The word intrigue in a sentence

интрига, интрижка, политиканство, каверза, заинтриговать, интриговать


- интрига; происки, махинации, козни

a passion for intrigue — страсть к интриганству

- тайная любовная связь; интрижка
- сочетание дамы и валета (в некоторых карточных играх)
- сюжет, сюжетная линия, интрига


- интриговать, вести интриги; заниматься происками, махинациями; строить козни; организовывать тайные заговоры

to intrigue with smb. against smb. — строить козни совместно с кем-л. против кого-л.

- заинтриговывать, заинтересовывать, увлекать

his remark intrigued me — его замечание заинтриговало меня

- редк. озадачивать; сбивать с толку, вводить в заблуждение
- иметь тайную любовную связь (с кем-л.)

Мои примеры


the political intrigues of the capital — столичные политические интриги  
the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal — убогая атмосфера интриг и предательства  
to carry on / engage in (an) intrigue — интриговать  
high intrigue — большая интрига  
web of intrigue — хитросплетения интриги  
to achieve by wangle or intrigue — добиваться хитростью или интригами  
network of intrigue — сеть интриг  
petty intrigue — мелкая интрижка  
be entangled by intrigue — попасться в сети интриганов  
intrigue against — развязывать интригу против; завязывать интригу против; подсиживать  
mint of intrigue — рассадник интриг  
tangly web of intrigue — сложная паутина интриги  

Примеры с переводом

Other people’s houses always intrigued her.

Её всегда интересовали чужие дома.

He was intrigued by the tale.

Сказка его захватила.

They are easily split into parties by intrigue. (Ld. Brougham)

С помощью интриги их легко расколоть на отдельные группировки.

The mystery story intrigued me so that I read it in one sitting.

Эта детективная история заинтриговала меня настолько, что я прочитал её в один присест.

The men were imprisoned for intriguing against the government.

За антиправительственный заговор их посадили в тюрьму.

The natives were intrigued with the colour of our skin.

Местные жители очень заинтересовались цветом нашей кожи.

She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue.

Она плетет сложный сюжет из романтики и интриги.

It’s an exciting story of political intrigue and murder.

Это захватывающая история о политических интригах и убийствах.

While King Richard was abroad, the barons had been intriguing against him.

Пока король Ричард был на чужбине, бароны плели против него интриги.

Even by the standards of Washington, he’s an adept at political intrigue and power politics.

Даже по вашингтонским меркам, он является знатоком политических интриг и политики с позиции силы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…evidence that the leading manufacturers had intrigued to keep prices artificially high…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: intrigue
he/she/it: intrigues
ing ф. (present participle): intriguing
2-я ф. (past tense): intrigued
3-я ф. (past participle): intrigued

ед. ч.(singular): intrigue
мн. ч.(plural): intrigues

Patty and Una are right — the intrigue is the fact that we see only enough of Kaleb to want more. ❋ Nalini Singh (2009)

That I saw evidence of what they call intrigue because he said that he had dalliances with other women but he never crossed the ultimate line but he had some physical contact. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The topic of all this intrigue is the reorganization plan being put together by Superintendent Rudolph F. Crew. ❋ Unknown (2004)

All intrigue comes from the impressive cast, not from the actual footage. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The majority of the mystique and intrigue is thrown out the window in favor of surreal visual effects and a conspiracy theory I had trouble buying into. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The only intrigue is that the organization’s best offensive prospect, Desmond Jennings, is a center fielder and is nearly ready for the majors. ❋ Unknown (2010)

But all this intrigue is not as important as the actual outcome: what Americans avoided in a second Clinton presidency. ❋ Unknown (2010)

[A] tale rich in intrigue and impressive historic detail with abundant wit and humor. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Who knows, maybe a bit of sweet guy-playing-villain intrigue will get people to see the movie. ❋ Unknown (2009)

More interested in intrigue and the dark underbelly of the Imperium of Man? ❋ Unknown (2009)

-: Corporate intrigue is usually harder to follow than journalism. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The main intrigue was how the Redskins (7-7) would react to injuries that decimated their offensive line and grumbling by running back Clinton Portis that rippled through the locker room. ❋ Unknown (2008)

As far as intrigue is concerned, it’s not exactly the Zapruder film but it does make us wonder. ❋ Unknown (2008)

As always, the trick to intrigue is giving us enough to care. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This peculiar intrigue is yet another CIA plot aimed at intimidating Jürgen Cain Külbel and the Voltaire Network collaborators. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Caught up before Rosie’s birth as a survivor of the terrorist bombing of Bologna railway station, Don’s life unfolds as one of naivity and innocence unwittingly caught up in intrigue way beyond his ken. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The intrigue was heavy in the court as the various politicians and [aristocrats] [plotted] to kill the king and his two sons, leaving the [throne] empty. ❋ Lorelili (2011)

1) that book/film/etc was so [intriguing]
1) I am so [intrigued] by that book/film/etc I need to know more
2) that person really [intrigues me] I think I’m in love and I need to know more about thwm ❋ Liwlem (2018)

the girl is wearing a [backpack] with a [cookie duster] [on it]; how intriguing! ❋ Astralzombie (2011)

She was intrigued by their [genius] ❋ Unknows (2004)

[Paloma]: shut up shut up, your dying with [intriguity]
Everyone else: Ok that’s [not a word] but it should be. ❋ HUBERTLANE (2018)

He was [nearly] as old as her [father], much to [Martha’s] intriguement. ❋ Velvetcad (2011)

[I’m sorry], did you [say something]? I am in intrigument by the thought of [what you said] / did. ❋ Mjollnir59 (2015)

Guys I’m [soooo] intrigued right now, I have [carpethead] over my [entire] body! ❋ Intrigued (2010)

[The Intrigue was a car made by Oldsmobile] from 1998-2002 ❋ Antonio C (2009)

1) that book/film/etc has made me become [intrigued] I need to know more
[1a]) curiosity
2) that person is so intriguing I need to know more
[2a]) sexual and/or emotional ❋ Liwlem (2018)

Asked by: Prof. Geovanny Jacobson

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Intrigue sentence example. Her life was notorious for intrigue and perfidy. Maybe it was the intrigue , or maybe it was that gut feeling that something wasn’t as it appeared. A human’s reaction to him never ceased to intrigue him.

