The word illustrate in a sentence

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Emery Rodriguez

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English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word «Illustrate» in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] This book is beautifully illustrated. ( …
  2. [S] [T] The teacher will illustrate how to do it. ( …
  3. [S] [T] This diagram will illustrate what I mean. ( …
  4. [S] [T] He illustrated the problem with an example. (

How would you use illustrate in a sentence?

Illustrate sentence example

  • Let me illustrate this one from my own life. …
  • A single example will be sufficient to illustrate this. …
  • She is known to us chiefly through two myths, both symbolizing the change of seasons, but intended also to illustrate certain doctrines developed in the temple-schools of Babylonia.

What is an example of illustrate?

To illustrate is to make something more clear or visible. Children’s books are illustrated with pictures. An example can illustrate an abstract idea. The word illustrate comes from the Latin illustrare ‘to light up or enlighten.

Where can I use illustrate?

If you say that something illustrates a situation that you are drawing attention to, you mean that it shows that the situation exists. If you use an example, story, or diagram to illustrate a point, you use it show that what you are saying is true or to make your meaning clearer.

What are illustrative words?

Something illustrative means it is a telling example of something else. Within this word, you see illustrate which means to make something clear by using pictures or examples. Something is illustrative when it paints a perfect picture of a subject.

36 related questions found

Is illustrate and draw the same?

The difference between drawing and illustration is that drawing is a technique of self-expression while illustration is a professional work for commercial purposes. Drawing can stay only as art whereas illustration is always accompanied by a text.

What does it mean to illustrate in an essay?

To illustrate means to show or demonstrate something clearly. An effective illustration essay, also known as an example essay, clearly demonstrates and supports a point through the use of evidence. The controlling idea of an essay is called a thesis.

What means excellent?

1 : very good of its kind : eminently good : first-class. 2 archaic : superior. Other Words from excellent Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About excellent.

Where do we use actually in a sentence?

You use actually to indicate that a situation exists or happened, or to emphasize that it is true. One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes. Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed. You use actually when you are correcting or contradicting someone.

What is a illustration sentence?

An illustrative sentence is an example that clarifies the usage of a particular sense of a lexeme. Introduction: An illustrative sentence will help you. clarify the meaning of a lexeme. use a word in the correct grammatical context, and.

How do you write an illustration essay?

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Illustration Essay

  1. Step 1: Choose a topic. Think about something that bothers you, identify the main object, then write about it. …
  2. Conduct some research. Even if you know chosen topic well, still check out the related latest news. …
  3. Write an outline. …
  4. Work on content. …
  5. Proofread. …
  6. Final check.

How do you describe an illustration?

1 : a picture or diagram that explains or decorates The dictionary has color illustrations. 2 : an example or instance used to make something clear The speech included illustrations of his successes. 3 : the action of illustrating : the condition of being illustrated He finished the illustration of the book.

What is an example of a topic?

Topic Sentence: Dogs make wonderful pets because they help you to live longer. The topic is «dogs make wonderful pets» and the controlling idea is «because they help you to live longer.»

What does it mean to illustrate a point?

If you use an example, story, or diagram to illustrate a point, you use it to show that what you are saying is true or to make your meaning clearer. Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point. Synonyms: explain, describe, interpret, sum up More Synonyms of illustrate.

How do you use for example in a sentence?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something that shows that something is true. Take, for example, the simple sentence: «The man climbed up the hill.»

What is the example of excellent?

The definition of excellent is someone or something as exceptional or of high quality. An example of excellent is the taste of fine chocolate to a chocolate lover. Of the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good for its kind. Enjoyed an excellent meal at the restaurant.

What is a better word for perfect?

Free from any flaw or defect. flawless. excellent. exquisite. immaculate.

What type of word is excellent?

Excellent can be an adjective or an adverb — Word Type.

What is an example illustration essay?

An illustration essay, or otherwise called an example essay, is an informative writing genre that clarifies a specific situation or object through demonstrative evidence. This type of paper provides specific details that prove a thesis statement or a key point in the form of exemplification.

How do you end an illustration essay?

Conclusion. Beginning the conclusion paragraph means that you’re almost done! Conclusion paragraphs are typically the shortest paragraphs in an illustration essay. Its purpose is to reiterate the main points within each body paragraph and prove to the reader that the writer proved his or her point within the essay.

Which of these should be avoided in a good essay?

Which of these should be avoided in a good essay? Explanation: A good essay must have a dignified and literary style. It cannot have slang, colloquial terms and free constructions.

Does illustrate mean draw?

Illustrate is defined as to make clear or to tell a story using drawings, pictures, examples or comparisons. An example of illustrate is to give an example. An example of illustrate is someone drawing pictures for a children’s book. verb. 20.

Does illustration mean drawing?

An illustration is a visualization or a depiction made by an artist, such as a drawing, sketch, painting, photograph, or other kind of image of things seen, remembered or imagined, using a graphical representation.

Can illustration stand alone?

Illustration is different from fine art. Fine art can easily be a stand alone piece, whereas illustration is in most cases built around an idea or concept. … Illustration on the other hand is created for the sole purpose of communicating with an audience. For example, you made a drawing of your neighbour.

Definition of Illustrate

provide with pictures

Examples of Illustrate in a sentence

Once the preschool book was written, the artist was hired to carefully illustrate the book with a picture on every page.


Three mischievous teens decided to illustrate graffiti on the wall with both large colorful pictures and big block words.


My grandmother enjoyed receiving my cards when I would illustrate the outside of it with colorful flowers and hand drawn landscape scenes.


Due to extreme boredom in math class, I figured I would illustrate my entire notebook with scenes from my weekend.


