The word govern in a sentence

Synonym: boss, command, conduct, control, determine, direct, guide, handle, head, influence, lead, manage, minister, preside over, regulate, rule, run, supervise. Antonym: misgovern, misrule. Similar words: governor, government, federal government, poring over, overnight, over and over, cavernous, over. Meaning: [‘gʌvərn /’gʌvn]  v. 1. bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations 2. direct or strongly influence the behavior of 3. exercise authority over; as of nations 4. require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood. 

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(1) Riches either serve or govern the possessor. 

(2) Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. 

(3) The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves. 

(4) Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues. 

(5) He couldn’t govern his temper.

(6) They described him as unfit to govern.

(7) You should govern your temper.

(8) Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficult than their tongues.

(9) It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.

(10) Who govern this country?

(11) The Prime Minister is incompetent to govern the country.

(12) One can’t completely govern one’s thoughts at all times.

(13) They were utterly unfit to govern America.

(14) In Latin(, several verbs govern the dative.

(15) He is not fit to govern this country!

(16) He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern.

(17) They accused the government of being unfit to govern.

(18) The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.

(19) Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.

(20) Who are the men who really govern in this country?

(21) To govern is always to choose among disadvantages. Charles De Gaulle 

(22) What pragmatic principles govern lexical acquisition?

(23) Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave. 

(24) In Britain the Queen reigns,[] but elected representatives of the people govern the country.

(25) They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.

(26) The Queen of Britain reigns, but she does not rule or govern.

(27) He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.

(28) Another defeat in parliament would seriously weaken the president’s ability to govern.

(29) He is the only party leader competent enough to govern this country.

(30) The vast size of the country made it difficult to govern.

More similar words: governor, government, federal government, poring over, overnight, over and over, cavernous, over, lover, cover, oversee, get over, all over, go over, be over, overall, covert, overcome, poverty, recover, run over, proverb, hand over, uncover, covered, cover up, lay over, over there, overlap, overcast. 

управлять, определять, регулировать, править, руководить, влиять, направлять


- править, управлять

to govern a country [a people] — править страной [народом]
to govern one’s estate — управлять собственным имением

- руководить, направлять; регулировать

to govern wisely [skilfully, with justice] — руководить разумно [искусно, справедливо]
to govern public opinion — формировать общественное мнение
governed by common sense — руководимый здравым смыслом
don’t let your passions govern you — не поддавайтесь страстям
I will be governed by you in what I do — я буду делать всё так, как вы мне скажете

- обыкн. pass оказывать влияние

to be governed by circumstances — действовать под влиянием обстоятельств

- определять, обусловливать

laws that govern chemical reactions — законы, которые управляют химическими реакциями /которым подчиняются химические реакции/
considerations that governed the choice of a representative — соображения, которые оказались решающими при выборе представителя
similar principles govern these two phenomena — эти явления обусловливаются одними и теми же принципами

- владеть (собой); сдерживать (себя)

to govern one’s passions — обуздывать свои страсти
to govern one’s tongue — не давать воли языку, следить за тем, что говоришь
you must govern your temper — ты должен держать себя в руках

- юр. определять смысл; быть определяющим (фактором)

the sense of the whole document is governed by the introductory clause — смысл всего документа определяется вступительной частью

- грам. управлять

to govern the dative [the accusative] — управлять дательным [винительным] падежом

- тех. регулировать; управлять
- уст. заботиться, ухаживать

Мои примеры


to govern / rule an empire — управлять империей  
to govern / rule a state — управлять, править государством  
to govern / run / manage a city амер. — управлять городом  
competence to govern — способность руководить  
to govern the flight — управлять ходом полета  
to govern a country — править страной  
to govern wisely — руководить мудро  
to govern the dative — управлять дательным падежом  
govern the procedure at the conference — руководить ходом конференции  
govern the dative — управлять дательным падежом  

Примеры с переводом

You must govern your temper.

Ты должен держать себя в руках.

Who is governing the country now?

Кто сейчас управляет страной?

He cannot govern his passions.

Он не способен обуздать свои страсти.

He is not fit to govern this country!

Он не пригоден к тому, чтобы управлять этой страной!

Income must govern expenditure.

Расходы должны определяться доходами.

Govern your tongue not to injure anyone around you.

Следи за тем, что говоришь, чтобы не обидеть никого вокруг себя.

His belief in God governs his conduct.

Его поступками управляет вера в бога.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She suggested changing the state’s laws governing the sale of alcohol.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

governable  — управляемый, послушный, подчиняющийся
governance  — управление, руководство, власть
governing  — руководящий, основной, контролирующий, главный
government  — правительство, управление, правление, форма правления, провинция, штат
governor  — губернатор, правитель, регулятор, начальник, комендант, хозяин, господин, заведующий
misgovern  — плохо управлять

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: govern
he/she/it: governs
ing ф. (present participle): governing
2-я ф. (past tense): governed
3-я ф. (past participle): governed

govern — перевод на русский


I don’t know how to govern.

Не умею управлять.

You can’t govern yourself or impose any discipline.

Ты неспособна управлять собой, вести себя как надо.

I’ll govern the Universe!

Я буду управлять Вселенной!

Machines cannot govern man !

Машины не могут управлять человеком.

But to govern a country, one must first learn how to dominate a white woman…

Но чтобы управлять страной, нужно сперва научиться властвовать белой женщиной.

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Can he govern in peace?

Может ли он править в мире?

I’m counting on governing with your support, as well as your agreement.

Я собираюсь править с вашей поддержкой и помощью.

Bad enough to be a military governor, but to govern a population of sheep!

Я достаточно плохой, чтобы быть военачальником, но править стадом овец!

You are the one man who can govern this country.

— Вы — единственный, кто может нами править

«I as King shall govern and be worshipped.

«Я, как Король, должен править и быть почитаем.

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It is the survival of England. And this king, by his dishonesties, by his treasons, and by his secret treaties with foreign powers, has shown himself to be ill-fitted to govern this great nation!

А король, своим предательством, своей неверностью, …тайными сговорами с иностранцами показал, …что он неспособен руководить великой нацией!

Yeah, you said that was no way to govern, that meeting once a week was lazy, ineffectual, and if we were going to do it like that, we might as well just buy ourselves a ranch in Texas.

Да, ты говорила, так руководить невозможно, встречаться раз в неделю — это от лени и неэффективно, и что если мы будем так руководить, нам останется только купить себе ранчо в Техасе*. *намек на Буша

Some of us are trying to govern here, Josh.

Некоторые из нас пытаются руководить здесь, Джош.

— Some of us are trying to govern.

— Вообще, некоторые из нас стараются руководить.

The election is ancient history, Zaphod, but if memory serves, you won, proving that good looks and charm win over brilliance and the ability to govern.

¬ыборы уже в прошлом, «эйфод, но € припоминаю, что ты победил, доказыва€, что красота и обо€ние побеждают гениальность и умение руководить.

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And to reward me you blabber this nonsense about power and governing!

И в награду ты несёшь этот бред о власти и управления!

You see, the Federation and the Karemma have very different laws governing commerce and I think poor Rom must have gotten confused by all the legalism.

