The word guard in a sentence

Synonym: check, control, curb, defend, protect, restrain, secure, shield, watch. Similar words: on guard, square, quarter, quarterback, quarrel with, headquarters, yard, card. Meaning: [gɑrd /gɑːd]  n. 1. a person who keeps watch over something or someone 2. the person who plays that position on a football team 3. a device designed to prevent injury 4. a posture of defence in boxing or fencing 5. the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team 6. a group of men who escort and protect some important person 7. a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc. 8. the duty of serving as a sentry 9. a position on the line of scrimmage 10. a position on a basketball team. v. 1. to keep watch over 2. watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect 3. protect against a challenge or attack 4. take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence. 

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1. The conservative old guard had re-established its political supremacy.

2. Be on your guard against pickpockets.

3. They were summarily ejected by the security guard.

4. Officials used guard dogs to eject the protesters.

5. A guard zapped him with the stun gun.

6. The noise aroused the sleeping guard.

7. A guard was posted outside the building.

8. She had to defend herself against the guard dog.

9. Two men grappled with a guard at the door.

10. He struck me while I was off guard.

11. A security guard was killed in the bank raid.

12. The guard left before his replacement came.

13. He throttled the guard with his bare hands.

14. The guard fan ned him for weapon.

15. I will guard you from all dangers.

16. The guard looked at us with a frigid stare.

17. We must guard against accidents.

18. The guard stopped him from going through the gate.

18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

19. The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.

20. The guard flourished his pistol at the crowd.

21. They captured the last stronghold of the presidential guard.

22. Two soldiers must be on guard all night.

23. Two of the soldiers kept guard over the captured guns.

24. His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him.

25. The robber stunned the guard by banging him on the head.

26. A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.

27. The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced.

28. Modesty is not only and ornament,( but also a guard to virtue. 

29. Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor ‘s arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger, rescue is the life guard.

30. Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.

More similar words: on guard, square, quarter, quarterback, quarrel with, headquarters, yard, card, hard, award, board, beard, hazard, pardon, toward, tear down, standard, hardware, on board, hardly any, backyard, regarding, put forward, afterward, as regards, regardless, avant-garde, in regard to, jeopardize, bring forward.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word guard, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use guard in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «guard».

Guard in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word guard in a sentence.

  1. The second guard was wounded.

  2. The longer guard hairs are black.

  3. José is left behind on guard duty.

  4. Khan is placed under guard in quarters.

  5. It can only be removed under armed guard.

  6. Males guard their territories year-round.

  7. The VP companies were used to guard POWs.

  8. Upon her return, she resumed guard duties.

  9. The replica guard tower was built in 2005.

  10. George Sykes’s division would guard the line.

  11. During that same draft, Boston also drafted guard K.

  12. Normally the guard changes every hour between 9 a.m.

  13. Tillman sent Peterson to Denmark with a single guard.

  14. Males guard females actively to avoid being cuckolded.

  15. A wolf’s coat colour is determined by its guard hairs.

  16. The attack went in around 18:00, led by the advanced guard of the ‘forlorn hope’.

  17. At the outbreak of the conflict, the ship was deployed to guard the German Bight.

  18. A year later the USFS employed men to guard the cave and to serve as tour guides.

  19. A guard was posted to discourage souvenir hunters who might otherwise chip at it.

  20. She then proceeded on to Wilhelmshaven, where she resumed guard duty in the Bight.

  21. Rather than running the ball, Royal threw the ball downfield, catching the Georgia defense off guard.

  22. The 21st, leaving two companies behind at South Mountain for guard detail, now numbered only 150 men.

  23. Both male and female pouched frogs (Assa darlingtoni) guard their eggs, which are laid on the ground.

  24. He has appeared frequently as part of the color guard at Denver’s annual National Western Stock Show.

  25. Efforts to camouflage the ship began on 23 April and she was reclassified as a guard ship on 20 June.

  26. The police arrive and arrest the Cat, who is Charlie Wilder in disguise; the guard is his accomplice.

  27. Confederate troops attacked the rear guard on October 21, bringing on the Battle of Little Blue River.

  28. Klenau organized the rear guard for the Army’s retreat into Moravia, and lost 15 percent of his force.

  29. He played point guard and later served as an assistant coach at Duke University under Mike Krzyzewski.

  30. He was promised safe conduct and marched under guard to the townhouse where the council had assembled.

  31. The ships were also used to guard the mouth of the Elbe in the North Sea in the first year of the war.

  32. One night, Duran is on guard duty at the castle of Valsena when the Crimson Wizard attacks the castle.

  33. The bridge is designed without standard handrails and uses waist-high parapets as guard rails instead.

  34. Auschwitz guard Stefan Baretzki grew up in the same town; he and Pestek were acquaintances as children.

  35. Despite the failed assassination, Olga insisted on continuing her engagements without a military guard.

  36. He played shortstop and catcher on the baseball team, quarterback on the football team, and guard on the basketball team.

  37. Maximian then seized Severus and took him under guard to a public villa in southern Rome, where he was kept as a hostage.

  38. The city had no royal garrison and the townspeople and local notables had fallen out of the habit of maintaining a guard.

  39. Miller took guard and deliberately let his first ball, from Trevor Bailey, hit the stumps, much to Bradman’s displeasure.

  40. Some villages had family members stand guard over freshly buried bodies to prevent Dali from unearthing them to weep over.

  41. Residents along and inland of the central Texas coast were caught off guard both by its intensity and its time of arrival.

  42. Hopton’s men had a good view of this guard and for over an hour his musketeers shot down at the guards with little effect.

  43. The guard of honour at the unveiling was formed by detachments from every branch of the Service then at Aldershot Command.

  44. In this sense, Gevninge could have been «the Port of Lejre», standing guard against anyone who sailed towards the capital.

  45. Members of the household cavalry and other branches of the armed forces stood guard at the four corners of the catafalque.

  46. He credited his father, a transportation manager at a local coal mine and a standout point guard at Clay County High School in 1963, with developing his basketball acumen.

  47. The card and coupon were used by showing them to a security guard at an opening along the fare gates, who after checking their validity allowed the holder to pass through.

  48. Estraven poses as a prison guard and breaks Ai out of the farm, using his training with the Handdarrata to induce dothe, or hysterical strength, to aid him in the process.

  49. Johnson sent twelve men to guard the horses at the ranch of Julian de la Garza, approximately 4 miles (6.4 km) outside the town, while the rest garrisoned in San Patricio.

  50. Elements of Clark’s brigade had crossed the river and were fighting against the rear guard when Blunt arrived on the field with reinforcements, pressuring the Confederates.

Synonyms for guard

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word guard has the following synonyms: bodyguard, guard duty, sentry duty, sentry go, precaution, safeguard, safety, safety device, defend, hold and ward.

General information about «guard» example sentences

The example sentences for the word guard that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «guard» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «guard».

guard — перевод на русский


— I don’t know, they’re security guards, Eddie.

Не знаю, они ж охранники, Эдди.

— I told you, Eddie, those guys were just security guards.

Я же сказала, Эдди, это охранники.

«The plan went wrong — the guards got wise, somehow.»

«План не сработал охранники откуда-то всё узнали.

