The word incorporate in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Consider important keywords related to your industry that might interest users and incorporate when possible.

Примите во внимание важные ключевые слова, относящиеся к вашей отрасли, которые могут заинтересовать пользователей и по возможности включить.

Educational institutions should develop and incorporate moral development into their curricula.

Образовательным учреждениям следует включить в свои учебные программы такую дисциплину, как нравственное воспитание.

Traditional medicines may incorporate felid by-products, although their efficacy is unproven.

Лекарства традиционной медицины могут включать побочные продукты кошачьих, однако их эффективность еще не была доказана.

It suggests that games could incorporate the steering wheel and pedals as input devices.

Это предполагает, что игры могут включать в себя рулевое колесо и педали в качестве устройств ввода.

All health related policies should incorporate a gender dimension.

Всякая политика, имеющая отношение к охране здоровья, должна учитывать гендерную проблематику.

Users hate them only when designers blindly incorporate them.

Пользователи ненавидят их только тогда, когда дизайнеры безрассудно включают их дизайн.

They could also consider developing risk management tools that explicitly incorporate atrocity crime risks.

Они также могли бы рассмотреть возможность разработки инструментов для управления рисками, которые включали бы в себя риски, связанные с особо тяжкими преступлениями.

They incorporate how they are regulated.

Они включают в себя, как они регулируются.

To this end, teacher-training programmes should incorporate human rights education.

С этой целью программы обучения для преподавателей должны включать образование в области прав человека.

These programmes should incorporate sustainable and remunerative marketing schemes instead of stop-gap social welfare support activities.

Эти программы должны включать планы устойчивого и прибыльного маркетинга, а не мероприятия по линии социального обеспечения для сокращения разрыва в доходах.

Thus a growing number of cutting-edge models incorporate one or two financial frictions.

Таким образом, все большее число современных моделей включать один или два фактора финансового «трения».

Therefore the foldable smartphone will incorporate four displays.

Таким образом, складной смартфон будет включать в себя уже четыре дисплея.

These examples incorporate public inputs and an analysis of additionality in registered SSC projects.

Эти примеры включают в себя предложения со стороны общественности и анализ дополнительного характера в зарегистрированных маломасштабных видах деятельности по проектам.

VARs incorporate platform software into their own software product packages.

Торговые посредники, добавляющие стоимость, включают программное обеспечение платформ в собственные пакеты программных продуктов.

In addition to intensive English lessons that incorporate IB inquiry-based educational approach.

В дополнение к интенсивным урокам английского языка, которые включают в себя информационный подход на основе IB.

The Transport Division should therefore incorporate this activity into its work programme.

Исходя из этого, Отделу транспорта следует включить данное направление в свою программу работы.

Companies like Hitachi incorporate Blockchain in marketing tools.

Такие компании, как Hitachi, включают Blockchain в маркетинговые инструменты.

Videogames like BioShock Infinite and The Chaos Engine incorporate steampunk aesthetics as well.

Видеоигры, такие как «BioShock» «Infinite» и «The Chaos Engine», также включают эстетику стимпанка.

Numerous vehicles on the road already incorporate some level of autonomy.

Эти функции, которые уже встроены во многих транспортных средствах, предлагают определенную степень автономии.

Users can now incorporate emojis into their tweets.

Теперь пользователи могут также использовать символы emoji в своих сообщениях.

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Definition of Incorporate

to include or mix

Examples of Incorporate in a sentence

In order to provide a complete report, Henry and his staff incorporate the graphs and charts into the written text.


Always incorporate both proper nouns and action verbs into a fictional story so that it will be seem more realistic.


According to culinary guidelines, a chef should never incorporate cheese into a fish dish.


While tutoring a foreign student, I try to incorporate as many slang words as possible so she fully understands how Americans speak.


In order to make the neighbors feel welcome, I would incorporate a few tidbits of information about their hometown into our conversations.


