Мои примеры
buoy indicates the location of shoal — буй обозначает местонахождение мели
buoy indicates the presence of a navigating danger — бакен обозначает навигационную опасность
buoy indicates the presence of shoal — буй обозначает местонахождение мели
high fever indicates a serious condition — высокая температура свидетельствует о тяжелом состоянии
as the title indicates — как показывает название книги…; как показывает название
evidence indicates — есть указания на то, что
temperature survey indicates top of cement at… — термометрия показывает, что верх цементного кольца находится на глубине…
the prime on the summation sign indicates that… — штрих у знаков суммы
Примеры с переводом
The map indicates where the treasure is buried.
Карта указывает, где зарыт клад.
The size of his offer indicates that he is eager to buy the house.
Размер его предложения указывает на то, что ему не терпится купить этотдом.
Возможные однокоренные слова
indicate — указывать, показывать, означать, служить признаком, предписывать, требовать
Varela feels, however that this discussion over a term indicates something more profound is lacking in the republican strategy towards the Latino vote. ❋ Pilar Marrero (2012)
Falconry was once popular in the Wachau region, and the designation Federspiel literally, falcon play on the label indicates a lighter style, from 11 to 12.5 percent alcohol. ❋ Tyler Colman (2008)
Very sweet and also clear, but what he did today, I think, was put a lot of people at ease, because he spoke as a, from the perspective of assuming the responsibilities of pope and looking out at the whole church, looking at the whole world and saying he wanted to be what his title indicates, a pontiff. ❋ Unknown (2005)
La Chimuela—the nickname indicates disfigured teeth—rips open her left forearm in a splash of bottles. ❋ Daniel Hernandez (2011)
As the title indicates, each mix runs for ten minutes and encapsulates diverse themes, emotions and moods that unfold as you listen. ❋ Unknown (2010)
As the title indicates Scott embraces the idea of having many children and turning them into God’s — literal — mighty warriors in order to subvert the secular order and replace it with a «godly» order, in other words a fundamentalist theocracy by whatever name. ❋ Unknown (2010)
As the title indicates, the hero is a magician, an aging Frenchman called Tatischeff who is struggling to survive on the shrinking music-hall circuit of the late 1950s. ❋ Joe Morgenstern (2010)
Roach’s new book, as the title indicates, looks at some of the absurdity and downright hilariousness that went into preparation to send humans in to space. ❋ Unknown (2010)
While he is a competent painter, his name indicates that he is descended from chicken farmers. ❋ KATHLEEN MCGOWAN (2010)
The cookie dough in ice cream and most slice-and-bake cookie varieties is usually made with pasteurized eggs, but check that the label indicates this before eating them. egg safetyavoid food poisoning ❋ Unknown (2009)
The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap, as the title indicates, looks at the economic impact of the various achievement gaps in America. ❋ Unknown (2009)
As the title indicates, the authors think the best that can be accomplished over the next 12 months in the conjoined wars is a stanching of the bleeding caused by inattention and poor U.S., NATO and Pakistani strategy, not anything approaching “victory.” ❋ Unknown (2009)
Sorabji’s focus in Self: Ancient and Modern Insights about Individuality, Life, and Death is, as the title indicates, the idea of the Self, an idea that he addresses through both exegesis of historical texts and philosophical analysis. ❋ William Harryman (2009)
having recurrent [dreams] is [not necessarily] indicative of any [psychological] problem ❋ AHMED071 (2014)
a * a * a * [a can] be [written] as a^4 (a [to the power of] 4) ❋ Hotgirl69xxx (2004)
[Use] the [indicator] before turning [the corner] ❋ Zombie Unicorn Kitty (2017)
[im] indicating, [Look]! ❋ Imaprettycoolbrunette (2005)
[Lucas]:what [th] [f**k] does that mean ❋ Polar_artzalot On Youtube Go S (2019)
[Denis]: I dont believe in the macd, that is [bull shit].
