The word hand a noun or a verb

Выберите правильный вариант

Задание 1.

We … see a big maple tree from our kitchen window.

  • will

  • can

  • might

Задание 2.

I … sleep recently.

  • can’t

  • might

  • haven’t been able to

Задание 3.

The roads … get very busy because of the demonstration.

  • may

  • can

  • be

Задание 4.

She won’t … to deny her words!

  • can’t

  • will

  • dare

Задание 5.

His grandmother … speak 5 foreign languages.

  • could

  • will

  • able to

Задание 6.

I am afraid I … come to the party on Saturday.

  • couldn’t

  • will

  • can’t

Задание 7.

I received a letter but there was not sender’s address. Who … it be from?

  • will

  • might

  • is able to

Задание 8.

I was sitting at the back of the theatre and … hear very well.

  • can

  • couldn’t

  • would not

Задание 9.

My grandmother told me she never … to behave that way! They had strict rules.

  • dared

  • could

  • might

Задание 10.

Yesterday, I left the flat unlocked. It …, but luckily it wasn’t.

  • may be robbed

  • might have been robbed

  • will be robbed

Задание 11.

Applicants for the job … speak two foreign languages.

  • can be able to

  • might be able to

  • must be able to

Задание 12.

As soon as I entered the flat I … smell the fragrance of her perfume.

  • can

  • will

  • could

Задание 13.

Martin … speak French and English.

  • can

  • might

  • will

Задание 14.

Toby … come tomorrow.

  • would

  • might be able to

  • can be able to

Задание 15.

How … you speak to me so rudely?

  • might

  • able you

  • dare

Задание 16.

We were totally free. We … do what we wanted.

  • can

  • could

  • will be able

Задание 17.

The fire spread through the building so quickly, but fortunately everybody … escape.

  • was able to

  • could

  • can

Задание 18.

Where’s Catty? She … lunch now.

  • can have

  • might be having

  • will have

Задание 19.

I haven’t decided yet where to go on my holidays. I … go to Finland.

  • will

  • may

  • can

Задание 20.

I am sure he … not do this!

  • is able

  • dare

  • might

Задание 21.

I haven’t got any money now, but I … pay you tomorrow.

  • could

  • can

  • am able to

Задание 22.

Although Pete played well, he … beat Mike.

  • cannot

  • could not

  • could

Задание 23.

I wonder why he didn’t answer the phone. He … asleep.

  • may have been

  • can have been

  • will be

Задание 24.

The word “hand” … a noun or a verb.

  • will be

  • could be

  • can be

Задание 25.

Sarah hasn’t replied to my message. I suppose she … got it.

  • might have

  • might not have

  • would not

Задание 26.

When you graduate, you … get a good job.

  • would

  • will be able to

  • can

Задание 27.

I … judge him only by his appearance.

  • daren’t

  • am able

  • will

Задание 28.

Despite the fact that it was dark, he … find his way.

  • would

  • was able to

  • can

Задание 29.

… I come in? Sorry for my being late!

  • Will

  • May

  • Could

Задание 30.

I … reach him on the phone. He was out of town.

  • would

  • сouldn’t

  • сan

Задание 31.

You … have left your phone at her place. Here, use my phone and ask her.

  • should

  • can

  • could

Задание 32.

She … help him tomorrow.

  • could

  • will be able to

  • will be

Задание 33.

Hi! … I speak to Jim, please?

  • shall

  • will

  • can

Задание 34.

Cindy … go out tonight. She isn’t feeling well.

  • can

  • may not

  • will

Задание 35.

I can’t find my keys, I … them in the shop.