Those guards up there will start firing. And you.

Эти охранники начнут стрелять.

Mr Mori … I shouldn’t ask, but … I look shabby, so your guards don’t admit me.

Господин Мори … Я не должен просить, но … Я одет неважно, и ваши охранники не пускают меня.

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But your guard wouldn’t listen to me.

Но ваша охрана не стала меня слушать.

Guard the exits.

Охрана на выход.

There’ll be soldiers in the corridor… guarding Hitler’s box.

В коридоре, у ложи Гитлера будет стоять охрана.

my ransom is this frail and worthless body, my army but a weak and sickly guard.

Мой выкуп — эта немощная плоть. Мои войска — мне слабая охрана.

More guards.

Онова охрана.

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You don’t need to guard my position.

Не нужно охранять моё место.

Guarding Father is one of my many duties.

Охранять отца — одна из моих обязанностей.

I’ll guard Tommy for nothing.

Я буду охранять Томми бесплатно.

— I’m delighted with her. But most marvelous of all is the man you sent to guard the vault.

Но больше всего — человеком, которого вы прислали охранять хранилище.

I don’t like the responsibility of guarding your treasure.

Мне совсем не хочется охранять твое богатство.

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The parade step of the «Black Guards, » the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler

Чеканя шаг шествует «Черная Стража» Лейбштандарта-СС Адольф Гитлер

Quick, guards, quick!

Стража, быстрее!

-The advance guard’s far ahead.

— Головная стража далеко от них.

He’s heavily guarded.

Там кругом стража.

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Police and National Guard have been powerless to stem the wild rush away from the doomed city.

Полиция и Национальная гвардия бессильны остановить безумное бегство людей из обреченного города.

The guards of Meneos!

Гвардия Меноса!

Where’s my personal guard?

Где моя личная гвардия?

King’s guard, attention!

Королевская гвардия — на караул!

Praetorian Guard, as always, very effective.

преторианская гвардия, как всегда, очень зФФективна.

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The guard who brought up the body… applied artificial respiration, but without result.

Сторож, обнаруживший тело… Попытался сделать искуственное дыхание, но безрезультатно.

Shortly before Claude’s body was discovered… the beach guard saw Rhoda coming off the wharf.

Незадолго перед тем, как нашли тело Клода… Сторож видел Роду, уходящей с причала.

The guard didn’t identify the girl by name… but she had blond pigtails and was wearing a red dress, he said.

Сторож не опознал девочку по имени… Но он сказал — у неё были светлые косички и красное платье.

A guard said he saw you coming off the wharf… just a little before lunchtime.

Сторож видел, как ты уходила с причала… Прямо перед началом ланча.

— Like a guard on night watch.

— Как сторож на посту.

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And one of the guards will get a reward for your head, 3.000 tanga.

И кто-нибудь из стражников получит за твою голову награду, 3.000 таньга.

You can take cover under this veil, and pass by the guards, to Baghdad!

Ты можешь укрыться под этим покрывалом от стражников и вернуться обратно в Багдад!

I thought about killing the guard, but it doesn’t help.

Я подумал об устранении стражников, но это вряд ли поможет.

You see how big the guard is, don’t you?

Ах. Ты видишь, сколько стражников?

There are many guards but I’ll find a way, come on!

Там много стражников, но я найду путь, пошли!

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Many women, for instance, confess that — transformed into cats — they soiled the altar during the night, while two devils in the shape of animals stood guard at the church door.

Например, женщины клялись, что оборотившись кошками, они гадили на алтарь, в то время как двое чертей под звериной личиной, несли караул у церковных врат…

I remember one birthday of His Majesty, our beloved Czar… I had the honor of being on guard at his palace.

Никогда не забуду тот торжественный прием в летнем дворце… ко дню рождения его величества, нашего любимого царя… где мне выпала честь нести караул.

Give them a guard of honor and throw the rice.

Почетный караул им и бросайте рис.

Honour Guard, headquarters.

Почетный караул при штабе.

The guards are drunk, sir.

Караул напился.

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-Well, after they said you did, the coast guard and everybody.

— Ну, после того, как мне так сказали и береговая охрана, да и все вокруг.

The coast guard made a formal report that you were drowned.

Береговая охрана сделала официальное заявление, что ты утонул.

— Hello, Coast Guard.

Алло, береговая охрана.

Hello, Coast Guard. — Go on.

Алло, береговая охрана.

The coast guard informed Mrs. Hobbs… that the only hope now was that the boat had drifted far enough out to sea… to be picked up by a passing tramp or tanker.

Береговая охрана сообщила миссис Хоббс, что надежда только на то, что лодку отнесло достаточно далеко в море, и её подберёт проходящее судно.

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From leaving the building to getting past the guard.

как выйти отсюда, как пройти мимо часовых.

— Put those under guard.

— К зтим приставить часовых.

Captain, couldn’t you at least post a couple of guards?

Капитан, вы можете выставить хотя бы пару часовых?

Two men on guard are missing, the transmitter has… disappeared.

Двоих часовых пропали без вести, а передатчик… исчез.

There’s no guard been mounted.

Часовых не выставили.

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Отправить комментарий

гвардия, охрана, стража, охранять, караулить, сторожевой, караульный


- охрана; стража; караул; конвой

- часовой; караульный; конвоир; сторож

the guard at the door — часовой у двери
museum guard — музейный сторож; дежурный в зале музея
prison guard — тюремный надзиратель /сторож/
frontier guard — пограничник

- ж.-д. кондуктор
- тж. pl гвардия

one of the old guard — образн. представитель старой гвардии

- милиция (тж. Home Guard)

ещё 7 вариантов


- охранять; сторожить; караулить; конвоировать

to guard a door — охранять дверь, стоять на часах у двери
to guard prisoners — караулить заключённых
to guard sheep — сторожить овец
to guard the borders of one’s country — стоять на страже границ своей родины
to guard smb. to the headquarters — конвоировать кого-л. в штаб, отводить кого-л. в штаб под конвоем
the president is always guarded by secret service men — президент всегда находится под охраной агентов секретной службы
to guard the player — спорт. держать игрока

- спорт. защищать
- шахм. прикрывать фигуру
- оберегать, защищать, ограждать; хранить, сохранять

to guard one’s life [reputation] — оберегать свою жизнь [репутацию]
to guard a document (carefully) — (тщательно) хранить документ
to guard one’s money — беречь деньги
guard your health for the sake of your children — берегите своё здоровье ради детей

- сохранять, поддерживать, не терять

to guard one’s anonymity — сохранять своё инкогнито /имя неизвестным/
to guard one’s composure /presence of mind/ — сохранять самообладание, не терять самообладания

ещё 4 варианта

Мои примеры


to catch unawares / napping / off guard — застать врасплох  
advance guard — передовой отряд  
under guard — под стражей  
to call out the guard — вызывать охрану  
to stand guard over — выставлять стражу  
rear guard — арьергард  
security guard — конвоир, охранник, телохранитель  
armed guard — вооруженная охрана  
detailing for guard — наряд в караул  
guard / attack амер. dog — сторожевая собака  

Примеры с переводом

The guard checked our passes.

Охранник проверил наши пропуска.

