The word image in a sentence

Synonym: appearance, likeness, picture, reflection, representation, resemblance, vision. Similar words: imagery, damage, magazine, magnetic, magnitude, climate, minimal, primary. Meaning: [‘ɪmɪdʒ]  n. 1. an iconic mental representation 2. a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface 3. (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world 4. a standard or typical example 5. language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense 6. someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor) 7. the general impression that something (a person or organization or product) presents to the public 8. a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture). v. imagine; conceive of; see in one’s mind. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The advertisements are intended to improve the company’s image.

2. The film exploited his image and infringed his copyright.

3. Champagne houses owe their success to brand image.

4. to be image of sb.

5. She looked at her image in the mirror.

6. Speech is the image of actions.

7. Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image.

8. He has a good image.

9. These scandals will not enhance the organization’s reputation/image.

10. Image is very important in the music world.

11. He believes that the product’s poor image is partly the fault of the press.

12. His public image is very different from the real person.

13. Cheney is everyone’s image of a typical cop: a big white guy, six foot, 220 pounds.

14. Image a new story for your life and start living it.

15. She had an image of a mad scientist working in his laboratory.

16. He tried to blot out the image of Helen’s sad face.

17. His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.

18. The computer chip compresses and decompresses a colour image in less than a second.

19. I have an image in my mind of how I want the garden to be.

20. The Nobel Medal bears the image of the great Swedish inventor.

21. The image of the woman popped into his head out of the blue.

22. Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image

23. If something could disenchant voters,( ) it would be the image of a political leader who is relying on an omnipotent image to woo votes.

24. The hotel and casino industry is working hard on improving its image .

25. His home is two terraced houses knocked together, each the mirror image of the other.

26. The party needs to clean up its somewhat tarnished image.

27. The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.

28. According to the Bible, God created man in his image.

29. The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town’s image.

30. The president wanted to slough off the country’s bad image.

More similar words: imagery, damage, magazine, magnetic, magnitude, climate, minimal, primary, estimate, intimate, ultimate, primarily, estimated, legitimate, ultimately, approximately, age, page, wage, cage, rage, eager, agent, New Age, garage, manage, for ages, engage, a stage, agency. 

Definition of Image

a visual representation of a person or object

Examples of Image in a sentence

The camera was used to take a still-shot image of the fruit sitting on the table.


Students were asked to examine the image and decide what was going on in the picture.


Even though I haven’t saw my grandmother in years, the image of her face stays inside of my mind.




Other words in the Materials, Objects, Tools category:





















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Examples of how to use the word “image” in a sentence. How to connect “image” with other words to make correct English sentences.

image (n): a picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is

Use “image” in a sentence

An image is worth a thousand words.
He is the image of his father.
Anna looked at her image in the mirror.

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The affirmations you have chosen along with the visual image will be there for you every time you log on to LifeTrax

While perhaps receding in the popular imagination, the image of the «dirty old man» that chases after young women has not disappeared

I can’t image being raised to follow Tdeshi even though she was hot

God’s purpose is to conform us into the image

Over the years we create a self-image and when we face situations, which are as it is not under our control, we react based on this image

Why else would he have projected such a large image of himself?

As he spoke, the large image on the wall of the elevator continued to broadcast his image even though he was standing right in front of them

I’m the guy from the monitor,” Ackers pointed unnecessarily at the view screen where they had been looking at him as the elevator traveled down, and which was still showing a large image of his face as he spoke

It fits his image

The image that came to doostEr’s mind was a trio of guys walking out on stage with their arms on fire

He created a perfect man in His own image

«I don’t remember one single image of my parents or my childhood

Through the Word we are created in His image from faith to faith

«Using the AmpliMagineer user interface paradigm, you just create this location translation pane here,» she drew the boundaries of the magic carpet on an image of her home’s foyer, «bundle it with this location,» she outlined the magic carpet as it sat there over the beach, «and snap it into this site’s continuous instance list here

That ball was also the lens of the camera and it distorted his image as he leaned close

You are seeing a photographic image of this android on live video, not the output of an Angel’s personification rendering channel

The numbers came into view when processing of the images against the database brought enough confidence to render them in the image

As well as communications, they had an optical scope that could render a pretty good image of the area

Reaching the “void space”, we observe the image of the flame which is shaped in the darkness of our shut eyes

No matter how tired I was though, the play of image, anger, self pity and bleak determination ran unremittingly through the hours

It didn’t seem to bother Timms much to see the image of the Chief like that, with bundles of control cables thick as her thighs and arms coming out of her pelvis and her shoulders

The image almost made me cry

Moreover, she is always trying to prettify her public image -rather awkwardly I’d say: Tonight, once again she told me she has a love affair with a young man from Crete, yet they only phone each other

Faces blur in the remembering, an image of a dream-state seen through brilliantly laundered gauze

