The word got round

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Word got around that you were wild… a tiger in the sack.

Пошли слухи, что ты та еще штучка, любишь порезвиться.

And the word got around that the Germans are coming.

Word got around, and within weeks, thousands of people were visiting this community garden.

Word got around that if you answered yes to questions like,

Прошел слух, что если вы отвечаете «да» на вопросы вроде

Word got around the neighborhood, and this guy, this really scary man, hired him.

Слухи разнеслись по округе, и этот тип, этот по-настоящему опасный тип нанял его.

Word got around that I am mad?

Word got around that a strange young boy was performing for the dead at night, and a local theatre group approached him to play the part of a prince.

Ходили слухи, что ночью какой-то странный мальчик выступал перед покойниками, и тогда к нему подошла местная театральная труппа, чтобы он сыграл роль принца в их представлении.

Word got around that she was the daughter the mining billionaire Desmond Sacco.

Кто-то пустил слух, что она дочь горнопромышленного магната Десмонда Сакко.

Word got around what you did,

If word got around, it would bring shame To your family.

After Smith showed off the the full collection, word got around.

When the tablets were then dug up, word got around about what was written in this «miraculous» find.

Когда дощечки вскоре были откопаны, стала распространяться молва о том, что было написано на этой «чудесной» находке.

When word got around, he had to flee from the city and hide in the desert mountains.

И, когда об этом пошел слух, пришлось ему бежать из города, и скрыться в пустыне, в горах.

When word got around that we’d have cocoa that evening, one could not think about anything else.

Когда проносился слух, что вечером будет какао, никто больше ни о чем не мог думать.

If word got around before the swap, you’d be exposed as the fraud you are.

Если бы все узнали до подмены, вас бы признали мошенником, каким вы и являетесь.

Over the years, word got around that he believed to have cracked the puzzle, and Mochizuki himself said that he expected results by 2012.

В последующие годы появились слухи о его уверенности в том, что он разгадал головоломку, а сам Мотидзуки сказал, что ожидает результатов к 2012 году.

Gold prospectors traveled up the Liard River on their way to the Klondike, and they were also drawn to this valley in the early 1900s, when the three McLeod brothers came here and word got around that gold nuggets the size of grapes had been found.

Золотые искатели путешествовали по реке Лиард, направляясь к Клондайку, и в начале 1900-х годов их также тянуло к этой долине, когда сюда прибыли трое братьев Маклеод, и вокруг этих золотых самородков был найден размер винограда.

OK, what if word got around?

And word got around amongst friends and family, and I had a little cohort of about 10 or 15 students.

(М4) Вскоре об этом узнала вся семья, (М4) и у меня появилось 10 или 15 учеников.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 3803. Точных совпадений: 29. Затраченное время: 264 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

обойти, обходить, перехитрить, выздороветь, обманывать, преодолевать, навещать


- выздороветь, оправиться от болезни

he’s getting round — он приходит в себя (после обморока и т. п.)
I’ll get round somehow — я как-нибудь оправлюсь /выкарабкаюсь/

- добираться, доходить (до сути дела и т. п.), приниматься (за что-л.), начинать (что-л.)

then he got round to facts — затем он обратился /перешёл/ к фактам
when will you get round to my question? — когда вы доберётесь /дойдёте/ до моего вопроса?
I’ll get round to it — я как-нибудь этим займусь
I never got round to see her — я так и не выбрался повидаться с ней /навестить её/

- уговорить

to get smb. round to one’s way of thinking — а) убедить /уговорить/ кого-л. принять свою точку зрения; б) убедить кого-л. в своей правоте

Мои примеры


get round a difficulty — обойти затруднение; обойти трудность  
get round to doing smth. — собраться  
get round — заставить сделать по-своему; оправиться от болезни; выздоравливать  
get round smb — обмануть кого-л.; уговорить  
get round the table — сесть за стол переговоров  
get round to — иметь возможность; добраться до  
try to get round — обхаживать; охаживать  

Примеры с переводом

I think I’ll be able to get round to this job only next month.

Думаю, до этой работы у меня дойдут руки только в следующем месяце.

I think I can get round my father to lend us the car.

Я думаю, мне удастся уговорить отца дать нам автомобиль.

