The word has a negative connotation

Understanding Positive and Negative Connotative Words With Examples

The terms ‘connotation’ and ‘denotation’ refer to ways of describing the meaning of words. While the former refers to the positive or negative association that the words carry, the latter is the literal definition or the dictionary meaning of the word. Penlighten will help you understand the positive and negative connotation of words.

“Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.”
― Confucius

Kind, gentle words can leave an indelible mark on one’s mind, while harsh, cruel words can break deep bonds, turning a friend into a foe. So, how does one place words into the category of kind or harsh words? Well, in order to differentiate between the two, one needs to be aware of their connotation. The term ‘connotation’ refers to the emotional implication or association of the word. It is essential to comprehend not only what a word means, but also what a word suggests. Words can have a positive or negative connotation. Using words with a positive connotation can certainly have a beneficial effect on one’s relationships. The connotative meaning of the word is based on the emotional association with the word. Some words could even be neutral. They might be bereft of any positive or negative connotation. However, one needs to be mindful about the context in which it is used. Though the denotation of two synonyms might be the same, their connotations can be positive or negative. So, being aware of the dictionary meaning of a word does not suffice. There’s a huge scope for misinterpretation, if one unknowingly uses a word with a negative connotation.

Positive Connotation Vs. Negative Connotation

Basically, the power or the effect a word can have on people can be linked to the connotation or the emotional association that is ascribed to a word. Euphemism is the use of milder words in place of words that might be considered harsh, rude, or offensive. It is a way of conveying the meaning with gentler words, so as to avoid being rude. If you wish to inform your friend about an irritating habit of his or hers, you can use the words that have a favorable or positive connotation.

Neutral Connotation Positive Connotation Negative Connotation
Smell Fragrance Stench
Store Save Hoard
Persistent Persevering Stubborn
Inactive Laid-back Lazy
Thin Slender Skinny
Young Youthful Childish



Unusual Exceptional Strange
Inexpensive Economical Cheap
Positive Negative
Aroma Stench
Timid Cowardly
Assertive Pushy
Bold Brash
Strong-willed/Determined Stubborn
Curious Nosy
Thrifty Stingy
Thin Scrawny
Plump Fat
Frugal Cheap
Slender Skinny
Debate Argument
Youthful Immature
Relaxed Lazy
Focused Obsessed
Smile Smirk
Weird Bizarre
Energetic Hyperactive

Examples of Positive and Negative Connotation

While the dictionary meaning or the denotation of a word will remain the same, the connotation can vary.

The sandwich is moist.

The sandwich is soggy.

She is very assertive.

She is pushy.

This dress is expensive, but It is definitely worth the price.

This dress is overpriced.

The fragrance of roses has filled the garden.

Get rids of those eggs; the stench is overwhelming.

Please turn off the stereo; I can’t study with all that noise.

Please turn off the radio; I can’t concentrate with the intense music playing.

The coffee is too bitter.

The coffee is too strong for my liking.

She always comes up with innovative ideas that work.

She’s always comes with crazy ideas.

I don’t wish to spend time with her; she is extremely nosy.

She is very curious, and wants to learn new things.

Her assistant seems to be quite clever.

Her assistant seems to be crafty.

She is thrifty.

She is stingy.

The music is intense.

The music is deafening.

On a concluding note, one must have a basic understanding about the connotation of words. If you look into a thesaurus, you will come across various synonyms for a word. Though the denotation of these words might be somewhat similar, their connotation could be neutral, positive, or negative. Those who unconsciously use words with a negative connotation are most likely to get caught up in difficult situations. So, make sure that you pay close attention to your choice of words. History has ample evidence of battles being waged due to lack of control over one’s tongue; such is the power of words.

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for instance; but not the risk of winning




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Когда мы используем слово риск в обычном разговоре, это имеет негативный оттенок— риск получить удар по машине,

например; но не риск выиграв лотерею.


par exemple; but not the risk of winning




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Когда мы используем слово риск в обычном разговоре, это имеет негативный оттенок— риск получить удар по машине,

например; но не риск выиграв лотерею.


