The word grace in a sentence

Synonym: beauty, blessing, charm, clemency, culture, dignify, distinguish, elegance, excuse, favor, honor, loveliness, mercy, pardon, polish, prayer, refinement, reprieve, sympathy, taste, thanksgiving. Antonym: disgrace. Similar words: trace, embrace, human race, face to face, pace, face, space, place. Meaning: [greɪs]  n. 1. (Christian theology) a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who under such divine influence 2. elegance and beauty of movement or expression 3. a sense of propriety and consideration for others 4. a disposition to kindness and compassion 5. (Greek mythology) one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite subject for sculptors 6. a short prayer of thanks before a meal 7. (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God. v. 1. make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. 2. be beautiful to look at. 

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1 Pride and grace dwelt never in one place. 

2 There but for the grace of God, go I. 

3 Pride and grace dwell never in one place. 

4 How many loved your moments of glad grace.

5 She has the natural grace of a born dancer.

6 Joanna has natural grace and elegance.

7 Lena moved with the grace of a dancer.

8 By the grace of God their lives were spared.

9 Grace pulled her cardigan tightly about herself.

10 Laura glanced at Grace, expecting a cheeky riposte.

11 I can’t think why Grace doesn’t like me.

12 It was silly of Grace to take offence at our innocent remarks.

13 He might have had the grace to say he was sorry!

14 Ageing’s one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.

15 No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace, as I have seen in one autumnal face.

16 Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table.

17 How many loved your moments of glad grace. And loved your beauty with love false or true. But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you. And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

18 You’re a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.

19 Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12: they had decided to reject the proposal.

20 I shouldn’t look forward too much to seeing Grace at the party; chances are that she won’t come anyway.

21 It was only by the grace of God that they survived.

22 She walks with grace.

23 He died in a state of grace.

24 Kevin smiled and accepted his defeat with good grace.

25 He didn’t even have the grace to look embarrassed.

26 ‘Here goes,[]’ said Grace and took a deep breath.

27 Ann moved with easy grace.

28 He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace.

29 This brings a birthday message especially to say how much I love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.

30 The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace.

More similar words: trace, embrace, human race, face to face, pace, face, space, place, solace, palace, gray, grand, grab, rack, surface, at peace, in place, replace, grimace, grape, grant, a grand, grade, track, crack, face up to, racism, racial, racist, make a face. 

grace — перевод на русский


— Harriet, Grace, come on.

— Гарриет, Грейс, мы уходим.

Say, Ma, you should have saw Grace tonight.

Ma, ты видела Грейс сегодня?

Dear Papa and Mama aren’t allowing reporters in. That is, except for little Mr. Grace, who does the social news.

Мама и папа не пустят на свадьбу журналистов, будет лишь мистер Грейс из отдела светской хроники.

Grace, call the composing room. We’re gonna replate.

Грейс, позвони наборщикам — мы перетряхиваем весь номер.

It was the night Grace lost her baby.

Тогда Грейс потеряла ребенка.

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«Count Orlok, His Grace… from Transylvania… wishes to purchase a nice house in our little town..!»

«Его милость граф Орлок… из Трансильвании… желает купить домик… в нашем маленьком городе…»

The grace of our Lord be with you all.

ƒа пребудет с вами милость Ѕожь€.

Announcing His Imperial Grace, the Grand Duke.

Его Императорская Милость, Великий Князь.

His Grace will read the royal proclamation.

Его Милость огласит королевский указ.

A thousand pardons, Your Grace. Please continue.

Тысячу извинений, Ваша Милость.

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She used to be a dress model at Grace Hewitt’s on West 57th Street.

Она была моделью у Грэйс Хьюитт на Западной 57-ой улице.

Models at Grace Hewitt’s.

Модель у Грэйс Хьюитт.

Grace, please.

Грэйс, не надо.

Your Aunt Grace’s arthritis is much better.

Артрит тети Грэйс намного лучше.

Love, Uncle George and Aunt Grace.

С любовью, дядя Джордж и тетя Грэйс.

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Я… я не знаю, что сказать, ваша светлость.


Если вы извините меня, ваша светлость…


Полагаю, вы не отказались бы поехать, ваша светлость.


О, у закона длинные руки, ваша светлость.


Ваша светлость.

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I wanted to be in a state of grace when I married you.

— Я хотела преисполниться благодати, перед тем как выходить за тебя замуж.

Oh, merciful, loving, sweet Virgin, pray for us… so we may attain the divine grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

О, милосердная Дева Мария, молись за нас… Чтобы мы удостоились божественной благодати господа нашего Иисуса Христа.

Oh, clement, oh, merciful, oh Virgin Mary… pray for us that we may be worthy of the divine grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

О, милосердная, о Дева Мария. молись за нас чтобы мы были достойными благодати нашего господа Иссуса Христа.

Bless us, Mary, full of grace, but not Martha, she’s too nasty.

Благослови нас. Мария, благодати полная, но только не Марту, она непослушная.

For the grace in you of being merciful.

Ради благодати, проявленной вашей милостью.

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The Princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her.

Принцесса будет расти в грации и красоте… обожаемая всеми, кто её знает.

a crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right and royal duty.

Корону, венец грации и красоты, но также и символ заботы о государстве.

«Three Graces.»

Три Грации.

Hail Mary, full of grace.

Святая Мария, полная грации…

I like to think I have a little grace.

Мне нравится думать, что у меня есть немного грации.

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Of course, I’ll say a grace if somebody sets out the food but my heart ain’t in it.

Конечно, я прочту молитву благодарения за трапезой, но душу вкладывать уже не буду.

I bet you didn’t even say grace first.

Могу поспорить, что вы даже молитву не прочитали.

We’re going to say grace first.

Сначала прочтем молитву.

-Bart, would you say grace?

— Барт, не прочтешь молитву?

Grace will not be said until that bowl is clean.

Мы не прочтём молитву, пока ты не доешь кашу.

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That would be an even meaner death, Your Grace.

