The word grip means to


The little boy gripped his mother’s hand tightly.

I gripped the door handle and pulled as hard as I could.

The story really grips the reader.

The scandal has gripped the nation.


His tennis instructor showed him the proper backhand grip.

a golfer with an incorrect grip

He has been doing all he can to maintain his grip on the company’s finances.

I need new grips for my golf clubs.

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Recent Examples on the Web

He was awakened on Wednesday night and was eventually able to grip people’s hands.

Dallas News, 9 Jan. 2023

He was awakened on Wednesday night and was eventually able to grip people’s hands.

oregonlive, 9 Jan. 2023

Aside from being able to communicate by writing, Hamlin was also been able to grip people’s hands.

CBS News, 6 Jan. 2023

Aside from being able to communicate by writing, Hamlin was also been able to grip people’s hands., 6 Jan. 2023

Aside from being able to communicate by writing, Hamlin was also been able to grip people’s hands.

John Wawrow, Chicago Tribune, 6 Jan. 2023

Aside from being able to communicate by writing, Hamlin was also been able to grip people’s hands.

John Wawrow, Chron, 6 Jan. 2023

And knowing how to use dumbbells safely, how to properly grip them, and align your body and the weights is super important for a good workout and my wellbeing.

Currie Engel, Women’s Health, 27 Feb. 2023

The tread on these shoes has many divots to help grip the ground, making the Challenger a great shoe for hiking as well.

Madison Yauger, Peoplemag, 22 Feb. 2023

This disturbance can evict some invertebrates, like chironomids, from streambed homes, but favor persistence of others, like blackfly larvae, which spin silken tethers to affirm their rocky grip in fast-flowing waters.

Lesley Evans Ogden, Smithsonian Magazine, 4 Apr. 2023

And that required, in some ways, freeing it from the bloodless grip of data analytics and algorithms that Epstein helped pioneer.

David Axelrod, CNN, 1 Apr. 2023

Baseball has essentially cut out 30 minutes of pitchers stepping off the mound to fiddle with their grip and batters stepping out of the box to adjust their gloves in an elaborate game of chicken that wastes everyone’s time.

Bill Plaschke, Los Angeles Times, 1 Apr. 2023

Ward, the only member of her family who left and went to college, writes about the grip of the familiar, capturing the sadness in a lyrical and lovely way.

Laura Trujillo, USA TODAY, 28 Mar. 2023

But the remote work trend that arose during the pandemic could loosen the grip of tech centers like Boston and San Francisco as major hubs where startups form going forward, McCullough said.

Aaron Pressman,, 28 Mar. 2023

The trap-reggaeton artist has since made his homeland, an already fragile Caribbean territory under the grips of U.S. colonialism, a recurring theme in his work.

Marjua Estevez,, 28 Mar. 2023

The sheriff’s deputies then seem to lose their grip on him and he is rolled across the floor.

Jeff Pegues, CBS News, 21 Mar. 2023

Loosely based on the 1897 H.G. Wells novel of the same name, The Invisible Man stars Elisabeth Moss as Cecilia Cass, a domestic abuse survivor fleeing the grips of her violent husband, the wealthy optics engineer Adrian Griffin.

Men’s Health, 17 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘grip.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

захват, ручка, рукоятка, власть, контроль, захватывать, схватить, сжимать, зажимать


- схватывание; сжатие; зажатие; пожатие

to take a grip on a rope — крепко ухватиться за верёвку
to let go one’s grip on a branch — отпустить ветку (за которую крепко держался)
to come to grips, to get to /at/ grips with — а) схватиться (о борцах); б) подойти вплотную, решительно взяться
to come to grips with a problem — серьёзно взяться за /пытаться разрешить/ проблему, подойти вплотную к разрешению проблемы
to keep a tight grip on one’s horse — крепко сжимать ногами бока лошади; ≅ сидеть в седле как влитой

- хватка

to have an iron grip, to have a grip of steel — обладать железной хваткой
his hand has lost its grip — его рука ослабела

- особое рукопожатие (у членов некоторых секретных обществ и сект)

the masonic grip — масонское рукопожатие

- амер. внезапная резкая боль
- спорт. захват

backhand grip — бекхенд (теннис)

ещё 14 вариантов


- схватить; сжать

- овладевать

fear gripped him — его охватил страх, он был во власти страха
fear gripped his heart — страх сковал его

- крепко держать

the brake doesn’t grip — тормоза не держат
the anchor doesn’t grip — мор. якорь не входит /не держит/

- сцепляться; иметь достаточное трение

the wheels are not grip ping — у колёс плохое сцепление с поверхностью (дороги); ≅ машина идёт юзом

- понимать, схватывать (умом)

I cannot grip his argument — его довод мне не понятен

- овладевать вниманием

to grip smb.’s attention — овладеть чьим-л. вниманием
to grip an audience, to grip the attention of the audience — захватить аудиторию
the story gripped me — рассказ захватил меня

- затирать, зажимать

the ship was gripped by the ice — судно было затёрто /зажато/ льдами

Мои примеры


a good grip on French history — хорошее понимание французской истории  
wrench oneself free from somebody’s grip — освободиться от чьей-то хватки  
eccentric grip — эксцентриковый грузозахват  
to get a grip on — сжимать (что-л.)  
to lose / relax / release one’s grip — разжимать  
firm / iron / strong / tight / vise-like grip — крепкая хватка  
loose / weak grip — слабая хватка  
to get a grip on oneself — владеть собой  
in the grip of — контролируя (что-л.)  
grip of wheat — горсть пшеницы  
to electrify / grip / move / stir / sway an audience — раскалить, разогреть, раскачать публику  
grip gear — привод захватного механизма  

Примеры с переводом

The story really grips the reader.

Эта история, что называется, захватывает читателя.

Please relax your grip on my arm.

Пожалуйста, не сжимай мне так руку.

Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself.

Прекрати истерику и возьми себя в руки.

Asthma has gripped me by the throat.

Астма схватила меня за горло.

He held his weapon gripped between his knees.

Он зажал своё ружье между колен.

Don’t loosen your grip on the rope or you’ll fall.

Держи канат /верёвку/ крепко, а не то упадёшь. / Не ослабляй захват верёвки, иначе ты упадёшь.

