The word history in spanish

In Spanish, the word for history is “historia.” This word can be used to refer to the study of history, as well as the events that have occurred in the past. To say “history” in Spanish, simply say “la historia.”

Spanish translation of “history” | the official collins english-spanish dictionary online over 100,000 spanish translations of english words and phrases.

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The Spanish language is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world. Roughly 400 million people speak Spanish as their first language, which makes it the second most widely spoken language after Mandarin Chinese. Spanish is also the official language of 21 countries, making it an important language to learn for both personal and professional reasons.

There are many reasons to learn how to say history in Spanish. For one, it can help you communicate with Spanish speakers from all over the world. Additionally, learning Spanish can also help you better understand the culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries. Additionally, being able to say history in Spanish can also be helpful in a professional setting, as it shows that you are knowledgeable about the language and culture.

Step 1: It Is A Transitive Verb

The word “history” can be translated to Spanish in a few different ways. One way to say it is “la historia.” This is a common translation for the word, and it can be used in many different contexts. Another way to say “history” in Spanish is “el pasado.” This translation is more specific, and it is often used when referring to history in a more academic sense.

Step 2: The Subject Is Always “Historia”

The subject is always “historia.” To say “history” in Spanish, you would say “la historia.” The word “historia” is a feminine noun, so it takes the feminine definite article “la.” When talking about history, you would use the singular form since history is one subject.

Step 3: The Direct Object Can Be A Person, Place, Or Thing

To say “history” in Spanish, you would say “la historia.” The direct object can be a person, place, or thing.

Step 4: There Are Many Ways To Say “To Tell” In Spanish, But The Most Common Is “Contar”

There are many ways to say “to tell” in Spanish, but the most common is “contar”. This verb can be conjugated in many different ways, depending on who is doing the telling and when it is happening. For example, the first person singular form would be “cuento”, while the third person plural form would be “cuentan”. The word “historia” (history) can be used as a noun or adjective, so it can go in many

Step 5: The Past Tense Is Always “Contó”

The past tense is always “contó.” This is the verb meaning “to say” or “to tell.” When talking about history in Spanish, you would use this verb to talk about what happened in the past. For example, you could say “Él contó que pasó por aquí” (He said that he passed through here) or “Ella contó que vio un fantasma” (She said that she saw a ghost).

Frequently Asked Questions

¿Cómo Se Dese A Old In Spanish?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as the way to say “hello” or “goodbye” to someone can vary depending on the region of Spain in which you are speaking. However, some common ways to say “hello” or “goodbye” to an older person in Spanish are “buenos días” or “adiós”.

¿Cómo Se Dice En Inglés Old?

In English, “Old” is pronounced “O-ld”.

To Review

In order to say “history” in Spanish, you would say “historia.” Historia is a feminine noun, so it would be “una historia” if you are referring to one story, and “historias” if you are referring to more than one story.

history → historia, historial, registro, antecedentes, historia clínica.

Then, How do you say history in Spanish?


  1. historia, la ~ (f) Noun.
  2. ciencia histórica, la ~ (f) Noun.

How do you say history in French? history

  1. antécédents, le ~ (m) Noun.
  2. préhistoire, la ~ (f) Noun.
  3. origines, la ~ (f) Noun.

Keeping this in consideration, How do you say what is your medical history in Spanish?

medical history n. historial médico loc nom m.

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  • 14 Where did Herstory come from?
  • 15 What is the root word for history?
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What is words in Spanish?

word noun. words. palabra, vocablo, voz; orden; noticias.

How do you say I love history in French?

English Sentence: I’ve always loved history. French Translation: J’ai toujours aimé l’histoire.

What is history class in French?

history class, the ~ (history lesson) leçon d’histoire, la ~ (f) Noun.

What are the 100 most common Spanish phrases?

These are simple, single-use phrases you can learn quickly.

  • ¡Cuánto tiempo sin verlo(a)! – “Long time no see!”
  • ¡Feliz cumpleaños! – “Happy birthday!”
  • ¡Buena suerte! – “Good luck!”
  • ¡Alto! – “Stop!”
  • ¡Salud! – “Cheers!”
  • Que te mejores – “Get well soon”
  • Buen provecho – “Bon appetit”
  • Cuídate – “Take care”

What are basic words in Spanish?

Basic Spanish Words

  • Hola = Hello.
  • Adiós = Goodbye.
  • Por favor = Please.
  • Gracias = Thank you.
  • Lo siento = Sorry.
  • Salud = Bless you (after someone sneezes)
  • Sí = Yes.
  • No = No.

What are the 2 definitions of history in French?

[ˈhɪstəri ] 1. (= past events) [of country, town, person] histoire f. one of the most dramatic moments in Polish history l’un des moments cruciaux de l’histoire polonaise.

How do you say history in Latin?

History” in Latin is historia , from Greek Ιστορία .

What does science mean in French?

More French words for science. la science noun. knowledge, learning, skill, ken. le savoir noun. knowledge, learning, scholarship.

How do you introduce yourself in Spanish?