The guard dog came for me.

Сторожевая собака бросилась ко мне.

We were stopped by border guards.

Нас остановили пограничники.

The guard allowed the visitor to pass.

Охранник разрешил посетителю пройти.

An alert guard stopped the robbers.

Грабителей остановил бдительный охранник.

He got life for killing the guard.

Он получил пожизненный срок за убийство охранника.

Another guard frisked him expertly.

Другой охранник со знанием дела обыскал его.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The guard shackled the prisoner.

Sidcup volunteered for guard duty.

He attacked the guard with a knife.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

guardian  — опекун, страж, попечитель, блюститель
guarded  — охраняемый, осторожный, сдержанный, осмотрительный
guards  — гвардия, гвардейский
guardant  — обращенный анфас
guarding  — ограждение, держание, опека, защитная фиксация, спазм мышц

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: guard
he/she/it: guards
ing ф. (present participle): guarding
2-я ф. (past tense): guarded
3-я ф. (past participle): guarded

ед. ч.(singular): guard
мн. ч.(plural): guards

“Was the body moved here?” Tobias asks the Militia guard

He ran and grabbed for the horn hanging off the wall of the guard station and blew

Finally at five pm, during the Aoki set, he felt the phone vibrate, and headed for the nearest security guard that bore the Oodle logo, a rune in black and white

The word keep’ here means to guard and to control

“I guess I’ll guard the elevator

The Operator pulled the Chip back toward himself and held it close, not sure what he was going to do to effectively guard it

“I’m not so sure about that,” Johnny remarked as he looked down at the unconscious guard

Also there are various electronic devices such as Yard Guard (Arbico) that really work! Another helpful tool is your dog or cat since they can keep many animals at bay

He currently had one guard clamped to his back, and two more trying to hold his legs to the ground

Big Petey kicked them off and then reached back over his shoulder to lift the guard off his back and launch him through the air

“I reversed gravity,” Red exclaimed unnecessarily as she punched out a nearby guard

Sad to say most have been trained to guard against what is not wanted and thereby attracting more of that to their life experience

of nettle, as erect and hostilely on guard as the brambles were chaotic and malevolent

We let God guard us with His protection

The ranks part for the MAIN GUARD, a muscular swarthy man with a bandanna on his head, dressed in military fatigues and covered in tattoos

A poorly-shaven GUARD in a sloppy uniform leans indolently against the gate with his machine gun cradled in his arms

ANOTHER GUARD sits in a small shack nearby with his head on a desk, SNORING

The first guard sees a column of vehicles approaching in the distance

He stands, addresses the guard

A key turns in the lock of the cell door and a GUARD

The guard leaves, bolts the door

A guard steps up, puts a hood over Ricci’s head, leads him to the waiting executioner

A tall young security guard ran his hand-held detector over him and then reached asked Joshua to raise his arms when the device began to whine

«Are you alright sir?» The young guard asked

Joshua looked down into the eyes of the guard, still breathing in short bursts and mumbling something under his breath

The guard knew it was a northern dialect but it was one he didn’t understand

patrol guard on the border of life and death at the last moment I put her

His guard leant against the wall and, having struck a match along Citizen

Elders are guardians and as such guard against worldliness,

“I oughta go over there, tear off that fancy fur collar and shove it up yer ass security guard

After all, he didn’t want to be late for the guard he was going to relieve from last night’s shift

sadly before shouting for the guard

The guard grabbed hold of MacKenzie’s frail arm, visibly bruising him as he hauled

The guard spoke with a slight burr, as though he had been chain-smoking all night

I sat there, numb and stupefied as my guard bolted the door

Naturally, we get round to the subject of the Remembrance Day service and Henry tells me some more stories about his days in the Home Guard

I realised that they must have changed the guard

The guard retrieved the tray from the mattress and put it outside in the corridor

When the boy, my new guard touched me, I felt like a child again, like a naughty little boy who had been sent to his room only to be comforted half an hour later by a worried mother hen

By this last day of his guard rota The Kid was much more confident

The closest thing that I could hear to the cry of a gull surfing on the edge of the land was the habitual shout of the guard after I had showered

Undoubtedly, he came with us just because his religious parents had compelled him to, so as to guard his sister’s virginity!

I wondered where the guard in the blue check shirt was

The door swung open and the guard in the blue check shirt walked into the room

Once out of the shower, Robbie helped me to towel off and then dress while the other guard kept me carefully in his sights

Robbie laughed and turned to the guard standing in the doorway

The morning progressed as usual, and after ten minutes of being left alone with my breakfast the guard returned to my cell to collect the dishes

As the guard took the tray I sat and tried to smile

He noticed that his warning circuits were unarmed and cursed himself internally for not keeping up his guard

Once back in my room I let the guard chain me to the pipe, settling on my camp bed with a show of outward serenity

The lead guard, Steven, a relatively new guy on the block, seemed confused, alternating between real concern and short-tempered, bullying frustration

I continued to sit there in silence, staring at the wall, refusing to make eye contact with either the guard or Menachem

Aban looked towards where the nearest guard stood, checking to make sure that we were not overheard

He could hear the other prisoners being tortured and the guard on the other

“¡You are a fool Son!” the guard laughed

I gave the dungeon guard a drink that contained a sleeping

He looked at the dungeon guard who

A guard was patrolling the hallway

the first guard came past the door without a torch and started down the stairs

Son then took a sack of firewater the guard had carried

At the bottom of the stairs the guard who had been sleeping woke to see

the bloody corpse of another guard at his feet

The guard began to cry out for help

“¡Your lord is dead! ¡I have killed him!” Son shouted back to the guard

As the guard lay there helpless he

Son began to strangle the guard

thought of how the guard had mocked him in captivity

He stood over the corpse of the guard and stared at it

“My son, if you receive my words, and store my commands within you, inclining your ear to wisdom, and applying your mind to reason; if you appeal to intelligence, and lift up your voice to reason; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures – then will you understand reverence for the Lord, and will discover the knowledge of God; for the Lord gives wisdom, out of His mouth comes knowledge and reason; He has help in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk honestly; He guards the paths of justice, and protects the way of His pious ones; then will you understand rectitude and justice, and will keep to every good course; for when wisdom finds a welcome within you, and knowledge becomes a pleasure to you, discretion will watch over you, reason will guard you – saving you from the way of evil men, from men who use perverse speech; who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, exult in wanton wickedness’ who are crooked in all their ways, and tortuous in their paths – saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress who plies you with smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets her pledge to God; for her paths lead down to death, and her tracks descend to the Shades; none who go to her come back again, or reach the paths of life – helping you to walk in the way of good men, and to keep to the paths of the righteous; for the upright will live in the land, and the honest will remain in it; while the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the faithless will be rooted out of it