Понимаете, у Федерации и Каремма совершенно разные законы управления торговлей, и, я думаю, бедняга Ром совершенно запутался во всех этих формальностях.

Since he took power, Soren has set up a government — not that there’s much of Rand left to govern.

С тех пор, как он пришел к власти, Сорен установил временное правительство. От Рэнда осталось не так то и много для управления.

The technocrats call their governing system the final revolution — because in the past empires were enforced militarily.

Технократы называют свою систему управления заключительной революцией, потому что все прошлые империи создавались принудительно военной силой.

I have no control over what the show choir governing board says or does!

Я не контролирую, что Совет Хорового управления говорит или делает.

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Seems like the governing board has assigned a theme to this year’s Regionals, and part of our score will be based upon how well we interpret it. This year’s theme—

Похоже, что Совет управляющих выбрало тему Региональных в этом году, и часть наших очков будет основана на том как хорошо мы интерпретируем её.

«to search for the principles that govern the universe.»

«Моя жизнь — это эксперимент» «в поисках принципов управляющих вселенной.»

It passes into and out of the systems that govern our lives.

Движется в системах, управляющих нашей жизнью.

The spectra show not only that the same chemical elements exist throughout space but also that the same laws of quantum mechanics govern atoms everywhere.

Спектры показывают, что во всей вселенной не только существуют одни и те же химические элементы, но и действуют одинаковые законы квантовой механики, управляющие атомами.

Scientists then spent years trying to programme the rules that governed human thought…

Учёные потратили годы, пытаясь запрограммировать правила, управляющие человеческой мыслью …

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Kronos was governed by a distant intelligence.

Кронос управляется интеллектом издалека.

Looks like it’s a free action on your part, but every one of those… every part of that process… is actually governed by physical law: chemical laws, electrical laws and so on.

Выглядит, будто ты свободно владеешь своим телом, но каждая часть этого процесса… в действительности управляется физическими законами… химическими, электрическими законами и так далее.

In this film you will learn how our world is truly governed.

В этом фильме вы увидите, как на самом деле управляется наш мир;

It’s governed by the laws of physics of the whole universe.

Все это управляется законами физики во всей Вселенной.

The universe is governed by two kinds of laws laws of evolution which determine how the universe develops in time given its state at one time, and boundary conditions which determine the initial state.

Вселенная управляется законами двух видов: законами эволюции, которые определяют, как вселенная развивается во времени, до определенного состояния в определенный момент, и законами пограничных состояний, которые определяют, каким было первоначальное состояние.

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His governing was always inspired by wisdom and fairness.

— Его правление всегда, вдохновляла мудрость и справедливость.

Please will you thank the Governing Committee for me?

Пожалуйста, Вы можете поблагодарить Правление от меня?

You campaign in poetry, you govern in prose.

Кампания в стихах, правление в прозе.

How do you intend to start governing?

С чего вы хотели бы начать правление?

Lance is very respectful of the governing body. So supportive, in fact, that sometimes he even gives them money.

Лэнс очень уважает правление… настолько, что иногда даёт им денег…

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We can’t govern if we don’t win.

Мы не сможем управлять страной, если мы не победим.

We cannot govern a country in which we cannot travel freely.

Нельзя управлять страной, по которой нельзя свободно ездить.

So who will then govern the Prince… And the realm?

И кто же в таком случае будет направлять принца …и управлять страной?

If the King should die, leaving the Lord Prince at his tender age, have you either devised or suggested who should govern him in this realm?

Вы когда-либо задумывались или говорили о том, …кто будет управлять страной, если король умрёт, оставив …правителем принца в столь нежном возрасте?

I would spend 18 months campaigning. Which would leave no time to govern.

Я потрачу 18 месяцев на кампанию, и это не даст мне времени управлять страной.

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I ask you to hear the reading of the articles of the civil code… governing relations between spouses.

Прошу вас заслушать статьи гражданского кодекса, регулирующие отношения супругов. Статья 143.

It defines the rules that govern our denomination.

Он определяет правила, регулирующие нашу деноминацию.

«The laws governing the mores of the people «are known as the laws relating to public morals.

«Законы, регулирующие обычаи и традиции людей именуются законами общественной морали.

He assured us the bid was sound, and I can categorically assure you that the strict Irish and EU protocols governing such matters were scrupulously adhered to.

Он заверил нас, что цена была обоснованной, и я категорически уверяю вас, что строгие ирландские и европейские протоколы, регулирующие такие вопросы, были скрупулёзно соблюдены.

Acting Captain Spock has marooned me on Delta Vega, in what I believe to be a violation of Security Protocol 49.09 governing the treatment of prisoners aboard a star…

Исполняющий обязанности капитан Спок высадил меня на планете Дельта Вега в нарушение Протокола Безопасности 49. 09, регулирующего содержание заключенных на борту…

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Laws governing Time Lords.

Законы Повелителей Времени.

So it starts to look like whether it’s God setting things up in advance… and knowing everything you’re gonna do… or whether it’s these basic physical laws governing everything.

Становится без разницы, Бог ли устанавливает порядок вещей и знает всё, что ты собираешься делать… или это простые законы физики управляют всем и вся.

God made laws to govern men. Without men to enforce those laws, the terrors of evil would march unmolested — across the scorched plains of the earth, and…

Бог устанавливает для людей законы, но без тех, кто заботится об их исполнении, шествовали бы по выжженной земле посланники дьявола, без спешки и безнаказанно.

By finding the natural laws governing the comings and goings of comets he decoupled the motions of the heavens from their ancient connections to our fears.

Найдя естественные законы, управляющие появлением и исчезанием комет, он отделил движения небес от их древней связи с нашими страхами.

But this one is governed by the law of the jungle.

Она живёт по закону джунглей.

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Definition of Govern

to officially rule, manage or direct a territory or large group of people living in an area

Examples of Govern in a sentence

Prior to the American Revolutionary War, the British were trying to govern the colonists by making them pay taxes and setting the laws for them.


Kevin Smith threw his hat into the ring as a candidate for the political office because he wanted to govern New Mexico in order to reform education and provide affordable health care.


Order and policies in the colonies needed to be created, so one leader was selected to govern each colony so the people would be safe and follow the laws.