Just as I started to get the image into some sort of focus, at the critical moment when I started to remember details about the garden, their clothes and the house, right then the truck would bounce or shake over rough English roads, and these carefully assembled pieces of the picture puzzle would break and scatter

Suddenly, an image emerges on the screen that I must admit is rather frightening

I passively try to explain away the image, «Well it has to be a scene from the Last War

A mirror image of the shuffling footsteps in the morning

Suddenly, a large image of a woman’s face is looking at him from one of the mirrored walls

Apollo gets up from the bed and walks toward the image of the woman

She clicked on the entry and the screen changed, resolving into an image that hit Kara right between the eyes

Meanwhile Alan was still transmitting, mostly a picture of the blond woman, not a bad image to have in your view, especially with the riverbank beyond

If we do not have the appropriate wisdom for those moments we will not just lose life, but will also profane the eternal glory of God and mare His image

You can still use the great tools that Instagram has to offer with image posting to create the best quality scripts possible when you choose to share video clips with your followers

When posting an image, the contestant simply has to add the #shoe (or other hashtag), and their image will be tagged to that word or phrase

It is important to create unique hashtags so that your followers know which one to use when posting an image, and so the images they share for the contest will be properly categorized when the judging takes place

Not only will allow Facebook followers have the ability to see the images, see the competition and learn about the details, but they will also be able to post their own images through Facebook or through Instagram when they use the right hashtag with their image post

She was a spitting image of her dear niece

So much had happened since she last sat here … an image of JJ laughing as he rode Black Hofnarr across the stable yard flew across her mind

The floors were wood, shined to a mirror image

We, too, must come to the place that we so mirror the image of Christ as revealed in us through His Spirit that we can say, “Be imitators of me

The strong man, his image playing in her head,

Luray had also been told about electricity and might get something of an image of how they could be composed only of electrons

with the image of numbers

as does the image of a lover

will flower in later life in the image of soft beauty

into the image of him as he was, as I was,

the image away to dust coated corners as I break

Days and years that fit with the image of ourselves

always been the way to go to attain an improved image and renewed self-confidence

The weather scope had nowhere near the magnification that had allowed them to analyze the meteor plume, but the image was consistent with what he was about to say

improve their image the safe and effective way today

a separate thing, broken away from the image

and then the image is gone, replaced by the reality

One fashioned and fired in the image of a bunch of succulent purple grapes and the other modelled after a bright shiny-red, seductive clay apple

second hand, who has only an image

A reflection in a mirror, an image reversed of me

While you are ‘palming’ your eyes choose a simple object such as a rose you have seen, a candle flame or some similar small thing and hold the image of it in your mind for as long as you can

I think that every parent believes in a reflection of themselves through their child, but this wasn’t the best mirror image, although no one could be blamed directly

She had a vague and hazy image in her head of one of her early ancestors running his opponents through with a large sword, and in her more candid moments she secretly approved of this approach

Upon it Kate and Lady Ashley projected a frightful image of a terrible looking creature

Image was everything

This will project a positive and upbeat image to anyone searching through the profiles of an

As you know, when we meet someone for the first time, we can project any image we want and they will react to that image

On the contestant’s back there was an image of Moses on the mount, typing the first of the Ten Commandments into a laptop computer; “Thou shallt have no other Gods before me”

She tried to argue with her grand-mother, but mindful of the rules and of the power of the moving image, she could not change her grand-mother’s mind

The snowflakes and other bodies were enhanced in the image as shown by their detectors, the stars shown at nearly their natural levels

The image of kissing chimpanzees stayed with me all night

She listened to the story unfold with a growing sense of unease and disappointment, a sense that rapidly turned to despair and utter devastation when the pictures cut to the image of an ecstatic twelve year old from Grimsby who would be attending a gala bash in London the following weekend where the boy and his band would finally be unveiled

” Of course he knew they could still see this same image if they were running on processors housed in a tin shed

He knew he had no way to tell if this piece of paper ever actually existed, or is it a digitally constructed image of this piece of paper

that image would continue to haunt me

On a hunch, I got a piece of paper and covered the image

I uncovered the image, tried the testing again, and…

I covered the image with the paper again, and

his image and all the negativity that it connotes

She had a vague and hazy image in her head

This made no logical sense, but the image of this

with this process when He can see his own image when

On the contestant’s back there was an image of Moses on the

mindful of the rules and of the power of the moving image, she

“They think we are pagan savages because we chose our image of the almighty in female form

‘I like that image …’

pictures cut to the image of an ecstatic twelve year old from

” He bowed slightly and his image disappeared from the hall

The entity flicked a hand and an image of the small

magnified image of the tower opposite appeared on the surface when

For a moment only there was silence then all but the twins broke into genuine laughter both at the girls’ expressions and at the image of them performing such a task