The captain of the army stood guard outside with many other soldiers

Son asked Guard about his past and Guard only said, “War is all I

The captain of the guards did not know anything about Guard

only known that Guard was a good soldier, had skill equal to the captain

When Son studied Guard he was reminded of himself when he was in

Guard stopped the man before he came any closer

Guard stood in front of the oracle to stop her, but Son allowed her to

With that, Son, Lyla, Guard, and an escort of five hundred soldiers led by

Guard wanted to come, but Son commanded him to stay in the Land of

Guard, who rode on a horse

Guard jumped off of the horse with his sword

“¡Halt!” “¿¡What is your name?!” Guard shouted as he approached Son

Suddenly Guard attacked Son, stabbing him through his chest

” said Guard as he looked with hate into

¡Now die knowing that the old king of War has been avenged!” Guard

” said Guard fearfully as he backed away

” said Guard as he offered his sword to Son

Guard as he placed his hand on the blade

In Danton’s wake a red capped guard hurried on, head bowed, taking two pigeon steps for every one that the committee chairman slammed down onto the unyielding flagstones as they swept past heavy browed doors set in frames of rough cut, foot square timbers

The three of men, Danton, the gaoler and the guard, swept down the landing towards the far door, their mistimed triumvirate steps clattering out a chaos of irregular rhythms

His guard leant against the wall and, having struck a match along Citizen Marat’s noble nose, lit a cheroot while the gaoler fumbled with his keys

He smiled sadly before shouting for the guard

Revealed by candle light the gaoler and the guard stood as if watching street theatre, both of them wearing red, white and blue cockades on the front of their soft red caps

The guard grabbed hold of MacKenzie’s frail arm, visibly bruising him as he hauled him forward into the painful glare of the candles floating on their ledges

’ The polite guard said, returning the paper to her

A young woman stood in front of her wearing the same official garb as the guard

We desire to honor Him and guard His name and integrity

where life-size Sphinxes guard the doors

The leese was caught off guard by the cave in, and it’s lurch allowed Alan to scramble a bit farther onto the shore with a mighty yank from Luray

The monstrous thing growled and reared up; the ‘twins’ attacked in unison, momentarily throwing it off guard

‘We cannot retrieve the fourth Element without using a massive guard – you agree?’ he replied

She found she didn’t remember most of the stuff in here, she probably should have thrown it all out decades ago, the papers that were hers were already obsolete and could now be learned by examining any common electronic device with a polarizing microscope, but twenty decades ago they had been some of the Kassikan’s most closely guarded secrets

He was luckier, but they might come back for more and he isn’t guarded in the hospital

Second story: I write about an elephant cemetery guarded by a monster

In the same evening, in a movie on TV there is a similar scene: A tribe of Indians lives near an elephant cemetery guarded by a monster

He had to remember to keep his comments guarded however, the odds that this was a set-up to get opinions out of him were great

‘What did he say when you told him about the baby?’ she asked, her expression guarded

He said the pool of immortality was guarded by Death itself

Now she was guarded and cool

They went down another long hallway to two huge doors guarded by two members of the Light Brigade

Northern Bank cash machine guarded by a dog with eyes the size

was sited a few hundred yards from the coast, and guarded by a

They were a club of elitists and jealously guarded the gates of admission into the folds of their number

‘What sort of abuse?’ she asked, her face guarded

‘But their treasure is their most closely guarded

recovered a little, but her eyes still wore a guarded

That was his most closely guarded secret

give up the most closely guarded secrets in a nanosecond

A continuous wail emitted from her tightly guarded bundle

‘You should have guarded your treasure more closely

A project that was began long ago by the dwarves, the Keepers’ Crypt was the resting place of all those who guarded the Seventh World before him

exclusive privileges, though they are not very strictly guarded

This was guarded by two men with shotguns

Shaking her head at this symbiology, she snapped The book shut, and snatched another nearby book, The Eternal Life Sequence, to read its preface Discussing the possibility that if “there already was An ‘elixir of life’ or ‘fountain of youth’ which Is guarded by a few—how would we know?

think it only film, because the show is guarded by

The perpetual allotment and destination of this fund, indeed, is not always guarded by any positive law, by any trust-right or deed of mortmain

It is always guarded, however, by a very powerful principle, the plain and evident interest of every individual to whom any share of it shall ever belong

There was a narrow inlet on Buskados, guarded by steep crags on both sides

Opening into the large entrance hall were two massive doors, guarded by four armed sentries

Without her blade, she had even more reason to be guarded

Unimpressed and frustrated, yet guarded, she waited for his reply with tense silence

She opened the book with guarded hands, unsettled by the general’s ominous tone and by Maro’s retreat to the distant half of the chamber

To dream that the toilet seat is down indicates that you are guarded when it comes to expressing your emotions

The higher the tax, the higher the penalties with which the prohibition is guarded, the more vigilant and severe the police which looks after the execution of the law, the greater must be the difference in the proportion of gold and silver to the annual produce of the land and labour of Spain and Portugal, and to that of other countries

It was still guarded by a sloping hillside

The field that surrounded the keep was guarded heavily, with patrols constantly upon the surrounding streets and circling the stone building itself

Fallingwater lay silent, guarded by dilapidated wooden barricades in front of the narrow, stone enclosed passageway that led to the front door

Under the Roman emperors, besides, the standing armies of Rome, those particularly which guarded the German and Pannonian frontiers, became dangerous to their masters, against whom they used frequently to set up their own generals

The only exception was Rogan, who sat staring resolutely forward, his face carefully guarded

“They are as unlike the pups that guarded the entrance to the temple as tigers are to

raiders enter the most heavily guarded place on earth and make off with the two artefacts most

They couldn’t be destroyed, even with the Power, so the only option was that they be guarded

They often formed clans of the four tribes to invade by force and overwhelm the small outposts and keeps that guarded the coasts

The outer defences were still heavily guarded however

That is exactly why you should be guarded at all times, Adem

He was silent a moment, and his gaze became guarded

more heavily guarded than any outside of Earth’s

that’s the mystery of Obsidian Carter’s keeping guarded for her

A guarded ship with live cargo could mean only one thing

The West Yorkshire regiment guarded the royal captives and the Ansahs, who marched down handcuffed to Prahsu, where they remained, awaiting their trial on the coast

“The tower is always guarded by a couple of men,” Sicarius said

Though the front gate was open, two soldiers guarded it

The two statuesque soldiers who had guarded the exit followed

Two more men guarded the exit, but at least it was a different pair than at dawn

Now he was as masked and guarded as every other lackey with an agenda

) At some critical juncture along this extraordinary journey, however, the traveler will (inevitably) be required to scale the guarded barriers of determined designs intended to protect that individual‘s intellectual and moral assumptions

We had no night vision equipment issued but I obtained a complete kit via the Army which worked well and I jealously guarded it from all others

The infantry as always in COIN walked and drove patrols and guarded strategic points

Such friendships achieve their fullest potential or meaning in an environment mindful of each individual‘s guarded values and opinions

A matronly woman perched atop a barstool that threatened to collapse under her bulk guarded a curtained doorway

Because we needed the trucks, we moved crate after crate to the rail siding and our guarded lockup

Guarded twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week

“Le chateau, le maison; the windows might be open and the perimeter guarded, but at what distance?”

