The word honest means

Other forms: honester; honestest

The adjective honest is perfect for describing someone who tells the truth. If you’re always honest, it means you’re truthful and sincere no matter what.

Honest comes from the Latin word honestus, which means «honorable or respected,» and around 1300, honest was popularly used to mean «respectable and of neat appearance.» We don’t use it these days to describe the way someone dresses, but instead how truthful they are, and sometimes to emphasize how simple and straightforward something is, like «good, honest home-cooked food.»

Definitions of honest

  1. adjective

    marked by truth

    honest answers”

    honest reporting”


    true, truthful

    expressing or given to expressing the truth

  2. adjective

    gained or earned without cheating or stealing

    honest wage”



    equitable, just

    fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience

  3. adjective

    not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent

    honest lawyers”

    honest reporting”




    straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action

    echt, genuine

    not fake or counterfeit


    characterized by plain blunt honesty

    honorable, honourable

    worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect

    artless, ingenuous

    characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious


    open and genuine; not deceitful

    square, straight

    characterized by honesty and fairness


    consistent with fact or reality; not false

    trustworthy, trusty

    worthy of trust or belief

    see moresee less


    dishonest, dishonorable

    deceptive or fraudulent; disposed to cheat or defraud or deceive

    Janus-faced, ambidextrous, deceitful, double-dealing, double-faced, double-tongued, duplicitous, two-faced

    marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another


    misleading by means of pleasant or alluring methods

    deceitful, fallacious, fraudulent

    intended to deceive

    deceptive, misleading, shoddy

    designed to deceive or mislead


    designed to deceive


    involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction

    blackguardly, rascally, roguish, scoundrelly

    lacking principles or scruples

    thieving, thievish

    given to thievery

    dishonorable, dishonourable

    lacking honor or integrity; deserving dishonor


    lacking sincerity

    corrupt, crooked

    not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive


    not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality

    untrustworthy, untrusty

    not worthy of trust or belief

    show more antonyms…

  4. synonyms:


    echt, genuine

    not fake or counterfeit

  5. adjective

    without dissimulation; frank

    honest opinion”



    open and genuine; not deceitful

  6. adjective

    without pretensions

    “worked at an
    honest trade”

    honest food”



    lacking pretension or affectation

  7. adjective

    worthy of being depended on

    honest working stiff”


    dependable, reliable, true

    trustworthy, trusty

    worthy of trust or belief

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  • 1

    1) че́стный;

    2) правди́вый, и́скренний

    3) настоя́щий, по́длинный, нефальсифици́рованный



    целому́дренная, нра́вственная;

    to make an honest woman of smb. жени́ться на соблазнённой де́вушке; «прикры́ть грех» зако́нным бра́ком

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > honest

  • 2

    • Honest<ly>!
    Честное слово!

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Honest

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > honest

  • 4

    1. [ʹɒnıst]

    1. честный

    an honest man — честный /порядочный/ человек

    poor but honest — беден, но честен

    honest employment — честный труд; честное занятие

    an honest living — честно заработанные средства к существованию; честный заработок

    honest means — честные /законные/ средства

    as honest a man as ever lived /as ever broke bread, as ever trod on earth/ — честнейший /порядочнейший/ человек, честнейшая душа

    2. 1) правдивый; прямой, искренний; откровенный

    an honest face /countenance/ — открытое /честное/ лицо

    to be honest in one’s repentance — быть искренним в раскаянии, искренне раскаиваться

    to be honest, I was wrong — честно говоря, я ошибся

    2) добросовестный; верный

    an honest effort /attempt/ — добросовестные усилия, честная попытка

    honest chronicler — а) беспристрастный летописец; б) объективный историк

    to be honest to one’s principles [convictions] — быть верным принципам [убеждениям]

    3. настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный

    honest goods — доброкачественные товары, натуральная продукция ()

    honest truth — чистая правда; неприкрашенная истина

    4. скромный, простой; обычный

    younger sons were often apprenticed to some honest trade — младших сыновей часто обучали какому-нибудь нехитрому ремеслу


    () целомудренная, честная; добродетельная, нравственная

    an honest girl — честная /целомудренная/ девушка

    an honest wife — верная /добродетельная/ жена

    she lost her honest name — она потеряла доброе имя /-ую репутацию/

    to make an honest woman of smb. — а) жениться на соблазнённой девушке, прикрыть грех браком; б) жениться на возлюбленной


