The word interact in a sentence

interact — перевод на русский


I was curious to see how three of history’s greatest minds would interact in this setting.

Мне было любопытно увидеть, как 3 величайших ума в истории будут взаимодействовать в этих условиях.

But to interact with it, we have to restrict the field.

Да, это определенно защитит нас от влияния другого потока времени, но если мы хотим взаимодействовать с окружающей средой, нам придется ограничить размеры поля.

You have to interact with them often.

Тебе приходится часто с ними взаимодействовать.

The liquid permeates the hard core of the tare root and lets the organic material within interact on a basic level.

Жидкость проникает через твердую оболочку корнеплодов … и позволяет внутреннему органическому материалу взаимодействовать на базовом уровне.

The ergonomics of the plate barrier allows it to interact

Эргономная форма щита позволяет ему взаимодействовать

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It’s important for me to start interacting with people, not as a secretary…

Кроме того, я должна начать общаться с людьми не только в качестве секретарши.

I don’t want to be rude, Captain but we don’t wish to interact with outsiders.

Я не хочу быть грубым, капитан, но мы не хотим общаться с чужаками.

I like interacting with my customers

Мне нравится общаться с клиентами.

It’s emotional reactions are simply a series of algorithms designed to make it easier to interact with.

Ее эмоциональные реакции — это просто серия алгоритмов, чтобы с ним было легче общаться.

— No, no. I go places. I interact.

— Нет, я люблю бывать везде, общаться.

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If we can’t stop the fragments is there any way that we can prevent the silithium from interacting with the Wormhole?

Если мы не можем остановить осколки, тогда есть ли способ предотвратить взаимодействие силитиума с червоточиной?

Unforeseeably, our neutralizing weapon interacted with Colonel Robillard’s machinations, to create a lethal device.

Мы не предугадали, что взаимодействие нашего нейтрализующего оружия с устройством полковника Робийяра возымеет столь убийственный эффект.

So I can tell you what drugs do now but what we don’t yet understand is how interacting with those molecules in the brain leads to long-term changes in brain function.

Таким образом я могу вам сказать что вещество делает в данный момент, но мы пока ещё не понимаем то, каким образом взаимодействие этих молекул приводит к долговременным изменениям функций мозга.

We just have to stop the interacting.

Нам надо просто прервать взаимодействие.

Interacting with other deaf children will really help.

Взаимодействие с другими глухими детьми может помочь ему.

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The world was not made by the gods but instead was the result of material forces interacting in nature.

Мир не сотворили боги, он был результатом действия материальных сил, взаимодействующих в природе.

Radio waves reveal a universe of quasars interacting galaxies, titanic explosions.

Радиоволны открывают вселенную, полную квазаров, взаимодействующих галактик, гигантских взрывов.

The degree of temporal displacement is directly proportional to the number of chroniton particles interacting with the transporter beam.

Согласно компьютеру, степень темпорального перемещения прямо пропорциональна числу хронитонных частиц, взаимодействующих с лучом транспортера.

And you will meet a wide variety of personality types and characters interacting within a wide place and time frame.

Вы также встретите большое разнообразие типов личности характеров, взаимодействующих внутри обширного пространства и временных рамок.

Two objects interacting with each other even though they’re separated by a great distance.

Два объекта, взаимодействующих друг с другом даже, если они отделены огромным расстоянием.

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Because I was having difficulty interacting with the crew, the Doctor gave me social lessons.

Поскольку у меня были трудности общения с командой, доктор давал мне социальные уроки.

I think talking, interacting with other people, actually makes it worse.

Мне кажется, от бесед, от общения с другими людьми ему становится хуже.

He’s killing men just after they innocently interact with children.

Он убивает мужчин сразу после их невинного общения с детьми.

So you can ingratiate yourself in said cases and find new ways to interact with Beckett.

Чтобы ты смог внедриться в упомянутое дело и найти новые способы общения с Беккет.

Dr. Fisher and Abby have no professional reason to interact.

У доктора Фишера и Эбби нет профессиональных причин для общения.

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Your file shows that you’ve been interacting regularly with Jordan Two Delta.

Судя по данным из вашего файла, вы регулярно вступаете в контакт с Джордан-2-Дельта.

Interacting with your mother makes you unhappy?

Контакт с мамой тебя тяготит?

I don’t think it’s a possibility that people are, in some way, interacting with some sort of an intelligence or scenic being or something that exists at some level that’s not in this three-dimensional physical plane.

Я не думаю, что это возможно, чтобы люди каким-то образом вступали в контакт с неким разумом или существом, которое живет на уровне, выходящем за пределы 3-мерной физической реальности.

Don’t want none of that animal dander interacting with this cashmere.

