The word hunt in a sentence

Synonym: chase, look, pursue, search, seek. Similar words: hunter, hunting, chunk, hung up, hundred, aunt, until, mount. Meaning: [hʌnt]  n. 1. Englishman and Pre-Raphaelite painter (1827-1910) 2. United States architect (1827-1895) 3. British writer who defended the romanticism of Keats and Shelley (1784-1859) 4. an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport 5. an instance of searching for something 6. the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone 7. the work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts 8. the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport. v. 1. pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals) 2. pursue or chase relentlessly 3. chase away, with as with force 4. yaw back and forth about a flight path 5. oscillate about a desired speed, position, or state to an undesirable extent 6. seek, search for 7. search (an area) for prey. 

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1. Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) with the hounds. 

2. You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 

3. One should not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 

4. Some animals hunt at night.

5. Wolves hunt in groups known as packs.

6. November is a good time to hunt deer.

7. I’ll try and hunt out the information you need.

8. They sleep by day and hunt by night.

9. Wolves tend to hunt in packs .

9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

10. Lions sometimes hunt alone.

11. She had never taken part in a fox hunt before.

12. If you come to Beijing again, remember to hunt me out.

13. The annual seal hunt takes place on the pack ice off Greenland.

14. The animals do not hunt and rarely consume meat.

15. Cats like to hunt mice and birds.

16. The police are on the hunt for further clues.

17. He found it after a long hunt.

18. The hunt is on for a suitable candidate.

19. The hunt is on for the criminal.

20. The investigation turned into a full-scale Communist witch hunt.

21. The animals hunt in packs.

22. The hunt is on for the culprit.

23. It took her four months to hunt him down.

24. She liked to hunt as often as she could.

25. There will be a hunt on Boxing Day.

26. As a child I learned to hunt and fish.

27. Many animals hunt by night .

28. We must hunt out all the facts we can.

29. He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight. 

30. Hold (or Run) with the hare and run (or hunt) with the hounds. 

More similar words: hunter, hunting, chunk, hung up, hundred, aunt, until, mount, country, county, counter, account, count out, count on, discount, amount to, jauntily, account for, volunteer, voluntary, accounting, run through, counterpart, on account of, accountability, take into account, developing countries.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word hunt, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use hunt in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «hunt».

Hunt in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word hunt in a sentence.

  1. A pair may cooperate to hunt.

  2. The crew hunt sea-lions and penguins.

  3. The Inuit hunt whales in the Arctic Ocean.

  4. They also hunt in the air and on the ground.

  5. Other nations joined in the hunt in the south.

  6. Single jackals hunt rodents, hares, and birds.

  7. Pinnipeds may hunt solitarily or cooperatively.

  8. Cave-dwelling amphibians normally hunt by smell.

  9. At other times, they may hunt low over open ground.

  10. It became more necessary than ever to hunt for food.

  11. Eurasian lynxes have also been known to hunt jackals.

  12. The hunt for the missing ships began two years later.

  13. These lynxes may hunt in groups when hares are scarce.

  14. Harpooned during a failed hunt, it was found dead off of Stonehaven a week later.

  15. She was named like her sisters after a fox hunt, in her case one in Berwickshire.

  16. Since devils hunt at night, their vision seems to be strongest in black and white.

  17. Governor Johnson sent a posse under Rhett to Sullivan’s Island to hunt for Bonnet.

  18. The expedition did manage to successfully hunt several species of big game animals.

  19. They hunt down Robert (Robin Atkin Downes), a black-market dealer, to recover a stolen weapons cache.

  20. Jason escapes from the bottom of Crystal Lake to resume his hunt for Ash, but is captured by the U.S.

  21. The monarch flycatchers are small to medium-sized insectivorous passerines which hunt by flycatching.

  22. On the night before a hunt, hunters had to refrain from intercourse with any women, even their wives.

  23. Hartebeest are popular game and trophy animals as they are prominently visible and hence easy to hunt.

  24. Nile crocodiles are known to hunt cooperatively, and several individuals may feed on the same carcass.

  25. Frederick Adolf was an eager hunter, and Hagman participated in the hunt with his male hunting friends.

  26. Prompted by reformers, in April 1758 the authorities began to hunt down and close «houses of ill fame».

  27. Electronic Gaming Monthly praised each Toads’ witty dialogue, noting how it kept the overall hunt fresh.

  28. It is proposed that the hyena could benefit from the wolves’ superior ability to hunt large, agile prey.

  29. Snakes may also prey on some species while they roost in caves, and domestic cats may hunt them as well.

  30. Like some vultures, they hunt by smell, sensitive to the odor of carrion and other biological processes.

  31. They may also dig for bottom-dwelling invertebrates, and the smooth-fronted caiman will even hunt on land.

  32. Other eagles known to hunt or at least consume grown black mambas include tawny eagles and martial eagles.

  33. To hunt fish, the eagle swoops down over the water and snatches the fish out of the water with its talons.

  34. If alerted, enemy characters would hunt for the player, set up traps, and fire blindly to nullify Nova’s cloaking device.

  35. Computer Gaming World, for example, complained about having to hunt for the small hotspots that allowed actions to occur.

  36. The human history of the park began at least 11,000 years ago when Native Americans began to hunt and fish in the region.

  37. Force J, including Glorious, was organised to hunt for the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee in the Indian Ocean.

  38. Local human populations still hunt and trap ruffed lemurs with traditional weapons, using them as a source of subsistence.

  39. Each winter they still hunt Tod, and in an odd way he looks forward to it as the only aspect of his old life that remains.

  40. However, the Soviet Union continued to illegally hunt blue whales in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere through to 1973.

  41. The Pacific swift tends to hunt higher than sympatric swifts, sharing its airspace mainly with white-throated needletails.