    добрый, почтенный, достойный ()

    my honest gentleman — почтенный джентльмен, сударь; почтеннейший; любезнейший

    born of poor but honest parents — рождён от бедных, но почтенных родителей

    twelve honest men — присяжные заседатели

    Honest Abe /Abraham/ — честный Эйб /Авраам/ ()

    honest graft — полит. «честная коррупция» ()

    to turn an honest penny — заработать /нажить/ честным трудом /путём/

    honest to God, honest to goodness — действительно; по чести говоря; клянусь!

    she was honest to God indifferent to it all — она относилась ко всему этому с неподдельным равнодушием

    honest Injun!, honest Indian! — разг. честное слово!, ей-богу!

    2. [ʹɒnıst]


    честное слово; ей-богу

    I couldn’t help it, honest — ей-богу, я ничего не мог с этим поделать

    honest true — верный, преданный

    НБАРС > honest

  • 5

    1. a честный

    an honest living — честно заработанные средства к существованию; честный заработок

    2. a правдивый; прямой, искренний; откровенный

    3. a добросовестный; верный

    4. a настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный

    honest goods — доброкачественные товары, натуральная продукция

    5. a скромный, простой; обычный

    6. a арх. целомудренная, честная; добродетельная, нравственная

    7. a уст. добрый, почтенный, достойный

    my honest gentleman — почтенный джентльмен, сударь; почтеннейший; любезнейший

    honest to God, honest to goodness — действительно; по чести говоря; клянусь!

    8. adv прост. честное слово; ей-богу

    9. adv поэт. поистине

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. pure (adj.) chaste; decent; pure; virginal; virtuous

    2. real (adj.) genuine; heartfelt; heart-whole; hearty; real; unadulterated; unaffected; undesigning; undissembled; unfeigned

    3. sincere (adj.) aboveboard; above-board; candid; direct; forthright; frank; ingenuous; open; plainspoken; sincere; straight; straightforward; undisguised; unreserved

    4. truthful (adj.) conscientious; ethical; fair; honorable; honourable; incorruptible; just; moral; right; righteous; scrupulous; true; trustworthy; truthful; upright; upstanding; veracious; worthy

    Антонимический ряд:

    corrupt; counterfeit; deceitful; deceptive; delusive; devious; dishonest; dishonourable; disingenuous; faithless; false; fraudulent; hypocritical; ignoble; improper

    English-Russian base dictionary > honest

  • 6


    honest целомудренный, нравственный; an honest girl порядочная девушка; to make an honest woman (of smb.) жениться на соблазненной девушке; = «прикрыть грех» законным браком honest честный; to be quite honest about it откровенно говоря honest настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный honest правдивый, искренний honest целомудренный, нравственный; an honest girl порядочная девушка; to make an honest woman (of smb.) жениться на соблазненной девушке; = «прикрыть грех» законным браком honest честный; to be quite honest about it откровенно говоря honest целомудренный, нравственный; an honest girl порядочная девушка; to make an honest woman (of smb.) жениться на соблазненной девушке; = «прикрыть грех» законным браком

    English-Russian short dictionary > honest

  • 7



    честный, правдивый, искренний, порядочный, беспристрастный, открытый

    I must be honest to my own conscience. — Я должен быть честен перед своей собственной совестью.

    It wouldn’t be honest to her memory. — Это было бы нечестно перед памятью о ней.

    He was honest in all his dealings. — Он был честен во всех своих делах.

    He was honest about himself and his share in these events. — Он честно рассказал все о себе и своей роли в этих событиях.

    The doctors were honest about her chances for recovery. — Врачи не скрывали, что у них мало надежды на ее выздоровление

    honest person

    — honest face
    — honest look
    — honest opinion
    — be honest about smth
    — be honest with smb

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > honest

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > honest

  • 9

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > honest!

  • 10

    [‘ɔnɪst], [‘ɔnə-]



    to be honest with smb. — быть честным с кем-л.

    He is honest about this matter with us. — Он честен с нами по поводу этого дела.


    б) настоящий, нефальсифицированный, подлинный



    а) почтенный, достойный уважения



    3) простой, незамысловатый


    4) искренний, правдивый

    to be honest with smb. about smth. — быть искренним с кем-л. в отношении чего-л.


