The word indifferent used in a sentence

Do you know that «indifferent» is among the main causes of business and relationships ending? It is due to both parties not caring what their partners do or contribute. Interestingly, there are several applications of this word; so what is the indifferent definition, meaning, and how do you use this word correctly?

«Indifferent» (adjective): The lack of interest or concern. Use the word in place of «apathetic» in your sentence and speeches. Ensure that the statement means that the person does not show any concern in either care or attitude when using the word.

«Indifferent» discusses not only couples who no longer matter to each other but also anything that people do not like or have refused to pay heed to. Read on if you still want to learn more about the word «indifferent,» the various ways to use it in your sentences, its origin, spelling, and pronunciation.

indifferent woman talk friends

What Is the Definition of Indifferent?

«Indifferent (adjective): Being neither good nor bad. The word can mean mediocre or being neither good nor bad. Some people are neither moral nor evil.

Example sentences:

  • It does not matter how well, bad, or indifferent my father is; I will always love him.
  • I knew he would not win the competition due to his indifferent singing voice; it is not the kind of voice that stands out.
  • The services they offer are indifferent; they will need to improve to attract more clients.

What Is the Meaning of Indifferent?

«Indifferent» (adjective): Does not matter in one way or another. Some situations or decisions in life make little to no impact, and thus they are «indifferent.» 

Example sentences:

  • It is indifferent no matter the shoes you choose to wear today.
  • Why you are late to class is indifferent, and you will have to get punished.
  • It is indifferent whether you choose to bury or cremate your grandmother.

Synonyms and Antonyms of Indifferent

Some words have a very close meaning to «indifferent» or even the opposite. Knowing such words ensures that you have numerous alternative words to use. Check them out below:


  • Detached
  • Apathetic
  • Disinterested
  • Indifferent
  • Incurious
  • Aloof
  • Distant
  • Cold
  • Mediocre
  • Inferior


  • Caring
  • Keen
  • Friendly
  • Devoted
  • Likable
  • Elite
  • Choice
  • Astute
  • Welcoming
  • Fine
  • Careful

Words with the Same Sound as «Indifferent»

Do you want to know words that have the same sound as indifferent? Here is a list of some of the words you might be searching for.

  • Different
  • Incoherent
  • Inherent
  • Coherent
  • Adherent
  • Titrant
  • Settlement
  • Retirement
  • Experiment
  • Intelligent

What Is the Difference between Indifferent and Different?

The assumption most people have the first time they come across the word «indifferent» is that it is the opposite of different. However, that is not the case as these two words have different meanings and definitions, as highlighted below.

As adjectives: Indifferent means not caring or concerned; it can also mean apathetic or uninterested. On the other hand, different means «not the same.»

As adverbs and nouns: The word indifferent means obsolete, to some extent or some degree; it is also the difference between very and not at all. As a noun, different mostly applies in mathematics, meaning a different idea.

How to Use Indifferent in a Sentence

Before you use the word «indifferent» in your sentences, note that this is a word that has more than one meaning which can be confusing. The word can mean «unbiased, apathetic, mediocre, and many more.» So, when using it to communicate, ensure you accompany the word with information that will make it easy for the reader to understand.

Indifferent Use in Different Contexts

  1. In chemistry: «Indifferent» in chemistry means not being active or being neutral. Use the word when mixing two products, and there is no chemical reaction.
  2. In biology: «Indifferent» in biology means undifferentiated. The word mostly refers to tissues, cells, or species.

Word Forms of the Word indifferent

Some words have more than one-word form as part of speech; an example is «indifferent.» Here is a look at the different forms.

Indifference (noun): It means being unbiased impartially, lacking enthusiasm, or unconcerned nonchalance.

Example sentences:

  • The one thing I found concerning in the meeting was the indifference that our C.E.O. had to any point stakeholders made.
  • Most people greeted the self-proclaimed prophet with indifference.
  • Maxwell has always treated Stephen with indifference, and that is why he avoids visiting him at home.

Indifferently (adverb): In a different manner.

Example sentences:

  • The bride acted arrogant and indifferent, making it difficult for the vendors to deal with her.
  • They indifferently accepted the new policy in the office without raising any issues.
  • My mother always insisted that it was better to do a few things well than do everything indifferently.