You can’t get a grip on the slippery blighters.

Они такие скользкие, что не ухватишься.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Radial tires grip the road well.

Sarah tightened her grip on my arm.

I need new grips for my golf clubs.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

griping  — боль в животе, колики, резь, скупой
griper  — скряга, крохобор, ворчун, нытик, вымогатель
gripping  — захватывать, схватить, сжимать, зажимать, охватывать, схватывать, понимать
gripper  — бейлиф, судебный пристав, подручный стригальщика овец, зажимное устройство
undergrip  — хват снизу

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: grip
he/she/it: grips
ing ф. (present participle): gripping
2-я ф. (past tense): gripped
3-я ф. (past participle): gripped

ед. ч.(singular): grip
мн. ч.(plural): grips

Other forms: gripped; gripping; grips; gript

To grip something is to hold it firmly. You might grip the TV remote to keep your roommate from trying to change the channel.

When you want to hold on to something, you grip it. If your hands are strong and you can hold things well, you have a good grip. Grip is also the roughness or texture of something. A steering wheel has good grip if your hands don’t slip while driving. This word can be also be used figuratively. If you’re upset, your friend might tell you to “get a grip” — that is, get a hold of yourself.

Definitions of grip

  1. “He
    gripped the steering wheel”

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    bite, seize with teeth

    to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws

    nip, pinch, squeeze, tweet, twinge, twitch

    squeeze tightly between the fingers


    bite or chew on with the teeth

    bite off, snap at

    bite off with a quick bite


    bring the jaws together


    bite gently


    give a small sharp bite to


    bite off very small pieces


    pinch in the buttocks


    pinch or squeeze sharply

    type of:

    clutch, prehend, seize

    take hold of; grab

  2. verb

    grip or seize, as in a wrestling match

  3. “he has a strong
    grip for an old man”


    clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, grasp, hold

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    choke hold, chokehold

    a restraining hold; someone loops the arm around the neck of another person in a tight grip, usually from behind

    embrace, embracement, embracing

    the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)

    wrestling hold

    a hold used in the sport of wrestling

    cuddle, nestle, snuggle

    a close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace

    clinch, hug, squeeze

    a tight or amorous embrace

    bear hug

    a wrestling hold with arms locked tightly around the opponent


    any of several wrestling holds in which an arm is passed under the opponent’s arm from behind and the hand exerts pressure on the back of the neck

    Japanese stranglehold

    a wrestling hold in which the opponent’s arms are crossed in front of his own neck to exert pressure on his windpipe


    any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent’s body is twisted or pressured

    scissor grip, scissor hold, scissors, scissors grip, scissors hold

    a wrestling hold in which you wrap your legs around the opponents body or head and put your feet together and squeeze


    a wrestling hold in which the arms are pressed against the opponent’s windpipe


    a wrestling hold in which the toe is held and the leg is twisted against the joints

    type of:

    grasping, prehension, seizing, taking hold

    the act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)

  4. noun

    the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it

    “it was an old briefcase but it still had a good


    handgrip, handle, hold

  5. noun

    the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)

  6. noun

    a flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place

  7. verb

    render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe

  8. noun

    an intellectual hold or understanding

    “a good
    grip on French history”

    “they kept a firm
    grip on the two top priorities”

    “he was in the
    grip of a powerful emotion”



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    something that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp and hold

    type of:


    a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc

  9. noun

    a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes

  10. noun

    worker who moves the camera around while a film or television show is being made

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘grip’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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That means they don’t provide the road grip MN vehicles need.

Это означает, что они не обеспечивают дорожного сцепления, в котором нуждаются транспортные средства.

Well-balanced grip properties are essential when designing tyres for SUVs.

Создание свойств стабильного сцепления важно, когда разрабатываются шины для транспортных средств SUV.

Exercise your body wholeheartedly no distraction for the grip.

Упражьте свое тело от всего сердца, не отвлекаясь на хватку.

Personally, I really think he nearly lost his grip.

Лично я действительно думаю, что он чуть не потерял свою хватку.

I started on mediums but struggled for grip.

Я начал на шинах Medium, но боролся со сцеплением.

SPORT: maximum performance and stability in perfect grip situations.

SPORT: максимальные рабочие показатели и стабильность в условиях идеального сцепления с дорогой.

Norwegian law requires «tyres with sufficient grip» and at least 3mm tread.

Норвежские законы требуют использования «шин с достаточным уровнем сцепления» и глубиной протектора как минимум З мм.

Apply grip tape or an oversized grip to golf clubs.

In fact it is possible to manufacture textured gloves with low grip and smooth gloves with high grip.

Практически можно изготовить высоко текстурированные перчатки с низким сцеплением и гладкие перчатки с высоким сцеплением.

Since the exercise requires alternate hand work, make sure that the grip, movement and grip strength were the same for both hands.

Так как выполнение упражнения требует поочередной работы рук, следите за тем, чтобы хватка, движение и сила хватки была одинакова для двух рук.

This means that if the engine power increases at any point, the two-wheel drive car uses up more of the available grip, which can leave insufficient grip to deal with cornering forces.

Это означает, что, если мощность двигателя увеличивается в любой момент, автомобиль с полным приводом использует больше доступного сцепления, что может привести к недостаточному сцеплению с дорогой при поворотах.

She can’t grip the pencil properly.

Она не будет точить карандаш так, как надо.

Terror can grip them without warning, sometimes crippling their lives.

Ужас способен подчинить себе людей без предупреждения, и иногда он разрушает их жизнь.

Or maybe i should grip them differently.

Evidently it was your grip that failed her.

Очевидно, это была власть, с которой она не справилась.

Every grip owns two or three apartments.

Каждый из них имел одну или две квартиры из трех комнат.

You basically have to choose between speed and grip.

По существу, вам придется выбирать между скоростью скольжения и стабильным следом.

Feed me pudding while I grip your wrist in terror.

Корми меня пудингом, пока я в ужасе хватаю тебя за запястья.

Mauser 96, 9mm with hollow grip.

Маузер 96, калибр 9 мм с полой рукояткой.

They are not only fast but have excellent grip.

Они будут не только быстро расти, но и приобретать здоровый вид.