    5) нравственный, целомудренный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > honest

  • 11

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > honest

  • 12

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > honest

  • 13


    1) честный; to be quite honest about it откровенно говоря

    2) правдивый, искренний

    3) настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный

    4) целомудренный, нравственный; an honest girl порядочная девушка; to make an honest woman of smb. жениться на соблазненной девушке;


    ‘прикрыть грех’ законным браком



    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    [hon·est || ‘ɑnɪst /’ɒnɪst]
    честный, правдивый, искренний, настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный, нравственный, целомудренный

    * * *










    * * *

    1) а) честный (about, with)
    б) настоящий
    2) а) почтенный, достойный уважения
    б) заслуживающий внимания
    3) простой

    Новый англо-русский словарь > honest

  • 14

    1) че́стный

    2) по́длинный, настоя́щий

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > honest

  • 15

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > honest

  • 16

    Politics english-russian dictionary > honest

  • 17

    I didn’t mean no harm, George. Honest I didn’t. — Я не хотел сделать плохо, Джордж. Ей-ей, не хотел.

    English-Russian phrases dictionary > honest

  • 18


    1) Общая лексика: верный, добродетельная, ей-богу, искренний, настоящий, нефальсифицированный, нравственная, нравственный, обычный, откровенный, подлинный, правдивый, простой, прямой, скромный, целомудренная, целомудренный, честная, честный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > honest

  • 19



    настоящий, нефальсифицированный, подлинный

    почтенный, достойный уважения

    заслуживающий внимания

    простой, незамысловатый

    искренний, правдивый

    нравственный, целомудренный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > honest

  • 20

    честный; нефальсифицированный

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > honest

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • Honest — Hon est, a. [OE. honest, onest, OF. honeste, oneste, F. honn[^e]te, L. honestus, fr. honos, honor, honor. See {Honor}.] 1. Decent; honorable; suitable; becoming. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Belong what honest clothes you send forth to bleaching! Shak …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Honest — (né au IIIème siècle, mort en 270) est un saint et martyr catholique du IIIe siècle, originaire de Nîmes. Il est fêté le 16 février. Sommaire 1 Hagiographie 2 Reliques 3 Annexes …   Wikipédia en Français

    • honest — [än′ist] adj. [ME < OFr honeste < L honestus < honor, honor] 1. Obs. a) held in respect; honorable b) respectable, creditable, commendable, seemly, etc.: a generalized epithet of commendation 2. that will not lie, cheat, or steal;… …   English World dictionary

    • honest — I adjective aboveboard, accurate, actual, artless, as represented, authentic, bald, blunt, candid, clean, conscientious, correct, creditable, decent, downright, earnest, equitable, erect, estimable, ethical, evenhanded, exact, factual, fair, fair …   Law dictionary

    • honest — ► ADJECTIVE 1) free of deceit; truthful and sincere. 2) fairly earned: an honest living. 3) simple and unpretentious. ► ADVERB informal ▪ genuinely; really. ● make an honest woman of Cf. ↑make an ho …   English terms dictionary

    • Honest — Hon est, v. t. [L. honestare to clothe or adorn with honor: cf. F. honester. See {Honest}, a.] To adorn; to grace; to honor; to make becoming, appropriate, or honorable. [Obs.] Abp. Sandys. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • honest — (adj.) c.1300, respectable, decent, of neat appearance, also free from fraud, from O.Fr. honeste (12c.; Mod.Fr. honnête), from L. honestus honorable, respected, regarded with honor, figuratively deserving honor, honorable, respectable, from honos …   Etymology dictionary

    • honest! — idiom (informal) used to emphasize that you are not lying • I didn t mean it, honest! Main entry: ↑honestidiom …   Useful english dictionary

    • Honest — (v. lat.), achtbar, anständig; daher Honestissimus, Hochachtbarer (als Titel). Honestas publica, der gute Ruf …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

    • honest — *upright, just, conscientious, scrupulous, honorable Analogous words: truthful, veracious (see corresponding nouns at TRUTH): candid, open, plain, *frank: *straightforward, aboveboard, forthright: *fair, equitable, dispassionate, objective… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

    • honest — [adj] truthful, candid above board, authentic, bona fide*, conscientious, decent, direct, equitable, ethical, fair, fair and square*, forthright, frank, genuine, high minded*, honorable, impartial, ingenuous, just, law abiding*, lay it on the… …   New thesaurus