  • might have left

  • can leave

  • will leave

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

рука, сторона, стрелка, ручной, подручный, передавать, помочь, вручать


- рука, кисть руки

- лапа, передняя нога (обезьяны)

the monkey has four hands — у обезьяны четыре лапы

- лапа (сокола, попугая)
- клешня (рака)
- указатель (изображающий руку с вытянутым указательным пальцем)

ещё 29 вариантов


- ручной

hand crank — заводная рукоятка
hand baggage — ручная кладь
hand brake — ручной тормоз

- сделанный вручную, ручным способом

hand getting — горн. ручная добыча /выемка/

- переносный
- наручный, для ношения на руке
- в грам. знач. нареч. вручную

hand knitted — связанный вручную, ручной вязки
hand made — ручной работы
hand sewn — сшитый вручную


- передавать; вручать

to hand smb. a discharge — разг. уволить кого-л.
she was handed the prize for reading — ей вручили приз за чтение, она получила приз за чтение

- дотрагиваться, касаться
- (into, out of, to) провести за руку; помочь (войти, пройти)

to hand a lady into a car — посадить даму в машину

- разг. отдавать должное

you have to hand it to him, he could work — надо отдать ему должное, работать он умел; чего-чего, а умения работать у него не отнимешь

- признать себя побеждённым, уступить
- мор. убрать (паруса)

Мои примеры


the friend at your left hand — друг, находящийся слева от вас  
the firm clasp of her hand — её крепкая хватка  
the fleshy part of your hand — мясистая часть вашей ладони  
the fine hand of a master — искусная рука мастера  
a languid wave of the hand — вялый взмах руки  
a sure hand on the throttle — твёрдая рука на акселераторе  
to tram a car by hand — откатывать вагонетку вручную  
hand of a clock — часовая стрелка  
hand correction — исправление от руки  
the dead hand of the past — тяжёлое наследие прошлого  
first-hand account — информация из первых рук  
to give with a free hand — раздавать щедрой рукой  

Примеры с переводом

Can you give me a hand?

Помоги мне, пожалуйста. / Ты мне не поможешь?

Do you need a hand?

Вам помочь? (досл. Вам нужна рука? Как правило, такой фразой предлагают физическую помощь, например перенести что-нибудь)

My hand still hurts.

Рука всё ещё болит.

He handed the teacher a slip of paper.

Он протянул учителю клочок бумаги.

He squeezed my hand.

Он крепко пожал мне руку.

The young couple were holding hands.

Молодая пара держалась за руки.

He has a stiff hand.

У него онемела рука.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Always proud to sit down with an ice-cold beer in my hand, I was ostentatious about it in town.

Was happy to hand her grandmother’s cookie recipes to the parish ladies to put in their cookbook

…was happy to hand her grandmother’s cookie recipes to the parish ladies to put in their cookbook…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hand back — возвращать, отдавать в руки, возврат
hand down — подавать сверху, помочь сойти вниз, передавать потомству
hand in — вручать, подавать, сажать
hand off — передавать, передать мяч игроку своей команды
hand on — передавать, пересылать
hand out — раздавать, выдавать, тратить деньги, помочь выйти, помочь сойти
hand over — сдавать, передавать другому
hand round — раздавать, разносить
hand up — подавать снизу вверх

Возможные однокоренные слова

handful  — горсть, пригоршня, горсточка, наказание, маленькая кучка, маленькая группа, беда
underhand  — закулисный, хитрый, тайный, коварный, тайно, за спиной
unhand  — выпускать из рук, отнимать руки, выпускать
handless  — безрукий
handily  — ловко, умело, проворно, удобно, под рукой
handiness  — удобство управления, управляемость, искусство, ловкость
overhand  — , , сверху вниз, верхний удар, нависать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hand
he/she/it: hands
ing ф. (present participle): handing
2-я ф. (past tense): handed
3-я ф. (past participle): handed

ед. ч.(singular): hand
мн. ч.(plural): hands

Britannica Dictionary definition of HAND



the body part at the end of your arm that includes your fingers and thumb

  • These gloves will keep your hands warm.

  • She put her hands over her eyes.

  • He sat quietly with his hands folded in his lap.

used in some phrases to refer to a person

  • I’m afraid this job will need more than one pair of hands. [=more than one person]

  • It’s a big job, but many hands make light work. [=if many people work on it, it will be easier to do]




power, possession, or control

  • The maps were in the hands of the enemy. [=the enemy had the maps]

  • The land between these mountains remains in private hands. [=is privately owned]



physical help


assistance in doing something

  • Do you need a hand?