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  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > grip

  • 2

    grip n


    control wheel grip

    рукоятка штурвала

    load grip system

    система захвата груза

    rotorcraft hydraulic grip

    гидравлический захват внешней подвески вертолета

    throttle control twist grip

    ручка коррекции газа

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > grip

  • 3

    grip [grɪp]

    1) схва́тывание; сжа́тие, зажа́тие; пожа́тие; хва́тка;

    to come to grips, to get at grips схвати́ться ( о борцах); вступи́ть в борьбу́

    2) уме́ние овладе́ть положе́нием, чьим-л. внима́нием

    3) спосо́бность поня́ть, схвати́ть ( суть дела)

    4) власть, контро́ль; тиски́;

    to secure a grip on smth. прибра́ть к рука́м что-л.


    5) рукоя́ть, ру́чка, эфе́с

    6) саквоя́ж



    тиски́, зажи́м, захва́т; ла́па

    1) схвати́ть (on, onto); сжать

    2) кре́пко держа́ть

    3) понима́ть, схва́тывать ( умом)

    4) охва́тывать, овладева́ть ( о чувстве)

    5) овладева́ть внима́нием

    6) затира́ть, зажима́ть; захва́тывать;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > grip

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > grip

  • 5


    1. 1) схватывание; сжатие; зажатие; пожатие

    to let go one’s grip on a branch — отпустить ветку (за которую крепко держался)

    to come to grips, to get to /at/ grips with — а) схватиться (); б) подойти вплотную, решительно взяться

    to come to grips with a problem — серьёзно взяться за /пытаться разрешить/ проблему, подойти вплотную к разрешению проблемы

    to keep a tight grip on one’s horse — крепко сжимать ногами бока лошади; ≅ сидеть в седле как влитой

    2) хватка

    to have an iron grip, to have a grip of steel — обладать железной хваткой

    2. 1) способность схватить, понять (); цепкость ума

    to have a good grip of the essential facts [of a problem, of a situation, of a subject] — хорошо понимать основные факты [задачу, ситуацию, предмет] [ тж. 3, 1)]

    his mind has lost its grip — он стал хуже разбираться, он утратил способность быстро схватывать

    2) умение овладеть положением, вниманием

    he has a (good) grip on the audience — его слушают с напряжённым вниманием; он (прекрасно) владеет аудиторией

    3) впечатление, действие

    grip of a play on the audience — (глубокое) впечатление, производимое пьесой на аудиторию; ≅ пьеса захватила аудиторию

    3. 1) власть, контроль

    to get /to take/ a grip on oneself — взять себя в руки; овладеть собой

    to lose one’s grip — потерять самообладание, перестать владеть собой

    to keep a grip on oneself — не терять самообладания, владеть собой

    to lose one’s grip of /on/ smth. — утратить контроль над чем-л.

    to have a tight /firm/ grip on the reins of power — прочно держать рычаги власти в своих руках

    he has a good grip on the situation — он остаётся хозяином положения, всё в его руках [ 2, 1)]

    2) хватка, твёрдость, сила

    he lacks grip — у него нет настоящей хватки; ≅ он размазня

    3) власть; тиски

    in the grip of smth. — во власти чего-л.

    4. рукоять, ручка; черенок; эфес; гриф (); обмотка ()


    зажим, захват; тиски; лапа; щипцы


    разг. саквояж, дорожная сумка


    кино жарг. рабочий ателье

    1. 1) схватить; сжать

    to grip smb.’s arm — схватить кого-л. за руку

    to grip smb.’s hand — крепко пожать /сжать/ чью-л. руку

    the child gripped his mother’s hand — ребёнок крепко держался за руку матери

    to grip hold of smb., smth. — схватиться за кого-л., что-л.

    to grip one’s hands on smth. — схватиться руками за что-л.

    to grip smth. in a vice — зажать что-л. в тисках /в тиски/

    to grip a horse close — крепко сжать /обхватить/ (ногами) бока лошади

    2) овладевать

    fear gripped him — его охватил страх, он был во власти страха

    2. 1) крепко держать

    2) сцепляться; иметь достаточное трение

    the wheels are not grip ping — у колёс плохое сцепление с поверхностью (дороги); ≅ машина идёт юзом

    3. 1) понимать, схватывать ()

    2) овладевать вниманием

    to grip smb.’s attention — овладеть чьим-л. вниманием

    to grip an audience, to grip the attention of the audience — захватить аудиторию

    4. затирать, зажимать

    the ship was gripped by the ice — судно было затёрто /зажато/ льдами



    небольшой ров, небольшая канава


    НБАРС > grip

  • 6

    1. n схватывание; сжатие; зажатие; пожатие

    2. n особое рукопожатие

    3. n амер. внезапная резкая боль

    4. n спорт. захват

    5. n спец. сцепление

    6. n способность схватить, понять; цепкость ума

    7. n умение овладеть положением, вниманием

    8. n впечатление, действие

    9. n власть, контроль

    10. n хватка, твёрдость, сила

    11. n власть; тиски

    12. n рукоять, ручка; черенок; эфес; гриф; обмотка

    pistol grip — рукоятка, ручка в форме пистолетной рукоятки

    13. n тех. зажим, захват; тиски; лапа; щипцы

    14. n обыкн. спорт. гантели

    15. n амер. разг. саквояж, дорожная сумка

    16. n амер. жарг. кино рабочий ателье

    17. n горн. клетевой парашют

    18. v схватить; сжать

    19. v овладевать

    20. v крепко держать

    21. v сцепляться; иметь достаточное трение

    22. v понимать, схватывать

    23. v овладевать вниманием

    to grip an audience, to grip the attention of the audience — захватить аудиторию

    24. v затирать, зажимать

    25. n диал. небольшой ров, небольшая канава

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. grasp (noun) embrace; fist; grasp; handclasp; handshake; manual strength; purchase; squeeze

    3. hold (noun) clamp; clasp; clench; clinch; clutch; grapple; gripe; hold; jaws; tenure; vise

    4. on a handlebar (noun) ear; handgrip; handhold; handle; knob; knocker; lug; on a handlebar; twist grip

    6. arrest (verb) arrest; catch up; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; hold; mesmerise; spellbind; transfix