Other words in the People groups, or groupings of people category:

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govern those born of Abraham’s seed or bought with Abraham’s money

Our view of eternity and what comes after our life actually affects and puts in motion how we will live and what will govern our lives now in the present

had been elected for the 27th time to govern Buttercup, the last 25

“We govern because our breeding gives us the

Though some particular men may sometimes increase their expense very considerably, though their revenue does not increase at all, we maybe assured that no class or order of men ever does so; because, though the principles of common prudence do not always govern the conduct of every individual, they always influence that of the majority of every class or order

who govern and the morality of the government,

whole set of basic rules to govern the

The seven chakras are thus considered as centers of energies which govern different bodily functions)

No nation ever voluntarily gave up the dominion of any province, how troublesome soever it might be to govern it, and how small soever the revenue which it afforded might be in proportion to the expense which it occasioned

The Divine setting of this planet is such that there are invisible laws which govern our daily lives

The persons who now govern the resolutions of what they call their continental congress, feel in themselves at this moment a degree of importance which, perhaps, the greatest subjects in Europe scarce feel

same rules that govern the existence of the universe

But in the manner in which they both govern their new subjects, the natural genius of an exclusive company has shewn itself most distinctly

sovereigns, their interest is exactly the same with that of the country which they govern

There are rules that govern

From the nature of their situation, too, the servants must be more disposed to support with rigourous severity their own interest, against that of the country which they govern, than their masters can be to support theirs

or Spiritual Laws that govern how all things in the

But it seems impossible, by any alterations, to render those courts, in any respect, fit to govern, or even to share in the government of a great empire; because the greater part of their members must always have too little interest in the prosperity of that empire, to give any serious attention to what may promote it

Different plans have been proposed by the different parties in parliament for the better management of its affairs; and all those plans seem to agree in supposing, what was indeed always abundantly evident, that it is altogether unfit to govern its territorial possessions

Every man, too, is in some measure a statesman, and can form a tolerable judgment concerning the interest of the society, and the conduct of those who govern it

This view will mould and govern the way in which the world around a scientist is observed

And in the same essay he informs us that the first responsibility of government is to govern the people, and the second necessity is to govern themselves, an injunction that seems to have completely escaped the notice of the current Democrat administration

“You are aware of the new laws that govern those loyal to us,” Tobin said

This is a highly legal activity, with an organization built to govern its functioning

Gerrid could not surmise what they were currently being fed without an active AI to govern TIAR

Parliaments were sovereign (above the law since they were the law) in order to govern efficiently

They can plan their operations how they want! Laws on what to enforce govern the Police

In other words, to govern in such a way that the terrorist will receive no further support for his cause or his cause disappears all together

How effectively Republicans will govern remains to be seen, however

Isn‘t it any wonder that the politics of victimization has often been the calling card of the governing rather than the ―governed‖? The more ―victims,‖ the more power invested in those who govern

Any politician who is either unwilling or (unable) to govern objectively; that is to say, in accordance with the requirements of public office, should step down

That many ran as Conservative Republicans on the campaign trail only to govern as Liberal Republicans or Democrats, which I suppose is one and the same, once they were elected, may partly explain the reason for the party‘s declining popularity

The ineffectiveness of the ―United‖ Nations in brokering ―the peace‖ could be traced to some undefined moment in history when the United States and its European Allies—there was such a time!—abdicated their leadership positions that had become too unwieldy, or perhaps they simply grew weary or complacent or both and decided to observe geo-political events from the sidelines, passing the torch to inept, incipiently corrupt Third World nations lacking the proven capacity to govern by example

Early progressives wanted to reform politics and end corruption, but they assumed such corruption came from easily manipulated poor or nonwhite people unable to govern themselves

Were they to know it, they would join the ranks of the great majority of the population who, with their silence, oppose those demonstrations, reject the leadership of pacifists who sponsor peace under any pretext and at any price, and trust the good sense and judgment of governing leaders who, backed by concrete facts, row against the current, mark out urgencies dictated by reasoning and make decisions of grave consequences for the benefit and security of the people they govern

In addition, in time of war, many did not believe that it is logical to elect a senator who in 1971 vilified, with unfounded allegations before Congress, the armed forces of the country he was now aspiring to govern as commander-in-chief

) He remained convinced to the end of his life that Filipinos were too inferior to govern themselves

Do you think rules are one of the most restrictive things about sport, particularly for people who are more used to the rules that govern sport

How do you govern something like that?

It is ready to rule and govern

The official recognition only happens with the cadaster of the approved Project in this Portal for the application and practice of the Usuarist Principles that govern the Systemic Theory of Usuarism

He never darkened a church door; he was a hard drinker and a reckless man, but as long as he sent those herring up to the manse every spring, as his father had done before him, he felt comfortably sure that his account with the Powers That Govern was squared for the year

His father, a Kadohadacho named Tarxar, had taken part in the original conquest of the Khanate of the Clouds and had remained behind to help govern it

which govern the world

The majority that should govern in a democracy is to be rendered passive and submissive

The alternative, critical theory asserts, is that will and not law should govern the acts of men and women

The Czars govern with the consent of no one except the President and his immediate staff

Most have been unaware of the long Civil War that finally installed such a misbegotten triumvirate to govern in Washington

The legitimacy of the American Constitution is based squarely on the consent of the people whom it is to govern

I mention these two cases because I read on the Internet that there are those who are of the opinion that Ismael Álvarez cannot govern under that cloud of suspicion, and that he has to resign…though they profess belief in his innocence until found guilty

raised fears that he meant to govern by an army

as if he meant to govern by a Catholic army

Why? I must understand the processes that govern its behavior, but why

We instead imagine them as regional physical laws that govern the flow

 Aware of the different conditions which govern the acquisition, keeping,

We’ll govern our nations as we always have, and implementing the suggestions you’ve made already will take quite a while

13 For with Your counsel you do govern all the creatures which Your righthand has created; And you have established every fountain of light beside you; And the treasures of wisdom beneath Your throne have you prepared

73 So the sword ceased from Israel but Jonathan dwelt at Machmas and began to govern the people; and he destroyed the ungodly men out of Israel

6 Now then since it is the law which has forbidden us to desire I shall much the more easily persuade you that reasoning is able to govern our lusts just as it does the affections which are impediments to justice

For if a man cannot govern himself in such matters how shall he enjoin them on others? If a man does not keep himself from covetousness he shall be defiled by idolatry and shall be judged as one of the heathen

Scientists study what laws govern this phenomenon, but they remain a deep

there is a surprising amount in common, as far as the laws which govern

energy and in the choice of the laws that govern this particular form rather

«I hear the Kisho Mining Belt isn’t such a bad place to govern this time of year, it’s almost summer

behaviors, and the laws that govern those behaviors:

how it works, and the laws that govern its behavior so we can resume

universe is made of, how it works, and the laws that govern it

that govern them- such as a sword with rules that state it can inflict harm on an

that govern this bullet, I choose not to allow the concurrent result to effect me

The British were trying their best to create separate electorate for all minorities which would guarantee failure to govern vast country like India

When all the citizens of a republic are well educated and behave in a responsible way for the benefit of all, the government will not have much to govern

In an ideal society, if everyone knew their responsibilities and performed their duties diligently, there would be hardly any need to govern them or a government to rule over them

It had been quite a while since the dictatorship of the Republic of Severa had become a thriving democracy, as if the silent vote of the ones living at the house had granted her a pardon that allowed her to govern with equality and consensus

I’ve always considered it a citizen’s duty to point out mistakes to those who want to govern, therefore, I wrote to the Minister of Transport, advising Mrs

During Gödel’s lifetime, there was a major attempt by the scientific community to completely determine all the laws that govern mathematics

Mankind in its need to govern to rule others has created these so-called laws of God

In general, to evaluate the reliability (that is the possibility of a break) of the trade channel borders taking a decision to close or to save an existing position one should govern himself with following rules: 1