[Teamspeak]: But that is a valid Indicator. ❋ Mister Ben (2015)
Guy 1: Yo man, did you indicate last night?
Guy 2: Yeah bro, we came back from [the Bull] and I had the [drunk dick] going on, so I fucked the tits out of her, then indicated her sphincter. Another great night at [Montclair]. ❋ The Shfylox (2011)
Dude, I indicated some crystally-as-fuck [Master Kush] a second ago, and now [I’m dying] for food but can’t get off [the couch]. ❋ Menefalas (2008)
[Lucas]:what [th] [f**k] does that mean ❋ Polar_artzalot On Youtube Go S (2019)
«You remember the movie [Cast Away]?»
«Remeber all that stuff indices?»
«[Yeah dude], [Wilson’s] my favorite.» ❋ BurrowerMan (2010)
(redirected from indicates)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Financial, Idioms.
tr.v. indi·cat·ed, indi·cat·ing, indi·cates
1. To show the way to or the direction of; point out: an arrow indicating north; indicated the right road by nodding toward it.
2. To serve as a sign, symptom, or token of; signify: «The cracking and booming of the ice indicate a change of temperature» (Henry David Thoreau).
3. To suggest or demonstrate the necessity, expedience, or advisability of: The symptoms indicate immediate surgery.
4. To state or express briefly: indicated his wishes in a letter; indicating her approval with a nod.
[Latin indicāre, indicāt-, to show, from index, forefinger, indicator; see deik- in Indo-European roots.]
in′di·ca·to′ry (-kə-tôr′ē) adj.
Synonyms: indicate, attest, bespeak, betoken
These verbs mean to give grounds for supposing or inferring the existence or presence of something: a fever indicating illness; paintings that attest the artist’s genius; disorder that bespeaks negligence; melting snows that betoken spring floods.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
vb (tr)
1. (may take a clause as object) to be or give a sign or symptom of; imply: cold hands indicate a warm heart.
2. to point out or show
3. (may take a clause as object) to state briefly; suggest: he indicated what his feelings were.
4. (of instruments) to show a reading of: the speedometer indicated 50 miles per hour.
5. (usually passive) to recommend or require: surgery seems to be indicated for this patient.
[C17: from Latin indicāre to point out, from in-2 + dicāre to proclaim; compare index]
ˈindiˌcatable adj
indicatory adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈɪn dɪˌkeɪt)
v.t. -cat•ed, -cat•ing.
1. to be a sign of; betoken: Snow indicates winter.
2. to point out or point to: to indicate a place on a map.
3. to demonstrate the conditions of.
4. to express minimally: indicated his disapproval with a frown.
5. to show or suggest the suitability or necessity of: The facts indicate a need for action.
[1645–55; < Latin indicātus, past participle of indicāre to point, make known, v. derivative of index index]
in′di•cat`a•ble, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– show
1. talking about evidence and results
You can use indicate and show in a similar way when you are talking about evidence or the results of research.
Evidence indicates that the experiments were unsuccessful.
Research shows that doctors are working harder.
2. talking about objects
If you show an object to someone, you hold it up or give or take it to them, so that they can look at it. When show has this meaning, it always takes an indirect object. You can say ‘show someone something’ or ‘show something to someone.
I showed Ayeisha what I had written.
Show your drawing to the teacher.
