The word indicate means

указывать, показывать, означать, служить признаком, предписывать, требовать


- указывать, показывать

to indicate the way — указывать путь
to indicate the temperature [the pressure of the atmosphere] — показывать температуру [атмосферное давление]
the dotted lines indicate the new frontiers — новые границы обозначены пунктирными линиями

- служить признаком, означать, свидетельствовать (о чём-л.)

the high fever indicates a serious condition — высокая температура говорит /свидетельствует/ о тяжёлом состоянии

- свидетельствовать о необходимости или целесообразности; требовать (ухода, лечения и т. п.)

this indicates an operation — это свидетельствует о необходимости операции

- кратко выражать, указывать, давать понять, заявлять (о чём-л.)

he indicated that the interview was over — он дал понять, что интервью окончено

- делать предварительный набросок, намечать в общих чертах

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Aspirin is indicated in such cases.

В таких случаях показан аспирин.

These symptoms indicate a serious illness.

Эти симптомы свидетельствуют о серьезном заболевании.

She indicated the small door with her hand.

Она указала рукой на маленькую дверь.

Don’t forget to indicate before you pull out.

Не забудьте показать поворот, прежде чем тронуться с места.

Please indicate your preference on the booking form.

Просьба указать ваши предпочтения на бланке заказа.

The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime.

Данное исследование указывает на связь между бедностью и преступностью.

My last argument is one that can only be indicated here.

Мой последний аргумент можно лишь вскользь упомянуть в данном контексте.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

indicated  — индикаторный, номинальный
indication  — индикация, указание, показание, знак, отсчет, симптом
indicative  — указывающий, показывающий, изъявительное наклонение
indicator  — индикатор, указатель, стрелка, счетчик, индикаторный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: indicate
he/she/it: indicates
ing ф. (present participle): indicating
2-я ф. (past tense): indicated
3-я ф. (past participle): indicated

While in these examples nomos is treated as a valid and generally accepted norm, other uses of the term indicate that custom had come under attack: nomos is used of practices which, though current, are in some way reprehensible or at least not worthy of respect. ❋ MARTIN OSTWALD (1968)

The doubts about the name indicate the doubts about the project… ❋ Charles Moore (2012)

It seems that CTV is playing on Israel’s side, as the word ‘clash’ in the title indicate (as though people on the ship had attacked the commandos). ❋ Unknown (2010)

Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of the story, and entitle it to a place on the annual «Rolls of Honor.» ❋ Various (1915)

Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of a story, and entitle it to a place on the annual «Rolls of Honor.» ❋ Various (1915)

Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of the story. ❋ Various (1915)

Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of a story, and entitle it to a place on the annual «Roll of Honor.» ❋ Various (1915)

Looking back, ambiguity just seems built in to the word: how could one term indicate both a tight-lipped black jazz musician in a pork-pie hat and an effusive, unkempt college drop-out in a ruffle shirt? ❋ Patricia (2010)

Studies of couples who are able to maintain a highly positive, energized connection for the long term indicate that they «forget» themselves and engage in serving the relationship itself. ❋ Douglas LaBier (2011)

What your numbers indicate is that you and your team members simply don’t understand reliability to start with. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Dude, I indicated some crystally-as-fuck [Master Kush] a second ago, and now [I’m dying] for food but can’t get off [the couch]. ❋ Menefalas (2008)

having recurrent [dreams] is [not necessarily] indicative of any [psychological] problem ❋ AHMED071 (2014)

a * a * a * [a can] be [written] as a^4 (a [to the power of] 4) ❋ Hotgirl69xxx (2004)

[Use] the [indicator] before turning [the corner] ❋ Zombie Unicorn Kitty (2017)

[im] indicating, [Look]! ❋ Imaprettycoolbrunette (2005)

[Lucas]:what [th] [f**k] does that mean ❋ Polar_artzalot On Youtube Go S (2019)

[Denis]: I dont believe in the macd, that is [bull shit].
[Teamspeak]: But that is a valid Indicator. ❋ Mister Ben (2015)

Guy 1: Yo man, did you indicate last night?
Guy 2: Yeah bro, we came back from [the Bull] and I had the [drunk dick] going on, so I fucked the tits out of her, then indicated her sphincter. Another great night at [Montclair]. ❋ The Shfylox (2011)

[Lucas]:what [th] [f**k] does that mean ❋ Polar_artzalot On Youtube Go S (2019)

«You remember the movie [Cast Away]?»
«Remeber all that stuff indices?»
«[Yeah dude], [Wilson’s] my favorite.» ❋ BurrowerMan (2010)

Other forms: indicated; indicates; indicating

To indicate means to point something out or to present evidence. If you feel sick during a car trip, you can indicate this to the driver by groaning loudly or announcing «I’m going to be sick!»

