These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
This project plan describes the essential steps of the introduction process.
Le présent projet énonce les principales étapes du processus d’introduction.
The introduction of a specific criminal behaviour fills a legislative vacuum.
L’introduction d’un délit pénal particulier comble un vide législatif.
These deliberations may take place before the introduction of item 3.
Ces discussions pourraient avoir lieu avant la présentation du point 3.
Several speakers commended the Director for his substantive introduction.
Plusieurs intervenants ont félicité le Directeur de la qualité de sa présentation.
Protection of coastal areas from the introduction of non-native species.
La protection des zones côtières contre l’introduction d’espèces non autochtones.
Such a critical situation necessitates the introduction of new creative ideas.
Une telle situation requiert l’introduction d’idées nouvelles et créatives.
Through the introduction of legal measures stimulating private sector research.
Par l’introduction d’une législation susceptible de stimuler la recherche privée.
One of the most useful proposals is the introduction of comparisons.
Une des propositions les plus utiles est l’introduction de comparaisons.
Check out our products, watch or download our introduction movie.
Vérifiez nos produits, observez ou téléchargez notre film d’introduction.
One major novelty was the introduction of a guaranteed minimum income.
Une nouveauté importante sera l’introduction d’un revenu minimum garanti.
The introduction of a social progress clause must be a priority.
L’introduction d’une clause de progrès social doit être prioritaire.
The introduction of breakthrough technologies should continue to be promoted.
Il conviendrait de continuer à promouvoir l’introduction de technologies de pointe.
The introduction of compulsory insurance provisions would pose cost-related problems.
L’introduction de dispositions d’assurance obligatoire poserait des problèmes de coût.
It even still welcomes the introduction of common border controls.
Il se félicite même de l’introduction de contrôles aux frontières communes.
With the introduction of artificial electrical lighting darkness is rare.
Avec l’introduction de la lumière électrique artificielle l’obscurité est rare.
Plan, communicate and monitor the introduction of the new organisation.
Planifier, communiquer et piloter l’introduction de la nouvelle organisation.
Theoretical introduction, dismantling and assembling of the movement’s components.
Introduction théorique, démontage et assemblage de quelques composants du mouvement.
Every sales presentation should start with the approach, or introduction.
Chaque présentation doit commencer par l’approche, ou l’introduction.
The introduction of a request for mediation implies a certain formalism.
L’introduction d’une demande en médiation implique un certain formalisme.
The introduction of civic education would be necessity in that regard.
L’introduction de l’éducation civique sera nécessaire à cet égard.
Suggestions that contain introduction
Results: 126908. Exact: 126908. Elapsed time: 380 ms.
And then they tape the introduction live To preserve the magic.
Et puis ils filment les présentations en direct pour préserver la magie.
Si tu veux faire les présentations, je ne ferai pas attention au trajet.
Introduits les affichages électroniques dans les stations de chemins de fer.
LMOs that are intended for intentional introduction into the environment.
Les OVM destinés à être introduits intentionnellement dans l’environnement.
Gallery New Selection in Mechelen, introduction by Remi de Cnodder.
Galerie» New Selection» à Malines, introduit par Remi de Cnodder.
If you adopt another pet, improper introduction can stress out your cat.
Si vous adoptez un autre animal, des présentations inadéquates peuvent stresser votre chat.
Critical- Introduction of species and over-extraction of groundwater.
Critiques- Espèces introduites et surextraction des eaux souterraines.
Market introduction of the induction loop amplifier»PROLOOP DCC plus«.
Mise sur le marché de l’amplificateur de boucle
Découverte des matériaux utilisés et techniques de transformation.
The length of the introduction programme is up to three years.
La durée du programme d’insertion peut aller jusqu’à trois ans.
These elevations are a late medieval introduction into the Roman Rite.
Ces élévations constituent un ajout moyenâgeux tardif au rite romain.
The book includes an introduction by Mark Cocker and notes by John Fanshawe.
Jan Morris provided the introduction for the 2009 edition published by Ian Fleming Publications.
