The word is lame

ламе, хромой, хромающий, калечить, увечить


- тонкая металлическая пластинка


- хромой

lame man [horse] — хромой человек [-ая лошадь]
to be lame of /in/ one leg — хромать на одну ногу
he went /became/ lame — он стал /остался/ хромым

- повреждённый, изувеченный (обыкн. о ноге)

he has a lame shoulder [elbow] — он повредил себе плечо [локоть]

- спотыкающийся, прихрамывающий

lame footsteps — спотыкающаяся походка

- неудачный, неудовлетворительный

lame argument — неубедительный довод
lame excuse — слабая /неудачная/ отговорка
lame conclusion — необоснованное заключение
lame account — неудовлетворительное объяснение
lame endeavour — неудачная /тщетная/ попытка
lame story — нескладный рассказ

- неправильный, «хромающий» (о стихе, размере)
- арх. увечный, слабый, парализованный
- тех. вышедший из строя
- амер. разг. простоватый; отсталый
- (the lame) собир. хромые

the halt and the lame — хромые и немощные /убогие/

- «серость», убожество (о человеке); мещанин


- калечить, увечить

to lame a leg — повредить ногу

Мои примеры


a lame comedy about the misadventures of yokels in the big city — убогая комедия о злоключениях деревенских в большом городе  
feeble / flimsy / lame / poor / weak excuse — плохая отговорка  
to be lame in one leg — хромать на одну ногу  
lame under the hat — глупый, несообразительный  
lame man — хромой человек  
he has a lame shoulder — он повредил себе плечо  
lame duck company — компания в тяжёлом финансовом положении, нуждающаяся в поддержке государства  
lame-duck industries — отрасли, находящиеся в тяжёлом положении; нерентабельные отрасли  
lame-duck industry — предприятие, находящееся в тяжелом положении; нерентабельное предприятие  
lame duck period — последние дни пребывания в занимаемой должности  
lame valve spring — ослабевшая клапанная пружина; лопнувшая клапанная пружина  

Примеры с переводом

That’s a lame excuse.

Это неубедительная отговорка. / Это просто отмазка.

She’s nice, but her boyfriend is really lame.

Она славная девушка, но её парень — полный отстой.

The accident left him lame for life.

В результате аварии он остался хромым на всю жизнь.

It was a bla movie with lame acting.

Это был неинтересный фильм, актёры в нём играли плохо.

He offered a lame apology for his actions.

Он неубедительно оправдался за свои действия.

The fall left him badly lamed.

При падении он серьёзно покалечился.

Only hard-core fans of teen sex comedies will snicker at this lame attempt.

Только ярые поклонники подростковых секс-комедий будут ржать над этой убогой потугой.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The horse had gone lame, and it grew lamer.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

lameness  — хромота, прихрамывание
lament  — оплакивать, сетовать, плакать, жаловаться, жалобы, элегия, горестное стенание
lamely  — хромая, прихрамывая, спотыкаясь, запинаясь, сбивчиво, запинаясь

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: lame
he/she/it: lames
ing ф. (present participle): laming
2-я ф. (past tense): lamed
3-я ф. (past participle): lamed

срав. степ. (comparative): lamer
прев. степ. (superlative): lamest

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это тупо

это фигня



твой хром



имеет хромоту

He’s got one eye and he is lame.

У него один глаз и он хромает.

Since medicine in our country is lame today, and medical care is desired, the government has introduced a health insurance procedure.

Так как медицина в нашей стране на сегодняшний день хромает, и медицинское обслуживание желает лучшего, правительство ввело в действие процедуру страхования здоровья.

Yeah, okay, I know the title is lame, but it’s really good.

Да, я знаю, название отстойное, но книга действительно стоящая.

Milhouse, you’ll probably think this is lame,

Милхаус, ты наверное подумаешь, что это тупо,

Milhouse, you’ll probably think this is lame, but I was gonna go for a nature walk after school, and I thought maybe you’d like to…

Милхаус, ты наверное подумаешь, что это тупо, но я собиралась пойти прогуляться на природе после школы и я подумала, может быть ты хочешь…

According to him, if subsidized medicines is lame, of course people run out and buy the drugs in pharmacies.

По его словам, если льготное лекарственное обеспечение хромает, люди, конечно, бегут покупать препараты в аптеках.

Began to understand that the economy the Bank is lame.

Стали понимать, что экономика банка хромает.

See more rare photos of Hollywood’s most famous beauties of all time, which is lame on crutches.