    честный, искренний, правдивый, подлинный, настоящий, нравственный, целомудренный


    - честный

    - правдивый; прямой, искренний; откровенный

    - добросовестный; верный

    an honest effort /attempt/ — добросовестные усилия, честная попытка
    an honest piece of work — добросовестно выполненная работа
    an honest judge — неподкупный судья
    honest chronicler — а) беспристрастный летописец; б) объективный историк
    to be honest to one’s principles [convictions] — быть верным принципам [убеждениям]

    - настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный

    honest weight — правильный вес (без обвеса)
    honest price — справедливая цена
    honest goods — доброкачественные товары, натуральная продукция (не суррогат)
    honest wool — чистая шерсть
    honest material — тех. доброкачественный материал
    honest truth — чистая правда; неприкрашенная истина

    - скромный, простой; обычный

    good honest food — хорошая простая пища
    honest average playgoer — рядовой неискушённый зритель
    younger sons were often apprenticed to some honest trade — младших сыновей часто обучали какому-нибудь нехитрому ремеслу

    - арх. (о женщине) целомудренная, честная; добродетельная, нравственная

    an honest girl — честная /целомудренная/ девушка
    an honest wife — верная /добродетельная/ жена
    she lost her honest name — она потеряла доброе имя /-ую репутацию/
    to make an honest woman of smb. — а) жениться на соблазнённой девушке, прикрыть грех браком; б) шутл. жениться на возлюбленной

    - уст. добрый, почтенный, достойный (часто в снисходительных обращениях)


    - прост. честное слово; ей-богу

    I couldn’t help it, honest — ей-богу, я ничего не мог с этим поделать

    - поэт. поистине

    honest true — верный, преданный

    Мои примеры


    honest to the core — искренний до глубины души  
    honest fellow — честный малый  
    honest to God — честное слово  
    to be honest with smb. — быть честным с кем-л.  
    honest opinion — откровенное мнение  
    to be honest with smb. about smth. — быть искренним с кем-л. в отношении чего-л.  
    honest girl — порядочная девушка  
    frank / honest opinion — откровенное мнение  
    honest doubt — добросовестное сомнение  
    turn an honest dollar — честно заработать доллар  

    Примеры с переводом

    Do you want my honest opinion?

    Хочешь начистоту?

    Just give me an honest answer.

    Просто дай мне честный ответ.

    He has an honest face.

    У него искреннее выражение лица.

    Honest to God, I wasn’t there.

    Честное слово, я там не был.

    He is honest about this matter with us.

    Он честен с нами по поводу этого дела.

    I didn’t mean to hurt him, honest!

    Я не хотел его обидеть /ранить, оскорбить, задеть; сделать ему больно/, честное слово!

    He says that it’s impossible to find an honest politician.

    Он говорит, что невозможно, найти честного политика.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    She came from a good, honest, working-class background.

    She was always very honest about her feelings.

    …an honest mistake is hardly a blamable offense…

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    dishonest  — нечестный, мошеннический
    honestly  — честно, искренне, правдиво
    honesty  — честность, правдивость, лунник
    honing  — хонингование, затачивание, правление оселком

    ’ My conscience says, ‘No; take heed, honest Launcelot; take heed, honest Gobbo; ’ or, as aforesaid, ‘honest Launcelot Gobbo; do not run; scorn running with thy heels. ❋ Unknown (1914)

    When you’re dealin ‘with an honest event — _honest_, mind you — as goes on year after year between two parties both ekally set on winnin’, the only way to get real satisfaction is to pick your fancy an ‘go on backin’ it. ❋ Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch (1903)

    «There are several men that I _believe_ to be honest,» returned the owner of the bungalow, «yet only one that I know to be _honest_, and who possesses at the same time the judgment to undertake a mission like the one I have been telling you about.» ❋ Unknown (1895)

    Not only would they all stay here, but they would become honest — these hardened rogues, who a few weeks before were wont to use the words _honest_ and _stupid_ as synonyms. ❋ Theodor Hertzka (1884)

    _very_ honest, or _exceedingly_ just, for the words _honest_ and _just_, literally admit of no comparison. ❋ Samuel Kirkham (N/A)

    You’d rather see me drudging all the best moments of my life away, so you can lounge around Ju Penrose’s saloon spending dollars you’ve no right to, than risk your peace of mind on an honest — yes, _honest_ — transaction that’s going to give me a little of the comfort that you haven’t the grit to help me to yourself. » ❋ Ridgwell Cullum (1905)

    Secondly, any lasting peace is going to have to be a peace that’s good for both sides, and, therefore, the term honest broker makes sense. ❋ Unknown (2000)

