The word healthy means

Other forms: healthier; healthiest

Healthy means having good health. It’s the opposite of sick, but also can mean «doing well» in a general sense. You can have a healthy attitude, or be served a healthy portion of food.

Health is one of the most fundamental human concerns. The ubiquitous «How are you?» is often asking after a person’s health. To remember healthy think of the proverb: «Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wealthy and wise.»

Definitions of healthy

  1. adjective

    having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease

    “a rosy
    healthy baby”

    “staying fit and



    physically and mentally sound or healthy

    flushed, rose-cheeked, rosy, rosy-cheeked

    having the pinkish flush of health


    vigorously healthy


    possessing the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue

    good, sound

    in excellent physical condition

    hale, whole

    exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health


    consuming abundantly and with gusto

    full-blooded, hearty, lusty, red-blooded

    endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health


    not affected by jaundice


    of plants that flourish in a rocky environment

    florid, rubicund, ruddy, sanguine

    inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life


    (of plants) flourishing in strong sunlight


    (of plants) flourishing with lots of water


    used of older persons who are healthy


    sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind


    sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction


    in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury


    conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being

    see moresee less



    not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind


    not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition


    severely inflamed and painful

    arthritic, creaky, rheumatic, rheumatoid, rheumy

    of or pertaining to arthritis

    asthmatic, wheezing, wheezy

    relating to breathing with a whistling sound

    bad, unfit, unsound

    physically unsound or diseased

    blebby, blistery

    covered with small blisters

    intumescent, puffy, tumescent, tumid, turgid

    abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas


    (of an eye) reddened as a result of locally congested blood vessels; inflamed

    cankerous, ulcerated, ulcerous

    having an ulcer or canker

    carbuncled, carbuncular

    afflicted with or resembling a carbuncle


    (of teeth) affected with cavities or decay


    of damaged or necrotic tissue; cheeselike


    having chilblains

    colicky, flatulent, gassy

    suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal


    of or relating to or characterized by greatly enlarged cells


    suffering from excessive loss of water from the body

    diseased, morbid, pathologic, pathological

    caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology

    dropsical, edematous

    swollen with an excessive accumulation of fluid


    larger than normal

    foaming, foamy, frothing

    producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease

    gangrenous, mortified

    suffering from tissue death


    resulting from inflammation; hot and swollen and reddened


    characterized or caused by inflammation

    ingrowing, ingrown

    growing abnormally into the flesh

    icteric, jaundiced, yellow

    affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc

    membrane-forming, membranous

    characterized by formation of a membrane (or something resembling a membrane)


    affected by a disorder of the mind

    pro-inflammatory, proinflammatory

    tending to cause inflammation

    sallow, sickly

    unhealthy looking


    having sore eyes; suffering from pinkeye or conjunctivitis

    sunburned, sunburnt

    suffering from overexposure to direct sunlight


    abnormally swollen or knotty

    windburned, windburnt

    suffering from windburn


    physically weak

    ill, sick

    affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function


    detrimental to physical or moral well-being

    show more antonyms…

  2. adjective

    promoting health; healthful

    healthy diet”

    healthy air”

    “plenty of
    healthy sleep”

    healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy”


    good for you, salubrious


    conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being

  3. adjective

    exercising or showing good judgment

    healthy scepticism”

    healthy fear of rattlesnakes”

    healthy attitude of French laws”

    healthy relations between labor and management”


    intelligent, level-headed, levelheaded, sound

    reasonable, sensible

    showing reason or sound judgment

  4. adjective

    large in amount or extent or degree


    goodish, goodly, hefty, respectable, sizable, sizeable, tidy


    large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree

  5. adjective

    financially secure and functioning well

    healthy economy”



    financially secure and safe

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘healthy’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Commonly confused words

healthful / healthy

Healthful describes something that will create good health, like apples, yoga, and fresh air. Healthy describes someone fit, trim, and utterly not sick.

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здоровый, полезный, здравый, значительный, разумный, жизнеспособный, безопасный


- здоровый

healthy appetite — здоровый аппетит
to be strong and healthy — быть сильным и здоровым
to be of healthy constitution — иметь здоровый /крепкий/ организм
to have a healthy look — иметь здоровый вид
to have a healthy colour — иметь цветущий вид

- здоровый, жизнеспособный, процветающий

healthy economy — процветающая экономика
a healthy footing — здоровая основа
a healthy sign — хороший /обнадёживающий/ признак
the healthy state of a nation’s finances [trade, industry] — хорошее состояние финансов [торговли, промышленности] страны
to make healthier — оздоровлять

- здравый, разумный

healthy views — здравые взгляды
healthy judg(e)ment — здравое /разумное/ суждение /мнение/

- полезный, здоровый

healthy exercise — полезный моцион
healthy air [climate] — здоровый воздух [климат]
a healthy life /way of living/ — здоровый образ жизни
to lead a healthy life — вести здоровый образ жизни
healthy criticism — здоровая критика
healthy influence — благотворное влияние
healthy reading for the young — полезное чтение для молодых людей

- безопасный

not a healthy spot to be in at that time — в такое время там небезопасно

- разг. большой, огромный; сильный, энергичный

healthy cheque — чек на крупную сумму
healthy yells — энергичные /громкие/ возгласы

Мои примеры


trying a more healthy approach — попытка применения более здравого подхода  
a healthy tree with no deadwood — здоровое дерево без сухих веток  
a healthy baby born at full term — здоровый ребёнок, родившийся в срок  
a healthy environment — здоровое окружение  
a healthy glow on her cheeks — здоровый румянец на её щеках  
economically healthy state — экономически процветающее государство  
healthy bank account — крупный счёт в банке  
healthy / strong heart — здоровое, сильное сердце  
healthy organism — здоровый организм  
healthy / hearty appetite — здоровый аппетит  
healthy lifestyle — здоровый образ жизни  
healthy cell — работоспособный элемент  

Примеры с переводом

He has a healthy appetite.

