The word help as a noun

  • 1

    1. n помощь

    2. n помощник

    3. n преим. амер. работник; слуга; прислуга, домашняя работница

    4. n собир. работники, служащие

    5. n средство, спасение

    6. n разг. вчт. подсказка, диалоговая документация

    7. v помогать, оказывать помощь

    help! — помогите!; на помощь!

    8. v способствовать, содействовать

    help on — способствовать, содействовать, помогать

    help forward — способствовать, содействовать; продвигать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. assistance (noun) advice; aid; assist; assistance; backing; comfort; guidance; hand; lift; relief; secours; service; succor; succour; support

    2. helper (noun) ancilla; assistant; attendant; helper; striker

    4. aid (verb) abet; aid; assist; back; befriend; benefact; cooperate; do for; encourage; help out; serve; stead; succor; support; uphold

    6. ease (verb) ease; expedite; facilitate; foster; further; promote

    8. relieve (verb) alleviate; ameliorate; amend; better; correct; cure; heal; improve; meliorate; relieve; remedy; restore; upgrade

    Антонимический ряд:

    annoy; arrest; attack; bother; check; clog; combat; contradict; contravene; counteract; discourage; embarrass; ensnare; frustrate; hamper; hinder; hindrance; worsen

    English-Russian base dictionary > help

  • 2

    1) помощь; can I be of any help to you? могу я Вам чем-л. помочь?

    2) средство, спасение; there’s no help for it этому нельзя помочь

    3) помощник; Your advice was a great help Ваш совет мне очень помог

    5) служанка, прислуга; mother’s help бонна


    aid, assistance, relief, service, support


    exacerbation, harm, hindrance

    1) помогать; оказывать помощь, содействие; it can’t be helped


    ничего не поделаешь, ничего не попишешь; can’t help it ничего не могу поделать

    2) раздавать, угощать; передавать (за столом); help yourself берите, пожалуйста (сами), не церемоньтесь; may I help you to some meat? позвольте вам предложить мяса

    3) (с модальным глаголом can, could) избежать, удержаться; she can’t help thinking of it она не может не думать об этом; I could not help laughing я не мог удержаться от смеха; я не мог не засмеяться; don’t be longer than you can help не оставайтесь дольше, чем надо

    help down

    help in

    help into

    help off

    help on

    help out

    help over

    help up

    * * *

    2 (v) помогать; помочь

    * * *

    1) помогать; помощь 2) работник, прислуга

    * * *

    [ help]
    помощь, подмога; помощник, прислуга, служанка; средство; спасение, подсказка
    помогать, пособить, оказывать помощь, подсобить, способствовать; подсаживать; угощать; раздавать, передавать; удержаться, избежать

    * * *












    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) поддержка
    2) спасение, средство, источник помощи
    2. гл.
    1) помогать, оказывать содействие (в чем-л. — in, with)
    2) улучшать
    3) содействовать, способствовать (успеху, прогрессу и т. п.)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > help

  • 3
    lady help

    Новый англо-русский словарь > lady help

  • 4
    To-infinitive after adjective or noun











    — Употребление инфинитивного оборота после прилагательных в превосходной степени и слов см. Superlative degree: adjectives, 3.

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > To-infinitive after adjective or noun

  • 5

    1. n поддержка, помощь

    2. n опора, оплот

    3. n кормилец

    4. n средства к существованию

    5. n финансовое обеспечение, содержание

    6. n обеспечение

    7. n воен. материально-техническое обеспечение

    8. n театр. актёр или актриса на вторых или выходных ролях

    9. n жив. основа, основание

    10. n тех. кронштейн

    11. n тех. штатив

    12. n тех. горн. стойка

    13. n тех. суппорт, держатель

    14. n спорт. упор

    15. n спорт. наплыв

    16. n спорт. эк. закупка для поддержания цен, интервенционная скупка

    17. v поддерживать, подпирать

    18. v помогать, поддерживать; содержать

    19. v воен. обеспечивать; обслуживать

    20. v оказывать поддержку; придавать силы

    21. v спорт. быть поклонником

    22. v защищать; помогать, содействовать

    23. v подтверждать, служить доказательством

    24. v выдерживать, выносить, сносить

    25. v театр. играть вторые роли, участвовать в эпизодах

    26. v эк. поддерживать на определённом уровне

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. brace (noun) abutment; brace; buttress; column; crutch; foundation; mainstay; prop; shore; stay; strut; truss; underpinner; underpinning; underpropping