Не хочу, чтобы перхоть животных вступила в контакт с моим кашемиром.

I was programmed to interact with this ship’s crew in the event your android becomes incapacitated.

Меня запрограммировали вступить в контакт с экипажем, если ваша Андроид выйдет из строя.

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I enjoy interacting ideas with youth.

Я люблю разговаривать с молодежью.

Well, I guess now you’re just gonna have to interact.

Ну, теперь тебе придется сидеть и разговаривать.

Just be on low-key good terms with everyone casually interact with them once in a while in a way that is invisible to everyone else.

Нужно просто неброско поддерживать со всеми приятельские отношения время от времени с кем-то разговаривать так, чтобы остальные не замечали.

I truly thought that I would never have to interact with you again.

Я правда думала, что мне больше никогда не придётся с тобой разговаривать.

Marty… have you interacted with anybody else today besides me?

Марти ты сегодня с кем-нибудь разговаривал кроме меня?

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Well, it’ll give you a chance to interact, but don’t get fresh.

Ну, у тебя будет возможность пообщаться, но не наглей.

It’s another person for Michael to… interact with.

Теперь Майклу есть, с кем ещё… пообщаться.

He cannot interact with you.

Ты в воспоминаниях, пообщаться с ним не выйдет.

I don’t know.To interact with different people,to get different perspectives.

Не знаю. Пообщаться с разными людьми, получить разные перспективы.

It’s a way for prisoners who have shown violent tendencies to interact without any risks.

Это способ для заключённых, которые проявляют агрессивные наклонности, пообщаться без риска покалечиться.

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Asked by: Dr. Reyna Schmitt

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(38 votes)

1. All things are interrelated and interact on each other. 2. These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.

How do you use the word interact?

Interacting sentence example

  1. Interacting with Darian was too appealing. …
  2. He didn’t believe she was interacting with real people and instead called the other online players invisible friends.

How do you use the word interaction in a sentence?

«Social interaction among the employees was encouraged.» «The interaction between the animals was interesting.» «She had no interaction with her neighbors.» «There was no social interaction within the group.»

What is an example of the word interaction?

The definition of interaction is an action which is influenced by other actions. An example of interaction is when you have a conversation. … A conversation or exchange between people. I enjoyed the interaction with a bunch of like-minded people.

How do you use interrupt in a sentence?

Interrupt sentence example

  1. I didn’t want to interrupt your reunion. …
  2. Sure. …
  3. But I don’t want to interrupt you, he added, and was about to go to the drawing room. …
  4. Not to interrupt this lover’s spat, but I could use a glass of wine.

22 related questions found

What is interrupt example?

An example of an interrupt is a signal to stop Microsoft Word so that a PowerPoint presentation can gear up. … A signal that gets the attention of the CPU and is usually generated when I/O is required. For example, hardware interrupts are generated when a key is pressed or when the mouse is moved.

What is interrupts and its types?


Maskable Interrupt: The hardware interrupts which can be delayed when a much highest priority interrupt has occurred to the processor. Non Maskable Interrupt: The hardware which cannot be delayed and should process by the processor immediately.

What is interaction in simple words?

1 : the act of talking or doing things with other people Board games encourage interaction. 2 : the action or influence of things on one another interaction of the heart and lungs. interaction. noun.

What is an example of information?

The definition of information is news or knowledge received or given. An example of information is what’s given to someone who asks for background about something. … Technically, data are raw facts and figures that are processed into information, such as summaries and totals.

What is interaction with others?

A social interaction is an exchange between two or more individuals and is a building block of society. Social interaction can be studied between groups of two (dyads), three (triads) or larger social groups. By interacting with one another, people design rules, institutions and systems within which they seek to live.

What are some examples of social interaction?

The most common forms of social interaction are exchange, competition, conflict, cooperation, and accommodation. How do you interact with other people?

What is a sentence for motivation?

Motivation sentence example. Determination was her motivation to stand up to the bully. Perhaps you need some motivation to do what you should. What is your motivation to interfere now?

What does it mean when objects interact?

Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect.

What does it mean to interact with the text?

Definition: activities that require students to reconstruct a text or diagram by filling in missing words, phrases or sentences, or by sequencing text that has been jumbled.

How do you describe interaction?

1 : to talk or do things with other people The neighbors don’t interact. 2 : to act upon or together with something else The chemicals interacted to produce smoke.

What is the difference between interaction and relationship?

is that interaction is the situation or occurrence in which two or more objects or events act upon one another to produce a new effect; the effect resulting from such a situation or occurrence while relationship is connection or association; the condition of being related.

What are the 4 types of information?

There are four types of information:

  • Factual. Factual information is information that solely deals with facts. …
  • Analytical. Analytical information is the interpretation of factual information. …
  • Subjective. Subjective information is information from only one point of view. …
  • Objective.