When the editor of the children’s magazine asked his employees to illustrate each activity, they quickly drew quick cartoon pictures.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word illustrate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use illustrate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «illustrate».

Illustrate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word illustrate in a sentence.

  1. A brief sample may help to illustrate the style of the work.

  2. The violins illustrate first how Christ slashes at the enemy.

  3. Neither writer gives comparisons to illustrate this influence.

  4. The instruments illustrate the celestial flames in coloraturas.

  5. Behe uses the analogy of a mousetrap to illustrate this concept.

  6. Bacon did not seek to illustrate the narrative of the tale, however.

  7. Two new engravings were added to illustrate the interpolated material.

  8. Putnam cited examples from the animal kingdom to illustrate his thesis.

  9. Capitals in the south gallery illustrate scenes from the life of Christ.

  10. The quadratic integer rings are helpful to illustrate Euclidean domains.

  11. The three trumpets sometimes play in unison, to further illustrate the Trinity.

  12. Netherlandish diptychs tend to illustrate only a small range of religious scenes.

  13. Lines connected the rooms to illustrate pathways by which characters could travel.

  14. Embedding Diagrams are used to illustrate curved spacetime in educational contexts.

  15. At the Herald, one of his jobs was to illustrate the horse races at Washington Park.

  16. Euler is credited with using closed curves to illustrate syllogistic reasoning (1768).

  17. Lat felt compelled to illustrate the differences between life in his kampung and the city.

  18. Sir Joseph has composed a song to illustrate that point, and he gives a copy of it to Ralph.

  19. Two anecdotes illustrate the level of security affecting the 509th’s personnel and equipment.

  20. The interior was given a decayed look to illustrate the deconstructed world of the characters.

  21. Cohen said he used the scene to illustrate Bruce’s fame creating a distance between the couple.

  22. Some entries in Harris’s List illustrate how some women managed to lift themselves out of penury.

  23. The plants depicted were chosen to illustrate the variety of plant habitats in the British Isles.

  24. The nine lower panels on each side each illustrate a different plant found in Britain or Ireland.

  25. McCay was required to illustrate anti-war and anti-British editorial cartoons for Hearst’s papers.

  26. Line drawings by Gillian Zeiner illustrate details of kitchen techniques, materials and equipment.

  27. Badoaro and Monteverdi used a classical story to illustrate the human condition of their own times.

  28. Each plinth features a key word and related quote to illustrate Russell’s multiple accomplishments.

  29. Britomart Redeems Faire Amoret was intended by Etty to illustrate the virtues of chastity and honour.

  30. This left Hammerstein with nothing to seek out in his people, and Rodgers with nothing to illustrate.

  31. The name is utilized as a literary device—either as a simile or metaphor—to illustrate character flaws.

  32. In the 1950s, the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan analyzed Hamlet to illustrate some of his concepts.

  33. Other subjects illustrate popular fables or sayings such as «When the fox preaches, look to your geese».

  34. Etty chose to illustrate Gray’s words literally, creating what has been described as «a poetic romance».

  35. The Encyclopædia Britannica’s changing entries on Austen illustrate her increasing popularity and status.

  36. The academics use his drawings to help them illustrate their points in a humorous yet educational manner.

  37. The canon tables illustrate the unity of the Gospels by organising corresponding passages from the Gospels.

  38. In Agrippina the da capo aria is the musical form used to illustrate character in the context of the opera.

  39. To illustrate, the 1955–56 Canadiens frequently scored multiple goals during the same two-minute powerplay.

  40. The city’s newspaper, The West Australian, chose Stokes’ picture to illustrate its story on the exhibition.

  41. To illustrate this, suppose that a number L can be written as a product of two factors u and v, that is, L = uv.

  42. McCay was as well, but was required to illustrate anti-war and anti-British editorials by editor Arthur Brisbane.

  43. Scenes from the game were used to illustrate the vivid imagination and struggles of a paralyzed woman named Xela.

  44. The overarching narrative of the tale includes a series of tract-like stories which illustrate these moral lessons.

  45. These islands illustrate the difficulty of characterizing the climate of the Everglades as tropical or subtropical.

  46. The Terminal Man and State of Fear include authentic published scientific works which illustrate the premise point.

  47. The scintillating semiquaver passagework of two solo concertante violins illustrate the sparkle of the morning star.

  48. These changes illustrate Proba’s historical context, her socio-economic position, and the expectations of her class.

  49. His works mostly illustrate Malaysia’s social and political scenes, portraying them in a comedic light without bias.

  50. For some reason, the male almost always grasps the left pectoral fin, and females often have scars that illustrate this.

Synonyms for illustrate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word illustrate has the following synonyms: exemplify and instance.

General information about «illustrate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word illustrate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «illustrate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «illustrate».

иллюстрировать, пояснять, служить примером


- иллюстрировать, снабжать рисунками, картами, диаграммами и т. п.
- пояснять (наглядным примером и т. п.)

to illustrate smth. by quotations — иллюстрировать что-л. цитатами
to illustrate the advantages of smth. — показать преимущества чего-л.

Мои примеры


illustrate the advantages of cooperation — показывать преимущества сотрудничества  
illustrate a relationship by a diagram — изображать зависимость при помощи диаграммы  
illustrate dramatically — наглядно продемонстрировать  
serve to illustrate — служить иллюстрацией  
to illustrate — например  

Примеры с переводом

Let me give an example to illustrate the point.

Позвольте мне привести пример, чтобы проиллюстрировать этот момент.

Each verb in this dictionary is illustrated with a sentence.

Каждый глагол в этом словаре иллюстрируется предложением, в котором он употребляется.

The students will write and illustrate their own stories.