A handful of the most basic principles govern the motions of everything

Vepar: His office is to govern the Waters, and to guide

‘I read on the internet that Gods and devils are the bugbears by which cunning men govern fools,’ Jag said soberly

any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices

However, If Tony continued in allowing his sub-unconscious self to govern his energy, then there is at best a 50/50 chance, and at worst, a mere 5% potential of success

Thus while survival instinct would govern the animal behavior, self-interest could rule the human conduct

Of all the Roman provinces, none was more difficult to govern than Judea

Rome made a great blunder, a far-reaching error in earthly affairs, when she sent the second-rate Pilate to govern Palestine

They could govern the Occident because they did govern themselves

not truly hope to govern this country without a more

However, even on leave, we must obey the rules of conduct that govern service members on leave

He would govern the ship while I, Cory, and Willa, transported to the planet

The different areas like Quebec, the Northwest, and the South, not to mention the entire country of Mexico, are preparing to self govern on a regional level when the union is final

Each region is welcome to self govern

I am staying here, and I will govern this colony

The second noun ‘door’ (the action receiver) is the object governed by the verb ‘opens’

Both historic buildings and food can be governed by either preserve or conserve

There was another faction that actually wanted to carve out a governed land with a national boundary and laws

Those who governed sought to maintain a status quo

Conduct towards others should always be governed by the

It is necessary that we respect and be governed by divine authority

seriously and prayerfully about these matters; and to determine to be governed by a «thus saith the Lord

We are governed by another wisdom

It is the place where we are not longer governed by the things of this world

Our character and conduct need to be governed from that reality, even though we have not yet attained unto it

In the disorderly state of England under the Plantagenets, who governed it from about the middle of the twelfth till towards the end of the fifteenth century, one district might be in plenty, while another, at no great distance, by having its crop destroyed, either by some accident of the seasons, or by the incursion of some neighbouring baron, might be suffering all the horrors of a famine; and yet if the lands of some hostile lord were interposed between them, the one might not be able to give the least assistance to the other

Under the vigorous administration of the Tudors, who governed England during the latter part of the fifteenth, and through the whole of the sixteenth century, no baron was powerful enough to dare to disturb the public security

doubtful (a state could not be governed by the

was the one who governed them

adopt as principle that a country could not be governed

To judge whether such retaliations are likely to produce such an effect, does not, perhaps, belong so much to the science of a legislator, whose deliberations ought to be governed by general principles, which are always the same, as to the skill of that insidious and crafty animal vulgarly called a statesman or politician, whose councils are directed by the momentary fluctuations of affairs

All the different civil establishments in North America, in short, exclusive of those of Maryland and North Carolina, of which no exact account has been got, did not, before the commencement of the present disturbances, cost the inhabitants about £64,700 a-year; an ever memorable example, at how small an expense three millions of people may not only be governed but well governed

According to the scheme of taxing by requisition, the parliament of Great Britain would stand nearly in the same situation towards the colony assemblies, as the king of France does towards the states of those provinces which still enjoy the privilege of having states of their own, the provinces of France which are supposed to be the best governed

The greater part of the citizens, or those who governed the greater part of them, fought in defence of their own importance, which, they foresaw, was to be at an end whenever the ancient government should be re-established

Your existence is governed by the

hormones and not my mind that governed my actions

It was as if nature had become the protector of this human endeavor, now being governed by the woods and the stream, not guardians, who’d pampered its every need over the years

Except the process for an individual isn’t perfect – there are feed-throughs, echoes of your memories that aren’t governed by the effects of mass

Reunion Island is the seat of government of the three islands and, at the time, was governed by Governor Rondoney, who was a

this position and governed this very small but widespread island group with class

House Caravine governed lands in Corsair to the southwest that were mostly farms and villages though the nobles lived behind high stone walls in a fortified town known as Auglem Watch

remarked that he would rather be governed by the first two thousand people listed in the Boston telephone directory than by the members of the Harvard faculty

The limit of their assistance governed by a mysterious ruling council who, by all accounts, had been against any intervention whatsoever

I would be the first to argue that any orderly, well governed society requires the cooperation of all its (productive) citizens and that each should properly contribute his or her own proportionate ―fair‖ share of the burden otherwise required for public services available to every citizen regardless of income

A society intoxicated by the dynamics of words rather than influenced by their factual substance (and meaning) is easily governed!

Human ―motives‖ are therefore held as determinant or conclusive responses to antecedent events independent of Free Will; that is to say, infer a mindset pre-conditioned by prior events governing present decisions rather than governed by independent designs capable of responding rationally to unexpected events

This in addition to liberal judges who have routinely used the bench to advance their own private prejudices without the formal consent of the governed; by judicial fiat and questionable constitutional interpretations conforming to their world views

If so, it is hard to say if he would have governed somewhat like Reagan, or would have returned to his earlier reform efforts

That happy August, Singapore came to be governed once again by the English until the decade of the 1960’s when Singapore became a totally independent state

Rome was governed by ‘bread and circuses

Concerning “the natural man”, the contrast between the soul, life, and spirit is a man governed by the Holy Spirit and one in whom the Holy Spirit is absent

“The speed of the ship will be governed accordingly

The “Dance of Dominance” among these gods was governed mostly by the success or failure of these cities in their wars with each other

6 For in the old time also, when the proud giants perished, the hope of the world governed by your hand escaped in a weak vessel, and

Rosh and Abel of Arabel governed in the Land of Sand and Stone, which is located on the connection between the Realm of the Underworld and the Realm of Water

Elijah was not living in that Land anymore as he had taken residence in the castle in the Heavens and governed from there

verge of destruction, with tears he angrily threatened his friends, saying, 24 you have governed badly; and have exceeded tyrants in

This circumstance, then, is by no means an objection, that some who have weak reasoning, are governed by their passions: 21 Since

The word “republic” is generally understood to refer at a minimum to a governmental arrangement based on law, acting as a guardian of property and personal rights, and in which the people governed have a voice

They do not know that the United States of America is now governed by children—or that they are the children

All things are governed by it

If the world were governed by women, would there be peace? Would we be at peace if all the world were Christians? Would the world be at peace with children running things?

Notice that all of the bodily functions governed by HGH are

They use profanity extensively to display their desire to not be a part of a hypocritical society governed by organized crime

As a result of that transfer, the United States has governed the island of Puerto Rico, and the San Juan castles, which have never completely relinquished their constant vigilant status, are today principally custodians of five centuries of an inheritance rich in history and in culture

process, where fair practices governed the business dealings, became a

societies consider that sexual behavior is governed by religious beliefs

The Italian party, at one time the largest in Western Europe, frequently obtained the highest percentage of the popular vote in Italy’s parliamentary elections and continuously governed a number of Italian municipalities (Bologna

and has governed the country longer than any other party

(1985 is the year during which the largest number of countries was governed by socialists

bring Congress into compliance with the laws that governed the rest of the nation, but those who work on the Hill say little has changed

recognize the equi-limitations of will and intellect since they are distinct and governed by

France was governed by Paris

That Irrepressible Dawn To many, Love may appear As the coming of Spring Waking up from the icy Unfamiliarity of Winter, Uncontrolled, and as the Spring, not be governed By the calendar