Spanish Introductions

  1. The most common way to introduce yourself in Spanish is to say “Me llamo” followed by your name.
  2. Alternatives include “Mi nombre es” or “Soy” followed by your name.
  3. “Hola” can be used for either “hi” or “hello.”

Is callate a bad word?

Cállate may not be very polite, but it’s not rude. An equivalent to “shut up” could be the expression Cállate la boca.

What are the 3 types of history?

What Are The Different Types Of History?

  • Medieval History.
  • Modern History.
  • Art History.

Who is the father of world history?

Herodotus is undoubtedly the “Father of History.” Born in Halicarnassus in Ionia in the 5th century B.C., he wrote “The Histories.” In this text are found his “inquiries” which later became to modern scholars to mean “facts of history.” He is best known for recounting, very objectively, the Greco-Persian wars of the …

What is history one word?

Answer in one line: the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. History also means the whole series of past happenings related with a particular person or period.

Where did Herstory come from?

It originated as an alteration of the word “history”, as part of a feminist critique of conventional historiography, which in their opinion is traditionally written as “his story”, i.e., from the male point of view.

What is the root word for history?

The word history comes from the Ancient Greek ἱστορία (historía), meaning “inquiry”, “knowledge from inquiry”, or “judge”. … History was borrowed from Latin (possibly via Old Irish or Old Welsh) into Old English as stær (“history, narrative, story”), but this word fell out of use in the late Old English period.

Who says no document no history?

He believed this collection would prove that he had been right all along, quoting the words of the French historian Charles Seignobos: “History is made with documents… No documents, no history”. Seignobos was right; so was de Valera.

What is French religion?

noun. religion f. What religion are you? Quelle est votre religion ? the Christian religion la religion chrétienne.

What do you say to Hola?

Hola — Hello

Now you can say, “Hola, buenos días,” or “Hola, buenas tardes.” The h is silent!

How do you introduce yourself in Italian?

Introducing yourself

The simplest greeting is Ciao or Buon giorno, which means Hello or Good Day. Introduce yourself. The two most common ways to introduce are to say Mi chiamo Name (My name is Name) or Sono Name (I’m Name).

Is Vete rude?

Vete a la mierda – Use this one sparingly as it’s very aggressive. Vete a la mierda means you’re telling someone where to go … to hell.

What is callate mean?

cállate means to shut up.

¿Cómo se dice history en español? History in Spanish translation: historia.

La historia se repite. History repeats itself.
No conozco esa historia. I don’t know that story.
La historia nos enseña de los errores que se cometieron en el pasado. History teaches us about the mistakes that were made in the past.
Y así comienza una historia de dolor y venganza. And so begins a story of pain and revenge.
La historia de él es mucho más interesante que la de ella. His story is much more interesting than hers.
Bonita historia. Nice story.
Él escuchó una historia muy diferente. He heard a very different story.
Esta vez había aprendido la lección de su historia. This time he had learned the lesson of history from him.
Una buena historia vale más que cualquier cantidad de dinero. A good story is worth more than any amount of money.
La historia no se ha escrito. History has not been written.
Quería que la historia fluyera como una película en la imaginación del lector. He wanted the story to flow like a movie in the reader’s imagination.
Así qué estabas comprobando mi historia. So you were checking my story.
Esa es una historia famosa. That is a famous story.
¿Cuál es tu historia? What’s your story?
Mi abuela siempre me cuenta una historia distinta cada vez que la visito. My grandmother always tells me a different story every time she visits her.
Esa es una gran historia. That’s a great story.
No recuerdo el final de esa historia. I don’t remember the end of that story.
Le pedí que me contara su historia. I asked him to tell me her story.
Cuéntame la historia completa. Tell me the whole story.
Ellos prefieren redactar la historia de sus propias hazañas. They prefer to write the story of their own exploits.
Es una historia de romance y supervivencia. It is a story of romance and survival.
Ella tuvo qué escuchar una historia muy triste. She had to listen to a very sad story.
La historia era interesante y su lección obvia. The story was interesting and the lesson obvious from it.
Creo que ella debería contarle la historia. I think she should tell him the story.
No quiero escuchar otra historia de un príncipe o princesa. I don’t want to hear another story of a prince or princess.
No entiendo cuál es la moraleja de la historia. I don’t understand what the moral of the story is.
A los niños les encanta esa historia. Children love that story.
En esa estántería hay muchos libros de historia. On that shelf there are many history books.
Mañana te contare la historia con más calma. Tomorrow I will tell you the story more calmly.
Su historia sobre la herencia había sido mentira. Her story about the inheritance had been a lie.
Él siempre le cuenta una historia para dormir. He always tells her a bedtime story.
A ella no le gusta que le haga una historia cuando estudia. She doesn’t like me doing a story for her when he’s studying.
Siempre tiene una historia que contar. She always has a story to tell.
Su asignatura preferida es Historia. Her favorite subject is History.
Ella imparte clases de Historia Universal en la universidad. She teaches World History classes at the university.
Se graduó en Historia hace 25 años. She graduated in History 25 years ago.
Es la historia más absurda que he oído nunca. This is the most absurd story I have ever heard.
Le contó la historia de ese personaje. She told him the story of that character.
Los historiadores conservaron la historia de la iglesia. Historians preserved the history of the church.
Es la historia de una pequeña provincia española. It is the story of a small Spanish province.
Ellos habían creado una nueva historia nacional. They had created a new national history.
En la historia de México hubo períodos en los que la sociedad burguesa se afrancesó. In the history of Mexico there were periods in which bourgeois society became Frenchified.
Esa historia lo hizo afirmarse en su convencimiento sobre aquel tema. That story made him assert himself in her conviction on that subject.
Fue una interpretación de la historia. It was an interpretation of history.
Me pareció que era una historia apasionante. I thought it was an exciting story.
Sus audacias pasaron a la historia. Her audacity went down in history.
Lo que ocurrió ya es historia. What happened is now history.
Esa historia ha tenido muchas adaptaciones. That story has had many adaptations.
Tiene una historia larga y azarosa. It has a long and eventful history.
Él sale muy bien en Matemática y notable en Historia. He does very well in Mathematics and remarkable in History.
La película cuenta la historia de esa guerra. The film tells the story of that war.
Narra una profunda historia de amor. It tells a deep love story.
La historia se repite una y otra vez. History repeats itself over and over again.
Había estudiado con antelación para la evaluación de Historia. She had studied ahead of time for the History test.
¿Te gustó la historia de la abuela? Did you like the story of the grandmother?
Yo siempre tendré una historia que contar. I will always have a story to tell.
Estaba leyendo una historia fantástica. I was reading a fantastic story.
Me quedé dormido mientra veía la historia de Alejandro Magno. I fell asleep while watching the story of Alexander the Great.
Es una historia interesante. It’s an interesting story.
Les podrás contar esa historia a tus nietos. You can tell that story to your grandchildren.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Well, I am not going to let you flunk history.

