The word inspire in a sentence

вдохновлять, вдохновить, внушать, воодушевить, воодушевлять, вселить, вселять


- внушить; вселить; пробудить; заронить (мысль, чувство и т. п.)

To inspire smb. with hope [confidence, distrust, terror], to inspire hope [confidence, distrust, terror] in /into/ smb. — вселить в кого-л. надежду [уверенность, недоверие, ужас]
to inspire smb. with new life — вдохнуть в кого-л. новую жизнь; придать кому-л. свежие силы
to inspire smb. with respect — внушать кому-л. уважение
to inspire respect — вызывать уважение

- инспирировать, тайно внушать

to inspire false stories about smb. — распространять /инспирировать/ ложь о ком-л.

- вдохновлять, воодушевлять; стимулировать

the book was inspired by his travels in the Far East — стимулом для написания книги послужила его поездка по Дальнему Востоку

- вдыхать, дышать

the air we inspire — воздух, которым мы дышим

- рел. ниспослать наитие

Мои примеры


to arouse / inspire / raise / stir up hope — пробуждать надежду  
to inspire smb. with fear — наполнить кого-л. чувством страха  
to inspire love for smb. — вызывать любовь к кому-л.  
to command / inspire respect — внушать, вызывать уважение  
to inspire terror — вызывать, возбуждать страх  
inspire a certain trust — внушать некоторое доверие  
inspire hopes — возбуждать надежды  
air we inspire — воздух, которым мы дышим  
inspire a renewed interest — возродить к жизни  
inspire confidence — внушать доверие  

Примеры с переводом

Her courage has inspired us.

Ее смелость вдохновила нас.

We need someone who can inspire the team.

Нам нужен кто-то, кто может вдохновить команду.

He inspired many young people to take up the sport.

Он вдохновил многих молодых людей на занятие спортом.

Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.

Вдохновленный солнечной погодой, я решил осмотреть лес.

Threats don’t necessarily inspire people to work.

Угрозы не всегда заставляют людей работать.

His driving hardly inspires confidence.

Его уровень вождения едва ли внушает доверие.

The general’s speech inspired vigour in the men.

Речь генерала воодушевила людей.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

inspired  — вдохновленный, вдохновенный, инспирированный
inspirer  — вдохновитель
inspiring  — вдохновляющий, вдохновительный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: inspire
he/she/it: inspires
ing ф. (present participle): inspiring
2-я ф. (past tense): inspired
3-я ф. (past participle): inspired

inspire — перевод на русский


We have taken the liberty of naming it after the man who inspired its creation. — The Leslie Special.

Мы позволили себе назвать автомобиль в честь человека, который вдохновил нас на его создание — автомобиль Лесли.

This reflections made me approach to them very carefully and do what God inspired me to do and look them to enjoy his bloody banquet and no interrupt them.

Это размышления заставили меня приближаться к ним очень осторожно и делать то, на что Бог вдохновил меня. Я смотрел на их наслаждения кровавым банкетом и не перебивал их.

But how he inspired us, Philip!

Но как он вдохновил вас.филипп!

I was, uh, inspired.

Меня кое-кто вдохновил.

I was inspired by the hero.

ћен€ вдохновил герой.

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It’s inspiring, Admiral, if nothing else.

Это вдохновляет, адмирал. И никак иначе.

We are happy for your support which inspires us to carry on with fulfilling… our duties, in order to reach the ideals of socialism and peace.

Мы очень рады вашей поддержке, которая вдохновляет нас на продолжение выполнения наших обязанностей, с целью достижение идеалов социализма и мира.

This place doesn’t inspire you?

Это место не вдохновляет вас?

But surely there must be some lady somewhere in the world who inspires you?

Где-то есть дама, которая вас вдохновляет?

This wild region inspires me.

Меня вдохновляет этот дикий уголок.

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One man, if he’s inspired, can change the world.

Один человек, если он вдохновлен, может изменить мир.

The writer was inspired by a historical figure of the seventeenth century,

Писатель вдохновлен исторической личностью 17 века Диего ла Матина из Регальбуто, его родного города.

The young Champollion was inspired by reading Fourier’s description of Egypt.

Молодой Шампольон был вдохновлен описаниями Египта, сделанными Фурье.

I’m so inspired by your leadership, I’m thinkin’ principal school.

Я столь вдохновлен вашим примером, что тоже думаю стать директором школы.

He’s so inspired.

Он так вдохновлён.

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Inspiring sermon.

Какая вдохновляющая проповедь!

It’s very inspiring and… oh, hey, this looks like it does something.

Такая вдохновляющая… Эй, кажется, это должно работать.

Inspiring metaphor, huh?

Вдохновляющая метафора, да?

That was some of the most inspired design work I’ve done in my entire career.

Это была самая вдохновляющая проектная работа за всю карьеру.