    4. defense (noun) defense; evidence; justification; reasoning

    5. help (noun) aid; assist; assistance; comfort; hand; help; lift; relief; secours; succour

    6. living (noun) alimentation; alimony; bread; bread and butter; keep; livelihood; living; maintenance; provision; salt; subsistence; sustenance; upkeep

    8. advocate (verb) advocate; back; defend; endorse; forward; further; get behind; plump for; side with; stand behind

    9. bear (verb) abide; accept; bear; brook; digest; endure; go; go through; lump; put up with; stand; stick out; stomach; suffer; swallow; sweat out; take; tolerate; undergo

    10. bear up (verb) bear up; bolster; brace; buoy up; buttress; carry; prop; shore up; strengthen; sustain; underprop; upbear

    12. help (verb) abet; aid; assist; help; relieve; succour

    13. maintain (verb) buoy; keep; keep up; maintain; nourish; nurture; provide for

    15. uphold (verb) backstop; hold; hold up; side; uphold

    16. verify (verb) confirm; corroborate; establish; substantiate; verify

    Антонимический ряд:

    betray; block; check; circumvent; counteract; cripple; defeat; desert; destroy; disconcert; discontinue; discourage; dishearten; drop; neglect; oppose; opposition; succumb; superstructure; weaken

    English-Russian base dictionary > support

  • 6

    1. n употребление, использование, применение

    2. n цель, назначение

    3. n польза, толк, выгода

    4. n способность пользования

    5. n право пользования

    actual use — фактическое пользование; фактическое применение

    6. n привычка, обыкновение

    7. n церк. ритуал; чин

    8. v употреблять, пользоваться, применять

    9. v прибегать, пользоваться

    10. v использовать в своих интересах

    11. v потреблять, расходовать

    use up — израсходовать, использовать

    12. v тратить, проводить

    they used thirty days in travelling about 1,000 miles — они потратили 30 дней, чтобы проехать 1000 миль

    13. v обращаться, обходиться; относиться

    14. v приучать

    15. v амер. сл. употреблять наркотики, быть наркоманом

    16. v диал. амер. часто посещать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. account (noun) account; advantage; applicability; appropriateness; avail; benefit; fitness; relevance; serviceability; usefulness; utility

    2. duty (noun) application; duty; function; goal; mark; object; objective; purpose; service; target

    3. exercise (noun) appliance; consumption; employment; exercise; exercising; exertion; manipulation; operation; play; usance; utilisation; utilization

    4. habit (noun) consuetude; custom; habit; habitude; manner; practice; praxis; trick; way; wont

    8. consume (verb) consume; deplete; drain; exhaust; expend; spend; use up; waste

    9. employ (verb) actuate; apply; bestow; employ; implement; make use of; practise; run; utilise; utilize; work

    10. exercise (verb) exercise; manipulate; operate; practice; put to use; wield

    11. exploit (verb) abuse; exploit; impose on; impose upon

    12. habituate (verb) accustom; familiarise; familiarize; habituate; inure; wont

    13. speak (verb) converse in; parley; speak; talk

    14. treat (verb) act toward; behave toward; deal with; handle; manage; play; serve; take; treat