23 For when he heard the cry and saw them all on the verge of destruction with tears he angrily threatened his friends saying 24 you have governed badly; and have exceeded tyrants in cruelty; and me your benefactor you have laboured to deprive at once of my dominion and my life by secretly devising measures injurious to the kingdom

20 This circumstance then is by no means an objection that some who have weak reasoning are governed by their passions: 21 Since what person walking religiously by the whole rule of philosophy and believing in God 22 and knowing that it is a blessed thing to endure all kinds of hardships for virtue would not for the sake of religion master his passion? 23 For the wise and brave man only is Lord over his passions

8 The ocean impassable to men and the worlds that are beyond it are governed by the same commandments of their Master

The passage from a human being governed by reactions to a human being

Kingston, which was governed by strict rules

Q of the coil ing a circuit temporarily, for testing purposes or to (ratio of reactance to resistance) is governed by the try out an idea

after governed by the raw imperial power of The

operated their economy as a theocracy governed by

governed by the Anointed under the influence of

labeled, and this labeling is governed by «the perspective» we bring to each situation

of the human condition is governed by cause and effect, in so far as mechanics and energetics

What all of this indicates is that such decisions or choices are governed by a

The small elf population was placed in the skirts of the North White Bear Mountain, governed by Alaris, Chief of the region

He was still a bit of a mystery – pleasant, apparently open and straightforward, but usually appearing to inhabit a different cosmos, a world governed by priorities subtly different from their own

The law governed every aspect of my life and, by law, we are married

“Grasping the facets of life governed by kama and artha enables man to come to grips with its delusions,” said the seer

While the survival and sustenance syndrome alone could have governed the evolution of the rest of the onams into various species, these strong with no such constraints by and large, would have evolved into the thinking animal that is man

‘Even the arts you call sorcery are governed by cosmic laws,’ answered the man in the green turban

Men can’t be governed by a memory

Let me start by saying that yes in theory, the exchanges are governed by a highly

30, Jesus was brought before Pilate, the Roman procurator who governed Judea, Samaria, and Idumea under the immediate supervision of the legatus of Syria

governed by this relationship

For now, as you know, the three countries are governed as before with an additional level of administration to coordinate activities

You can do this, you can awaken or focus on these areas prior to having your awakening through a car accident, a motorcycle accident, a fall, something that incapacitates the physical, leaving the mind to not be fully controlled or encompassed and governed by the physical senses

You are not governed by a supreme being

ic»: the yet-unwritten rules that governed a hacker’s day-to-day behavior

In addition, their behaviour is governed by how they think and

are governed by the same law and are of the same method;

The countries were governed through having most power (responsibility) in the hands of only a few people

By 1920, American missions agencies, governed by white board members, accommodated European governments’ efforts to keep black missionaries out of Africa

life in the universe (life meaning: all atoms and energies ever created); eventually this cycle will re-initiate and start again, as it is an, never-ending cycle that is governed solely by God

This existence is governed by the Holy Spirit and God which surrounds

These laws are governed by laws of the universe; and in Judaic

In either belief the result is the same and the actions are governed

We also find in science that the universe is governed, and that governance is not yet completely understood; we

Even Imam Wahid was approving of her initiatives, as they would ensure that minimal physical contact would be made between male instructors and female recruits, a very sensitive subject in a country where extremely strict, not to say sexist rules governed the interaction between men and women

Instead of either possibility, I would suggest a compromise where both legislators and those governed receive appropriate compensation to live out their retirement years in a worthy lifestyle

The Masters also saw that it was useless to blame the powers that governed society, for without the public’s support devastating doctrines could never have evolved and, again, the truth became startling clear: each person is an aspect of their society, so culture is something to be practiced with the discipline to do what is right, regardless of whether it is convenient

While the Time Patrol took on itself to govern this land for the time being, it will eventually be governed by its own people, once we get rid of the violence and intolerance that is poisoning this country

the power of God is living and active in the life of a believer, governing

church and have added women to various committees governing certain aspects of the work

To be able to rule and reign in humility will guarantee us a place of governing with Christ at His return

I think that what we’re teaching and what we’re governing is something closer to God’s character

Because of the interconnections between the Governing

trapped emotion enters into the Governing Meridian,

Governing Meridian with the intention of releasing

magnet that can easily roll over the governing meridian,

However, when he suggested that David would be an asset on the Governing body, she didn’t turn him down

The intelligence governing us transmits its appreciation through feelings

Let’s express the rule governing the proper use of the option of suicide: It is to be used only under extremes circumstances

“There’s no law governing what’s done to me? Tragus beats me daily without cause

“And that anyone who tampers with or otherwise seizes information kept within said documents, including by surrepti-tious viewing, is subject to punishment by the codes governing espionage

Such sacrifices, though they might frequently be agreeable to the interest, are always mortifying to the pride of every nation; and, what is perhaps of still greater consequence, they are always contrary to the private interest of the governing part of it, who would thereby be deprived of the disposal of many places of trust and profit, of many opportunities of acquiring wealth and distinction, which the possession of the most turbulent, and, to the great body of the people, the most unprofitable province, seldom fails to afford

Almost every individual of the governing party in America fills, at present, in his own fancy, a station superior, not only to what he had ever filled before, but to what he had ever expected to fill; and unless some new object of ambition is presented either to him or to his leaders, if he has the ordinary spirit of a man, he will die in defence of that station

However, it is prudent for us to remember that there is an intelligent design to this world of ours and there are universal laws governing the many aspects of life

otherwise in countries where there is an established or governing religion

The revolutions which the turbulence of the Greek clergy was continually occasioning at Constantinople, as long as the eastern empire subsisted; the convulsions which, during the course of several centuries, the turbulence of the Roman clergy was continually occasioning in every part of Europe, sufficiently demonstrate how precarious and insecure must always be the situation of the sovereign, who has no proper means of influencing the clergy of the established and governing religion of his country

So, is the office of elder a governing position?

Eldership is not an office in the sense of a governing

He was concerned about governing

The governing comes from the assembly as a whole

disciples to themselves as at Corinth or a governing

governing position in the assembly

The people who possess the most extensive property in the dependant, will, in this case, generally chuse to live in the governing country

clever with his arguments to the governing bodies and after

He told of how his civilisation used their mastery of time travelling for the purposes of observation until the rules governing this changed

Roidon suggested a connection to a remote network, one that already had a huge amount of processing power, one with a governing AI that could communicate and mediate the co-option of its own systems

Canon or ―Ecclesiastical‖ Law is a body of laws derived from biblical and scriptural sources as well as the inspired writings of (private) individuals governing the (organization) of the Roman Catholic Church and its members

Isn‘t it any wonder that the politics of victimization has often been the calling card of the governing rather than the ―governed‖? The more ―victims,‖ the more power invested in those who govern

Legal covenants governing a civilized society, its rules of law, are based upon a system of morals and values agreed upon by the majority of its citizens seeking some level of assurance while avoiding extremes

without regard to any one individual or group of individuals are not rightly considered criminal unless such actions otherwise ignore existing international covenants (established among nations during times of peace), governing acceptable rules of military

Human ―motives‖ are therefore held as determinant or conclusive responses to antecedent events independent of Free Will; that is to say, infer a mindset pre-conditioned by prior events governing present decisions rather than governed by independent designs capable of responding rationally to unexpected events

There is no longer any doubt in my mind that treason, as it was once (properly) understood, is on the verge of extinction; elasticized out of the American Constitution by the penumbral dynamics governing free speech in whatever form that may otherwise antagonize the well-bred standards of decency and good taste; depending, of course, on the topic and the person doing the talking!