    8. get ahold of (verb) clamp; clasp; clench; clutch; get ahold of; grab; grasp; hang on; seize; squeeze; take

    Антонимический ряд:

    bore; release

    English-Russian base dictionary > grip

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > grip

  • 8

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > grip

  • 9

    2) ручка; рукоятка

    3) зажимной патрон; цанга

    9) горн. клетевой парашют

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > grip

  • 10

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > grip

  • 11


    grip схватывание; сжатие, зажатие; хватка; пожатие; close grip мертвая хватка to come to grips, to get at grips схватиться (о борцах); вступить в борьбу to come to grips, to get at grips схватиться (о борцах); вступить в борьбу grip власть, тиски; to secure a grip (on smth.) прибрать к рукам (что-л.); in the grip of poverty в нужде, в бедности grip умение овладеть положением, (чьим-л.) вниманием grip затирать, зажимать; захватывать; the ship was gripped by the ice судно было затерто льдами grip крепко держать grip небольшая канава grip овладевать вниманием grip овладевать вниманием grip понимать, схватывать (умом) grip понимать grip рукоять, ручка, эфес grip амер. саквояж grip способность понять, схватить (суть дела) grip схватить (on, onto); сжать grip схватывание; сжатие, зажатие; хватка; пожатие; close grip мертвая хватка grip схватывать grip тех. тиски, зажим, захват; лапа grip власть, тиски; to secure a grip (on smth.) прибрать к рукам (что-л.); in the grip of poverty в нужде, в бедности grip власть, тиски; to secure a grip (on smth.) прибрать к рукам (что-л.); in the grip of poverty в нужде, в бедности grip затирать, зажимать; захватывать; the ship was gripped by the ice судно было затерто льдами

    English-Russian short dictionary > grip

  • 12

    1. закрепление, зажим, захват; тиски || ухватить, зажать; захватить; закреплять

    2. ручка, рукоятка, черенок

    3. цанга, разрезной зажимной патрон

    * * *

    закрепление, зажим, захват, лапа; рукоятка

    * * *

    1) захват, захватывающее приспособление; захватное устройство; зажим

    — buffalo grips
    — casing grip
    — dick grip
    — dixie grip
    — finder grip
    — friction grip
    — handle grip
    — pipe grip
    — slip grip
    — socketed grip
    — stringing grip
    — wall grip
    — wire grip

    * * *

    1) захватывать; 2) держаться

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > grip

  • 13

    Англо-русский технический словарь > grip

  • 14

    I [grɪp]



    а) схватить; сжать

    He held his weapon gripped between his knees. — Он зажал своё ружье между колен.

    She gripped on to the railings with both hands. — Она схватилась за перила обеими руками.


    Asthma has gripped me by the throat. — Астма меня за горло схватила.


    б) схватываться, цепляться

    She fell back in the chair and gripped her hands round the arms of it. — Она снова плюхнулась в кресло и схватилась за ручки.

    3) понимать, схватывать


    4) приковывать внимание, овладевать вниманием

    5) затирать, зажимать; захватывать




    а) схватывание; сжатие, зажатие; хватка

    to lose / relax / release one’s grip — разжимать

    firm / iron / strong / tight / vise-like grip — крепкая хватка

    loose / weak grip — слабая хватка


    to come / get to grips — схватиться

    2) умение овладеть положением, чьим-л. вниманием; власть, контроль

    Don’t be such a foolish woman; sit down and take a grip on yourself! — Не будь такой дурой, сядь и возьми себя в руки!


    3) понятливость; способность понять, схватить

    I have a grip of the essential facts of the case. — У меня сложилась картина основных фактов по этому делу.

    4) судорога, спазм


    5) пригоршня, горсть




    б) заколка для волос



    тиски, зажим, захват; лапа

    7) рукоять, ручка, эфес




    II [grɪp]


    1) небольшая канава, яма, траншея


    Англо-русский современный словарь > grip

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > grip

  • 16

    1. зажим; захват; зажимать; захватывать; удерживать

    2. цанга

    3. ручка, рукоятка

    holding the grip, — держась за рукоятку,

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > grip

  • 17

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > grip

  • 18

    Politics english-russian dictionary > grip

  • 19

    1) захватное устройство, захват, схват || захватывать; удерживать

    2) зажимать; закреплять

    4) рукоятка; ручка

    5) зажим || зажимать

    7) цанга || цанговый

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > grip

  • 20

    рукоятка, ручка; захват; стр. цевье; шейка приклада; сжимать, закреплять; схватывать

    English-Russian military dictionary > grip

  • grip 1




    a. A tight hold; a firm grasp: a drowning swimmer now safely in the grip of a lifeguard.

    b. The pressure or strength of such a grasp: a wrestler with an unmatched grip.

    c. A manner of grasping and holding: The crate afforded no comfortable grip.


    a. Intellectual hold; understanding: a good grip on French history.

    b. Ability to function properly or well; competence: getting a grip on the new technique.

    c. Mental or emotional composure: lost his grip after he was fired.


    a. A mechanical device that grasps and holds.

    b. A part, such as a handle, that is designed to be grasped and held.

    4. A suitcase or valise.


    a. A stagehand who helps in shifting scenery.

    b. A member of a film production crew who adjusts sets, lighting, and props and sometimes assists the camera operator.

    v. gripped, grip·ping, grips

    1. To secure and maintain a tight hold on; seize firmly.

    2. To hold the interest or attention of: a scene that gripped the entire audience.


    To maintain a secure grasp.

    [Middle English, from Old English gripe, grasp and gripa, handful.]

    grip′per n.

    grip′ping·ly adv.

    grip 2


    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




    1. the act or an instance of grasping and holding firmly: he lost his grip on the slope.

    2. Also called: handgrip the strength or pressure of such a grasp, as in a handshake: a feeble grip.

    3. the style or manner of grasping an object, such as a tennis racket

    4. understanding, control, or mastery of a subject, problem, etc (esp in such phrases as get or have a grip on)

    5. Also called: handgrip a part by which an object is grasped; handle

    6. Also called: handgrip a travelling bag or holdall

    7. (Hairdressing & Grooming) See hairgrip

    8. (Tools) any device that holds by friction, such as certain types of brake

    9. a method of clasping or shaking hands used by members of secret societies to greet or identify one another

    10. a spasm of pain: a grip in one’s stomach.