  42. In the early 18th century, Russians began to hunt sea otters in the Kuril Islands and sold them to the Chinese at Kyakhta.

  43. Feral cats hunt many birds in urban settings, and invasive grasses take up valuable foraging space, reducing habitat size.

  44. In 2018, it was reported that scans of the Oxford dodo’s head showed that its skin and bone contained lead shot, pellets which were used to hunt birds in the 17th century.

  45. Orion’s next journey took him to Crete where he hunted with the goddess Artemis and her mother Leto, and in the course of the hunt, threatened to kill every beast on Earth.

  46. They hunt such prey as arthropods, small mammals including rodents, and nestling birds, and have even been recorded taking a magnolia warbler (Dendroica magnolia) in flight.

  47. When Sir Walter Raleigh was released from imprisonment in 1616, he embarked on a hunt for gold in South America with strict instructions from James not to engage the Spanish.

  48. They defecated the seeds in various places as they moved around, and this led to a series of campaigns to hunt emus and prevent the seeds of the invasive cactus being spread.

Synonyms for hunt

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word hunt has the following synonyms: Hunt, Holman Hunt, William Holman Hunt, Richard Morris Hunt, Leigh Hunt, James Henry Leigh Hunt, hunt club, hunting, search, hound, trace, run, hunt down and track dow.

General information about «hunt» example sentences

The example sentences for the word hunt that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «hunt» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «hunt».

охота, поиски, охотиться, преследовать, травить, гнать


- охота; ловля

fox hunt — охота на лис
to have a hunt — охотиться

- поиски

hunt for a job — поиски работы
hunt for the lost child — поиски пропавшего ребёнка
to be on the hunt for smth. — упорно искать что-л.
there was a hunt for the missing book — (все) искали пропавшую книгу

- преследование; травля

the hunt is up — преследование началось

- группа охотников со сворой собак; охота
- охотничье угодье; район охоты
- редк. охотничья добыча


- охотиться; ловить

to hunt a bear [a buffalo, big game] — охотиться на медведя [на буйвола, на крупную дичь]
to hunt monkeys with nets — охотиться на обезьян с сетью
to hunt for wolf — охотиться на волков
to hunt for fish — рыб. искать рыбу
to hunt on horseback [with a pack of hounds] — охотиться верхом [со сворой гончих]
to hunt in packs — охотиться стаями (о волках и т. п.)
to go out hunting — отправиться на охоту

- гнать, прогнать (тж. hunt away)

to hunt a cat away — прогнать кошку

- изгонять, преследовать, травить

to hunt a thief [heretics] — преследовать вора [еретиков]
to hunt smb. from /out of/ the village — изгнать кого-л. из деревни

- искать, рыскать; охотиться или гоняться (за чем-л.; тж. hunt down)

to hunt a clue — искать ключ к разгадке
to hunt the truth — искать правду
to hunt smth. high and low — повсюду искать что-л.
we’ve been hunting down a cheap flat all over the town — мы обегали весь город в поисках дешёвой квартиры

- (for, after) разыскивать

to hunt for a book — искать /пытаться купить/ книгу
to hunt for /after/ an old friend [a rare stamp] — разыскивать старого друга [редкую марку]

- качаться, колебаться, прыгать, метаться (о стрелке прибора)
- рыскать
- прочёсывать; устраивать облаву

to hunt the woods — прочесать лес
to hunt a country with a pack of hounds — устроить в районе облаву со сворой гончих
to hunt through the shops — бегать /рыскать/ по магазинам

- тщательно осматривать

to hunt the house (over) for missing papers — перевернуть весь дом в поисках пропавших бумаг
to hunt through drawers — перерыть ящики стола

- использовать на охоте

to hunt one’s horse [a pack of dogs] — охотиться верхом [со сворой собак]

- звонить в колокола с перезвоном

to hunt upon the stop — делать что-л. без интереса /неохотно/

Мои примеры


a gun used for hunting squirrels — ружьё для охоты на белок  
the hunt for the missing child — поиски пропавшего ребенка  
to hunt in couples — быть неразлучными  
to hunt game — охотиться на дичь  
to hunt the gowk — выполнять бессмысленное поручение  
to run / hold with the hare and hunt with the hounds — служить и нашим и вашим  
hunt buffalo — охотиться на бизонов  
to hunt the escaped prisoner — преследовать сбежавшего заключенного  
hunt the woods — прочесывать лес  
to organize / stage a hunt — организовывать охоту  
hunt for wild animals — охота на диких животных  
hunt saboteur — тот, кто выступает против охоты на лис  

Примеры с переводом

They went on a hunt.

Они пошли на охоту.

The hunt is on.

Ведутся поиски.

The police are still hunting the killer.

Полиция все еще разыскивает убийцу

He likes to hunt and fish.

Он любит охотиться и ловить рыбу.

Wolves hunt in packs.

Волки охотятся стаями.

I’ll have to hunt out her address.

Мне придётся где-то откопать её адрес.

The kids were hunting for shells on the beach.

Дети разыскивали ракушки на пляже.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency

Police haven’t much to go on in their hunt for the killer.

Police hunted the escaped prisoners through several states.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hunt away — прогонять
hunt down — выслеживать, преследовать, поймать, затравить
hunt out — отыскать, выискивать, откопать
hunt up — отыскать, откопать, выискивать

Возможные однокоренные слова

hunter  — охотник, ловец, искатель, охотничья собака, гунтер, карманные часы с крышкой
hunting  — охота, травля, охотничий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hunt
he/she/it: hunts
ing ф. (present participle): hunting
2-я ф. (past tense): hunted
3-я ф. (past participle): hunted

ед. ч.(singular): hunt
мн. ч.(plural): hunts

Examples of how to use the word “hunt” in a sentence. How to connect “hunt” with other words to make correct English sentences.

hunt (v): to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit

Use “hunt” in a sentence

She is hunting for a job.
He is being hunted by the police.
Cats like to hunt mice.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


Forage or hunt, which was it?

