The word hut in a sentence

hut — перевод на русский


We took Tea to my hut.

Мы отнесли Травяной Настой к моей хижине.

He’s been shut up in that hut…

Он был заперт в этой хижине…

It’s still there, in an old fisherman’s hut.

Портрет ещё там, в старой рыбачьей хижине.

No matter how trango peeray, we stay in hut.

Не важно, что… тренго пирей, мы остановимся в хижине.

I had a difficult journey getting you back to the hut.

Тяжело было отнести вас обратно к хижине.

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Small wooden hut.

Маленький деревянный домик.

They use this place as a meditation hut… but it’s been my safe-house more times than I care to remember.

Это домик для медитации. Но я в нем иногда прячусь.

Hut number one.

Домик номер один.

Damn… a pretty little hut, surrounded by wooded paths.

Черт, маленький красивый домик, окруженный лесом, со множеством тропинок.

The donut hut?

Домик отдыха?

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You’re in our dressing room at the Jungle Hut in Passaic, New Jersey. And we’re on next.

Ты в нашей гримерке в Джангл Хат, в Нью-Джерси, и мы — следующие!

And it wouldn’t be a secret… and we wouldn’t have our wedding dinner at Pizza Hut.

И это не будет тайной… и наш свадебный ужин будет не в Пицца Хат.

We had a 7:30 game against Hutchinson Taco Hut.

На 19:30 намечалась игра с Тако Хат.

God, I wish we had a Pizza Hut in South Park!

Господи, я бы хотел, что б в Саут-Парке была Пицца Хат.

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NARRATOR: Martin the woodcutter lived in a little hut in the forest.

Мартин был дровосеком и жил в лесу в маленькой лачуге

My father worked as a day laborer and lived on the premises, in a sort of hut… with my mother, myself and my younger brother.

Мой отец был поденным рабочим и жил на той же ферме в какой-то старой лачуге вместе с нами — с мамой и моим младшим братом…

That girl will likely live under a veil in a clay hut in a country where she could be stoned for listening to a madonna album.

Девочка будет жить в глиняной лачуге в стране, где ее закидают камнями, если она будет слушать Мадонну.

Aw, thanks for the invite, but I think I’m gonna ride out my last week of humiliation here in the Nut Hut.

О, спасибо за приглашение, но я, пожалуй, дотерплю последнюю неделю унижений здесь, в Орешковой Лачуге.

But trust me, it’s gonna be beautiful. Okay? It’s gonna have white Sandy beaches and we’re gonna pick out food at the market and cook it in our own little hut with a palapa roof.

Там будут пляжи с белым песком, мы будем ходить на рынок за продуктами и готовить обед в собственной лачуге с крышей из пальмовых веток.

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It’s not exactly a hut, but further in I have a place to sleep.

Ёто отнюдь не барак. Ќо хот€ бы есть, где поспать.

Did you see our leader go to their hut last night?

Видел ли ты как прошлой ночью наш вождь входил в их барак?

We selected a site where we decided to build a new hut.

Мы выбрали место где мы решили построить новый барак.

The idea was to claim there were many carpenters in the camp and a new hut was needed for this particular trade, carpentry.

Идея состояла в том, что в лагере было много плотников и поэтому нам нужен был новый барак как мастерская для плотницких работ.

We received permission to build the new hut.

Мы получили разрешение построить новый барак.

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You are not yet ready to occupy that hut… with the degree of comfort that you would like.

Вы еще не готовы жить в нормальном доме… со всеми удобствами, господа.

«Thou shalt not take… moochers into thy… hut»?

«Не принимай попрошаек в доме своем»?

I-I was traveling, and I came across this abandoned hut.

в пустом доме.

In her hut, muscle, not machines, gets the chores done.

В ее доме работу выполняют руки, а не машины.

Locked herself in her hut.

Заперлась у себя в доме.

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What you. Inglethorp discovered the fact was that John Cavendish had when the Lady Raikes lent, and I knew of this for the Mrs herself. Raikes, a great sum of money for to buy her property of the hut.

Миссис Инглторп скрывала, что Джон Кавендиш — я узнал это от самой миссис Рейкс — занял у миссис Рейкс крупную сумму денег для приобретения у нее коттеджа.

Two nights ago, why did you call from the hut?

Два дня назад, зачем вы позвонили из коттеджа?

You lied to us about Mark Latimer getting the keys to the hut.

Вы солгали нам о том, что Марк Латимер брал ключи от коттеджа.

Forensics from the hut.

Криминалистика из коттеджа.

There’s been a break-in at the cliff-top hut.