Это будет еще более бессмысленная смерть, Ваше Величество.

— Your Grace, the battle isn’t won.

— Ваше величество, битва еще не окончена.

I cannot tell you why it matters that my son should marry Jane. All I can do is beg Your Grace to trust me.

Не могу объяснить, почему так важно, чтобы мой сын женился на Джейн, я лишь умоляю Ваше величество довериться мне.

It’s all right, Your Grace.

Все хорошо, Ваше величество.

But, Your Grace, the Princess Mary will restore your realm to popery.

Но Ваше величество, принцесса Мария вернет королевство в католицизм.

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And in every ring he entered, he would carry his one hundred and fifty pounds with ease and grace.

И в каждом кругу, который он прошёл, он нёс свои сто пятьдесят фунтов с лёгкостью и изяществом.

Look at those two trees there pushing and shoving for sunlight but with grace and astonishing slowness.

Посмотрите на те два дерева, они тянутся к свету, отталкивая друг друга, но с изяществом и удивительной неспешностью.

While Daryl is beautiful in a conventional way you are luminous with a kind of delicate grace.

Дэрил Ханна, конечно, красивая в классическом смысле слова но вы зато так и лучитесь нежным легким изяществом.

And served with such style and grace.

И поданное в такой манере и с таким изяществом.

She illuminated the lives of millions with her grace and beauty.

Она освещала жизнь миллионов людей своим изяществом и красотой.

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I even went to the Madonna to ask for Her grace.

Я ходила к Мадонне, просила её о благосклонности, но бесполезно.

Everything has happened thanks to the work and grace of the Holy Spirit.

Все произошло благодаря работе и благосклонности Святого Духа.

Without grace from the voodoo gods, and the power transfusions from the Energizer, we too are sure to pass from this life.

Без благосклонности богов вуду, и без нашей подпитки энергией из ГЭККа, мы можем покинуть этот мир.

Redress being granted as a matter of grace.

Пересмотр существующего решения – вопрос благосклонности.

Go thou and with a smooth, enchanting tongue bewitch her ears and cheat her of all grace.

Иди, иди: обворожив, её прелестными и льстивыми речами добейся благосклонности её.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Amari Wilkinson

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(21 votes)

He has shown remarkable grace during this crisis. She is quite lovable despite her lack of social graces. Let us give thanks for God’s grace. By the grace of God, no one was seriously hurt.

What does it mean when someone says grace?

Grace commonly refers to a smooth and pleasing way of moving, or a polite and thoughtful way of behaving. But when someone says they were late to the airport and only made it onto their plane by the grace of God, they’re talking about grace in the context of God’s favor.

What is grace example?

An example of grace is the way a beautiful, stylish woman easily walks across a room. An example of grace is the letting go of a past wrong done to you. An example of grace is the prayer said at the beginning of a meal. … A short prayer of blessing or thanksgiving said before or after a meal.

What are the 4 types of grace?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Sanctifying Grace. The permanent disposition to remain in communion with God.
  • Actual Grace. God’s intervention in the process of our justification.
  • Sacramental Grace. Gifts given to us through the Sacraments.
  • Charisms. …
  • Graces of the Holy Spirit. …
  • Graces of State.

What are the 3 means of grace?

They include the entirety of revealed truth, the sacraments and the hierarchical ministry. Among the principal means of grace are the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), prayers and good works. The sacramentals also are means of grace.

38 related questions found

What are the three types of grace?

It specifies three types of grace: prevenient grace, which is God’s active presence in people’s lives before they even sense the divine at work in their lives; justifying grace, through which all sins are forgiven by God; and sanctifying grace, which allows people to grow in their ability to live like Jesus.

What are the biblical means of grace?

It is understood by Christians to be a spontaneous gift from God to people – «generous, free and totally unexpected and undeserved» – that takes the form of divine favor, love, clemency, and a share in the divine life of God. It is an attribute of God that is most manifest in the salvation of sinners.

What are different types of grace?

In the Catholic tradition, there are two types of grace,: Actual and Sanctifying. John Wesley and the Wesleyan Traditions speak of four types of grace: prevenient, justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying. Charismatic traditions add Miraculous Grace or Charismatic Grace.

What are the five graces of God?

The name, “Five Graces”, refers to an Eastern concept — the five graces of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Each needs to be honored in the full experience of life.

What are the graces of God?

You see that the grace of God is more than salvation but also everything we need for life and godliness. The definition of grace could be “God’s life, power and righteousness given to us by unmerited favor.” It is through grace that God works effective change in our hearts and lives.

How do we show grace?

When we show grace to others, it’s about showing kindness to someone else even when they don’t deserve it. Grace is going out of our way to give your compassion, kindness and love to someone even if they might not appreciate it, or return the favour.

What is grace in a woman?

My dictionary defines it as «the quality or state of being worthy, honored or esteemed.» An example of grace is the way a beautiful, stylish woman easily walks across a room. She spends time with other believers, encouraging them and being encouraged by them (Hebrews 10:24–25).

What do you say when saying grace?

There’s no hard or fast rule about this, though, so speak from the heart.

  1. Example: Bless this food to our bodies, Lord, and let us hold you in our hearts. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
  2. Example: Bless us, oh Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.

Is grace the opposite of sin?

Grace is the opposite of sin.

Can a man have grace?

But a man is unable without grace to devote to God the highest love that is owed to Him by us; otherwise, it would make no sense for grace to be added. Therefore, without grace a man cannot love God above all things by just his natural power.

What is the spiritual meaning of grace?

The spiritual meaning of grace is the concept of receiving something from someone and passing it on until the environment around you begins to change drastically. RELATED: How To Forgive, Let Go, And Move On For A Peaceful, Happy Life.

What does it mean to live by grace?

To live in grace is surely to experience our burdens being lifted from us from time to time; that our passage becomes smoother and more enjoyable, even when conditions seem hard to bear. From, here are some definitions of grace: a. the freely given, unmerited favour and love of God.

What is God’s amazing grace?