’ Tonya said, leaving me with the impression she will probably hunt me down for this express purpose

Try to look at this endeavor not as a prospective husband/wife hunt but as an effort to

I’ve been on a kranjan hunt

There seemed to be nothing to hunt in the

After making sure that there were no surprises left in the air, Jake dispatched Rah to hunt down a scout that he knew would be there to observe and report back

There are however a few remaining stragglers around the countryside that we need to hunt down

Sarah asked him to join them in a hunt the next day to see their squad in action

When they were finished they took to the stars and began to hunt them down

pack of wolves thrive on a hunt together

It’s a treasure hunt

If that is so he will stop at nothing to hunt us down and destroy us

I vaguely remember the last hunt through the Portal

“Yeah, It’s been a while since I’ve had to go out and hunt

“It happened against my will and I was left! The hunt leaders did not return to check on me; they simply left!”

The green man smiled, ‘It has been a long hunt,

“They’ll hunt in small groups, maybe half a dozen, usually led by an

hunt by the very creature whose head now decorated the fireplace

“Yeah, but when humans were primitive the male had to hunt and bring home food

39“Do you hunt the prey for the lioness and satisfy the hunger of the

Francisco the hunt took no more than an hour

“Oh you can’t sell unlicensed products, the cops will hunt you down and put you in court, where you stay till you’re out of money, then you go on to the correctional system

Knume goes out for a hunt once or twice a year, after nyobba or lenta, not theirops,” was what Desa answered but Alan kept rambling over it

He told her a story of how he’d once had his brain implanted in a keda to escape a wizard hunt during the Troubled Times

They had donned their masks, stepping out from society in order to hunt and to kill

The Makii would hunt them till the end of time

When he is hungry, he goes to the forest to hunt ; when his coat is worn out, he clothes himself with the skin of the first large animal he kills : and when his hut begins to go to ruin, he repairs it, as well as he can, with the trees and the turf that are nearest it

“Her parents were an assignment? You mean the Hellhounds went on a wild hunt to catch them? I thought the coven killed them

When one of the sisters was given an assignment it was serious business, but the sisters only went on a wild hunt for the worst cases

When the pack went on a wild hunt, they had to immerse themselves in the entire being of that person

I thought it was to tell us that the weather had grown favorable, that now would be a good time to resume our hunt

and then she will hunt me down and

Bob the Buho’s camouflage, found in other species of Mother Nature’s children, is not only created by the darkness of his environment when he is out on the hunt, but also his plumage itself is skillfully adapted to blend in with the colors, textures, and patterns of his surroundings

He liked to sit there in the dark, listening to the night life as the nocturnal animals came out of hiding to hunt for food

I’ll find its tracks, hunt down its lair, and kill it with my sling

That voice… it can’t be… The man crouched down in front of Edrimer and said, «If you say anything to the cops about those two who got shot, we will hunt you and your loved ones down

He stuck out his tongue and let it hunt through the expanse of hair for the exciting hole he knew was concealed somewhere beneath her furry mound

tried to locate them, but I couldn’t afford to hunt them

“I hunt with the patience of Notruloxis the wise

to hunt her down was no insignificant service to the Confederate cause

whales, and the only way to catch them was to hunt them at sea

It was soon to come, but in 1864, the whaleships were out there to hunt and kill the whales for their

The captain took it very hard and remarked to Cornelius Hunt,

Hunt replied, “Neither myself nor my brother officers have any

But I was to spend many hours in the future looking through sniper plates sometimes successfully and sometimes not but always playing the cat and mouse game of hunt the sniper

As they approached the island, Master’s Mate Cornelius Hunt

was to hunt down and capture John Wilkes Booth and his

The hunt for John Wilkes Booth and his accomplices went into

Master’s Mate Cornelius Hunt later wrote that this was “the most general and stupendous ‘spree’ he had ever witnessed

If not, the body will hunt the stored reserves of nutrients and when on a diet for example that will cause them to rob other

“They should be set free, to turn and hunt, and to be hunted in turn and die as evil creatures rather than innocent men and women

I knew also that I would have to go on a scavenger hunt to get what we needed I certainly didn’t want to but I knew that I must

The vampires left the Southlands to enter the Free Lands to hunt for human blood

Cornelius Hunt was the officer off duty on the Shenandoah and, as such, was assigned to board the Gypsy and arrange with her captain for the consequences

Officer Hunt took note and assured the captain that “no personal injury

“Then the day may come when I am forced to hunt you down, old friend,” Carl said with a frown and deep pain in his eyes

Neither fighter was prepared; Millicent had not gathered her composure and was not filled with the usual excitement at the thrill of the hunt

I like to think that part of my nickname comes from the way I relentlessly hunt down these villains and tear them to pieces

But he knew something more important had just happened—the hunt for the lost younglings of Thimble Down had begun

Did blackmailing the most powerful man in the empire count as an event? Amaranthe resisted the urge to ignore the woman and hunt for a backdoor

An owl headed out on its nightly hunt for food, flying low across the field where the big cat stood

The only thing I remember that you could hunt were hogs that had gone feral

You were allowed to hunt them during pheasant season and we came down for the opening day

Still, if there was a chance she could get them in on the monster hunt, she had to try

He was telling us about one dog he had been training to hunt coons, but the dog would run across the trail of a deer and chase it

“I see you with my brand after today, I’ll put my boys on the hunt for your hide

«Won’t you hunt for that blue—»

Unfortunately in any view, that type of action was soon stopped from above, the other generals probably needed a place to hunt

She’d suffered a broken leg and unable to hunt, had starved to death

Checta had strayed into Root’s hunting grounds again, something she did quite often, and the fact that she only had three legs, and found it hard to hunt for food, seemed to hold little sway with Root