    Антонимический ряд:

    discard; disuse; ignore; suspend

    English-Russian base dictionary > use

  • 7

    1. n помощь; содействие; поддержка

    2. n спец. протез, аппарат

    3. n вспомогательные средства, пособия

    4. n воен. проф. вспомогательные войска

    5. n юр. содействие

    6. n ист. дань вассала своему феодалу

    7. n ист. денежная субсидия королю

    8. n ист. заём в казначействе

    9. n ист. ист. сборы, налоги, пошлины

    10. v помогать, оказывать помощь, поддержку

    first aid — первая помощь; скорая помощь

    11. v содействовать прогрессу, способствовать развитию; облегчать; ускорять

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. assistant (noun) acolyte; aide; aide-de-camp; ancilla; assistant; attendant; coadjutant; coadjutor; colleague; helper; helpmate; lieutenant; servant; striker; supporter

    2. financial assistance (noun) backing; charity; dole; financial assistance; handout; pension; subsidy; welfare

    3. help (noun) assist; assistance; avail; benefit; comfort; furtherance; hand; help; lift; relief; secours; service; succor; succour; support

    4. assist (verb) abet; assist; back; benefact; do for; favor; favour; foster; help; help out; nourish; stead; succor; sustain; uphold

    5. ease (verb) accelerate; bolster; ease; encourage; facilitate; offer succor; pave the way; promote; simplify

    Антонимический ряд:

    counteract; deter; discourage; hinder; hindrance; impede; injure; obstacle; obstruct; obstruction; oppose; thwart

    English-Russian base dictionary > aid

  • 8

    1. n рука, кисть руки

    2. n лапа, передняя нога

    3. n клешня

    4. n указатель

    5. n сторона, направление, положение

    6. n источник

    7. n стрелка

    8. n крыло

    9. n ком. пучок, связка

    10. n ком. окорок

    11. n ком. повод, поводья, узда

    ладонь, хенд

    12. n ком. фактура

    13. a ручной

    14. a сделанный вручную, ручным способом

    15. a переносный

    16. a наручный, для ношения на руке

    17. a вручную

    18. v передавать; вручать

    hand on — передавать дальше; пересылать

    19. v дотрагиваться, касаться

    20. v провести за руку; помочь

    21. v разг. отдавать должное

    you have to hand it to him, he could work — надо отдать ему должное, работать он умел; чего-чего, а умения работать у него не отнимешь

    hand back — возвращать, отдавать в руки

    22. v признать себя побеждённым, уступить

    23. v мор. убрать

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. fist (noun) duke; fingers; fist; grasp; grip; hold; hook; palm; paw

    4. handwriting (noun) calligraphy; chirography; ductus; handwriting; penmanship; script; writing

    5. help (noun) aid; assist; assistance; comfort; guidance; help; instruction; lift; relief; secours; succor; succour; support

    6. side (noun) angle; aspect; facet; flank; phase; respect; side

    8. workman (noun) employee; helper; hired hand; laborer; labourer; operative; roustabout; worker; workhand; workingman; workman; workpeople

    9. deliver (verb) assign; bequeath; deliver; give to; hand on; return; transfer

    10. give (verb) dish out; dispense; feed; find; furnish; give; hand over; provide; supply; turn over

    11. pass (verb) buck; convey; pass; reach; send; transmit

    Антонимический ряд:

    derision; hindrance

    English-Russian base dictionary > hand

  • 9

    1. n поднятие, подъём

    2. n подъём, воодушевление

    3. n тех. движение вверх; ход вверх

    4. n повышение, продвижение

    5. n возвышенность, высокое место

    6. n разг. кража

    7. n подъёмник, лифт; подъёмная машина

    8. n стр. клетка подъёмника

    9. n физ. подъёмная сила

    10. n воен. перенос огня

    11. n подъём партнёрши

    12. n посыл мяча в воздух

    13. n поддержка

    14. n преим. воен. воздушный мост

    15. n гидр. водяной столб; высота напора; высота всасывания

    16. v возвышать, поднимать

    17. v воодушевлять, поднимать настроение

    18. v редк. давать повышение

    19. v подниматься на волнах

    20. v подниматься, исчезать

    21. v рассеиваться, проходить

    22. v амер. временно прекращаться

    23. v вздуваться, коробиться

    24. v снимать

    25. v отменять, снимать

    26. v копать; снимать урожай

    27. v разг. красть, уносить незаметно

    28. v разг. совершать плагиат

    29. v разг. изымать

    30. v разг. делать пластическую операцию подтягивания кожи

    31. v разг. амер. ликвидировать задолженность

    to lift a mortgage — выкупить посылать мяч в воздух; поднимать мяч с грунта

    32. v разг. воен. переносить огонь

    33. v разг. горн. подрывать

    Синонимический ряд:

    5. help (noun) aid; assist; assistance; comfort; hand; help; relief; secours; succor; support

    6. inspiration (noun) animation; elation; exaltation; exhilaration; inspiration; uplift

    8. theft (noun) larceny; pinch; purloining; steal; stealage; stealing; theft; thievery; thieving

    11. cheer (verb) animate; buoy; cheer; elate; exhilarate; inspire; inspirit; perk up

    14. elevate (verb) boost; elevate; heave; hoist; hold up; pick up; raise; rear; take up; uphold; uplift; upraise

    15. revoke (verb) cancel; dismantle; recall; repeal; rescind; reverse; revoke; withdraw

    16. rise (verb) arise; ascend; aspire; mount; rise; soar; up; uprear

    17. steal (verb) abstract; annex; appropriate; cabbage; collar; cop; filch; hook; nab; nim; nip; pilfer; pillage; pinch; pocket; purloin; smouch; snitch; steal; swipe; thieve; vulture

    Антонимический ряд:

    crush; dash; debase; decline; degrade; depress; drop; hurl; invoke; letdown; lower; overwhelm; return; settle; sink

    English-Russian base dictionary > lift

  • 10

    1. n облегчение, утешение

    2. n снижение; смягчение

    3. n разнообразие, перемена; контраст

    4. n помощь

    5. n пособие

    outdoor relief — пособия неимущим, живущим самостоятельно

    6. n подкрепление, выручка; помощь

    relief party — отряд, пришедший на выручку; спасательная партия

    7. n воен. снятие осады; действие по деблокировке

    8. n смена дежурных, караульных; освобождение от дежурства или обязанностей

    9. n смена, дежурный или дежурные, заступающие на пост

    10. n юр. освобождение

    11. n ист. платёж нового арендатора помещику при переходе к нему прав наследственной аренды

    12. n геогр. рельеф, характер местности

    13. n чёткость, отчётливость; контраст

    14. n выделение, подчёркивание

    15. n тех. задний угол заточки

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. assistance (noun) allayment; alleviation; assistance; assuagement; dole; easement; handout; mitigation; redress; remission; welfare

    3. contour (noun) configuration; contour; embossment; frieze; intaglio; projection

    4. help (noun) aid; assist; hand; help; lift; maintenance; secours; succor; succour; support

    6. satisfaction (noun) cheer; comfort; contentment; ease; relaxation; release; satisfaction

    Антонимический ряд:

    aggravation; burden; disapproval; discomfort; discouragement; exhaustion; hindrance; impediment; incubus; intensity; interference; obstruction; oppression; restriction

    English-Russian base dictionary > relief

  • 11

    1. n утешение, поддержка

    2. n успокоение, покой; отдых

    3. n комфорт, уют; благополучие, хорошие условия

    4. n обыкн. удобства

    5. n амер. стёганое одеяло

    6. v утешать, успокаивать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. calm (noun) calm; leisure; peace; quiet; repose; rest; serenity; tranquility; tranquillity

    2. consolation (noun) compassion; condolence; consolation; encouragement; satisfaction; solace; succour; upraise

    3. ease (noun) abundance; contentment; creature comforts; ease; luxury; opulence; plenty; prosperity; prosperousness; relaxation; sufficiency

    5. help (noun) aid; assist; assistance; hand; help; lift; relief; secours; succor; support

    6. console (verb) buck up; calm; condole; console; grieve with; pacify; reassure; solace; soothe; succor; succour; upraise