‘Indicate’ is not usually used with this meaning.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: indicated
Gerund: indicating
Imperative |
indicate |
indicate |
Present |
I indicate |
you indicate |
he/she/it indicates |
we indicate |
you indicate |
they indicate |
Preterite |
I indicated |
you indicated |
he/she/it indicated |
we indicated |
you indicated |
they indicated |
Present Continuous |
I am indicating |
you are indicating |
he/she/it is indicating |
we are indicating |
you are indicating |
they are indicating |
Present Perfect |
I have indicated |
you have indicated |
he/she/it has indicated |
we have indicated |
you have indicated |
they have indicated |
Past Continuous |
I was indicating |
you were indicating |
he/she/it was indicating |
we were indicating |
you were indicating |
they were indicating |
Past Perfect |
I had indicated |
you had indicated |
he/she/it had indicated |
we had indicated |
you had indicated |
they had indicated |
Future |
I will indicate |
you will indicate |
he/she/it will indicate |
we will indicate |
you will indicate |
they will indicate |
Future Perfect |
I will have indicated |
you will have indicated |
he/she/it will have indicated |
we will have indicated |
you will have indicated |
they will have indicated |
Future Continuous |
I will be indicating |
you will be indicating |
he/she/it will be indicating |
we will be indicating |
you will be indicating |
they will be indicating |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been indicating |
you have been indicating |
he/she/it has been indicating |
we have been indicating |
you have been indicating |
they have been indicating |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been indicating |
you will have been indicating |
he/she/it will have been indicating |
we will have been indicating |
you will have been indicating |
they will have been indicating |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been indicating |
you had been indicating |
he/she/it had been indicating |
we had been indicating |
you had been indicating |
they had been indicating |
Conditional |
I would indicate |
you would indicate |
he/she/it would indicate |
we would indicate |
you would indicate |
they would indicate |
Past Conditional |
I would have indicated |
you would have indicated |
he/she/it would have indicated |
we would have indicated |
you would have indicated |
they would have indicated |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb | 1. | bespeak, betoken, signal, point augur, auspicate, bode, omen, portend, foreshadow, presage, prognosticate, predict, prefigure, betoken, forecast, foretell — indicate by signs; «These signs bode bad news» mark — designate as if by a mark; «This sign marks the border» tell — let something be known; «Tell them that you will be late» |
2. | indicate — indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; «I showed the customer the glove section»; «He pointed to the empty parking space»; «he indicated his opponents»
point, designate, show inform — impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; «I informed him of his rights» point — indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle; «the dog pointed the dead duck» finger — indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments call attention, point out, signalise, signalize — point out carefully and clearly reflect — manifest or bring back; «This action reflects his true beliefs» |
3. | indicate — to state or express briefly; «indicated his wishes in a letter»
inform — impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; «I informed him of his rights» record, register, read, show — indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; «The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero»; «The gauge read `empty'» signify — make known with a word or signal; «He signified his wish to pay the bill for our meal» call — indicate a decision in regard to; «call balls and strikes behind the plate» contraindicate — make a treatment inadvisable |
4. | argue present, lay out, represent — bring forward and present to the mind; «We presented the arguments to him»; «We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason» |
5. | indicate — suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine; «Tetracycline is indicated in such cases»
suggest inform — impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; «I informed him of his rights» contraindicate — make a treatment inadvisable |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. show, suggest, reveal, display, signal, demonstrate, point to, imply, disclose, manifest, signify, denote, bespeak, make known, be symptomatic of, evince, betoken The survey indicated that most old people are independent.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. To make known or identify, as by signs:
2. To give a precise indication of, as on a register or scale:
3. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of:
4. To lead to by logical inference:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
gefa til kynna
indikatoriustiesioginė nuosakaženklas
chỉ ra
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= mention) [intention, plan] → indiquer
to indicate that … → indiquer que …
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= register and display) temperature, speed → (an)zeigen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈindikeit) verb
to point out or show. We can paint an arrow here to indicate the right path.
ˌindiˈcation noun
There are clear indications that the war will soon be over; He had given no indication that he was intending to resign.
indicative (inˈdikətiv) adjective, noun
describing verbs which occur as parts of statements and questions. In `I ran home’ and `Are you going?’ `ran’ and `are going’ are indicative (verbs).
ˈindicator noun
a pointer, sign, instrument etc which indicates something or gives information about something. the indicator on the petrol gauge of a car.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يُبَيِّـنُ naznačit indikere zeigen υποδεικνύω indicar osoittaa indiquer ukazivati indicare 示す 가리키다 aangeven antyde wskazać indicar свидетельствует antyda ชี้บอก işaret etmek chỉ ra 指出
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
v. indicar, apuntar, señalar; informar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
indicates — перевод на русский
This indicates an infection.