Jan Morris produisit la préface pour l’édition de 2009 par Ian Fleming Publications.
Courses which provide solid introduction to the general principles
One allows disjunction introduction, and one allows disjunctive syllogism.
Results: 36772,
Time: 0.0544
Perfecting Les Présentations
When you meet French speakers, you need to know how to introduce yourself and what to say when you are introduced. French can be a bit tricky when introducing yourself or others depending on whether you know the person to whom you are making the introduction(s) or even if you have had any contact with the person. In French, those circumstances all require different introductions.
Basic Introductions
French uses the verb se présenter, not introduire, meaning to introduce something into something else, which translates into English as «to insert.» The most basic introduction in French, then, would be:
- Je me présente. = Let me introduce myself.
Using s’appeler is the common way of introducing yourself in French. Don’t think of it as “to name oneself” because it will only confuse you. Think of it in the context of introducing your name to someone, and link the French words to that context instead of applying a literal translation, as in:
- Je m’appelle… = My name is…
Use je suis with people who already know your name, such as those you have already talked to on the phone or by mail but never met in person, as in:
- Je suis… = I am…
If you don’t know the person or have never spoken to him on the phone or contacted him by email or mail, use je m’appelle, as noted previously.
Introducing by Name
There are also distinctions between formal and informal introductions, as well as singular versus plural introductions, as noted in the tables in this and the subsequent section.
French Introduction |
English Translation |
Mon prénom est |
My (first) name is |
Je vous présente (formal and/or plural) |
I’d like to introduce |
Je te présente (informal) |
I’d like to introduce |
Voici |
This is, Here is |
Il s’appelle |
His name is |
Elle s’appelle |
Her name is |
Meeting People
In French, when you are meeting people, you have to be careful about using the correct gender, as well as whether the introduction is formal or informal, as in these examples.
French Introduction |
Enlish Translation |
Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal and/or plural) |
What is your name? |
Comment t’appelles-tu? (informal) |
What is your name? |
Enchanté. (masculine) |
It’s nice to meet you. |
Enchantée. (feminine) |
It’s nice to meet you. |
French Names
Nicknames — or un surnom in French — are much less common in this Romance language than in American English, but they are not unheard of. Often, a longer first name will be shortened, such as Caro for Caroline or Flo for Florence.
French Name |
English Translation |
Le prénom |
first name, given name |
Le nom |
last name, family name, surname |
Le surnom |
nickname |
Cheek Kissing and Other Greetings
Cheek kissing is certainly an accepted form of greeting in France, but there are strict (unwritten) social rules to follow. Cheek kissing is generally OK, for example, but not hugging. So, it’s important to learn not only the words that go with cheek kissing — such as bonjour (hello) — but also the social norms that are expected when greeting someone in this manner. There are also other ways to say «hello» and ask «How are you?» in French.
Very often, you have to introduce yourself… The most common
sentence to do so is:
- Bonjour, je m’appelle Jean.
Hello, my name is Jean.
To introduce someone else, your wife for example:
- Je vous présente Fabienne, ma femme.
Let me introduce you my wife, Fabienne. - Voici Fabienne, mon épouse.
My wife, Fabienne.
(épouse = femme, see family)
The verb «to introduce» is «se présenter» (1st group verb).
It can be used to introduce yourself or to introduce someone.
- Je me présente: Xavier Renault.
- Il présente sa femme à ses amis. He introduces his wife to his friends.
- Il leur présente sa femme. He introduces his wife to them. (leur = ses amis)
- Nous présentons Robert à nos parents. We introduce Robert to our parents.
I am Xavier Renault.
If you want to talk about your living place:
- J’habite à Marseille I live in Marseilles
habiter (to live) is a 1st group verb. - Je vis à Marseille I live in Marseilles
vivre (to live) is a 3rd group verb.
… or about your age
- J’ai 28 ans. I am 28.
So, a good introduction would probably be:
Bonjour, je m’appelle [your name]. J’ai [your age] ans et j’habite à [your town].