Other words in the Active category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

1. We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas in our future plan.

2. The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.

3. We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.

4. We can incorporate this information into our report.

5. Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.

6. We will incorporate your suggestion in the new plan.

7. The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.

8. Paints incorporate with oil.

9. Some designs incorporate a two — piece bonnet and yoke.

10. They may also incorporate a transposition device.

11. Various design and control systems which incorporate intelligent processes.

12. The plans incorporate several revolutionary new concepts which, for obvious reasons, must be kept top secret.

13. Like most romance fiction, Medical Romances incorporate a number of standard romance conventions.

14. A successful unified theory must therefore necessarily incorporate this principle.

15. These incorporate a very long run which promises high speed.

16. The only way in which one could incorporate such fine-grained information from the Text710 would be to completely re-tag the LOB corpus.

17. Rules incorporate more traditional expertise in handling situations like bumping and alternate carrier vouchers.

18. The further particulars given must incorporate the request or order.

19. Many hotels will incorporate leisure facilities in the form of fitness centres or nightclubs, or both.

20. Treaties, like any other form of agreement, characteristically incorporate both rights and duties as part of an interlocking bargain.

21. He has become more venturesome this season with dress designs that incorporate a variety of ethnic influences.

22. People are likely to create at least one piece of paper when making an agreement of sufficient complexity to incorporate expert determination.

23. No doubt Eliza spent hours scouring the beds and walkways for native plants to incorporate in her bird drawings.

24. Much of the growth, however, is now in systems that incorporate pre-packaged criteria.

25. Some new-home builders are revamping their standard home design to better incorporate the needs and desires of immigrant buyers.

26. But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn’t incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.

27. Some boots may be insulated with Thinsulate or a fibrepile lining and others may incorporate breathable, waterproof membranes.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. Made from a mixture of egg white and icing sugar, it involves vigorous beating to incorporate as much air as possible.

29. Two departments rely mainly on a single source for their forecasts with perhaps slight alterations to incorporate their own views.

30. The Country Club has only recently been expanded to incorporate even more amenities … a delightful children’s pool.

объединять, объединяться, соединяться, объединенный


- включить (в состав чего-л.)

your suggestions will be incorporated in the plan — ваши предложения будут включены в план
the book incorporates the latest information — в книгу включены последние данные

- соединять, объединять
- соединяться, объединяться

to incorporate into a body — объединиться в единое целое
to incorporate with others — объединиться с другими

- принимать, включать в число членов (клуба и т. п.); вводить в состав; инкорпорировать
- зарегистрировать как корпорацию, оформить в качестве юридического лица

incorporated by the act of Parliament — учреждённый актом парламента

- соединять; смешивать

to incorporate fertilizers with soil — перемешать удобрения с землёй

- соединяться; смешиваться

truth and falsehood will not incorporate — правда и ложь несовместимы

- воплотить

to incorporate one’s thoughts into an article — отразить свои мысли в статье

- тех. встраивать


- бесплотный, бестелесный

Мои примеры


to incorporate in the record — внести в протокол  
to incorporate with smb. — объединяться с кем-л.  
to incorporate a firm — инкорпорировать фирму  
to incorporate the latest information — содержать последние данные  
incorporate into consortium agreement — включать в соглашение об образовании консорциума  
difficult to incorporate — трудный для введения в состав  
incorporate fertilizers with soil — перемешать удобрения с землёй  
incorporate a change into a document — вводить изменение в документ  
incorporate a firm — оформить юридический статус фирмы как корпорации  
incorporate alterations — включать изменения  

Примеры с переводом

This book incorporates the latest scientific information.

Эта книга содержит последние научные данные.

We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas into our future plans.

Мы попытаемся включить некоторые ваши идеи в наши планы.

She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal.

Она включила его предложения в текст своей заявки.

This design incorporates the best features of our earlier models.

Данная конструкция объединяет в себе лучшие свойства наших предыдущих моделей.

The company was incorporated in 1981.

В 1981 году эта компания превратилась в корпорацию.