God’s grace is amazing because it is an undeserved and free gift. … He cannot look on sin; but because of the sacrificial death of Jesus, God looks on His children through grace-filled eyes, seeing not our sin, but the righteousness of Christ. God’s amazing grace costs us nothing; this same grace cost Jesus everything.

What are the 3 Graces in the Bible?

The number of Graces varied in different legends, but usually there were three: Aglaia (Brightness), Euphrosyne (Joyfulness), and Thalia (Bloom). They are said to be daughters of Zeus and Hera (or Eurynome, daughter of Oceanus) or of Helios and Aegle, a daughter of Zeus.

What are the two forms of grace?

There are two kinds of grace: sanctifying grace and actual grace.

What are the seven works of grace?

The works include:

  • To feed the hungry.
  • To give water to the thirsty.
  • To clothe the naked.
  • To shelter the homeless.
  • To visit the sick.
  • To visit the imprisoned, or ransom the captive.
  • To bury the dead.

Why do we say grace?

On the simplest level, saying grace means offering thanksgiving—grace comes from the Latin gratiarum actio, «act of thanks.» To say grace before meals is, among other things, to remember that it was God, not my credit card, that provided my meal.

How do we say God’s grace?

16 Ways to Say Grace

  1. “Bless us oh Lord for these thy gifts that we’re about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.”
  2. “Good bread, good meat, thank the lord, LET’S EAT.”
  3. Grace….I knew her well. ( that’s what my grandpa used to say)

What is difference between grace and mercy?

In the dictionary, grace is defined as courteous goodwill. Meaning, it’s not asked for nor deserved, but is freely given. Mercy, on the other hand, is the compassion and kindness shown to someone whom it is in one’s power to punish or harm.

What is the sanctifying grace?

1999) notes that sanctifying grace has another name: deifying grace, or the grace that makes us godlike. We receive this grace in the Sacrament of Baptism; it is the grace that makes us part of the Body of Christ, able to receive the other graces God offers and to make use of them to live holy lives.

благодать, милость, изящество, грация, украшать, награждать, удостаивать


- грация, изящество

natural [bewitching, indescribable, touching] grace — естественная [обворожительная, неописуемая, трогательная] грация
full of grace — грациозный, изящный, полный грации /изящества/
to do smth. with grace — делать что-л. грациозно /изящно/
she is nothing but grace — она вся изящество и грация

- часто pl привлекательное качество; добродетель

he saw a thousand graces in her — он видел в ней массу /множество/ привлекательных качеств
she has all the social graces — она сама добродетель, она кладезь добродетели

- приличие; такт

he had the grace to say he was sorry — он был достаточно тактичен, чтобы признать свою вину
he had the grace to apologize — надо отдать ему должное, /к его чести надо сказать, что/ он извинился
she had the grace to make her visit brief — у неё хватило такта /ума/ не задерживаться
to have the good grace to do smth. — сделать то, что положено /что приличествует/ (данному случаю)
to have the ill grace to do smth. — иметь бестактность сделать что-л.
you can’t refuse with any grace — отказаться будет верхом неприличия

- любезность

with a good grace — охотно, любезно
with a bad /an ill/ grace — неохотно, нелюбезно
to do smth. with a good grace — пойти навстречу кому-л.; живо откликнуться на что-л.; проявить добрую волю
act of grace — одолжение, услуга
it would be an act of grace on your part — это будет весьма любезно с вашей стороны

- благосклонность, благоволение; расположение

to be in smb.’s good graces — пользоваться чьей-л. благосклонностью, быть в милости у кого-л.
to get into smb.’s graces — снискать чьё-л. расположение, добиться чьей-л. благосклонности
to insinuate oneself into the good graces of smb. — втереться к кому-л. в доверие
to be in the bad graces of smb. — не пользоваться чьей-л. симпатией /благосклонностью, чьим-л. расположением/, быть в опале у кого-л.
to fall out of graces with smb. — попасть в немилость к кому-л., утратить чьё-л. расположение
fall from grace — опала, немилость

ещё 10 вариантов


- украшать

her character is graced by every virtue — она воплощение всех добродетелей

- награждать, удостаивать

she graced me with a smile — она наградила /одарила/ меня улыбкой
he graced the meeting with his presence — он удостоил собрание своим присутствием

- величать кого-л. «Ваша светлость» или «Ваша милость»
- муз. орнаментовать

Мои примеры


a woman of surpassing grace and beauty — женщина изумительной красоты и изящества  
the liquid grace of a ballerina — непринуждённое изящество балерины  
to administer the coup de grace (with a knife) — нанести последний удар (кинжалом)  
habitual grace — врождённое изящество  
irresistible grace — неотразимое изящество  
a lapse from grace — лишение милости  
a sample of grace — образец изящества  
with a bad grace — неохотно  
grace cup — кубок чаша, последний, прощальный бокал, глоток  
day of grace — льготный срок  
to fall from grace — терять расположение  
natural grace — естественная грация  

Примеры с переводом

She graced me with a smile.

Она наградила [одарила] меня улыбкой.

He graced the meeting with his presence.

Он удостоил собрание своим присутствием.

The monks prayed daily for grace.

Монахи день и ночь молились о (ниспослании им) благодати.

His portrait graces the wall of the drawing room.

Его портрет украшает стену гостиной.

Max definitely lacked social graces.

Максу явно не хватало светских манер /умения вести себя в обществе/.

Several marble statues grace the courtyard.

Несколько мраморных статуй украшают внутренний двор дома.

Her character is graced by every virtue.