In Billy’s field of vision, in the image of the world that he carries with him as he sinks onto his knees by the mortuary door, Leona waves to him from the trolley and starts to tap her left foot in time to the beat of the music that is thumping through his throbbing temples

As Alex follows the hospital signs the image of his sister changes

He concentrated on an image of Markham – his short grey hair,

The image of Jock’s flattened skin under his fist kicks the pain receptors in his hand back into life and Billy’s hand starts to ache

‘ This shall be our launching point toward the practicable method to become as a human was intended” The guest leaned back and let his host ponder the image undisturbed

Arbnor Jasari has a picture in his mind of what is about to occur, an image in which he is, inevitably, victorious

” He actually smiled in the recollection, and we had to smile with him at the image he described

With needle and thread, she embroidered a small image onto the widow’s brocade—an image of herself on the palace steps

The image I got from the story short-circuited my brain

I think that this is the image, and not God

number of twenty-four hour news channels, his eyes focused on an image on the

image of the grieving girl was still frozen on the screen, an image Johnson had

Within the black disc he could see skulls and broken bones imaged in its surface

1 And for all the Heavenly troops I imaged the image and essence of fire, and my eye looked at the very hard, firm rock, and from the gleam of my eye the lightning received its wonderful nature, which is both fire in water and water in fire, and one does not put out the other, nor does the one dry up the other, therefore the lightning is brighter than the sun, softer than water and firmer than hard rock

1 And for all the Heavenly troops I imaged the image and essence of fire and my eye looked at the very hard firm rock and from the gleam of my eye the lightning received its wonderful nature which is both fire in water and water in fire and one does not put out the other nor does the one dry up the other therefore the lightning is brighter than the sun softer than water and firmer than hard rock

That is imaged

thing that is imaged

something which might be imaged as a seven-fold gun through which the

sixth division of the purest devotion might be imaged in the ecstasies of the

Gulab looked deliciously cute in her little black dress, which wasn’t as tight as she imaged, it hung off certain areas and stuck to other areas, showing off her fine curvy figure, her layered long hair had springs at the end

He imaged that they were taller even than the empire state building

Marina had never once imaged that she would smile and that man, neither Halit at that young woman

A tiny disc popped out of the floor, hovered in front of his face and scanned his imaged with a beam of light

Confirmation that these characters had managed to reach this stage could be noted when they went about to sew some clothing not because they were feeling cold but because they could conceive and perceive out their imaged formation since their eyes were opened up to face this current phase

Having reached this present habitat that has positioned out our imaged form into this current stage we might try to confirm that we have not been stagnated out again into a circular kind of an existing sphere that has no finite aim

Various references could be given out to us to assure us that the Personality of God is imaged in the form of a Trinity

The factor of `Matter` that had been imaged out as èarth` has

The factor of `Relativity` that had been imaged out as àir` has

The factor of `Polarity` that had been imaged out as `water` has

The factor of `Time and spacè that had been imaged out as `firè has `red` pigments and is characterized out by a twisting flame that we always try to avoid

The composition of this factor is imaged over a picture of this èarthòut of which all sorts of tools and utilities are effectively being brought out forth

All the substance and essence that could be described and defined out by our physical and pensive frame are contained and included inside the factor of `matter` that is imaged out as the original ingredient of this current existing font out of which everything rotates

Therefore in order to go along with this line of thoughts the first kinds of details are going to be given out have to be imaged out from the initial experiences that we had collected out as soon as we were all born over here

These imaged forms of `matteràre regularly changing round but the qualities are always being contained along the trend of substance and essence that would always leave a shadowed image of a formation that would always be left out behind

The reason for this conception could be that our pensive and physical means were given out from our own kinds of mothers and thus we tend to look upon her as the storekeeper of this kind of a universe who supplies the initial ingredients imaged out as `matter` forms

These mental aspects are all matter form that have all changed and altered along our current lives but their imaged shadows could be seen being reflected out over us since our version is finding it difficult to adapt to another new material mode

On the other hand the nature form of `relativity` when detached away from ùs` could only be imaged out into the symbolic form of àir`, which once more proves Empedocles was right again

The imaged formation of the sun during those days was a stable factor in order to gauge time, harvest crop and locate positions over and upon the bearings taken as a mean to measure out èverything` that was considered to be useful in those bygone days

Along these parallel aspects of lateral forms could be imaged àpolè position that has a target without an aim and tends to race upon a single leg in order to image this factor inside its virgin state

These imaged features are most important in order to index and classify out our nature forms but unfortunately these sorts of credentials could never be assumed to have any kind of a relationship with the lives that we have and possess

The factor of `Matter` that had been imaged out as `earth` has `blue` pigments and is characterized out by a nature that cycles out forms

The factor of `Relativity` that had been imaged out as `air` has `white` pigments and is characterized out by a nature of habitats that are located over here