When are you going to get round to our house?

Когда вы зайдете к нам в гости?

Most companies manage to get round the restrictions.

Большинству компаний удаётся обойти ограничения

If you are clever, you can sometimes get round the tax laws.

Если ты достаточно ловок, то иногда можно обойти налоговое законодательство.

I keep meaning to put a lock on it, but I never get round to it.

Я всё время собираюсь поставить/повесить замок на него/неё, но никак руки не доходят.

I know how to get round Chris.

Я знаю, как заставить Криса сделать по моему.

…word got round that a movie star was spending the night at a local motel…

…пошёл слух, что кинозвезда ночевала в местном мотеле…


  • #1


I thought I’d already asked that question somewhere but I couldn’t find it throught the search function. Maybe I never did. So here it is.

My question isn’t precisely about the phrase in the title but I had to write something for a title…

I’d just like you to tell me if my interpretation of the following sentence is correct.

The private detective is asking his girlfriend (who works in New Scotland Yard) for information about a villain called W. According to her, W has had a couple of pieces of criminal records. One for handling forged petrol coupons in 1947 (straight off! :)). The other for GBH in 1958 : he cut someone’s ear off outside a dance hall in front of witnesses. She goes on :

‘He was nicked for attempted murder in 1960 too, but that didn’t stick(1). Something to do with the witenesses to the 1958 case all falling down stairs (2) once a month (3) while W was doing his bird for the GBH. The word got round (4), I suppose’.

This is how I understand it :
— It didn’t stick (1) because he was in prison for the GBH when it took place and the police were unable to prove he had ordered those attempted murders.

— W himself or his «second-in-command» asked the members of his gang (4) to go and see the witnesses and to bully them so that they would promise
* to retract their testimony in the GBH case
* to tell the police they’d had fallen down stairs when asked why they looked so bruised (2)

— I don’t think each of the witness was bullied once a month (3). (it doesn’t seem to make much sense or else, it means I’ve misunderstood something). I think it means each month a new witness was reported to have «fallen down the stairs».

the word got round (4) means what I said above : orders were given to W’s lot to bully the witnesses.

Do you agree with the various points of my interpretation? I’m still unsure about the «attempted murder» business : obviously, that implies that at least one of the witnesses complained to the police.

thks a lot in advance

    • #2

    I agree with your interpretation, however I view this part:

    Something to do with the witenesses to the 1958 case all falling down stairs (2) once a month (3) while W was doing his bird for the GBH.

    …. as an exaggeration. Clearly the witnesses were tampered with (bullied) — it is highly unlikely that this happened on a monthly basis. This phrase just confirms that the accidents were clearly not accidents.

    Neal Mc


    • #3

    (1) We should assume that he wouldn’t have been nicked for the attempted murder if the police knew he was still in prison at the time. So the charge «didn’t stick» for some other reason — the reason about to be revealed, that the witnesses to his previous conviction had, one by one, been subjected to a serious working over.

    (2) Falling down stairs sounds like the normal kind of innocent explanation given by members of the criminal classes to the police in an attempt to avoid questions about the cuts and bruises that have resulted from a severe beating. I am basing this entirely on TV/Movie precedent, not real life:)

    (3) I think you are right here — it is unlikely that each witness was done over each month. They were done over as punishment, pour decourager les autres, not in an attempt to have them change their testimony (I guess).

    (4) «The word got around.» The reason the charge in 1960 didn’t stick was that, by then, it was common knowledge that anyone who stood up in court as a witness against W would be done over (either once, or once a month). The word got around = the news spread — about the consequences of speaking out against W.

    I don’t think it was necessarily one of the witnesses being attacked that led to the charge of attempted murder. In fact, to be clearer, I’m quite sure that this attempted murder was a separate crime altogether. He’d have been done for conspiracy if it was one of the stair accidents.


    • #4

    You’ve got the sense right, but I don’t completely agree with the detail —

    1) «It didn’t stick». This is referring to his «being nicked» (arrested). So all it is saying is that he was arrested but no conviction was secured. The reason is not given. However, I don’t think your reading through the lines is correct that it didn’t stick because he was in prison at the time. It didn’t stick because the witnesses kept «falling down the stairs» and so they would not testify. The fact that he is in prison is irrelevant to this — he went into prison (for a separate conviction for GBH) after the attak and so could physically have done it.