Указывает на инфекцию.
Corpuscle count, blood pressure, teeth, all indicate extreme old age.
Кровяные тельца, артериальное давление, её зубы, всё это указывает на глубокую старость.
As of this date, lab report indicates presence of appreciable amount of tetralubisol, a highly volatile lubricant in use aboard ship.
Лабораторный отчет указывает на наличие большого количества тетралюбисола, специальной смазки, используемой на этом корабле.
That may be so… but it does not indicate your special firm.
Может и так… но это не указывает на их твердость.
— Everything we’ve seen here so far seems to indicate some sort of compulsive involuntary stimulus to action.
— Все, что мы пока тут видели, указывает на некий принудительный стимул к действию.
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She’s at extreme range, but our sensors indicate she just activated her transporters.
Их корабль уже далеко, но наши датчики показывают, что они активировали устройство для транспортировки.
Sensors indicate the size of a scout ship, but the configuration is unfamiliar.
Сенсоры показывают его размером с корабль-разведчик, но конфигурация незнакома.
— Scanners indicate situation normal.
— Сканеры показывают, все в норме.
Mr. Spock, sensors indicate a minute drop in the machine’s power emanations.
Мистер Спок, сенсоры показывают небольшой спад мощности излучения машины.
Sensors indicate no life forms.
Сенсоры показывают отсутствие жизни.
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Now, what does that indicate?
Ну, о чем это говорит?
I travelled on entire light… look, look to this ring… he indicates that this ring to it presented To dzhil’i, famous tenor.
Я путешествовал по всему свету… Посмотри, посмотри на этот перстень… Он говорит, что этот перстень ему подарил Джильи, знаменитый тенор.
It is even more backwards… he indicates that it follows backwards, into the past…
Ещё более вспять… Он говорит, что следует вспять, в прошлое…
Second, the early design of the main drives indicates that they have lost their top designer.
Второе: устаревшая модель двигателей говорит о том, что они утратили своих ведущих конструкторов.
The condition of the sheets indicates someone else was in bed with Amanda.
Состояние простыней говорит о том что Аманда была не одна в постели.
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As you know, these Japanese papers… captured by Lieutenant Hearn… indicate that we are up against General Toyako himself.
Как вам известно, японские документы, которые добыл лейтенант Хирн, показали, что мы сражаемся с самим генералом Тойяку.
Six: An unofficial study which we undertook of this eventuality… indicated that we would destroy 90% of their nuclear capabilities.
В-шестых: неофициальные исследования, предпринятые нами на этот счет показали, что мы бы смогли уничтожить 90% их ядерной мощи.
An error in our sensors indicated that your ship was about to attack us.
Наши сенсоры ошибочно показали, что вы намерены атаковать нас.
Sensor probes indicate only one type of life form here.
Сенсоры показали только один тип форм жизни.
Our preliminary survey indicates a… very rich concentration of duralinium.
Данные предварительной разведки показали… очень богатое месторождение доралона.
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Whether that indicates intelligence is another matter.
Но означает ли это присутствие разума, это другой вопрос.
If any of these coded entries indicate payment to Capone, then we can put Capone away.
≈сли хоть одна из этих закодированных строк означает платЄж дл€ апоне, мы сможем посадить апоне.
The M in the number indicates that it was registered towards the end of the year.
Буква «М» в номере означает, что машина зарегистрирована ближе к концу года.
If the Cardassians also attacked the Yosemite, it could indicate a large-scale movement in this sector.
Если «Йосемите» тоже атаковали кардассиане, то это означает крупномасштабное перемещение сил в секторе.
The bright blue flame indicates this was a particularly sweet doughnut.
Ярко-голубой цвет пламени означает, что в пончике было много сахара.
