The word gradually in a sentence

постепенно, понемногу, мало-помалу, исподволь


- постепенно, последовательно; мало-помалу, понемногу

Мои примеры


a group of young reformers who gradually coalesced into a political movement — группа молодых реформаторов, которые постепенно объединились в политическое движение  
a point of view gradually coming into being — точка зрения, которая постепенно становится объективной реальностью  
to merge gradually / imperceptibly — постепенно всасывать  
gradually varied flow — постепенно изменявшийся поток  
it was gradually borne in upon him that : — до него постепенно дошло, что :  
water is gradually coming through — вода постепенно просачивается  
taper gradually a dose — постепенно снижать дозу  
gradually dying away — постепенно замирая  
add gradually — прибавлять постепенно  
avalanche surface is gradually flattened — поверхность лавины постепенно выполаживается  
gradually applied load — постепенно повышающаяся нагрузка; плавно возрастающая нагрузка  
gradually-applied loading — постепенно изменяющаяся нагрузка  

Примеры с переводом

Gradually the rain ceased.

Постепенно дождь прекратился.

This feeling gradually goes off.

Это чувство постепенно исчезает.

We noticed a gradual change in temperature.

Мы заметили постепенное изменение температуры.

A pour of rain gradually turned to snow.

Ливень постепенно перешёл в снегопад.

Gradually, my ankle got better.

Постепенно, моей лодыжке стало лучше.

You should gradually increase the duration of your workout.

Вы должны постепенно увеличивать продолжительность тренировки.

His hard features gradually unbent.

Его суровые черты лица постепенно смягчились.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The rocks have gradually eroded away.

The train was gradually picking up speed.

The wind had dropped and the rain gradually let up.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

gradual  — постепенный, последовательный, сборник гимнов и псалмов
gradualism  — градуализм
gradualness  — постепенность

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Transformational change implemented gradually through inter-related initiatives.

Трансформационное изменение, реализуемое постепенно в ходе выполнения различных этапов и взаимосвязанных инициатив.

Molds gradually destroy the things they grow upon.

Гриб постепенно разрушает то основание, на котором он развивается.

As people age, their digestive system gradually starts weakening.

По мере того, как люди стареют, их пищеварительная система постепенно начинает ослабевать.

Hopefully I can gradually get them entered.

Могу ли я их постепенно ввести в жизнь прихода.

This process is usually done very gradually.

Этот процесс, как правило, делается очень постепенно.

Begin with 2-3 repetitions of each exercise, gradually increasing to 10.

Количество выполняемых упражнений следует начинать с двух-трех раз, постепенно увеличивая до 10 раз каждое.

It occurs gradually, but various factors can accelerate the process.

Все эти процессы происходят постепенно у каждого человека, но есть целый ряд факторов, которые способны ускорить данный процесс.

Individual types will be gradually marketed during the course of 2019-20.

Отдельные типы будут постепенно выводиться на рынок в течение 2019 — 2020 годов.

We will approach them gradually, as our mutual understanding deepens.

К ним мы будем приближаться постепенно, по мере того, как будет углубляться наше взаимопонимание.

Self-confidence develops gradually, at first through small projects easily achieved.

Уверенность в себе развивается постепенно, поначалу за счет небольших проектов, легко достижимых.

Their children gradually joined them and worked together from 2004 to 2012.

Их дети также постепенно присоединились к ним и работали вместе с 2004 по 2012 год.

From these gradually emerged more complex societies, including primitive states.

Из них постепенно развивались более сложные общества, в том числе примитивные государства.

Maybe they will swallow up our country gradually by signing documents.

Возможно, они просто будут постепенно поглощать нашу страну, подписывая документы».

The town is gradually returning to its former self.

В настоящий момент данный город постепенно возвращается к своей прежней жизни.

The authorities could at least gradually reduce the inequalities caused by geography and household registration.

Власти могли бы, по крайней мере, постепенно сокращать неравенство, вызванное географическими факторами и системой бытовой регистрации.

Thereafter the company gradually lost both commercial and political control.

После этого компания постепенно потеряла как коммерческий, так и политический контроль.

Use your logic to build cities that gradually get older.

Используйте вашу логику, чтобы строить города, которые постепенно становятся старше.

Thereat gradually appeared a large settlement with almshouses and churches.

Здесь постепенно возникло большое духовное пристанище с кельями, богадельнями и церквами.

Both gradually stopped going to the meetings.

Да, и перестали постепенно ходить на эти митинги.