Akbar and Muhammad though were aware of the increased tension on the faces of the Police and Security Guards that guarded the Chinese President and his family

She was still considered to be in guarded critical condition, but no one takes up space for too long in an emergency wing at most modern hospitals

Most of the German POWs had been released by summer’s end, but a few hundred remained, segregated from the DPs in a guarded compound

She was quickly moved to a safer part of the forest, a heavily guarded section, and deep within Tamworthia

The Red Cross billets were guarded and off-limits to men

Inside the lean, the Princess guarded the flower, keeping it safe and dry

), seen as the originator of the Protestant movement, taught that Eden was guarded by angels, from discovery and consequent profanation, until the Deluge, when all traces of it were destroyed

Guarded, but cool

Two Caddies and a Lincoln guarded a

Some of them were praying on their knees, some of them were simply staring at the men who guarded them straight in the eyes, as if they thought shame alone could turn them away

“He has guarded that resurrected life, as well as my honor, with his own, until I have been restored into your presence

It shone from the many windows, from the windows in the cellar that were guarded by thick iron bars

The Res was guarded by that queen’s standards: no males allowed past the people on duty in the glassed-in security booth just inside the front door

Truth serum would be preferable, of course, but it would take days to coerce Jack Kang into handing some over, as it is jealously guarded by the Candor, and I’d rather not waste a few days

The difference is that Cara’s pain has made her certain of everything, and Tris has guarded her uncertainty, protected it, despite all she’s been through

There is no certainty concerning their origin, but it is clear that they vehemently guarded the secrets of their order and held sway over the people of Gaul

It was a pretty name, almost worthy of a castle with her high in a turret, guarded by a dragon

Invisible and subtle is the mind, and it flies after fancies wherever it likes; but let the wise man guard well his mind, for a mind well guarded is a source of great joy

“Sir, it is likely to be guarded and if we move on it the guards will call the Seven

Jack guarded the rear of our little group

These were guarded by companies of the Frances and their Suizo mercenaries

pretence; 18 for it were irrational, if having lived up to old age in all truth, and having scrupulously guarded our character for it, we

3 And the cherub who guarded the garden was standing at the western gate, and guarding it against Adam and Eve, lest they should suddenly come into the garden

9 At that time the heavens and the Earth shook; and other cherubim came down from Heaven to the cherub who guarded the garden, and saw him amazed and silent

2 So again it goes down to the western gates, and draws away its light, the greatness of its brightness, under the Earth; for since the crown of its shining is in Heaven with the Lord, and guarded by four hundred angels, while the sun goes round on wheel under the Earth, and stands seven great hours in night, and spends half its course under the Earth, when it comes to the eastern approach in the eighth hour of the night, it brings its lights, and the crown of shining, and the sun flames out more than fire

entering through the guarded gate of the city

I looked up at her and froze where I sat, her eyes were guarded and embarrassed but that wasn’t the reason why I couldn’t take my eyes off her

And the hour was at hand for the angels who guarded your mother to go up and worship the Lord; and the enemy gave to her, and she ate of the tree, knowing that I was not near her, nor the holy angels; then she gave me also to eat; And when we had both eaten, God was angry with us; And the Lord, coming into paradise, set His throne, and called with a dreadful voice, saying, Adam, where are you? and why are you hidden from my face? shall the house be hidden from him who built it? And He says, Since you have forsaken my covenant, I have brought on your body seventy strokes

With her hand on the door’s edge, Jesse stared at the man who had guarded her earlier

3 And the cherub who guarded the garden was standing at the western gate and guarding it against Adam and Eve lest they should suddenly come into the garden

9 At that time the heavens and the Earth shook; and other cherubim came down from Heaven to the cherub who guarded the garden and saw him amazed and silent

that my dad could love him like that, but I was also very guarded

2 So again it goes down to the western gates and draws away its light the greatness of its brightness under the Earth; for since the crown of its shining is in Heaven with the Lord and guarded by four hundred angels while the sun goes round on wheel under the Earth and stands seven great hours in night and spends half its course under the Earth when it comes to the eastern approach in the eighth hour of the night it brings its lights and the crown of shining and the sun flames out more than fire

land around the pond is guarded with gates and thick woods, and

And you should understand that you have a strong and rather guarded mind, and you think of our communication as ‘talking’, so I only hear the words you ‘speak’ to me, whether you use your mouth or not

But, I gave it a shot, and as Dave Feldman reports: “My first anticipated meeting with Roy was with a guarded sense that as the only son of the owner, he was brought back to Ithaca to eventually take over for his father

And the hour was at hand for the angels who guarded your mother to go up and worship the Lord; and the enemy gave to her and she ate of the tree knowing that I was not near her nor the holy angels; then she gave me also to eat; And when we had both eaten God was angry with us; And the Lord coming into paradise set His throne and called with a dreadful voice saying Adam where are you? and why are you hidden from my face? shall the house be hidden from him who built it? And He says Since you have forsaken my covenant I have brought on your body seventy strokes

«I expected to be guarding the shuttlecraft this dark,» he said

He went straight to the intensive care and found that there was no-one guarding the ward

Russ turns the gun on the soldier guarding John

swivels his gun so that it’s pointing at the two soldiers guarding Ricci and Khalid

deadly snakes guarding it, but the snakes did not strike as he walked past

As she entered the grounds she noticed first off that Queenie was no longer there guarding her children

Soon after, I was let out, because I ended up in a waiting room alone with two cops guarding the door

They were hiding and guarding me from the fans and the assassins

«She’s not guarding her location, she’s about fourteen hundred miles west of Alan on the surface of his planet

The man guarding him suffocated Ish with the trishul rod

stands to reason that you are guarding a gate

of his men to guarding them while he went to assess

guarding the door to the tower

«It may have something to do with the Impenetrable Cavern, and that group of kids that were guarding the place,» Matt suggested

“They had been guarding it for years

Kennitch announced himself to the secretary guarding Alfred Waterhouse’s inner sanctum

security that was guarding the door

It saves the labour of guarding the cattle, which feed better, too, when they are not liable to be disturbed by their keeper or his dog

She could almost think there was more in the way his eyes watched her than a machine guarding its quarry the way Viktor’s eyes were

What once was a wall of giants guarding the Gate, had been reduced to a shield; only two of them now remained

The attention of government was turned away from guarding against the exportation of gold and silver, to watch over the balance of trade, as the only cause which could occasion any augmentation or diminution of those metals

A green liquid was swimming inside the cylinder, and a plastic cover was guarding the needle

Mim leapt to sit at Denalin’s back, peering over her shoulder at the Com, while Yula remained guarding the Captain’s chair

She turned to face the Falmer guarding the path ahead, and put an arm out to keep Mercer back a step or two

directed by the two guarding warriors,

The only road leading through the yard to the building had two spearmen ever guarding at its source near the center of the town, and only by permission of the Baron or his family or of the Thanes could someone even walk upon that road

” I looked across to the roof that a short time before Fred had been guarding and saw Captain Melstone he had been watching the whole thing through his binoculars

Eventually we managed to and I don’t know how to find a way out of this devils back garden and to our surprise we found ourselves looking at the forward Turkish trenches guarding Krithia

turned to look at the building the corpse was guarding

They left the bedchamber and moved through the hallways with Guardians and Ael Tarael guarding Adem and his friends from the front and behind

They ran on through the laneways of tents and past campfires though he saw no one to take over guarding this young woman, so he kept onwards towards Jean’s tent

They were built to accompany the merchant ships guarding against pirate raids, as piracy was commonplace in the great sea and to the south