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This apparatus can indicate where the vibrations come from?
Этот аппарат может указать, где произошли колебания?
There’s nothing on this replay to indicate who it might be.
На этом воспроизведении нет ничего, что может указать кто это был.
Did you see anything from the runabout that would indicate how the station was destroyed?
Вы не видели с катера ничего, что могло бы указать на причину разрушения станции?
These scans should indicate whether…
Эти сканирования должны указать либо…
I’ll check primary and secondary systems for any anomalous energy readings that might indicate the presence of an explosive device.
Я проверю первичные и вторичные системы на любые аномальные показания энергии, которые могли бы указать присутствие взрывчатого устройства.
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Sir Malcolm Leveridge, as spokesman for the British government, do you feel the jailbreak and the taking of the hostages indicates a growing measure of support for the Cascaran Liberation Movement?
Сэр Малькольм Леверидж, как спикер Британского правительства считаете ли вы, что побег из тюрьмы и взятие заложников свидетельствует о нарастающей поддержке населением
The death of the ship’s crew occurred… after an unsuccessful attempt to land; the position of the corpses indicates that the man died before the woman but he managed to delete the records.
Положение тел свидетельствует о том, что мужчина погиб… раньшеженщины,успевдо смерти стереть бортжурнал.
This is footage we have that indicates… that there is a dinosaur loose in Manhattan.
Вот плёнка, которая свидетельствует… что где-то на Манхэттене на свободе разгуливает динозавр.
The Blood Pattern Analysis over here shows a percussive blood staining which indicates to me that he was left hanging and bleeding.
Анализ пятен крови отсюда показывает массивное окрашивание кровью, что свидетельствует, что его оставили повешенным и истекающим кровью.
Yeah, I mean, crossing class boundaries that extreme would be rare and indicate that our victims had something in common we haven’t discovered yet.
Да, я имею ввиду, что пересечение разных слоев общества возможно в исключительных случаях и это свидетельствует что наши жертвы имели что-то общее, чего мы пока ещё не обнаружили.
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In the event that we are forced to scatter, you will proceed to a new rendezvous at a time and place indicated in your sealed orders.
В случае вынужденного разброса судов, вы перейдете к месту новой встрече, время и место, которой, указано в ваших запечатанных приказах.
Captain, this planet is being bombarded by Berthold rays, as our reports indicated.
Капитан, планета подвергается воздействию лучей Бертольда. Так указано в рапорте.
Yes, especially in view of the fact that the records of this expedition indicate that they did have some for breeding and food purposes.
Это странно. Да, учитывая тот факт, что в записях экспедиции указано, что они взяли с собой животных для разведения и питания.
Sisko’s logs indicate that messages are coming from the Parada system.
В журналах Сиско указано, что были секретные сообщения из системы Парада.
Now begin recalibration of gravitic sensors at Access Panel 379 as indicated.
А теперь начать рекалибрацию гравитических сенсоров с панели доступа 379 как указано.
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There is a clause in the contract which specifically states… any systematized transmission indicating a possible intelligent origin…
В контракте есть пункт, который, в частности, гласит… любые систематические передачи, указывающие на возможность их разумного происхождения,
Well, all the signs were there. The string of dead pets in the neighborhood, school records indicating anger issues.
Ну, все признаки были там мертвые животные по соседству, школьные записи, указывающие на вспышки гнева.
Victim shows signs of lacerations and subcutaneous hematoma, indicating blunt force trauma to the head and neck.
На жертве обнаружены рваные раны и подкожные гематомы, указывающие на травмы головы и шеи от удара тупым предметом.
We have bank statements indicating large donations to dummy charity organizations, like the benevolent Red Crescent Society,
У нас есть выписки его банковских счетов, указывающие на крупные пожертвования фиктивным благотворительным организациям, как, например: Общество Красного Полумесяца,
Well, we might find blood traces indicating where he was shot.
Мы можем найти следы крови, указывающие на место, где его застрелили.