The factor of `Polarity` that had been imaged out as `water` has `green` pigments and is characterized out by a nature of production that generates this current sphere

The factor of `Time and space` that had been imaged out as `fire` has `red` pigments and is characterized out by a twisting flame that we always try to avoid

The composition of this factor is imaged over a picture of this `earth` out of which all sorts of tools and utilities are effectively being brought out forth

These imaged forms of `matter` are regularly changing round but the qualities are always being contained along the trend of substance and essence that would always leave a shadowed image of a formation that would always be left out behind

The kind of kicks and twists that we all get out of this imaged form, is that it revolves and recycles all of us, which unequivocally confirms exactly what Empedocles of Sicily had once said, that `earth` is an `element` over which existence is based

On the other hand the nature form of `relativity` when detached away from `us` could only be imaged out into the symbolic form of `air`, which once more proves Empedocles was right again

The imaged formation of the sun during those days was a stable factor in order to gauge time, harvest crop and locate positions over and upon the bearings taken as a mean to measure out `everything` that was considered to be useful in those bygone days

Along these parallel aspects of lateral forms could be imaged a `pole` position that has a target without an aim and tends to race upon a single leg in order to image this factor inside its virgin state

imaged as that unique process of contemplation which leads the wor-

You say: “Al’lah has imaged the man”, that is He made a special picture and form for him

Faith sat within her own darkness, eyes open seeing nothing, eyes closed imagining only what had been imaged to her, sifting flesh-only hands – a sensation not mediated by machine – through the ephemeral substancelessness of ego competitions and games of desire searching, feeling, calling for a Hope without hate and a Love without Xemption

After he stopped struggling, he closed his eyes and imaged love and how it could be

A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought

thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought

Hollywood’s abstract imaged on a screen has created the sick culture of perfection even more than the culture of perfection was worshipped in Greece during Plato’s time

«Where am I?» Massie asked, feeling younger than she could have imaged

doors that you could have ever imaged walking through

At the door were standing two young women, girls of the district as they call them, on their way to Seville with some carriers who had chanced to halt that night at the inn; and as, happen what might to our adventurer, everything he saw or imaged seemed to him to be and to happen after the fashion of what he read of, the moment he saw the inn he pictured it to himself as a castle with its four turrets and pinnacles of shining silver, not forgetting the

But I walked on to my destination without hesitation or mistake, showing there, for the first time, some of that faculty to absorb and make my own the imaged topography of a chart, which in later years was to help me in regions of intricate navigation to keep the ships entrusted to me off the ground

This hemmed it in so narrowly, and stood so black and dense on either side, and disclosed such imperfect glimpses of the sky above, that, to Hester’s mind, it imaged not amiss the moral wilderness in which she had so long been wandering

Across these minute pools the reflected stars flitted in a quick transit as she passed; she would not have known they were shining overhead if she had not seen them there—the vastest things of the universe imaged in objects so mean

If we don’t have happiness and joy then any imaged success we think we have is some day destined to be a bitter pill that is called an awakening

Interestingly, these subjects were imaged again after 4 weeks of abstinence and

and this hypothesis is supported by a PET study that imaged presynaptic dopamine

The study that imaged dopa-

While the backup methods discussed up to this point back up only user data, imaged backups literally back up everything: user data, temporary files, the operating system with updates—literally everything

Trading platforms, indicators, pictures, and documents, along with every personal setting and application on your machine, are preserved with an imaged backup

Or (so my fond fancy imaged) some accident might meanwhile occur to destroy him and put an end to my slavery forever

Many of these images are highly retouched and enhanced

visual media, explain to her that these images are not real, that they

think this conversation is wise?” as I had images of being met by friendly armed police units at the station

External objects, such as images of the deity, pictures or forms in nature

With each item listed in his panoply of destruction, images flowed and twisted

together, images of limbs and contorted faces, of blood and bone and rock, and in the

The images vanished and

The numbers came into view when processing of the images against the database brought enough confidence to render them in the image

Version two had introduced the partial binding, whereby the device and the host’s mind could inter-operate without the bother of typing or talking or displaying images on a screen

The sound was turned down but images of Amazonian Indians smoking jungle grass and skinning an animal filled the room with an eerie glow

I drifted in and out of the dream-state, and with each step along the way through the whimsy during those first nights in confinement I confronted images of my death

Sitting there in the darkness, unable to see my own hands, it seemed to me that the images in my head were all out of focus

I recoiled as images of a burning cigarette end being stubbed out on my bare legs played out in my head

I watched mental pictures of them flash across the wall in front of me, images of gardens and soft sunlight

Some of the stars weren’t where they should have been by only a tenth of a degree, but when the images from all the friendly craft were combined, the positional discrepancies were enough to make the stars appear to grow in angular diameter in one, moving location

He’d seen their images painted in millimeter radar returns, grainy and monochrome