Она — воплощение всех добродетелей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…she is the very incarnation of grace and tactfulness…

…walked with the portly grace of the grande dame that she was…

Grace brought us some flowers from her garden.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disgrace  — позор, немилость, бесчестие, опала, позорить, опозорить, бесчестить, осрамить
graceful  — изящный, грациозный, элегантный, приятный
graceless  — некрасивый, тяжеловесный, непристойный, развращенный, бесстыдный
gracious  — милостивый, добрый, любезный, милосердный, снисходительный, обходительный
graces  — грации, игра в серсо, привлекательные свойства

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: grace
he/she/it: graces
ing ф. (present participle): gracing
2-я ф. (past tense): graced
3-я ф. (past participle): graced

ед. ч.(singular): grace
мн. ч.(plural): graces

Definition of Grace

elegance in movement

Examples of Grace in a sentence

The dancer’s grace shined every time she danced on the stage.


Her walk full of grace and refinement, the wealthy woman was admired by all of those in her social class.


The tomboy tried to exude grace during the pageant, but she was much more comfortable in tennis shoes than heels.


Although the princess was already pretty and polished, her parents insisted she learn to walk with more grace.


Moving across the ice with magnificent grace and beauty, it was hard to believe that the elegant skater had only started last year.


Other words in the Positive Connotation category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)


She walked across the stage with effortless grace.

She handles her problems with grace and dignity.

He has shown remarkable grace during this crisis.

She is quite lovable despite her lack of social graces.

Let us give thanks for God’s grace.

By the grace of God, no one was seriously hurt.

She tried to live her life in God’s grace.


Several marble statues grace the courtyard.

I hope that you will grace our gathering with your presence.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Small instances of grace like these are more compelling than the author’s efforts to find universal relevance in her endeavor.

Barbara Spindel, WSJ, 25 Jan. 2023

The hue was a symbol at a time when the country was in need of grace.

Robin Givhan, Washington Post, 25 Jan. 2023

Colleges add tutors, mental health resources – and a measure of grace.

Ira Porter, The Christian Science Monitor, 19 Jan. 2023

The name, like so much about LeRette’s world—its mingled grotesquerie and humor, its wild manifestations of grace amid grimness—seems drawn from Flannery O’Connor.

Andrew Kay, WIRED, 17 Jan. 2023

With one note of grace that bears mentioning here: Nearly everyone is brown.

Paul Solotaroff, Rolling Stone, 8 Jan. 2023

But there also was grace from coach Mark Daigneault, considering the officiating crew on hand.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 17 Dec. 2022

Journeying to a place of wholeness within myself required real accountability, truth-telling, and an abundance of grace.

Candice Benbow, Essence, 15 Dec. 2022

As unrelentingly harsh as SOS can be with its love interests, there is grace bleeding through a number of these stories of crumbling connections.

Craig Jenkins, Vulture, 12 Dec. 2022

The criminal charges in New York are the latest salvo in a profound schism between Trump and his hometown — a reckoning for a one-time favorite son who grew rich and famous building skyscrapers, hobnobbing with celebrities and gracing the pages of the city’s gossip press.

Michael R. Sisak,, 31 Mar. 2023

Happy birthday to the best sister to grace the face of the earth.

Country Living, 31 Mar. 2023

The clip features the R&B legend — who originally graced the screen as the iconic princess in the 1997 TV movie Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella — wearing a regal, voluminous gown of baby blue and matching overcoat with her hair in a long, blue braid.

Glenn Rowley, Billboard, 22 Mar. 2023

With Canvas, artists can create short-form visuals that replace the static album cover art that usually graces smartphone screens.

Adam Rumanek, Forbes, 22 Mar. 2023

The International Drive dinner-theater attraction is just one of the stages Marshall graced over the years.

Matthew J. Palm, Orlando Sentinel, 21 Mar. 2023

The decadent interior continues the color scheme, with yellow leather gracing the seats, steering wheel, and dashboard.

Caleb Miller, Car and Driver, 21 Mar. 2023

The Chelsea Flower Show finally warmed up to them, allowing gnomes decorated by the likes of Elton John and Judi Dench to grace the gardens at the show’s 2013 centenary celebration.

Nevin Martell, Washington Post, 16 Mar. 2023

The busy, fevered covers—everyone looks deranged—practically shout for a browser’s attention, in contrast to the subtler ones gracing later Clowes books like Wilson (2010) and Patience (2016).

Ed Park, The New York Review of Books, 14 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘grace.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Sentences with the word Grace?



  • «their youngest son said grace«
  • «an impression of careless elegance»; «danced with careless grace«
  • «a difficult feat performed with casual mastery»; «careless grace«
  • «a long, smooth stride»; «the fluid motion of a cat»; «the liquid grace of a ballerina»
  • «God’s grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners»; «there but for the grace of God go I»
  • «the victor’s grace in treating the vanquished»
  • «The payment had originally been due on April 1 but we had a grace period which expired in June.»
  • «a beautiful figure which she used in subtle movements of unparalleled grace«
  • «the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin»; «it was debated whether saving grace could be obtained outside the membership of the church»; «the Virgin lived in a state of grace«
  • «a place where the company of others must be accepted with good grace«
  • «the notification stated the grace period and the penalties for defaulting»
  • «shed tears»; «spill blood»; «God shed His grace on Thee»
  • «the redeeming feature of the plan is its simplicity»; «his saving grace was his sense of humor»
  • «her love of music remains her one saving grace«; «her sense of humor has to be a saving grace«; «the saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs»
  • «Say grace«; «She said her `Hail Mary'»
  • «an unaffected grace«

His sufficient grace and His presence is giving you the

Rom: 4:16: Therefore, it is of faith that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed;

2Cor: 13:14: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with

cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve

develops in us through His grace that is working in our

Tit: 2:11: For the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men,

are saved by grace not by their good behavior

love sinners and those who have fallen from grace

Through His grace, He forgives us and washes

thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that

The way of those on whom Thou has bestowed thy Grace, those whose portion

you have committed, can surpass His grace for you

Alan’s body had been conceived of Earth, from sperm of Paul Larkin and ovum of Grace Larkin, taken before their death and donated to the expedition in the afterlife

Maybe I have taken you for granted the last few weeks you were here? Maybe I forgot to tell you how honored I am any time you could grace me with your presence? You are welcome in my home and in my bed at your pleasure, as I hoped you understood by now

He has the grace to look embarrassed

i want to use the text which is familiar to you:”For the grace of

the grace of

God, which saves from the sin, but also as a healing grace which

His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace

My Mother? Hah! — Full of Grace,

with all of the modern power and grace required of a rugger boy

not him, but the grace of God made that possible

Grace has done a great work on him

grace is within us

14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the

But we have grace – to

Paul wrote, “We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain” ( 2 Corinthians

He tries yet again to reach out to the man, then to Grace and his brother, but it’s all in vain

The room grows quiet so Apollo cries out, «What about Grace and Solomon? Are they safe? Answer me!»

