The word humor in a sentence

Synonym: cater to, coddle, comedy, disposition, frame of mind, mood, oblige, pamper, pleasantry, please, satisfy, spoil, temper, wit. Similar words: tumor, rumor, thumb, human, more, no more, morose, any more. Meaning: [ˈhjuːmə]  n. 1. a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter 2. the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous 3. a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling 4. the quality of being funny 5. (Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state 6. the liquid parts of the body. v. put into a good mood. 

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1. Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. 

2. He has no sense of humor.

3. This is a film full of humor.

4. There was a glow-worm of humor in his eyes.

5. A sense of humor is a great asset in this business.

6. His style of humor was very human, and that’s why people cotton to him.

7. It’s vital to have a sense of humor in this job.

8. American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.

9. This writer’s plays are marked by a gentle humor.

10. He showed flashes of humor that delighted the audience.

11. I think humor is a great lubricant for life.

12. He has a good sense of humor.

13. She employed an irreverent humor to salt her observation.

14. Their senses of humor meshed perfectly.

15. Much English humor consists of plays on words.

16. I’ll do it when the humor takes me.

17. Their dark humor never failed to astound him.

18. He is distinguished for his sense of humor.

19. His remarks participated of the sense of humor.

20. He is a man of cheerful humor.

21. McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor,(Sentencedict) his whimsical side.

22. Colleagues today recall with humor how meetings would crawl into the early morning hours.

23. He was accused of having no sense of humor, of not being a good sport.

24. The humor in the movie sometimes goes beyond the bounds of good taste.

25. Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind, your humor, your kindness and your moral courage.

26. When they groused about the parking regulations, they did it with good humor.

27. I attack politicians with the one weapon they don’t have, a sense of humor.

28. The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects.

29. In spite of everything, Robyn’s managed to keep her sense of humor.

30. The essays could do with a flash of wit or humor.

More similar words: tumor, rumor, thumb, human, more, no more, morose, any more, morning, once more, much more, all the more, mortgage, moreover, mortality, furthermore, more or less, not more than, no more than, in memory of, from memory, what is more, demoralize, more than ever, more often than not.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word humor, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use humor in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «humor».

Humor in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word humor in a sentence.

  1. At times Elverum uses dark humor.

  2. Some drew attention to the game’s humor.

  3. Equal parts ‘fuck you’ and jagged humor.

  4. The game’s humor received praise from Zzap!

  5. The humor that is in it is at least akin to his.

  6. There’s humor in the song, but it fucks with them.

  7. Lowery used humor as he delivered the benediction.

  8. England doubtless misses a good deal of the humor in Mr.

  9. GameSpot found the characters amusing and full of humor.

  10. The Simpsons also often includes self-referential humor.

  11. Former aide David Gergen commented, «It was that humor ..

  12. Marshall was known for his quick wit and good sense of humor.

  13. IGN praised Amano’s renditions of the characters and the humor added into scenes.

  14. Langston also characterized the album through her humor, which he called «sunny».

  15. He responded to the ovation with a sense of humor by tipping his cap to the crowd.

  16. The show’s script included humor that both children and their parents could enjoy.

  17. McCotter was also known as an «oddball» in Congress, displaying a wry sense of humor.

  18. Its narrative, humor, combat, progression-systems, soundtrack, and open world-design received praise.

  19. Drescher chose Todd Graff to write the screenplay because of his familiarity with her style of humor.

  20. In his personal mannerisms, it was said that Ames had a keen sense of humor and a relaxed disposition.

  21. He was interested in the underlying spirituality and romance present, but thought it needed more humor.

  22. Some reviewers criticized the plot as overly complicated, but most praised the game’s writing and humor.

  23. Maniac Mansion was critically acclaimed: reviewers lauded its graphics, cutscenes, animation, and humor.

  24. Using whimsicality and humor, he was purposely informal to allow his personality to show in his writing.

  25. The characters were praised for their personalities, animations, and portrayal of Rare’s signature humor.

  26. The book received positive reviews from critics, who enjoyed the strange crossover matchup and dark humor.

  27. The use of the format of the Fox TV show Cops provides some transient novelty but little drama or humor.».

  28. The score of «Hell House», on the other hand, had a much lighter tone to coincide with the episode’s humor.

  29. Amidst his criticism of most of the show, Jones praised the first episode in general, especially its humor.

  30. Frequently, Townsend’s lyrics approached serious personal or political issues with a morbid sense of humor.

  31. The song’s lyrics, which feature dark humor, are a sarcastic take on issues such as disease and violent sex.

  32. Mac Guild and Macworld UK, however, considered the humor crude on a childlike level and its delivery forced.

  33. His friends and colleagues described him as charming, well-mannered, and thoughtful, with a lively boyish sense of humor.

  34. Despite the brutality of Strapping Young Lad’s music, their songs contain hints of tongue-in-cheek humor and self-parody.

  35. The closest predecessor to Unknown was Thorne Smith, whose prohibition-era «Topper» stories also mixed fantasy with humor.