  • I’ll be happy to lend a hand. [=help]

often + with

  • Can you give/lend me a hand with [=help me with] this suitcase?

  • Let me give you a hand with that.

see also helping hand



a long, thin part that points to a number on a clock or dial

  • Many clocks have a second hand, a minute hand, and an hour hand.


somewhat old-fashioned


a promise of marriage

  • He asked for her hand (in marriage). [=he asked her to marry him]

  • She offered her hand in marriage to him. [=she said that she would marry him]

  • She gave him her hand in marriage. [=she married him]



the act of hitting your hands together to show approval, appreciation, etc.


the act of applauding

  • Let’s give him a big hand! [=a big round of applause]



the cards that are held by a player in a card game

  • He studied his hand before deciding how much to bet.

often used figuratively

  • The program is designed to help children who have been dealt a cruel hand in life. [=children who have suffered or had bad things happen to them]

  • Even her critics say her chances of succeeding are great since she has been dealt such a strong hand. [=she is in a strong position]

see also overplay your hand at overplay


a single round of play in a card game

  • He lost the first hand but won the next two.



a hired worker

  • factory hands

  • The cowboys were simply hired hands with no ownership rights.

see also farmhand, old hand, stagehand


a member of a ship’s crew

usually plural

  • All hands on deck!



someone who performs or produces something (such as a work of art)

usually singular

  • These two portraits are by the same hand. [=by the same artist]




a particular way or style of doing or handling something

  • The hand of a master is evident in these sculptures. [=these sculptures were obviously done by a very skillful artist]

  • He runs the business with a firm hand.

  • a cook who has a heavy hand with the salt [=who uses too much salt]

see also heavy-handed





the way a person’s writing looks


a type of handwriting

  • a note written in an elegant hand




a unit of measure equal to 4 inches (about 10.16 centimeters) and used especially to measure the height of horses

  • a horse that is 15 hands high

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

see bird

a show of hands

see 2show

at hand


close in distance or time

  • She likes to keep the phone (close) at hand.

  • We need to address the problem at hand [=the particular problem we are dealing with] and not argue about these other issues.

at the hand(s) of


by or through the action of (someone or something)

  • They were treated badly at the hands of the prison guards.

  • The people had suffered at the hands of a cruel dictator.

be eating out of someone’s hand

see eat

by hand


with the hands

  • The stone was carved by hand.


from one person directly to another

  • I delivered the document to his office by hand.

by the hand


by holding someone’s hand

  • I took him by the hand and led him through the crowd.

sometimes used figuratively

  • You can’t expect me to lead you by the hand through every difficult situation.

by your own hand


by your own actions

  • She died by her own hand. [=she killed herself; she committed suicide]

fall into the hands of

see 1fall

fall into the wrong hands

see 1fall

force someone’s hand

see 2force

get your hands dirty

see 1dirty

get/lay your hands on


to find, get, or control (someone or something)

  • I’m still trying to lay my hands on my car keys.

  • He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her money.

  • Wait until I get my hands on you. [=you will be in trouble when I catch you]

give your right hand

see 1give

good with your hands


skillful at things that require the use of your hands

  • He’s always been good with his hands.

hand and foot

used to describe someone whose hands and feet are tied to prevent escape or movement

  • The prisoner was bound/tied hand and foot.

◊ To wait on someone hand and foot is to provide everything that someone needs or wants.

  • I can’t stand the way they wait on her hand and foot!

hand in glove


very closely

  • We are working hand in glove with the police to recover the stolen property.

hand in hand


holding hands


grasping another person’s hand

  • They walked on the beach hand in hand.

used to say that two people or things are very closely connected or related

  • In a film, the images and sounds go hand in hand.

  • The chef works hand in hand [=very closely] with a nutritionist.

used to say that someone is earning or losing money very quickly or in large amounts

  • They were making/earning money hand over fist.

hands are tied

◊ If your hands are tied, you cannot do anything about a situation because you do not have the power to act freely.

  • I’d like to help you, but my hands are tied.

  • The judge says her hands are tied because the law requires a harsh sentence in such cases.

hands off

used as a command to tell someone not to touch something

  • Hands off my property!