У него здоровой аппетит.

Smoking is not healthy for you.

Курение опасно для вашего здоровья.

Her face had a healthy glow.

Её лицо сияло здоровьем.

Eat right to stay healthy.

Чтобы быть здоровым, нужно правильно питаться.

These salads are delicious besides being healthy.

Помимо того, что эти салаты полезны для здоровья, они также очень вкусные.

He has been healthy ever since.

С тех пор он всё время здоров.

A healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day.

Полезный завтрак — хороший способ начать день.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She had a healthy glow in her cheeks.

I like to eat a healthy lunch every day.

Let’s just say he’s got a healthy appetite.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

health  — здоровье, самочувствие, здравие, санитарный, гигиенический
healthful  — здоровый, целебный
unhealthy  — нездоровый, вредный, больной, болезненный, опасный
healthiness  — целебность, целительное свойство, полезность для здоровья, условия
healthless  — болезненный, нездоровый, вредный для здоровья, нездоровый, некрепкий, слабый

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): healthier
прев. степ. (superlative): healthiest

Of course, the company is mindful of chip-munchers who may equate the term «healthy snacks» with «tastes like cardboard.» ❋ Mike Esterl (2011)

With three daughters already at home, my husband and I had always tried to avoid using the word diet, preferring instead to use the phrase healthy eating. ❋ Gigi Schweikert (2005)

There is also what he calls a healthy competition among companies to become and appear more green. ❋ Unknown (2010)

You will also eat what I call healthy and clean meals. ❋ JJ Virgin (2010)

Putting the industrys present and future in its most positive light, he said the CRM industry was in what he called a healthy transition. ❋ Emily Yellin (2009)

To the point that you all have to support the same football team (soccer team) and hate all other teams and British cities, in what we call healthy rivalries? ❋ Unknown (2008)

MARSH: Hard time or not, Chloe says she’s going through with it to give other curvy girls hope and to promote what she calls a healthy and realistic body image. ❋ Unknown (2008)

VAN MARSH: Hard time or not, Chloe says she’s going through this to give other curvy girls hope and to promote what she calls a healthy and realistic body image. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Norris, a 29-year-old nonpracticing attorney with a law degree from Southern Methodist University, is cheerfully open about swinging, which she describes as a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle for couples. ❋ Unknown (2007)

But in what I describe as the healthy party of the economy: manufacturing, services, etc., the free market part of the economy. ❋ Unknown (2006)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, that’s what I call a healthy girl. ❋ Unknown (2004)

She has achieved what I call healthy sleep-arousal balance. ❋ M.D. Mel Levine (2002)

Memela said that often the national political debate — which he described as healthy for a growing democracy — was interpreted as ❋ Unknown (2000)

Nkadimeng said the student bodies would challenge a renewal of the court order, saying a ban on protest action was not conducive to what he called a healthy atmosphere on campus. ❋ Unknown (1996)

[I’m sick] of [townies], dude, [let’s go] find some healthy boys. ❋ Shakeitdontbreakit (2006)

[Ethel]: «So [doc], what’s the news?»
Doctor: «[To be honest] with you, your health isn’t good at all. In fact, you’re extremely healthy ❋ Nick D (2004)

John: Dude, did you watch [that game] last night?
[Fred]: Yeah mean, it was so healthy, it was [organic]!! ❋ John Miller III (2011)

[Many], that [air] was healthy! ❋ Claire (2003)

Bro: [Ay yo] did you know Tyrone got beat up by a dude throwing [a potato] at him?!
You: [That’s healthy] ❋ Potatoes_are_awesome (2019)

Love to see people’s [healthies] and progress on their [fitness] journey! Especially ones that show a great looking body part!
I love it when Natalie posts healthies of herself in [yoga pants]! ❋ Obecian (2014)

Bro #1: Dude, check out the [chic] [in the blue]!
Bro #2: Man, she’s so fucking [healthy]. ❋ Toomanytrees (2011)

[Roger that] [dunk] you had last night was [healthy]! ❋ Michael Jordan Illuminati You (2010)

Dom: «Look at the fucking Healthies on that slut!»
Fornelli: «You should [motorboat] the fuck out of them like you did at [the Rhino]!!»
Dom: «Those are some [massive mammaries] son!» ❋ PuppyKrusher (2011)

that [pig] is [going out] with a [jellyfish], Thats not healthy ❋ … (2003)

The term «healthy» in the nutrition world has, in many cases, come to be a euphemism for morality with food. You’re «good» if you eat vegetables and you’re «bad» if you eat cake. The word «healthy» is also used as a way to describe and categorize bodies. You’re body is considered healthy if it looks a certain way and unhealthy if it doesn’t fit neatly into certain categories. The word healthy has been oversimplified and misused by media and so-called health gurus, and the word is practically meaningless to us now. No wonder we’re confused about what the word healthy actually means!

I argue we should reclaim this word and use it in the way it’s intended: the word simply means promoting good health.

When you think of it that way, it’s easy to see how broad the definition of the word health really is. There are infinite things in life that are health-promoting: a walk on a summer night after a long work day to unwind, sipping hot chocolate while watching your loved ones open gifts during the holidays and even roasting marshmallows over an open fire while camping with your family. When we think of the word «healthy» for what it truly is, it’s easy to see how reducing it down to good and bad, right and wrong with specific foods is doing a serious injustice to the word. There’s so much more to it!