10 Examples of Indifferent in a Sentence

Read sentences with the word «indifferent» below to understand the word and how it is used in various contexts. Read on!

  1. You need to vote to stop being indifferent to what is happening.
  2. The manager found it hard dealing with an office full of indifferent workers.
  3. Sharon did not like the restaurant since the food was indifferent and had poor service.
  4. She was indifferent to the pain and suffering that her neighbor was going through.
  5. Caroline was strong and active but indifferent to consequences.
  6. The village was hostile or, at best, indifferent.
  7. The visitor was indifferent to the subject we were discussing.
  8. The news anchor seemed indifferent about what she was reporting
  9. There was some indifferent nervous energy which made teamwork hectic.
  10. The administration seemed indifferent to data, a great way to earn a competitive edge.

dictionary definition indifferent

How Do You Spell Indifferent?

The correct spelling of «indifferent» is «I.N.D.I.F.F.E. R.E.N.T.» 

People make mistakes when writing the word by assuming it is a two-word phrase and writing it as «in different,» but that is wrong. Take note of the correct spelling when writing the word.

How Do You Pronounce Indifferent?

The correct way to pronounce «indifferent» is «uhn·di·fuh·ruhnt.» 

A key factor to note when learning English is that proper pronunciation of words is vital in oral communication. After learning the meaning and definition of a word, you also need to find out the correct way of speaking it.

How Many Syllables Are In Indifferent?

The word «indifferent» has four syllables divided as «in.dif.fer.ent.» The syllable «dif» is the stress syllable.

The four syllables are divided based on the present vowels. It is vital to take your time to learn the number of syllables in a word and how they are divided, as it will help you better remember the spelling and understand the pronunciation with ease.

History & Etymology Of indifferent

The word «indifferent» is from the Latin word «indifferentia,» which means «neither good nor evil.» Later, the Old French borrowed the word and used it as «indifferent.» which means impartial. In the 14th century, the English language introduced the word and used it as «indifferent.» They also retained the original meaning of the word.

When Was Indifferent First Used?

The first record of the word «indifferent» was in the 14th century, and its meaning was unbiased or marked by impartiality.


Now that you have learned the meaning of the word «indifferent,» it is important to learn to practice the word in your writing and speeches. Make sure that you have fully understood the meaning and definition of the word before using it daily. If you have any comments, suggestions, or anything you would like to share about the word, share them with us as we continue to improve our readers’ vocabulary.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

равнодушный, безразличный, индифферентный, нейтральный, безучастный


- безразличный, равнодушный, индифферентный

indifferent spectator — равнодушный /холодный/ зритель
indifferent to biology — не интересующийся биологией
to be indifferent to danger — не бояться опасности, пренебрегать опасностью
to be indifferent to the sufferings of others — быть равнодушным к страданиям других
it is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay — мне совершенно безразлично, уйдёшь ты или останешься

- нейтральный, беспристрастный

to remain indifferent in a dispute — занять в споре нейтральную позицию

- посредственный

indifferent book — посредственная книга
indifferent acting — заурядное исполнение
is it good, bad or indifferent? — разг. это хорошо, плохо или так себе?

- не имеющий значения, маловажный

to converse on indifferent topics — говорить о пустяках

- спец. нейтральный, индифферентный

indifferent gas — хим. нейтральный газ

Мои примеры


indifferent about which book you would give them — безразлично, какую книгу вы им дадите  
aspects of language that the earlier grammarians were indifferent to — языковые аспекты, к которым более ранние знатоки грамматики были безразличны  
indifferent — безразличный  
to remain indifferent — оставаться равнодушным  
indifferent combination — безразличная комбинация  
politically indifferent — аполитичный  
indifferent state — безразличное состояние  
converse on indifferent topics — говорить о пустяках  
be indifferent to danger — пренебрегать опасностью; не бояться опасности  
remain indifferent in a dispute — занять в споре нейтральную позицию  
indifferent tissue — недифференцированная ткань  
statically indifferent — статически нейтральный  

Примеры с переводом

He was mute, distant, and indifferent.

Он стоял безмолвный, отстранённый и равнодушный.

He is rather indifferent about this problem.