There are some qualities — some incorporate things, that have a double life.

Есть некоторые качества, внутренние и невидимые, которые имеют двойственную природу.

The company incorporated in 1981.

В 1981 году эта компания стала корпорацией.

We’ve incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.

В конструкцию здания мы внедрили множество экологически чистых технологий.

Almost anyone can incorporate a firm in Hong Kong at minimum cost.

Почти каждый может инкорпорировать фирму в Гонг-Конге при минимальных затратах.

Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation.

В новом законодательстве наши первоначальные предложения учтены не были.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word incorporate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use incorporate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «incorporate». In addition, we also show how different variations of incorporate can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are incorporated, incorporated—albeit and incorporates. If you click on the variation of incorporate that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Incorporate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word incorporate in a sentence.

  1. Orange Herald would also incorporate boosting.

  2. Fans have attempted to rationalize and incorporate MissingNo.

  3. They incorporate elements from abbeys in Catalonia and France.

  4. All episodes, except the first, incorporate two title sequences.

  5. The character’s tools often incorporate the circle-A motif into them.

  6. He was the first composer to incorporate Jewish melodies in art music.

  7. The Shōkakus were the first Japanese carriers to incorporate a torpedo belt system.

  8. These latter pieces, says Tinker, incorporate her best work as an original composer.

  9. Flat panel displays incorporate a thin film of electrically conducting indium tin oxide.

  10. Adams also wanted to incorporate music from a variety of pop, rock and classical artists.

  11. Many elements in the panel incorporate earlier iconographical conventions depicting hell.

  12. The footage of the cage attack was so stunning that Spielberg was eager to incorporate it in the film.

  13. The main concourse entrance was redesigned to incorporate the stonemasonry of the adjacent Fort Negley.

  14. The band sought to reinvent its sound and intended to incorporate drum loops and percussion experiments.

  15. Ripon was the first church in Northumbria to incorporate a porticus, similar to those of churches in Kent.

  16. He led the movement to incorporate Portland as a city and build the community’s first parks and sidewalks.

  17. In previous speeches, Crichton criticized environmental groups for failing to incorporate complexity theory.

  18. Contemporary productions are also frequently experimental in nature, and may incorporate Western influences.

  19. Three months after the first train arrived, the residents of Miami, 512 in all, voted to incorporate the town.

  20. Designs are usually based on a single mode and frequently incorporate features to suppress the unwanted modes.

  21. On April 15, 1815, «an act to incorporate the Philipstown turnpike company in the county of Putnam» was passed.

  22. In the 1960s, the need to incorporate miniature solid-state components in MICs swung the balance to microstrip.

  23. The last few chapters incorporate the storyline from the four chapters that he appears in The Story of Yue Fei.

  24. He embraced technology, becoming one of the first in the city to incorporate steam power in the tanning process.

  25. He coined the genus Trombetta to incorporate the violet chanterelle, hence giving it the name Trombetta clavata.

  26. He describes it as the most open-ended genre, since the tales often incorporate elements of other literary genres.

  27. Furthermore, Igarashi considered the anime style a litmus test for whether future Castlevania games would incorporate it.

  28. The committee planned to incorporate its memorial into a larger monument proposed by the Royal Navy for Trafalgar Square.

  29. Combat skills are used primarily for battle and incorporate armor and heavy weapons like blades, axes, maces, and hammers.

  30. The Soweto riots in 1976 happened while she was working on the book, and she changed the plot to incorporate the uprising.

  31. The new carriers being built were redesigned to incorporate only two flight deck elevators and new firefighting equipment.

  32. Many of Douglas’s works, especially his earlier ones, are High Victorian in style, or incorporate High Victorian features.

  33. The development team agreed; Electronic Arts became the publisher and story changes were made to incorporate the franchise.

  34. Windlesham and Rampton also considered Asquez’s statement and the journalists’ decision to incorporate it into the programme.