There is no one food that promotes health. Consistently providing your body with a wide variety of foods in balance with each other is when a person can enjoy a health-promoting way of eating.

Healthy means so much more than just what we put in our mouth—it also encompasses what we allow to dwell in our minds and how we engage in our own self-care. For that reason, sometimes eating foods that others may deem «unhealthy» might just be the healthiest choice you can make in that moment, because maybe enjoying that food in that moment is a chance to connect with someone you love, or enjoy a pleasurable eating experience. Connection and pleasure have a time and place with eating and can enhance our health when those values are in balance with other values around food such as balance.

The word healthy is not the way your body looks or the size of your jeans. Healthy is not avoiding certain foods and only eating foods deemed «good». Healthy is not obsession and rigid food rules in the name of obtaining a certain body size.

Healthy is keeping all areas of wellness and life in mind as you navigate your self-care and time spent on important tasks. Being healthy means you carve out time and energy to find hobbies, people and work that fulfills you, uplifts you and enhances your ability to be the best person you can be. Being healthy includes a balanced way of eating, but there’s more to promoting good health than food alone.

There is so much more to health than pursuing perfect nutrition (side note: it doesn’t exist). Getting caught up in nutrition and eating as the end-all, be-all of health is a seriously short-sighted way to view such an important and encompassing concept.

We do ourselves a serious disservice to boil down the definition or criteria for health to food alone. Sure, our choices about what we eat over time can positively or negatively affect our health. But, just like it’s pretty laughable to call ourselves healthy for eating a cucumber one day, it’s also pretty laughable to call ourselves unhealthy for eating some cake one day, too.

Resist the urge to oversimplify health. Allow it to be the messy and complex concept it is and take your time to discover what it looks like for you. Find ways to balance the things in life that make you feel whole and well, and notice how much easier the facet of health called nutrition and eating becomes when life is in balance in all areas of health that enhance your well-being.

This article was originally published on

#health #cooking #nutrition #positivenutrition #bodypositivity


The company is financially healthy.

always a hard worker, Grandma has remained healthy into her 80s

Recent Examples on the Web

Yanks stay mostly healthy and make the ALCS.

Daniel Kohn, SPIN, 29 Mar. 2023

The Mets will look quite potent in October if both Justin Verlander and Max Scherzer are healthy.

Michael Shapiro, Chron, 29 Mar. 2023

The other challenge for Jackson and Eichenberg is staying healthy.

David Furones, Sun Sentinel, 28 Mar. 2023

If Smith can stay healthy, he’s set up for success in Cincinnati and his former head coach believes he’s destined for it.

The Enquirer, 28 Mar. 2023

Can Turner, who is 38 years old, stay healthy?

Julian Mcwilliams,, 28 Mar. 2023

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals that the body needs to stay healthy, said Candace Pumper, MS, RD, LD, a staff dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Alyssa Hui, Verywell Health, 27 Mar. 2023

Well, only Cole and Cortes stayed healthy, with Severino the latest to go down with a lat strain.

Bob Nightengale, USA TODAY, 26 Mar. 2023

The Angels have boosted their lineup and bolstered their depth with the additions of Hunter Renfroe, Brandon Drury and Gio Urshela, and corner infielders Anthony Rendon and Jared Walsh are healthy.

Mike Digiovanna, Los Angeles Times, 26 Mar. 2023

Even with Johnson back healthy this year, Auburn chose to address the center position in the transfer portal, bringing in the top available center on the market in Jones, who spent the last three seasons at Eastern Carolina.

Tom Green |, al, 26 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘healthy.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

  • 1

    1) здоро́вый

    2) поле́зный (для здоро́вья)

    4) жизнеспосо́бный;



    большо́й, значи́тельный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > healthy

  • 2

    HEALTHY, HEALTHFUL – см. [ref dict=»Difficulties (Ru-En)»]здоровый[/ref]

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > healthy

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > healthy

  • 4


    1. 1) здоровый

    to be of healthy constitution — иметь здоровый /крепкий/ организм

    2) здоровый, жизнеспособный, процветающий

    a healthy sign — хороший /обнадёживающий/ признак

    the healthy state of a nation’s finances [trade, industry] — хорошее состояние финансов [торговли, промышленности] страны

    3) здравый, разумный

    healthy judg(e)ment — здравое /разумное/ суждение /мнение/

    2. 1) полезный, здоровый

    healthy air [climate] — здоровый воздух [климат]

    a healthy life /way of living/ — здоровый образ жизни

    2) безопасный


    большой, огромный; сильный, энергичный

    healthy yells — энергичные /громкие/ возгласы

    НБАРС > healthy

  • 5

    1. a здоровый, жизнеспособный, процветающий

    2. a здравый, разумный

    3. a полезный, здоровый

    4. a безопасный

    5. a разг. большой, огромный; сильный, энергичный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. fit (adj.) fit; right; sane; sound; well; well-conditioned; well-liking; whole

    2. great (adj.) big; considerable; extensive; great; large; large-scale

    3. healthful (adj.) beneficial; bracing; good; healthful; hygienic; invigorating; nourishing; nutritious; prophylactic; salubrious; salutary; salutiferous

    4. hearty (adj.) blooming; bouncing; firm; hale; hearty; lively; vigorous

    5. robust (adj.) booming; flourishing; prospering; prosperous; roaring; robust; thriving

    6. safe (adj.) safe; uninjurious; wholesome

    Антонимический ряд:

    deadly; deleterious; delicate; diseased; emaciated; enervated; exhausted; fragile; frail; ill; indisposed; infirm; insalubrious; sick