Студенты будут писать и иллюстрировать свои собственные истории.

The foregoing examples illustrate this point.

Вышеупомянутые примеры служат иллюстрацией этого момента.

Please give a few examples to illustrate your point.

Приведите, пожалуйста, несколько примеров, чтобы проиллюстрировать свою точку зрения.

She illustrated her discussion with diagrams.

Она проиллюстрировала своё пояснение диаграммами.

Some simple examples will illustrate the point.

Этот момент проиллюстрируют несколько простых примеров.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

If I could just take one example to illustrate this.

This illustrates a fundamental weakness in the system.

She showed us several graphs to illustrate the point she was making.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

Moreover, Jesus begins to illustrate the parable he told

The contacts I noticed were few and they were all in the second story: a) I write and illustrate a scene where Sandra fights with gigong sticks

b) I write and illustrate a scene where Sandra hits Venor on the neck with her elbow

This document has been created to illustrate

The world has seen many marvels during recent years, and one of the many things that helps to illustrate the fusion of technical modernism with the established status quo is the way in which England’s ancient feudal institutions have embraced the social and political structures of modern times

illustrate how thoughts can have a powerful effect on

demonstration to illustrate to everyone in the audience

To illustrate what I mean, imagine that

For stories that illustrate nesting, see “Jean’s

of the many things that helps to illustrate the fusion of technical

” He paused again, “Let me see if I can illustrate

Covering their chests were dark breastplates molded to illustrate the skeletal framework of a human torso; a swelling ribcage, breastbone and the many interlocking sections of ones spinal cord

To illustrate the simplicity of the task, here it is, briefly and

Let me illustrate emotional acceptance with the following example

To illustrate this point

APPENDIX TO BOOK IV The two following accounts are subjoined, in order to illustrate and confirm what is said in the fifth chapter of the fourth book, concerning the Tonnage Bounty to the Whit-herring Fishery

One of the things I did was illustrate the need for honesty with

You’ll recall that it’s the project I used to illustrate the “gate selling” method, framing my discussion in the past tense because

illustrate what she meant

I’ll illustrate the point with David, who’s an agent specializing in house sales and subdivision development

Sometimes I did this to illustrate that you might have to fly with new people or even strangers

Several times the cameras would turn and focus on their audience and illustrate that the Homicide Department was a team process, not just individuals working for themselves

To illustrate this, here’s a story

The parable as told by Jesus, on the other hand, was a greatly simplified story meant to illustrate a complex principle within a philosophy of conduct and probably wasn’t about real people

So, what are we to make of the biblical flood story? Is it a portion of the “history of a people” as I posited in the beginning of the introduction? A story of their “origins” or was it meant to illustrate a moral principle, the “rewards of adherence and consequences of resistance” to the precepts that it was there to teach? It seems that it is a good fit into all of these categories, but which one would have been the most important reason for its retelling over the many hundreds of years? It would appear that the moral lesson of what happens to people who obey as against what happens to those who don’t would be the larger meaning that it was meant to impress, as it was handed down from an older generation to the younger

Now Homulkar and Zoran industriously set about drawing images in the sandy soil trying to express with signs what they had few words to illustrate

There are several events that illustrate his indifference to

These events illustrate his total

i illustrate this point through the following story

Through a process that seems to have guided my hand, the many bits and pieces have been fitted together in a manner meant to illustrate the principle contained in the title, “The Bible is a Parable

In Keith‘s case, the father‘s sabotage of his placement with the paternal aunt in California in December 2006 and their failure to support him in a later placement, illustrate the pernicious influence these parents have had, unabatedly, on their children

Each student could pick a subject to research and illustrate for the “Roadside Presentations

He chose to research and illustrate the issue of feeding not only Americans, but also the world

Amar presses his palms together and twists them back and forth, to illustrate

To better illustrate this point, I came up with this phrase: “It is easier to snipe a flying bird than to shoot

In sum, we can illustrate the working of karma using the following two equations:

The Buddhist texts illustrate rebirth with an analogy: the flame of a dying candle is used to light a new candle and then peters out

To illustrate this, consider a time of war

“Honored One, with your permission I have a visual presentation to better illustrate who our enemy is

George nodded to illustrate his interest

detailed explanation of the body`s behavior, illustrate basic and

It seems that Hosea did this deliberately, on orders from the Lord, to illustrate the

“To illustrate God’s absolute sovereignty over the affairs of the world and,

Many approaches have been made to illustrate this point I

to illustrate this point I

The story of Mary and Martha is used today by preachers to illustrate the balance

to illustrate the land or place of sin, Egypt, and what the Lord will do to, or about the

Paul, in verse 5, starts a minor argument, to illustrate that human reasoning is grossly

Verses 17 to 21, the simile of the olive tree is used to illustrate the above, I am again reminded

Smith comments that statements and acts such as these illustrate “how profoundly anti-human and pro death” certain aspects of our culture are becoming

The night before, at dinner, Rhonda had suddenly said that she‘d like to try illustration, to illustrate children‘s books, and she had talked about how she‘d like to start with a fairy tale that was ―in the public domain

It should illustrate how the combined operations will provide more collateral, more

The following cases illustrate this corrupt organization

I am simply describing an experiment to illustrate what I have been talking about

I will use primarily the work of Episcopal Bishop John Spong to illustrate at what point we have arrived at the beginning of the twenty-first century

As a feature in the issue, they even hired an artist to illustrate, cartoon style, the events that led up to my Cornell demise

To illustrate this, I would like to make use of this fine Revealing stone, a gift from Overlord Senchak