    7. relieve (verb) allay; alleviate; assuage; ease; lessen; lighten; mitigate; palliate; relieve

    8. satisfy (verb) bolster; cheer; gratify; nourish; pamper; refresh; revitalise; revitalize; revive; satisfy

    Антонимический ряд:

    afflict; aggravate; agitate; annoy; bother; discomfort; discommode; discouragement; distress; incommode; irritate; irritation; poverty; provoke; sorrow; torment; torture; trouble

    English-Russian base dictionary > comfort

  • 12

    1. n воззвание, обращение, призыв

    2. n просьба, мольба

    3. n привлекательность, притягательность, очарование

    sex appeal — сексапильность, сексуальная привлекательность

    4. n юр. обжалование, жалоба; апелляция

    5. n юр. юр. право апелляции

    6. n юр. спорт. апелляция к судье

    7. n юр. редк. применение, употребление

    8. v апеллировать, взывать; обращаться с призывом

    9. v просить, молить, умолять

    10. v привлекать, интересовать; волновать, трогать

    11. v ссылаться; аргументировать

    12. v юр. обжаловать, апеллировать, подавать апелляционную жалобу

    13. v прибегать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. application (noun) application; claim; counterclaim; legal recourse; motion; request; solicitation

    2. attraction (noun) allure; allurement; attraction; attractiveness; charisma; charm; draw; drawing power; enchantment; fascination; glamour; interest; lure; magnetism; pull; seduction; seductiveness; witchcraft; witchery

    4. entreaty (noun) bid; entreaty; imploration; importunity; imprecation; invocation; orison; petition; prayer; suit; supplication

    5. appeal to (verb) appeal to; engage; entice; excite; interest; intrigue; invite; tempt

    6. apply (verb) address; apply; approach; contest; motion; reopen; resort; retry; review; sue

    7. beg (verb) adjure; ask; beg; beseech; brace; conjure; crave; entreat; implore; importune; invoke; plead; plead with; pray; request; supplicate

    9. pull (verb) allure; attract; draw; fascinate; lure; magnetise; pull

    Антонимический ряд:

    demand; deny; deprecate; disavow; disclaim; disgust; protest; recall; refuse; renounce; repulsion

    English-Russian base dictionary > appeal

  • 13

    1. n лекарство, средство

    2. n лечение; курс лечения

    3. n излечение

    4. n церк. приход; паства

    5. n церк. попечение

    6. n спец. вулканизация

    7. n спец. отверждение

    8. n спец. выдержка

    9. v вылечивать, излечивать, исцелять

    10. v вылечиться, излечиться, исцелиться

    11. v заготовлять впрок; консервировать; солить, сушить, вялить

    12. v спец. вулканизировать

    13. v спец. отверждать

    14. v спец. выдерживать

    15. n сл. странный тип, чудак

    16. n церк. кюре

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. help (noun) aid; assistance; counteractive; help; redress; relief; reparation

    2. remedy (noun) antidote; corrective; counteractant; counteragent; countermeasure; counterstep; curative; medicament; medicant; medication; medicine; nostrum; panacea; pharmacon; physic; remedy; restorative; specific; therapeutic

    3. dry (verb) dry; keep; pickle; preserve; salt; smoke

    4. medicate (verb) attend; doctor; dose; drug; medicate; minister to; nurse; physic; treat

    5. remedy (verb) correct; heal; help; make well; rectify; relieve; remedy; repair; restore; right

    Антонимический ряд:

    complaint; confirmation; contagion; corruption; disease; harm

    English-Russian base dictionary > cure

  • 14

    1. n помощь, содействие

    2. n вспомоществование, пособие

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. aid (noun) aid; avail; benefit; compensation; facilitation; furtherance; service; utility