    English-Russian base dictionary > healthy

  • 6

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > healthy

  • 7



    здоровый, полезный, благотворный

    This climate (fresh air) is healthy for the old and the young. — Этот климат (свежий воздух) полезен и старым и молодым.

    healthy child

    — healthy climate
    — healthy place
    — be healthy


    Прилагательное healthy характеризует общее состояние здоровья и не подразумевает состояния человека в момент речи. Прилагательное healthy соответствует русскому полному прилагательному здоровый: a healthy child здоровый ребенок; a healthy climate здоровый климат (т. е. климат, способствующий здоровью). Русскому краткому прилагательному здоров, я здоров (сейчас не болен) соответствует в английском языке I’m well (I’m not ill).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > healthy

  • 8


    healthy ирон. безопасный (в отриц. предложении) healthy разг. большой, значительный healthy жизнеспособный; healthy economy процветающая экономика healthy здоровый healthy здоровый healthy нравственный (о фильме и т. п.); здравый, разумный (о взглядах и т. п.) healthy полезный для здоровья

    English-Russian short dictionary > healthy

  • 9






    а) полезный, благотворный

    Smoking is not healthy for you. — Курение опасно для вашего здоровья.

    To walk three miles every day is a beastly bore, but healthy. — Ежедневная прогулка в три мили — ужасно скучное, но полезное занятие.

    He exerted deep and healthy influence upon society. — Он оказывал на общество глубокое и благотворное влияние.


    б) полезный, безопасный

    I want to impress on them that they’ll find it more healthy not to try for more. — Я хочу внушить им, что для них будет гораздо полезнее не пытаться добиться большего.





    большой, значительный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > healthy

  • 10


    1) здоровый, жизнеспособный, процветающий

    2) здравый, разумный

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > healthy

  • 11

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > healthy

  • 12

    English-Russian word troubles > healthy

  • 13


    здоровый; жизнеспособный, процветающий

    Politics english-russian dictionary > healthy

  • 14


    1) здоровый

    2) полезный для здоровья

    3) нравственный (о фильме и т. п.); здравый, разумный (о взглядах и т. п.)

    4) жизнеспособный; healthy economy процветающая экономика

    5) iron. безопасный (в отриц. предложении)



    большой, значительный


    hale, hearty, robust, sound, strong, vigorous, well


    ill, sick, sickly, unhealthy, weak, weakly

    * * *

    (a) здоровый; исправный

    * * *

    * * *

    [‘health·y || ‘helθɪ]
    здоровый, здравый, полезный, жизнеспособный, разумный, безопасный, большой, значительный, нравственный

    * * *












    * * *

    1) здоровый
    2) а) полезный
    б) ирон. полезный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > healthy

  • 15

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > healthy

  • 16

    1. работоспособность

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > healthy

  • 17

    Англо-русский технический словарь > healthy

  • 18


    1) Общая лексика: безопасный , большой, жизнеспособный, здоровый, здравый , нравственный , полезный, полезный для здоровья, разумный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > healthy

  • 19



    полезный, благотворный

    полезный, безопасный


    большой, значительный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > healthy

  • 20

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > healthy


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • healthy — health‧y [ˈhelθi] adjective 1. a healthy organization, system, economy etc is working effectively and successfully: • Banks should invest only in financially healthy companies. 2. a healthy amount of something is large: • They are predicting… …   Financial and business terms

  • healthy — 1 *healthful, wholesome, salubrious, salutary, hygienic, sanitary Analogous words: & Contrasted words: see those at HEALTHFUL 2 Healthy, sound, wholesome, robust, hale, well are comparable when meaning having or manifesting health of mind or body …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Healthy — Health y ( [y^]), a. [Compar. {Healthier} ( [i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Healthiest}.] 1. Being in a state of health; enjoying health; hale; sound; free from disease; as, a healthy child; a healthy plant. [1913 Webster] His mind was now in a firm and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • healthy — ► ADJECTIVE (healthier, healthiest) 1) having or promoting good health. 2) normal, sensible, or desirable: a healthy balance. 3) of a very satisfactory size or amount: a healthy profit. DERIVATIVES healthily adverb healthiness no …   English terms dictionary

  • healthy — [hel′thē] adj. healthier, healthiest 1. having good health; well; sound 2. showing or resulting from good health [a healthy color] 3. HEALTHFUL 4. Informal large, vigorous, etc. [a healthy yell] healthily …   English World dictionary

  • healthy — healthy; un·healthy; …   English syllables

  • healthy — index salubrious, salutary, strong Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • healthy — 1550s, from HEALTH (Cf. health) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Slightly earlier in the same sense was healthsome (1530s). Related: Healthiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • healthy */*/*/ — UK [ˈhelθɪ] / US adjective Word forms healthy : adjective healthy comparative healthier superlative healthiest 1) physically strong and not ill a healthy baby Exercise can be fun, and being healthy feels great! feel healthy: I feel very healthy… …   English dictionary

  • healthy — health|y [ helθi ] adjective *** 1. ) physically strong and not sick: a healthy baby Exercise can be fun, and being healthy feels great. feel healthy: I feel very healthy at the moment. stay/keep healthy: I try to stay as healthy as possible. a ) …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • healthy — [[t]he̱lθi[/t]] ♦♦♦ healthier, healthiest 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is healthy is well and is not suffering from any illness. Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy… She had a normal pregnancy and delivered a… …   English dictionary