    11. (Film) a worker in a camera crew or a stagehand who shifts sets and props, etc

    12. (General Engineering) a small drainage channel cut above an excavation to conduct surface water away from the excavation

    13. get to grips come to grips (often foll by with)

    a. to deal with (a problem or subject)

    b. to tackle (an assailant)

    vb, grips, gripping or gripped

    14. to take hold of firmly or tightly, as by a clutch

    15. to hold the interest or attention of: to grip an audience.

    [Old English gripe grasp; related to Old Norse gripr property, Old High German grif]

    ˈgripper n




    (Pathology) med a variant spelling of grippe

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



    n., v. gripped, grip•ping. n.

    1. the act of grasping; a seizing and holding fast; firm grasp.

    2. the power of gripping: to have a strong grip.

    3. a grasp, hold, or control: in the grip of fear; Get a grip on yourself.

    4. mental or intellectual hold: to have a good grip on a problem.

    5. competence or firmness in dealing with things: to lose one’s grip.

    6. a special mode of clasping hands.

    7. something that seizes and holds, as a clutching device on a cable car.

    8. a handle or hilt.

    9. a sudden, sharp pain; spasm of pain.

    11. Older Use. a small traveling bag.


    a. a stagehand.

    b. a general assistant on a film set for shifting scenery, moving furniture, etc.


    13. to grasp or seize firmly; hold fast.

    14. to take hold on; hold the interest of: to grip the mind.

    15. to attach by a grip or clutch.


    16. to take firm hold; hold fast.

    17. to take hold on the mind.


    come to grips with, to face and cope with.

    [before 900; Old English gripe grasp (n.); c. Middle High German grif, Old Norse grip; compare gripe]

    grip′per, n.

    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


    Past participle: gripped
    Gerund: gripping

    I grip
    you grip
    he/she/it grips
    we grip
    you grip
    they grip
    I gripped
    you gripped
    he/she/it gripped
    we gripped
    you gripped
    they gripped
    Present Continuous
    I am gripping
    you are gripping
    he/she/it is gripping
    we are gripping
    you are gripping
    they are gripping
    Present Perfect
    I have gripped
    you have gripped
    he/she/it has gripped
    we have gripped
    you have gripped
    they have gripped
    Past Continuous
    I was gripping
    you were gripping
    he/she/it was gripping
    we were gripping
    you were gripping
    they were gripping
    Past Perfect
    I had gripped
    you had gripped
    he/she/it had gripped
    we had gripped
    you had gripped
    they had gripped
    I will grip
    you will grip
    he/she/it will grip
    we will grip
    you will grip
    they will grip
    Future Perfect
    I will have gripped
    you will have gripped
    he/she/it will have gripped
    we will have gripped
    you will have gripped
    they will have gripped
    Future Continuous
    I will be gripping
    you will be gripping
    he/she/it will be gripping
    we will be gripping
    you will be gripping
    they will be gripping
    Present Perfect Continuous
    I have been gripping
    you have been gripping
    he/she/it has been gripping
    we have been gripping
    you have been gripping
    they have been gripping
    Future Perfect Continuous
    I will have been gripping
    you will have been gripping
    he/she/it will have been gripping
    we will have been gripping
    you will have been gripping
    they will have been gripping
    Past Perfect Continuous
    I had been gripping
    you had been gripping
    he/she/it had been gripping
    we had been gripping
    you had been gripping
    they had been gripping
    I would grip
    you would grip
    he/she/it would grip
    we would grip
    you would grip
    they would grip
    Past Conditional
    I would have gripped
    you would have gripped
    he/she/it would have gripped
    we would have gripped
    you would have gripped
    they would have gripped

    Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

    ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    Noun 1. grip - the act of graspinggrip — the act of grasping; «he released his clasp on my arm»; «he has a strong grip for an old man»; «she kept a firm hold on the railing»

    clutch, clutches, hold, clasp, clench, grasp

    choke hold, chokehold — a restraining hold; someone loops the arm around the neck of another person in a tight grip, usually from behind; «he grabbed the woman in a chokehold, demanded her cash and jewelry, and then fled»

    embrace, embracement, embracing — the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)

    prehension, taking hold, grasping, seizing — the act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)

    wrestling hold — a hold used in the sport of wrestling

    2. grip - the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move itgrip — the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; «he grabbed the hammer by the handle»; «it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip»

    handgrip, handle, hold

    appendage — a part that is joined to something larger

    aspergill, aspersorium — a short-handled device with a globe containing a sponge; used for sprinkling holy water

    ax handle, axe handle — the handle of an ax

    baggage, luggage — cases used to carry belongings when traveling

    baseball bat, lumber — an implement used in baseball by the batter

    briefcase — a case with a handle; for carrying papers or files or books

    broom handle, broomstick — the handle of a broom

    brush — an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle

    carpet beater, rug beater — implement for beating dust out of carpets

    carrycot — box-shaped baby bed with handles (for a baby to sleep in while being carried)

    cheese cutter — a kitchen utensil (board or handle) with a wire for cutting cheese

    coffee cup — a cup from which coffee is drunk

    coffeepot — tall pot in which coffee is brewed

    cricket bat, bat — the club used in playing cricket; «a cricket bat has a narrow handle and a broad flat end for hitting»

    crop — the stock or handle of a whip

    eating utensil, cutlery — tableware implements for cutting and eating food

    edge tool — any cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge)

    faucet, spigot — a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir

    frying pan, frypan, skillet — a pan used for frying foods

    haft, helve — the handle of a weapon or tool

    handbarrow — a rectangular frame with handles at both ends; carried by two people

    handcart, pushcart, cart, go-cart — wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels; «he used a handcart to carry the rocks away»; «their pushcart was piled high with groceries»

    handlebar — the shaped bar used to steer a bicycle

    French telephone, handset — telephone set with the mouthpiece and earpiece mounted on a single handle

    hand tool — a tool used with workers’ hands

    hilt — the handle of a sword or dagger

    hoe handle — the handle of a hoe

    knob — a round handle

    ladle — a spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle; frequently used to transfer liquids from one container to another

    mop handle — the handle of a mop

    mug — with handle and usually cylindrical

    panhandle — the handle of a pan

    saddlebow, pommel — handgrip formed by the raised front part of a saddle

    pommel — a handgrip that a gymnast uses when performing exercises on a pommel horse

    racquet, racket — a sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various games

    rake handle — the handle of a rake

    saucepan — a deep pan with a handle; used for stewing or boiling

    shank, stem — cylinder forming a long narrow part of something

    spatula — a turner with a narrow flexible blade

    stock — the handle end of some implements or tools; «he grabbed the cue by the stock»

    gunstock, stock — the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun; «the rifle had been fitted with a special stock»

    teacup — a cup from which tea is drunk

    umbrella — a lightweight handheld collapsible canopy

    watering can, watering pot — a container with a handle and a spout with a perforated nozzle; used to sprinkle water over plants