Scientists rely on data from experiments to indicate whether their theories are correct. Indicate can also describe a symptom or signal of something else. For example, a stock market recovery could indicate growing public confidence — or foolishness, depending on which expert you ask. The verb indicate comes from the noun indication, which in turn comes from the Latin word indicare, meaning «something that points out or shows.»

Definitions of indicate

  1. verb

    indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively

    indicated his opponents”


    designate, point, show

  2. verb

    be a signal for or a symptom of

    “These symptoms
    indicate a serious illness”


    bespeak, betoken, point, signal

    see moresee less


    show 9 types…
    hide 9 types…
    augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate

    indicate by signs


    designate as if by a mark


    to be a menacing indication of something:»The clouds threaten rain»


    indicate by marking trees with blazes


    indicate the dimensions on


    mark with a signpost, as of a path

    distinguish, signalise, signalize

    make conspicuous or noteworthy


    mark with a buoy


    foretell by divine inspiration

    type of:


    let something be known

  3. “The results
    indicate the need for more work”



  4. verb

    state or express briefly

    indicated his wishes in a letter”

  5. verb

    suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine

    “Tetracycline is
    indicated in such cases”



DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘indicate’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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  • 1

    1) пока́зывать, ука́зывать;

    2) служи́ть при́знаком; означа́ть

    3) тре́бовать, свиде́тельствовать о необходи́мости ( лечения, ухода

    и т.п.


    4) выража́ть кра́тко и я́сно



    включи́ть сигна́л поворо́та



    измеря́ть мо́щность маши́ны индика́тором

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > indicate

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > indicate

  • 3


    indicate выражать коротко и ясно indicate делать предварительный набросок indicate намечать в общих чертах indicate означать indicate показывать, указывать indicate показывать indicate свидетельствовать indicate свидетельствовать о необходимости indicate служить признаком, означать indicate служить признаком indicate указывать

    English-Russian short dictionary > indicate

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > indicate

  • 5


    1. указывать, показывать

    to indicate the temperature [the pressure of the atmosphere] — показывать температуру [атмосферное давление]

    the dotted lines indicate the new frontiers — новые границы обозначены пунктирными линиями

    2. служить признаком, означать, свидетельствовать ()

    the high fever indicates a serious condition — высокая температура говорит /свидетельствует/ о тяжёлом состоянии

    3. свидетельствовать о необходимости целесообразности; требовать ()

    this indicates an operation — это свидетельствует о необходимости операции

    4. 1) кратко выражать, указывать, давать понять, заявлять ()

    he indicated that the interview was over — он дал понять, что интервью окончено

    2) делать предварительный набросок, намечать в общих чертах

    НБАРС > indicate

  • 6

    1. снимать индикаторные диаграммы
    2. означать
    3. измерять мощность машины индикатором

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > indicate

  • 7

    Англо-русский технический словарь > indicate

  • 8


    1) показывать, указывать; he indicated that the interview was over он дал понять, что интервью окончено

    2) служить признаком; означать



    требовать (лечения, ухода); to indicate the use of penicillin требовать применения пенициллина



    измерять мощность машины индикатором



    * * *

    (v) задавать; задать; индицировать; отмечать; указать; указывать

    * * *

    указывать, показывать

    * * *

    [in·di·cate || ‘ɪndɪkeɪt]
    указывать, показывать, указать, служить признаком, означать, предписывать

    * * *





















    * * *

    1) а) показывать, указывать
    б) перен. обращать внимание (на что-л./на кого-л.)
    2) служить признаком
    3) кратко обозначить (что-л. в речи)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > indicate

  • 9



    1) показывать, указывать

    She indicated the small door with her hand. — Она указала рукой на маленькую дверь.

    2) служить признаком; означать

    There was no voice of joy to indicate that the pleasant Christmas time has come. — Не было слышно ни одного весёлого голоса, по которому можно было бы понять, что наступила чудесная рождественская пора.


    3) кратко обозначить, упомянуть

    My last argument is one that can only be indicated here. — Мой последний аргумент можно лишь вскользь упомянуть в данном контексте.



    требовать, предписывать

    Aspirin is indicated in such cases. — В таких случаях показан аспирин.