  • Defenition of the word healthy

    • In good physical and mental condition; free from disease.
    • physically and mentally sound or healthy; «felt relaxed and fit after their holiday»; «keeps fit with diet and exercise»
    • having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; «a rosy healthy baby»; «staying fit and healthy»
    • financially secure and functioning well; «a healthy economy»
    • exercising or showing good judgment; «healthy scepticism»; «a healthy fear of rattlesnakes»; «the healthy attitude of French laws»; «healthy relations between labor and management»; «an intelligent solution»; «a sound approach to the problem»;»sound advice»; «no reasonable explanation for his decision»
    • promoting health; healthful; «a healthy diet»; «clean healthy air»; «plenty of healthy sleep»; «healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy»; «the salubrious mountain air and water»- C.B.Davis; «carrots are good for you»
    • exercising or showing good judgment; «healthy scepticism»; «a healthy fear of rattlesnakes»; «the healthy attitude of French laws»; «healthy relations between labor and management»; «an intelligent solution»; «a sound approach to the problem»; «sound advi
    • large in amount or extent or degree
    • having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease
    • exercising or showing good judgment
    • financially secure and functioning well
    • promoting health; healthful

Synonyms for the word healthy

    • beneficial
    • fit
    • good for you
    • good for your health
    • hale and hearty
    • healthful
    • in good physical shape
    • in the pink
    • intelligent
    • levelheaded
    • nourishing
    • salubrious
    • sound
    • strong
    • vigorous
    • well
    • wholesome

Similar words in the healthy

    • able
    • able-bodied
    • anicteric
    • blooming
    • bouncing
    • conditioned
    • firm
    • fit
    • flourishing
    • flushed
    • full-blooded
    • good
    • growing
    • hale
    • healthy
    • hearty
    • in condition
    • in condition(p)
    • lusty
    • reasonable
    • red-blooded
    • robust
    • rose-cheeked
    • rosy
    • rosy-cheeked
    • rubicund
    • ruddy
    • sanguine
    • sensible
    • sound
    • thriving
    • well
    • well-preserved
    • whole
    • wholesome

Antonyms for the word healthy

    • unfit
    • unhealthy

See other words

    • What is admiringly
    • The definition of axises
    • The interpretation of the word providentially
    • What is meant by legalizes
    • The lexical meaning hopefully
    • The dictionary meaning of the word approvingly
    • The grammatical meaning of the word constructively
    • Meaning of the word happily
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word opportunely
    • The origin of the word greatly
    • Synonym for the word in a good way
    • Antonyms for the word highly
    • Homonyms for the word in any case
    • Hyponyms for the word now then
    • Holonyms for the word legality
    • Hypernyms for the word in good health
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word perfectly
    • Translation of the word in other languages spring up

healthy — перевод на русский


Who was still healthy?

Кто был еще здоров?

Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, but socially dead.

Рано ложишься и рано встаешь — будешь здоров, но со скуки помрешь.

Healthy Slomanus!

Здоров, Сломанус!

— So stay healthy, Hetman!

— Так что будь здоров, гетман!

I am absolutely healthy, Sire!

— Ну, я совершенно здоров, государь.

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— (STAMMERS) Well, it’s healthy, dear.

— (БОРМОЧЕТ) Ну, это полезно, дорогая.

I think it’s healthy for me to be jealous.

Думаю, мне полезно ревновать.

It’s healthy to get away from our wives once in a while.

И полезно побыть немного вдали от жён.

I think telling the truth telling the truth is about as healthy as skidding round a corner at sixty.

А мне кажется, говорить правду… говорить правду так же полезно, как заворачивать на крутом повороте на скорости сто километров в час.

He was quite right to disturb it. I think telling the truth telling the truth is about as healthy as skidding round a corner at sixty.

А мне кажется, говорить правду… говорить правду так же полезно, как заворачивать на крутом повороте на скорости сто километров в час.

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We’d all be a lot happier, not to mention a lot healthier.

Мы все стали бы счастливее, не говоря уже про здоровье.

I told you, if you want to keep healthy, stay out of here.

Я же говорил тебе, если ты ценишь своё здоровье, держись подальше от этого места.

On the surface, clear-eyed and healthy, just like you.

На поверхности — ясные глаза и каменное здоровье, как у тебя.

We’ll see how we manage later. As long as we are healthy

Потом будет видно, как нам преодолеть трудности, когда здоровье вернется.

They’re much healthier than we were,

Да и здоровье у них не то, что у нас было,

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Perspiration is healthy.

Это нормально.

It is not healthy for one to be always alone.

Это не совсем нормально для человека, быть все время одному.

I mean, I am healthy. I know that.

У меня тоже всё нормально.

I’ve been a window for 5 years and I’m perfectly healthy,

Я вдова уже 5 лет, и это нормально.

What? If this is how you feel, it isnt healthy.

-Если ты вправду так думаешь, это не нормально.

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Any place is healthier than this. Let’s move!

Всё равно лучше, чем тут, так что едем.

And I’ve been feeling healthier every minute since you got here.

И мне лучше с каждой минутой, с тех пор, как ты здесь.

It’s healthy.

Так всегда бывает лучше.

Lucy, I think we’re at the point where it would be healthier for everyone if you got whatever was bothering you out in the open.

Люси, я думаю, что всё зашло слишком далеко, и для нас всех будет лучше, если ты просто скажешь, что тебя мучает.

Wanna know the healthiest thing you can do?

Хочешь знать, что тебе лучше всего сейчас сделать?

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Nobody should touch them, but the books, get dusty, and at night, it’s not healthy.

…и бумаги, но ты уж извини, книги покрываются пылью. А ночью это не очень полезно для здоровья.

Nice and healthy.

Вкусно и полезно для здоровья.

They’re healthy.

Полезно для здоровья.

Because it’s healthy, and prevents from ulcers.

Потому что это очень полезно для здоровья — растворяет желудочный сок и предотвращает язву.

