The word hurt used in a sentence

Synonym: bruise, damage, distress, grieve, harm, impair, injure, offend, pain, wound, wrong. Antonym: cure, heal. Similar words: court, church, fourth, hurry up, hurricane, in a hurry, curtain, courtroom. Meaning: [hɜrt /hɜːt]  n. 1. any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc. 2. psychological suffering 3. feelings of mental or physical pain 4. a damage or loss 5. the act of damaging something or someone. v. 1. be the source of pain 2. give trouble or pain to 3. cause emotional anguish or make miserable 4. cause damage or affect negatively 5. hurt the feelings of 6. feel physical pain 7. feel pain or be in pain. adj. 1. suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle 2. damaged inanimate objects or their value. 

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1. Sometimes words hurt more than swords. 

2. Words cut (or hurt) more than swords. 

3. Don’t cry out before you are hurt

4. Words cut [hurt] more than swords. 

5. Many words cut [hurt] more than swords. 

6. Many words cut (or hurt) more than swords. 

7. One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good. Jonathan Swift 

8. She was very hurt by his unkind words.

9. He hurt his head by running against a wall.

10. Stop that or you’ll get hurt!

11. He is hurt but still conscious.

12. Movement can be painful when you’ve hurt your back.

13. I really love the people that I really hurt.

13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. I did everything to hurt her, including sleeping around.

15. Slowly that really care for another often hurt myself.

16. She was rather hurt by his unkind words.

17. He cried because he had hurt his knee.

18. Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.

19. Her lies hurt my father deeply.

20. I’m terribly sorry-did I hurt you?

21. It’s not funny! Someone could have been hurt.

22. A heart was hurt you many times.

23. My friends’ angry words hurt my feelings.

24. Thank you, so busy, also come to hurt me.

25. Don’t squeeze the kitten, you will hurt it.

26. Did not hurt to laugh at other people’s scars.

27. I hurt my foot, and had to hobble home.

28. He hurt his back playing squash.

29. During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt.

30. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. 

Examples of how to use the word “hurt” in a sentence. How to connect “hurt” with other words to make correct English sentences.

hurt (v): to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause them pain

Use “hurt” in a sentence

Does it hurt when you chew?
He was very hurt by her cruel words.
My elbow really hurts. I think I should go to the hospital.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings.
You’re hurting my arm.
My tooth hurts a lot.
He will inevitably hurt himself because he takes too many risk.
My knee hurts after sitting for awhile.
It won’t hurt, I promise.
Remarkably, she wasn’t hurt in the crash.

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боль, вред, ущерб, повредить, болеть, обижать, пострадавший


- вред, ущерб

hurt to smb.’s health — ущерб чьему-л. здоровью
to do hurt to smb. — вредить кому-л.; причинять вред кому-л.
what hurt can it do you? — чем это может вам повредить /помешать/?
it would do no hurt to get the house painted — не мешало бы покрасить дом

- повреждение; травма; рана, ранение; порез; ушиб

hurt certificate — воен. свидетельство о ранении
to get /to receive/ a mortal [a serious] hurt — получить смертельное [серьёзное] ранение

- боль

dull hurt — тупая боль

- обида; оскорбление

a severe hurt to smb.’s pride — тяжёлый удар по чьему-л. самолюбию
I intended no hurt to your feelings — я не думал /не хотел/ вас обидеть

- уст. удар
- геральд. голубое поле круглой формы


- причинять боль

the plaster won’t hurt you — от пластыря вам не будет больно
it hurts me to cough — мне больно кашлять
it hurts the eyes to look at the sun — солнечный свет режет глаза, от солнца глазам больно
it didn’t hurt a bit — (мне) было совсем не больно
my shoe hurts me a bit — ботинок немного жмёт
don’t hurt the cat — не мучай кошку; не делай кошке больно

- разг. болеть

my tooth [my hand] still hurts a little — зуб [рука] всё ещё болит /ноет/ немного
hunger hurts terrifically — ≅ от голода живот подвело