During the weeks and months of my incarceration there had only ever been the emptiness of night and the confused ramblings of my own competing thoughts and images

Unlike her mother, though, she sought out images and tales of the wider world

Kara closed her eyes … she’d been in London … Doris fussing about taxis … then she’d got on the train at Paddington and arrived some hours later exhilarated by her journey, head stuffed with images of this England so different from her own … Taunton, she’d gone to Taunton

With each item listed in his panoply of destruction, images flowed and twisted together, images of limbs and contorted faces, of blood and bone and rock, and in the midst of it all, as if conducting a violent symphony of discord, there stood the man in black, his flowing locks streaming in the winds and currents of calamitous fatality as his arms gesticulated wildly

Images: Mali in the 60’s

— You can use the same filters as you would use on your images

From drawing images on a canvas, to creating a whole new world with a few different colored markers, most of the images that are posted on the company’s feed use a variety of colors, show images popping up off the screen and show some form of creativity flowing off the page

Again, the videos and images that are going to go viral are the ones which have never been seen

The images that are unique, creative and out there, will create something that viewers have never seen in the past

The use of hashtags is the most important factor when hosting a campaign; it is the way you are going to collect the images which are submitted by your followers, so you can properly categorize them once they are received

It is important to create unique hashtags so that your followers know which one to use when posting an image, and so the images they share for the contest will be properly categorized when the judging takes place

Not only will allow Facebook followers have the ability to see the images, see the competition and learn about the details, but they will also be able to post their own images through Facebook or through Instagram when they use the right hashtag with their image post

while the eyes that stare upon the empty spaces fill with images of glittering prizes

that burns retinas, imprinting images and colours

“By this, therefore, shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged: and this is all the fruit to take away his sin, when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, so that the idols and images shall not stand up,” Isaiah 27:9

Images spring up in my memory: the face of the woman at the wayhouse mourning her grandchild … that sad mound beside the wasteg … too many have died already … the sigh that accompanies those thoughts is so heavy that Sefir turns her head to peer at me

The flashing minds and eyes that conjure celluloid images

digital images, thermal shadows, inversions,

Her mind was flooded with images; all the people she knew, dragons she had yet to meet, an enormous amount of information; all the dragons chanting her name; Michael standing before her

(rather than to any supposed images of an assumed reality

The unnamed founder answered that, «Let’s see some more of the images before we leap to any conclusions

Tarlass got out one of the images he thought they would be most interested in

«These are the impactors that we’ve spotted,» Thom showed them the images from Darryl

Along the length of his left leg the great artists wove images and colours in a collage, in a riot of tone and line, just as if the contestant were a kaleidoscope

These images culminated in a sequence of grainy pictures depicting John Logie Baird, the inventor of television, as recorded at the dawn of the broadcast age

The young man pressed another button on the remote control and all of the phantom images faded into the shadows cast by the candles that illuminated the great abbey

Great-aunt Edith showed Annie how to scan photographs and store them as images on the computer, using a collection of her very own black and white artistic poses from her early days in the glamour business, images which would now be considered at best cute but in most cases just as period pieces

Once the images were scanned the older woman copied down the details of Danny’s email and web addresses from Annie’s diary and set about the task of adapting one of her more subtle Trojan Horse viruses so that it would work specifically with Danny in mind

Unrelated images of the day my dad left us flashed in my head

Flashes of events came in rapid-fire images

that these Kirlian images are

Around her the images of his summer

Along the length of his left leg the great artists wove images and

These images culminated in a

images of riot and unrest, of the dispossessed and the establishment

One by one the images that played

and all of the phantom images faded into the shadows cast by the

pictures or other images through the WordPress web interface, they will also have

store them as images on the computer, using a collection of her

glamour business, images which would now be considered at best

the low, dark hours of the night collecting images of the most

Images flash up in Maggie’s head, images of burning fuel and twisted metal

As he reaches the end of each line of the song Billy fights back tears, fights back images of artificial ventilation and a hand hovering over an electrical switch

She is in shock, working as quickly as she can to keep the starkly brutal images of Leona and Bex at bay

Images of Bex merge with shots of junkies in their Trainspotting brutality; threadbare interiors, screams and shouts, blue lights, shadows, blank faces, anonymous dealers, and spliced into the sequence he sees Jock Cascarino’s smug face as he tells Billy to buck-up his ideas and get a plan

The images of Bex in her hospital bed, wired and comatose, loop back inside his head and the tape plays again, but there’s still no soundtrack

trying to decipher the images she was seeing

Mental images of the immediate future, premonitions based on the reality of cold blood, are stopped in their tracks, are brought up short in the sudden confluence of bodies in a courtyard

Billy remembers something about life flashing before your eyes just before you die, but is confused by the images flickering though his head