That’s not too healthy, is it now?

Не слишком-то полезно для здоровья.

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Dear mum, that can’t be healthy.

Мамочка, ведь это вредно.

It’s not healthy to sleep this way.

Вредно спать так.


Mоя мать говорит, что так поздно есть — вредно.

Is that healthy?

А это не вредно?

It’s not healthy at your age.

В твоём возрасте это вредно.

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Well, it certainly looks healthier.

Он определённо выглядит более здоровым.

I have low self-esteem, but I express it the healthy way-— by eating a box of Double Stuff Oreos.

— У меня тоже комплекс, но я борюсь более здоровым способом… съедаю пачку шоколадного печенья.

How much healthier do you wanna be?

Сэм, посмотри на себя. Насколько более здоровым ты хочешь быть?

I don’t believe exercise makes me healthier.

А я не верю, что упражнения сделают меня более здоровым.

This is supposed to make your nails longer and healthier.

Таким образом ногти будут длиннее и более здоровыми.

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In Glasgow, perhaps the least healthy food ever sold, is the deep fried pork sausage kebab.

В Глазго, возможно, самая нездоровая пища, из когда-либо проданных… это кебаб из свиной колбасы во фритюре.

Gila, fatty food is not healthy food, I do not understand you.

— Гила, жирная пища – это нездоровая пища, я не понимаю тебя.

This isn’t a healthy situation.

Тут нездоровая обстановка.

It isn’t healthy.

В этом есть что-то нездоровое.

Okay, Mr. Junk Food since the injury, you haven’t been healthy a full day.

Да, мистер нездоровое питание с тех пор, как ты стукнулся головой, ты всё болеешь.

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Well, that sounds healthy anyway, Leela.

— Вот это, по крайней мере, звучит разумно.

That’s healthy.

— Это не разумно.

That’s healthy.

Это разумно.

It’s so healthy.


It isn’t healthy to become attached to people.

Не очень-то разумно привязываться к людям.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, health·i·er, health·i·est.

possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality: a healthy body;a healthy mind.

pertaining to or characteristic of good health or a sound and vigorous mind: a healthy appearance;healthy attitudes.

conducive to good health; healthful: healthy recreations.

eligible for the Food and Drug Administration’s label certifying that a food is suitable for helping consumers achieve a total diet that conforms to dietary recommendations.

prosperous or sound: a healthy business.

Informal. fairly large: I bought a healthy number of books.



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Origin of healthy

First recorded in 1545–55; health + -y1

synonym study for healthy

3. Healthy, healthful, salubrious, salutary, wholesome refer to the promotion of health. Healthy, while applied especially to what possesses health, is also applicable to what is conducive to health: a healthy climate; not a healthy place to be. Healthful and salubrious are applied chiefly to what is conducive to health: healthful diet or exercise; a salubrious impact on mental outlook. Salutary suggests something that is conducive to well-being generally, as well as beneficial in preserving or in restoring health: salutary effects; to take salutary measures. It is used also to indicate moral benefit: to have a salutary fear of devious behavior. Wholesome has connotations of attractive freshness and purity; it applies to what is good for one, physically, morally, or both: wholesome food; wholesome influences or advice.


health·i·ly, adverbhealth·i·ness, noun


healthful, healthy (see synonym study at the current entry)

Words nearby healthy

health salts, Health Service Commissioner, health spa, health stamp, health visitor, healthy, healthyish, Healy, Heaney, HEAO, heap Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to healthy

active, athletic, fresh, healthful, hearty, lively, normal, robust, strong, tough, vigorous, able-bodied, all right, blooming, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, chipper, firm, fit, flourishing

How to use healthy in a sentence

  • “There are historic reasons why talking about sex is jarring, and those reasons aren’t very healthy,” Borichevsky says.

  • I realized I needed to be healthier, and walking is just one piece of it.

  • So, if you’re both largely healthy, don’t feel like you have to hold off on cuddling or having sex.

  • Hopefully we can have a healthy lineup once we start playing again.

  • Having a better understanding of coyotes and how they play a role in our cities will lead to a safer and healthier urban ecosystem.

  • The citizens of Stevens Point defeated fluoridation by a healthy margin.

  • And more trivial modifications like altering bodily odors and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  • At present, not every woman is young enough, fertile enough, or healthy enough to have a baby using her own eggs or her own womb.

  • But self-doubt, while a healthy quality for human beings to have, is alas not a plus for politicians.

  • They just might change how they feel, how healthy they are, and how they live their lives.

  • Out gets Uncle David, looking brown and healthy after his northern excursion.

  • It will hold tenaciously there, the last of its race, days after the decay of its greener and more healthy-looking mates.

  • And as I know you are always so busy telling people how perfectly healthy they are, come next Sunday to tea at five.

  • Notwithstanding the intense heat the open-air life of the march was healthy, and, in many respects, agreeable.

  • Well over 70 now, healthy and p. 93energetic still, he occupies the position he did then.

British Dictionary definitions for healthy

adjective healthier or healthiest

enjoying good health

functioning well or being soundthe company’s finances are not very healthy

conducive to health; salutary

indicating soundness of body or minda healthy appetite

informal considerable in size or amounta healthy sum

Derived forms of healthy

healthily, adverbhealthiness, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



From health +‎ -y.


  • IPA(key): /ˈhɛl.θi/
  • Rhymes: -ɛlθi


healthy (comparative healthier or more healthy, superlative healthiest or most healthy)

  1. Enjoying good health; well; free from disease or disorder.
    Antonym: unhealthy

    He was father to three healthy kids.

    a healthy mind in a healthy body

    Brush regularly to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy.