Он довольно равнодушно относится к этой проблеме.

Sarah was absolutely indifferent to him, and it hurt.

Сара была совершенно равнодушна к нему, и это было обидно.

Was the food good, bad, or indifferent?

Кормили хорошо, плохо, или посредственно?

He seems the most bored, the most indifferent spectator there.

Кажется, что здесь он самый скучающий и наиболее равнодушный зритель.

The law in that point is very good and indifferent.

В этом отношении закон хорош и справедлив.

Her indifferent state of health unhappily prevents her being in town.

Из-за плохого самочувствия она не может находиться в городе.

The universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent.

Вселенная не является ни враждебной, ни дружественной, — ей попросту всё равно.

Their love left them indifferent to their surroundings.

Они были влюблены, и им было всё равно, где они, и что происходит вокруг.

Whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial (or indifferent).

Решитесь вы на это или нет — совершенно несущественно (или безразлично).

His wife seemed utterly indifferent whether she went or stayed. (H. Martineau)

Казалось, его жене было совершенно все равно, уедет она или останется.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The movie was poorly received by an indifferent public.

…a less stonyhearted person would not have been so indifferent to the dying man’s pleas for forgiveness…

…charged that the work of Congress has been stymied by sectarians who are indifferent to reason and intolerant of compromise…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

indifferently  — равнодушно, безразлично, посредственно, скверно
unindifferent  — небезразличный, заинтересованный

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Jerry Walsh

Score: 4.3/5
(5 votes)

Indifferent sentence example. Mr. Reynolds was indifferent to the subject. I was strong, active, indifferent to consequences.

How do you use indifference in a sentence?

She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.

  1. She showed total indifference to his fate.
  2. Artie treated most women with indifference.
  3. He was piqued by her indifference.
  4. Ellis spoke with a casual indifference that he did not feel.
  5. She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.

What is an example of indifferent?

The definition of indifferent is having no preference or being uninterested. An example of indifferent is a person who has no opinion about politics.

What does it mean to say indifferent?

indifferent, unconcerned, incurious, aloof, detached, disinterested mean not showing or feeling interest. indifferent implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice.

Is indifferent a feeling?

Apathy is characterized by feelings of indifference and lack of emotion. 1 The term is often used to describe a lack of caring or concern, but in mental health contexts, this loss of interest in different aspects of life events is often a sign of a condition.

40 related questions found

What is a indifferent person?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested. neither good nor bad in character or quality; average; routine: an indifferent specimen.

What is a sentence for interfered?

Interfered sentence example. I never should’ve interfered , Gabriel. It was when man interfered that things got out of balance. The grandi were disappointed because he had not crushed the popolo, and the latter because he had destroyed their liberties and interfered with the organization of the arti.

Is it bad to be indifferent?

And while it can be harmless and normal to experience, it can also be harmful. The indifference, unresponsiveness, detachment, and passivity can leave apathetic individuals feeling exhausted and also lead to their making of bad decisions—because they just don’t care.

How do you show indifference?

Appearing Indifferent. Keep your facial expressions to a minimum. Being indifferent is all appearing as if you don’t care one way or another. To keep up that impression, it’s important not to give away your feelings on your face.

Is it good to be indifferent?

It is good to be passionate about one or two things and it is okay to be indifferent to everything else. Indifference is simply the absence of feeling for or against. It is to say, “I’m simply not thinking about that right now. … It’s okay to say, “I don’t know what I think about that.”

How do you use intervene in a sentence?

Examples of intervene in a Sentence

Twenty years intervened between their first and last meetings. The prisoner asked me to intervene with the authorities on his behalf. The military had to intervene to restore order. We will leave on time unless some crisis intervenes.

What does good bad or indifferent mean?

Having a positive, negative, or null effect. Often used to pose a question about something, especially in the titles of articles.

What does it mean to treat someone with indifference?

: lack of interest or concern He treated the matter with indifference.

What causes a person to become indifferent?

Apathy can be a symptom of mental health problems, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease. It often lasts a long time. You may lack the desire to do anything that involves thinking or your emotions. The term comes from the Greek word «pathos,» which means passion or emotion.

Is indifference worse than hatred?