According to Masaaki Yamada, senior adviser for Mitsubishi Motors Philippines, the company used the Mirage G4 name in the Philippine market,

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В соответствии с Masaaki Yamada, старшего советника на Mitsubishi Motors Philippines, автомобиль будет использовать название G4 Mirage в филиппинском рынке,



broader view, it is enough to listen to politicians and public figures- when they talk about PR,

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В более широком смысле, достаточно послушать политиков и общественных деятелей- когда они говорят о PR,

often instead of doing useful things.

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часто вместо того, чтобы заняться полезным делом.

When used to account for obstacles to modernity and to the universality of human rights,


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Когда термин» культура» используется для описания препятствий в деле обеспечения современности и


In contrast to such words as»gastrolle»(гастроль, сoncert tour),»gast professor»(invited to read the course at another university), which came to Russian from German,

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В отличие от таких слов, как« гастроль»( выступление в гостях),« гаст- профессор»( приглашенный для чтения курса в другой ВУЗ), пришедших в русский из немецкого,

слово« гастарбайтер» иногда воспринимается некоторыми не как нейтральное, а как имеющее негативную окраску.

While the»perpetrator» stereotype is relativized in so far as it is usually applied to Islamists or Muslim fundamentalists and not to the Muslim community as


whole, it is very worrying because it distorts the public’s image of Islam and Muslims: the term»Islamist» is associated directly with Islam as


religion and


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Хотя такая стереотипизация» образа» является относительной в той мере, в какой она обычно касается исламистов или исламских фундаменталистов, а не всего мусульманского сообщества в целом, приходится признать, что такой» образ» попрежнему вызывает серьезные проблемы, искажая представление об исламе и мусульманах, поскольку понятие исламиста напрямую увязывается с исламом как религией и


Mr. Bonifaz(Peru) said that the title of the topic»expulsion of aliens» had a negative connotation, since it distracted attention from the fact that human beings were involved.


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Г-н Бонифас( Перу) говорит, что название темы» Высылка иностранцев» имеет негативную коннотацию, поскольку оно отвлекает внимание от того, что речь в данном случае идет о правах человека.


decided that the equivalent in the Uzbek language would have a negative connotation and could be interpreted as disrespectful and derogatory.


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Было решено, что его эквивалент в узбекском языке будет иметь негативные коннотации и может быть истолкован как неуважительный и унизительный.



abuse of right or bad faith.


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В этом отношении термин» скрытая экстрадиция» может иметь негативный оттенок, поскольку подразумевается скрытый мотив, который может

служить признаком злоупотребления правом или недобросовестности.



abuse of right or bad faith.


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Термин» скрытая экстрадиция» может иметь негативный оттенок, поскольку подразумевается скрытый мотив, который может

служить признаком злоупотребления правом или недобросовестности.


Lastly, it would perhaps be preferable in the future not to refer to religious cults, as in paragraph 167 of the periodic report;


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И наконец, желательно было бы в будущем не делать ссылки на религиозные культы, как это делается в пункте 167 периодического доклада;


Furthermore,»crime» was the appropriate word because it



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Кроме того, слово» преступление» представляется уместным,

поскольку оно уже давно и широко используется в юридическом языке, обладает негативной коннотацией и привносит моральный элемент в правовую сферу.


It was stated by one

NGO observer that the term»people of African descent» had a negative connotation because of the word»descent», which implied


downward spiral.


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Одна из НПО- наблюдателей, заявила,

что термин» лица африканского происхождения» имеет отрицательный оттенок, поскольку он подразумевает спуск по спирали вниз.


Some States felt that the word»aliens» in the title of the draft articles had a negative connotation, since it distracted attention from the fact that human beings were involved.


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Некоторые государства сочли, что слово» aliens» в названии английской версии проекта статей имеет негативную коннотацию, поскольку оно отвлекает внимание от того, что речь в данном случае идет все-таки о живых людях.


Belgium, speaking on behalf of the European Union, recalled that the European Union


voted against the resolution that allowed for the

organization of the workshop because the notion of»traditional values» had a negative connotation and was subject to broad interpretation.