    My fruit trees are looking very healthy.

    • 1935, George Goodchild, chapter 5, in Death on the Centre Court:

      By one o’clock the place was choc-a-bloc. […] The restaurant was packed, and the promenade between the two main courts and the subsidiary courts was thronged with healthy-looking youngish people, drawn to the Mecca of tennis from all parts of the country.

  2. Conducive to health.
    Synonym: healthful
    Antonym: unhealthy

    A healthy diet can help to maintain proper weight.

    • 2013 July 19, Ian Sample, “Irregular bedtimes may affect children’s brains”, in The Guardian Weekly[1], volume 189, number 6, page 34:

      Irregular bedtimes may disrupt healthy brain development in young children, according to a study of intelligence and sleeping habits.  ¶ Going to bed at a different time each night affected girls more than boys, but both fared worse on mental tasks than children who had a set bedtime, researchers found.

    • 2016, T. Colin Campbell; Thomas M. Campbell, The China Study, revised and expanded edition, BenBella Books, Inc., page 214:

      It was heretical to say that protein wasn’t healthy, let alone say it promoted cancer.

  3. Evincing health.

    Her face had a healthy glow.

  4. (figuratively) Significant, hefty; beneficial.

    a healthy respect for authority

    Sam unwrapped the sandwich and took a healthy bite out of the middle.

    a healthy dislike, a healthy contempt

Usage notes[edit]

When a clearer distinction between the senses is required, the use of healthy may be reserved for describing the state of the object, while healthful may be used to describe its ability to impart health to the recipient. Vegetables in good condition are both healthy (i.e., not rotten or diseased) and healthful (i.e., they improve the eaters’ health, compared to eating junk food). By contrast, a poisonous plant can be healthy, but it is not healthful to eat it. However, in informal speech, this distinction is not observed.

Derived terms[edit]

  • early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
  • healthily
  • healthiness
  • healthy as a horse
  • healthy participant effect
  • healthy user bias
  • healthy worker bias
  • heart-healthy
  • nonhealthy
  • superhealthy
  • unhealthy


  • heal
  • healing
  • whole


enjoying good health

  • Abkhaz: згәы бзиоу (zgʷə bzjow)
  • Arabic: صَحِيح (ar) (ṣaḥīḥ)
  • Archi: сагъду (sağdu)
  • Armenian: առողջ (hy) (aṙołǰ)
  • Aromanian: sãn
  • Avar: сахав (saxaw)
  • Azerbaijani: sağlam (az)
  • Bactrian: λρογο (lrogo)
  • Belarusian: здаро́вы (zdaróvy)
  • Bulgarian: здрав (bg) (zdrav)
  • Burmese: please add this translation if you can
  • Catalan: sa (ca), salubre
  • Chechen: могуш (moguš)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 健康 (gin6 hong1)
    Mandarin: 健康 (zh) (jiànkāng)
  • Czech: zdravý (cs) m
  • Danish: sund (da)
  • Dutch: gezond (nl)
  • Esperanto: sana (eo)
  • Even: абгар (aʙgar)
  • Evenki: авгара (awgara)
  • Faliscan: salve (salve)
  • Faroese: frískur
  • Finnish: terve (fi), hyvinvoipa, hyvinvoiva
  • French: en bonne santé, sain (fr)
    Old French: sain
  • Friulian: san, salubri, rubest
  • Galician: saudable (gl), san (gl), sao (gl) m, insente
  • Georgian: ჯანსაღი (ǯansaɣi), ჯანმრთელი (ǯanmrteli)
  • German: gesund (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌷𐌰𐌹𐌻𐍃 (hails)
  • Greek: υγιής (el) m (ygiís), γερός (el) m (gerós), ακμαίος (el) m (akmaíos), εύρωστος (el) m (évrostos)
    Ancient: ὑγιής (hugiḗs)
  • Hindi: निरोग (hi) (nirog), चंगा (hi) (caṅgā)
  • Hungarian: egészséges (hu)
  • Hunsrik: gesund
  • Irish: folláin, sláintiúil
  • Italian: sano (it)
  • Japanese: 健康な (ja) (けんこうな, kenkō na), 達者な (ja) (たっしゃな, tassha na)
  • Kazakh: тәуір (täuır)
  • Korean: 건강하다 (ko) (geon’ganghada)
  • Lao: ສຸກ (suk), ສົມບູນ (som būn), ສະບາຍ (sa bāi), ສະບາຽ (sa bāi), ສຸກໃຈ (suk chai), ສຸຂີ (su khī), ໜຳ (nam), ສຸຂາ (su khā), ສຳຣານ (sam rān), ສຳຮານ (sam hān), ນິຣາໄມ (ni rā mai), ນິລາໄມ (ni lā mai), ແຮງຫັນ (hǣng han), ກຶ້ດ (kưt), ນິລາພາດ (ni lā phāt), ນິຣາພາດ (ni rā phāt), ຕຸ້ຍເກິ່ງ (tu nya kœng), ຕຸ້ຽເກິ່ງ
  • Latin: sanus (la)
  • Latvian: vesels, veselīgs
  • Lithuanian: sveikas (lt)
  • Lombard: san (lmo)
  • Macedonian: здрав m (zdrav)
  • Malay: sihat, segar
  • Malayalam: ആരോഗ്യമായി (ārōgyamāyi)
  • Maori: tūhauora
  • Mizo: hrisël
  • Mongolian: эрүүл (mn) (erüül)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: frisk (no), karsk, sunn (no)
  • Occitan: san (oc)
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: съдравъ (sŭdravŭ)
    Glagolitic: ⱄⱏⰴⱃⰰⰲⱏ (sŭdravŭ)
  • Old English: hāl
  • Ossetian: ӕнӕниз (ænæniz)
  • Persian: تندرست (fa) (tandorost), درواخ (fa) (dorvâx)
  • Polish: zdrowy (pl) m
  • Portuguese: saudável (pt) m or f, são (pt) m
  • Romanian: sănătos (ro)
  • Romansch: saun, san, sàn, sang
  • Russian: здоро́вый (ru) (zdoróvyj)
  • Sanskrit: कल्य (sa) (kalya), स्वस्थ (sa) (svastha), नीरोग (sa) (nīrōga)
  • Sardinian: sanu
  • Scots: hailsome
  • Scottish Gaelic: fallain
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: здра̏в
    Roman: zdrȁv (sh)
  • Sinhalese: please add this translation if you can
  • Slovak: zdravý
  • Slovene: zdrav (sl)
  • Southern Altai: су (su), суузак (suuzak), эзен (ezen)
  • Spanish: sano (es), salubre (es)
  • Swedish: frisk (sv)
  • Tabasaran: сагъи (saġi)
  • Thai: แข็งแรง (th) (kɛ̌ng-rɛɛng)
  • Turkish: sağlıklı (tr)
  • Turkmen: salaamatly
  • Tuvan: кадык (kadık), кадыкшылдыг (kadıkşıldıg)
  • Ukrainian: здоро́вий (zdoróvyj)
  • Urdu: نیروگ(nirōg), صحت مند(sēhat-mand)
  • Venetian: san
  • Vietnamese: khỏe mạnh (vi)
  • Welsh: iach (cy)
    Middle Welsh: yach
  • Zulu: -phila