    2) Agreed.

    3) I wouldn’t read too much into this. I think it is hyperbolic for the effect. Perhaps all the witnesses were attacked once a month, perhaps one per month — I don’t think it’s meant to mean more than «the witnesses were attacked on more than one occasion» in colourful language.

    4) «The word got round» does not necessarily mean it was his hench-men that «spread the word» just that «people» were talking about why people were being attacked.


    Edit — posted at the same time as the others, so off to see if their interpretations agree with mine now!


    • #5

    Yes it seems mine and Panj’s independant readings agree :)


    • #6

    Just to clarify, here is my suggested crimeline timeline.

    1958 W is convicted for cutting someone’s ear off and goes to prison.

    While he is inside, the witnesses to the ear-cutting are done over by W’s buddies, either one by one or each regularly.

    Word gets round that anyone who gave evidence against W is having a hard time.

    W is released.

    1960 W is involved in a separate attack on someone — almost certainly unrelated to the 1958 case.

    W is accused of attempted murder. Police try to get witnesses to this attempted murder to agree to give evidence in court.

    Witnesses all refuse because they know what happened to the last set of people who gave evidence against W. The police are not able to bring W to court — the charges don’t stick.


    • #7

    Yes, Panj’s timeline is what I understand by the story too (and so a bit different from what I wrote in 1) above) . The witnesses now know that even if he goes to prison on their evidence he has the power to arrange for people to be hurt from there.


    • #8

    Thanks all. I’m still making my way through your comments.

    Tim said:

    However, I don’t think your reading through the lines is correct that it didn’t stick because he was in prison at the time.

    Yes, that’s in agreement with Panjy’s post :

    We should assume that he wouldn’t have been nicked for the attempted murder if the police knew he was still in prison at the time.

    And it makes prefect sense.

    So let’s see if I’ve got it clear.
    He was convicted for GBH in 1958. And did «bird» for that.
    He had commited attempted murder before or shortly after the GBH (but obviously before he was arrested for the GBH — erm, not necessarily before, see the edit). The facts for the attempted murder were only known to the police in 1960. But as the witnesses to the GBH had all been seriously done over, the «word got round», i.e. the witnesses to the attempted murder heard of that so they were scared to death and refused to testify.

    I realize what I’d got wrong : the «attempted murder» does not refer to the bullying of the witnesses.

    EDIT : I’d written the above before tim and panj’s last posts. I can see the slight difference between panjy’s timeline and mine : W can have committed the attempted murder after he’d finished his bird for the GBH. It’s very likely as we might assume a sentence for GBH should only last a few months.


    • #9

    Not sure JM.

    While he was doing his bird for GBH in 1958 had had the witnesses to the GBH whose testimony had convicted him beaten up. I assume as a punishment and to warn others what will happen to those who testify against him.

    The news that he has the power to have people beaten up even though is is in prison got around.

    Therefore when he was arrested for attempted murder in 1960 (we don’t know when this murder occurred but I would assume after he was released) none of the witnesses to this crime was willing to testify because they had heard what happened to the witnesses of the GBh who had testified against him.

    Clearer or as clear as mud??!


    • #10

    timpeac said:

    Clearer or as clear as mud??!

    Sounds clear. I edited my post above. What do you think? Have I got it clear now, taking the edition into account?
    Of course, this addition of mine cancels one of the above sentences

    The facts for the attempted murder were only known to the police in 1960.

    That has become irrelevant.


    • #11

    LV4-26 said:

    Sounds clear. I edited my post above. What do you think? Have I got it clear now, taking the edition into account?

    Yes I think so :)

    At the risk of muddying a quite complicated thread, I would hope that someone would get more than a few months for cutting off someone’s ear! If not I’m not getting into any pub brawls in France! ;)


    • #12

    Well, I think it would be more than a few months if he’d done it collectively. (what they call «en réunion» in French legal vocabulary) But as it seems to have been a matter of individual against individual, it’s less severely punished. But, frankly, I was only guessing….:)

    EDIT : I know where my basic error came from. I’d wrongly assumed that something to do with was referring to the attempted murder, i.e. he was arrested and charged of attempted murder because the witnesses….
    While actually, it refers to the fact that it didn’t stick, i.e. it didn’t stick because the witnesses…..

    word gets around — перевод на русский

    Word gets around. The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you.