    The term honest wealth, which was creeping into respectable periodicals, was exceedingly annoying to him. ❋ William Allen White (1906)

    Although not given to blushing, Dick felt that he coloured under his dye at the praise; for although they had certainly sold cheaply, he doubted whether the term honest could be fairly applied to the whole transaction. ❋ Unknown (1867)

    A Fox News appearance that Michael Steele made on January 4th where he has used the term honest Injun to back up his remarks on conservative principles and a lot of Native Americans didn’t like him using those words. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Mr. Rangel has acknowledged making what he called honest mistakes, but has denied intentionally deceiving anyone. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    While admitting to what he called honest mistakes in his personal finances, Mr. Rangel has said he never intentionally deceived anyone. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Mr. Rangel has admitted making what he called honest mistakes but has emphatically denied intentionally deceiving anyone. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Mr. Rangel ‘ s case has dragged on for two years, and he has admitted making what he calls honest mistakes but denied any intentional wrongdoing. ❋ Devlin Barrett (2010)

    The Republican Governors Association said it is time for what it called honest leadership. ❋ Unknown (2008)

    But these three gentlemen would never let me rest from wickedness: yet they kept me poor and neces-sitous; as the only means to keep me what they called honest; for they had often reason to think, that had I had any other means of subsistence, I would have been really honest. ❋ Unknown (2006)

    KOCH: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld did acknowledge that what he called honest mistakes were made in prewar intelligence, the intelligence used to base the decision to go to war in Iraq. ❋ Unknown (2005)

    Vrenn felt a little annoyance at the word «honest,» but only a little. ❋ John M. Ford (2000)

    Arter what happened when we was coming out of the river, where we lost you overboard, I come to the conclusion that that cousin o ‘yours warn’t what I calls a honest man. ❋ Allen Upward (1894)

    And when I find out as a man ain’t what I calls honest, I don’t sail in his company. ❋ Allen Upward (1894)

    [Melvin] on [YouTube comments section] of any given video: «Lets be honest: u didnt’ searched for this *ambiguous smiley* U [could of] but, u did’nt though…» ❋ Burt Milhorse Eriksson (2021)

    To [give] an example would be [contrary] to [my definition] of “honest.” ❋ Nethcev! (2006)

    Girl: Come on! Be honest [am I fat]?
    Guy: Fine, honestly your fat.
    Girl: [Wtf is wrong with you] faggot? [I fucking hate you]. ❋ Jersey Kid (2008)

    She asked where he was at [midnight]. He was honest and said he was at another [woman’s] house, as opposed to saying he was at «someone’s» house, or a «[buddy’s]» house. ❋ Itsallgoodhomie917 (2008)

    [jakes mom]: [honey] be honest.
    Jake: stop [making up words] mom! ❋ Doge Kid (2020)

    The wealthy little old lady, a widow for the eighth time, handed an ad. over the desk at the office of her local newspaper. » Put that in the Personal Contact Me section please » she said to the girl behind the desk » I feel a bit low. The right man might be able to give me a bit of a top up » The ad read » Widow, reliable independent person, with down to earth outlook, seeks [honest man] who likes simple [home cooking]. Reply early. Don’t be late this may be your [Shangri-la] » ❋ Stias (2005)

    To be honest, [I think] you’re [really good] at [soccer]. Really. ❋ Domokato (2009)

    i really don’t like to stick [pineapples] up [my arse]…[to be honest]. But have you tried a cucumber? ❋ Moose Head (2005)

    To be honest, I really have [no idea] what I’m talking about and use [cliches] where [smarter] people use original thought. ❋ Tom Hefner (2011)

    [To be honest], I’m [full of bullshit]. ❋ Hi, My Name Is Name (2007)

    Table of Contents

    1. When was the word honesty first used?
    2. What is the real meaning of honesty?
    3. What is the difference between honest and honesty?
    4. Is to be honest?
    5. Is honesty telling the truth?
    6. What is an honest person called?
    7. How does honesty shape a person?
    8. Is honesty and trust the same?
    9. How do you know you are honest?
    10. What comes first honesty or trust?
    11. How do you know if someone is trustworthy?
    12. How can you tell if someone is using you?
    13. Who is the most trustworthy person?
    14. What is a toxic personality disorder?
    15. Is being too nice a toxic trait?
    16. Do guys like good girls?
    17. Why being too nice is bad?
    18. Is there a disorder for being too nice?
    19. Is being nice attractive?

    adjective. honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair: an honest person. showing uprightness and fairness: honest dealings. genuine or unadulterated: honest commodities.