Were they to know it, they would join the ranks of the great majority of the population who, with their silence, oppose those demonstrations, reject the leadership of pacifists who sponsor peace under any pretext and at any price, and trust the good sense and judgment of governing leaders who, backed by concrete facts, row against the current, mark out urgencies dictated by reasoning and make decisions of grave consequences for the benefit and security of the people they govern

No matter how much I appreciate and value that literary prize, it does not compare with the honor that it represents and the gratitude that stirs up in me the homage that Ponferrada rendered me, at the request of the governing Council of Fuentesnuevas, for naming a street after me in the neighborhood of that locality where I grew up and was reared in my youth

The meeting of the Institute’s Governing Council was in full swing

In light of these blessings, I’ve decided to make a few personnel changes here amongst the governing body

The land is all that is under his feet -the planet- and the sky is all that is on that world, and that means the atmosphere, space, stars, the rest of the universe and other universes -if there are any-; everything, absolutely everything, including the world of ideas and the laws governing the behavior of creation, such as the laws of physics, chemistry, etc

Salary payable by the governing body, no bureaucrats involved

Choosing to work with the most challenging children — those apparently hopeless ones who needed to “come alive,” Maureen and Audrey had persuaded the governing body to establish this Special Unit

This era of governing will fall by the side of those it attempts to control

Those two, Goragos and Gorana, were governing the Land of Gold

“You will be removed from the Governing Council,” Huss said

“If the Governing Council ever finds out…”

“fits into the governing documents of other nations

That’s the Chicago way of governing

He first praised Roger for introducing in his book “… a courageous president, George Bush, who, uniting his people and its social governing

from reliable sources such as industry professionals, thought leaders and experts in your field, and governing bodies to keep consistent streams of information flowing in the correct channels

They need to be severly reduced to, in affect, become an advisory rather than governing body with limited administrative / support staff and enforcement bodies, with the understanding that size and duties are to be reviewed ‘from time to time’ by a Convention of the States

criminal statutes governing post-government employment

(in Fascist Italy they were called corporatives) which made rules and regulations for the governing of each phase of each and every industry

ritual statement that the circulator “has read and understands the laws governing the circulation of petitions

passes all types of laws governing the lives of the citizenry and

PSL was able to violate the numerous statutes and regulations governing universities and other non-profit contractors and/or grantees for the simple reason that the USG declined to look at them

The domination of the Roman governing class found expression in the institution of

Among orthodox Jews, the law governing who is a Jew is much more strict

“Might I advise a mild Tranquility? I assure you, I’d be diplomatically helpless without mine, for the governing of Kleti is generally done at a bellow, and it allows me this calm demeanor that the rest of you use

He retained his position as chief of security for the entire organization and the Board of Twelve continued as the governing body

26 But not so with you; But one who is the greater among you let him become as the younger and one who is governing as one who serves

Therefore, this message is not unique, with the exception that a governing entity in a position such as mine has now been required to contact you in this manner

International Rules: rules governing navigation on the high seas established by agreement among maritime nations

to eventually make some changes in the laws governing conventions and delegates, he

changing the law governing the length and number of Presidential terms to be infinite

me your manner of governing around these parts is in need of

The similarities between the theory governing the formation of the uni-

have all the highly educated self- governing and

They merely seem separated by time because of the laws governing self definition

He wanted them to feel that they had talent, courage, and were capable of governing themselves

Feared, more than respected, he was considered the Lord of Shadows and he acted with absolute impunity governing the creatures of the dark side of magic

But who or what created your mind this way? Did the universe create its own mind? Is that what you are? Is that why you can’t leave? Is there some governing principle saying that the universe can’t lose its mind?

I’d love to oppose the notion that we are the only deep thinkers in the universe I’d also love to repeal the belief that we cannot survive without governing And most of all I’d love to strike down the insinuation that I am a poet Because most of all,

I CONJURE and call upon you, ye strong and holy angels, good and powerful, in a strong name of fear and praise, Ja, Adonay, Elohim, Saday, Saday, Saday; Eie, Eie, Eie; Asamie, Asamie; and in the name of Adonay, the God of Israel, who hath made the two great lights, and distinguished day from night for the benefit of his creatures; and by the names of all the discerning angels, governing openly in the second house before the great angel, Tetra, strong and powerful; and by the name of his star which is Mercury; and by the name of his seal, which is that of a powerful and honoured God; and I call upon thee, Raphael, and by the names above mentioned, thou great angel who presidest over the fourth day: and by the holy name which is written in the front of Aaron, created the most high priest, and by the names of all the angels who are constant in the grace of Christ, and by the name and place of Ammaluim, that you assist me in my labours, &c

(For the seal planet, and sign governing the planet, and name of the third heaven, see the Plate

“There’s a spell governing this but I’m not sure if it’s Jasra’s or really old one that was put up to protect the borders

They reasoned that the Roman rulers would not do such a thing secretly and without the knowledge of the highest governing body of the Jewish nation

5 Although Jesus did not offer new mandates governing marriage and divorce, he did urge the Jews to live up to their own laws and higher teachings

“Are you aware of the laws governing individuals who provide false information to newspapers?» the attorney asked, threateningly

There are rules governing your sig file which you will have to follow very carefully

Without the necessary privileges, reliable information was only available as hearsay, as all sources of information had become an integral part of the governing establishment, restricted on a need-to-know basis

Rachel hailed the defense system and asked for safe passage and an audience with the governing council

The scientists agreed to relay the concept to the planet’s governing council

“Lieutenant Hammersmith, for the purposes of this intelligence exercise, for this is only an exercise, prepare an analysis of what would happen if we made it to the planet’s surface and met with the local governing body, but once we arrived they found out what we really wanted and we had to shoot our way out

There are many ways that the governing few silence or ignore the people they have been elected to serve

org The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF, UK); GCCF is the Premier

org The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (The Premier Registration Body for Breeding and Showing Cats in the United Kingdom

He could not deny the request without disobeying one of their father’s governing principles involving due diligence, so he nodded his agreement

needs, the organization is respected by the governing world body

The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (British)

“Unfortunately, the police force there is small, and its only concern is governing the lives of the people there

Later, England emerged from the Reformation believing that God had given it a superior form of civilization with the duty to help other nations progress by governing them

is considered to be the first governing laws of Israel, in which the original Jewish religion was created

tion in life immediately, making all governing this reality, and that we beings equal

The Governing Council were worried that our race was going to

governing process, would wither under the light of public scrutiny: forcing

governing body created by the Maccabaeus

Certain MPs still contend that there is a spy ring operating within the Crown’s government and that this “mock investigation” was nothing more than a conspiracy to protect traitors and the reputations of the governing party

Here the noun ‘key’ governs the verb ‘opens’

The more Holy Spirit governs

The difference between the genius of the British constitution, which protects and governs North America, and that of the mercantile company which oppresses and domineers in

to be the best, governs;

Humanity is a school founded and managed by the supreme intelligence that has made and governs the whole Universe

You know nothing about the situation; you don’t know the destiny that governs this person; you don’t know if she has completed her studies in this world, or the reasons or circumstances she is operating in

But for a few exceptions, and with the intention of making it look simple, we could say that a body of entities under a unified direction governs us human beings

our cause, he has a ‘dark lord’ who governs

‖ It provides the framework that governs our motives, informs our decisions and provides legitimacy to our beliefs

Poor Lena really didn’t want this photo in the book, but “Art Governs All” (that’s a saying, right?)