    измерять мощность машины индикатором

    Англо-русский современный словарь > indicate

  • 10


    указывать, показывать; свидетельствовать; обозначать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > indicate

  • 11

    снимать индикаторную диаграмму; показывать, указывать; обозначать; измерять мощность машины индикатором

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > indicate

  • 12

    1. v указывать, показывать

    2. v служить признаком, означать, свидетельствовать

    3. v свидетельствовать о необходимости или целесообразности; требовать

    4. v кратко выражать, указывать, давать понять, заявлять

    5. v делать предварительный набросок, намечать в общих чертах

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. point (verb) accuse; charge; hint; imply; insinuate; point; point to; suggest

    4. promise (verb) foreshadow; prefigure; presage; promise

    6. show (verb) connote; denote; designate; point out; read; record; register; say; show; specify

    7. testify (verb) announce; argue; attest; bespeak; mark; testify; verify; witness

    Антонимический ряд:

    conceal; contradict; falsify; misdirect; negative

    English-Russian base dictionary > indicate

  • 13

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > indicate

  • 14

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > indicate

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > indicate

  • 16

    engine vibration indicating system

    система индикации виброперегрузок двигателя

    fuel indicating system

    система контроля количества и расхода топлива

    indicated airspeed

    приборная воздушная скорость

    indicated altitude

    приборная высота

    indicated displacement error

    приборная погрешность отклонения

    indicated horsepower

    индикаторная мощность

    indicated Mach number

    индикаторное число М

    indicate the location from the air

    определять местоположение с воздуха

    indicating light

    световой сигнализатор

    indicating system

    система индикации

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > indicate

  • 17

    ˈɪndɪkeɪtуказывать, показывать, служить признаком, свидетельствовать,выражать коротко и ясно

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > indicate

  • 18

    1) указывать; показывать

    3) измерять индикатором; снимать индикаторные диаграммы

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > indicate

  • 19

    Англо-русский металлургический словарь > indicate

  • 20

    3. измерять мощность машины индикатором; снимать индикаторные диаграммы

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > indicate


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • indicate — indicate, betoken, attest, bespeak, argue, prove can all mean to give evidence of or to serve as ground for a valid or reasonable inference. One thing indicates another when the former serves as a symptom or a sign pointing to the latter as a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • indicate — UK US /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ verb [T] ► to show something, point to something, or make something clear: indicate sth to sb »Retailers should indicate to the consumer the exact weight of the produce. »The scheme will be subject to the modification indicated… …   Financial and business terms

  • Indicate — In di*cate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Indicated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Indicating}.] [L. indicatus, p. p. of indicare to indicate; pref. in in + dicare to proclaim; akin to dicere to say. See {Diction}, and cf. {Indict}, {Indite}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • indicate — [in′di kāt΄] vt. indicated, indicating [< L indicatus, pp. of indicare, to indicate, show < in , in, to + dicare, to point out, declare: see DICTION] 1. to direct attention to; point to or point out; show 2. to be or give a sign, token, or… …   English World dictionary

  • indicate — (v.) 1650s, back formation from indication, or else from L. indicatus, pp. of indicare to point out, show, indicate, declare (see INDICATION (Cf. indication)). Related: Indicated; indicating …   Etymology dictionary

  • indicate — I verb advert to, allude to, augur, be a sign of, be a token of, bespeak, betoken, brief, call attention to, connote, convey, direct, direct attention to, evidence, evince, express briefly, express generally, foretoken, give a signal, guide,… …   Law dictionary

  • indicate — [v] signify, display add up to, announce, argue, attest, augur, bespeak, be symptomatic, betoken, button down*, card, connote, demonstrate, denote, designate, evidence, evince, express, finger, hint, illustrate, imply, import, intimate, make,… …   New thesaurus

  • indicate — ► VERB 1) point out; show. 2) be a sign or symptom of. 3) state briefly or indirectly. 4) suggest as a desirable or necessary course of action. 5) chiefly Brit. (of a driver) use an indicator to signal an intention to change lanes or turn.… …   English terms dictionary

  • indicate */*/*/ — UK [ˈɪndɪkeɪt] / US [ˈɪndɪˌkeɪt] verb Word forms indicate : present tense I/you/we/they indicate he/she/it indicates present participle indicating past tense indicated past participle indicated 1) [transitive] to express an intention, opinion, or …   English dictionary

  • indicate — verb ADVERB ▪ clearly, strongly ▪ not necessarily ▪ Expense does not necessarily indicate worth. ▪ usually ▪ This sign usually indicates a ped …   Collocations dictionary

  • indicate — [[t]ɪ̱ndɪkeɪt[/t]] ♦♦ indicates, indicating, indicated 1) VERB If one thing indicates another, the first thing shows that the second is true or exists. [V that] A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life …   English dictionary

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Kiera Bode

Score: 4.8/5
(25 votes)

The verb indicate comes from the noun indication, which in turn comes from the Latin word indicare, meaning «something that points out or shows.» Definitions of indicate. verb. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively. “he indicated his opponents”

What is the correct meaning for the word indicate?

transitive verb. 1a : to point out or point to. b : to be a sign, symptom, or index of the high fever indicates a serious condition. c : to demonstrate or suggest the necessity or advisability of indicated the need for a new school the indicated treatment.