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Бельгия, выступая от имени Европейского союза, напомнила о том, что Европейский союз голосовал против проведения рабочего совещания, посвященного» традиционным ценностям»,


After conducting


public survey, the Ministry of Unification created


new term, Saetomin(literally, new settlers),


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Проведя опрос общественного мнения, министерство по национальному воссоединению предложило новый термин, Saetomin( буквально» новые поселенцы»), заменив


As to the use of the term“expropriation”, which in some languages had a negative connotation(since it might suggest confiscation without adequate compensation),

it was agreed that, on balance, it should be retained since other possible expressions

had a

technical meaning proper only to certain legal systems and were difficult to translate or to be understood by the broad readership to whom the guide was addressed.


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Что касается использования термина» экспроприация», который на некоторых язы- ках имеет негативный оттенок( поскольку он может предполагать конфискацию без адекватной компенса-

ции), было принято решение о том, что, с учетом всех высказанных мнений, его следует сохранить, поскольку другие формулировки


техническое значение, присущее только некоторым правовым системам, и их перевод и понимание вызовут трудности у широкого круга читателей, которым адресовано руководство.


It is no surprise that the

leaders of the Union of Right Forces are not referring to their party as»democratic» these days; since this word now has a negative connotation for the majority of Russians:»Democracy is Russia is understood as licence,

which leads to inevitable deterioration in the lives of ordinary people.».

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Недаром сегодня лидеры СПС

уже не употребляют по отношению к себе термин» демократы», имеющий для большинства российского населения негативный оттенок:» Демократия у нас стала восприниматься как вседозволенность,

ведущая к неминуемому ухудшению жизни простого человека».

It appears that for this reason the term»code of conduct» continues to have a negative connotation in some circles, being interpreted as


set of rules

beyond the law that are slapped onto the private sector without consultation.


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Как представляется, именно поэтому термин<< кодекс поведения>> по-прежнему имеет негативный оттенок в определенных кругах и интерпретируется как комплекс правил,

навязываемых частному сектору без каких-либо консультаций с ним.


In rhetoric, the term»redundancy» tends to have a negative connotation and may be perceived as improper because of its use of duplicative

or unnecessary wording(and some people expand the definition to include self-contradictory wording, similar to double negation); however, it remains


linguistically valid way of placing emphasis on some expressed idea.

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В риторике термин« избыточность», как правило, имеет негативную коннотацию и может казаться неуместным из-за повторяющейся или излишней формулировки(

некоторые для расширения определения используют противоречащую самой себе формулировку, такую как двойное отрицание), однако, это остается лингвистически действительным способом делать акцент на определенной идее.

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However, the term»impact» may be understood to have a negative connotation if the context in which it is used is


as in the case of subparagraph b.


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Society for Threatened Peoples(STP) stated that the term»Pygmies»


a negative connotation but that the term is commonly used.


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Общество по защите народов, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения( ОЗНУ), заявило, что термин» пигмеи», несмотря на его негативный оттенок, широко используется.


Ever wonder why a word could have so many meanings attached to it? The definition of connotative meaning, or connotation, has to do with the socially acquired value of words. In other words, connotative meaning explains the extra meaning of words that goes beyond the dictionary definition.

Connotative meaning and connotation synonym

The definition of connotative meaning is also known as associated meaning, implied meaning, or secondary meaning. Associated meaning is the meaning that becomes attached to a word because of its use but is not part of the core sense of the word.

The opposite of connotative meaning is denotative meaning, which is the literal meaning of the word.

Each individual has a different association with a word based on their personal feelings and background, which means that connotative meaning is a cultural or emotional association to a word or phrase. The word ‘baby’ has a literal, or denotative, meaning. A baby is an infant. But if a grown man is called a ‘baby’, the connotation is negative; he is acting like a child.

Tip: the ‘con’ in the word ‘connote’ comes from the Latin for ‘in addition’. So the connotation of the word is ‘extra’ to the main meaning.

Connotation examples: connotative words

Connotation is a meaning in addition to the definitional meaning you find in a dictionary. Because of this, it is not always easy to interpret the meaning of a word based on the word’s literal meaning alone.

For example, when we use the word ‘dinner’, there is a range of possible connotations. Aside from the dictionary definition (‘a meal’), there are associated meanings that we would claim as connotative meanings:

  • For one person, dinner is a time of joy, togetherness, conversation or debate, and laughter.
  • For another person, dinner evokes feelings of loneliness, conflict, or silence.
  • For a third, it evokes memories of kitchen aromas and certain childhood foods. The word ‘dinner’ has a range of connotations based on individual experiences.

