The word immediately in a sentence

Synonym: at once, directly, forthwith, instantly, now, promptly, quickly, straightaway, swiftly. Similar words: immediate, mediate, appropriately, media, median, lately, repudiate, meditate. Meaning: [ɪ’mɪːdːətlɪ]  adv. 1. without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening 2. near or close by 3. bearing an immediate relation. 

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1. He lay down and was asleep immediately.

2. Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading.

3. The committee’s decisions will be implemented immediately.

4. It is vitally important to cancel the order immediately.

5. Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.

6. The goat fell dead immediately when we shot it.

7. Will found himself immediately surrounded by screaming fans.

8. The young couple decided to start their voyage immediately.

9. Do not be pressurized into making your decision immediately.

10. He proposed to set off immediately.

11. He immediately booked a flight to Toulouse.

12. I immediately recognized the building.

13. Mix in the remaining ingredients and serve immediately.

14. You are under no compulsion to pay immediately.

15. Firefighters were on the scene immediately.

16. I wrote him an answer immediately.

17. I need to talk to Mr. Barr immediately.

18. You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.

19. Work will commence on the new building immediately.

20. There is no emergency back-up immediately available.

21. We were immediately struck by this city’s holiness.

22. We got off immediately after breakfast.

23. He wired for his son immediately.

24. I recognized her soft singsong immediately.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. I’ll go and check it out immediately.

26. He was immediately seized and thrown into prison.

27. The wounded were carried away immediately.

28. He immediately flung himself to the floor.

29. She shut her eyes and fell asleep immediately.

30. Immediately, Daniel cut in on Joanne’s attempts at reassurance.

More similar words: immediate, mediate, appropriately, media, median, lately, repudiate, meditate, repudiated, privately, desperately, fortunately, accurately, ultimately, intimately, unfortunately, deliberately, premeditated, approximately, dimmer, medium, medical, radiation, politely, medieval, medicine, mediocre, repudiation, definitely, mediocrity.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word immediately, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use immediately in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «immediately».

Immediately in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word immediately in a sentence.

  1. I did not answer immediately.

  2. Arnold decided to act immediately.

  3. Cooper immediately liked the name.

  4. Hamilton took his penalty immediately.

  5. It was immediately engulfed in flames.

  6. A cross is engraved immediately above.

  7. Sullivan was not immediately persuaded.

  8. Beresford immediately issued new orders.

  9. Hanno immediately set sail for Lilybaeum.

  10. Opposition and protests arose immediately.

  11. Members of the CFA almost immediately reconsidered.

  12. He was immediately captured in his home and killed.

  13. Smetana did not act immediately on this aspiration.

  14. Jevđević was immediately placed under house arrest.

  15. Debate over the conquest started almost immediately.

  16. Anne immediately offered John Churchill a dukedom, which Sarah initially refused.

  17. If someone praised one of his sketches, he immediately gave it to them as a gift.

  18. Marshall won the toss, elected to serve first and was immediately broken by Gore.

  19. Both ships immediately raised steam, and Dresden escaped after a five-hour chase.

  20. Adams signed his commission on January 31 and the Senate approved it immediately.

  21. The study therefore recommended that the best course of action was to immediately withdraw to Sicily.

  22. Edward was furious and immediately executed Harclay, but agreed to a thirteen-year truce with Robert.

  23. Matlock almost immediately formed his own band, Rich Kids, with Midge Ure, Steve New, and Rusty Egan.

  24. Six of the weary dive bomber pilots were told they would be immediately departing on another mission.

  25. William and Harald Hardrada immediately set about assembling troops and ships for separate invasions.

  26. However, dissension broke out almost immediately after Bartlett’s departure over the sharing of food.

  27. The lynx may eat its kill immediately or cache it in snow or leaves to eat it over the next few days.

  28. Though eager to join the front immediately, Baker was told that he had to be certified by the French.

  29. TF 16 immediately departed but would not reach the South Pacific in time to participate in the battle.

  30. He was under no illusions about the odds of success, and immediately prepared plans for an evacuation.

  31. The early Gospel message was spread orally, probably in Aramaic, but almost immediately also in Greek.

  32. Gascoyne instructed him to visit Squires in Newgate, where the two recognised one another immediately.

  33. After these embarrassing episodes, King ended their US visit and immediately sent them home to London.

  34. Lawrence Tracy retired immediately after Wang’s court-martial on an early (15-year) retirement option.

  35. It took a doctor more than 24 hours to diagnose acute appendicitis and a surgeon operated immediately.

  36. A visible piece of astatine would immediately vaporize itself because of the heat generated by its intense radioactivity.