30 He said «How will we liken the Kingdom of God? Or with what parable will we illustrate it?

which, to me, only served to illustrate how divergent their

The following seven examples of attempted Socialism illustrate the ultimate failure of that system

To illustrate my point, I’m going to give an example

7 To illustrate my point, witness Senator Hillary Clinton in a recent interview with Barbara Walters about promoting Mrs

To illustrate my point, so it can resonate with you and help you grasp my meaning, this is what each channel represents

through, not alone, but in a group, as I have tried to illustrate in the previous

This said, let’s look at some examples to illustrate this concept, by

I am simply using examples to illustrate the difference between an Initiate and a sheep

We were the best people they knew who would illustrate their friendship with the whole world and as brave sailors who had fallen on tough times we were the object of their affection

Both of these scenarios illustrate the emerging challenges for executives contemplating their organizational strategies aimed at capitalizing on the shifts created by advanced social computing trends

I will illustrate this with an example of one case I did experience personally

I’ll illustrate this with a personal example

caves they lived in, in order to illustrate their lives and to communicate

then try some of the following suggestions (or do similar things that will also illustrate the

the following suggestions (or do similar things that will also illustrate the desired points): Take

metaphor so as to readily illustrate the objective

will also illustrate the appropriate points)

illustrate the desired points): Take any one of the values and apply it to an issue of interest to

to let him use her life to illustrate what he needs to say to humanity, his children

is a page), then try some of the following suggestions (or do similar things that will also illustrate the

Can you identify the main idea for each concept? What information is presented to illustrate this

explanations or examples to illustrate the concept? How can you use the concept? When and

Take for example, the lie, in order to illustrate my case; I, being the physical and intellectual author of the swarm that eventually was the promulgation of my lie; from my point of view this fault had a peculiar, very small, tiny and insignificant nature

office, overlaying his words with proper amplification and gestures to illustrate

Huge diagrams illustrate the migrations of the different races of the

Let me try to illustrate what I mean by quoting one or two instances which

To illustrate this, think for a moment of

instead of construction, and they illustrate the danger to which the work of

4 He next explained that the «kingdom idea» was not the best way to illustrate man’s relation to God; that he employed such figures of speech because the Jewish people were expecting the kingdom, and because John had preached in terms of the coming kingdom

Let me illustrate my contention by citing the example of a lustful man who thus wickedly looks upon his intended consort in sin

relative suggested that I illustrate the fourteen Counts as opposed to facing any copyright issues with photographs

To illustrate, Gregory Bateson (1987) spoke of his initial foray into Hawaii to study the communication of dolphins

He then would recite the story of the coin lost in the house to illustrate how thorough is the divine searching for all who are confused, confounded, or otherwise spiritually blinded by the material cares and accumulations of life

And besides, I would perform this service for you as a parable to illustrate the meaning of a new commandment which I will presently give you

I deliberated long and hard about whether to include this next example, because it is so controversial; but it is also the most perfect example I can think of to illustrate how our beliefs affect what we perceive out there and prevent us from seeing what is and how those beliefs can contribute to so much pain and suffering in our lives

Books and the internet come chock-full of kid-friendly science experiments that illustrate the basic principles of numerous disciplines while simultaneously entertaining

Parents with the resources to take their kids on vacations to visit the various NASA facilities scattered across the United States to illustrate the ins and outs of getting humanity past the upper atmosphere of Earth

Ability to illustrate how they stand out as a candidate

This story illustrate an important principle about the emotional brain: it has

This is the first day of my illustrated manuscript “Sandra Anderson — Astral Fantasy”, which I start writing today

A few hours before, I had written and illustrated a very similar scene with my protagonists Venor, Sandra, Astrid

This morning I finished the fourth book of my illustrated manuscripts “Sandra Anderson — Astral Fantasy”, which contains only three stories

This afternoon I finished the fifth volume of my illustrated manuscripts “Sandra Anderson — Astral Fantasy”

negativity to choose you is illustrated very well

He has enough experience of personal misdirection and abuse to write a graphically illustrated encyclopaedia

He began a discussion of their inner construction, constantly mapping their previous experiences onto the schema illustrated

The servant ministry is wonderfully illustrated through the actions of Jesus as he washed his disciples feet at their last supper

the East Indies, cannot, perhaps, be better illustrated than by the different state of those countries

This illustrated the unity

His Blue Fairy Book (1889) was a beautifully produced and illustrated edition of fairy tales that has become a classic

The relativism of our appreciations might be illustrated

Herold’s imagination was piqued by this book’s Illustrated interchangeable mandala of symbols:

Part of the term ‘NewGens’ also illustrated that high percentage of children who were abandoned by their parents for lack of a financial ability to support them

The devotional path to acceptance and the elimination of self-centered desire is beautifully illustrated by the well-known “Serenity Prayer,” already referenced in Chapter 11

Power pack? He looked at the one illustrated, then eventually found it in a side pocket

at all in the Greek, as illustrated above, in regards to

The cover of Sports Illustrated for the week featured Tony Reilly

It was all focusing in on the scrolls and on that beautifully bound and illustrated holy book

To me there is a strong Gnostic influence as illustrated in the description given earlier

chronological stages is illustrated by the maps from the final part of the work

This sequence can be simply illustrated as follows:

This is well illustrated in the words of the Buddha:

shares common characteristics with the class from which it is derived as illustrated in Fig (e)

As illustrated by the following figure, Gosub

is illustrated on the following table

profit a man to gain the whole world, and loose his soul?” This thought is illustrated

The de-Americanization of American school students, immigrant and native alike, is illustrated by comments of high school graduates collected by educator and commentator Kay S