What does indicate mean writing?

verb (used with object), in·di·cat·ed, in·di·cat·ing. to be a sign of; betoken; evidence; show: His hesitation really indicates his doubt about the venture. to point out or point to; direct attention to: to indicate a place on a map.

What indicate Means example?

The definition of indicate is to make reference to, to point towards or show something, or to make a brief statement acknowledging something. An example of indicate is when you point towards Susie. An example of indicate is when you draw lines on a floor plan to show where the couch will go.

What’s the meaning of indicate in Urdu?

There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Indicate in Urdu is ظاہر کرنا, and in roman we write it Zahir Karna. The other meanings are Zahir Karna, Ishara Karna and Alamat Banana. Indicate is an verb (used with object), indicated, indicating according to parts of speech.

16 related questions found

What is the meaning of Spririteless?

languid, languorous, lackadaisical, listless, spiritless mean lacking energy or enthusiasm. languid refers to an unwillingness or inability to exert oneself due to fatigue or physical weakness.

What is meaning of sin in Urdu?

Noun. An act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God’s will. گناہ

How do you indicate someone?

[transitive] to make someone notice someone or something, especially by pointing or moving your head indicate somebody/something (to somebody) She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us. “What are they doing here?” he asked, indicating her bags in the hallway.

What does point to mean?

1 : to direct attention to (someone or something) by moving one’s finger or an object held in one’s hand in a particular direction She pointed to me and asked me to stand up.

How can I use the word indicate in a sentence?

Indicate sentence example

  • Alex had done nothing to indicate he was unhappy with things the way they were now – and yet, he was definitely troubled about something. …
  • This time he didn’t simply indicate what he felt. …
  • He raised his chin to indicate the table to her left.

What is the adjective for indicate?

adjective. adjective. /ɪnˈdɪkət̮ɪv/ 1[not usually before noun] indicative (of something) (formal) showing or suggesting something Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest.

What does indicated mean in reading?

To indicate means to point something out or to present evidence.

What is a good sentence for indicated?

Indicated Sentence Examples

He indicated the souls. He indicated the neatly folded clothing on the table beside the bed. A quick count indicated they were still one goat short. Nothing she had seen indicated he was using drugs.

What is another word for where?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for where, like: in which, in what place?, at which place?, at which point, anywhere, in what direction?, wherever, in whatever place, whither, at which and toward what?.

What is a antonym for indicate?

indicate. Antonyms: conceal, contradict, negative, misindicate, misdirect, falsify. Synonyms: show, evidence, betray, evince, manifest, declare, specify, denote, point out, betoken, designate, mark.

What is another word for main point?

prominent; most important point; main point; main thing; main issue; main objective; central objective.

Can you point me meaning?

To draw someone’s attention toward or inform someone about the direction of someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «point» and «to.» Excuse me, could you please point me to the train station? He pointed me to the exit when I asked if they had any job openings.

What’s the point in meaning?

when asking in a discussion «what’s the point?» you are asking what is the whole meaning behind someone’s argument or the point of topic they are making. It is also used often in terms of asking what the purpose of something is eg. «

How do you describe a friendly person?

1 companionable, neighborly. 2 kindly, amiable, cordial, genial, affectionate, kindhearted. 3 benevolent, well-disposed, helpful, favorable; sympathetic, propitious.

How do you quote someone in first person?

(The first person singular is I, the first person plural is we.) Example: “I lied,” Charles thought, “but maybe she will forgive me.” Notice that quotation marks and other punctuation are used as if the character had spoken aloud. You may also use italics without quotation marks for direct internal dialogue.

How do you indicate a character is speaking?

Use Quotation Marks to Indicate Spoken Word

Whenever someone is speaking, their words should be enclosed in double quotation marks. Example: “Let’s go to the beach.”

What is the meaning of Gunah?

English meaning of gunah

Noun, Masculine. fault, crime, sin, guilt.

What does sin mean in Islam?

Muslims see sin as anything that goes against the commands of God (Allah), a breach of the laws and norms laid down by religion. Islam teaches that sin is an act and not a state of being.

What does sin mean in Arabic?

ذَنْب [ḏanb] {noun} sin (also: offence, fault, guilt)

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