You only need enough to actively hunt the terrorist down based on intelligence

Vlakplaas, known as C1 in Police terminology, existed only to hunt terrorists down and to kill them when found

Exactly one week later, as the farm cat left the comfort of the kitchen aga for its nightly hunt, four figures were huddled by the fence of the bottom field, on watch for more corn circles to appear

They were still climbing into the chopper when we started our Casspirs and set out to hunt for terrorists to kill

There were even those who helped the Germans hunt down Jews out of the hatred that existed between Polish Catholics and the Jews

They hunt in packs

Newspaper editors and activists who took up the American Indian cause, notably Helen Hunt Jackson, author of Century of Dishonor, and Thomas Tibbles for his involvement in the Standing Bear case before the Supreme Court

“There’s nothing for you here now,” Conal tried to pull the distraught girl to her feet but she shrugged him off, the tears falling freely down her face as she returned to her desperate hunt, throwing sand in all directions

I go there some to hunt

Yet, oddly enough, for the first time Stuart felt the terror of the hunt on him

He was certain that they would pursue him and hunt him down like a dog until he was found him

With her speech finished, the team mounted into three black Range Rovers and they set off for the area around Loch Lomond from where they would begin their hunt for Stuart and the missing Simon Dunbar

We will have half of the police, secret service and Chinese mafia on the hunt for us

Abelon had made up his mind not to cause his father any further anxiety by not participating as eagerly as others in the trophies of the hunt, but to develop his skill as a tracker

A pole? He was being carried like game in from the hunt? He tried opening his eyes ever so slightly

The hunt had been good! The bison were fat on the plentiful grass that grew out of proportion with any other time that he could remember

Thomas wished him a good hunt and he would pass on

thrill of the hunt

It was thought, if Man could somehow acquire a portion of that power, it would tend to balance the physical disparity, making the danger of the hunt less overwhelming

Police hunt for Tsunami coffin thieves

— Is it not a problem for you to use your bows after such a day of washing? I mean your hands must be completely soft and wrinkled as those of an old woman, and you cannot hunt, yes, for example, karawians, with hands in such a condition

Until Quan had actual proof of Dorian’s death he’d continue to hunt him and wouldn’t stop until either the evidence was located or he killed him himself

When he began to replace that predator in the world of the hunt, that unseen Something began to take on the form of an Essence of his still dangerously large and powerful prey that gave them abilities that he recognized that he did not possess

As he learned to thrive beyond mere survival he began to discern this special spirit as in a way superior to those that he had once so ardently pursued in the world of the hunt

The feeling that it was something like the essences associated with the hunt taught Man about the good and the bad of life’s experiences

She smiled at the little fellow and wished him good luck with the nut hunt

He’s a doctor and he likes to hunt

“He like to hunt but he really like to drink

would have kept me in the hunt, but I couldn’t get any of them financed

As the animals he hunted twitched and bled out their life’s blood before him, he would tell the dying creature, «You are only bleeding because you are weak

Someone coldly and deliberately worked to repair that gun and hunted around for ammunition for it

sparkle in the eyes of the hunter and the hunted

The ones who moved on when he bought were those who hunted the predators

beasts the late lord had hunted

Hitler had even the most assimilated Jews hunted down

They must not get hunted very much out here

Stryders were flightless relatives of the dactyls, they were mostly hunted to extinction in Thulitlanth times and in spite of a lot of people’s efforts, the large ones went extinct by the early Energy Age

Lmore had been working drives out this way with Nuran’s father a good part of a century and had seen a few kranjans himself, but never hunted them

Before my eyes Berndt the Gottesman had turned into Berndt my … my friend as he’d hunted for the words he wanted to say

She meant business and when she returned, I’d be hunted and removed

In the years that followed they hunted us mercilessly; but we were always one step ahead of them

I know he’s been head hunted by a couple of firms in Bristol but refuses to move – and I don’t blame him

I’ve hunted all sorted of game over the years

I was hunting with a party of twelve, and suddenly, I was the hunted

She hunted for nearly fifty years herself then I was enlisted to finish the job, for which I have committed another thirty years on top of that

Slipping into her own gown, she hunted desperately, for something to set off the plunging neckline, of pearls and brocade

They must have hunted high-and-low for this girl

She hunted with determination and guile

Nightday she always hunted wild male meat in the strength trades

So next day my brothers decided a ladder toboggan might be the way so we hunted downstairs near the old kitchen that our father had turned into a work place, along by the passageway near the odds and sods room we called the Cave, in fact it was the place in the olden days they hung the meat

Under normal circumstances, Brice would have refused to work with the man, for not only was he constantly trying to undermine his authority, but he was also, like Alec, a man who was hunted by the Order

In fact, they were at odds and there was a strong animosity between them—not necessarily due to their conflicting personalities, but rather it was a consequence of their natural, symbiotic relationship that converted one into the hunter and the other, the hunted

There are the hunters, and there are the hunted, and if you’re not in one group, then you’re in the other

Once someone tries to defend her, he’ll immediately put himself in the hunted group, along with her, and nobody wants that

The adrenalin was turned on and he knew with this episode, he had become a hunted man

The greater part of universities have not even been very forward to adopt those improvements after they were made; and several of those learned societies have chosen to remain, for a long time, the sanctuaries in which exploded systems and obsolete prejudices found shelter and protection, after they had been hunted out of every other corner of the world

He hunted through the Golden Pages;

Lord Tintor of the Gorthair says that the Alit’aren must be hunted down and severed from the Power before they can start a war that will destroy the world

There were several varieties of seal, which were occasionally hunted by whalers when there was a scarcity

“They should be set free, to turn and hunt, and to be hunted in turn and die as evil creatures rather than innocent men and women

Upon boarding, the skipper took it very hard and protested loudly of being hunted