Connotative Meaning, Dinner Connotations, StudySmarter

Fig. 1 The connotative meaning of dinner could be either positive or negative.

Here’s another example of connotative meaning. If we call someone rich we can use a number of different words: loaded, privileged, wealthy, affluent. These words all have the literal meaning of rich. However, connotative words introduce negative and positive meanings that inform the reader about how an individual views a rich person.

Negative connotation, positive connotation, neutral connotation

There are three types of connotative meanings: positive, negative, and neutral. The classification is based on what kind of response the word generates.

  • Positive connotation carries favourable associations.
  • Negative connotation carries unfavourable associations.
  • Neutral connotation carries neither favourable nor unfavorable associations.

Compare the sentences below and see if you can feel the different tones each connotation provokes:

  1. Tom is an extraordinary guy.
  2. Tom is an unusual guy.
  3. Tom is a weird guy.

If you think extraordinary implies positive emotions, unusual implies a neutral value, and weird gives negative associations, you’d be correct!

Here are some examples of the different types of connotative words:

Positive connotation Neutral connotation Negative connotation
unique different


interested curious nosy
extraordinary unusual weird
determined strong-willed stubborn
employ use exploit

Connotative meanings are not only classified according to the positive / negative / neutral value a word or phrase has. Instead, there are certain forms of connotative meaning we must look at to understand the many emotional and cultural associations involved in connotative meaning.

Forms of connotative meaning

Forms of connotative meaning were first offered by Dickens, Hervey and Higgins (2016).

Forms of Connotative Meaning Explanation Example
Associative Meaning The overall meaning which has expectations associated with the individual. A nurse is commonly associated with the female gender, which has meant society has adopted male nurse to counteract the feminine association with the word nurse.
Attitudinal Meaning The part of an overall meaning of an expression that is influenced by a more widespread attitude to the individual.

The derogatory term ‘pigs’ is assigned to police officers. It is implied that the speaker or writer dislikes police officers in general by referring to the collective as pigs rather than a dislike for a particular police officer.

Affective Meaning

The additional meaning of the word is conveyed by the tonal register, which includes vulgar, polite, or formal.

Politeness itself carries a meaning according to how a speaker addresses other individuals or learned behaviours such as holding doors open.

Can you think of a difference between UK and US speaker’s idea of politeness?
Allusive meaning When an expression evokes an associated saying or quotation in a certain way. This shows that the meaning of the saying becomes part of the overall meaning of the expression. When an author unconsciously refers to other novels in its title, or if the title of their book involves an allusion: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) alludes to Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1611).
Reflected Meaning This is a function of polysemy, and involves the existence of two or more denotative meanings for one word.

If we were to refer to a person as a rat:

Advice — a person who betrays their friend.

Rat — the image of a dirty animal.

Geographical Dialect-related Meaning The speech variety in regions or geographic borders and the meanings we attach to an individual’s accent or dialect. If we know what a Yorkshire or Scottish accent sounds like, we can understand that an individual is from Yorkshire or Scotland. We also associate stereotypical values with the individual’s character or personality.
Temporal dialect-related meaning This is another speech variety that tells us when the speaker is from.

An example includes Shakespeare’s plays, which tell us that his speakers are from the sixteenth century and have a specific attitude towards sixteenth-century politics and religion.

Emphasis (emphatic meaning) This involves effect/affect in language and literature.

Emphasis is found in devices such as parallelism, alliteration, rhyme, exclamation marks in writing, metaphor, and emphatic particles including ‘so’.

(That’s so funny!)

Connotative meaning in literature

Writers often use various connotative meanings, such as emphasis, to create multiple layers of meaning in a story. Connotation is found in figurative language which is any word or phrase used that has different meanings from the literal meaning.

Figurative language involves figures of speech such as metaphors, similes, metonymy, and personification. Let’s look at some examples of figures of speeches which have non-literal, or connotative meanings, in Literature.


Metaphor directly refers to one thing as another thing to express the similarities between them.