Bueno, no voy a dejar que te vaya mal en historia.

While she sure is pretty her personal history is just normal.

Mientras que de seguro es hermosa… su historia personal es normal.

His entire medical history was written within the last two weeks.

Todo su historial médico ha sido escrito en las últimas dos semanas.

And you already know my family got a history of arthritis.

Y ya sabes que mi familia tiene un historial por la artritis.

With our history, I thought you meant something else entirely.

Con nuestra historia, pensé que te referías a algo totalmente diferente.

It is a large and important country with a troubled history.

Se trata de un país grande e importante con una historia turbulenta.

That appalling chapter of history must never be forgotten or denied.

Nunca se debe olvidar o negar ese espantoso capítulo de la historia.

Many mandates have been overtaken by the quick pace of history.

Muchos mandatos han sido superados por el acelerado paso de la historia.

In the history of every business, there are decisive moments.

En la historia de todo negocio, hay momentos que son decisivos.

You know, maybe our history for the next hundred years.

Sabes, tal vez nuestra historia en los próximos cientos de años.

That gives it an enormous advantage in the history of life.

Eso le da una enorme ventaja en la historia de la vida.

I advise them to learn from history and their recent actions.

Les aconsejo que aprendan de la historia y de sus recientes acciones.

The whole history of a complaint is documented, where possible.

Cuando es posible, se documenta la historia completa de la denuncia.

Each of these rolling artifacts contains the history of other disasters.

Cada uno de estos artefactos rodantes contiene la historia de otros desastres.

Bigfoots have been sighted throughout history and called by many names…

Bigfoots han sido vistos en la historia y llamado por muchos nombres…

The plant has an extensive history in human and animal nutrition.

La planta tiene una historia extensa en la nutrición humana y animal.

Today’s society is one of the most aggressive in history.

La sociedad actual es una de las más agresivas de la historia.

That single vote changed the course of our country’s history.

Ese voto singular cambió el curso de la historia de nuestro país.

They missed the greatest comeback in the history of that tournament.

Se perdieron el partido más increíble de la historia de ese campeonato.

However, it is history that is still very poorly understood.

Sin embargo, es una historia que todavía no se comprende bien.

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history [ˈhɪstərɪ]


historia (f)

to go down in history pasar a la historia;as como; to make history hacer época; marcar un hito; to know the inner history of an affair conocer el secreto de un asunto; he has a history of psychiatric disorder tiene antecedentes de problemas psiquiátricos; the highest salary in television history el sueldo más alto de la historia de la televisión; a piece of history un trozo or fragmento de la historia

A unique piece of history is going under the auctioneer’s hammer later today in London — a handwritten report on the sinking of the passenger ship, the Lusitania It would be something to show their children and their grandchildren, a piece of history for the family scrapbook

that’s ancient history esa es cosa vieja

the rest is history el resto ya lo sabéis; el resto ya es historia

A job with the company was advertised in the Daily Telegraph. I applied and the rest is history After Saint Laurent left hospital, he was persuaded to start his own fahion house, which he did in 1961. The rest is history

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