Now there was nowhere he could be without being a hunted target

“Then you will be hunted down and destroyed,” Jean said coldly, though Adem sensed her nervousness

after it had hunted down and slaughtered thousands of their kind

After all, he was not being hunted; there was no reason why he should not travel freely

But as he blasted off from the lunar surface it occurred to him that in the process of being hunted down by the Darangi, Roidon would be allowed vital extra time

So we hunted him down as he wisely kept on the move

Thus ROMEO had a few anxious minutes confirming the whereabouts of those elite units whilst we contained the situation and hunted Strydom

The Latin legal term caput gerat lupinum meant they could be hunted and killed as legally as any dangerous wolf or wild animal that threatened the area

Nor the locally trained terrorists whose thuggery knew no limits! Thus it was never allowed and they were aggressively hunted down all the time

Organizers were hunted down and imprisoned

He would not be hunted down or exiled; he would become a feared and terrible man

Wyvern’s have been hunted and persecuted, lied about and portrayed falsely, for a long time

There was a time that we were revered; now we’re to be feared and hunted

She was without any convincing argument to send authorities to prove his guilt, had no life to go back to and hired killers hunted her

Something to remind the more daring souls that they were being oppressed, hunted down, that their lives used as oil for a ruthless machine

It moves like a beast that is being hunted

“The sickness is more like a hunted animal that is old

Sadly these highly intelligent creatures have virtually been hunted to extinction on Phuket but I’m glad to say the project is slowly working

“That, more than aggression and warfare, is our evolutionary legacy,” offered Robert Sussman of Washington University, coauthor of the 2005 book Man the Hunted

Her eyes hunted across everything they passed to see it all

Slowly also, the good that came from the hunt began to interpose itself between the evil source of terror of the hunted and that other, which had always seemed to lie just beyond Man’s physical senses

Municantir hunted nocturnal moths a stretch from them

That which had hunted her through nightmares in the night

She felt trapped, hunted, horrified

For long they ruled in the land, hunted the animals, gathered food, bore children, died, and were reincarnated

No beings warred, hunted each other or killed each other

Meredith and he sat down and talked to her, while Rosemary hunted out his book

John Meredith hunted big game in Europe with Ellen, but he looked oftener at Rosemary than at Ellen, and Ellen noticed it

Land (Tasmania), they were hunted to the last individual

They had passed and repassed it constantly; they had hunted for flowers in it; they had made short cuts through it when they wished to go straight from the village to the valley

With the thrill of the hunted

“I think I’m going to enjoy being hunted by you

Amelia hunted for Devin’s car keys in her purse

While I was held up, the keeper of the yam, an old Siksika who had hunted the great bear, happily showed me how to handle the iron spear

“Yes, Zalith, a demon that has hunted my family for countless generations

It was hunted for its feathers in the Blue Sky, but I could never kill a bird for its feathers

So it went that spring, I visited each of the summerhouses, hunted or fished then hauled the game to the house to smoke it

hand to be hunted; and you shall know that I am the Lord

The pope could excommunicate them and they could be hunted down and killed with impunity

Since they were near the coast, they gathered shellfish and fished more than hunted

They used their shields to see the reflections of the gorgons and hunted them one after the other

We hunted down other documents; we tracked down stories; and we drowned ourselves in wonder and fear

shall shelter a Jew, shall, when he is hunted out, be put under the ban of fire, and be forever rendered useless to every living being for

They hunted and dug up roots

Then I hunted for another place to park

30 And Nimrod became strong when he put on the garments, and God gave him might and strength, and he was a mighty hunter in the Earth, yes, he was a mighty hunter in the field, and he hunted the animals and he built altars, and he offered on them the animals before the Lord

I hosted many a hunt, and we hunted people not animals

Only once did I have a out of town couple, who escaped, and went to the press about how they were hunted by the Socialites

I had personally taken justice into my own hands and hunted down the bastards that took everything from me

20 And Esau was a designing and deceitful man, one who hunted after the hearts of men and inveigled them, and Esau was a valiant man in the field, and in the course of time went as usual to hunt; and he came as far as the field of Seir, the same is Edom

Throughout the Ukraine the Polish gentry was hunted down, flayed and burnt alive,

30 And Nimrod became strong when he put on the garments and God gave him might and strength and he was a mighty hunter in the Earth yes he was a mighty hunter in the field and he hunted the animals and he built altars and he offered on them the animals before the Lord

20 And Esau was a designing and deceitful man one who hunted after the hearts of men and inveigled them and Esau was a valiant man in the field and in the course of time went as usual to hunt; and he came as far as the field of Seir the same is Edom

street, are hunted by another type of mafia

her, so she punished him by turning him into a stag and had him hunted down by his

Diana who hunted with hounds, and in a popular Roman story she gives a greyhound

response to the dwindling supply of bear parts obtained from bears hunted in the wild

“Source, that would be wondrous!” Talia marveled as she rose from the bed and hunted around for her clothing

Almost all of the demons were dead within a year after that, but it was another six years before Amirgath proclaimed that the last of them had been hunted out and exterminated

29 Whatever place shall shelter a Jew shall when he is hunted out be put under the ban of fire and be forever rendered useless to every living being for all time to come

Serminak was hunted out long ago, so if we do not keep crops and livestock, we starve

As Haki hunted her, she hunted him

all hunted down and systematically slaughtered by this new vile

hominid that hunted down and killed the others of its class, the

They took hands and hunted around in the dark, their torches making bright beams of light here and there

One time he was walking with me while I hunted; he wouldn’t shoot at

Do you know the story of Haques, the greatest hunter of all? In the peak of hunting season, Haques would kill more animals each day than the village could eat

to the sound of the hunting cat

and time her hunting ground, and with the primeval urge satisfied she would then

It was Yankee Swamp Fever and Waldeis had transmitted it when they shook hands when they were both scratched from hunting in the brush

She was the spider, this place and time her hunting ground, and with the primeval urge satisfied she would then indulge herself within the joyous pain of bestial desire

Artemis (Greek) was the goddess of hunting, and the protector of small animals (don’t you get one or the other?)