That government is best that governs least

This seems to be the opposite of the entropy that governs all inorganic organization where concentrations of energy move toward an even distribution, whereas life seems to be a collector of energy, depositing and holding it within the various organic structures that make up the many forms of life

” But considering the massive interconnectedness that has already been discovered and theorized that governs our many splendored neural facets, I don’t see much improvement without some kind of volume increase

The search for a different interpretation, or understanding of an alternate acceptable behavior pattern that will overcome their reservations, can take many forms but inevitably meets with opposition from those whose authority governs and preserves the traditional dogma, or understanding

3 But your providence, O Father, governs it, for you have made a way in the sea, and a safe path in the waves;

3 Who governs the world with the palm of his hand, and all things obey his will, for he is the King of all, by his power dividing holy

thanks greatly to the Most High because of his wonders which he did in time; 58 And because he governs the same, and such things

There is separate inspection meeting conducted, and the defects are discussed and moderator governs the meeting, a recorder records it

growth; it also governs other bodily functions such as your

Notwithstanding the fact that he learned a great deal in the trip and that he had a great time as well, China is not a country that Roger desires to visit again, not even his favorite city, Wuxi, while the present regime governs the country

57 Then went I out into the field giving praise and thanks greatly to the most High because of his wonders which he did in time; 58 And because he governs the same and such things as fall in their seasons and there I sat three days

And the great and glorious angel Michael is he who has authority over this people and governs them; for this is he who gave them the law into the hearts of believers: he accordingly superintends them to whom he gave it to see if they have kept the same

He reasoned that the logic that governs pure thought is the “dialectical method,” which involves the notion that progress is the result of the “conflict of opposites

law is the one that governs how we can learn to create truth and beauty where

“That government is the best which governs the least

«And I have come to recruit you as well! You must come with me, Marsellus! It is only a matter of time before Laurencia governs all of Morovia

This fast-acting centre governs

When we speak of God, we refer to a nameless entity that governs

Not a star, but a collection of conscious, for it is the thought that governs creation, a greater intelligence

A similar event in modern times such as the high lords in England signing the Magna Carta (which still governs England and its

uncertainly principle governs the universe with such a firm hand

My Belief incorporates the views of all major religions on earth and believes that the supreme energy or point of origin is an intellectual being that governs the world with a sense of karma

the entity called God which governs the earth by a principle of karma

that governs the lives of beasts, that of basic biological motivation

It governs us in all

It is high time that the Party governs for the good of the people and not through the terror spread by its secret police

He directly and actively governs His people

While her destiny of a violent death could have led her into nurturing the Frankenstein Monster of a Saint Bhindranwale to politically browbeat the Akalis, proves the karma siddhaanta — governs destiny the actions of man, her insistence to retain her Sikh bodyguards in the aftermath of the ‘Operation Blue Star’, to set an example of a secular conviction and the personal courage, would prove the Western philosophy true that – man’s destiny is but his nature

as the idol of the new age but in the Himalayas he governs

The law of nature that governs relations among animals pulls together

God governs choices under free-will

that governs all from within

For Corporatenism, the desire for profit perpetually governs energy investment, production and consumption

Brute democracies do not necessarily seek the collective’s good, nor even the majority’s, but the controlling class’s interest: that attractor which governs their acquisition and utilization of the power to rule

It governs with the agreement of everyone

What is the name of the set of rules that govern us in the many games we participate in by choice, necessity or inescapability? At every level of collectivity, whenever there is a we, if that we is playing a game, then there is either a set of rules or a ruler(s) that governs how the game is played according both to its design and intention

The role of a state that governs in the interest of the people provides liberty as protector from hindrances and access to enablement

The intention governs the attention

Remember that the law of growth necessarily governs every manifestation in the objective, so that a denial of unsatisfactory conditions will not bring about instant change

The Law of Sevens governs the days of the week, the phases of the moon, the harmonies of sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, atomic structure

It governs the life of individuals and of nations, and it dominates the activities of the commercial world

The IF is a very important condition in this case, as the intention governs the attention, and without the attention you can secure only the results which everyone else secures: That is a supply equal to the demand

We know that a higher rate of vibration governs, modifies, controls, changes, or destroys a lower rate of vibration

“ I live according to the rules set forth in the Conduct Code of the Higher Principle and the white wolf’s protecting spirit governs every aspect of my life

My research into time and logic, the force that governs the

Memorandum of association : Document which governs the association of a

The object of hacer when it governs also an infinitive is dative when the infinitiveis

Science calls some of these vicious cycles: General Principles… and has hoisted them above the one law of Relative Equality which actually governs the dynamics of the entire Universe… Simply because these general principles repeat themselves over and over generally… and can be easily recognized as being generally the same

But the Dynamic of Relative Equality: determines and governs the exact outcome of every new permutation and possibility in the Universe

The Universal Law of Dynamic Balance governs them

universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction that governs all life

Any law that compromises — is as impotent as the power that governs over it

trendline (red) and this line eventually governs where an

But in a square, the moment you leave the centre you are in one or other of the corners, and the filling of them governs the problem much more than in the case of other shapes

When you have summed up the total of atoms or electrons or whatever it is that goes to the making of the tissues and also the innumerable complex functions performed by the different parts, you have not yet got on the track of the individual that governs the whole performance

«I want the passion that governs this region to be the strongest of them all

If the writings of the apostles and evangelists are insufficient to decide this controversy, when handled ‘not deceitfully,’ but according to the canon which governs the honest interpretation of all public documents, there is assuredly no reason for expecting satisfaction elsewhere

According to the law that governs this tax credit (Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009), only first-time homebuyers are eligible for a tax credit capped at $8,000

The charge I give him is to be careful how he governs his vassals, bearing in mind that they are all loyal and well-born

I am told he governs like a gerfalcon, of which I am very glad, and my lord the duke, of course, also; and I am very thankful to heaven that I have not made a mistake in choosing him for that same government; for I would have Senora Teresa know that a good governor is hard to find in this world and may God make me as good as Sancho’s way of governing