What is an example of intrigue?

Intrigue is defined as to do something that gets another person interested. An example of intrigue is a man and woman having a conversation at a bar that makes them want to know more about each other. The plot of a play, poem or romance; the series of complications in which a writer involves their imaginary characters.

What is a good sentence for Intrigued?

Intrigued Sentence Examples

He was at least equally intrigued by hers. I’ve been intrigued by you since we met. Intrigued by the new scents, she began opening bottles to smell them. She didn’t belong in his world, but she intrigued him.

Can you use intrigue as a verb?

verb (used with object), in·trigued, in·tri·guing. to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating or compelling qualities; appeal strongly to; captivate: The plan intrigues me, but I wonder if it will work. to draw or capture: Her interest was intrigued by the strange symbol. …

Is intrigue a positive word?

All three words for me are completely positive in their basic meaning, with no inherent negative connotations or overtones. ‘Intriguing’ expresses initial interest or curiosity in something that catches your attention: an intriguing proposal, an intriguing idea, an intriguing possibility.

20 related questions found

How do you use intrigue?

Intrigue sentence example

  1. Her life was notorious for intrigue and perfidy. …
  2. Maybe it was the intrigue , or maybe it was that gut feeling that something wasn’t as it appeared. …
  3. A human’s reaction to him never ceased to intrigue him.

Can a person be intriguing?

>> A curious person, a relentlessly curious person with the integrity to follow that curiosity, to listen to its lessons and express its insights even if this seems to threaten her or his entire worldview. Becoming interesting is on the other side of fear, fear of the unfamiliar, fear of changes in your own identity.

How do you tell if a guy is intrigued by you?

There are a few nonverbal cues that instantly let you know if someone is interested in you:

  1. Mutual Eye Contact. People look at people they like and avoid looking at people they don’t like.
  2. A Light Touch. People often touch the person they like.
  3. Inward Leaning.
  4. Mirroring.
  5. Barriers.

Is intrigued a feeling?

Intrigue comes from the Latin verb intricare, to entangle, and is related to intricate. It can be a noun, meaning underhanded plot, or a verb for the act of plotting. Agents of two opposing powers intrigue against each other. In the late nineteenth century it also came to mean the feeling of curiosity or interest.

What is literary intrigue?

Intrigue is defined a complicated or clandestine plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem. It also refers the plot of a play, poem or romance; the series of complications in which a writer involves their imaginary characters.

How do you use intriguing in a sentence?

Intriguing Sentence Examples

  1. Tell me, what’s the most intriguing thing about her?
  2. His father was intriguing.
  3. That’s the intriguing part and what I hope Vinnie Baratto will tell us.
  4. I know who has been intriguing—I know! cried the princess.
  5. Maybe that was what she found so intriguing about him.

What is political intrigue?

variable noun. Intrigue is the making of secret plans to harm or deceive people. … political intrigue. Synonyms: plot, scheme, conspiracy, manoeuvre More Synonyms of intrigue.

What does international intrigue mean?

2 established by, controlling, or legislating for several nations.

What does intriguing person mean?

C2. very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious: an intriguing possibility/question. She has a really intriguing personality.

What does it mean to intrigue me?

transitive verb. 1 : to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of intrigued by the tale. 2 : cheat, trick. 3 : to get, make, or accomplish by secret scheming intrigued myself into the club.

Is intrigued the same as curious?

As adjectives the difference between intriguing and curious

is that intriguing is causing a desire to know more; mysterious while curious is (lb) fastidious, particular; demanding a high standard of excellence, difficult to satisfy.

Can intrigued be an adjective?

INTRIGUED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What makes a woman intriguing to a man?

A woman with her own sense of self, sense of beauty, sense of style, ideas, ambitions and opinions can drive a man wild with curiosity and intrigue. Keep being you ladies; it’s sexier than you know.

What makes a guy intriguing?

Men are intrigued by strong, confident women who are comfortable in their own skin. You don’t want him to think that you’re insecure and looking to fill a void in your life by dating him or he will feel too much pressure when he’s around you. … Body language can go a long way in making you look and feel confident.

How do guys hint that they like you?

If your guy is looking for reasons to touch you, this is a major way guys hint that they like you without needing to use words. Your hands might graze as you reach for some popcorn or he might put his hand on your shoulder. Either way, pay attention to the way he touches you because it’s a dead giveaway.

How do you answer what intrigues you?

Tips for Giving the Best Answer to «Why Are You Interested in This Job?»

  1. Research the company. Find out all you can about the company before your interview. …
  2. Make a list of your skills and qualifications. …
  3. Know the company mission statement. …
  4. Be positive.

Is intrigue a French word?

intrigue | translate French to English: Cambridge Dictionary.

What does wove tales of intrigue mean?

On page 40, it says some peddlers «wove tales of intrigue.» What is the meaning of this phrase as it is used in the story? told stories about secret plans. told stories about dangerous people. told stories that probably were not true. told stories that were public knowledge.

Is Ironicness a word?

using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning; containing or exemplifying irony: an ironic novel; an ironic remark. of, relating to, or tending to use irony or mockery; ironical.

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