On the ground the shape seemed almost frail, as though it could not carry the burden of terror that forever dogged its tracks, but as Lucy moved closer, as the figure gathered its limbs together and began to unbend, began to straighten and stand, she saw with horror that he, for it must be masculine, was tall and thick set and lithe, as if he were a wolf or a hunting cat

the cracked glaze watchers are hunting

With the three of us together, they see a hunting party with powerful weapons and supplies

«They can smell me out there hunting them with my wizard’s spear

Less dangerous prey for sure than a hunting camp full of heavily armed humans

hunting the last of the night scurry twitchers

The remaining teeth were like racks of strong hunting knives

He leans forward, resting his forearms on his knees, and stares at the deck for a moment hunting for words

‘Yes, we had a very pleasant afternoon fossil hunting

“As I said, there are a few of them still out there, but we are hunting them down and destroying them as soon as we find them

There was something in his manner that made me suspect he was hunting sex

We tidied up and were walking between the boats along the jetty with our catch when a tourist whipped out his digital and took a flash photo of the local fishing folk coming home after a long day hunting the fish

But first things first – I rootle about in the garden store at the back of the house, hunting for a container for my new plant … ah, this one should do

‘Hi, Anna, got a problem with the mower, I hear!’ I said desperately hunting for a way to break the ice

He was on a hunting expedition on one of the uninhabited planets in his universe

“And,” he held up his large finger and whispered in a low voice, “there is one known case of one hunting down and attacking a Scather raiding party that landed in its territory

It is called a Thaiku, one of my men found a nest while out hunting one day

He described the mighty animal to Duncan and Rayne telling them that the huge flukes were longer and larger than his own hunting ship

Lord Dorsal explained that he did not enjoy hunting these magnificent creatures, but one of these would feed an entire town for the winter

Rayne leaned in and said in a sultry voice, “Maybe I did the hunting, Lord Dorsal

He requested the hunting song, and upon hearing it’s opening melody Rayne recognized it

“First Kai, would you care to join me in a little hunting of our own?”

I was wounded and could not catch up with the hunting party, and the wounds would not allow me to send a message

He dreamt of indians, out in the wild, hunting, feasting around a large bonfire, singing, and dancing the night away

I didn’t like hunting, not even for the meats

When I was thirty, I was in the hills, about five miles from my home and I came across a hunting party

They were hunting grizzly bear, for food and sport

I was hunting with a party of twelve, and suddenly, I was the hunted

I asked what he was hunting, but he did not answer

“What’s he hunting here at night?”

‘One day a tiger was hunting around in a forest

It should be noted that these three were long-time acquaintances from shared fishing and hunting trips made together over the years

His chest felt like it had a roller-coaster inside it, or maybe a strong hunting arrow

friend Ged hunting dragons – there was no one at the other tower

Hunting and gathering food was the male’s part in it

It made sense, Kartha would be hunting something when he went out here

large hunting tapestry hanging on the wall and wondered

some hunting in the morning but other than that? There’s football on

He included what was planted and where, and spoke a little about the three houses and hunting lodge

The one that struck her as odd was about the three houses and the hunting lodge

«So where’s the other house? I heard Jim say the hunting lodge was at the other end of the valley, up next to a big lake, but where’d he say the other house was?»

Crystal suggested the hunting lodge, Emma had forgotten all about it

The hunting lodge looked almost directly east, over the lake

“It keeps us busy hunting and gathering, but that’s good in a way because there isn’t anything else to do

I have to admit, that I lost the first two years hunting for the GOLD

Chiggeed the feast-master was already out in the woods as Afternoonday began, along with two bowmen and a bolt-bearer, hunting a theirops that was rumored to be rummaging around up past Napar

stopped hunting him, they would always haunt his dreams she imagined

Hunting this entity helped get her in the frame of mind she would need at the re-connection

Buttworst used on his hunting expeditions and it was no wider than a foot

lorries and began hunting for passports and visas at the

But when Nightday came, money or no, she went off hunting and he went to the office

Hunting and fishing, the most important employments of mankind in the rude state of society,

Now this was the magic lamp, which Aladdin had left there, as he could not take it out hunting with him

After he had kissed her Aladdin said: “I beg of you, Princess, in God’s name, tell me what has become of an old lamp I left on the window, when I went hunting

Mainly double barreled shotguns but also a smattering of hunting rifles and 22 rimfire semi-auto rifles

This was probably the case among the hunting nations of North America, before their country was discovered by the Europeans, with whom they now exchange their surplus peltry, for blankets, fire-arms, and brandy, which gives it some value

Dom opted for a Savage model 11 hunting rifle in a 380 round with a four plus one box magazine

‘Pierre is off hunting – over there,’ said the younger

beginning with the hunting of primitive man until the

No need to spend time hunting, interviewing and

mushroom hunting last time, I saw a large stag’s tracks

I know his shade dwells in the Isles of the Blessed, hunting stags and wolves and lions alongside our most noble heroes

Andrastus suggested that the men form a hunting party

After the things I had learned, I wasn’t up to hunting him down

Crafty Coyote was a devout carnivore, fully dedicated to and focused on his daily hunting activities of small animals that might be found innocently and naively wandering around his territorial domain

One of his principle activities centered on the hunting of small animals like mice, rats, and rabbits along with a variety of insects that naively and foolishly chose to scamper about on the forest floor during the very wee hours of the morning

It was an interesting existence he had—combining survival hunting and healthy exercise with self-gratifying entertainment

«But… why? Why is this happening in the first place? Why should anyone be hunting anyone?»