  37. Mackintosh arrived in Australia in October 1914 to take up his duties, and was immediately faced with major difficulties.

  38. He was set free to visit his father’s deathbed, and was able to immediately assume power when al-Muwaffaq died on 2 June.

  39. As Moro stated at the 12 December meeting, in practice Greece immediately ceased to be a member of the Council of Europe.

  40. IFF was a responder that sent out a pulse of radio signal immediately on reception of a radio signal from a radar system.

  41. Further back, immediately in front of the nasoantorbital fenestra, the palatal ridge became a strong, blunt, convex keel.

  42. It was the group’s first chart success, selling all 1,000 copies of its limited edition 12-inch vinyl almost immediately.

  43. The different units began to move towards Guadalcanal immediately, but Ichiki’s regiment—being the closest—arrived first.

  44. Major Charles Preston and 140 men were immediately dispatched from Montreal to Saint-Jean in response to Hazen’s warning.

  45. After the Battle of Lincoln in 1141, with Stephen in captivity in Bristol, Theobald did not immediately join the Empress.

  46. He asked if ten-cent pieces were desired instead, but no answer was immediately forthcoming, and Barber finished preliminary designs, including the 121⁄2 cent piece.

  47. Chesapeake sailed from Hampton Roads on 27 April 1802 and arrived at Gibraltar on 25 May; she immediately put in for repairs, as her main mast had split during the voyage.

  48. The four-lane highway crosses the Escanaba River just upstream from its mouth near the large Verso Esky Paper Mill and shifts to run immediately next to Little Bay de Noc.

  49. Seized by the Canterbury Mounted Rifles on 28 May, a squadron of the WMR immediately took over the position but were attacked in the evening and cut off for over 24 hours.

  50. Unusual for a baleen whale, female minkes (and humpbacks) can become pregnant immediately after giving birth; in most species, there is a two-to-three-year calving period.

Synonyms for immediately

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word immediately has the following synonyms: instantly, straightaway, straight off, directly, now, right away, at once, forthwith, in real time, like a sho, in a heart beat and on the spot.

General information about «immediately» example sentences

The example sentences for the word immediately that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «immediately» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «immediately».

немедленно, непосредственно, тотчас, как только


- незамедлительно, немедленно, тотчас
- непосредственно

immediately under smb.’s influence — под чьим-л. непосредственным влиянием
in the years immediately ahead — в ближайшие годы
it does not affect me immediately — это меня непосредственно не касается

- в грам. знач. союза как только

immediately he received the money he paid me — как только он получил деньги, он уплатил мне

Мои примеры


the person immediately to my left — человек сразу же слева от меня  
building immediately behind this tower — здание, находящееся сразу за этой башней  
to reply immediately / promptly — моментально реагировать  
we gor off immediately after breakfast — мы отправились тотчас же после завтрака  
immediately they commence — сразу после того, как они начались  
test of athletes immediately after the competition — проверка спортсменов сразу после соревнований  
atmosphere immediately dangerous to life or health — атмосфера, непосредственно опасная для жизни и здоровья людей  
immediately dangerous for life or health — непосредственно опасный для жизни или здоровья  
immediately dangerous to life and health — непосредственная угроза жизни и здоровью  
immediately dangerous to life or health — непосредственная опасность жизни и здоровью; смертельная опасность  
immediately response weapon — оружие мгновенного реагирования  

Примеры с переводом

He set to work immediately.

Он немедленно приступил к работе.

They fell to work immediately.

Они сразу взялись за работу.

The police immediately ringed the building.

Полиция в один момент окружила здание.

Marie immediately felt guilty.

Мари сразу же почувствовала себя виноватой.

The doctor had to perform surgery immediately.