  • “Those cookies look delicious.” “Hands off! We’re saving them for later.”

hand to mouth


without much money


in poverty

  • They have been living hand to mouth since he lost his job. = It’s been hand to mouth since he lost his job.

see also hand-to-mouth

hat in hand


or British

cap in hand


asking or begging for something in a respectful way

  • He came to me, hat in hand, asking if I could get him a job at the company.

have a hand in


to be involved in (something)

  • She had a hand in designing the new highway.

  • Did he have a hand in this decision?

have someone in the palm of your hand

see 1palm

have your hands full


to be very busy

  • She’ll have her hands full with the new baby.

heavy on your hands

see 2heavy

hold hands


hold someone’s hand


to hold a person’s hand in one of your hands for a period of time

  • two people holding hands

  • He held hands with his daughter.

  • He held her hand as they walked.


to guide someone through a process by carefully explaining each step

  • I don’t need you to hold my hand.

in good/safe hands


being taken care of very well

  • With her in charge, the office is in good hands. [=she will do the job well]

  • You’re in safe hands with us. [=you will be safe with us]

in hand


in your possession or control

  • We started our hike with compass and map in hand.

  • He has the situation well in hand. [=he is in control of the situation]

◊ To take someone in hand is to begin to guide or direct someone who has been behaving badly.

  • You need someone to take you in hand, young lady, and show you how to behave!

chiefly British


available for use

  • If we work at this rate, we’ll have a month in hand before our deadline is up!

keep your hand in



to continue to be involved in some activity

  • He retired several years ago, but he still comes by the office occasionally because he likes to keep his hand in (the business).

keep/get your hands off (of)


to not touch (something)

  • Keep your hands off the cookies! We’re saving them for later.

often used figuratively

  • The military is asking lawmakers to keep their hands off [=not change] the defense budget.

know (something) like the back of your hand

see 1know

lay a hand on


to touch or harm (someone)

  • He claims that he never laid a hand on her.

off your hands


no longer in your possession or no longer your responsibility

  • If you don’t want those golf clubs anymore, I’ll be glad to take them off your hands. [=I’ll be glad to take them]

  • She’s trying to find a way to get some of that extra work off her hands.

on hand


available for use

  • We have plenty of water on hand.


present and available to do something

  • Five musicians were on hand to accompany her.

  • A priest was on hand to console them.

on the one hand, on the other hand

used to introduce statements that describe two different or opposite ideas, people, etc.

  • On the one hand, I think the price is fair, but on the other (hand), I really can’t afford to spend that much money.

  • He’s a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.

on your hands

used to say that you have something or are responsible for something

  • With all that extra work on her hands she’ll need all the help she can get.

  • Once this project is over she should have some time on her hands. [=free time]

see also blood on your hands at blood

on your hands and knees


with your hands and knees on the ground


in a crawling position

  • She went down on her hands and knees.

out of hand


very quickly without serious thought

  • He rejected the plan out of hand.

  • Suggestions that the hearing should be delayed were dismissed out of hand.


not controlled

  • The kids were (getting) out of hand. [=were behaving in a wild and uncontrolled way]

  • He warns that technology is getting out of hand.

out of your hands

used to say that you cannot control something

  • The decision is out of my hands.

play into someone’s hands

see 1play

putty in your hands

see 1putty

safe pair of hands



someone who can be trusted with responsibility or a job

  • The next leader of the party should be a safe pair of hands.

sit on your hands

see 1sit

take (something) into your (own) hands


to take control of something

  • The judge had no sympathy for people who insisted on taking the law into their own hands. [=trying to punish criminals themselves instead of allowing the legal system to do it]

  • After months of waiting for something to happen, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

to hand


available for use

  • I don’t have all the latest data (immediately) to hand.

try your hand


to try to do something

usually + at

  • She wanted to try her hand at photography.

turn your hand to


to begin doing (something) usually in a skillful way


to start (a new activity, field of study, etc.)

  • an actress who has turned her hand to directing

  • After he left publishing, he turned his hand to law.

wash your hands of

see 1wash

with your bare hands


using only your hands and no tools or weapons

  • He tried to kill me with his bare hands.