The tactic of political assassination, perhaps more aptly called the politics of personal destruction, was illustrated at its most vicious in the bellwether case of Judge Robert Bork

arvensis has been ethno medicinally used as a therapeutic agent for a variety of diseases, as we have illustrated in this article

The diabolical cunning involved in this usurpation by the judges of the rights of states and citizens is easily illustrated

The political uses of the frank were illustrated during the tumultuous 1992 elections,

And illustrated it as follows: “Suppose a man

If you never heard about or saw one of these guidebooks, the write-ups, as illustrated in Chapter 3, gave a comprehensive overview of each establishment that was fun to read

them, as is illustrated on the walls of Egyptian tombs

“The Illustrated History of Hilia

The contributions and costs to the Coast Guard are well illustrated by the CGC Escanaba which suffered one of the highest losses in a single engagement in the war

Along with its traditional duties, the decade of the 1950s illustrated the U

The ABC-of-Yoga has a great article on migraines with an illustrated

The complexity of guarding the national infrastructure against terrorism was illustrated by U

The need to reform and integrate border security operations was illustrated by the post September 11 INS report which revealed that of the 19 terrorists involved in the attacks, 13 had entered the United States legally, but several had remained in the nation after visa violations

Coast Guard was illustrated by the suggestion of a U

titled An Illustrated History of Art, and had a man who’d been carved from white stone on the cover, staring serenely off to one

The ever-present danger to search and rescue and patrol personnel is illustrated by the deaths of Coast Guard Petty Officers Scott Chism and Chris Ferreby in March 2001

The courage and danger to helicopter crews and rescue swimmers was well illustrated in January 1989, when the crew of an HH-65 chopper from Coast Guard Air Station Astoria (Oregon) set out over frigid waters and 20 foot waves to rescue a downed U

The renewed appreciation of the Coast Guard was illustrated by the presentation of the Navy League»s 2001

By Sea, Air, and Land: An Illustrated History of the U

1915) illustrated eight smartly dressed uniformed personnel standing in front of the building that housed the crew

The enormity and significance of Auxiliary activities is illustrated by the fact that 944,800 boats were registered in Michigan in 2004 (Brand, “Coast Guard Offers Free Vessel Checks,”

illustrated how ridiculous I thought he was being

The diverse missions of the Coast Guard are well illustrated by its varied assignments

THE EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP of Coast Guard petty officers, chief petty officers, warrant officers and commissioned officers has been illustrated in previous chapters

Pride of the Inland Seas: An Illustrated History of the Port of Duluth-Superior

America’s Lighthouses: An Illustrated History

The ABC-of-Yoga has a great article on migraines with an illustrated list of poses, and directions on how to achieve them, on their website at http://www

The figures of penetration of the subtle and masked goals of the Socialism movement are widely disseminated, but through it all stands out the simple concept illustrated by the distinct statement of Ludwig von Mises regarding the conflict of systems: “The real problem is whether or not socialism should supplant the market economy

illustrated the second one

The battle between the two minds/brains in our body can be quite real — as was illustrated in one of Roger Sperry’s cases of split-brain patients where one of the patient’s hand was holding a knife to kill himself but his other hand was trying to prevent it

and behaviour that are often recorded or illustrated in

figures have frequently been reported and illustrated to

illusions are common and can be proven, as illustrated by the many well-known visual

The ‘atoms’ observed by leadbeater and Besant and illustrated in their

Brennan, have described and illustrated the spinal chakras – which come

Band-Aids were pink and had unicorns illustrated on them

has been illustrated in arts

At the end of each painting, when I looked at the final product, I was looking at it as if Jesus had just illustrated a journey

It was like I was watching an illustrated story,

noticed that the female in the painting was illustrated as solid, devoted, confident, and loving,

” He illustrated in the

Gandhi”, the author has illustrated events in his life from the perception of characterization and evolution of becoming a Mahatma on a personal note

quickly it can grow is well illustrated in a story called the «Legend of the Ambalappuzha Paal

paper, as illustrated below, one labeled ―+‖ and the other labeled

The core process for producing reports, of SAP is illustrated as follows:

illustrated in the formula P = O/I (where P = productivity,

For example, when we have completed the facilitation of a job model, we ask the assembled group of exemplary performers, «What it is that the enterprise could do better to support the work you trying to accomplish as depicted in the job model you just defined?» In other words, while the work itself is clear and agreed to in the minds of this group of workers (and/or managers), and agreed to as the «work,» we are asking what else could be done or what could be done better? The «verbatim» answers, as we call them, illustrated below, identify trends about what support isn’t the best it could be or is simply missing:

When I was in my mid-teens I devoured Ray Bradbury’s novels and short story collections books like FAHRENHEIT 451 and THE ILLUSTRATED MAN

“The King and Queen—they are dolphins, black and white? With horns—” she illustrated, tapping her forehead where Jai’s knife had scarred her, “—right here?”

the teaching, expressed as far as may be in modern terms and illustrated from

which illustrated the unspeakably terrible results which sometimes follow in

be well illustrated by the case of the Bodhisattva

And he illustrated this by pointing out four supreme reactions of fatherly love:

A corner in the cemetery was all that man needed in the end but could he do without some land of his own before that? The compulsion of Hussain and the dilemma of Ram Dev illustrated the reality of land in the impoverished rural north that led them both to the Tihar

» And this aspect of the gospel was well illustrated by many parables which he later spoke to his followers

What I am telling you is well illustrated by two men who went into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a publican

As the publican and the Pharisee illustrated good and bad religion, their divorce practices served to contrast the better marriage laws of the Jewish code with the disgraceful laxity of the Pharisaic interpretations of these Mosaic divorce statutes

Jed gives the taste of non-duality to the reader through direct teachings, demonstrations of how he goes about life, and in more subtle ways, as illustrated above

