source word.

Who’s the winner in this game?

Thanks and regards,
See more

For an agency requesting a bid, what is considered a source word?
Is it every word in the document? Is it a 5 character segment? Or do they consider new words as a source word?

The reason for my asking is that I bid on a job at 0.10usd new words, 0.08usd fuzzy words and 0.02usd for 100% and repetitions. The agency came back stating that it is too expensive and are offering 0.09usd per source word.

Who’s the winner in this game?

Thanks and regards,

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Fabio Descalzi

Fabio Descalzi  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:07
Member (2004)
German to Spanish
+ …

Two different questions Mar 24, 2010

Hi Yves

Maybe you should ask two different questions:
1) What is a source word? In my experience, for an agency, a source word is «whatever is counted by the Trados Analyse function». So this should be no serious doubt. And your way to quote, USD 0.10 «for new words», etc. seems conceptually correct.
2) Is your price of «USD 0.10 for new words» too high for that agency in particular, and for that language pair in particular? That is yet another very different ques

See more

Hi Yves

Maybe you should ask two different questions:
1) What is a source word? In my experience, for an agency, a source word is «whatever is counted by the Trados Analyse function». So this should be no serious doubt. And your way to quote, USD 0.10 «for new words», etc. seems conceptually correct.
2) Is your price of «USD 0.10 for new words» too high for that agency in particular, and for that language pair in particular? That is yet another very different question. Personally, I don’t think that to be «expensive» at all, on the contrary.


[Edited at 2010-03-24 12:55 GMT]

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Yasutomo Kanazawa

Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
Member (2005)
English to Japanese
+ …

Every word in the source document is considered a source word. Mar 24, 2010

Replying to your question, whether the words in the source text are new words, fuzzy matches, repetitions, etc. everything is considered as source words. They’re making a distinction since there is a TM for the project which you placed a bid, but that doesn’t mean that the number of source words in the original document would be decreased or halved. If there are 10,000 source words in the original document, then it’s 10,000 source words to translate. However, if there is a TM, and if there are fSee more

Replying to your question, whether the words in the source text are new words, fuzzy matches, repetitions, etc. everything is considered as source words. They’re making a distinction since there is a TM for the project which you placed a bid, but that doesn’t mean that the number of source words in the original document would be decreased or halved. If there are 10,000 source words in the original document, then it’s 10,000 source words to translate. However, if there is a TM, and if there are fuzzy matches, repetitions, etc. this will reduce your time spent on translating these segments. ▲ Collapse

Samuel Murray

Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:07
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Agree with Fabio Mar 24, 2010

Fabio Descalzi wrote:
In my experience, for an agency, a source word is «whatever is counted by the Trados Analyse function».

Yes, that is what I wanted to say as well. A word is the unit that the agency’s word counting software counts as a word. For languages with spaces between words, this is usually anything with a space or a punctuation mark on either side, regardless of word length.

Katalin Horváth McClure

Katalin Horváth McClure  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:07
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
+ …

Source vs. target word Mar 24, 2010

I think the point is that the agency is specifying «source word» to make sure you understand they are basing the pricing on the volume of the source files (and not the «target», the translated files). This is an important point to agree on, as the number of words may change (increase or decrease) when going from one language to another.
You probably meant «per source word» in your quote, too, but did not specify it explicitly — the agency did to prevent misunderstanding.

I thi

See more

I think the point is that the agency is specifying «source word» to make sure you understand they are basing the pricing on the volume of the source files (and not the «target», the translated files). This is an important point to agree on, as the number of words may change (increase or decrease) when going from one language to another.
You probably meant «per source word» in your quote, too, but did not specify it explicitly — the agency did to prevent misunderstanding.

I think the rate they suggested to you was probably the «base» or «full» rate (for new words). So, they say 0.09 as opposed to your 0.10. If they did not say anything about the fuzzies and reps, that means they either:
A) don’t use such discounts (that would be a good thing), or
B) they accept your rate for those, or
C) they want proportionally discounted rates based on the 0.09 full rate, or
D) they want completely different discounts but they are not telling you that.

In other words, you need to ask more questions from them, and clarify these issues.

By the way, did they ask you up front for TM discounts?
Have you seen the TM, do you know what quality is that?

If your answer for any of these questions is NO, then you may be in the process of shooting yourself in the foot.


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What is considered a source word?

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