  36. Clinton showed good humor and sent Hartman a signed photo with the text: «You’re not the president, but you play one on TV.

  37. Burns Mantle said Hopwood and Woods had substituted uninteresting stripping and lewd dialogue for better plotting and humor.

  38. Laemmle was struck by Leni’s departure from expressionism by the inclusion of humor and playfulness during grotesque scenes.

  39. The humor of the show comes from the «disparity» between the «cute» appearance of the characters and their «crude» behavior.

  40. Her poems continue the themes of mild protest and survival also found in her autobiographies, and inject hope through humor.

  41. Balancing this political material were love songs, sometimes bitter and accusatory, and material that features surreal humor.

  42. Carey also appeared in a Walkers commercial, which was released on November 2, 2019; it was praised by critics for its humor.

  43. Episodes have elements of humor, such as when Clare’s aunt said she could tell a gangster was a «man of dubious integrity» because «he never even provided a pension plan».

  44. Strapping Young Lad differed from City because it was less industrial and more reminiscent of death metal; the humor pervading the previous two albums became more subdued.

  45. While the environment has changed, the game’s focus remains on stealth and infiltration, while retaining the series’ self-referential, fourth-wall-breaking sense of humor.

  46. Rebecca McCartney, of Burlington Public Library, reviewed the book saying, «I liked this book because it was full of creepy crawly things, and told with humor and warmth».

  47. Jake Coyle of the Associated Press stated that it was «the epitome of a Hoffman film: a mix of comedy and tragedy told with subtlety, bone-dry humor, and flashes of grace».

Synonyms for humor

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word humor has the following synonyms: humour, sense of humor, sense of humour, liquid body substance, bodily fluid, body fluid, temper, mood, wit, witticism and wittiness.

General information about «humor» example sentences

The example sentences for the word humor that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «humor» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «humor».

Definition of Humor

having comedy or wit

Examples of Humor in a sentence

As the speaker delivered the humor in his speech, everyone in the audience laughed a lot.


The stand-up comedian knew he would need to add plenty of humor to his act in order for people to think he is funny.


I always like to listen to my friend’s jokes because I appreciate her trying to include humor in a serious situation.




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Laughing Stock

Sense of humor













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Examples of how to use the word “humor” in a sentence. How to connect “humor” with other words to make correct English sentences.

humor (n): the ability to find things funny, the way in which people see that some things are funny, or the quality of being funny

Use “humor” in a sentence

What first attracted me to him was his sense of humor.
He has no sense of humor.
Don’t lose your sense of humor.
He has no sense of humor.

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Sentences with the word Humor?



  • «He added an appealing and memorable figure to popular American mythology»- Vincent Starrett; «an appealing sense of humor«; «the idea of having enough money to retire at fifty is very appealing»
  • «black humor«; «a grim joke»; «grim laughter»; «fun ranging from slapstick clowning … to savage mordant wit»
  • «a buffoonish walk»; «a clownish face»; «a zany sense of humor«
  • «I admired his buoyancy and persistent good humor«
  • «buoyant spirits»; «his quick wit and chirpy humor«; «looking bright and well and chirpy»; «a perky little widow in her 70s»
  • «the ciliary body produces aqueous humor«
  • «jealousy was a component of his character»; «two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony»; «the grammatical elements of a sentence»; «a key factor in her success»; «humor: an effective ingredient of a speech»
  • «coarse language»; «a crude joke»; «crude behavior»; «an earthy sense of humor«; «a revoltingly gross expletive»; «a vulgar gesture»; «full of language so vulgar it should have been edited»
  • «deadpan humor«; «his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read»
  • «a droll little man with a quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor«
  • «dry humor«; «an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely»; «an ironic novel»; «an ironical smile»; «with a wry Scottish wit»
  • «gracious even to unexpected visitors»; «gracious living»; «he bears insult with gracious good humor«
  • «heavy humor«; «a leaden conversation»
  • «she didn’t appreciate my humor«; «you can’t survive in the army without a sense of humor«
  • «I fail to see the humor in it»
  • «whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time»; «he was in a bad humor«
  • «his sermons benefited from a leavening of humor«
  • «without understanding the finer nuances you can’t enjoy the humor«; «don’t argue about shades of meaning»
  • «That song put me in awful good humor«; «put your ideas in writing»
  • «the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name»- Bill Beatty; «came forth a quaint and fearful sight»- Sir Walter Scott; «a quaint sense of humor«
  • «what is so rare as a day in June»-J.R.Lowell; «a rare skill»; «an uncommon sense of humor«; «she was kind to an uncommon degree»
  • «the redeeming feature of the plan is its simplicity»; «his saving grace was his sense of humor«
  • «her love of music remains her one saving grace»; «her sense of humor has to be a saving grace»; «the saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs»
  • «slapstick style of humor«
  • «why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?»; «a stodgy dinner party»
  • «a strange exaltation that was indefinable»; «a strange fantastical mind»; «what a strange sense of humor she has»
  • «but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal»; «in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity»; «in that no man’s land between negotiation and aggression»

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