The difference is illustrated very aptly by this

This is the shift that was illustrated on a global scale in the 2008

You couldn’t have a copy of Men’s Health or Sports Illustrated huh? It had to be something odd

pronged approach to coaching, illustrated in the figure below

Looking at the sketch that Aureliano Triste drew on the table and that was a direct descen-dent of the plans with which José Arcadio Buendía had illustrated his project for solar warfare, Úrsula confirmed her impression that time was going in a circle

in time (history), more stories, sacrifices, and struggles are recorded and illustrated to serve as an example for humanity to follow and learn from

Of course, that illustrated that it was a topnotch event

The book, appropriately enough, is called, The Beatles: The Illustrated And Updated Edition Of The Best-selling Authorized Biography

As illustrated, there are many different beliefs/religions in the world

That’s hypocrisy, and I have illustrated numerous other cases of it, including the woman who went camping with her boyfriend but on her wedding day ended the camping thing as a way to see the country

function instead of case already illustrated

The wind can do a great deal of damage as the dust storms of the past have illustrated

What was illustrated was the fact that we rely too much on technology

The following illustrates the script that would be used for an

The next example illustrates how trapped emotions

include it because it illustrates the fact that magnets

that illustrates this principle very well

Here’s one other horrible story my freshman year that again illustrates why I think life is hard and then you die

The story of Jezebel is a story that illustrates those who try to find places of authority through self-promotion

This illustrates mature discernment in

it gets the message across, illustrates the point and is memorable

As the boy-with-the-ball illustrates, the way you perceive what happens forces you to rely on memory

The following Zen story illustrates this requirement:

I’ve sprinkled it with some reminders of how my work illustrates a sales principle

This clearly illustrates the difference between certain professions quite clearly — lawyers would have been grateful for the extra fees!

Perhaps nothing best illustrates government ingenuity than Class Action Suits

Normally, I would not include this squeamish, cumbersome and boring detail in any of my books, but I do it here because it represents a perfect example that illustrates the spirit of flexibility to which I referred in the chapter entitled “The Art of Traveling”

Here’s a mishap that illustrates the saying “You’re on an adventure when you wish you were home wishing you were on an adventure

A touching incidence illustrates the special bond of devotion that

( user10) See to follow; the Figure-01 illustrates the current situation concisely

A favourite cameo illustrates:

This illustrates the arbitrariness, therefore

In this context, it not only illustrates the Law of Projection, but also the Law of

An example of my email exchanges with Karl illustrates this

Figure (f) illustrates that a single function name can be used to handle different number and different types

/*Program to illustrates the feature of scope resolution operator*/

A personal example illustrates this

/*Program to illustrates the use of inline functions

The above illustrates some things quite clearly:-

I have selected some women from those in the Bible on the basis that each one illustrates a clear

Symphony illustrates the beauty of

The show Ally McBeal illustrates Hibbs’ analysis, not by the character of Ally, but by the world in which she lives

This story illustrates an absence of common sense

One response illustrates the power of hard work and perseverance

The Parable of the Ten Virgins illustrates this as

Here is a story taken from Barbara’s book which illustrates this point well

It merely illustrates how deep

This illustrates the well known extreme competitiveness of the Japanese educational system

It illustrates the Japanese quest for perfection under any circumstance

This «heat map» illustrates the ideal placing on a sample page layout

The Re/OrgSystem Phases chart at the beginning of this chapter illustrates a complete re/organization at all levels and one layer (see Langdon for additional layers) in an enterprise

A cause-and-effect diagram graphically illustrates the

required for project completion, and visually illustrates task

illustrates my feelings and emotions

This list merely illustrates some of the enumerated first degree murder

The case of Judas illustrates the truthfulness of that saying: «There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death

how women are viewed in this society and illustrates the direct impact of context on

And, as the last of my stories illustrates, they are dishonest with their own kind

That flexibility illustrates the major

b) it illustrates how powerful doing something that is both distracting and

However, it illustrates a very important lesson in relation to trading and the correct strategy to employ

He’s Tutsi and it illustrates the ludicrousness of classifying people by race

The solution will be presented in a later chapter and illustrates what has to be done to add records – in some small way, you can figure out the rest – to a file

But we know that 1000 divided by 1000 is equal to 1 which illustrates that

This illustrates metaphoric comparison

It illustrates the fact that you don’t need color and special effects to make a great movie

This illustrates my theory of the telephone game that would cause eventual addition or subtraction of the original story

Although much of the Bible is recorded events, and prophecy to the Bible, it illustrates that God was with and helped these people of that time

Wells illustrates that man began his existence in the dark continent – another bad label because there’s plenty of light in the daytime if you come out of the forest

Spirit Bear illustrates the connection between man and animal

The March / April edition of the Sierra magazine illustrates some other wind gathering concepts

Best of all, it illustrates that everyone’s vote counts

illustrates the approach management should take

The King of Torts illustrates the greed of the corporations and that of the lawyers for both the plaintiffs and defendants

‘’General, this illustrates a dilemma that I have since arriving in Suwon

think this way, as a story I once heard illustrates:

The problem of the four children is easy enough to fix, but it illustrates a more important principle

This is a useful cautionary tale, because it illustrates the danger of changing a habit, even a major one, without also changing your core identity

with millions of educated people? The reaction of the German population to the passion of his conviction illustrates the true lack of human reason, and the power of ideas and example

The example I used above from bell hooks clearly illustrates that

preoccupations and addictions so much as it illustrates those of our

It illustrates that our present school system must change

This charming movie illustrates my point perfectly about mind over

The Trance of Prahlada also illustrates in an equally illuminating and thrilling manner the glory of Samadhi