«Hope» is the thing with feathers —

That perches in the soul —

And sings the tune without the words —

And never stops — at all —

— ‘»Hope» is The Thing with Feathers‘ by Emily Dickinson (1891).

In this poem, the literal meaning of hope is used. However, hope is referred to as a feathered entity that is perched in the human soul and constantly singing. In other words, Dickinson gives the word hope a connotative meaning. The thing then has emotional meaning in addition to its literal meaning.


Simile compares two things using connecting words such ‘as’ or ‘like’ to make the comparisons.

O my Luve is like a red, red rose

That’s newly jump in June;

O my Luve is like the melody

That’s sweetly played in tune

— ‘A Red, Red Rose‘ by Robert Burns (1794).

Burns compares the narrator’s love to a red rose that is freshly sprung in June and to a beautiful tune being played. Love is described as something beautiful, vivid, and soothing, like a rose. The connecting words ‘like’ help to add additional and emotional meaning to the red, red roses.


Metonymy refers to a replacement of a thing by the name of something closely associated with it.

When I consider how my light is spent,

Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,

And that one talent which is death to hide

Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent

— ‘Sonnet XIX‘ by John Milton (1652).

This requires some background information. By 1652, Milton had become totally blind. The poem can be interpreted as Milton replacing the word ‘sight’ with my light. The sonnet reflects how the speaker faces both the physical and psychological challenges brought about by his blindness, for as a writer and translator he depended on his sight. As a poem about faith, how can Milton use his talents to serve God? Can he totally achieve an enlightened path without his sight?


Personification is the use of human characters to represent abstract ideas, animals, or inanimate things.

Earth trembl’d from her entrails, as again

In pangs, and Nature gave a second groan,

Sky lowe’r’d, and muttering Thunder, some sad drops

Wept at completing the mortal Sin


— ‘Paradise Lost‘ by John Milton (1667).

In ‘Paradise Lost’, Milton portrays Nature as if it had human qualities or characteristics. Nature, thunder, and sky are given extra associated meaning because they cannot literally weep about mortal sin. The poem describes Nature as having the human trait of being able to weep. This suggests an emotional association with the image of a weeping nature.

Connotation and denotation

Connotative meaning is the opposite of denotative meaning, but how different are they? What happens if a writer uses denotation instead of connotative meaning to describe a scene? To answer these questions, let’s start with the meaning of denotation.

Denotative meaning

Denotative meaning is the literal definition of a word. Unlike connotative meaning, it does not involve cultural or emotional associations to a word or phrase. Because of this, denotative meaning is also often called the literal meaning, explicit meaning, or dictionary definition.

Denotative vs. connotative meaning in writing

Now we know the difference between the two terms, let’s use our knowledge for writing purposes!

Let’s say we are writing a scene about a man who has just arrived in Hollywood. What do you think about when you hear the word ‘Hollywood’?

  • Hollywood has a denotative meaning because it is a literal place in Los Angeles.
  • Hollywood also has a connotative meaning because we associate the word Hollywood with the film industry.

The man could be returning to Hollywood, his home. Or, he could be an aspiring actor who hopes to ‘make-it-big’ in Hollywood.

Connotative Meaning, Hollywood Meaning, StudySmarterFig. 2 — The connotative meaning of Hollywood is associated with the film industry.

The connotative meanings a word carries can be different for different people, and we must watch out for implied or extra meanings in literature and everyday language.

Connotative Meaning — Key takeaways

  • The definition of connotative meaning is that it explains the “extra”, associated, implied, or secondary meaning of a word.
  • Examples of words that have connotative meanings include ‘rich’, ‘baby’, and ‘dinner’.
  • Types of connotative meaning include positive, negative, and neutral.
  • Forms of connotative meaning include associative, attitudinal, affective, reflected, geographical dialect-related, temporal dialect-related, and emphasis.
  • Connotative meaning in literary devices appears in metaphors, similes, metonymys, and personification.
  • The difference between connotative and denotative meaning in writing depends on the tone and setting of the story.

a girl writing with a pencil

A connotation is the implied or suggested meaning of a word. It is contrasted to denotation, which is the word’s literal meaning.

A connotation is often used to describe the emotional associations that a word evokes. Generally, we have three types of connotations-positive, neutral and negative.