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Your haemoglobin count is back to normal, doctor, which indicates that the flow of oxygen to each cell of your body is back up to its abundantly energetic level.
Ваш гемоглобин тоже нормальный, доктор, значит, приток кислорода к клеткам вашего тела вернулся к нормальному энергетическому уровню.
What does that indicate?
» что это значит?
However, in this case as with the tobacco odor, there are singe marks on both gloves, indicating that their owner could light his cigar with either hand.
Но в нашем деле запах табака, как и опалины, на обеих перчатках. Значит, их владелец мог прикуривать любой рукой.
Normally I’d say it indicates a patient’s bowel is obstructed, but I’m pretty sure you have some deeper truth to impart.
Что обычно значит непроходимость кишечника? Ну, обычно это значит, что кишечник пациента непроходим, но я уверен, что ты хочешь открыть более глубокий смысл…
Indicating no one entered or left the room.
Значит никто больше в комнату не входил и не покидал ее.
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Table of Contents
- What is an example of indicate?
- What is another word for indicate?
- What does the word indicate mean in legal terms?
- What does expediently mean?
- How do you use the word indicate?
- When to use indicate or indicates?
- What does exasperation mean?
- What does tranquil mean?
- What does meticulously mean?
- What is the meaning of babushkas?
- What does Baka mean?
- What is a Russian woman called?
- What does babooshka mean in English?
- What is a babushka used for?
- What do you call a beautiful Russian girl?
- How do you address a woman in Russia?
- What does babushka mean in Yiddish?
- How do you say hello in Russian?
- How do you address an older woman?
- Can you call an older woman miss?
- Can Sir be used for females?
- How do you call a woman respect?
- How do you call a girl beautiful without saying it?
- What do I call a girl?
- What can I say instead of a girl?
- How can I describe a girl in one word?
- How can I impress a girl in one word?
transitive verb. 1a : to point out or point to. b : to be a sign, symptom, or index of the high fever indicates a serious condition. c : to demonstrate or suggest the necessity or advisability of indicated the need for a new school the indicated treatment.
What is an example of indicate?
The definition of indicate is to make reference to, to point towards or show something, or to make a brief statement acknowledging something. An example of indicate is when you point towards Susie. An example of indicate is when you draw lines on a floor plan to show where the couch will go.
What is another word for indicate?
- bespeak,
- betoken,
- denote,
- mean,
- point (to),
- signify,
- tell (of)
What does the word indicate mean in legal terms?
Indicated means a finding that there is credible evidence, which has not been satisfactorily refuted, that abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse did occur.
What does expediently mean?
in a way that is helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally acceptable: We were looking to get something done expediently. He has expediently adjusted his stance on several social issues.
How do you use the word indicate?
Indicate sentence example
- Alex had done nothing to indicate he was unhappy with things the way they were now – and yet, he was definitely troubled about something.
- This time he didn’t simply indicate what he felt.
- He raised his chin to indicate the table to her left.
When to use indicate or indicates?
When we use plural subject verb will be indicate. Indicates is used with singular subject.
What does exasperation mean?
: the state of being very annoyed or upset. See the full definition for exasperation in the English Language Learners Dictionary. exasperation. noun. ex·as·per·a·tion | / ig-ˌza-spə-ˈrā-shən /
What does tranquil mean?
calm, tranquil, serene, placid, peaceful mean quiet and free from disturbance. calm often implies a contrast with a foregoing or nearby state of agitation or violence. the protests ended, and the streets were calm again tranquil suggests a very deep quietude or composure.
What does meticulously mean?
: marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details a meticulous researcher.
What is the meaning of babushkas?
1a : a usually triangularly folded kerchief for the head. b : a head covering (such as a scarf) resembling a babushka. 2a : grandmother Until my own babushka’s generation very specific clothes were assigned to specific classes, specific hairstyles distinguishing married from unmarried women.—
What does Baka mean?