    2. alms (noun) alms; charity; contribution; relief; subsidy; support

    3. help (noun) assist; comfort; hand; help; lift; secours; succor; succour

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > assistance

  • 15

    1. n поддержка; одобрение; подкрепление

    2. n собир. сторонники

    3. n укрепление, закрепление

    4. n опора, подпорка

    5. n тех. вкладыш подшипника; опора

    6. n муз. сопровождение солиста, аккомпанемент

    7. n субсидирование; финансирование

    8. n фин. покрытие, обеспечение

    backing of gold, gold backing — покрытие золотом, золотое обеспечение

    9. n обратная сторона, оборот; изнанка

    10. n подкладка

    11. n спинка

    12. n кино задник

    13. n отступление; попятное движение, обратный ход, задний ход

    14. n тех. реверсирование; движение в обратную сторону

    15. n объездка лошади

    16. n посадка на лошадь

    17. n полигр. печатание на оборотной стороне листа

    18. n полигр. кругление корешка книжного блока

    19. n полигр. редк. замедление, задержка, запаздывание

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. help (noun) abetting; aid; assistance; encouragement; help; relief; subsidy; support

    2. patronage (noun) aegis; auspices; patronage; patronisation; sponsorship

    3. security (noun) assurance; collateral; guaranty; insurance; protection; security; surety

    4. backing (verb) attesting; authenticating; backing; bear out; confirming; corroborating; justifying; substantiating; testifying; validating; verifying; warranting

    8. receding (verb) backtracking; fall back; falling back; receding; retracting; retreating; retroceding; retrograding; retrogressing

    9. supporting (verb) advocating; championing; get behind; plump for; side with; siding with; stand behind; supporting; upholding

    English-Russian base dictionary > backing

  • 16

    помощь; приходить на помощь

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. help (noun) aid; assist; assistance; comfort; hand; help; lift; relief; secours; strength; support; sustenance

    2. assist (verb) assist; comfort; nurture; support; sustain

    Антонимический ряд:

    hindrance; negligence

    English-Russian base dictionary > succor

  • 17

    1. n амер. разг. помощь

    2. n тех. вспомогательный механизм

    3. n спорт. результативная передача

    4. v помогать, содействовать

    5. v помогать, поддерживая

    6. v принимать участие; ассистировать

    7. v ирон. только присутствовать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. help (noun) aid; assistance; comfort; hand; help; lift; relief; secours; succor; succour; support

    2. aid (verb) abet; aid; attend; back; befriend; benefact; do for; favor; favour; foster; help; help out; maintain; nourish; promote; relieve; serve; stead; succor; support; sustain; uphold

    Антонимический ряд:

    counteract; hinder; impede; obstruct

    English-Russian base dictionary > assist

  • 18

    1. n польза, выгода

    2. n обыкн. амер. ком. вырученная от продажи сумма

    3. v быть полезным, выгодным, пригодным; помогать

    4. v дать, предоставить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. help (noun) aid; assistance; furtherance; help; purpose; relief; succor; succour; support

    2. use (noun) account; advantage; applicability; appropriateness; benefit; fitness; profit; relevance; service; serviceability; use; usefulness; utility

    3. benefit (verb) advantage; benefit; profit; serve; work for

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > avail

  • 19

    1. n корректив, поправка, частичное исправление или изменение

    2. n фарм. корригирующее средство, корригент

    3. a исправительный

    4. a фарм. корригирующий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. effecting correction (adj.) curative; effecting correction; healing; optical; prescribed; reformatory; remedial; restorative

    2. help (noun) aid; assistance; help; redress; relief; reparation

    3. remedy (noun) antidote; counteractant; counteractive; counteragent; countermeasure; counterstep; curative; cure; remedy

    English-Russian base dictionary > corrective

  • 20

    1. a противодействующий

    2. a нейтрализующий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. help (noun) aid; assistance; help; medicine; preventive; redress; relief; reparation

    2. remedy (noun) antidote; corrective; counteractant; counteragent; countermeasure; counterstep; cure; remedy