There was always a risk that someone or some monitor would be guarding

As soon as darkness fell, piquets were stationed in all directions, guarding every approach

The man that had been guarding the front door rushed in, stopping in cold surprise when he saw his boss dead on the floor, a bullet hole between the eyes

Arbitan Losk had newspapers clippings of every story that’s been printed about this creature, and there’s magic guarding that house, when magic is forbidden in the empire

“Even now, men are guarding the money

Cherva backed from the chamber then hurried away to inspect the badgers guarding the Custodians

«Wait here,» one of the guards barked at her, then hurried off to speak to a large boar guarding the opening

«But we’re guarding the pathway to the vent,» the badger protested, wrinkling his snout at the unpleasant image Brokin had raised in his mind

After killing the lone sentry guarding the pathway, Brokin returned to his group of fighters and together they moved up the stony track leading to the air vent at the rear of the sett

If the badger guarding the rock pile above him would just keep his attention focused on the two boars gathering worms for a while longer, Brokin knew that he would reach his objective with no problem

The boar guarding the keystone sensed something and turned his head, studying the undergrowth where Brokin lay hidden for a long moment

Brokin swiftly turned his attention to the guard circling cautiously in front of him, but his mind was still half-occupied with the badger guarding the keystone

CBS News got hold of photos by US soldiers guarding Iraqi prisoners

Competition with better established labs, jealously guarding their markets, resulted in information being passed to him regarding movements of this new Tweety-Bird label

Muhammad who was guarding the entrance to the captives in the basement turned around and quickly realised that this was not a police raid but a full scale military assault

Once the Crackle was settled in, deep within the hollowed-out trucks, the Wood Sprite warriors took their turn guarding their trees

I trust you with the great responsibility of guarding my only daughter, can I give you more responsibility?»

Why did the Castle need guarding? Who would be trying to conquer this disease-ridden prize?

Within days, he had imposed tough discipline and additional training on the men guarding the hydro-electric dam, and there was talk throughout the Battalion that he would be setting the standard for the rest of the company officers

Almost reflexively, he turned and put a second bullet into the chest of the man guarding Karol

of those darn togas guarding the gate

returned to his stance of motionless guarding

Like a big older protective brother or a curmudgeon guarding his lawn, I said, “That’s Chi Girl and her buddies … grubby mitts off!”

What are we guarding the city from?”

Who is watching me all the time? Is it Dauntless traitors, guarding me, or the Erudite, observing me?

Powerful, smelling of pine needles of the antiquity trunks of trees, like a sentinel on his duty, were guarding the bridges on both sides

I was, of course, with my jagun guarding the southern outskirts of the town and Bisdah was sending patrols out to check for any treachery

It looks like two Magi apprentices are guarding it

guarding what appeared to be a simple lift shaft

We sat down to a simple meal and I asked why a whole jagun was guarding the causeway

It turned out to be the same one that had been guarding the prisoners

I arrived at 9:50 AM and found two police vehicles with four uniformed officers guarding the gated entrance

There were some of them guarding the paths around and over the mountain north of the town

There were at least ten guards in the foyer, guarding the stairs, and more were appearing every minute from rooms above and around

those employed as a temple guard, please note that the temple needed guarding

She got up from the wooden bench, went to the gate of the cell and asked a Cerberus that was guarding it to open it

Elena and Elijah rushed to them to fight them off and leave Crya unprotected, but those guarding her were no easy feat

Grandpa and Corey give us time to be alone and stand with the cop guarding my room

A gate guarding the great

off course because He is guarding our heart and

But the angel of the Lord was guarding it;

3 And the cherub who guarded the garden was standing at the western gate, and guarding it against Adam and Eve, lest they should suddenly come into the garden

The established pattern guarding this compound was a

Information was that there were 20 men guarding this compound

jealously guarding the medicines they have

bouncer guarding the entrance and waved me in

the monastery it was late evening and the brother guarding the gate

3 And the cherub who guarded the garden was standing at the western gate and guarding it against Adam and Eve lest they should suddenly come into the garden

” He turned towards another monster guarding the room

Similarly, if it came to close melee, and there were a squad of you guarding each of them, and the squad guarding Mark were hard pressed, those of you guarding Talia might well abandon her to her fate in order to ensure Mark’s survival, even if he’d ordered you to do otherwise

“The assassins quickly Translocated into place six and a half kilometers above you, above the limits of the detection spells of the wizards who were guarding you

Yngvild was guarding his back

Or how can a man enter into the house of a valiant man and seize his garments if he do not beforehand secure himself from that valiant mane and then will he cut off his house; But when the valiant man is armed guarding his house his possessions are in peace; But if one come who is more valiant than he he overcomes him and takes his whole armour on which he relis and divides his spoil

8 And immediately the face of the door of the temple was rent into two parts from 9 top to bottom; and the Earth was shaken; and the stones were split to pieces; and the tombs were opened; and the bodies of many saints which slept arose and came out; and after his resurrection they entered into the holy city and appeared to many; And the officer of the footsoldiers and those who were with him who were guarding Jesus when they saw the earthquake and the things which came to pass feared greatly and praised God and said This man was righteous; and Truly he was the Son of God; And all the multitudes that were come together to the sight when they saw what came to pass returned and struck on their breasts

The complexity of guarding the national infrastructure against terrorism was illustrated by U

Guarding the gate was a tall shining warrior whose

be guarding the New District Raiders end

Guarding section A of the Nepbal Stadium

“One night I was entrusted with a meeting, and I was guarding my position before God

«What is the last thing you do remember? You were guarding the brig, the werewolf was behind the forcefield, then what happened?»

She could also see the Aristrian sentries guarding the entrance

We sat in the car guarding her

Later that day two uniformed police called on the address to try to speak to the chauffeur only to find that this was a secure block of units with a concierge guarding the entrance

I saw that the sniper was guarding the prisoners as well

Josh was just guarding the car

Their eyes measured the crowd, watching, their bodies tense and ready to protect the man they were guarding

The Militia guards all have a horn at their posts, but Tom is about five hundred feet away from his

Micah was highly malnourished and the guards said he would not eat anything

He claimed that the guards were feeding him zombie meat

He became a zombie and the guards put him down quickly

Multiple guards were posted throughout the basement; all of them had laser rifles

His rampant nervousness was nothing that the guards and Scar had not seen before

The guards did as they were told

Scar and all the guards in the room had Silence trapped against the wall

“Looks like a party!” Big Petey hollered as he came out of the stairwell and charged the guards

“Does this mean we have to stop?” Big Petey shouted back as he wrestled with numerous guards

Guards made their way to Johnny’s location, trying to get used to their new predicament

“We better get out of here,” Nancy said as the guards continued their fight with Big Petey and the rest of the team

Johnny was about to agree when he noticed the three guards that stood between them and the nearest exit

and guards in attendance, but this time the dream shifted slightly

Abdullah and Akbar lurk in the shadows, along with a few of Omar’s body guards

Two guards with machine guns stand in the shadows against the walls

arranged it with the guards

Mostly security guards by the looks of things or ‘Protective Services’ as they would be described in the statistics on workplace homicide

before supervisor McManus finally noticed that old Ted hadn’t entertained the other guards with his impression of a bugle call to signal the end of another long night shift

two ways: (1) he watches (Hebrews 13:17; Acts 20:29-31), and (2) he guards (John 10:27-30)