Britannica Dictionary definition of HAND

[+ object]


to give (something) to someone using your hands

  • He handed her a letter. = He handed a letter to her.

  • Hand me that picture.

hand (something) back


hand back (something)


to return (something) by handing it to someone

  • He handed the letter back (to her) without reading it.

  • The clerk handed back my credit card.

hand (something) down


hand down (something)


to pass (something) from a person who is older (such as a parent) to a person who is younger (such as a child)

  • She will hand the diamond ring down to her niece.

  • The farm was handed down from generation to generation.

chiefly US, law


to form and express (a decision or opinion) in writing

  • The Supreme Court has handed down its decision.

hand (something) in


hand in (something)


to give (something) to a person who will review or accept it

  • Students should hand their papers in on Thursday.

  • He handed in his resignation.


to give credit to (someone) for doing something

  • I’ve got to hand it to you. You did a great job planning the party.

hand (something) off


hand off (something)



to give (something) to another person

  • (American football) The quarterback handed off the ball to the halfback.

  • She handed the job off to her assistant.

hand (something) on


hand on (something)



to pass (something) from one person to another

  • These stories have been handed on from generation to generation.

hand (something) out


hand out (something)


to give (something) to several or many people

  • They will hand out [=distribute] copies of the newsletter today.

  • He’s always handing out advice to the people he works with.

  • She handed flyers out at the grocery store.

hand (someone or something) over


hand over (someone or something)


to give up control or possession of (something or someone)

  • They demanded that he hand the documents over to them.

  • They agreed to hand over their hostages.


- the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb (syn: mitt, paw)

he had the hands of a surgeon

- a hired laborer on a farm or ranch

the hired hand fixed the railing
a ranch hand

- something written by hand (syn: handwriting, script)

she recognized his handwriting
his hand was illegible

- ability

he wanted to try his hand at singing

- a position given by its location to the side of an object

objections were voiced on every hand

- the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time (syn: deal)

I didn’t hold a good hand all evening
he kept trying to see my hand

- one of two sides of an issue

on the one hand…, but on the other hand…

- a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece

the big hand counts the minutes

- a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses

the horse stood 20 hands

- a member of the crew of a ship

all hands on deck

- a card player in a game of bridge

we need a 4th hand for bridge

- a round of applause to signify approval

give the little lady a great big hand

- terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos)

the kangaroo’s forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting

- physical assistance

give me a hand with the chores


- place into the hands or custody of (syn: give, pass, pass on, reach, turn over)

hand me the spoon, please

- guide or conduct or usher somewhere

hand the elderly lady into the taxi

Extra examples

These gloves will keep your hands warm.

She put her hands over her eyes.

He sat quietly with his hands folded in his lap.

Do you need a hand?

He grasped the hot metal with his bare hands.

Her father was released from prison by the unbarring hand of death.

The land round his house was in his own hands.

The documents fell into enemy hands.

The condemned man’s fate is in the governor’s hands.

Give me a hand with the dishes.

Give me a hand with this ladder.

He would not lift a hand to help.

The mountains on either hand become loftier and steeper.

The foreman hired three new hands last week.

All hands on board perished.

Phrasal verbs

hand down
 — passed on, as by inheritance
hand out
 — give to several people
hand over
 — to surrender someone or something to another

Word forms

I/you/we/they: hand
he/she/it: hands
present participle: handing
past tense: handed
past participle: handed

singular: hand
plural: hands

The word “hand” ... a noun or a verb. перевод - The word “hand” ... a noun or a verb. русский как сказать

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The word “hand” … a noun or a verb.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Слово «рука» … существительное или глагол.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


The word “hand” … a noun or a verb.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


слово «рука»существительное или глагол<br>

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • Opportunity to returns
  • Игорь
  • Привет я Ирина,как дела?
  • 这个冬天不寻常。 一年的这个时候从未如此温暖。
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  • draw and write about their things
  • 在冬天,这是不寻常的。 每年的这个时候从来没有这么温暖。
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