Смотрите дальше редкие фото самой знаменитой голливудской красавицы всех времен, которая хромает на костылях.

This whole list is lame and really messed up due to too many fanboys and people who have a bad taste in music from this generation.

Весь этот список хромает и действительно испорчен из-за слишком большого количества фанатов и людей, которые плохо относятся к музыке этого поколения.

If you want to study abroad, but knowledge of a foreign language is lame, it is best to tighten it.

Если вы хотите учиться за границей, но знание иностранного языка хромает, лучше всего его подтянуть.

With these parameters unreasonable to talk about the high image quality: color reproduction is lame, the viewing angles are pretty mediocre, and horizontally still all right, and vertically — frankly disappointing.

При таких параметрах нерезонно говорить о высоком качестве изображения: цветопередача хромает, углы обзора довольно посредственные, причем по горизонтали еще куда ни шло, а по вертикали — откровенно разочаровывают.

In practice, it turns out is not such a rosy picture, the quality of care is lame, training and level tehncal equipment does not meet modern requirements.

На практике же получается совсем не такая радужная картина, качество оказания медицинской помощи хромает, подготовка также, уровень технологической оснащенности не отвечает современным требованиям.

At the stage of implementation of the task, the entrepreneur is faced with the fact that the quality of its performance is lame or the task is simply not performed.

На этапе реализации задачи предприниматель сталкивается с тем, что качество ее исполнения хромает или попросту задача не выполняется.

It is an illusion, and the problem is not that she is lame in one leg or sags in the key moments.

Это иллюзия, и проблема не в том, что она хромает на одну ногу или проседает в ключевых моментах.

Their condition, to put it mildly, is lame, and most stadiums were not suitable for the CFU requirements and also for elementary safety standards in 2015.

Их состояние, мягко говоря, хромает, а в 2015 году большинство стадионов не подходили не только под требования КФС, но и под элементарные нормы безопасности.

Read interesting, although the Russian translation is lame (and the original English version to look lazy, though I can not find it in 20 seconds — faster than I wrote this sentence).

Почитать интересно, хотя русский перевод хромает (а английский оригинал искать лениво, хоть я и могу его найти за 20 секунд — быстрее, чем я написал это предложение).

Here, great emphasis needs to be placed on the program «With a Diploma — to the Village,» because today medicine is lame primarily in the countryside.

Здесь большой акцент нужно сделать на программе «С дипломом — в село», ведь сегодня медицина хромает в первую очередь в сельской местности.

After a few weeks ago her daughter was winner stunning, amazing, and when she saw him she said to her — not my daughter, is lame.

Через несколько недель назад ее дочь была получателем потрясающие, удивительные, а она, увидев его, она сказала ей: — не моя дочь, хромает.

As for color accuracy, it is lame, and this laptop is not suitable for professional graphics work, but for games and multimedia content — completely.

Что касается точности цветопередачи, то она хромает, и такой ноутбук не подойдет для профессиональной работы с графикой, хотя для игр и мультимедийного контента — вполне.

Present neo-keynesianism (or what is called «liberal interventionism») is lame: it walks on one foot (State investment) and neglects the other (the wage itself as an investment, and the whole social environment that goes with it).

Нынешнее нео-кейнсианство (или то, что называют «либеральным интервенционизмом») хромает: оно шагает на одной ноге (государственные инвестиции) и игнорирует другую (сама зарплата как инвестиция и социальная окружающая среда, следующая за ней).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 112. Точных совпадений: 112. Затраченное время: 147 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

A very subjective term, usually describing someone who goes against someone’s way of thinking. A lame person could be someone who has poor social skills, or lacks charisma. Lame could also imply someone who is rude to other people to be controlling, or someone who follows the crowd without having their own style or unique, paridoxically, lame could also mean someone who is TOO unique and therefore removed from basic normal interactions, ie: this person may still like to play with stuffed animals at age 15 whereas everyone else his age has moved on to Xbox or Twitter. It could further be a word lame people use to take the heat off of being called lame also.

Person A: He writes so small, that’s lame.

Person B: It’s lame because he dosen’t act exactly like YOU? You sound lame.

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Unoriginal, boring, cliché, not funny, un-entertaining, shitty, annoying, over done, and over used.

Things such as tramp stamps, chinese symbol tattoos, barbed wire tattoos, tribal tattoos, dog tags, upside down visor caps, white wife-beaters, plaid cargo shorts, ford mustangs, crappy tasting energy drinks (such as monster, nos, or red bull), use of E-cigs and vapes, binge drinking crappy light beer, saying «YOLO», and tricking out your 94 honda civic after seeing «fast and the furious» are among things associated with lame people who don’t have minds of their own.