That morning I took the obligatory slap in the face for my tardiness in the bathroom with a refined, almost beatific grace

They all have huge smiles on their faces but Apollo instantly inquires, «Where’s Grace?» As soon as he speaks two arms embrace him from behind and she spins around him, a planting her lips to his

He was, anyway, the fittest and fastest of the assembled pre-season breakers, playing at centre with all of the modern power and grace required of a rugger boy

There before him lies the simple shape of grace,

Is it possible that Onesimus heard the stories of Paul, heard messages of God’s grace, mercy, and love, and heard his master speaking so highly of this Jesus, but didn’t see the reality in his life? Is it possible that Philemon was a phenomenal example of what Christianity is supposed to be, but when it came to his slaves he somehow treated them with contempt? Was Onesimus believing the words spoken, but having difficultly finding the reality of them?

moving with the grace of sixty years gone

And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and supplications; and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn

that you have given the grace of appreciation to

The grace and character that we achieve in Christ now will actually affect who we are then

Berndt has the grace to look shamefaced as I turn to him in feigned astonishment, but retorts in kind to his friend, protesting that it wasn’t his fault if Joris had made that assumption; it was just that he hadn’t corrected him

Wiesse has the grace to look abashed

OF all the gems in the rich collection of Yoga asanas there shines forth one which, in sheer beauty, symmetry and grace, outshines all others except, perhaps, the serene Lotus, that impenetrable fortress of repose

As though all these benefits were not enough this posture confers on all who practice it the grace and flexibility of a ballet dancer

The only saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky citizen coming to the aid of a poor victim of racial abuse

The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

The next season saw Terry’s fall from grace accelerate

As for the once famous television gardener, he soon found that many years of proud and boastful behaviour makes for a rapid fall from grace

Lord Tarak turned and bowed to Rayne, “Lady Rayne,” he began as he took her hand and touched it to his forehead, “you grace us with your presence, and now that I can see you properly, with your beauty as well

It was said in some quarters that the drama of the finale had been arranged as the final coup de grace in the search for the ultimate televisual experience

’ I said ingenuously, and he has the grace to concede that he and Peter are alike in some ways

The one saving grace amid the intense but unseen brutality was Lucy

saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky

and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of

the drama of the finale had been arranged as the final coup de grace

the energies of Love and Grace into my day-‐to-‐day life

The one saving grace amid the intense but unseen brutality was

and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in

another, and be clothed with humility: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the

8Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should

Surely he scorns the scorners: but he gives grace unto the lowly

For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ

use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers

And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in

and whine of the truck being reversed, with evident bad grace, by the

“And have you heard that tale about Grace Darling?”

Ken has lost that ineffable feeling of Sunday morning grace

Billy should have behaved with more grace, should have recognised the compassion in the man’s eyes, but he didn’t

Bram had the good grace to look rather sheepish at this point, but

“Those two gentlemen you met in the Park today allowed for the coup de grace, you might say, of the slow inroads I’ve made into the grip these northern New York manufacturers have on the markets in New England

After several steps each young woman was more and more competent in performing the movements with poise and grace, at which point he commended them and offered pointers of a minor nature to each

Oak tree leaves fell and touched the water with the grace of a ballet dancer

She greeted her guests with grace and her natural hospitality

grace to your neck

It’s only by the grace of Saint Christopher that

“None of us are worthy of his grace, all of us have fallen short, all are

grace and beauty?” The Flower asked and bent down to kiss her hand

Josephine saw it in their eyes and had the grace and

Grossin had the good grace (and good sense) not to gloat

This was when he decided to grace her with his presence, at all

“Amazing Grace” flowed through the room and for a moment as he sanded, John

good grace, but defended his man to the hilt

His grace is sufficient for me

I find that when I am in that place there is so much grace to walk in his way and so much clarity to hear his voice

This word can be powerful because it releases the grace and power of God in order to change

When we follow the will of God and go where he goes then we find his grace and protection in our lives and ministries, but we also become partnered with his spiritual armies

Only the Father can do this with the grace that brings life and healing

that it is only by God’s grace that we can walk with him, and that grace often comes through a demonstration of his power

Carl blocked and maneuvered with a grace I had seen only in

When anointed prophets are ministering it releases a grace to others in order to learn to hear more clearly

We will grow in the grace and power God has given us as we faithfully seek him and step out in faith

She had seen him move – seen him fight in their encounter with Rapheal – and the body was nothing but fluid grace, mixed with incredible speed and power

As we become more yielded to God we allow more of his grace to flow through us

God gives grace for fasting, but your zeal won’t take you very far

There have been times when God lead me to fast and there was great grace in it

Know that God understands your weaknesses, but also know that his grace is sufficient for you

His intended target was so large, yet moved with such fluid grace

An ornamental pool with a fountain graced the center of it, they took the scotch to some high-backed stools that bracketed a small table next to a small raised lawn upon which houris might perform

These dainty pixies graced the courts of the emperors, kings and chieftains and were never sent as tribute even when his empire was at it’s height