The reporter’s voice, which warned that the images about to be seen were

ears as he concentrated on the images displayed on the screen in front of him

Roman pressed the remote, freezing the images of the faces on the screen

could look at footage of blotched images of something moving through the

Most of the images were dark, blurry and out

He had seen many pictures of the most spectacular scenery on Earth, but this would match anything that planet could offer, and those were merely images on a screen

“This simple contraption makes it so that millions of meaningless words, phrases, verses and images pass by in the human subject’s brain in an endless loop,”

Then the words ‘WE CREATE MEANING’ flashed over the images as it played over and over in a loop, getting faster with each repetition

It even conjured images of what she would call «The True Business Woman»

The real dragon finally understood that this dragon lover loved only the images of dragons but not real dragons

What images did Roman see through those eyes of his? Did his brain

“We’re more like Marco Polo,” Alfred said, still engrossed in the images Elmore had sent

were the lingering images he would have of Paris, he had

that this was the wrong Roman Swivel was put to rest by the images that now

Even the images of music in worship, the preacher, the bring the

Among his inventions and creations were the wooden cow he constructed for the queen of Knossos, the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, artificial wings for himself and his son Icarus, and he was even said to have invented images

«The same sort of thing Grandpa but Flitters wrong as Seaboy was with us lying in the dark pool producing all those fantastic sea images

struggled to fight back the images forming in her head,

There were diagnostic images on her screens when Thom came in

True the images had to be patched to allow viewing in polite society

» Those edited images were projected on the cathedral walls behind him

It bombarded him with images of his people; their flesh pealing, their bodies ruptured and torn to pieces

From the survivors’ minds he gleamed scattered images of what had happened

When taken together, the many images formed a pretty solid picture of the desolation

Introducing the fast, smart way to show related content on your blog with thumbnail images or text

The words Began to trail off into images: images of running On all fours, with a pack of dogs—dashing all

With the images of all creatures in creation

the compose images never seen

The images that I watched on the TV could not

The images were not only beautiful

Its association with such images made the whole

with images of former ships, now degraded and

She knew these images of maidens and young men were a paean to eternal

the sides of your copy and around your images or video

«Because I’m not imaging it in the slightest, I’m remembering it

That’s all very plausible from her perspective, but the infrared imaging telescope disagreed

But a near miss should let us get a couple frames of imaging and allow the probe to survive and transmit the data

He knew this imaging did not illuminate the dust motes that were much more than twenty light minutes from the ship, all dots farther than that were in their own light

To create an entire world, he surmised, would be beyond current technology unless beginning a process over many years with many thousands of industrial scale imaging units

Next time you drive at fifty five miles an hour and it is safe, stick your arm out of the window and imaging the drag on your hand holding the pistol at three times that speed

ing services at Advanced Imaging Centers of

He walks around the 3D imaging video

imaging in hypnotic and waking states of consciousness

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to discover that the brain stems of migraine sufferers are more sensitive to certain stimulations than people without migraines

Resonance Imaging) scans and EEG (Elec-

Another is that neuro — imaging studies give strong evidence that both brain structure and function are involved in criminal behaviors

Normans work in specifying and identifying genomes had taken a rapid upturn, and with the new magnetic resonance imaging technology, they could now categorise the DNA a lot faster than the old x-ray system could

Rumble had enhanced and modified this technology to imaging at the cellular level

The top of the canvas must have been covered by foliage at night as there were branches lying all around the structure that must have been put over the top to stop the heat showing to any thermal imaging patrol planes

I am sending their message and the motion imaging

Using his invisibility imaging he walks calmly along the front of the building; and stops as he looks around

Can I assume it’s fitted with thermal imaging equipment?’

There might even be helicopters circling above with thermal imaging equipment on board, but they would be long gone by then

Even with thermal imaging equipment and police dogs he doubted they could track the two men down with the resources he had

The drones used their thermal imaging to see where the miners

He was already imaging his revenge on the Orderrans

Jack’s helmet was however equipped with both a low light level camera and a thermal imaging camera, which gave him about as good a view as if in full daylight

Tom had explained to him that the holographic sphere would be showing a blend of low level light imaging and of thermal imaging, coupled with radar and radio signatures

Imaging scans which would reveal the projectile’s exact path of destruction

He couldn’t believe that he was actually seeing Zeke’s theory of gravitational effect clearly imaging itself in his head

Rational consciousness, with its constant imaging, conceives of outer or inner

“Magnetic resonance imaging,” she said and smiled at his initial lack of understanding, then continued, “the MRI scans of Sir Alex