What is information and its use?

«Information use» is concerned with understanding what information sources people choose and the ways in which people apply information to make sense of their lives and situations. … Information is defined as data (drawn from all five senses and thought) that is used by people to make sense of the world.

What is positive interaction?

Positive interactions are communications/exchanges that take place between the children in your classroom and are successful for the children involved. … As they watch, imitate, model and interact with each other, the children in your class are learning to share, solve problems and work together.

What does Interations mean?

1 : version, incarnation the latest iteration of the operating system. 2 : the action or a process of iterating or repeating: such as. a : a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result.

How many types of interrupts are there?

Interrupts can be classified into various categories based on different parameters. When microprocessors receive interrupt signals through pins (hardware) of microprocessor, they are known as Hardware Interrupts. There are 5 Hardware Interrupts in 8085 microprocessor. They are – INTR, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5, TRAP.

How are interrupts handled?

The software assigns each interrupt to a handler in the interrupt table. An interrupt handler is just a routine containing a sequence of operations. Each of these may request input and output while running. … Thus, an interrupt can be handled either as a thread or as a sub-process within a task or process.

Why are interrupts used?

Interrupts are commonly used by hardware devices to indicate electronic or physical state changes that require attention. Interrupts are also commonly used to implement computer multitasking, especially in real-time computing.

How is an interrupt generated?

An interrupt is a signal sent to the processor that interrupts the current process. It may be generated by a hardware device or a software program. A hardware interrupt is often created by an input device such as a mouse or keyboard. … An interrupt is sent to the processor as an interrupt request, or IRQ.

  • Use the word INTERACT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The true self begins to suffocate in as much as it is starved of contact with the outside, and the false self gradually becomes the only self to interact with other selves.

And understanding the… relationship between them, and… how they interact to produce the… well, the end product meaning. And how, very frequently, the medium is the more important… in transference of information.

You’ve got to get them to interact… in some sort of social…

The affected systems don’t interact with each other.

The holodeck has given us woodlands and ski slopes, figures that fight and fictional characters with whom we can interact.

We have two completely incompatible computer systems trying to interact.

I allowed two of the nanites to interact for a school project.

‘This world of living systems that get by, interact, reproduce, is open, ultimately, to analysis’.

Don’t interact with anyone… and try not to look at anything.

He has to be able to interact with them.

The Captain is merely concerned with your ability to successfully interact with «his little trained minions.»

More importantly, for her to interact with her crew mates.

Here, beneath us our planet’s systems of water, earth and air interact to sustain life.

Didn’t you interact with them?

It’s extremely difficult for him to interact with the other children.

No. If you see him, do not interact with him.

Instead of a keyboard or joystick you put this puppy on and enter a whole computer-generated world and interact with everything as if it actually existed.

The anomalies are designed to interact with each other, linking together to form an endless and unsolvable puzzle.

I don’t want to be rude, but we don’t wish to interact with outsiders.

Runabout hulls interact with magnetic fields.

I was curious to see how three of history’s greatest minds would interact.

It’s a way for you to interact with the various facets of your personality.

Yeah. That would certainly isolate us from the effects of the other time frame. But if we wanted to interact with that environment, we’d have to restrict the field.

This is one of our two-man comics in which he would draw… some of the characters and I would draw some and have them interact.

And you did not interact with another human being the whole time.

Even if we get it there the wormhole’s verteron nodes could interact with the energy fluctuations of the proto-universe, causing a devastating reaction.

I could interact with the characters, maybe find clues to help us understand what’s happening. Very well.

Observe the way they interact in their own environment.

Well, he’s going to have to learn someday that part of growing up means finding a way to interact with others while distancing pain.


The children are beginning to interact more with the general community.

It could interact harmfully with stomach enzymes and microbes.

The point is to give Jadzia a chance to interact with her previous hosts.

You’ll have to interact with the characters in the holonovel, so make sure you’re familiar with the Beowulf story.

Men and women and how they interact, and we have societal pressures and even the media feeds into it and we have our own insecurities.

Humans don’t just observe each other. They interact.

It’s emotional reactions are simply a series of algorithms designed to make it easier to interact with.

We’re here to observe and document, not interact.

In all the time that he’s been here, did you interact with him?

By controlling the victim’s actions with fear… he manipulates her ability to interact with other people.

He refuses to participate in any simulation, to interact, even to eat.

Let’s interact with the characters, then perhaps you can begin to understand why the book is such a masterpiece.

You have to interact with them often.

It will be necessary for the holo-doctor to interact naturally with patients for weeks possibly even months.

As an interface. A way to move around Voyager to interact with us.

But you uplinked with our hoIodeck and created a character in order to interact with us.

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