The truth is that indifference is an even worse human attribute because it has no emotion, no expression and no response. … You disarm it…Indifference is not a response.” (Wiesel, 2). As a result, indifference is more frightful than anger and hatred because it does not give victims a chance to express themselves.

When you become indifferent in a relationship?

Indifference is not caring what the other person does in a relationship. There are no arguments, so everything may seem okay on the surface. Arguing stops because you don’t care if you were right or felt hurt by another person’s words or actions.

Is indifference the opposite of love?

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.

How do you overcome indifference?

Thus, to overcome indifference, successful salespeople understand the challenge, find out the root of the indifference and give the prospect a reason to care.

  1. Get on the prospect’s good side. …
  2. Ask questions. …
  3. Draw out concerns. …
  4. Show him your stuff. …
  5. Overcome remaining objections.

What is interfere with example?

To strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in using the legs; sometimes said of a human being, but usually of a horse; as, the horse interferes. … 4. (Science: physics) to act reciprocally, so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise affect one another; said of waves, rays of light, heat, etc.

How do you use interlude in a sentence?

Examples of interlude in a Sentence

She left for a brief interlude. He has resumed his acting career after a two-year interlude.

What does it mean to interfere with someone?

1 : to stop or slow (something) : to make (something) slower or more difficult The drug might interfere with a child’s physical development. All of the noise was interfering with my concentration. 2 British : to touch (a child) in a sexual and improper way.

How does someone who is indifferent act?

An indifferent act is any action that is neither good nor evil. When acts are considered in general, with respect only to their object, there are acts that can be said to be neither good nor bad, but indifferent.

What is morally indifferent?

Authentic Moral Indifference is a total lack of motivation to one’s authentic moral judgment.

Is indifferent the opposite of different?

As adjectives the difference between indifferent and different. is that indifferent is not caring or concerned; uninterested, apathetic while different is not the same; exhibiting a difference.

Why is indifference so attractive?

But that’s an article for another day. The point is, indifference is attractive because it is a side effect of confidence, which hints at a sense of direction in a chaotic sea of misrepresentation. It’s attractive because deep down, we’re all a little bit lost.

indifferent — перевод на русский


Then you come home, you’re indifferent to your wife.

Потом ты вернулся домой, ты равнодушен с женой.

He seems indifferent.

Как будто равнодушен.

— Yes Yes. By the early music, he really was not indifferent.

— ƒа, да. старинной музыке он действительно был не равнодушен.

— To fortune I am perfectly indifferent.

— К богатству я абсолютно равнодушен.

and quite indifferent to his wife.

И совершенно равнодушен к его жене.

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He accepted the fee indifferently,

Он взял так безразлично,

He was indifferent to it.

Это было ему безразлично.

Are you indifferent to that?

Вам это безразлично?

We shall be able to meet now as… common and indifferent acquaintances.

Мы будем встречаться и вести себя безразлично.

Yes, very indifferent!

Да, безразлично!

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Not everybody can afford to be as indifferent toward making money as you are.

В отличии от тебя, далеко не всем плевать на то как зарабатываются деньги.

I’m just indifferent to your twinkly self-regard.

Мне просто плевать на твой сияющий эгоизм.

The choice is yours, and in case you’ve forgotten, I am indifferent.

Тебе выбирать, и если ты успел забыть, мне плевать.

Totally indifferent.

Совершенно плевать.

If I really was indifferent to Matty, why did his girlfriend bug me so much?

Если мне и правда было плевать на Мэтти, то почему его девушка так меня раздражала?

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Asked by: Jerry Walsh

Score: 4.3/5
(5 votes)

Indifferent sentence example. Mr. Reynolds was indifferent to the subject. I was strong, active, indifferent to consequences.

How do you use indifference in a sentence?

She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.

  1. She showed total indifference to his fate.
  2. Artie treated most women with indifference.
  3. He was piqued by her indifference.
  4. Ellis spoke with a casual indifference that he did not feel.
  5. She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference.

What is an example of indifferent?

The definition of indifferent is having no preference or being uninterested. An example of indifferent is a person who has no opinion about politics.

What does it mean to say indifferent?

indifferent, unconcerned, incurious, aloof, detached, disinterested mean not showing or feeling interest. indifferent implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice.