Tell the story that illustrates the challenges you are currently facing

4 illustrates how R&D carried out within energy companies in the UK has been changing over the period 1993 to 1997, regardless of the source of funding

than half of non-transport energy is needed for space and water heating, as the chart illustrates

1 illustrates what the consumption of fossil fuels would have been if the mix of fuels used for generation had remained in the same proportions as in 1970

Illustrates through examples and methodology how to win the kind of employee collaboration and commitment that drives bottom line results

Bodhisattva parable, which, owing to its underlying message, illustrates everlasting search of a human soul; and the story about a Kievan Rus Saint –

21 illustrates the schedule by means of a Gantt Chart

The financial flow described above illustrates expenditure and payments due in the course of project activities in accordance with the initially prepared schedule

This episode singularly illustrates the cunning of Muhammad to position his political necessity as human solidarity

This survey is based on the combined opinions of over 100 economists, housing market analysts, and investment strategists, and illustrates their expectations for 2012 and beyond

An event that occurred in November 1996 illustrates the confusion

I believe this experiment illustrates the power of belief

The origin of the title of the Upanishad itself symbolically illustrates

Tolstoy illustrates that for being dear to God one need not be high-

The story of FDHS illustrates the barren and desolate state of life prior to an encounter with HOPE

Or at least are acting that way, and that saying illustrates the fact pretty graphically

This illustrates how divergent views on the question were

God illustrates the property of that ‘sinner spirit’ saying:

In spite of my being strongly opposed to anti-Muslim prejudices, as this book in the hands of the reader clearly illustrates, it must be stated that Shourie’s scholastic effort when it comes to the regressive fatwas (though not his opinion in terms of whether they are truly in the spirit of the faith) must be lauded

God illustrates the characteristics of that sinning spirit, calling it:

This Verse illustrates that everything that was mentioned previously comes from the Perfect Godly Attribute and Divine Stature, Whose Kindness floods, Whose Mercy embraces and Whose Charity overwhelms all beings and all of creation

This book breaks down some of the most important and elusive concepts of Japanese and illustrates them well with example sentences

The following story illustrates the path that every believer should follow, sparing no effort within the family to avoid any trouble that may lead to damaging effects on him or on his household, and employing his power of logic and thought which is a precious gift granted by Al’lah for man to employ as appropriate, in order to find solutions to any problem that may face us during our lifetime

In his poem, Homer illustrates this communication through Athena and Hermes’

This author illustrates the existence of two realities, as seen in Buddhist thought and on the type of interpretation I know how to make of it: one that is illusion and of this world and one that is beyond the illusion and that represents the “ultimate reality”, where all those who reach “enlightenment” end up

The spoken ego of god transfigured into the two tablets: Writing ego into material history; transfigured On a mount; high up in transcendent enlightenment; The two tablets illustrating the logos itself:

Then I’d move on to the “gate selling” method, illustrating

Then William showed up, both proving the real definition of “different worlds” and illustrating the fragility of anyone’s existence

I’ve referred several times through the earlier chapters to the title, “The Bible Is a Parable” and within it, illustrating other lesser parables, of which the Tower of Babel is one

gardless of the reason? i am illustrating that all the rules are changing,

The evidence illustrating the connection between human emotions and the condition of the physical body stands as tangible proof that the energy of our consciousness is real

She knew, somehow, that he was the one showing her this galaxy, its colors illustrating the cosmic energy that moved throughout the galaxies

She wore a smile illustrating her great accoplishment over Chloe which had been powered by the authority of the house

illustrating a story told by Jesus

A life with a bank accounting history and documents illustrating years of

In Man Visible and Invisible and The Christian Creed I published a diagram which I reproduce here, illustrating the Three Outpourings of the Divine Life

suffering illustrating a woman’s depravity after being afflicted by God’s famine is told in Second Kings 6:29: “So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son

It’s a way of illustrating our

There is an interesting story in the Yoga-Vasishtha illustrating the bliss of Samadhi

“I got her!” Halfshaft cried jubilantly, illustrating the point with a full-blooded swipe of the

Thus, with no change in the ground realities, and in spite of the burden of a religious dogma coupled with a tedious culture that the faith imposed upon them, the converts remained enthusiastic about their lot, illustrating the power of Islam over the minds of the poor, to be precise on the poor men

was far in excess of an appropriate amount, illustrating that more is not always better

one Saturday in 1998 illustrating aspects (he said) of his religious beliefs:

MariaLouisa, and illustrating admirably the costume of the

The picture I just depicted above is the schematic image of a skrruullerrt system illustrating the possible Directions of further development of life dynamics (development scenarios) with Rays of Choice Vectors that lead to different consequences in the further development of the seemingly same scenario

For example: A friend told me this story of herself, illustrating the law

that they serve the Creator who is senior and more ancient than they are by illustrating that their

pivotal aspect of this symbolism is the calf was sacrificed illustrating the opposite of freewill and

advances have helped to prove that the ancients were illustrating a very accurate and advanced

elegant symbol succinctly illustrating a planet-bearing star

yet another way of simply and redundantly illustrating that our sun is a star

symbols are instructional models illustrating that reality was created as the outgrowth of wisdom, or

expressing or illustrating them

Following are some passages from the Hebrew texts, unequivocally illustrating the truth about the

before “God’s Throne,” paints an image illustrating that the path to our Creator and to understanding

Symbols such as the seven-headed beasts are obviously not illustrating real

He glided with languid and powerful strides, the silver coins in his pocket, making the sound of steel-spurs, illustrating the image of the Revenant Rider, well chosen by a past unborn