Врачу пришлось провести операцию немедленно.

Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.

Как только вы начнёте говорить, он уделит вам всё свое внимание.

The thrower of the bomb was immediately arrested.

Человек, бросивший бомбу, был немедленно арестован.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He immediately took a liking to Steve.

He immediately booked a flight to Toulouse.

He retired immediately after the end of the war.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

immediate  — немедленный, непосредственный, прямой, ближайший, безотлагательный, срочный
immediateness  — незамедлительность, безотлагательность, непосредственность

immediately — перевод на русский


Immediately release him.

Освободите её немедленно.

At least let his soul be able to return home. I order, Captain Eun Si Gyeong, to immediately return to the troop.

Позвольте его душе вернуться домой. приказываю Вам немедленно вернуться домой.

You shall immediately withdraw from this temple.

Тебе следует немедленно покинуть этот храм.

Because immediately when it had high market value. I remember my first experience in NY in Greenwich Village where I was handed over, aaa, so called cube – a sugar cube with a few drops of an LSD solution on it.

ѕотому оно немедленно получило высокую рыночную ценность… я помню свой первый опыт в Ќью …орке, √ринвич ¬илидж где мне дали так называемый куб Ц кубик сахара с несколькими капл€ми раствора Ћ—ƒ.

Go to the Prince immediately, and ask him to cancel the purchase of painting.

Немедленно иди к князю, и проси его расторгнуть сделку о продаже картины.

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Gim Nam Il! If you want to talk about the issue of trust with the South then get out immediately! =At the same time that the U.S is attacking Pyeongyang, our army and our citizens,=

лучше сразу прекрати! войска нанесут ответный удар по Сеулу.

– I, myself, and also of course medical department here realised immediately that it was very important agent which could be used in psychiatry and in research.

» € сам, и весь наш меддепартамент, сразу осознали, что это вещество имеет огромный потенциал дл€ применени€ в психиатрии и других исследовани€х.

Did I ever press you, if you couldn’t pay immediately?

Я когда-то вас торопила, если вы были не в состоянии платить сразу?

A disciple of mine should always come to the point. Immediately.

Мой последователь должен сразу перейти прямо к сути дела.

Stosstrupp 1917, one of the first films about everyday life at the front in the First World War, when shown in theatres, immediately drew the attention of millions of cinemagoers.

Stosstrupp 1917, один из первых фильмов о повседневной жизни на фронте в Первую Мировую, который демонстрировался в кинотеатрах, сразу привлек внимание миллионов зрителей

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OPTICIAN’S SHOP A fine optician’s shop situated in a provincial town… is immediately for sale.

МАГАЗИН ОПТИКИ Магазин оптики в отличном состоянии в провинции срочно продаётся за 10000 крон.

And a couple days ago we got a letter from Dr. Balderin, saying that we should come here immediately and that we’re Professor Berry’s only heiresses.

Несколько дней назад пришло письмо от некоего д-ра Балдерейна. Мы должны срочно приехать сюда. Мы наследницы профессора Берри.

Now, we must act immediately.

Да! Нужно срочно что-то предпринять.

— I must leave for Russia immediately.

— Мне срочно нужно в Россию.

Scattered units are ordered to report to their commands immediately.

Приказ отдельным бригадам.’ срочно связаться с командованием.

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Stop the express immediately!

Сейчас же остановите экспресс!

We’re ordered to bring you to the police immediately… Shh, not that loud!

Мы должны Вас сейчас же доставить в полицейский участок.

Open up immediately!

Открывайте сейчас же!

Arrest them immediately! Detain them!

Сейчас же арестовать!

I’ll bring the sandwiches immediately, madam.

Спасибо большое. Я сейчас же принесу сэндвичи, мадам.

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Мы незамедлительно отбываем в казармы Питерборо.

Will passengers for Berlin please report to Customs and lmmigration immediately.

Направляющиеся в Берлин, будьте добры незамедлительно обратиться в бюро по таможне и иммиграции.

Ms. v. Racket will immediately impose appropriate punishment.

Фройляйн фон Ракет незамедлительно назначит наказание

«You will immediately and henceforth assume the duty of… Commander U.S. Naval Forces in all areas.»