    3. grip - a portable rectangular container for carrying clothesgrip — a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes; «he carried his small bag onto the plane with him»

    suitcase, traveling bag, travelling bag, bag

    baggage, luggage — cases used to carry belongings when traveling

    carpetbag — traveling bag made of carpet; widely used in 19th century

    garment bag — a suitcase that unfolds to be hung up

    gripsack — a small suitcase

    overnight bag, overnight case, overnighter — a small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight

    Gladstone bag, portmanteau, Gladstone — a large travelling bag made of stiff leather

    weekender — a small suitcase to carry clothing and accessories for a weekend trip

    4. grip - the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)grip — the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)

    adhesive friction, traction

    auto, automobile, car, motorcar, machine — a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; «he needs a car to get to work»

    rubbing, friction — the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another

    5. grip — worker who moves the camera around while a film or television show is being made

    skilled worker, skilled workman, trained worker — a worker who has acquired special skills

    6. grip — an intellectual hold or understanding; «a good grip on French history»; «they kept a firm grip on the two top priorities»; «he was in the grip of a powerful emotion»; «a terrible power had her in its grasp»


    influence — a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc; «used her parents’ influence to get the job»

    tentacle — something that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp and hold; «caught in the tentacles of organized crime»

    7. grip — a flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place; «in Britain they call a bobby pin a grip»

    bobby pin, hairgrip

    hairpin — a double pronged pin used to hold women’s hair in place

    Verb 1. grip — hold fast or firmly; «He gripped the steering wheel»

    clutch, prehend, seize — take hold of; grab; «The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter»; «She clutched her purse»; «The mother seized her child by the arm»; «Birds of prey often seize small mammals»

    bite, seize with teeth — to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws; «Gunny invariably tried to bite her»

    pinch, tweet, twinge, twitch, squeeze — squeeze tightly between the fingers; «He pinched her behind»; «She squeezed the bottle»

    2. grip — to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match; «the two men grappled with each other for several minutes»


    clutch, prehend, seize — take hold of; grab; «The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter»; «She clutched her purse»; «The mother seized her child by the arm»; «Birds of prey often seize small mammals»

    3. grip - to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awegrip — to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe; «The snake charmer fascinates the cobra»

    spellbind, transfix, fascinate

    interest — excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



    3. engross, fascinate, absorb, entrance, hold, catch up, compel, rivet, enthral, mesmerize, spellbind The whole nation was gripped by the dramatic story.

    come or get to grips with something tackle, deal with, handle, take on, meet, encounter, cope with, confront, undertake, grasp, face up to, grapple with, close with, contend with The government’s first task is to get to grips with the economy.

    Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



    2. An act or means of holding something:

    3. A strong or powerful influence:


    1. To take firmly with the hand and maintain a hold on:

    2. To compel, as the attention, interest, or imagination, of:

    The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


    حَقيبَة سَفَرفَهْم، مَعْرِفَهقَبْضَه شَديدَهيـُمْسِكيَمْسِك، يَقْبِض بِشِدَّه






    grip, fast takgrípaskilningurtaska


    단단히 잡다

    kelioninis krepšyspagaunantispatraukiantisprarasti kontrolęprarasti orientaciją






    cầm chặt

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




    to be in the grip of sth (= suffering from) → être victime de qch

    grips npl
    to come to grips with sth, to get to grips with sth [+ problem, difficulty] → s’attaquer à qch


    to be gripped by sth [+ story, event] → être captivé(e) par qch

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



    (esp Brit: = hair grip) → Klemmchen nt

    Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (grip) past tense, past participle gripped verb

    to take a firm hold of. He gripped his stick; The speaker gripped (the attention of) his audience.


    1. a firm hold. He had a firm grip on his stick; He has a very strong grip; in the grip of the storm.

    2. a bag used by travellers. He carried his sports equipment in a large grip.

    3. understanding. He has a good grip of the subject.

    ˈgripping adjective

    which holds the attention. a gripping story.

    come to grips with

    to deal with (a problem, difficulty etc).

    lose one’s grip

    to lose understanding or control.

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


    يـُمْسِك sevřít gribe greifen σφίγγω coger con fuerza tarttua serrer uhvatiti afferrare しっかりつかむ 단단히 잡다 vastpakken gripe chwycić segurar сжать greppa จับอย่างแน่น sımsıkı kavramak cầm chặt 抓住

    Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


    n. gripe, Mex. gripa; influenza.

    n. apretón de la mano;

    v. agarrar, apretar.

    English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


    n agarre m, prensión f; — strength fuerza de agarre or prensión; vt (pret & pp gripped; ger gripping) agarrar, apretar

    English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Britannica Dictionary definition of GRIP

    [+ object]


    to grab or hold (something) tightly

    • The little boy gripped his mother’s hand tightly.

    • I gripped the door handle and pulled as hard as I could.


    to get and hold the interest or attention of (someone)

    • The story really grips the reader.

    • The scandal has gripped the nation.

    Britannica Dictionary definition of GRIP



    the act of grabbing or holding something

    often + on

    • She tightened her grip on the handlebars as she coasted down the hill.

    • I got a good grip on the door handle and pulled.

    • He loosened/relaxed/lost his grip on the rope.

    see also death grip


    a way or style of holding something

    • a loose/tight grip

    • His tennis instructor showed him the proper backhand grip.