He went to the door, imaging Niki had returned

Ever since I heard and read that story, about what she did to that poor little boy inside that elementary school one night, up in that dark isolated school hallway, viciously attacking that little boy and wind up not remembering the incident! I can imaging what that poor child must have been going through, being all alone up in that dark isolated school hallway with Diane D in her state of mind, beating the crap out of him and he witnessing her being in a state of trance just staring into space not doing or saying anything! The only time she did anything, was when she beat the crap out of the kid, kung fu kicking him, breaking his bones and everything! The rest of the time, she was in a state of trance not saying a word, just staring into space! Especially that little boy claiming to feel the presence of some evil soul or some evil vicious entity that seem to might have been inside Diane D’s body that night! I’ve been freaked out about her ever since! I think that little boy was right

The young Chinese geologist nodded her head after looking at her imaging screen for a moment

She barely had time to switch on her radar and have a first look at the imaging screen before she hesitated, unsure of what she was looking at

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed the identity of Bob Windowmaker through analysis of the video imaging received from the Poseyville, Indiana police

the deals are part of a drive to invest more in digital imaging

Vulcan, there were three moons! Specifically, three holograms of Earth’s moon at three different phases were being projected above the skies using the satellite arrays in orbit as the imaging devices

saying that your wife is psychotic…it’s just that these imaging results are highly

we will take a much closer look at the details about this interesting imaging

We roared with laughter, imaging cutting this tiny fish while a big crowd waited for it

3D imaging gives a volumetric representation of the region of interest

The magnetic resonance imaging indicates the size, quantity and distribution of lesions or plaques in the brain and sometimes in the spinal cord

This we are saturated with: imaging

the ego screen is occupied by serial imaging

“Ask yourself not how do I hear the world with love, but how does Love hear it? Imagining this is imaging the other in your heart, which is the mycelium of love

Instead of imagining, we are imaging, replicating temes for the virtualnism’s self-promulgation and specie’s multiplication

These illnesses are terrible imaging being in a box buried gosh knows

Couldn’t see their torches or anything but didn’t want to hang about in case they called up a dog unit or a helicopter with thermal imaging

For example, the knowledge assets of a photo processing chain that deals in developing and printing conventional photographic film is devalued daily as digital photography and digital image processing consume a larger segment of the consumer and professional imaging market

However, it can also be understood as imaging the consequences of oneness, in which

The seat of the imaging faculty is situated in the forehead (between the eyes)

involve a constant rethinking of ideas or imaging the self in a reactive activity

No scientist, neurosurgeon, or medical doctor, has ever viewed or detected a specific unique individual’s personal thought, emotion, attitude, value, belief and/ or experience regarding an experienced particular event by using any of the following hi-tech instruments; a powerful microscope; X-Ray; Positron Emission Tomography (PET); Steady State Topography (SST); or Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) works by using powerful rotating magnets that move hydrogen atoms which can then be X rayed to obtain an overall picture through hundreds of ‘picture slices’ of the brain

imaging to determine the size of the vessel

His imaging was fluctuating and his voice was somewhat garbled, but still understandable

They were going to discuss their own neuroscience research and the future of their fields—which were starting to overlap more than ever as new advances in neural imaging showed the similarities between how the processes of mental illness and addiction appeared in the brain

With these overviews you can quickly assess your deductible and out-of-pocket limits and tell what a visit to the doctor will cost, what a diagnostic or imaging test will run, what generic drugs will cost as compared to brand-name drugs, and what your coinsurance will be for outpatient and hospital stays

Sebetic and his colleagues had stuck pins and needles into our daughter, ran her small body through imaging machines, sent her fluids out to labs, but nothing had yet been concluded

Together, these imaging studies suggest an

in vivo imaging have greatly advanced our understanding of the role of the AMY in

Clinical investigations, particularly when combined with modern imaging techni-

These data are congruent with human imaging studies showing that cocaine-

imaging is typically used to examine the neurochemistry of addiction during early

some technical issues associated with imaging changes in dopamine, and these are

dopamine pulse relative to PET and SPECT imaging, and the question of affinity

As a result, imaging with a psychosti-

receptor in the brain, it can be visualized with imaging

The main outcome measure used in PET and SPECT imaging studies of clinical

In addition to the imaging receptors, PET and some radiotracers can be used to

recent imaging studies in anesthetized nonhuman primates and cats that suggest

Notably, PET imaging studies have also shown that stimulant-induced increases in

dopamine release, and this same phenomenon has been shown with imaging

dialysis studies, which add support to the theory that radiotracer imaging can be

Taken together, these imaging studies investigating the effects of ethanol, THC,

release measured with PET radioligand imaging, the same is not true for other

and most of these studies have focused on imaging the D2 receptor and dopamine

At the time these imaging studies were performed, the resolution of the PET (and

Overall, these imaging studies have consistently shown that cocaine dependence is

results of these imaging studies show that low D2 receptor BP may correlate with a

in imaging methodology are unlikely to explain the differences in the results (Repo

processes location and network capacity the brain imaging techniques together

There are five primary brain imaging techniques which reveal different aspects of