It appeared that mother was winning and the bright lights of the Nevada desert would soon be graced by two new high rollers with money to burn

time the splendour of the home’s architecture had been graced by

be graced by two new high rollers with money to burn

Multistory wings of apartments with balconies graced the top of the ridge

world, has graced the world with it

“Not really a surplus, but a few have graced my chambers since I’ve been here

He could see that the house was more imposing in appearance than the room it really contained, the tall and detailed arches faced with reliefs in a thulitlanth motif graced the end panes, but they were used only to make high ceilings in most rooms

reminded of all the late night miracle liquid commercials that graced the small

A long three-car garage graced the east side of the

The only thing that graced our halls was abstract

The walls were at least fifty feet high graced at the top with rectangular-

By the time March and warmer afternoons graced northern England, Harry was keeping quite a number of plates spinning in the air at once

No more smiles graced his face, only a deep scowl

That derives from the statue of Pallas Athena, which graced the Acropolis of Athens in the fifth century B

Each pew was graced with a bouquet of white roses, blue irises and orchids, flooding the church with their fragrance

He wore the same glasses which graced his more mature features

Not even a single photo or office memo graced it

And are graced by entry to a whole new life, a new lightness of being that is beyond even this wonderful life

An invigorating smile graced Hilderich’s mouth before he answered in kind:

He had been warned to be wary of these lands, for not everything that roamed it was graced by God and not all that he may encounter was sent by Him alone

She might have been a fool in her own life, but that was before she was graced with Amonas’ and her child; now she would give her all to protect it

He graced Molo though with an answer in a loud, knowing voice:

gentleman who had graced her door the previous Sunday for tea

When she finally graced the office early Tuesday morning, it was her laugh that

benevolent, knew how badly I wanted it and graced me with a once-in-

He looked at me then just as I licked my dry lips, a devilish smile graced his lips

The day dawned serene, graced with smiles and great brilliance







We were graced that day by Hizzoner Richard Daley the Elder smiling down from first row of the balcony as Richie Jr

His gauntlets hung from his belt, and a small but very ornate crown graced his head, gleaming gold and silver and studded with jewels

There was a small cave hidden under some rocky mountains that graced the small beach

The smile that had just moments ago graced his face fell, but still Leora did not turn her gaze from him

A smile graced her face as she ran into the tree coverage

No writings graced the walls in the inner court, but engraved in the diamonds that laced around the roof used as the crown molding, was the picture and stone that represented each and every realm both seen and unseen

Bezedil turned and noticed Alilia behind his left shoulder, and she graced him with a smile that beamed with her love for him, tears of joy still streaming down her face

Thus you have been graced by our visitation, the first Manifestation of the gods upon Kellaran since we withdrew from the world

King Dren rose from his seat at the edge of the dais opposite Tithian, and strode confidently to join Somonik and the Eldest, and graced them with a shallow bow before turning to address the assembly

Then Mark was graced with the elven deity’s kiss

Visinniria then graced Ria with her kiss, though of course Ria made no move to return it

The north-men came like stinging hornets and spread on all sides like fearful wolves, robbing, violating, committing sacrilege everywhere, ripping and slaughtering my flock of virgin scholars! Alcuin — behold with pity and tears the shrine of Saint Cuthbert, spattered with the blood of the brides of God, stripped of its ornaments, trampled by the polluted steps of pagan fiends, within fire-black walls once graced by Northumbria’s finest art! A place more venerable than all in England was the prey of pagan wretches

The bell tower, or campanile, was graced with a series of Catalán Gothic single lancet windows

This is the same girl as graced Chapter 3; but

Her little boy’s face graced its mirror, smiling; reminding her of what was lost out there, beyond our gates

She was devouring the shrimps that graced her plate

It was like rubber, and it had at least ten watches that graced it, and they all glowed with the symbols of Baja

Determined real, ‘twould then require to heed the call that doth apply undaunted action, graced by will, until the prize to find is found

He took Me up this path, then through an arch enwreathed with blooming vines, into a courtyard graced with trees wherein I saw Us four again

Huge Mayan statues graced the entrance, with large rock monsters guarding the temple

Huge gold bracelets graced its arms and ankles; its hair was made out of the finest white silk, but when this creature turn around, it had no face!

Is that not semi-positive? Yes, we, the public, are graced with such magnificence, but what about those that abide within the same walls as our virtuoso?

graced this costly, splendid, lavish place

Two portraits graced the wall between the windows

Always at the top of the honor roll, she volunteered for everything, and in November had even run for class president, unfortunately to be beaten by somebody more popular whose name had never graced an honor roll but who was big, literally and figurately, on the basketball court

Occasionally he would hesitate and look towards a larger swamp creature when its acrid scent graced the occasional breeze

which graced his heavy oak desktop, and five seconds later his receptionist was

Pratt finally graced the AJC attorney after ten minutes

that their children wore Lastman-made shoes which once graced the feet of

Jags tuned the radio on the stereo, a classic Bollywood, upbeat song graced their ears and lifted their moods even higher

In the spring of 2008, my PC monitor was graced

They have graced the pages of

It didn’t take him long to dismantle the unions – that may have qualified as a conspiracy, but if not, it wouldn’t be long before Iran-Contra graced the headlines of the newspapers

War, graced the airwaves of PBS for seven episodes on four nights

As such, the hats were as diverse as the women whose heads they graced and somehow revealed traces of each individual’s personality, whether through the floral or feather selection or the shades selected to complement the garments for the season

I saw the order and was graced

graced her body were all laying there in a heap on her side of the

their noses, graced the center of each door

Marble columns and statues graced the façade and the

“They spared no expense on this place, did they?” Del said as he saw the ornate iron door emblazoned with fleur-de-lis that graced the front of the shed

The condominium development was luxurious in every detail from the elegantly landscaped walkways complete with low-level lighting and always blooming flowers to the fountains that graced the entrance to the lobby to the buffed marble exterior that matched the Versailles clubhouse to the bronzed doorknobs, plaques, and rails

When we are made a new creature, created by Gods’ hand, then that which is old will pass away, and that which is new shall be filled with His Wine, the Truth graced with Love

A contemptible character breeding more contempt thought Jazz who wasn’t distracted, but certainly interested in the series of framed photographs and diplomas that graced the wall behind him

An elegant grey Victorian top hat with ribbon and bow graced the closed section of the lid