For example:

  • Positive connotation: The word “home” might have positive connotations of safety and comfort
  • Neutral connotation: The word “house” might have a neutral connotation. It’s an objective way of describing where you live.
  • Negative connotation: The word “prison” might have negative connotations of confinement and punishment. So, a teenager colloquially saying “My house is a prison” to refer to their house is giving their house a negative connotation.

In many cases, the connotations of a word will be determined by its cultural context. For example, the word “witch” might have very different connotations in a culture that reveres witches than in a culture that persecutes them.

Denotation Negative Connotation Neutral Connotation Positive Connotation
A smell Stench Scent Aroma
Loud music Rabble Music Beats
A muscular person Brutish Muscular Strong
A confident person Arrogant Self-assured Confident
Rich people The 1% Wealthy Self-Made
Someone who saves money Stingy Frugal Thrifty
A failing student Stupid Failing Uninspired
A young dog Mutt Dog Puppy!
Cold weather Freezing Cold Cozy
An argument Clash Disagreement Debate
Boss giving commands Bossy Assertive Leader
Apolitical people Ignorant Uninterested Nonaligned
A popular person Socialite Friend
An introvert Hostile Quiet Self-sufficient
Space Confinement Area Landscape
A person who’s happy with their achievements Smug Pleased Proud
Smart person Nerd Smart Genius
Good student Teacher’s pet Studious Superstar
Used Car Rust bucket Used Pre-loved
Young Adults Brat Adolescent Youthful
A well-organized person Control freak Organized Prepared

Positive Connotations

  • Helpful – This word has positive connotations of someone who is always giving their time. Another person may see a ‘helpful’ person as ‘a people pleaser’ which is a negative way to frame it.
  • Amazing – This word suggests that the person is very impressive or even surprisingly so!
  • Self-Confident – This word has positive connotations of assurance and belief in oneself. If you called the same person ‘arrogant’, then you’ll be framing them more negatively.
  • Caring – This word suggests that the person is kind and concerned for others. Generally, we think of a caring person positively.

Negative Connotations:

  • Lazy – This word has negative connotations of someone being unproductive and unmotivated. That person might think this negative connotation is unfair and would describe themselves as just ‘tired’ or ‘unmotivated’.
  • Stupid – This word has negative connotations of someone being unintelligent or lacking common sense. A more positive word for this person might be ‘street smart, not academic’ or ‘struggling with school’.

Neutral Connotations:

  • Disinterested – A person who is disinterested might be framed more negatively (“They’re a boring person!”) or positively (“The class is just not stimulating!”). Or, you can stay objective and just say that they’re disinterested.
  • Baby – If you don’t like babies, you might call them ‘brats’; if you like them, you might call them ‘Cherubs’, but if you don’t want to provide a connotation, you can just call it a ‘baby’.

Using Connotations in Writing

When you’re writing, try to be aware of the connotations of the words you’re using. It will help you to more effectively frame your subjects and narrative.

The connotations of a word can add layers of meaning to your writing and help to create the desired tone and atmosphere.

For example, let’s say you’re writing a letter to your boss asking for a raise.

You might want to avoid using any words with negative connotations, as this could make you seem unprofessional or ungrateful, which might prevent you from getting the raise you want.

On the other hand, if you’re writing a love letter, you might want to use words with positive connotations to create a romantic mood.


Connotations are the emotional associations that a word evokes. They can be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on the word you use.

When you’re writing, it’s important to be aware of the connotations of the words you’re using in order to create the desired tone or atmosphere in your piece.

If you’re writing a fiction piece, focus on the connotations you write about various characters to see how you’re positioning each character for the reader.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

Are you confused between the distinction between connotation and denotation? Not sure how it’s feasible for one word to have several undertones? Connotation and also denotation both refer to acceptance, yet they’re incredibly different concepts. Read this guide to discover the denotation meaning, undertone meaning, how you can bear in mind which is which, and what undertone and implication examples resemble. Let’s understand more about Negative Connotation and Denotation.

The implication is the actual significance of a word. It’s the meaning you would indeed find in the dictionary. For instance, if you were to look up the word “happy” in the dictionary, regular access would certainly review “having or showing dignity or self-esteem” That’s the implication of the word.