В коттедж на утёсе было незаконное вторжение. — Место убийства?

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It’s my hut and my chicken.

Это мой шалаш и мой цыпленок.

— I’ve got my hut.

— У меня есть шалаш.

Can we help you build the hut?

Ребята давайте помогайте нам строить шалаш.

I just wanted to see the spot where we built a hut with Sophie.

Я просто хотел посмотреть то место, где мы с Софи построили шалаш.

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Set, blue 22, hut!

Внимание! Синий 22! Начали!

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And the hut hasn’t changed, either.

А сарай все такой же.

Yes. The factory, the mine, the foundry and all it’s dependencies. The river front, including the hut…

Да, фабрика, шахта, литейный завод и все пристройки, берега реки, включая сарай.

Howard Moon, get your ass to the jackal hut.

Говард Мун, тащи свою задницу в технический сарай.

Why did they build a hut in my garden?

Почему вы построили сарай в моем саду?

Car and hut for ten percent?

— Тачка и сарай за десять процентов.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word hut, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use hut in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «hut».

Hut in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word hut in a sentence.

  1. They reached the hut late on 28 February.

  2. Well, sir, I was very weak when I reached the hut.».

  3. The Northern Party spent the 1911 winter in their hut.

  4. By 16 March, the whole surviving party had reached the hut.

  5. At this time a brick hut was built over part of the castle ditch.

  6. Others were charged over the confrontation at the hut on Horn’s station.

  7. Ball built a hut for himself to replace the tent and cultivated a garden.

  8. The roof was in place by 21 January, and six days later the hut was complete.

  9. In the 4th century AD, a Romano-British hut was erected next to the long barrow.

  10. In 1835, white settlers killed Creek chief Alibama and burned his hut in a dispute.

  11. By noon the next day they had covered 311 miles (501 km) from the Cape Denison hut.

  12. The hut was used as a photographic darkroom and a spare bedroom when visitors stayed.

  13. Also dated to the 4th century was a hut erected on a flat area adjacent to the barrow.

  14. Headquarters were established at a site christened Geology Point, and a stone hut was built.

  15. The party reached the Cape Royds hut «nearly dead», according to Eric Marshall, on 11 March.

  16. Six teams of dogs were used to move supplies to the site, as work on erecting the hut began.

  17. Originally, the shop was a small hut near to the railway line that runs alongside the ground.

  18. A third structure was contrived from spare materials, to serve as a magnetic observation hut.

  19. The cairn had been left there just six hours before, when the three men had returned to the hut.

  20. Nearing the hut, he was spotted by three men working outside, who rushed up the hill to meet him.

  21. The Borchgrevink hut was designated by the Trust as Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) No.

  22. There is one composing hut at the Attersee, Upper Austria, and one at the Wörthersee in Carinthia.

  23. The living hut contained a small ante-room used as a photographic darkroom, and another for taxidermy.

  24. For the group left at Cape Denison, winter came early, confining them mostly to the hut for many months.

  25. Borchgrevink landed at Cape Adare in February 1899, erected a small hut, and spent the 1899 winter there.

  26. The hut was erected, and the meteorological station henceforth manned by an RAAF officer and four assistants.

  27. On 23 April, the sun set for the duration of the winter months, and the party settled into the Cape Evans hut.

  28. Late that evening the ship was moored, and a suitable site for the expedition’s prefabricated hut was selected.

  29. For the next five months, life was largely concentrated in the hut and centred on various scientific activities.

  30. The hut includes a few bunk beds and a solar power source to drive an emergency radio and other key electronics.

  31. Excavation of this hut uncovered 750 ceramic sherds, charcoal, iron nails, burnt clay, bone, and flint fragments.

  32. A prefabricated hut was taken across by Karangai, along with equipment for establishing a meteorological station.

  33. Here a shore party was landed and was the first to over-winter on the Antarctic mainland, in a prefabricated hut.

  34. The Club constructed a hut to use as a pavilion and this existed until 1978 when the Village Hall was constructed.

  35. In his youth, Ball had a small hut behind the family house where he tinkered with engines and electrical equipment.

  36. Other cultures have likened the pattern to a turtle, ostrich nest, a tent, or even a hut belonging to a rock hyrax.

  37. They lived in a hut made of elephant grass in the bush; Heyer was the first white woman her servants had ever seen.

  38. She also owned a hut on a small island in the south-east of Hickling Broad, which became known as «Turner’s Island».

  39. Stone-built changing rooms were erected in the mid-1960s, replacing a small hut, as was a seated stand and terracing.