Abby laughed outright, “What good do you think I’m going to be with something like that?” She said, as she waved her hand back and forth through the counter they were leaning over, illustrating her inability as an image to touch anything physical

I played both sides illustrating further the possible moves of the pieces

veritable plethora of examples illustrating that any notion proven correct so often as this

Illustrating how different directions of lines can help expression of form








In the charcoal scribble illustrating this composition I have tried carefully to avoid any drawing in the figures or trees to show how the tone-music depends not so much on truth to natural appearances

I have taken the first seven pictures reproduced in this book that were not selected with any idea of illustrating this point, and I think you will admit that in each some very important quantity has been placed in this proportion

quotations illustrating this principle: “In old Russia with its strict

The old door was decorated with carvings illustrating the story Jesus told on the Mount of Olives, about the wise and foolish virgins, and Merthin had to copy it

There were cushions and rugs, flowers in a bowl on the table, embroidered samplers on the wall illustrating Bible stories and texts, and a cat asleep in front of the fireplace

They had no way of being sure that what August was illustrating here was the moment of the murder

What the Encyclopedia proved, at least to Steve Epstein and his Pentagon colleagues, is that a rule makes a much stronger impression once a story illustrating said rule is lodged in your mind

In this case study, and final chapter of the book, a single decade is examined with the intent of illustrating the concepts covered in previous chapters

Peter Lusk, instructor at The Options Institute at the CBOE, will walk you all the way from the history of these trading vehicles to case studies illustrating their effectiveness

But this example is of further utility in illustrating the all-pervasive factor of change and the necessity of taking it into account in bond analysis

It may be said that individual income-bond issues may be found illustrating almost every step in the range of variation between straight preferred stocks and ordinary bonds

The reader is warned that these suggested standards and the calculations illustrating them are submitted with considerable hesitation

It should be useful also in illustrating again the wide technical difference between the critical approach of security analysis and the highly superficial reactions and valuations of the stock market

736 on accompanying CD, for a phase of the liquidation of the United States Express Company illustrating this point and for the more recent example of Court-Livingston Corporation

8 The student is invited to consider two further examples illustrating this point in 1939, viz

The spread had thus grown from 2 to 20 points during the year, illustrating once more the desirability of such switches and also the tendency of the stock market to neglect arithmetic

However, notice that the move from 250 down to 200 represented a 20 percent profit, roughly, so part or all of the position could have been covered there, nicely illustrating the implementation of the 20-30 percent profit objective rule

dopamine in addiction with an emphasis on a model illustrating phasic and

addiction with an emphasis on a model illustrating phasic and tonic NAcc dopamine

11 is useful in illustrating many of these points

Strategies like short straddle, short strangle, and those with a similar payoff function profile are good examples vividly illustrating this idea

Below we present several examples illustrating such additional versions of criteria effectiveness indicators

We created a chart illustrating the effectiveness of the criterion in identifying stocks, for which application of strategy 1 is preferable to application of strategy 2 (Figure 5

Consider an example illustrating the previously described algorithm

5 illustrating the speed at which options deteriorate

We are only illustrating the differences between limiting and managing risk

A New Eusebius: Documents Illustrating the History of the Church to AD 337

I will give only one, as likewise illustrating one step in the separation of the sexes of plants

I request the reader to turn to the diagram illustrating the action, as formerly explained, of these several principles; and he will see that the inevitable result is, that the modified descendants proceeding from one progenitor become broken up into groups subordinate to groups

The sight of these so radically different men,—the one beaming with freshness, alacrity, elegance, the well-fed Frenchman, in a silk hat and long overcoat of the latest fashion, energetically illustrating with his white hands, unused to labour, how to squeeze the Germans, and the sight of the dishevelled Prokófi, with hay-seed in his hair, dried up from work, sunburnt, always tired and always working, in spite of his immense rupture, with fingers swollen from work, with his loosely hanging homespun trousers, battered bast shoes, jogging along with an immense forkful of hay over his shoulder in that indolent pace of a labouring man, which economizes motion,—the sight of these two so radically different men elucidated to me then many things, and has occurred to me now, after the Toulon-Paris celebrations

The musical score of Wagner’s later operas is like what the result would be should one of those versifiers—of whom there are now many, with tongues so broken that they can write verses on any theme to any rhymes in any rhythm, which sound as if they had a meaning—conceive the idea of illustrating by his verses some symphony or sonata of Beethoven, or some ballade of Chopin, in the following manner

I will only make a single other statement, by way of illustrating the smallness of the annual appropriations necessary for the attainment of this important purpose

Williams said he rose to make a motion, the object of which was in itself so clear, that he believed there was no necessity for illustrating it

, whether illustrating the artistic, or the practical side of the profession

—, on the hurricane of August, 1831, illustrating the position that storms and hurricanes are gyratory in action, and move with the general current of the region in which they occur, xxi, 191

Diagrams illustrating Prof

Six cuts illustrating Œrsted on connection of Magnetism and Voltaic Electricity, 387, 388, 389

Diagrams illustrating Precession of the Equinoxes, 323

Figures illustrating the Tides, 81, 82

Maps illustrating Canal Surveys in the State of New York, 19

, illustrating Phillips’s Essay on the Georgia Gold Mines, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18

Chapin’s Figures illustrating his paper on junction of Trap and Sandstone, in Wallingford, Ct

Diagrams illustrating Dové’s paper on the Law of Storms, 321, 328

Map illustrating General Laws of Temperature throughout the United States, 18

As illustrating the need of intelligent and decent church services in the South, I record the following facts, which were related to me by those who knew of them personally

Wigwams are being transformed into houses, and coarse and cruel people are illustrating home piety and virtues

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