To this the page replied, «As to Senor Sancho Panza’s being a governor there is no doubt whatever; but whether it is an island or not that he governs, with that I have nothing to do; suffice it that it is a town of more than a thousand inhabitants; with regard to the acorns I may tell you my lady the duchess is so unpretending and unassuming that, not to speak of sending to beg for acorns from a peasant woman, she has been known to send to ask for the loan of a comb from one of her neighbours; for I would have your worships know that the ladies of Aragon, though they are just as illustrious, are not so punctilious and haughty as the Castilian ladies; they treat people with greater familiarity

governs the kingdom is your father’s greatest enemy, and he will be rejoiced to

But with the judge it is otherwise; since he governs mind by mind; he ought not therefore to have been trained among vicious minds, and to have associated with them from youth upwards, and to have gone through the whole calendar of crime, only in order that he may quickly infer the crimes of others as he might their bodily diseases from his own self-consciousness; the honourable mind which is to form a healthy judgment should have had no experience or contamination of evil habits when young

in us, that governs itself by its own maxims of state, amongst which no

The Seventh Amendment governs the majority of court cases in America, which are civil cases, not criminal cases

however well our hearts may be disposed, there is a controlling part, or queen-seat in us, that governs itself by its own maxims of state, amongst which not one is stronger, in practice with it, than, in the matter of is dues, never to accept the will for the deed

Could there be a more obvious prelude to an engagement? She governs me now, and I tutor two little boys of our own

There’s the financial framework that governs everything we buy, sell, and trade

The accounting theory that governs depreciation charges is simple enough

Availability-of-information issues: Privacy governs; the buyer can seek to know what the seller knows

What is bad? What is good? What should one love and what hate? What does one live for? And what am I? What is life, and what is death? What power governs all?’

The sacred law of Jesus Christ governs our civilization, but it does not, as yet, permeate it; it is said that slavery has disappeared from European civilization

A force composed of earth and heaven results from humanity and governs it; this force is a worker of miracles; marvellous issues are no more difficult to it than extraordinary vicissitudes

The same principle which governs the general character of the inhabitants of oceanic islands, namely, the relation to the source whence colonists could have been most easily derived, together with their subsequent modification, is of the widest application throughout nature

The same law governs the construction of the mouths and limbs of crustaceans

I heartily accept the motto,—»That government is best which governs least»; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically

Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe,—»That government is best which governs not at all»; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have

With us, all men live not only without truth, not only without the least desire to know truth, but with the firm conviction that, among all useless occupations, the most useless is the endeavor to find the truth that governs human life

It does not occur to them that men cannot live without some theory of existence; that every human being lives according to some principle, and that this principle by which he governs his life is his religion

The two substantial sources of faith, the doctrine that governs life, and the explanation of the meaning of life, are regarded as of very unequal value

The doctrine of Jesus, as a religion that governs the actions of men and explains to them the meaning of life, is now before the world just as it was eighteen hundred years ago

It is this last life-conception, and the Christian teaching which is based upon it and which governs our whole life and lies at the foundation of our whole activity, both the practical and the theoretical, that the men of so-called science, considering it in reference to its external signs only, recognize as something obsolete and meaningless for us

Whether it be God or a law of nature that governs the world and men, good or bad, the position of men in this world, so long as we know it has always been such that naked men,—without wool on their bodies, without holes in which to take refuge, without food which they might find in the field like Robinson Crusoe on his island,—are put into a position of continual and incessant struggle with nature in order to cover their bodies by making clothes for themselves, to protect themselves by a roof over their heads, and to earn food in order twice or thrice a day to satisfy their hunger and that of their children and their parents

What is bad? What is good? What should one love and what hate? What does one live for? And what am I? What is life, and what is death? What power governs all?”

This is the rule that governs all analogous cases in private life

We must govern ourselves so that we are never again subjected to Roman justice.

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Мы должны править собой самостоятельно, чтобы никогда больше не попасть под действие римских законов.

However, a sense of balance and fairness should govern such missions.


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Однако руководить такими миссиями должно чувство сбалансированности и справедливости.


In America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are sovereign.


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В Америке народ управляет, народ правит и народ является сувереном.


And not merely over who will govern this empire, which we take for granted.

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Не только касательно того, кто будет править етой империей- ето само собой разумеется.

A Chairperson and a Technical Secretary will govern the informal group.


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Работой неофициальной группы будут руководить председатель и технический секретарь.


There is an independent Board of Directors who govern the finances of Rhema.


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Финансами» Ремы» управляет независимый совет директоров.


Declare the legal rules or principles that govern the subject-matter of the complaint;


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Определить правовые нормы или принципы, регламентирующие вопросы, относящиеся к предмету жалобы;


When I go I shall give you another being who shall govern you.


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Когда я уйду, я оставлю вместо себя другое существо, которое будет править вами.


Having mighty economy and people’s support,

representatives of the new Armenia will govern the country.


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Обладая мощной экономикой и одобрением народа,

представители новой Армении станут руководить страной.


The NSO should not and cannot govern scout groups.


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НСО не должно и не может руководить Скаутскими группами.


The United Nations exists for individuals, not for those who govern.


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Организация Объединенных Наций существует для людей, а не для тех, кто ими управляет.


The USA does not presently have any federal requirements that govern vehicle recycling.


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В США в настоящее время не действуют никакие федеральные требования, регламентирующие утилизацию транспортных средств.


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Это группа людей, которые правят.

We govern over you through other people who have already been enslaved by us….


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Мы управляем вами через порабощенным нами людей….


So, it turns out that a simple colonel will govern marshals and generals.

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Таким образом, получается, что маршалами и генералами будет руководить простой полковник.

My faith in the people who govern, in general, negligible.

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Моя вера в людей, которые правят, в общем, ничтожна.

Around here, we govern ourselves.

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As I have stated before, those who govern Israel must make a choice.


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Как я говорил ранее, те, кто правит Израилем, должны сделать выбор.


A convict recently told me. that we govern you only with your consent.

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Один заключенный недавно сказал мне… что мы управляем вами только потому, что вы позволяете.

You violated the protocols that govern this crew.

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Вы нарушили протоколы, которые руководят этой командой.

Should not our concerns be those of the peoples on whose behalf we govern?


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Разве наши тревоги это не тревоги народов, от имени которых мы управляем?


The norms that govern us today emerged 45 years ago in Bretton Woods.


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Нормы, которыми мы руководствуемся, были разработаны 45 лет назад в Бреттон- Вудсе.


The legislation that govern citizenship issues for the Republic of Mauritius are.


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Законодательными актами, регулирующими вопросы приобретения гражданства Республики Маврикий, являются.


Govern enterprise policies across IT policy domains:

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Руководите корпоративными политиками доступа во всех ИТ доменах:

Right Eye and Left Eye govern the power of creation.

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Правое око и Левое око, управляли силой Творца.

There are 24 local governments that govern the affairs of the atolls and islands.


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В стране имеются 24 местных правительства, управляющих делами атоллов и островов.


The odds of stars and the forces which govern them occurring accidentally is virtually impossible.


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Вероятность случайного самопроизвольного зарождения звезд и управляющих ими сил практически равна нулю.


The desire to understand man and the laws that govern the universe.

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Желание понять человека и законы, управляющие вселенной.

The procedures and principles which govern the National Convention remain fundamentally anti-democratic.


These Terms of Use govern your use of Lange Uhren GmbH websites

and mobile applications together the» Platforms.


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Настоящими Условиями использования регламентируется использование вами сайтов и мобильных приложений A.


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