  40. By October 4, Eriksen could not continue; the party halted at another abandoned hut where, on October 6, Eriksen died.

  41. The only significant human impact is a small prefabricated hut which is used by researchers while staying on the island.

  42. A prefabricated accommodation hut measuring 50 by 25 feet (15.2 m × 7.6 m) was erected and made habitable by 18 January.

  43. Conan wanders the world, encountering a prophetic witch in a hut and then befriends Subotai, a Hyrkanian thief and archer.

  44. During his first year in Alberta, a fire destroyed his home, and he and his wife spent the winter in an abandoned sod hut.

  45. They had little choice but to make for the hut by land, a dangerous undertaking without appropriate equipment and experience.

  46. The main hut was erected immediately, but the strong winds meant that work on the air-tractor’s hangar was delayed until March.

  47. Nansen’s objective was now to reach a hut with supplies at a location known as Eira Harbour, at the southern end of the islands.

  48. He stayed in England until November 1918, when he again took up his YMCA duties, establishing a rest hut and library in Cologne.

  49. The general routine of hut life was enlivened by elaborate celebrations of birthdays, often concluding with improvised concerts.

  50. When the winds abated, a 10-foot (3.0 m) by 35-foot (11 m) hangar was constructed next to the main hut, from empty packing cases.

Synonyms for hut

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word hut has the following synonyms: army hut, field hut, hovel, hutch, shack and shanty.

General information about «hut» example sentences

The example sentences for the word hut that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «hut» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «hut».

Definition of Hut

a one room, simple shelter made out of natural elements

Examples of Hut in a sentence

Building a small hut, the stranded sailors hoped their makeshift shelter would hold up.


The thatched roof hut was tiny but just enough shelter for the adventurer and his son.


Going inside the small hut, the ice fisherman was glad to have a little shelter from the cold wind.


The first little pig made himself a hut with only a bundle of straw.


A wooden beach hut was the only building on the shore and was just large enough to store a few odds and ends.


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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Hut | Hut Sentence

  • The hut was a comfortless place.
  • They left the hut together.
  • The hut was no longer empty.
  • The hut becomes a paradise through thee!
  • And the hut was the first object of search.
  • He went back, and sat down in the hut and waited.
  • At the other end of the hut Clay was busy.
  • Er griff nach Hut und Stock.
  • He was the proprietor of the hut the owner of the goat lived in.
  • The hut had been built by men who were in daily fear of capture.
  • This was a ruined hut built under the shelter of a shelving piece of rock.
  • The house was but a glorified hut on piles, unfenced and lonely.
  • The hut was large and well-constructed, though now a little falling to decay.
  • Nellie hatte den Hut aufgenommen und ihn auf ein Bett gelegt.

How To Use Hut In A Sentence?

  • Scarcely were we out of the hut when he took me by the arm and drew me on to the castle.
  • The hut was the fly in the ointment of the specialist in lunacy and the controller-general.
  • Gray went back into the hut and sat down again; but he did not touch the paper any more.
  • On the banks of this bay we found the winter hut of a martin and sable trapper.
  • The hut might have been built for a miniature fortress, so strong were its walls.
  • An entrance having at last been discovered, they took possession of a hut in which was a fire.
  • This deserted, ruinous hut only added a new touch of desolation to the dreary gully.
  • How strange it was, that solitary hut in that lone wilderness, and in view of the shining river!
  • They took him and bore him afar from the shore, To a hut on the hill; to a hut on the hill.
  • Das Klosterhaus war waehrend der Flucht in der Hut des alten treuen Wolf gestanden.
  • He thought it was probably the hut of some sheepherder or cattleman, and he had no doubt of a warm welcome.
  • But in that instant of time he caught sight of a strange figure crouching at the end of the hut without being able to make out what it really was.
  • It was a hut built of logs; the roof was partly off and the roughly made door was lying rotting on the ground.
  • The stranger staggered across the hut and crouched down against the opposite wall, breathing in short hurried pants.
  • Gray went outside the hut and looked searchingly in the direction from which he expected Harding to come.
  • He stared about with his mouth open and saw a white woman issue from the long grass in which a small hut stood buried nearly up to the roof.
  • All round the hut stretched the gray level grass-lands, rolling away in vast monotony to a far horizon.
  • The fresh air was now penetrating the hut and bringing with it the sweet perfumes of honeysuckle and wild roses, excited by the freshening rain.
  • The first devil who speaks has set the hut of some pious poor on fire; the second has buried a fleet of usurers in the waves.
  • As the roof crashed in the whole hut was one bright mass of flame, and a sheet of fire shot upwards into the night.
  • Gray left the hut and walked for some distance along the grassy plain, but he could see nothing, hear nothing.
  • Tischgenossen waren bei dem traurigen Zug; der Famulus Wolf aber blieb zur Hut des Hauses zurueck.
  • In our line of retreat was an abandoned hut built by the charcoal burners, consisting of poles, with heather and fern for roof and sides.
  • When they reached the hut where their victim lay, Tom ordered a halt, and proceeded stealthily into the house to reconnoitre.
  • I come from a wretched hut on the heath, within the ken of this affluent mansion, where I have witnessed calamity in the extreme.