Examples of lame people are:

people who are pretentious and superficial, people who take selfies (especially ones who use the duck face), people who use hashtags, people who do whatever it takes to impress people they don’t even like, people who play video games all day, people who are drunk/high all the time, people who are always on facebook or other equally lame social media shitsites, people who try to race everyone at the stoplight with their honda civics and newer model ford mustangs with no engine modifications, people who put subwoofers in their car and blast shitty overrated entertainment rap such as lil’ wayne or drake, people who wear fedoras and skinny pants with nerd glasses, people who put hoops in their stretched out earlobes, and people who say YOLO!

Places like night clubs, sushi restaurants, coffee shops, whole foods, Los Angeles, and on instagram or facebook is where you would most likely find these kinds of people.

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I was checking out and the Word Of The Day was the completely lame and unfunny (insert 9 out of 10 words of the day). I saw many more deserving words during editing but none of them ever get on the homepage. They must be too risque. Urban Dictionary must be run by a bunch of sell-outs!

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lame — перевод на русский


We can always bail if it’s lame.

Всегда можно слинять, если там будет отстойно.

Well, this is lame.

Это отстойно.

Lame… or casual?

Отстойно… или непредсказуемо?

— It’s so lame here.

— Здесь так отстойно.

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Really lame.

Настоящий отстой.

Fraternities — fraternities are lame, dad. They are not!

Нет, братство — это отстой, пап.

It’s, uh, yiddish for, like, lame.

Факакте на иврите это типа — отстой.

-Can you believe how lame this is?

— Ты можешь себе представить, какой это отстой?

Oh, this is so lame!

Какой отстой!

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Must have been lame.

Должно быть хромой.

Not only is he hideous, he’s also old, scarred and lame.

Он не только безобразен, он к тому же стар, весь в шрамах и хромой.

Camel’s lame.

Верблюд хромой.

He ran with no luck, Lame like a duck.

Побежал дорогою Хромой, одноногою…

A lame wwants to fight, Ah Huo.

Хромой хочет бороться, А Хао.

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I know it sounds lame, but it felt good.

Я знаю, это звучит глупо, но это было здорово.

— Sounds kinda lame.

— Звучит довольно глупо.

That is so lame.

Как это глупо.

You shouldn’t do this because it’s so lame.

Просто это так глупо!

— Pretty lame, huh?

— Довольно глупо, да?

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Awkward hug or lame cool-guy handshake?

Неловкие объятия или тупо пожмем руки, как крутые парни?

Yeah, well, you know, lame cool-guy handshake.

Думаю, тупо пожмем руки.

That was offensive, and lame. So double offensive.

Это было оскобительно и тупо, поэтому вдвойне оскорбительно.

It may be really easy to make fun of someone who tries that hard.. But it’s so lame.

Легче лёгкого дразнить того, кто старается изо всех сил, только это так тупо.

You told me to play hard to get, which is totally lame.

Ты говорила мне прикинуться недотрогой. Это так тупо.

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I know that sounds lame in its vagueness, but, I assure you, Oz will be back.

Знаю, это звучит неубедительно из-за неопределенности, но, уверяю тебя, Оз вернется.

It’s lame, I know.

Это неубедительно, я знаю.

Oh, my gosh, that was so lame.

Черт возьми! Это было так неубедительно.

I know it sounds lame, but I actually think that Ted might be The One.

Я знаю, это прозвучит неубедительно, но я на самом деле думаю, что Тед может стать Единственным.

Pretty lame.

Довольно неубедительно.

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Like lame tea and scones at the Plaza Hotel?

Как дурацкий чай с дурацкими пирожными в дурацкой «Плазе»?

What kind of lame example was that?

Что за дурацкий пример?

Pretty lame, huh?

Дурацкий случай, да?

Although, to be fair, it’s a pretty lame drawing.

Вообще-то, если честно, это дурацкий рисунок.

Hepatitis B is a lame diagnosis.

Гепатит В — дурацкий диагноз.

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Pretty lame, Milhouse.

Довольно убого, Милхаус.

This is pretty lame, right?

Довольно убого, да?

You always said roses were lame. So I brought you, uh….

Ты всегда твердила, что розы — это убого, потому я принес тебе…

It’s fuckin’ lame.

Как убого.

— It was so lame.

— Это было убого.