What does connotation imply?

Connotation refers to the feelings or suggestions you consider when you check out or hear a word. Let’s check out the terms “happy” again. While it has a well-defined indication, the word can have various connotations for various individuals. If you hear the words proud, you may associate it with negative definitions, such as egotistical, show-off, and so on. It can additionally have favourable connotations, such as positive self-image, skill, and so on. Writers will certainly commonly use strong undertones to evoke a specific state of minds in their readers.

Sometimes words can develop such strong negative undertones that they are considered offensive and are no more widely utilized. For instance, individuals with physical disabilities used to be called disabled people in the past. However, this word came to be so related to the suggestion of somebody being damaged/incapable/less than other people that the word is no more thought about courteous to make use of and has been almost totally changed by “disabled” various other basic synonyms.

Denotative Definition and Negative Connotation Words

The denotative definition depends upon the culture of individuals, while connotative meaning is universal. The denotative purpose is the true meaning of a word. As an example, words kill – to relieve something. Connotative significance is the definition of a word taking the context into a factor to consider. For example, the ship goes to the bank. This couldn’t a location to keep cash, as in a financial institution, but close to the riverside.

Therefore, most of the words used do not have denotative significance but rather a connotative definition. For example, she is a dog (definition, she is promiscuous or passionate). English words have various tones of meaning. A term might denote one thing and also suggest one more. The implication of a word is the particular, exact, and primary significance of a word independent of its psychological or additional definition.

It is the specific individual, item, sensation, concept, activity or condition it indicates or names. It is also refer as “referential significance”. For instance, white denotes the colour ‘all-white”. The denotation of words like container, publication, or cup is the items or points to which these words refer. Denotative words, therefore, match directly in the meaning to the precise words they aim in the typical and evident feeling. It is possible to have a single linguistic thing to signify different things or types of items. The implication is a sensible expansion of the fundamental significance of words—for example, the word head, body, branch, and bar.

Few more details about Denotation and Negative Connotation

The denotative definition of a word is global because it takes care. And coincides all over the globe. The connotative meaning is the definition of a word brought with feelings. Also, emotions, and value judgment. It can additionally referred to as a stirring or compelling definition. It is society and time bound. As well as concerns the attitude of the language user. That is, the emotional response of a language individual to using a word.

For example, white by denotation is a kind of colour yet has pureness as a connotative significance. Connotation describes the importance which a word suggests along with the fundamental or fundamental importance. Words man, in addition to its indication, offer maturity, toughness, masculinity and guts. On the other hand, a female represents a female human grownup and has its connotative definition to be feminine, delicacy and tender.

The word house denotes a house location or residence, but it suggests sanctuary and safety. Home, on the other hand, signifies a dwelling area or home. However, it offers household, love, childhood memory, re-assuring a sense of welcome.

Connotative meaning is more interested in the mindset of language usage and emotional reactions to using words based on previous experience. In other words, connotative shows the connection between words and people and its meaning relies on culture, society, experience, and atmosphere, which can differ from one part of the globe to the other. Many words do have widely approved connotation and determine the electrical charge of a word, i.e. positive or negative, good or damaging, charitable or rough.

Explore these denotation and connotation examples to understand the different meanings of words.

In the English language, words can have two meanings, denotation and connotation. Denotation is the literal meaning of the word, while connotation is a more abstract meaning.

Understanding how these are different is helpful in both understanding literature and in guiding your own writing. This guide will explore the ways a different definition of a word can affect its meaning while also looking at denotation and connotation examples to help make the meaning of these words clear.


  • Denotation And Connotation Examples and Definitions
  • What Is Denotation?
  • What Is Connotation?
  • Using Denotation and Connotation in Your Writing
  • A Final Word On Denotation And Connotation Examples
  • FAQs On Denotation And Connotation Examples
  • Author

Denotation and connotation examples

When writing, you must be able to decipher between denotation and connotation. Here is more information to help.

What Is Denotation?

The denotation of a word is the literal meaning of a word based on what the dictionary says about that word. More specifically, the denotative meaning of a word is its “dictionary definition.”