Definition of Hut

(rare, archaic, transitive) To put into a hut. | (rare, dated, intransitive) To take shelter in a hut. | a small wooden shed

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Hut sentence in english


stay in a hut, this is


real break in your daily life.


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Пребывание в хижине, это настоящий прорыв в вашей повседневной жизни.


Closed court where children can play in a hut or swing.


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Закрытый суд, где дети могут играть в хижине или swing.


I had a hut of banana leaves.

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У меня был шалаш из банановых листьев.

To live out my days in a hut on the beach.

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Чтобы прожить остаток дней в хижине на пляже.

There was once


little boy who lived with his father in a hut by the sea.

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Жил- был мальчик со своим отцом в лачуге на берегу моря.

I just wanted to see the spot where we built a hut with Sophie.

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Я просто хотел посмотреть то место, где мы с Софи построили шалаш.

You will be recycling Kalashnikovs in a hut in Sudan.

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Будешь собирать автоматы Калашникова в хижине в Судане.



road out of cardboard books,


tunnel for toy cars, a hut or




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Постройте дорожку из картонных книжек, тоннель для машинок, шалаш или горку.


Who would build a hut in the woods with no path to get here?

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Кто бы мог построить хижину в лесу если туда нет пути?



bloke who’s built a hut and got his lawnmower out.

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Просто какой-то парень построил хижину и подстриг лужайку.

Sir, there’s a hut and


field here. Maybe even chickens.

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Эр, здесь хижины и пол€, возможно, даже куры.

If a hut caught fire, it was allowed to burn.

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Если хижина загоралась, ей давали сгореть.

My wife and I live in a hut nearby.

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Мы с женой живем в хижине неподалеку.

They settle at the mountainous area at Lijiang where they stay in a hut.

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Они обосновались в гористой области в Лицзяне, где они остаются в хижине.

He grew up in poverty, living in a hut carved into



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Он вырос в бедности, живя в хижине, высеченной в пещере.

One afternoon I was with my cook in a hut which we used as kitchen.

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Однажды днем я разговаривала с поваром в хижине, служившей нам кухней.

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She settled with the child not far from the monastery in a hut.


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Она поселилась с ребенком неподалеку от обители в шалаше.


You have been living in a hut on the outskirts of Thebes.

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Ты жил в избе в окрестностях Фив.

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There’s a hut full of them, thousands of them. Would you do it, though?

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Там в хижине их полно, сотни, тысячи… пижам Если ты это сделаешь… хотя?

In the middle of the clearing, there was a hut.

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Посреди полянки стояла будка.

Karl Pilkington, Manchester, is stuck in a hut somewhere in Israel.

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Карл Пилкингтон из Манчестера застрял в бараке где-то в Израиле.

Her Mama was dead and rotting at a hut in the scrub.

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Труп ее мамы гнил в сарае за пастбищем.

And what if, in the far northeast corner of that black site, there was a hut?

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И что если, в самой северо-восточной части этой самой тюрьмы есть барак?

She lives in


forest, in a hut on the chicken legs.

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Жила в лесу, в избушке на куриных ножках.

Two four-year-old girls were locked into a hut and burned alive,

while other children were killed or maimed by arrows and bullets.


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Двух четырехлетних девочек заперли в хижине и сожгли заживо,

а другие дети были убиты или получили увечья от пуль и стрел.


But here, in a hut on the river dressed with funny costumes, they looked very nice and touching.


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Но здесь в хижине на реке одетые в смешные одинаковые костюмчики они смотрелись просто умилительно.


There’s a hut on Briar Cliff, mile and


half along the coast from where

Danny’s body was found.

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На Брайар- Клифф есть домик, в полутора милях по берегу от того места,

где нашли тело Дэнни.

So we happened to sit there, and I said,“Oh,

it would be nice to have a hut here…”.

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Так что, случайно, мы сидели там и я сказал: смотри!

неплохо бы иметь здесь домик….

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