    English-Russian base dictionary > counteractive

  • types:

    show 81 types…
    hide 81 types…

    an assistant to a bishop

    accomplice, confederate

    a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan)

    aide, auxiliary

    someone who acts as an assistant

    attendant, attender, tender

    someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another

    bat boy

    (baseball) a boy who takes care of bats and other baseball equipment

    dental assistant

    an assistant to a dentist

    deputy, lieutenant

    an assistant with power to act when his superior is absent

    actor’s assistant, dresser

    a wardrobe assistant for an actor

    event planner

    someone who plans social events as a profession (usually for government or corporate officials)


    someone who makes progress easier

    flower girl

    a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession

    girl Friday

    a female assistant who has a range of duties

    enforcer, hatchet man

    one whose job it is to execute unpleasant tasks for a superior

    cat’s-paw, instrument, pawn

    a person used by another to gain an end

    birthing coach, doula, labor coach, monitrice

    an assistant (often the father of the soon-to-be-born child) who provides support for a woman in labor by encouraging her to use techniques learned in childbirth-preparation classes


    an assistant or second-in-command to a chief (especially in a crime syndicate)

    fashion model, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin, model

    a woman who wears clothes to display fashions

    model, poser

    a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor


    a trained worker who is not a member of a profession but who assists a professional

    powder monkey

    someone who carries explosives (as from the magazine to the guns on board a warship)

    prompter, theater prompter

    someone who assists a performer by providing the next words of a forgotten speech

    chief assistant, man Friday, right-hand man

    the most helpful assistant

    secretarial assistant, secretary

    an assistant who handles correspondence and clerical work for a boss or an organization


    (Church of England) an assistant to the churchwarden; collects offerings of money in the church

    foot soldier, subordinate, subsidiary, underling

    an assistant subject to the authority or control of another

    water boy, waterer

    an assistant who supplies drinking water


    huntsman’s assistant in managing the hounds


    one paid to accompany or assist or live with another

    artist’s model, sitter

    a person who poses for a painter or sculptor


    a person with subordinate membership in a society, institution, or commercial enterprise


    an attendant who takes care of baggage


    an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer

    bellboy, bellhop, bellman

    someone employed to carry luggage and run errands in a hotel

    bottom dog

    a person of low status

    bridesmaid, maid of honor

    an unmarried woman who attends the bride at a wedding

    caddie, golf caddie

    an attendant who carries the golf clubs for a player


    an attendant who checks coats or baggage


    a subordinate who performs an important but routine function


    an attendant at the court of a sovereign


    the attendant (usually an officer of a nobleman’s household) whose duty is to fill and serve cups of wine

    decoy, steerer

    a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)

    dressmaker’s model

    someone who models dresses


    a personal attendant of the British royal family


    an attendant who is employed to accompany someone


    (Middle Ages) an attendant and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood

    executive secretary

    a secretary having administrative duties and responsibilities


    a close attendant (as to a scholar)


    a young male attendant on a Scottish Highlander chief


    a male attendant of the bridegroom at a wedding

    lifeguard, lifesaver

    an attendant employed at a beach or pool to protect swimmers from accidents

    linkboy, linkman

    (formerly) an attendant hired to carry a torch for pedestrians in dark streets


    an attendant who loads guns for someone shooting game


    a male subordinate

    matron of honor

    a married woman serving as the attendant to the bride at a wedding

    nurse’s aide, nursing aide

    someone who assists a nurse in tasks that require little formal training

    hospital attendant, orderly

    a male hospital attendant who has general duties that do not involve the medical treatment of patients


    a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer

    page, varlet

    in medieval times a youth acting as a knight’s attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood


    a youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings

    legal assistant, paralegal

    a person with specialized training who assists lawyers

    paramedic, paramedical

    a person trained to assist medical professionals and to give emergency medical treatment