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Is it me, or is this really lame?

Только мне кажется, или это в самом деле жалко выглядит?

I know it sounds incredibly lame, but he was like our baby.

Знаю, прозвучит жалко, но он был нам, как ребенок.

This is so lame.

Так жалко.

Uh, well, here’s the thing: um, these guys that I’m with, uh, I’m really trying to impress them, and so, uh… yeah, I know it’s lame… but if I hand you my phone, can you just dial some numbers?

Вот в чем дело, те парни, с которыми я пришел, я очень пытаюсь впечатлить их и поэтому… знаю, это жалко… но если я дам тебе телефон, можешь записать какой-нибудь номер?

She jokes with me, argues with me, and I know it sounds lame, but sometimes she even touches my shoulder or my arm.

Смеется со мной, спорит со мной, и я знаю, что это прозвучит жалко, но иногда она даже касается моей руки или плеча.

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That sounds lame.

Это так скучно.

No offense, but that is lame.

Ничего личного, но это скучно.

It’s lame.

Ну это же скучно.

Take her to the charity gala. When you get there, You can say you didn’t know how lame it would be.

Когда ты придешь туда, можешь сказать ей, что не знала, как скучно там будет.

Sorry it’s a little bit lame right now, but we’ll get it going.

Извините, у нас пока скучно, но мы только начали.

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Theater is lame and Broadway



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Театр- отстой, и Бродвей мертв.

Of course any analogy is lame but why not playing with analogies for fun?


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Конечно любая аналогия хромает, но почему бы не поиграть в аналогии для развлечения?




very cool, only the color scheme is lame; the rest of it


just Super!


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Интерфейс очень прикольный, только цветовая гамма хромает, а так Супер!


I still can’t tell if you think this is lame or cool.

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Я до сих пор не могу понять, ты думаешь это отстойно или круто.

The grounds


our thing


cool and popular, and Harvard Connection is lame.

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Основания, что нас сайт клевый и популярный… а Гарвард Конекшн- отстой.

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Bullying isn’t cool Bullying is lame.

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Дедовщина- это не круто. Дедовщина- это отстой.

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Anyway, it’s not your bar they think is lame.

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Yeah, okay, I know the title is lame, but it’s really good.

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Да, я знаю, название отстойное, но книга действительно стоящая.

My sister is lame, but Andy’s sort of cool.

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Моя сестра- лохня, но Энди вроде даже ничего.

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Поскольку раб твой хром;

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Поскольку раб твой хром;

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Read interesting, although the Russian translation is lame(and the original English version to look lazy,

though I can not find it in 20 seconds- faster than I wrote this sentence).

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Почитать интересно, хотя русский перевод хромает( а английский оригинал искать лениво, хоть я

и могу его найти за 20 секунд- быстрее, чем я написал это предложение).

Kyrgyzstan knows how it should


according to the rules, but the execution of the laws is lame.


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Кыргызстан знает, как должно быть по правилам, но исполнение законов хромает.


Consumer Reports experts have noted a great combination of spacious eight-passenger compartment of themodels with good dynamics,

but noted that the insulation Honda Pilot is lame.

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Специалисты Consumer Reports отметили отличное сочетание просторного восьмиместного салона этих моделей с хорошей динамикой, но отметили,

что шумоизоляция Honda Pilot хромает.

April says that young people think the word»committee» is lame, so let’s just think of this as a like a super chill,

fun e-hangout.

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Эйприл сказала, что молодым слово» комитет» кажется отстойным, так что представьте себе, что это суперрасслабленная, веселая электронная встреча.

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Время: 0.0233






The horse had gone lame, and it grew lamer.

The accident left him lame for life.

He offered a lame apology for his actions.

She’s nice, but her boyfriend is really lame.


we were afraid that the horse would be lamed by its horrible fall

Recent Examples on the Web

On his first day as Chicago’s mayor-elect, Brandon Johnson echoed his winning promise to rethink the city’s approach to public safety, while his lame-duck predecessor Mayor Lori Lightfoot warned him to show humility to first responders upon the heels of another firefighter death in the city.

Alice Yin, Chicago Tribune, 6 Apr. 2023

Nothing much is likely to be accomplished in his lame-duck final year, 2026.

George Skelton, Los Angeles Times, 30 Mar. 2023

During the 2018 lame-duck session, the legislature stripped the governorship and the attorney general’s office (which had also been won by a Democrat) of significant powers.

Dan Kaufman, The New Yorker, 28 Mar. 2023

Attention taxpayers:Why did Kentucky spend thousands to send lame-duck lawmakers to Hawaii?