    Ходят слухи… что сёстрам ты очень понравился.

    Well, word gets around.

    Ну, ходят слухи.

    Small club, word gets around…

    Маленький клуб. Ходят слухи.

    Word gets around.

    Слухи же ходят.

    It’s like once word got around, these fucking lawyers came out of the fucking woodwork.

    Говорят, эти ебучие адвокаты появляются, блядь, чисто как вши.

    Word gets around about you, Terry.

    — Так говорят, Терри.

    Word gets around.

    Кругом только и говорят.

    Word gets around.

    Об этом говорят.

    Word got around, and my son…

    Пошли слухи…

    Word got around that you were wild… a tiger in the sack.

    Пошли слухи, что ты та еще штучка, любишь порезвиться.

    The word got around that finally… there was a real gangster in town.

    и пошел слух, что… в городе наконец-то появился настоящий гангстер. Никки был новым боссом Лас Вегаса.

    Word gets around.

    Люди говорят.

    Word gets around. Come on.

    Люди говорят.

    You know how the word gets around up there.

    Ты знаешь как там расходятся слухи.

    Word gets around.

    Слухи расходятся.

    Word gets around fast.

    Слухи быстро расходятся.

    Wow, word gets around fast.

    Ух ты, слухи и правда быстро расходятся.

    OK, what if word got around?

    Что, если бы об этом узнали?

    If word got around before the swap, you’d be exposed as the fraud you are.

    Если бы все узнали до подмены, вас бы признали мошенником, каким вы и являетесь.

    But, then, again, I’m sure you know all too well how word gets around in a small town.

    Но уверен, ты в курсе, как быстро распространяются слухи в маленьком городе.

    Word gets around.

    Слухи распространяются.

    Word got around to headquarters. I was up for investigation.

    Для главного управления я проводил там расследование.

    I knew that he worked on top secret projects… word gets around… but Bob was always a patriot first.

    Говорят, он участвовал в жутко засекреченных испытаниях… Всякое болтают но мой Боб всегда был патриотом.

    Word gets around.

    Да, я собираюсь.

    When word gets around…

    Доктор, срочно нужна ваша помощь!

    The word gets around fast I guess

    Я вижу слухи быстро разносятся.

    Показать ещё примеры…

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    • 1
      get round

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > get round

    • 2
      get round


      1. выздороветь, оправиться от болезни

      I’ll get round somehow — я как-нибудь оправлюсь /выкарабкаюсь/

      2. добираться, доходить (), приниматься (), начинать (


      then he got round to facts — затем он обратился /перешёл/ к фактам

      when will you get round to my question? — когда вы доберётесь /дойдёте/ до моего вопроса?

      I never got round to see her — я так и не выбрался повидаться с ней /навестить её/

      3. уговорить

      to get smb. round to one’s way of thinking — а) убедить /уговорить/ кого-л. принять свою точку зрения; б) убедить кого-л. в своей правоте

      НБАРС > get round

    • 3
      get round

      Персональный Сократ > get round

    • 4
      get round

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > get round

    • 5
      get round

      The new dictionary of modern spoken language > get round

    • 6
      get round to

      взяться/приняться за что-либо, приступать

      I haven’t got round to reading your essay yet, but I’ll look at it this evening.

      The committee will get round to your suggestion after they’ve dealt with urgent business.

      Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get round to

    • 7
      get round

      The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > get round

    • 8
      get round


      1) Общая лексика: выздоравливать, выздороветь, заставить сделать по-своему, обмануть , обходить , оправиться от болезни, приниматься , перехитрить , надуть, обмануть, обойти , обойти, перехитрить, провести , обойти , уговорить , обходить , преодолевать

      4) Макаров: уговорить, добираться , доходить , начинать

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get round

    • 9
      get round

      1. phr v выздороветь, оправиться от болезни

      2. phr v добираться, доходить, приниматься, начинать

      get at — добраться до; добираться до

      3. phr v уговорить

      English-Russian base dictionary > get round

    • 10
      get round to

      English-Russian big medical dictionary > get round to

    • 11
      get round

      облететь (распространиться)

      The rumour soon got round the whole village.