    • a golfer with an incorrect grip



    power or control

    • He has the country in his grip. [=he controls the country]

    • He has been doing all he can to maintain/tighten his grip on the company’s finances.

    ◊ To be in the grip of something unpleasant is to be unable to stop or escape its effect or influence.

    • The country is in the grip of a recession.

    • We’re still in the grip of winter.


    an understanding of something

    often + on

    • She has a good grip on local politics. [=she understands local politics well]

    • He can’t seem to get a grip on [=gain a good understanding of] calculus.



    a part for holding something

    • a knife with a wooden grip [=handle]

    • I need new grips for my golf clubs.

    come to grips with

    or British

    get to grips with


    to begin to understand or deal with (something, such as a problem) in a direct or effective way

    • The government needs to come to grips with the unemployment problem.

    get a grip on yourself



    get a grip


    to get control of your thoughts and emotions and stop behaving in a foolish or uncontrolled way

    • Get a grip on yourself! This is no time to be hysterical!


    to lose control of your thoughts and emotions


    to lose your ability to think or behave in a normal way

    • I’ve never seen him so confused and indecisive—he really seems to be losing his grip.

    • The patient seems to be losing his grip on reality. [=confusing what is real and what is not real]

    grip grip ̈ɪɡrɪp

    1. схватывание; сжатие; пожатие

      to take a grip on a rope ― крепко ухватиться за веревку

      to let go one’s grip on a branch ― отпустить ветку (за которую
      крепко держался

      to come to grips, to get to grips with ― схватиться (о борцах);
      подойти вплотную, решительно взяться

      to come to grips with a problem ― серьезно взяться за проблему,
      подойти вплотную к разрешению проблемы

      to keep a tight grip on one’s horse ― крепко сжимать ногами
      бока лошади; сидеть в седле как влитой

    2. хватка

      to have an iron grip, to have a grip of steel ― обладать
      железной хваткой

      his hand has lost its grip ― его рука ослабела

    3. особое рукопожатие (у членов некоторых секретных обществ
      и сект

      the masonic grip ― масонское рукопожатие

    4. ам. внезапная резкая боль
    5. спорт. захват

      backhand grip ― бекхенд (теннис)

    6. спец. сцепление

      grip of the wheels ― сцепление колес с поверхностью (дороги)

    7. способность схватить, понять (суть дела); цепкость ума

      to have a good grip of the essential facts ― хорошо понимать
      основные факты

      his mind has lost its grip ― он стал хуже разбираться, он
      утратил способность быстро схватывать

    8. умение овладеть положением, вниманием

      he has a grip on audience ― его слушают с напряженным вниманием;
      он (прекрасно) владеет аудиторией

    9. впечатление, действие

      grip of a play on the audience ― (глубокое) впечатление,
      производимое пьесой на аудиторию; пьеса захватила аудиторию

    10. власть, контроль

      to get a grip on oneself ― взять себя в руки; овладеть собой

      to lose one’s grip ― потерять самообладание, перестать
      владеть собой

      to keep a grip on oneself ― не терять самообладания, владеть

      to lose one’s grip of smth. ― утратить контроль над чем-л

      to hold these people in one’s grip ― держать этих людей в
      своих руках

      to have a tight grip on the reins of power ― прочно держать
      рычаги власти в своих руках

      he has a good grip on the situation ― он остается хозяином
      положения, все в его руках

    11. хватка, твердость, сила

      he lacks grip ― у него нет настоящей хватки; он размазня

    12. власть; тиски

      in the grip of smth. ― во власти чего-л

      in the grip of a disease ― в плену недуга

      in the grip of poverty ― в тисках нищеты

      the fever has got him in its grip ― его лихорадит

    13. рукоять, ручка; черенок; эфес; гриф (штанги); обмотка

      the grip of the hammer ― спорт. рукоятка молота

    14. тех. зажим, захват; тиски; лапа; щипцы
    15. обыкн спорт. гантели

      grips of cork ― пробковые гантели

    16. ам. разг. саквояж, дорожная сумка
    17. ам. кин. жарг. рабочий ателье
    18. горн. клетевой парашют
    19. схватить; сжать

      to grip smb.’s arm ― схватить кого-л за руку

      to grip smb.s hand ― крепко пожать чью-л руку

      the child gripped his mother’s hand ― ребенок крепко держался
      за руку матери

      to grip hand of smb., smth. ― схватиться за кого-л, что-л

      to one’s hands on smth. ― схватиться руками за что-л

      to grip a railing ― схватиться за перила

      to grip an antagonist ― захватить противника

      to grip smth. in a vice ― зажать что-л в тисках

      to grip a horse close ― крепко сжать (ногами) бока лошади

    20. овладевать

      fear gripped him ― его охватил страх, он был во власти страха

      fear gripped his heart ― страх сковал его

    21. крепко держать

      the brake doesn’t grip ― тормоза не держат

      the anchor doesn’t grip ― мор. якорь не входит

    22. сцепляться; иметь достаточное трение

      the wheels are not gripping ― у колес плохое сцепление с
      поверхностью (дороги); машина идет юзом

    23. понимать, схватывать (умом)

      I cannot grip his argument ― его довод мне не понятен

    24. овладевать вниманием

      to grip smb.’s attention ― овладеть чьим-л вниманием

      to grip an audience, to grip the attention of the audience
      ― захватить аудиторию

      the story gripped me ― рассказ захватил меня

    25. затирать, зажимать

      the ship was gripped by the ice ― судно было затерто льдами

    26. диал. небольшой ров, небольшая канава
    grip hook grip hook ̈ɪɡrɪp huk

      зацеп, шпора (на колесах трактора)

    grip-car grip-car ̈ɪɡrɪp — kɑ:

      ам. редк. вагон воздушно-канатной дороги

    grip-vice grip-vice ̈ɪɡrɪp — vʌɪs

      зажимные тиски

    gripe gripe ɡraɪp

    1. схватывание; зажим, зажатие
    2. власть, тиски

      in the gripe of a tyrant ― во власти тирана

    3. разг. боль в животе, резь, колики
    4. ручка, рукоятка
    5. ам. разг. раздражение, досада
    6. ам. разг. жалоба, нарекание
    7. мор. грунтов
    8. уст. схватить; зажать, сжать
    9. притеснять, угнетать

      to gripe the poor ― притеснять бедных

    10. вызывать резь, колики, спазмы (в кишечнике)

      he was griped by colic ― у него (сильно) хватило живот

    11. тех. зажимать, закреплять
    12. ам. разг. ворчать, жаловаться

      the students gripe constantly about these courses ― студенты
      постоянно выражают недовольство этими курсами