Billy Kobin, The Courier-Journal, 24 Mar. 2023

Proponents of the sale had first tried to get the state law changed in last year’s lame-duck session.

Sharon Coolidge, The Enquirer, 15 Mar. 2023

Failing to push the bill through could turn him into a lame-duck president just a year into his second five-year term.

Aurelien Breeden, New York Times, 7 Mar. 2023

As holidays go, however, Flag Day can feel a bit lame.

Kevin Fisher-paulson, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 June 2021

My 11-year-old loved watching the pups roll balls and play a giant floor piano, but for non-dog owners (guilty as charged), parts of the series—like dressing dogs in little hats and outfits for a Parisian fashion show—feel lame.

Tim Neville, Outside Online, 23 Nov. 2020

Real work has to go into choreography—and concepts—this lame.

Erik Kain, Forbes, 26 Mar. 2023

In a final flourish, Gigi Hadid twirled off the runway in a gold lame’ gown with a tulle mermaid finish, golden ivy running up her arms as if a statuette.

Colleen Barry, ajc, 25 Feb. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘lame.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Table of Contents

  1. What does lame slang mean?
  2. What is used by lame person?
  3. What does it mean to become lame?
  4. How do you use the word lame?
  5. What can I say instead of lame?
  6. Should I not use the word lame?
  7. What is another word for lame?
  8. Why is cripple a bad word?
  9. When did lame become slang?
  10. What can I say instead of crazy or insane?
  11. What is the difference between crazy and mentally ill?
  12. What does crazy mean in slang?
  13. Is mental illness politically correct?
  14. What do you call a person with mental disorder?
  15. What do you say to someone with mental illness?
  16. How do you describe someone with mental illness?
  17. What are the signs of a mentally unstable person?
  18. How do I get better mentally?
  19. How do you know you need mental help?
  20. How can you tell if someone has schizophrenia?
  21. Do schizophrenics have a smell?
  22. What triggers schizophrenia?
  23. Do schizophrenics feel love?
  24. What are the 4 A’s of schizophrenia?
  25. Can schizophrenic people cry?
  26. How do Schizophrenics behave?
  27. What do schizophrenics hear?

People who would never, ever use the word retarded to mean stupid seem to find the word lame an acceptable substitute, as in, “That movie was so lame; don’t waste your money on it!” The Urban Dictionary, an online lexicon of new usage and slang, defines lame in this way: “Just plain stupid, unoriginal, or lifeless.” …

What does lame slang mean?

the word ‘lame’, as an informal slang (in your sentences) would refer to ‘uncool’ or ‘unpleasant’ or ‘unpreferable’ example: “what a lame idea” this sentence derives a broader meaning from the formal ‘lame’ – which implies ‘a disability’ or ‘an impairment’ as a formal noun, the word ‘lame’ may mean ‘disabled’ or ‘ …

What is used by lame person?

(krŭch) 1. A support used by an injured or disabled person, often in pairs, as an aid to walking, having a vertical shaft that is sometimes forked, a horizontal grip for the hand, and a crosspiece that is positioned under the armpit or a cuff that wraps around the forearm.

What does it mean to become lame?

physically disabled, especially in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty: a lame racehorse. impaired or disabled through defect or injury: a lame arm. weak; inadequate; unsatisfactory; clumsy: a lame excuse.

How do you use the word lame?

Lame sentence example. He was lame for the rest of his days. He muttered some lame excuse, feigning making an error. “He’s begun to go a little lame on the left foreleg,” he added.

What can I say instead of lame?

Synonyms & Antonyms of lame

  • cheap,
  • contemptible,
  • cruddy,
  • deplorable,
  • despicable,
  • dirty,
  • grubby,
  • lousy,

Should I not use the word lame?

In this respect ‘lame’ is used like ‘gay’ and should be challenged. It is offensive. ORIGIN: The word dates from the 13th century and comes from the Latin word idiota, meaning ‘ignorant person’.

What is another word for lame?

What is another word for lame?

hobbling limping
crippled game
deformed disabled
halt handicapped
debilitated incapacitated

Why is cripple a bad word?

A cripple is a person or animal with a physical disability, particularly one who is unable to walk because of an injury or illness. By the 1970s, the word generally came to be regarded as pejorative when used for people with disabilities. Cripple is also a transitive verb, meaning “cause a disability or inability”.

When did lame become slang?