Is indifferent a feeling?

Apathy is characterized by feelings of indifference and lack of emotion. 1 The term is often used to describe a lack of caring or concern, but in mental health contexts, this loss of interest in different aspects of life events is often a sign of a condition.

40 related questions found

What is a indifferent person?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested. neither good nor bad in character or quality; average; routine: an indifferent specimen.

What is a sentence for interfered?

Interfered sentence example. I never should’ve interfered , Gabriel. It was when man interfered that things got out of balance. The grandi were disappointed because he had not crushed the popolo, and the latter because he had destroyed their liberties and interfered with the organization of the arti.

Is it bad to be indifferent?

And while it can be harmless and normal to experience, it can also be harmful. The indifference, unresponsiveness, detachment, and passivity can leave apathetic individuals feeling exhausted and also lead to their making of bad decisions—because they just don’t care.

How do you show indifference?

Appearing Indifferent. Keep your facial expressions to a minimum. Being indifferent is all appearing as if you don’t care one way or another. To keep up that impression, it’s important not to give away your feelings on your face.

Is it good to be indifferent?

It is good to be passionate about one or two things and it is okay to be indifferent to everything else. Indifference is simply the absence of feeling for or against. It is to say, “I’m simply not thinking about that right now. … It’s okay to say, “I don’t know what I think about that.”

How do you use intervene in a sentence?

Examples of intervene in a Sentence

Twenty years intervened between their first and last meetings. The prisoner asked me to intervene with the authorities on his behalf. The military had to intervene to restore order. We will leave on time unless some crisis intervenes.

What does good bad or indifferent mean?

Having a positive, negative, or null effect. Often used to pose a question about something, especially in the titles of articles.

What does it mean to treat someone with indifference?

: lack of interest or concern He treated the matter with indifference.

What causes a person to become indifferent?

Apathy can be a symptom of mental health problems, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease. It often lasts a long time. You may lack the desire to do anything that involves thinking or your emotions. The term comes from the Greek word «pathos,» which means passion or emotion.

Is indifference worse than hatred?

The truth is that indifference is an even worse human attribute because it has no emotion, no expression and no response. … You disarm it…Indifference is not a response.” (Wiesel, 2). As a result, indifference is more frightful than anger and hatred because it does not give victims a chance to express themselves.

When you become indifferent in a relationship?

Indifference is not caring what the other person does in a relationship. There are no arguments, so everything may seem okay on the surface. Arguing stops because you don’t care if you were right or felt hurt by another person’s words or actions.

Is indifference the opposite of love?

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.

How do you overcome indifference?

Thus, to overcome indifference, successful salespeople understand the challenge, find out the root of the indifference and give the prospect a reason to care.

  1. Get on the prospect’s good side. …
  2. Ask questions. …
  3. Draw out concerns. …
  4. Show him your stuff. …
  5. Overcome remaining objections.

What is interfere with example?

To strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in using the legs; sometimes said of a human being, but usually of a horse; as, the horse interferes. … 4. (Science: physics) to act reciprocally, so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise affect one another; said of waves, rays of light, heat, etc.

How do you use interlude in a sentence?

Examples of interlude in a Sentence

She left for a brief interlude. He has resumed his acting career after a two-year interlude.

What does it mean to interfere with someone?

1 : to stop or slow (something) : to make (something) slower or more difficult The drug might interfere with a child’s physical development. All of the noise was interfering with my concentration. 2 British : to touch (a child) in a sexual and improper way.

How does someone who is indifferent act?

An indifferent act is any action that is neither good nor evil. When acts are considered in general, with respect only to their object, there are acts that can be said to be neither good nor bad, but indifferent.

What is morally indifferent?

Authentic Moral Indifference is a total lack of motivation to one’s authentic moral judgment.

Is indifferent the opposite of different?

As adjectives the difference between indifferent and different. is that indifferent is not caring or concerned; uninterested, apathetic while different is not the same; exhibiting a difference.

Why is indifference so attractive?

But that’s an article for another day. The point is, indifference is attractive because it is a side effect of confidence, which hints at a sense of direction in a chaotic sea of misrepresentation. It’s attractive because deep down, we’re all a little bit lost.

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