Baka (馬鹿, ばか in hiragana, or バカ in katakana) means “fool”, or (as an adjectival noun) “foolish” and is the most frequently used pejorative term in the Japanese language. This word baka has a long history, an uncertain etymology (possibly from Sanskrit or Classical Chinese), and linguistic complexities.
What is a Russian woman called?
The old ladies are very noticeable in Russia, they’re called ‘Babushka’ – Russian for “granny” – and they are in charge much more than it may seem.
What does babooshka mean in English?
babushka in American English (bəˈbʊʃkə ) 1. an old Russian woman or grandmother. 2. a kerchief or scarf worn on the head by a woman or girl and tied under the chin.
What is a babushka used for?
a woman’s scarf, often triangular, used as a hood with two of the ends tied under the chin. an elderly Russian woman, especially an elderly grandmother.
What do you call a beautiful Russian girl?
The Russian word красивый can be used to describe both men and women: красивая женщина beautiful woman. красивая девушка beautiful girl.
How do you address a woman in Russia?
“Muzhchina” (Man) and “Zhenshina” (Womаn) is a less courteous way to address a man or a woman, but is also quite acceptable and commonly used.
What does babushka mean in Yiddish?
Babushka – women’s triangular scarf hat Also the grandmother. who usually wears one. Blintz, blintza,- filled crepe. boobela – affectionate name (similar to honey or dear) bubbie – grandmother.
How do you say hello in Russian?
1. How to say “hello” in Russian
- Hello in Russian – Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte)
- Hi in Russian – Привет (Privyet)
- Goodbye in Russian – До свидания (Do svidaniya)
- Have a good day in Russian – Ну тогда до свидания (Nu togda do svidaniya)
How do you address an older woman?
“Miss” should be used when addressing a young, unmarried woman. Most older women who are unmarried prefer to go by “Ms.,” though this often comes down to personal preference.
Can you call an older woman miss?
Though “Miss” is less commonly used as a title by unmarried adult women in the United States than in the past, some still prefer to be referred to as such. Twenty-first century etiquette honors an adult woman’s personal preference of title. However, if the preference is not known, “[Miss]” is used.
Can Sir be used for females?
In the American military, you would never address a female officer as “Sir.” In the United States, you would address the officer as “Ma’am” and not “Sir”. It’s considered disrespectful to use the term “Sir” for a female in both the army/navy and outside.
How do you call a woman respect?
Formal Titles in English
- Sir (adult male of any age)
- Ma’am (adult female – North American)
- Madam (adult female)
- Mr + last name (any man)
- Mrs + last name (married woman who uses her husband’s last name)
- Ms + last name (married or unmarried woman; common in business)
- Miss + last name (unmarried woman)
How do you call a girl beautiful without saying it?
Ways to Say You Are Beautiful
- You look gorgeous!
- You look as pretty as always!
- You look drop dead gorgeous!
- I think you are very attractive!
- Wow, you are gorgeous!
- I think you are stunning!
- I think you are super cute!
- You look absolutely fantastic!
What do I call a girl?
Cute Nicknames For Girlfriends
- Babe.
- Love.
- Beautiful.
- Princess.
- Buttercup.
- Cutie pie.
- Dream girl.
- Love bug.
What can I say instead of a girl?
- adolescent.
- daughter.
- lady.
- schoolgirl.
- she.
- teenager.
- young woman.
- damsel.
How can I describe a girl in one word?
Affable – She has many friends and is a pleasure to be around. Ambitious – She has a personality that revolves around her goals and improving her situation. Captivating – She is a delightful person; you can’t take your eyes off her. Confident – She trusts her own abilities and knows that she has value.
How can I impress a girl in one word?
The most important tip when you want to impress girls with words is to convey a sense of dominance while being romantic.
- Vocabulary to impress your girlfriend or date.
- Enticing. Enticing means attractive.
- Wondrous.
- Stunning.
- Elegant.
- Breath-taking.
- Ravishing.
- Striking.