    When was the word honesty first used?


    What is the real meaning of honesty?

    Honesty is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.

    What is the difference between honest and honesty?

    Honesty and truthfulness are not the same thing. Being honest means not telling lies. Being truthful means actively making known all the full truth of a matter. This suggests you can be honest without telling the truth.

    Is to be honest?

    You can say ‘to be honest’ before or after a statement to indicate that you are telling the truth about your own opinions or feelings, especially if you think these will disappoint the person you are talking to.

    Is honesty telling the truth?

    Honesty and truthfulness are not the same thing. Being honest means not telling lies. Being truthful means actively making known all the full truth of a matter. Lawyers must be honest, but they do not have to be truthful.

    What is an honest person called?

    Someone who is veracious speaks the truth — like your brutally honest friend who always lets you know what she thinks about your outfits, your hairstyle, your lasagna recipe, and your taste in movies.

    How does honesty shape a person?

    Honesty leads to a fulfilling, free life. Honesty is not just about telling the truth. It’s about being real with yourself and others about who you are, what you want and what you need to live your most authentic life. Honesty sharpens our perception and allows us to observe everything around us with clarity.

    Is honesty and trust the same?

    As adjectives the difference between honest and trust is that honest is (of a person or institution) scrupulous with regard to telling the truth; not given to swindling, lying, or fraud; upright while trust is (obsolete) secure, safe.

    How do you know you are honest?

    Truth Be Told: 13 Ways to Demonstrate Honesty

    1. Think before you speak.
    2. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
    3. Bend over backward to communicate in an open and honest fashion.
    4. Simplify your statements so that everyone clearly understands your message.
    5. Tell it like it is rather than sugarcoating it.

    What comes first honesty or trust?

    Honesty is the foundation for trust in a relationship, and trust is necessary for a relationship to function and thrive. When you’re always honest with someone, it tells them that they can trust you and the things you say.

    How do you know if someone is trustworthy?

    A trustworthy person will use roughly the same behavior and language in any situation. They have the self-control to maintain character and follow through on what they say they’ll do, even when they are tempted to walk it back. They won’t wear different masks or pretend they’re someone they’re not just to impress.

    How can you tell if someone is using you?

    9 signs someone is using you in a relationship

    • The conversation is always about them.
    • They always let you pick up the check.
    • You always have to come to their rescue.
    • They never say thank you.
    • They’re always asking for favors.
    • You start to resent them.
    • Your emotional needs are never considered, let alone met.

    Who is the most trustworthy person?

    Tom Hanks is the most trusted person in the US, according to a poll published by Reader’s Digest. The Cast Away actor topped the 100-strong list ahead of fellow household names including Bill Gates (no 7), Jeopardy host Alex Trebek (no 8) and Michelle Obama (no 19).

    What is a toxic personality disorder?

    Much like psychopaths, toxic people are expert in how to control and manipulate others. They always know the words and actions that will send shock waves through you, set you on edge, put you into a tailspin of doubt, confusion, anxiety and worry.

    Is being too nice a toxic trait?

    It actually is a desirable human trait. However, some people (for various reasons) are overly nice; they will be at the beck and call of everyone, put up with abuse and disrespect, and always put their well-being aside for others. Being overly nice has tremendous and long-lasting negative effects.

    Do guys like good girls?

    A new study shows that nice women finish first. Sometimes even science can’t convince me: men find caring women (nice girls) more attractive and sexually alluring than their aloof (bad girl) counterparts, according to research published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

    Why being too nice is bad?

    You will develop unrealistic expectations of others. According to the Power of Positivity, when you are being too nice to others, you develop unrealistic expectations for them to do the same. When they do not meet these expectations, you may become angry and resentful.

    Is there a disorder for being too nice?

    Like I said, there is no textbook condition or diagnosis for being too nice. But there are a few “symptoms” or trademark descriptors that connotate being a people pleaser (in the negative sense). The first and most obvious is self-neglect. We’ve already discussed how people pleasers are incredibly nice people.

    Is being nice attractive?

    The impact of being nice is strongest in how heterosexual women view men. In the same experiment, women preferred kind Todd for marriage, as a steady boyfriend, a platonic friend, as well as a sexual partner—but not as a “one-night stand” [10]. Kindness also makes people look more physically attractive [11].

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