And that inspiring woman, my mother, Is one of the reasons I am standing up here today.

А эта вдохновляющая женщина, моя мать, является одной из причин, почему я стою сегодня здесь.

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Gemma, darling, to write really good music, you’ve got to be… inspired.

Джемма, дорогая, чтобы написать действительно хорошую музыку, мне нужно… вдохновение.

Inspired is when you think you can do anything.

Вдохновение — это когда ты считаешь, что можешь сделать, что угодно.

But mostly, I just want to be inspired.

Но, прежде всего, мне важно вдохновение.

Hilly, you’re inspired.

Хилли, у тебя вдохновение.

Hell I was feeling inspired.

Я чувствовал вдохновение.

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She is gradually taming him, a modest girl, she is inspiring.

Постепенно приручает, скромная девушка, внушает доверие.

Doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence, does it?

Не внушает особого доверия.

Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

Не внушает доверия.

His voice alone seemed to inspire absolute credulity.

Один его голос внушает мне абсолютное доверие.

Whoa! That doesn’t inspire confidence.

Доверия не внушает.

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Truly inspiring.

Во истину вдохновляюще.

Good heavens, what an impossi… eh, well, you are inspired.

О боже, какой неверо… а, ну, в общем, вдохновляюще.

That’s inspiring, sir.

Это вдохновляюще, сэр.


Вдохновляюще, правда?

It was very inspiring.

Это было очень вдохновляюще.

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such spiritually inspired faces, instead of the stereotyped, soulless physiognomies, all looking alike?

такие одухотворенные, вдохновенные лица, а не трафаретные, бездушные, похожие друг на друга физиономии?

During this period, Japanese filmmakers continued to create… inspired works — despite of the deplorable toll inflicted by the war, the government, the military operations… And this affected not just individual artists… but also cinema as a whole.

В этот период японские кинематографисты продолжали создавать вдохновенные произведения, несмотря на печальную дань, которой война, правительство и военные действия обложили не только жизни отдельных художников, но и кинематограф в целом.

I had say good bye to Mr Warren, and thank him for all the really inspiring literature lessons that we have..

Я должна была попрощаться с мистером Уорреном и поблагодарить его за вдохновенные уроки литературы, которые он проводил с нами.

You are what makes Pawnee great, And I just want to tell you that I am totally supportive Of your inspiring efforts here today!

Вы те, кто делает город Поуни таким великолепным, и я лишь хочу сказать, что полностью поддерживаю все ваши вдохновенные усилия с этим концертом!

— It was inspired.

— Это было вдохновенно.

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I got inspired one day in May, 1911, in El Paso.

Однажды я вдохновился, это было в мае 1911, в Эль Пасо.

I feel guilty that I’m not inspired all the time.

Я чувствую себя виноватым, за то что не вдохновился за всё это время.

Did that ever inspire you, that Charles Atlas comic strip?

Ты вдохновился от комиксов в Чарльз Атлас? — Это вдохновило тебя?

I was a little inspired by what Draper did.

Я отчасти вдохновился поступком Дрейпера.

So I’m just really inspired by op art.

Так что я вдохновился оп-артом.

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What good is making music… except to teach and inspire the people?

Что толку в музыке, которая не учит, не воодушевляет массы?

Truly inspiring.

Весьма воодушевляет.

And the electric fence, inspired.

И электрическая изгородь воодушевляет.


Очень… воодушевляет.

— It’s inspiring’, innit?

— Это воодушевляет, правда?

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Asked by: Mr. Brycen Franecki

Score: 4.8/5
(49 votes)

1. We need someone who can inspire the team. 2. By visiting schools, the actors hope to inspire children to put on their own productions.

How do you use inspire in a sentence?

Inspire sentence example

  1. These passages inspire a hope, but do not sustain a certainty. …
  2. Carmen must be quite a woman to inspire such admiration from Katie. …
  3. What would inspire someone to chisel their name into a rock so far from civilization? …
  4. He continued to visit the armies at the front, and to inspire them with energy.

What is an example of Inspire?

Examples of inspire in a Sentence

He inspired generations of future scientists. Her courage has inspired us. His discoveries inspired a whole new line of scientific research. Her first novel was inspired by her early childhood.

What can inspire a person?

The Simplest Ways To Inspire People And Change Their Life

  1. Care. If you can’t show a person that you genuinely care about them, do you think you will be able to inspire them? …
  2. Be enthusiastic. …
  3. Earn trust. …
  4. If it’s not positive, don’t say it. …
  5. Build people up. …
  6. Stand your ground. …
  7. Admit your flaws. …
  8. Be an active listener.

Is the word inspire correct?

verb (used with object), in·spired, in·spir·ing. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers. to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.

44 related questions found

Does inspire mean breath?

Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. Inspire comes from the Latin word that means to inflame or to blow in to.

Why do words inspire?