Given the factors I have mentioned inflation will gradually reach 4%.

С учетом тех факторов, которые я назвала, инфляция будет постепенно приближаться к 4%.

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Asked by: Jazlyn Bins

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Gradually sentence example. Gradually winter released its grip and flowers erupted from the ground in celebration of spring. Reason gradually returned to the dark eyes. Gradually Matthew’s suckling slowed and he fell asleep.

What is gradually in grammar?

(grædʒuəli ) adverb [ADVERB with verb] If something changes or is done gradually, it changes or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly.

What is the meaning of gradually ‘?

1 : moving, changing, or developing by fine or often imperceptible degrees. 2 : proceeding by steps or degrees. gradual.

How do you use it in a sentence?

We use it in cleft sentences. It emphasises the subject or object of the main clause: It was his sister who ran the marathon in New York, wasn’t it? Was it the printer that caused the problem?

When we use is in a sentence?

When deciding whether to use is or are, look at whether the noun is plural or singular. If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. The cat is eating all of his food.

25 related questions found

How do you write per se?


  1. ˈpərs
  2. per se. adverb.
  3. (ˌ)pər-ˈsā also per-ˈsā or (ˌ)pər-ˈsē
  4. per se. adjective (2)
  5. Perse. biographical name.

What type of word is gradually?

In a gradual manner; making slow progress; slowly.

What kind of part of speech is agreed?

agree is a verb, agreeable is an adjective, agreement is a noun:I agree with what you say.

What is difference between slowly and gradually?

As adverbs the difference between slowly and gradually

is that slowly is at a slow pace while gradually is in a gradual manner; making slow progress; slowly.

Is gradually an adverb of time?

slowly, over a long period of time The weather gradually improved. Gradually, the children began to understand.

Does gradually mean slowly?

Use the adjective gradual to describe something that happens slowly, bit by bit, like the gradual increase in the amount of daylight in winter. Gradual can also apply to the gentle slope of landforms like hills. A gradual incline seems to slowly rise — you may not even realize you’re walking up such a hill.

What does the word gradually mean in a sentence?

adverb [ADV with v] If something changes or is done gradually, it changes or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly. Electricity lines to 30,000 homes were gradually being restored yesterday. Synonyms: steadily, slowly, moderately, progressively More Synonyms of gradually.

What kind of verb is agreed?

[intransitive, transitive] to say “yes”; to say that you will do what someone wants or that you will allow something to happen I asked for a pay raise and she agreed.

What type of parts of speech is about?

In the English language, the word “about” has multiple purposes. It can be used as a preposition, an adverb, or an adjective. This word can be categorized as a preposition when it is used to indicate movement to a specific location, or, the subject of something written or spoken.

What is noun of attend?

attendance. The state of attending; presence. The count or list of individuals present for an event. The frequency with which one has been present for a regular activity or set of events.

Is gradualness a word?

grad·u·al. adj. Occurring or developing slowly or by small increments: gradual erosion; a gradual slope.

What is the synonym and antonym of gradually?

gradational, incremental, phased, piecemeal, step-by-step.

What does gradually change mean?

A gradual change or process occurs in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly. Losing weight is a slow, gradual process. Synonyms: steady, even, slow, regular More Synonyms of gradual.

Is it per say or per se?

Recap: As you have read through the difference between the two, now you know that “Per se” means by “itself or without a determination by” while per say is the misspelling of the initial word.

Can you use per se in an essay?

Yes, although I would recommend using it only in its original meaning of «in or by itself or themselves». When it is used to mean «as such», it is just a buzzword. If you mean «as such», then write «as such».

What is as per mean?

: in accordance with : according to as per your instructions. as per usual. : in the accustomed or habitual way : as usual As per usual I tried to see into Myra’s mind and as per usual I got nowhere at all.—

gradually — перевод на русский


The leaves gradually decompose. And, several months later: …they can be used as fertiliser.

Постепенно листья гниют, и через несколько месяцев их используют как удобрение.

But children become like that gradually.

Но дети постепенно становятся в точности такими же.

We will gradually encircle an area of land in the valley below.

Постепенно мы окружим ими площадь земли в долине.

It begins with intellectual interests that can gradually lead to serious entanglements.

Это начинается с интеллектуальных интересов, что может постепенно привести к серьезным затруднениям.

It was a beautiful friendship that gradually ripened… into complete apathy, baby.

Это была красивая дружба, она постепенно переросла… в полную апатию, детка.

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Eva’s gradually recovering.