I remembered one of the guards saying that there was a bucket

Where in the name of all that is holy was the sacking? Always wear the sacking in the presence of the guards

From my own brief life, growing up in the security of a loving family and a stable and prosperous society, I had few further points of reference by which I could really measure the guards

The Kid told me that the guards did four-day stints, which meant that tomorrow morning would be my last breakfast with him

The guards sat with me, pumping liquids into my desiccated flesh, keeping me alive with antibiotic pills massaged down my dry gullet

The next morning my guards arrived mob-handed

I sat at the table surrounded by guards, all of whom were armed with M-16 carbines and pistols, eating cake and drinking hot, sweet, milky tea

The two guards who had been on washing-up duty came over, this time with rolls of duct tape in their hands

Together with the suited American, the two guards lifted and carried me, trussed like a roasting bird, and carefully laid my body in a metal box underneath the flat bed back of the lorry

Although I could not voice my anger because of the tape across my mouth, I raved and screamed internally, breathing hard and wetly through my nose, snorting my rage and venom at the world, at my guards and outrageous bloody fortune

The night was well advanced by the time the guards next came to me in my room

I heard odd scufflings and the opening and closing of doors, assuming that it was my guards moving about my new and as yet undiscovered home

He whistled once and one of the other guards, one of the men who took part in my methodical beating the previous evening, came and stood in the doorway, pointing his gun at me

Over the next few weeks, as the procedures and the rituals bedded down, as Robbie and Mick and the other guards who rotated on shift, mixed bonhomie with casual insults and violence, I started to listen and to watch

The guards must be asleep

How would they know it was me? Might they not think that the guards had cottoned-on to them and were playing a joke? Were they even now expecting the doors to slam open and the night air to be filled with the dull thud of fists and boots and wooden stocks?

They were about to execute her when Apollo stormed in and fought the guards, yelling over and over how he wouldn’t let them hurt her

I did ask the guards for pen and paper, but nothing materialised

Robbie and The Man entered, quickly followed by two other guards

We sat in silence for the next few minutes while the rest of the guards dealt with my fellow hostages

Now I had one more feeling to add to the list of fondly remembered moments in my still unfulfilled emotional life: that touch in the van, that trembling caress of fingers hidden from Robbie and the guards

My guards had not fixed handcuffs to my wrists nor had the by now all too familiar clank of chain accompanied my move

We talked for hours, breaking off only to slip our hoods on and sit quietly on our mattress rolls when the guards brought in the evening meal

Over these days and weeks our guards would, by turns, sit and chat with us, joking and telling stories of life in the West Country, tales of farms and girls and brimstone preachers

For the most part, our guards seemed wrapped-up in a cloak of desultory boredom

Although between us two the stories and the jokes and the games continued unabated, nonetheless the days merged together and we all grew tired of this necessary but wearing role-play with the guards

On occasions I still smouldered with that inner anger, but I came to see through Menachem’s observations that we all, captives and guards, felt a similar sense of outrage and impotent fury

Menachem watched benignly as I switched between emotional states, alternately ignoring or goading the guards

Occasionally, when asked a direct question, our guards might tell us what month it was by their calendar, that it was October or November

The morning after we received Aban’s note and we had left our agreement by way of reply, Menachem began the process of wheedling and joking with our guards to try and effect the desired meeting with our fellow prisoners

Before the guards arrived for morning ablutions he outlined his approach to me

The guards dragged me to my feet and out of the room

We had another ten minutes or so before Steven or one of the other guards returned to take away our breakfast trays

I even caught a glimpse through my tears of one of our guards wiping a speck of dust from his cheek

We drank our sweet drinks and ate our cake, turning to toast the guards and offer them our thanks for this moment

“Anyway, I’ve cultivated one of our guards, the one over there by the… don’t look…”

The two guards by the window were on the move as well

Listening to the night-dead creaking of the building and to the faint strains of a television playing further down the hall in the room where the guards brewed our tea and relaxed when not on duty, I wondered again about this friendship

Menachem and I nursed each other through the dull, closed days of January, meeting Aban and the increasingly skittish Beniamin at the whim of our guards

We sensed the nervous agitation of the guards, an anxiety verging on panic

After about an hour the van drew to a halt and one by one the guards forced us to leave the van and kneel down in cold, damp mud

The lords’ guards took Son to the dungeon

As the guards entered behind him with their torches Son

The dungeon guards had been ordered not to feed Son so that he would

guards hesitated at the door but the king of the kingdom of War commanded

flames of the torch and the guards screamed in pain as Son spat fire upon

“My son, if you receive my words, and store my commands within you, inclining your ear to wisdom, and applying your mind to reason; if you appeal to intelligence, and lift up your voice to reason; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures – then will you understand reverence for the Lord, and will discover the knowledge of God; for the Lord gives wisdom, out of His mouth comes knowledge and reason; He has help in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk honestly; He guards the paths of justice, and protects the way of His pious ones; then will you understand rectitude and justice, and will keep to every good course; for when wisdom finds a welcome within you, and knowledge becomes a pleasure to you, discretion will watch over you, reason will guard you – saving you from the way of evil men, from men who use perverse speech; who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, exult in wanton wickedness’ who are crooked in all their ways, and tortuous in their paths – saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress who plies you with smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets her pledge to God; for her paths lead down to death, and her tracks descend to the Shades; none who go to her come back again, or reach the paths of life – helping you to walk in the way of good men, and to keep to the paths of the righteous; for the upright will live in the land, and the honest will remain in it; while the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the faithless will be rooted out of it

The captain of the guards did not know anything about Guard

Guards stood at each of the heavy wooden doors giving access to each building, doors which were firmly closed

There were also steps on the sides of the blocks leading up to the second floors of the buildings … separate storage? Glancing up, Kara saw that more guards were evident on the roofs of the buildings

surrounded by a ring of guards

It was the sense of life being extinguished that inflamed my imagination and the deeper we went the more I found myself searching the gloom for signs of Cerberus, the three-headed dog; he who guards the entrance to the Kingdom of Hades

Despite the chill air, the early hour and his impending death, the soldier cut a fine, bold figure as he accompanied his guards to the gallows, where he stood to attention on the raised platform and looked at the crowd

There was no guards posted, and Rayne guessed why — the Taks; this was their territory

First Kai added, “They have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, and they love the cold weather; they make perfect guards for the Hold

None of them had ever dared approach the Lord’s guards; their reputations for destruction were well known

Guards were posted around the Hold; Trackers were sent out to search for signs of any more Scathers; and Lord Tarak sent urgent messages warning other Holds to be on the alert

The guards frisked us to the point of molestation

The two security guards behind Gordon were also alarmed

When they arrived on the Saber, Altera was waiting on the docking bay with two of her guards

security guards to hold her down and a good ten minutes before the

commander in the Royal Horse Guards and heir to the fourteenth

soldier cut a fine, bold figure as he accompanied his guards to the

She turned and entered her bedroom to find two guards holding their swords to her throat