      `Now can you explain it to me?` he griped ― `ну,
      можете вы мне это объяснить?` — поинтересовался он ворчливо

    13. редк. ам. разг. раздосадовать, огорчить
    14. мор. рыскать
    gripeful gripeful

      редк. горсть

    griper griper

    1. притеснитель
    2. крохобор, скряга
    3. ам. недовольный; нытик, ворчун
    4. редк. взяточник, вымогатель; лихоимец
    griping griping

    1. мед. грипп
    2. скупой; жадный; корыстный
    3. острый, схваткообразный (о боли)

      griping pains ― колики, схватки

    gripingly gripingly

      с жадностью

    grippe grippe ɡrɪp

      мед. грипп

    gripper gripper

    1. захват, зажим

      card gripper ― механизм захвата перфокарты (в ЭВМ)

    2. бейлиф (в Ирландии)
    3. австрал. разг. подручный стригальщика овец
    4. большая кнопка (на одежде)
    gripping plough gripping plough


    gripsack gripsack ˈɡrɪpsæk

      ам. разг. саквояж

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    the act of grasping; a seizing and holding fast; firm grasp.

    the power of gripping: He has a strong grip.

    a grasp, hold, or control.

    mental or intellectual hold: to have a good grip on a problem.

    competence or firmness in dealing with situations in one’s work or personal affairs: The boss is old and is losing his grip.

    a special mode of clasping hands: Members of the club use the secret grip.

    something that seizes and holds, as a clutching device on a cable car.

    a handle or hilt: That knife has a very unusual grip.

    a sudden, sharp pain; spasm of pain.

    Older Use. a small traveling bag.

    1. Theater. a stagehand, especially one who works on the stage floor.
    2. Movies, Television. a general assistant available on a film set for shifting scenery, moving furniture, etc.

    verb (used with object), gripped or gript, grip·ping.

    to grasp or seize firmly; hold fast: We gripped the sides of the boat as the waves tossed us about.

    to take hold on; hold the interest of: to grip the mind.

    to attach by a grip or clutch.

    verb (used without object), gripped or gript, grip·ping.

    to take firm hold; hold fast.

    to take hold on the mind.



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    Idioms about grip

      come to grips with,

      1. to encounter; meet; cope with: She had never come to grips with such a situation before.
      2. to deal with directly or firmly: We didn’t come to grips with the real problem.

    Origin of grip

    before 900; Middle English, Old English gripe grasp (noun); cognate with German Griff,Old English gripa handful; see gripe


    gripless, adjectivere·grip, verb, re·gripped or re·gript, re·grip·ping.un·grip, verb, un·gripped, un·grip·ping.


    grip , gripe, grippe

    Words nearby grip

    grind to a halt, gringa, gringo, grin like a Cheshire cat, griot, grip, gripe, gripe water, gripey, gripman, grippe Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

    Words related to grip

    constraint, grasp, restraint, control, domination, influence, clutch, fascinate, mesmerize, rivet, anchor, brace, catch, cinch, cincture, clamp, clench, clinch, coercion, crushing

    How to use grip in a sentence

    • You get a bevel range of up to 45 degrees and the horizontal handle and clamping system helps you get a good grip on your lumber as you cut down.

    • Pitchers use the detailed images to refine pitch grips to optimize movement.

    • Researchers have now used creative cuts to help shoes get a grip.

    • The new high, which smashes that 32-year record, comes on the heels of a historically hot May around the globe, and especially in Siberia, which is in the grips of an ongoing heat wave.

    • The most sensitive experiment will be the first to run into the unexpected, and XENON continues to maintain a solid grip on that prized pole position.

    • Hillary retains an iron grip on second place for the Democratic presidential nomination.

    • And why did the Western Powers lose their grip in such a spectacular fashion in the decade following the end of the war?

    • “They think Putin is the only evil in Russia and dream about getting rid of him,” he said, tightening his grip on the wheel.

    • How is he dealing with both parts of his life escaping his grip?

    • Tamaulipas is notorious as a state caught in the iron grip of organized crime.

    • As men fixed in the grip of nightmare, we were powerless—unable to do anything but wait.

    • Their glances met, she holding him always at arm’s length by that grip upon his shoulders, a grip that was firm and nervous.

    • But the grip was immovable, and he found himself staring into the unemotional face of Seton Pasha.

    • Pattison leaned over the door at the front of the car, and brought out a big leather grip.

    • His attitude was somewhat devil-may-care, his grip on life itself seemed slipping.

    British Dictionary definitions for grip (1 of 2)


    the act or an instance of grasping and holding firmlyhe lost his grip on the slope

    Also called: handgrip the strength or pressure of such a grasp, as in a handshakea feeble grip

    the style or manner of grasping an object, such as a tennis racket

    understanding, control, or mastery of a subject, problem, etc (esp in such phrases as get or have a grip on)

    Also called: handgrip a part by which an object is grasped; handle

    Also called: handgrip a travelling bag or holdall

    any device that holds by friction, such as certain types of brake

    a method of clasping or shaking hands used by members of secret societies to greet or identify one another

    a spasm of paina grip in one’s stomach

    a worker in a camera crew or a stagehand who shifts sets and props, etc

    a small drainage channel cut above an excavation to conduct surface water away from the excavation

    get to grips or come to grips (often foll by with)

    1. to deal with (a problem or subject)
    2. to tackle (an assailant)

    verb grips, gripping or gripped

    to take hold of firmly or tightly, as by a clutch

    to hold the interest or attention ofto grip an audience

    Derived forms of grip

    gripper, noungrippingly, adverb

    Word Origin for grip

    Old English gripe grasp; related to Old Norse gripr property, Old High German grif

    British Dictionary definitions for grip (2 of 2)


    med a variant spelling of grippe

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

    Other Idioms and Phrases with grip

    see come to grips with; get a grip on; lose one’s grip.

    The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
    Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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