  35. Beyoncé’s vocals span from C♯3 to the head voice note of G5, incorporate melisma, and are supported by backing vocals.

  36. In 1973, Górecki approached the Polish folklorist Adolf Dygacz in search of traditional melodies to incorporate in a new work.

  37. In Brazil, the Bororo people incorporate the stars of Auriga into a massive constellation representing a caiman; its southern stars represent the end of the animal’s tail.

  38. When the release date of the GBA was postponed, the team was able to incorporate GBA functionality and release the games approximately a month before the GBA was released.

  39. The album represented a drastic change in the singer’s musical direction, shifting from her signature dance-pop styles to incorporate elements of electronica and pop rock.

  40. The Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park incorporate fictionalized scientific documents in the form of diagrams, computer output, DNA sequences, footnotes, and bibliography.

  41. Throughout, individual songs incorporate sounds from a wide range of other genres, including orchestral pop, progressive soul, funk, ambient, country, and Caribbean music.

Incorporated in a sentence

Incorporated is a variation of incorporate, below you can find example sentences for incorporated.

  1. Girard was incorporated in 1902.

  2. Later editions also incorporated changes.

  3. Brookings was not incorporated until 1951.

  4. Lynch was incorporated as a village in 1892.

  5. The town was officially incorporated in 1872.

  6. These elements were all incorporated by Dalí.

  7. Lynch is Kentucky’s highest incorporated city.

  8. It was incorporated as a city in February 1959.

  9. The Workshop was formally incorporated in 1970.

  10. There are four incorporated towns in the county.

  11. In 1897, the club incorporated as a limited company.

  12. The district was incorporated in 1791 as «Habkirchen».

  13. Elgar incorporated the new vocal version into the Ode.

  14. Later models incorporated an M61 Vulcan rotary cannon.

  15. Alpha Kappa Alpha was incorporated on January 29, 1913.

  16. The City of Winnipeg Act incorporated the current city.

  17. The metropolis was incorporated by joining three cities.

  18. The ship incorporated elements of a starfish and a crab.

  19. They were later incorporated into her volumes of poetry.

  20. She incorporated R&B, pop and hip hop into her music.

Incorporated—albeit in a sentence

Incorporated—albeit is a variation of incorporate, below you can find example sentences for incorporated—albeit.

  1. She said that only after winning the award she incorporated—albeit unconsciously—her experiences as a bisexual woman in India into the narrative.

Incorporates in a sentence

Incorporates is a variation of incorporate, below you can find example sentences for incorporates.

  1. In all, the waterway incorporates 105 locks.

  2. The episode incorporates the song «Wonderful!

  3. The series incorporates elements of film noir.

  4. It also incorporates numerous green design features.

  5. The whole work incorporates 20 ensembles and 57 arias.

  6. It incorporates documents and stories of saints’ lives.

  7. Meshuggah also incorporates elements of experimental jazz.

  8. The Chronicle incorporates material from multiple sources.

  9. The Gale Mausoleum incorporates many Gothic Revival elements.

  10. SES is the extension of TSS that incorporates this assumption.

  11. Its music also incorporates funk, rock, theatre, and pop styles.

  12. It incorporates a sculpture of Arctic at the moment of her sinking.

  13. The song incorporates dense synthesizers and house-influenced beats.

  14. However, Keats incorporates spondees in 37 of the 250 metrical feet.

  15. The score incorporates elements of Russian classical music and waltz.

  16. Musically, Rock Steady incorporates electropop, dancehall, and new wave.

  17. Chaosphere incorporates typically fast, still tempo changing death metal.

  18. Manitoba’s cultural scene also incorporates classical European traditions.

  19. Deathcore incorporates elements of death metal, hardcore punk and metalcore.

  20. Maya architecture also incorporates various art forms and hieroglyphic texts.

Synonyms for incorporate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word incorporate has the following synonyms: incorporated, integrated, merged, unified, united, contain, comprise and integrate.

General information about «incorporate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word incorporate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «incorporate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «incorporate».

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