Consider, as an example, the word snake. If you look up this word in the dictionary, the literal definition is some sort of scaly, legless reptile with a long, cylindrical body.

No matter how you choose to use words, you need to understand that every word has an explicit meaning, also known as the denotation of the word. Some readers will think of that literal meaning when they read what you write.

Examples of Denotation

Denotation and connotation examples
The denotative meaning of a word is its “dictionary definition.”

So what are some examples that show how denotation impacts the definition of the word and your writing? Sometimes, denotation makes sentences confusing if the only meaning of a word considered is the literal one. Consider a literal interpretation of sentences like these:

  • She felt a little blue.
  • He was sick as a dog.
  • The paragraph was a little fluffy, rather than concisely stating the opinion.

In the first example, a literal definition means the girl is the color blue, while the second example, when taken literally, means he was sick like a four-legged, furry creature. The final example uses the word “fluff” to indicate filler in writing, but the literal definition is a soft and fuzzy item.

Here are some examples where denotation works:

  • The sky looked blue.
  • The man’s dog was sick.
  • The paragraph was full of filler words.

Here, the sentences say similar things as the first examples but are using the literal meanings, or denotation, of the words.

What Is Connotation?

Connotation refers to the emotional associations of a word. For instance, someone can say they are feeling “blue” when in fact they mean they are feeling a little sad. In this case, the word blue connotes feelings of melancholy and sadness.

Connotation can come in many forms. The negative connotation of a word means it causes people to think of something distressing or negative, while a positive connotation brings happy, joyful thoughts to mind. Some words even have a neutral connotation that is neither positive nor negative but still brings emotion to mind.

Connotative words can vary based on the personal experience of the reader and the associated emotion that the word brings.

Examples of Connotation

A better way to explore the idea of connotation is to look at the following sentences:

  • The furniture was cheap.

In this sentence, the word cheap can have both a positive and a negative connotation. For some people, it refers primarily to frugality and good value, while to others it means poor quality. Literally, it means of low monetary cost, but a person’s feeling about something affordable makes a difference in how the sentence gets read.

Looking at synonyms can show how connotation affects writing. For instance:

  • She felt a little childish.

This sentence has a negative connotation because the reader thinks the person feels embarrassed. If it read this way:

  • She felt a little childlike.

It means practically the same thing, only now the connotation is more positive and whimsical.

More Examples of Connotation and Denotation

To better understand the difference between denotation and connotation, consider these examples:

Slender and Scrawny

Both of these words have the same denotation because they are synonyms for the word thin. However, the word slender has a positive connotation of health and wellness, while the word scrawny is a negative word that means unattractively skinny.

Laid-back and Lackadaisical

Again, these words, being synonyms, have the same denotative meaning. They mean relaxed and not full of care.

However, laid-back is pretty positive in its connotation, but someone with a lackadaisical attitude is someone people consider lazy and uncaring.

Home and House

Here, you have two words that both mean the structure where someone lives. However, their connotations are different.

A home brings to mind warm, cozy feelings of family and comfort, while a house simply brings to mind the cold structure you live in.

Grin and Sneer

In this final example, grin and sneer both mean a type of smile. The grin has a positive connotation, but a sneer definitely feels negative and even villainous.

Using Denotation and Connotation in Your Writing

As you write, you must consider the connotation of the word along with its dictionary meaning. Some words, like the word handicapped, have earned such a negative connotation over the years that they no longer are acceptable to most English readers and writers.

Consider every word you write, and determine if it has a negative connotation. Look for alternate words when needed, so your writing will always convey the meaning, both literally and figuratively, that you want it to.

A Final Word On Denotation And Connotation Examples

English words have more than one meaning. Denotation is the literal, dictionary definition. However, connotation, the figurative meaning, goes much deeper.

In your writing, you must consider both. If a word has a particularly negative connotation, consider swapping it with an alternative that means the same thing without the negative feelings attached.

FAQs On Denotation And Connotation Examples

What do denotation and connotation mean?

Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word, while connotation is the figurative meaning that stems from people’s emotions about the word.

What are some examples of connotation and denotation?

The word blue is a good example of a word that shows denotation and connotation. While the denotation is a color, the connotation can be one of negative, sad emotions.

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