Words help leaders cast vision for the promise of the future. Words give life to ideas. Words and phrases convey the purpose, values, character, and culture of your organization. … The words you use inspire others to participate in the future that is promised, and the change that is aspired to.

How do I inspire myself?

How to Find Motivation

  1. Just Start. Urgh. …
  2. Break Tasks Down Into Small Steps. Woah… …
  3. Create a Positive Mindset. …
  4. Create a Feeling of Gratitude. …
  5. Be Kind to Yourself. …
  6. Be Constructive. …
  7. Cut Your To-Do List Down. …
  8. Set Attainable Goals That Excite You.

What do you say to inspire someone?

These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying:

  • Hang in there.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Keep pushing.
  • Keep fighting!
  • Stay strong.
  • Never give up.
  • Never say ‘die’.
  • Come on! You can do it!.

Who inspires you in your life?

Talk to the interviewer about who has inspired your life and why. «I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my grandmother. She always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she loved everyone.

When to Use inspire and inspires?

If someone or something inspires you to do something new or unusual, they make you want to do it. If someone or something inspires you, they give you new ideas and a strong feeling of enthusiasm. If a book, work of art, or action is inspired by something, that thing is the source of the idea for it.

What does it mean to inspire hope?

1 to exert a stimulating or beneficial effect upon (a person); animate or invigorate.

How do you inspire success?

7 Principles to Inspire Success

  1. Believe in yourself. Always stay true to what makes you unique and trust your gut. …
  2. Work hard. Pure and simple. …
  3. Take risks. It’s O.K. to be afraid but you just have to plunge in anyway. …
  4. Keep an open mind. …
  5. Accept your limitations. …
  6. Treat others with respect and kindness. …
  7. Never stop dreaming.

Is it inspired by or inspired from?

Okay, so you have two points here: the tense of your sentence (was or is) and the phrasing of «inspired from.» As Arrowfar stated, «inspired by» is the correct phrase. When it comes to tense in this case, though, it’s a little ambiguous.

Can you say you are an inspiration?

If you describe someone or something good as an inspiration, you mean that they make you or other people want to do or achieve something. Powell’s unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions.

What to say to inspire students?

50 Things You Can Say To Encourage A Child

  • Thumbs up.
  • You’re on the right track now.
  • You’ve worked so hard on that.
  • I heard you say how you feel. That’s great,
  • Oh, that turned out very well.
  • That’s coming along nicely.
  • I’m proud of the way you worked today.
  • You’ve just about got it.

What are some words of encouragement?

150 Words of Encouragement

  • This is what you’re going through, not who you are.
  • “ …
  • You are doing awesome!
  • This is tough, but you’re tougher.
  • Don’t stress. …
  • Good luck today! …
  • You’re making a big change, and I’m so proud of you!
  • Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way.

How do friends inspire you?

Your closest friends, family, and acquaintances are all a reflection of you. They are a reflection of your values and energy. … Be inspired by your closest friends and family and be sure to always support them in all of their endeavors. We must be able to learn and grow from those around us.

How can I inspire myself to study hard?

10 ways to motivate yourself to study

  1. Acknowledge your resistance and difficult feelings with motivation. …
  2. Do not run away. …
  3. Do not blame yourself for procrastinating now and then. …
  4. Try to understand your studying style better. …
  5. Don’t question your abilities. …
  6. Visualise yourself starting. …
  7. Focus on the task at hand.

What are the best inspirational quotes?

Famous Motivational Quotes

  • “Try not to become a man of success, but rather become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein.
  • “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” – Nelson Mandela.
  • “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” – Jack Welch.

What causes lack of motivation?

Here are some common reasons for a lack of motivation: Avoidance of discomfort. Whether you don’t want to feel bored when doing a mundane task, or you are trying to avoid feelings of frustration by dodging a tough challenge, sometimes a lack of motivation stems from a desire to avoid uncomfortable feelings. Self-doubt.

How leaders can inspire?

Actions That Inspire

The leader’s behavior must inspire employees to act in the same way. Communication, integrity, inclusion, and sensitivity to the needs of the employees round out the qualities and characteristics of an inspirational leader. No one is inspired by a leader who people think does not care about them.

How do you inspire communication?

Instead of overlooking communication as a motivator, start embracing these techniques.

  1. Schedule communication-oriented meetings.
  2. Get personal.
  3. Keep everyone in the loop.
  4. Show interest in concerns and solutions.
  5. Encourage employee input.
  6. Keep the lines open.
  7. Set clear directions and stick to it.

How leaders motivate and inspire?

To truly inspire, know precisely what you are you striving to achieve. Through words, actions and beliefs, inspiring leaders know what their preferred future looks like and can show others exactly how to get there. Enlisting others into a common vision requires you to inspire them to follow your lead.

Is inspire transitive or intransitive?

intransitive verb To cause someone to have (a feeling or reaction); elicit or arouse.

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