Altera left the Hall by a side door and called her guards

There were three guards

One of the guards sauntered over to where Petr and

course, as they had precious little after the guards

The guards have crossbows

guards, in the clacking tones of his species;

controlled by the guards

Thane guards stood watch at either end of the camp,

‘I can lead you to the gates and by the guards

“Some of the guards sided with the Bolsheviks, while others who

most of those who did die were the guards on both sides, those whose

“I rather suspect that the trail guards – including your Grandfather –

wasn’t the prison guards

The prison guards were already busy ripping

He told her last night about the guards, about the problems he had with goons in his home country, and about how, God willing, they will be able to do the same again today if they have to

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The vault is protected by armed guards.«
(armed, uniformed)

«He was questioned by border guards.«
(border, prison, security)

«He employs personal guards.«
(personal, private)

«The plane was met by military guards.«

«The building is under close guard.«
(close, 24-hour, constant, round-the-clock)

«He is under police guard.«
(police, military, heavy, armed)

«She joined the national guard.«

«Make sure you use a trigger guard.«

«I need to buy new shin guards.«

«She has to wear a wrist guard.«
(wrist, shoulder)

Used with verbs:

«Guards are stationed at all exits.«
(be + stationed, be + posted)

«Guards are patrolling the grounds.«
(be + patrolling, be + protecting)

«A guard will escort you to the gate.«

«Extra guards are on duty tonight.«
(be + on duty)

«They called out the national guard to deal with the crisis.«
(called out, summoned)

«The guard changes every hour.«
(changes, rotates)

Used with nouns:

«He has guard duty tonight.«

«They got a guard dog.«

  • Use the word Guard in a sentences

Sentence Examples

João Abade, organize a Catholic guard here at Belo Monte.

There’s only one way in, and it’s under constant guard.

Excuse me. You’re a security guard, right? Get this woman out of here.

I guess you’re always on guard.

I’ve got one nurse and one security guard trying to keep about 50 people out.

He’s a disgruntled Scottish guard… known for his lethal temper and his unusual eating habits.

Apparently a rogue agent named Fat Bastard… infiltrated the unit… assigned to guard your cryogenic chamber.

You’re gonna put him in a cell with one inept guard… and they’ll escape!

First we need to get past that one inept guard.

The guard, drawn by my cries of pain, comes to investigate.

The guard falls in, Bob’s your uncle, we escape.

The guard Nibet serves his night duty at the prison of Sante, the death row, where was Fantomas.

«Be on guard, Julius, for the dictator Sulla. «

The father of Prince Kossotski, colonel of the guard in retirement, had pronounced, as he lay dying, his wish that his son follow a career in the army.

When he was 18 years old, Kossotski was promoted to officer in the aristocratic regiment of the guard.

The boys will stand guard down here.

The soldiers of fortune were ordered to leave, and were kept under guard until crossing the border.

«The town guard will not venture out this far.

That night, I was on guard duty on the battlefield.

By decree of His Majesty the King, Armand de Foix grenadier promoted to second lieutenant of the royal guard.

Look out, it»s a temple guard!

Take this man to police headquarters under double guard and with every conceivable precaution!

But to guard timid heart I behaved haughtily, arrogant and gruffly, I talked about the sacrifice I would make for her more evil than self-mutilation and death…

Many women, for instance, confess that — transformed into cats — they soiled the altar during the night, while two devils in the shape of animals stood guard at the church door.

The guard has eyes for Maritza!

Your daughter, in the middle of the night… must take care of the guard.

The guard has strict orders to dispel them.

Beasts and scimitars guard the Palace.

A pearl to every guard. Have him placed in safety through the secret panel into the streets.

Set my guard at the Palace gates!

Stop gossiping and guard the fire alarm or they will foil the plan.

Digitized by union leaders YOUNG guard

I tell you, the legend of the mandrake is true. It is a living being that lacks the warmth of life and bears the cold of death within itself. Be on guard consequences of your action …

A steel ring of the Red guard units surrounds the Winter palace.

We will guard the achievements of our hard-fought revolution.

THOSE who guard the capital’s interests.

We are two of your grenadiers from the Old guard, Sire!

Napoleon has broken through our lines with his guard … our troops are weakening!

General Zieten reports — the enemy presses us from the rear — the guard is becoming weaker French deserters declare that their army is making a forced march towards the north.

The guard may die, but it never surrenders!

Majesty, the guard is weakening!

The National guard of workers defends the city

If Paris falls, the workers’ guard will be destroyed!

The morning of March 18th the workers’ guard defends their guns

icon forward

I heard it from a guard, so I think it’s true.

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Я услышала от охраны, так что, думаю, это правда.



unusual tactic for a guard dog, but it’s effective.

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Редкая тактика для сторожевой собаки, но вполне эффективная.


number of shots were fired at a guard post in Nablus prison.


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Было сделано несколько выстрелов по посту охраны в тюрьме Наблуса.


BOGARDUS: Give them a guard of honor and throw the rice.

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Почетный караул им и бросайте рис.

To rent house for rent in Larks Cottage village without a guard.


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В аренду сдается дом в Жаворонки Коттеджный поселок без охраны.


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Not as a guard to


princess, but as one person to another.

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Не как стражник с принцессой, а как человек с человеком.

A guard of honour of the Brest Fortress. October 7, 2008.

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Почетный караул в Брестской крепости. 7 октября 2008 г.

At 0200 hours,


armed terrorist group opened fire on a guard post in Dar’a.


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В 02 ч.

00 мин. группа вооруженных террористов обстреляла пост охраны в Даръа.


So erm… Well,

maybe it might prove to be of some use as a guard dog.

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Что ж, может, он пригодится в качестве сторожевой собаки.

I have sent a guard to pick up Clancey.

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Я послал стражу подобрать Кланси.

A guard of honour stood in formation in honour of the eminent guest.


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В честь высокого гостя был выстроен почетный караул.


Accordingly, I expressed support for the rapid deployment of a guard force.


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Вследствие этого я заявил о поддержке быстрого развертывания сил охраны.


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Поставь, о Иегова, стражу у моих уст,

A guard of honor was lined up in honor of the honored guest.


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В честь высокого гостя был выстроен почетный караул.


No, a guard heard screams of the dying from


empty room.

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Нет, стражник слышал крики умирающего в пустой комнате.

You’re gonna be a guard, just like me.

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To see the royal


the main procedure of replacing by a guard at Buckingham Palace.


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Увидеть королевских гвардейцев, как сменяется караул в Букингемском дворце.


My husband’s a guard here.- The man who was kissing you?

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A guard said you entered


tunnel that’s been untouched for centuries.

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Стражник сказал, что ты входил в туннель, нетронутый веками.

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You think you know what it means to be a guard,?

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Other bunkers and a guard tower were erected on the site.

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Другая такая башня находилась на горе Стражник.



light interference can slow the closing rate of a guard.


Then a guard grabbed me by my belt and dragged me out to the street.

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Тогда охрана схватила меня за пояс и вытащила на улицу.

What if a guard catches Ottari in the hold?

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А если охрана застукает Отари наверху?

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There’s a guard station to the right.

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Results: 514,
Time: 0.0402





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