Walt kept talking, enjoying telling me about his hunting skills

He’d dressed accordingly for a late fall hike in his tan and pale green hunting outfit, which blended in perfectly with the leaf strewn trail he had been walking

actually be valuable property?” I thought back to the many times I had gone slug hunting in my garden

The ship was a naval frigate, the captain told us, out pirate hunting, and it was due in port in Philadelphia

If the hunting nations of America should ever become shepherds, their neighbourhood would be much more dangerous to the European colonies than it is at present

She did it so quickly that the poor little juror (it was Bill, the Lizard) could not make out at all what had become of it; so, after hunting all about for it, he was obliged to write with one finger for the rest of the day; and this was of very little use, as it left no mark on the slate

So get yourselves ready we start in ten minutes hit them hard and give no quarter we must take these trenches before they can reinforce them so good luck and good hunting”, he saluted and turned to his Officers and NCOs and then he walked over to the other senior Officers

“It was taken from a dead Turkish sniper and I just happened to get my hands on it I have been waiting for a chance like this to come along so when I knew you were going hunting this Turkish sniper I decided that you might as well have it

” I didn’t know what to say properly but I thanked him warmly for his present and then we all shook hands with him and set off on our hunting trip

Meanwhile some of our Officers borrowed shotguns and went duck hunting on the rivers they had some of our lads acting as beaters and retrievers gathering any ducks that had been shot

“Your supposed to be hard bitten killers who are hunting Hun snipers not ladies taking afternoon tea”, and he looked at us disgustedly

She was the High Seat of House Caravine as her father had died in a hunting accident three years previous and she was the next in line

His sense of Wil was that he was hunting, searching the wilds for something, though Carl had no idea what it was

For miles the only sounds to be heard were those of animals stirring to life for a night of hunting

The animal population, protected from hunting for over a century, was ravaged in the conflagration; suffocating before the heat roasted to charred corpses

“Oh, Charlie’s out hunting,” the assistant service manager said

should have cleared his elk hunting with me

to Charlie privately, in a friendly way, listened to his history with the company, told him that I didn’t object to his hunting trips

business, would be hunting? Probably that would have worked

He was like a Zoologists in search of the prime hunting ground, the centre of all activity from which to observe the most interesting behavior

Were the dogs out there someplace again? Josh, Bill and Alex had gone hunting for them the day after the attack, but they lost the trail in some rocks on her back 40 acres

He had to be trying to escape whatever was hunting the streets

There’s something hunting the streets

No one lived on this part of the base, but it was used by the military personnel of the base for fishing and hunting

The creature could still be hunting

Pete was a hunter and about twice a year he would go over to Showlow, Arizona for deer and dove hunting

«It hunts chileeth and is more intelligent than a kwibarta or a wee-bird

The catastrophes and failures of colonisation, the disastrous experiments with star drives, all those terrible bug hunts on far away worlds, we survived them all and gave the stars to you, and for what? Thanks? The only thing your masters ever worried about was whether there were enough conditioned and dedicated Barcs available to do the dirty work

“I am the one who led the movement for closing the Portal and stopping the hunts, and doing away with Jade Bears

This took the form of regular hunts,

Basically, the regular hunts and culls just stopped

For someone who opposed the hunts, and opposed mating with outside women, it is quite ironic to find that you dabbled once and left a progeny behind

Truman himself, for example, required loyalty oaths within the federal government in 1947, three years before McCarthy began his campaign of hysteria and witch hunts

It hunts mainly at night

While the rest of us approach the board to collect our weapons, he hunts the floor for his

town to go on extermination hunts to rid the sector of such

Jacques had spent a year or two away from his loving family back home in Europe, attempting to nurse his master’s daughter back to health, bringing me food regularly from his numerous scavenging hunts

I had to be a bit careful for a while after that, as the local Crime Squad procured a new guy, who was not as easy to buy, so I played low key with the hunts for a while

Marilee knew about these hunts, as she asked me about them

13 And whatever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, who hunts and catches any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust

systematically in animal «hunts» and various barbaric acts of animal torture and abuse, portrayed by the media as «solving the problem»

He hunts at night

It flew to him, landing in his palm as sure as a falcon flies to its handler on the winter hunts

One-out-of-three hunts resulted in her bringing in something that was still alive

The scene is fairly calm now, emergency response teams have closed off the blocks surrounding The Five Hunts tower

It is not clear as to what happened this early in the events but we here at KKZP have been given information that the Mayers Family Church is responsible for the destruction of the Hunts Complex

There is Donovan Cliffson and Amanda Hunters, Donovan’s wife killed earlier this month in the massive pile up on the expressway, Amanda’s husband Meyer still missing after the destruction of Five Hunts Tower

While she hunts for the sake of killing, destroying, and claiming trophies, you hunt for power

Then there was the Inquisition thing and the Witch hunts

1 can (14 ½ oz) Hunts diced tomatoes with mushrooms or Hunts Diced tomatoes in juice

In that respect at least he was their equal, though woodcraft learned in hunts on the Tauran could never equal that ground into the souls of men on the savage border

«Because they have more than enough of the wild geese that they kill on hunts

‘It was a rifle,’ said Rikki Preece, ‘He hunts deer, so he wanted a good one, that’s all

I can start up normally without it but if I try to access any of the confidential files it hunts for a code

Thankfully, 9 states have already outlawed canned hunts

numbers of hunts and species of whales hunted

Honour Killings are the modern counterpart to Witch Hunts

Witch hunts though, were more brutal

Hunts — Why Men Are Afraid of Women

Witch/cat hunts, Halloween, and the dreaded Cat Wednesday,

Cat hunts often ended in the victim being burned alive, or

countless CAT TRIALS? In fact, there were many cat hunts

He hunts the greatest game and is slain by the least

― He hunts the greatest game and is slain by the least

disputes over theology are overshadowed by the ugly Christian institution of inquisition and related witch hunts