When I was tired of being a victim and became humble enough God graced me and showed me the meaning of love By showing me how to let go of the resentment To surrender and give it up

To be graced by humility

No gloating, no lecturing, no triumphant smirk of victory that usually graced the face of a G-man about to bust another rogue pilot

Ornate wall tapestries often graced the walls in order to

Second, I was not alone to be blessed like this: Nancy Laplante, my adoptive mother who died in 1941, also was graced

never been graced with his presence

country club, I’ve had to put up with the airs and bloody graces of

As the days passed, it was obvious that Alex had fallen back into Katie’s good graces

totally without social graces

“I don’t want to be back in their good graces,” he says, stepping forward again

How did you use those seconds? If you wasted them?, Can you still use them? Absolutely not! Reality will just give you two more seconds, and now the real question becomes?: «How will you use what nature has given you? Will you let it waste or will you create? If you choose to create, what will it be? A picture from the mind of someone else?, or will it be an original picture only to be seen from the graces of a miracle of nature: your individual conscious choice to create

I have had to be careful, to stay in Evelyn’s good graces

13 A wise man by his words makes him beloved, but the graces of fools shall be poured out

I shall leave you in charge of getting into Kasius’ graces

There were many legends of the half-titans which had fought bravely to keep their kingdoms safe and of the humans who have entered the graces of titans

“When Youssaf brought him back here in irons, I should have had him thrown in a dungeon and left there! Instead he groveled his way into the good graces of my vizier and now thinks himself to be a general more than the equal of those that I have already lost

Beloved brother in spirit, renowned across all of Christendom for the abundance of your spiritual graces, to you alone have I desired to impart — and God is our only witness — by this tear-stained letter, under what a load of misery and what a crushing burden of worldly distractions we are weighted down

graces of my vizier and now thinks himself to be a general more than the equal of those that I

will fill us with all of His graces

For if anyone is inwardly possessed of these graces he has fulfilled the command of righteousness since he that has love is far from all sin

Saint Anthony, for the many graces our Lord

«Wonderful! Break her windshield! That’ll put us in the law’s good graces

Didn’t even have the social graces to lie about it

Lovern and the clan members, satisfied with the graces and blessings the gods had given us, knew we would have enough food for next winter

interrupted? Is it now that we have “the inexpressible sighs,” the exclamation of “Abba, Father!” the vision, the divine visitation, the cessation of work on the seventh day, the foretaste of the graces of the future age? It is here indeed that human flesh ceases to speak; it is here that we have absolutely calm weather; it is here that

If, therefore, we want to thank the saints for their many graces and Christ their leader, we should, of

Money can come from the government – either as direct payment or through the good graces of government

Your good comes from the good graces of others

That evening, in response to the labors of Peter, James and John made suitable apologies to the ten and were restored to the good graces of their brethren

“To the priest and nuns that propagates the devotion of adoration, I will grant many special graces, the complete recognition of their sins and the grace to amend them

I will give them all graces necessary in their state of life

Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the rosary, shall receive signal of graces

I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the rosary

Those who are faithful to recite the rosary shall have, during their life and at their death, the light of God and the plentitude of His graces

I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in my mercy

I will give them all the graces necessary in their state in life

Please forgive us for our pitiful lack of social graces

Those touching graces, and that front sublime,

And, from thenceforth, those Graces were not seen:

even when you think you are in his good graces you may

That came from the graces of God

He would not put someone else’s life in danger just to get back into my good graces

Although wonderful graces are obtained, they are

is the Church of Philadelphia where the Bride of Christ now finds itself in the loving graces

He did have all the makings of a spoiled, rich boy who had no real social graces, only those he half-wittedly managed to obtain at events such as this where he seemingly did not belong

She always likes to help young women refine themselves or merely fine-tune their graces

That would undoubtedly explain her tardiness but in the process damage her reputation for social graces by not having the courtesy to send a message apologizing for her unpunctuality

It does have saving graces though

Yet these lofty and supreme meaning cannot be perceived or felt by that who distracted himself with this worldly life and became inattentive of God and His Graces

The unbeliever is that who does not consider the graces

� Her uncommon military abilities are more proof that she is a lot more than simply a woman in the good graces of the Prime Minister

but they all refused my generous graces

“My sisters have decided on a price, Your Graces,” Morta laughed

For God had moved on Paul, so He could move on me, to once again bring me to His Graces, which at that time was essential

In fact, one of the saving graces of the Zmijewski algorithm is that it seems to be “forgiving” enough to allow interest benefits in the first

To work our way into Your Graces will never work, we’re already in them, I mean you, but if we accept that finished work of Yours, we are already where we’re supposed to be?” I said more in a question form, more than a statement

accept to be in His good graces

be redeemed, to live in His good graces, and to be in total spiritual

You are in His good graces

His two mental companions were there to berate him for his lack of social graces, but he pushed right past them

Nancy certainly found Louis to her taste, but she also had received discreetly a radio message from Mike Crawford, asking her if she was ready to do what was needed for her to get in the good graces of Louis XIV and thus gain a long term access to the royal court

Then a new thought must pop into her head, because a smile graces her face

Notice what got the younger son back into the good graces of his father – it was his truly repentant heart

So long as the Bible is the Bible, charity to souls is one of the first of Christian graces, and it is a solemn duty to feel for the souls of the heathen, and of all unconverted people

Mary’s Song of Praise from the Gospel of Luke was recited in thanksgiving for the graces of the day just passing into evening

Modesty and silence are beautiful graces in young people

Reserve Sunday to give thanks to the Lord for His graces during the

week gone by, and seek His protection, guidance and good graces for


Prayers wait for graces and courage is grace under pressure

It is not limited to the unbelievers of a special age, yet it includes each one having this quality, that is, each one ungrateful and unthankful to God’s favor and graces and heedless of them, because ‘disbelief’ is an ingratitude to the Creator as well as it is an ungratefulness for the favor and neglecting it

The statement “Who has fed them after hunger” suggests to us two of God’s graces upon us which are hunger and feeding

Thus, if you consider this universe and learn lessons from what it contains, and if you perceive the graces of your Provider then you correct your course and approach Him, the Almighty, you shall gain the good outcome and become happy

Is not that Al’lah, the Owner of these limitless graces?