Since the 8th century, lame was commonly used in everyday speech to describe a physical disability or a limp, before it started to be used as a negative descriptor in the 20th century.

What can I say instead of crazy or insane?

mentally deranged; demented; insane. 2. senseless; impractical; totally unsound: a crazy scheme.

What is the difference between crazy and mentally ill?

Mental illness is an illness, even though some choose not to accept it. “Crazy” has been a word to portray those who suffer with mental illness as dangerous, weak, unpredictable, unproductive and incapable of rational behavior or relationships. It is a word used without any serious thought or consideration.

What does crazy mean in slang?

People use the word “crazy” to mean silly, strange, or outlandish; they use the word as a modifier like “extremely” or “intensely”; they use it to mean irrational or unexplainable; and sometimes they use it to describe mental illness.

Is mental illness politically correct?

Don’t use: “Mental illness” as an aggregate term Mental illness is a broad term. It doesn’t reflect what a person is actually dealing with. If you say that someone has “cardiac issues,” it doesn’t really offer much information.

What do you call a person with mental disorder?

Psychiatric disorder, psychological disorder, mental illness, mental disease, mental breakdown, nervous breakdown, mental health conditions. Specialty. Psychiatry, clinical psychology. Symptoms.

What do you say to someone with mental illness?

What to say to someone with a mental health condition

  • “Do you want to talk about it? I’m always here for you.”
  • “What can I do to help?”
  • “That sounds really difficult.
  • 4. ”
  • “I’m really sorry you’re going through this.
  • “Are you looking for my perspective or would you rather I listen?”

How do you describe someone with mental illness?

Rather than describe the person as being a disease (‘Rhys is schizophrenic’ or ‘Margot is a depressive’), describe the person as experiencing/having mental illness (e.g. ‘Margot has depression’) just as you would someone with any other form of illness/injury (e.g. ‘Doug has cancer’).

What are the signs of a mentally unstable person?


  • Feeling sad or down.
  • Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate.
  • Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt.
  • Extreme mood changes of highs and lows.
  • Withdrawal from friends and activities.
  • Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping.

How do I get better mentally?

How to look after your mental health

  1. Talk about your feelings. Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled.
  2. Keep active.
  3. Eat well.
  4. Drink sensibly.
  5. Keep in touch.
  6. Ask for help.
  7. Take a break.
  8. Do something you’re good at.

How do you know you need mental help?

In general, however, professional help might be needed if you experience: Marked changes in personality, eating or sleeping patterns. An inability to cope with problems or daily activities. Feeling of disconnection or withdrawal from normal activities.

How can you tell if someone has schizophrenia?

Criteria to diagnose schizophrenia

  1. Hallucinations.
  2. Delusions.
  3. Disorganized speech.
  4. Disorganized or catatonic behavior.
  5. Negative symptoms (emotional flatness, apathy, lack of speech)

Do schizophrenics have a smell?

Turetsky has found that nasal cavities of schizophrenics are smaller than those of healthy subjects. Scientists have known for a decade that those with the disease have an impaired sense of smell. Most people with schizophrenia can perceive the presence of a strong odor but have trouble recognizing and naming it.

What triggers schizophrenia?

The exact causes of schizophrenia are unknown. Research suggests a combination of physical, genetic, psychological and environmental factors can make a person more likely to develop the condition. Some people may be prone to schizophrenia, and a stressful or emotional life event might trigger a psychotic episode.

Do schizophrenics feel love?

During episodes of psychosis, your loved one may experience frightening sensations that you can’t understand. They may act in ways that you don’t understand. Other symptoms of schizophrenia can make it hard for people to express emotions or feelings, communicate clearly, or seem interested in others.

What are the 4 A’s of schizophrenia?

The fundamental symptoms, which are virtually present through all the course of the disorder (7), are also known as the famous Bleuler’s four A’s: Alogia, Autism, Ambivalence, and Affect blunting (8).

Can schizophrenic people cry?

If they’re frightened by the perception, they might try to hide their fear, or cry out or run away. Some people have persistent visual hallucinations, such as small children or animals that frequently appear or follow them around.

How do Schizophrenics behave?

Schizophrenia involves a range of problems with thinking (cognition), behavior and emotions. Signs and symptoms may vary, but usually involve delusions, hallucinations or disorganized speech, and reflect an impaired ability to function.

What do schizophrenics hear?

Most commonly though, people diagnosed with schizophrenia will hear multiple voices that are male, nasty, repetitive, commanding, and interactive, where the person can ask the voice a question and get some kind of answer.”

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