The doctrinal tug of war stirred up anxious suspicions and the witch hunts, or Burning Times, reached a peak in the federation of German Kingdoms in the 16th century

Even in the 21st century hundreds and hundreds of people have been murdered in Africa, India and other areas by men engaged in witch hunts

conservation and wildlife management departments are little more than hunt-clubs funded by massive sums of taxpayer money, managing hunts on public lands, and assisting landowners to proliferate hunting activities

She would not be joining him on any more treasure hunts

We’ll be back full circle to witch hunts again before you know it

“You may not like the fact that he hunts, but you can’t argue that he is a better

She is our guide and interpreter around here and also hunts to provide us fresh meat

May you have many successful hunts with it

“And whatever else hunts them

Finally, he said to the Circle, “I am happy in my heart because the great hunter Runs Like Cheetah has come to remind us how great a man is when he hunts the God-like animals surrounding him

But then there’s predators, both humans and animals like a coyote that hunts

Jealousy was really the single most motivating factor in those witch hunts of old

Emory said the gentry led the hunts

At some point, though, the hunts began to bore him

A thrill ran through him, a pale echo of his first hunts, of his last battles

Frequently he’d run his prey down on his longer hunts in the woods, and he was conditioned beyond compare

He also hunts, and always uses these

I’ve just realized that the most pointless question to ask anyone in Fairbanks is whether he hunts or not

My taxi-driver also hunts: he has nine guns and four pistols at home

35oz, with a relatively high BC value, for the mountain hunts; and another weighing at least

On the taiga this instrument is invaluable, not only on ram hunts, but for every other type of hunt as well; with almost no vegetation in the way, you can use it to see over huge distances

There’ll be no more bear hunts this year for Mark

And as I would be there anyway, I could fit in two more caribou hunts: you can never have too many deer hunts

We chat about the last two hunts over and over again, with inexhaustible high spirits

I wrote to Frank at the start, telling him to remove wolves from all my hunts; if I’m not going to shoot them, why should I buy a permit? I know that he did so, as I can see in the accounts on my computer that wolves, and the charges for their permits, have been removed

The weather — of which I write so much, it being a key factor of northern hunts — has, contrary to the forecasts, not improved

But, that aside, some of my most enjoyable hunts have been in the Csákvár region

The tips are usually 10 — 15%, but for expensive hunts, such as ram hunts, they are often lower

For many species the hunting season ends in October, but the November hunts don’t begin until a couple of weeks later

There are countless stories of hunters’ lives being in peril during grizzly hunts, and some of them must be true

Their hunting — as in my case — is frequently combined with hunts for other game

The Alaskan Government has taken action, and three weeks ago — to general surprise — they cancelled all commercial hunts

One of our hunts lasted for 18hrs

My mountain goat hunt is not the time to start exploring, especially as I have other hunts coming up for which I must be in top physical condition

Greg and his team consider this type of bullet to be completely unsuitable for mountain hunts

Hunts there take a minimum of ten days, but there are outfitters who, to ensure victory, organize hunts lasting two weeks

Another thing about mountain hunts is that you often have to shoot over long distances, and when elk hunting that can mean 850 — 1500ft

He hunts professionally the whole year round, and, unlike most other guides and outfitters, he has no other job when the season ends

For him the season lasts all year: he hunts coyote

As to why things were like that, we must ask the historians, though the reason seems quite clear to me: man is part of earth’s biosphere, and his body structure, and physiology are very similar to those of the creatures he hunts

I don’t place it among my real hunts, but we couldn’t find anywhere where it was possible to hunt buffalo out in the wilds

The left New Fulton and walked across to Hunts Point meat market, the world’s largest food distribution centre

How many human societies have had groups of killers hunting by night under the cover of darkness? What is the archetype of the rapist? Someone who hunts small children at night and devours them

of the information just because their hunts had

“Nops, they are not!”, the Outlander said, “You think I could find it even after twenty eight strenuous hunts and pursuits in that forest! ‘We’ are all losers in that case

Now, when a Fachee hunts in the woods, or

Gardening, walks, rows on the river, and flower hunts employed the fine days, and for rainy ones, they had house diversions, some old, some new, all more or less original

«He hunts the moose to-day, with his young men; and tomorrow, as I hear, they pass further into the forests, and nigher to the borders of Canada

The scout witnessed his departure with complacency, nodding his head after him, and muttering his good wishes; after which he very coolly set about an examination of the state of the larder, among the Hurons, the cavern, among other purposes, being used as a receptacle for the fruits of their hunts

ROYAL HUNTERS: A caste of Unseelie sifters, first introduced in The Immortal Highlander, this caste hunts for both the king and the queen, relentlessly tracking their prey

«Do my young men leave the Delawares room on the mountains for their hunts

I met Chris for the first time at Base Camp 40—Warriors in the Wild, an organization that takes combat veterans on elk hunts in western Colorado

We do that in Texas with snipe hunts, but you usually end up finding something to shoot anyway so no one’s really mad when they find out that snipes are made up

However this may be, it is certain that no fox hunts rabbits by going openly up a combe at sunset

She was sucking up to Aust, who hunts WMDs for a living

They had race horses, and Russian pancakes and bear hunts and three-horse sledges, and gypsies and drinking feasts, with the Russian accompaniment of broken crockery

Wolf (1)—a Safeholdian predator which lives and hunts in packs and has many of the same social characteristics as the terrestrial species of the same name

“I don’t want the knife, too small, give Ben the knife, he hunts

These treasure hunts had always amounted to a single question: Who is Amy? (What is my wife thinking? What was important to her this past year? What moments made her happiest? Amy, Amy, Amy, let’s think about Amy

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