    photographer’s model

    a model who poses for photographers


    an attendant who puts pool or billiard balls into a rack


    a secretary whose main duty is to answer the telephone and receive visitors


    an attendant who rocks a child in a cradle


    the official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boxing match

    second banana, second fiddle

    someone who serves in a subordinate capacity or plays a secondary role


    someone who relieves a commander


    someone who performs the duties of an attendant for someone else

    social secretary

    a personal secretary who handles your social correspondence and appointments


    a young nobleman attendant on a knight

    gallant, squire

    a man who attends or escorts a woman

    amanuensis, shorthand typist, stenographer

    someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation)

    flight attendant, steward

    an attendant on an airplane

    litter-bearer, stretcher-bearer

    one who helps carry a stretcher


    a fashion model who has attained the status of a celebrity


    one who holds up the train of a gown or robe on a ceremonial occasion


    (Roman Catholic Church) an administrative deputy who assists a bishop


    a regent’s deputy

    arouser, rouser, waker

    someone who rouses others from sleep


    someone employed to park and retrieve cars

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    We’re Here to Help

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    The word “help” can be used as a verb and as a noun.

    We’re Here to Help

    Below you’ll find synonyms for the word “help.”

    Synonyms: Abet, aid, assist, support

    What Does “Help” Mean, and What Other Words Can I Use Instead?

    Definition Example Sentence Synonyms
    (verb) to give assistance or support My sister will help the children with their homework while I cook dinner. abet, aid, assist, back, support
    (verb) to improve/relieve, make pleasant or more bearable. I was told to use a walking boot to help the pain. alleviate, ease, relieve, soothe
    (verb) to refrain from or keep from occurring We couldn’t help but cry in a happy embrace when we first saw each other again. refrain from, avoid, avert, prevent
    (verb) to serve someone (with food or drink) or to take for oneself We were told to help ourselves, so I grabbed all the snacks I could fit on my plate. serve
    (noun) a source of aid, remedy, or relief The restaurant was busy, so I needed help from my coworker. assistance, aid, support, guidance

    The word “help” is often used as a phrasal verb: help out.

    He wanted to help out, but instead, he was making things more complicated.

    “Help!” is a famous song by The Beatles.

    How Else Can I Ask for “Help?”

    Explicitly asking for help may seem daunting to some. Here are other ways to ask for help:

    Could you give me a hand?

    Do you mind lending me a hand?

    I need some assistance.

    Can you do me a favor and…?

    I need a helping hand, please.

    How Else Can the Word “Help” Be Used?

    1) To say that someone is helpful is to say that they’re “giving or ready to give help.”

    When I first transferred here from LSU, Jackson was extremely helpful in showing me around campus.

    2) Helping is the gerund or present participle of the verb form of help.

    He was helping her move in.

    3) However, helping can also mean “a portion (usually of food) or allocation.”

    She had two helpings of rice and beans.

    Other Words for Help

    Everyone can use a little help every once in a while. LanguageTool, for example, is a writing assistant that can help you make sure your writing is free of spelling and grammar mistakes. It can also easily provide synonyms and suggest stylistic improvements.

    Unleash the Professional Writer in You With LanguageTool

    Go well beyond grammar and spell checking. Impress with clear, precise, and stylistically flawless writing instead.

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    We Value Your Feedback

    We’ve made a mistake, forgotten about an important detail, or haven’t managed to get the point across? Let’s help each other to perfect our writing.

    For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

    The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

    Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

    Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

    Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

    «Helps» is not commonly used as the plural form of help.

    Places where we can use ‘helps’ is for 3rd person present tense.

    Consider the following example:(taken from

    Howie is a very good guy who helps catch the bad ones.

    Help can be used either as a verb or noun depending on the context, but not usually used as plural form.

    There may be very few exceptions (source: Wiktionary)

    help ‎(usually uncountable, plural helps)

    (usually uncountable) Something or someone which provides assistance with a task.

    I’ve printed out a list of math helps.

    Usage Notes:

    The sense «people employed to help in the maintenance of a house» is usually an uncountable mass noun. A countable form — «a hired help», «two hired helps» — is attested, but now less common.

    Hence except for study helps and house helps it is not used in other cases in general.

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