conducive to health

  • Armenian: առողջարար (hy) (aṙołǰarar)
  • Belarusian: здаро́вы (zdaróvy)
  • Bulgarian: здравословен (bg) (zdravosloven)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 健康 (gin6 hong1)
    Mandarin: 健康 (zh) (jiànkāng)
  • Czech: zdravý (cs) m
  • Dutch: gezond (nl)
  • Esperanto: saniga
  • Evenki: ая (aja)
  • Finnish: terveellinen (fi)
  • French: bon pour la santé
  • Galician: saudable (gl), san (gl)
  • German: gesund (de)
  • Greek: υγιεινός (el) m (ygieinós)
  • Hungarian: egészséges (hu)
  • Italian: sano (it)
  • Japanese: 健康的な (けんこうてきな, kenkōteki na)
  • Latin: salūber
  • Latvian: veselīgs
  • Lithuanian: sveikas (lt), sveikatingas
  • Macedonian: здрав m (zdrav)
  • Malayalam: അരോഗ്യമായ (arōgyamāya)
  • Mizo: hrisël
  • Nanai: ая
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: sunn (no)
  • Polish: zdrowy (pl)
  • Portuguese: saudável (pt) m or f
  • Romanian: sănătos (ro)
  • Russian: здоро́вый (ru) (zdoróvyj), поле́зный (ru) (poléznyj)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: здра̏в
    Roman: zdrȁv (sh)
  • Slovene: zdrav (sl)
  • Spanish: saludable (es), sano (es), salubre (es), salutífero (es)
  • Swedish: hälsosam (sv)
  • Ukrainian: здоро́вий (zdoróvyj)
  • Vietnamese: tốt cho sức khỏe

evincing health

  • Bulgarian: здрав (bg) (zdrav)
  • Dutch: hartig (nl)
  • Finnish: reilu (fi)
  • French: sain (fr), en bonne santé
  • Galician: saudable (gl), san (gl)
  • German: gesund (de), anständig (de)
  • Greek: γερός (el) m (gerós)
  • Hungarian: egészséges (hu)
  • Macedonian: здрав m (zdrav)
  • Malayalam: ആരോഗ്യമുള്ള (ārōgyamuḷḷa)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: frisk (no)
  • Portuguese: saudável (pt)
  • Romanian: sănătos (ro), zdravăn (ro)
  • Russian: здоро́вый (ru) (zdoróvyj)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: здра̏в
    Roman: zdrȁv (sh)
  • Spanish: saludable (es), sano (es)
  • Swedish: hälsosam (sv)

significant, hefty

  • Czech: statný (cs) m
  • Dutch: gezond (nl), deugdelijk (nl), duchtig (nl), hartig (nl)
  • Finnish: terve (fi), kunnollinen (fi)
  • German: ordentlich (de)
  • Greek: ικανός (el) m (ikanós), δέων (el) m (déon)
  • Hungarian: jelentős (hu), jókora (hu)
  • Macedonian: здрав m (zdrav)
  • Malayalam: ആരോഗ്യമുള്ള (ārōgyamuḷḷa)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: sunn (no)
  • Russian: здоро́вый (ru) (zdoróvyj)

Translations to be checked

  • Czech: (please verify) zdravý (cs)
  • Dutch: (please verify) gezond (nl), (please verify) abel (nl) (archaic)
  • Esperanto: (please verify) sana (eo)
  • Estonian: (please verify) terve
  • Italian: (please verify) sano (it)
  • Korean: (please verify) 기운 있는 (giun inneun), (please verify) 건강한 (geon’ganghan)
  • Latin: (please verify) sanus (la)
  • Tagalog: (please verify) malusog Maigi, (please verify) Yanu
  • Telugu: (aarOgyakaramaina) (please verify) ఆరోగ్యవంతమైన (ārōgyavantamaina), (aarOgyavaMtamaina) (please verify) ఆరోగ్యకరమైన (te) (ārōgyakaramaina)

Further reading[edit]

  • healthy in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “healthy”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.

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