- повредить, нанести повреждение; травмировать; ранить; порезать; ушибить, ударить

to hurt oneself — ушибиться; пораниться
to hurt one’s finger [one’s foot, one’s back] — ушибить /поранить/ палец [ногу, спину]
to hurt permanently — изувечить, искалечить
to get hurt — а) пораниться, ушибиться; б) пострадать, получить ранение /травму/
the stone hurt his foot badly — камень сильно рассадил ему ногу
no one was hurt in the accident — в аварии никто не пострадал

- причинять вред, ущерб; портить

to hurt the flowers — повредить цветы
to hurt smb.’s reputation — подорвать /подмочить/ чью-л. репутацию
to hurt smb.’s interests — задеть чьи-л. интересы
it won’t hurt you to read the book — вам будет полезно прочитать эту книгу
it won’t hurt to postpone the matter for a week — ничего не случится /не произойдёт/, если отложить это дело на неделю
it won’t hurt — от этого не будет никакого вреда, это будет только на пользу

- (больно) задевать, обижать; оскорблять

to hurt smb.’s feelings — обидеть /оскорбить/ кого-л., задеть чьи-л. чувства
to hurt smb. to the quick — задеть кого-л. за живое
it hurts me that you didn’t come — мне обидно, что ты не пришёл

- разг. страдать, портиться

this material doesn’t hurt if it gets wet — этот материал от влаги не портится /не боится влаги/
nothing hurts like the truth — ≅ правда глаза колет


- раненый, травмированный, пострадавший

the hurt man was taken to hospital — пострадавшего доставили в больницу

- обиженный, оскорблённый; задетый

hurt pride — уязвлённая гордость /-ое самолюбие/
hurt feeling — оскорблённые чувства
hurt look — обиженный взгляд
to feel hurt — чувствовать себя оскорблённым /уязвлённым/

- повреждённый, испорченный, порченый

hurt merchandise — испорченный товар
hurt grain — порченое зерно

Мои примеры


all the hurts and wrongs of the past — все прошлые раны и обиды  
ambulances…for the hurt men and women — машины скорой помощи… для пострадавших мужчин и женщин  
to hurt badly / seriously — сильно ушибить  
to hurt deeply — сильно задеть  
to hurt slightly — слегка ушибить  
to hurt for money — испытывать нужду в деньгах  
to hurt smb.’s pride — нанести удар по чьему-л. самолюбию  
to retire hurt — покинуть поле из-за травмы  
he hurt his hand — он ушиб (себе) руку  
to hurt one’s finger — ушибить /поранить/ палец  
to get /to receive/ a mortal hurt — получить смертельное ранение  
corporal hurt — телесное повреждение  

Примеры с переводом

Where does it hurt?

Где болит?

My back hurts.

У меня болит спина.

I have hurt myself.

Я ушибся.

She hurt her leg.

Она ушибла ногу.

Ouch! That hurt!

Ой-ой-ой! Больно!

«Are you hurt?» «Don’t worry. It’s nothing.»

— Вам больно? — Не беспокойтесь. Ничего страшного. / — Сильно болит? — Не волнуйся, пустяки.

I didn’t mean to hurt him, honest!

Я не хотел его обидеть /ранить, оскорбить, задеть; сделать ему больно/, честное слово!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…always making thoughtless comments that hurt other people’s feelings…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

hurtful  — вредный, пагубный
unhurt  — целый и невредимый
hurtable  — ранимый, уязвимый, хрупкий
hurter  — упорный брус, защитная тумба, выступ

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hurt
he/she/it: hurts
ing ф. (present participle): hurting
2-я ф. (past tense): hurt
3-я ф. (past participle): hurt

ед. ч.(singular): hurt
мн. ч.(plural): hurts

hurt meaning:

v. t.) To cause physical pain to; to do bodily harm to;

v. t.) To impair the value, usefulness, beauty, or pleasure of; to damage; to injure; to harm.

v. t.) To wound the feelings of; to cause mental pain to; –

n.) physical or emotional pain or suffering.