Should not you, man, think of that so that you may recognize His Might? Should not you remind yourself of His Kindness and Graces?!

Had the night not brought the plants the influences it has, you would have not enjoyed them and the graces they include

So, the Almighty has obliged man with untold graces and granted him a gust to them in order to enjoy them and find zest in them

You man! Search into yourself when God tests you and drives to you boons and graces

Regarding this point, it is necessary to shed light upon the state of people in paradise and how they will enjoy therein in order to recognize the limitless favor of Al’lah, the Almighty, upon man and His great graces

For their only purpose behind that is but to strip him of all graces which he may enjoy

In fact, the Almighty always drives to His obedient followers blessings and sorts of graces so that they may tend toward Him with love

He wanted to acquaint you, man, with that the one who obliges you with these graces is caring about you and loving to you

After telling us that this reminding can be accomplished by remembering God and after acquainting us that the noble Messengers are but announcers and elucidators of His words, the Almighty revealed the strangeness of man’s state when he turns away from his Provider and feels ungrateful for his Creator’s graces

For God’s part, He has completed His graces upon those, that is He has overwhelmed them with sensible and felt donation

The Prophet (cpth) recited the word “Am’ma” with no restriction because of its thoroughness as the graces which God overwhelmed the creatures with for our sake are untold

They confess the graces He has overwhelmed them and all the creatures with

As for the opposers, despite these graces they wonder: Has Al’lah overwhelmed us with His bounties and gifts? They say: “He Has overwhelmed all!”

The faithfuls have thought carefully until they minded this word “Am’ma” and believed in what the Almighty overwhelmed them with of His general favor, charity, compassion and graces, that is to say: they believed in this fact reality ‘there is no God except Al’lah’; consequently, they believed in the Prophecy which the Prophet (cpth) told them about, hence they believed that Mohammad (cpth) is God’s Messenger

In fact, belief in its reality is the appreciation of graces through which you can appreciate the Benefactor, “glory to His Name”; and he who does not be grateful for the Godly boons has no faith

This indication tells that all this universe is directed and provided by only one Director and Provider who manifests Himself upon all His creatures through His comprehensive graces for which He is praised

They do not contemplate the graces He endowed them of seeing, looking, tasting, feeling, and senses, nor what He bestowed upon them of foods, heard sounds and viewed sights in accordance with their states

That is, “as long as you persist in your current state – whereby you have a lack of gratitude for God’s Graces, a lack of thankfulness for His Favour, and distance from Him in spiritual terms – you will never follow my way; nor will your spirits be satisfied with doing good actions

It is not possible to place a limit on the Godly Favor referred to in this mentioned verse, and if you wanted to calculate the Boons and Graces of God, you would find that they are of a greater number than can ever be counted

God says again: ﴾And remember (the Graces of your Lord), that which is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and wisdom (glorify his Praises, in the legal ways) verily Allah is Ever most Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things﴿surah

but those who desire the lowly life depriving themselves of the graces and blessings of true belief in God and of rendering good actions those are the people of wretchedness and meanness, therefore the Almighty God says:

The Almighty has obliged humanity with untold graces, and granted us the ability to taste them in order to enjoy them and find zest in them

You, human! Search within yourself whenever God tests you and drives boons and graces to you

Thus, if you consider this uniVerse and learn lessons from what it contains, and if you perceive the Graces of your Provider and then correct your course and approach Him, the Almighty, you shall achieve a positive outcome and become happy

This is a reference to a group of the sons of Israel that confessed the unity of God and the mission of Moses (cpth), but despite this they were not in fact believers in God because they did not see His Favor and Graces; nor were they grateful for His Charity

Was that not Al’lah, the Owner of these limitless graces?

The holy Prophet (cpth) said: )) love God for His graces and favors (such as food, water, fresh air and so on) which He the Almighty overwhelming you with and love me (the Prophet) with the love of God)) [Reported by At tirmizi

birthday, what with their presence gracing the event after a long

mortal to do it without even gracing the room with his presence

Far below their feet, furious swirls of white hot and molten red rock churned with rage, their incandescent light gracing the thought-defying towers that seemed to vanish into the infernal abyss with an eerie glow

soon die, her presence no longer gracing the kingdom

Are Immortal, Gracing The

The wind blew briskly though not as forcefully as the previous night, bending the sea oats atop the dunes only slightly and rattling the palm trees gracing the premises, creating a subtle but rhythmic and soothing melody to any listener open-minded enough to hear the earth’s natural sounds

The great warrior’s cape still is gracing their backs as they lay,

You may see a number of actress-moms gracing the covers of magazines shortly after

When Nancy raised her head and let go Catherine’s hand hours later, a happy smile was gracing her friend’s dead face

at him, gracing him with an expression of contempt she usually reserved for

While thanking those present for gracing the occasion, he wished those who didn’t turn up till then, would be joining soon

Resurrections, thus the chance for re-creation, occur by not only forgiving the imperfect record, but also gracing us by erasing it

“ A million welcomes and thank you for once again gracing my home

‘Thank you once again for gracing us with your presence, My Lord,’ said Kanakhala, the

Flowering vines twirled their ways up the rough stone sides of the chapel, gracing it with their blossoms

Krista made her way down the trail with a smile still gracing her face

That it might one day decide to stop gracing them never even entered Crystal’s mind

It is the ideal solution for the person who is professional and seems to have everything, but you’ve yet to notice a radio replica gracing their home

Her sleeve filling from gracing arms reveals a white fleshflower of vaccination

So, in his fancy, may he see himself sometimes, gracing the vacant pedestal in Trafalgar Square, and adding one more to the horrors of the London streets

Gracing us with your presence,” he said as I walked up

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