In a review, Baicy and London (2007) found that brain imaging studies have

Fowler JS, Volkow ND, Kassed CA, Chang L (2007) Imaging the addicted brain

the importance of baseline selection in imaging studies (Canli and Lesch 2007; Heinz

these studies lend further support to the use of functional imaging for the assess-

has taught important lessons and functional imaging studies have been proven to be

imaging assessments, type of substance, etc

The application of brain imaging technologies to identify the neural correlates of

began to use imaging approaches, findings were obtained that helped develop and

First camera to photograph an object it cannot see: In “ghost imaging”, a special flash produces pairs of photons

Who would have predicted that Kodak, the corporate titan that dominated the world of photography in the 20th century, would be caught flatfooted when digital imaging came on the scene? Kodak invented digital photography

” It clocks in at 117 minutes and with sixteen musical numbers, at least half of them so elaborately staged, it’s hard to imagine that anything comparable would be possible today—even with CGI (computer graphics and imaging)

Imaging tests revealed he had no cancer in any other part of his body, he said

The second type of data backup is known as imaging

This is taken and stored in such a way that if your hard drive were to crash, you could replace the drive, run the imaging software, and not miss a beat

  • Use the word image in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Daphne overate because she was afraid she couldn’t live up to my image of her.

All right, here, what we’re looking at is a high-definition image of the San Gabriels taken off a LandSat maybe a half an hour ago.

And you didn’t want her image soiled in the hands of pirates and doggery.

And it’s the flag that obscures the human face. From the very first image in the book, the flag is more important.

Klein isn’t interested in the image in itself, but he’s interested in the way this image can be arranged, cropped, put in different context.

I think that Femi has found a better way to project this and continue Fela’s hope to project the black image right.

Clearly Rayden has molded youNin his image

I already had someone created in my image. He’s evil, he wants to take over the world… and he fits easily into most overhead storage bins.

«I may be known as Balduin, the best swordsman, but my real enemy, is my mirrored image

«Mr. Student Balduin… I want your image reflected by this mirror. This is my secret.»

«See… Take a look at your image in the mirror.»

«Balduin, where’s your image

And Ren├® would have believed it all a bad dream, if the accursed image wasn’t there to foster his brutal desire to spy and to know…

Epitomized by this image of a naked girl deranged by LSD, which opened the recent TV dramatization of the operation «Juli» police rades.

Throw this image to the garbage can.

Hilarius has made a doll in the image of his daughter.

«In the beginning, Man, unlike others creatures, was made in the image of God.»

You can not image how much i’ve suffered, the day your testament was read

In this image a witch is milking an ax handle.

In the following image a witch has bewitched a man’s shoe.

The film is released after a frame-by-frame restoration of the image and with a new musical arrangement using the works of composers

And while the TSF radio voice will broadcast your voice everywhere, on the same waves, by a new process, the image of your listeners will come back.

Lobster completed this restoration with digital technology, stabilising the image and reducing the spots and stains.

«It is life, Faust, seducing you with the fair image of your youth. «

«Why is this exotic image in your dream?»

In order to display in their correct position on the image the cropped elements taken from the 16mm negative, the missing portion of the frame has been marked by black.

The banner, painted with the image of Sophie, symbol of Polish independence, was dragged through the mud

«Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness…

The image and sound of the documentary material were recorded on location using the Shorin system in mines, factories and other real locations.

At times the illusion of love may outlast the image of a dingy room but awaken we must.

The Universal film, directed by Tod Browning, secured the master vampire’s image for the age of mass media.

all to better illuminate the creative processes and creative conflicts that forged the most indelible image of a vampire the world has ever known.

The entire image was captured live in the camera in a single take, through an interesting process. I’ll explain a bit further on.

This results from the original full-aperture image being masked on one side, to make room for the optical soundtrack.

The upper portion of the image is painted on glass mounted in front of the camera, and photographed simultaneously with the live action.

The coach and rocky roadbed are live, and the rest of the image is an optical illusi├│n.

It is Eastern European folklore that most informs Dracula, but the image of the vampire as a decadent, predatory aristocrat is not part of the folklore tradition at all.

The novel Dracula was a departure from previous vampire stories, plays, operas, in that Stoker did not romanticise Dracula, and our 20th-century image of the count is a hybrid of Stoker’s character and vampires from other literary sources.

Although we now regard Dracula as a quintessential screen icon, modern Dracula image is, in fact, largely a creation of the legitimate theatre.

Nitrate was a very unstable film stock, but its high silver content produced an extraordinary image, difficult to reproduce on safety film.

When you hear these words I may be dead or beyond reason. But your grief will be lessened when you know that my voice and my image despite everything, can come to you when you call.

A man of science, who sought to create a man after his own image, without reckoning upon God-

Such a fine young man, the very image of his father-

Unfortunately, the quality of the image isn’t optimal.

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  • The word illustrate in a sentence
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  • The word idea a noun
  • The word icon means