His words hurt her feelings.

She was hurt in the accident.

I am sorry if my words hurt you.

He hurt his finger with a needle.

I’ve never intentionally hurt anyone.

I slipped on the ice and hurt my head.

She was hurt by his unkind words.

I didn’t say anything to hurt his feelings.

My throat hurts when I swallow.

My back still hurts.

She pinched my arm hard, and it still hurts.

My arm is hurting badly.

You must try to avoid hurting people’s feelings.

Put this lotion on the insect bites to stop them hurting.

Jonathan was punished for hurting his younger brother wittingly.

It was not my intention to hurt or humiliate her.

He told her a white lie as not to hurt her feelings.

Unfavorable weather conditions have seriously hurt three of the last four cherry harvests.

There was an audible sigh of relief when the news came through that nobody was hurt.

It was a sheer fluke that no one was hurt in the bomb blast.

Sometimes it is better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.

She was hurt to find that nobody took any notice of her.

She hurt her ankle and had fallen behind the others.

Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.

She hurt her foot when she fell off her bicycle.

The feelings of hurt and resentment lingered on for years.

He banged into a telephone booth and hurt his leg.

I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.

He fell off the rope ladder and was hurt badly.

By sheer luck nobody was hurt in the explosion.

You will hurt yourself if you’re not careful.

She applied a bandage to my hurt finger.

This lotion will make the hurt go away.

Her brave smile concealed a deep hurt.

She hurt her elbow when she fell down.

He got hurt seriously in the traffic accident.

It’s normal for parents to overreact to their child getting hurt.

However he wasn’t seriously hurt and got away with light bruising.

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Hurt sentence example

  1. Did I hurt you?
  2. I did not mean to hurt you.
  3. Emotional hurt wasn’t satisfying enough.
  4. I never meant to hurt you.
  5. It hurt to talk.
  6. Oh, I really did not mean to hurt her feelings.
  7. I’m not going to hurt you.

How do you use the word hurt in a sentence?

[M] [T] Her feelings are easily hurt. [M] [T] I may have hurt his feelings. [M] [T] She was hurt in the accident. [M] [T] He hurt his hand when he fell.

How do you get rid of an inner pain?

Nine Ways to Cope with Emotional Pain

  1. Find a New Hobby.
  2. Move Your Body.
  3. Don’t Ruminate.
  4. Stop Telling the Story.
  5. Start Keeping a Journal.
  6. Cry.
  7. Open Yourself to Others, Let Them In.
  8. Make a List of What You’re Thankful For.

What is the best feeling known to man?

Top 5 Best Feelings In The World (Man Edition)

  • Pooping: Every man enjoys a good dump.
  • Sex: Now this one of course I bet both men and women agree with.
  • Driving Fast: Now I am not advocate of driving fast.
  • Sleeping: A basic necessity of life.
  • Drinking: Now I drink quite often.

What are some of the worst feelings?

13 of the ‘worst feelings in the world’ – do you agree?

  1. Despair. “Despair.
  2. Loneliness. “Loneliness with people around you.” –
  3. Mondays. “When you wake up on a Monday but you think it’s a Sunday.” – Mirrorboy17.
  4. Sand. “Biting down on a single grain of sand.” – 4apalehorse.
  5. Betrayal.
  6. Having no one to speak to.
  7. Unrequited love.
  8. Forgetting something important.

How do you treat emotional pain?

10 Tips For Healthy Coping:

  1. Write in a journal. Writing about emotional pain can be very powerful and help to actually release the emotions.
  2. Use Your Creativity.
  3. Find a Healthy Support System.
  4. Use Self-Reflection.
  5. Try Relaxation Techniques.
  6. Distract Yourself.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Identify Unhealthy Thinking Patterns.

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