Ева потихоньку восстанавливается.

Turn it gradually.

Поворачивай его потихоньку.

So, now, let’s take what he left behind and gradually make it into something better

И сейчас… давай-ка возьмём то, что он нам оставил, и потихоньку превратим во что-то лучшее.

Your brain closes down, gradually you lose words, you lose your memory, which for a writer is pretty much the point.

Мозг отключается, потихоньку путаешь слова, теряешь память, что для писателя весьма печально.

I thought I’d start moving back in gradually.

Я решила потихоньку переезжать назад.

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You know, you’re gradually giving me an uneasy feeling.

Знаете, мне все больше становится не по себе.

Why isn’t the situation gradually improving? Instead, bad things just keep happening.

Ну почему ситуация не налаживается, а, наоборот, становится только хуже и хуже?

The weather will gradually grow colder.

Погода становится всё холоднее.

Gradually they became allies in my attempt to extract my patients from the dark.

Они становятся мне родными, появляясь из глубин сознания моих пациентов.

I gradually felt almost totally free.

Я становилась полностью свободной.

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Gradually calm returned to the troubled town

Мало-помалу мир и тишина водворились в растревоженном городе.

— Anyway… this half-hard idiot that give us the dog… he gradually catches on that he’s being threatened… and he shoots off his mouth.

Этот недоумок, который сосватал нам собаку, мало-помалу сообразил, что ему угрожают, и начал вопить.

«Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences — between rulers and ruled will increase until they become — almost different species.

«Мало-помалу, селективным размножением, врождённые различия между правящим классом и простыми людьми будут расти, пока не достигнут кардинальных отличий родОв.

And gradually it started to feel better when she was there.

И мало-помалу, мне начало нравиться её присутствие

This might be the first step of my descent into madness, where I gradually test the limits of public nudity.

Это может быть мой первый шаг к безумию. Где я мало-помалу буду испытывать терпимость людей к наготе.

Wish I had a car, then I could just get there gradually.

Если бы у меня машина, я бы смогла… туда понемногу добраться.

But after I get to know you, I finally gradually understand that it’s a very holy place.

я стала понемногу понимать его ценность.

It will continue to shine for billions of years as it gradually radiates away a lifetime of energy.

Она будет продолжать светить миллиарды лет, понемногу излучая Энергию всей жизни.

In the end, she gradually relaxed and let herself go with the flow of things, a tolerance she was proud of

В конце концов она понемногу расслабилась и позволила себе примириться с ходом вещей,— толерантность, которой она гордилась

I might take the age down a little, just gradually, to freak people out.

Я могла бы немного уменьшать возраст, понемногу, чтобы сводить людей с ума.

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1. The balloon descended gradually as the air came out.

2. People are gradually awakening to their rights.

3. Gradually raise your body into an upright position.

4. The cottage gradually fell into ruin.

5. Jill gradually became aware of an awful smell.

6. Since the war the industry has gradually languished.

7. Gradually, the novelty of city life began to pall.

8. She got used gradually to the vegetarian diet.

9. He was gradually getting more supple.

10. His coarse habits have gradually fined away.

11. The heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.

12. The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting.

13. The floods gradually receded from the fields.

14. Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music.

15. The old book is gradually disintegrating with age.

16. The pain in his head gradually receded.

17. As he thought it over(, his anger gradually dissipated.

18. Language is constantly and gradually evolving.

19. The wounds were gradually healing .

20. Some people can only assimilate change gradually.

21. The power had gradually seeped away.

22. LiChou away gradually, such as at continuously infinite.

23. The snow on the ground gradually cemented.

24. Only gradually are technologies being developed to mechanize the task.

25. The campers ‘food supply gradually diminished as the days wore on.

26. Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.

26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

27. The storm gradually subsided.

28. Magnus’s army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle.

29. Although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you the benefits.

30. Jack and Mary had been married for a long time but gradually drifted apart until they separated.

More similar words: graduate, graduation, undergraduate, grade, annually, sexually, actually, virtually, eventually, traditionally, adult, head up, lead up to, radar, parade, trading, radical, tradition, radiation, visual, ritual, casual, mutual, actual, manual, sexual, annual, traditional, qualify, unusual. 

Examples of how to use the word “gradually” in a sentence. How to connect “gradually” with other words to make correct English sentences.

gradually (adv): slowly over a period of time or a distance

Use “gradually” in a sentence

The population gradually increased.
Things gradually improved.
It’s gradually getting colder.

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