«вы незамедлительно назначаетесь на должность и принимаете на себя обязанности… командующего флотом Соединенных Штатов во всех районах земного шара.»

After which, I’ll return to you immediately.

(ПОСМЕИВАЕТСЯ) После этого я незамедлительно вернусь к тебе.

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We will draw up a contract immediately.

— Мы подпишем контракт прямо сейчас.

Perhaps immediately.

Быть может, прямо сейчас.

I’ve got to raise $8,000 immediately.

Мне нужно 8.000 долларов, прямо сейчас.

I’ll see that you get your tea immediately.

Я займусь твоим чаем прямо сейчас

Not immediately, but in the near future.

Не прямо сейчас, но в ближайшем будущем.

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Mr. Learned Commissioner, eight men went to their deaths as the result of the abandonment of a ship which was, in fact, in no immediate danger of sinking.

Мистер Верховный комиссар, восемь человек погибли в результате того, что покинули судно которое, по сути, не находилось в непосредственной опасности затопления.

There doesn’t seem to be any immediate danger.

Похоже, непосредственной опасности нет.

At least four complete solar systems in the immediate vicinity, and out there somewhere a 24-foot shuttlecraft, off course, out of control.

В непосредственной близости находятся как минимум четыре солнечные системы, и где-то там — семиметровый челнок, который, разумеется, вышел из-под контроля.

Synthesised anti-bacteria elements are released in immediate vicinity of subject.

Синтезированные антибактериальные элементы освобождены в непосредственной близости от объекта.

That will be our immediate objective.

Это и будет нашей непосредственной задачей.

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Killed at once, immediately.

Умер сразу. Мгновенно.

Not that being accused makes any immediate change in a man’s personal appearance. But if you’ve got the right eye for these things you can pick out an accused man in the largest crowd.

Нет, не то, чтобы нависшее над человеком обвинение как-то сказывалось на его внешности, однако, люди, искушенные в таких вещах, мгновенно выделяют обвиняемого из толпы.

If it were a gunshot wound, was the shot fatal immediately?

Если это было пулевое ранение, был ли выстрел мгновенно смертельным?

She was a good witch, and she married the white mouse with the tiny red eyes and he must have nibbled her warts or something like that because she went up in a puff of smoke almost immediately.

Она была доброй ведьмой и вышла замуж за белую мышь с красными глазками, и он, наверно щипал ее за бородавки, потому что она почти мгновенно обратилась в облачко дыма.

But it passes almost immediately.

Но это происходит почти мгновенно.

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Courage, Camurati, someone like you can learn immediately!

Смелей, Камурати! Подобные тебе учатся быстро!

You’re a bad girl, go immediately to the corner!

Ты плохая девочка. Быстро в угол!

Excuse me for disturbing you, but the letter to the undersecretary… took effect immediately.

Извини за беспокойство, но письмо замминистру… быстро принесло результат.

Washington, to the day room! Immediately!

Вашингтон, в рекреацию, быстро.

Say it, I’ll oblige immediately.

Я тебя быстро утихомирю.

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Prince, when General Ivolgin told me about the wedding ceremony and your intervention I immediately understood, even before you did, before she did.

Князь, когда генерал Иволгин рассказал мне о церемонии обручения и о вашем вмешательстве в нее я тут же поняла, прежде вас, прежде нее…

As soon as I have something to say, I immediately forget it.

Как только я что-то скажу, я тут же это забываю.

We met at a party, and we immediately realized we were made for each other.

Мы встретились на вечеринке, и тут же поняли, что мы созданы друг для друга.

I’ll have all engineering sections working on the circuits immediately.

Я велю всем инженерам тут же заняться ремонтом цепей.

She touched the transporter chief. He collapsed immediately.

Она коснулась офицера телепортаций, и он тут же умер.

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Examples of how to use the word “immediately” in a sentence. How to connect “immediately” with other words to make correct English sentences.

immediately (adv): now or without waiting or thinking

Use “immediately” in a sentence

He commanded me to leave the room immediately.
She recognized him immediately.
You have to leave immediately.
We have to evacuate immediately.
We will start an investigation immediately.
What is the best way to get rid of stress immediately?

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