      Stories have been getting round concerning the government’s secret intentions.

      Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get round

    • 12
      get round to

      2) Медицина: дойти , собраться

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get round to

    • 13
      get round

      Англо-русский современный словарь > get round

    • 14
      get round


      обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-либо; заставить сделать по-своему


      навещать, посещать; приводить в гости


      распространять(ся), становиться известным


      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > get round

    • 15
      get round to

      находить время, осуществить давнее намерение

      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > get round to

    • 16
      get round

      а) обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.; заставить сделать по-своему;

      б) обходить (закон, вопрос и т. п.);



      приезжать, прибывать;

      г) выздороветь

      * * *

      выздороветь; заставить сделать по своему, обмануть; навещать, посещать; перехитрить, обойти, обходить, преодолевать

      * * *

      1) передвигаться
      2) обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.; заставить сделать по-своему
      3) обходить (закон, вопрос и т. п.)
      4) навещать, посещать; приводить в гости
      5) выздороветь

      Новый англо-русский словарь > get round

    • 17
      get round

      English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > get round

    • 18
      get round

      English-Russian big medical dictionary > get round

    • 19
      get round somebody

      уломать (уговорить, убедить)

      Jenny’s trying to get round her father to buy her a horse!

      I think I can get round my father to lend us the car.

      Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get round somebody

    • 20
      get round something

      выйти из положения, найти выход, решить проблему

      He couldn’t pay his rent, but he got round it by borrowing some money.

      We could get round the lack of players by removing the last piece of music from the concert programme.

      Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get round something


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • get round to — To bring oneself to do (something) • • • Main Entry: ↑get get round to To have the time or inclination to do (something) after delay • • • Main Entry: ↑round …   Useful english dictionary

    • get round — /ˌget raυnd/ verb to avoid ● We tried to get round the embargo by shipping from Canada …   Dictionary of banking and finance

    • get round — ► get round chiefly Brit. 1) coax or persuade (someone) to do or allow something. 2) deal successfully with (a problem). Main Entry: ↑get …   English terms dictionary

    • get round to — ► get round to chiefly Brit. deal with (a task) in due course. Main Entry: ↑get …   English terms dictionary

    • get round — phrasal verb Word forms get round : present tense I/you/we/they get round he/she/it gets round present participle getting round past tense got round past participle got round British 1) [intransitive] same as get around 2) The news soon got round …   English dictionary

    • get round to — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms get round to : present tense I/you/we/they get round to he/she/it gets round to present participle getting round to past tense got round to past participle got round to British get round to something same as… …   English dictionary

    • get round — verb : to get around * * * get round see GET AROUND ((ABOVE)) • • • Main Entry: ↑get …   Useful english dictionary

    • get round — phr verb Get round is used with these nouns as the object: ↑problem …   Collocations dictionary

    • get round to something — ˌget ˈround/aˈround to sth derived to find the time to do sth • I meant to do the ironing but I didn t get round to it. • get round to something doing sth I hope to get around to answering your letter next week. Main entry: ↑getderived …   Useful english dictionary

    • get round somebody — ˌget ˈround/aˈround sb derived to persuade sb to agree or to do what you want, usually by doing nice things for them • She knows how to get round her dad. Main entry: ↑getderived …   Useful english dictionary

    • get round something — ˌget ˈround/aˈround sth derived to deal with a problem successfully Syn: ↑overcome • A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause. Main entry: ↑getderived …   Useful english dictionary

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Англо-русский перевод GOT ROUND

    обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.; заставить сделать по-своему; обходить (закон, вопрос и т. п.); переубедить amer. приезжать, прибывать; выздороветь; передвигаться распространять(ся), становиться известным навещать, посещать; приводить в гости найти время для чего-л., кого-л.

    English-Russian advanced dictionary.

         Англо-Русский дополнительный словарь .

    English Russian get round доходить (до сути дела и т.п.) get round начинать (что-либо) get round уговорить get round становиться известным (о слухах, новостях) get round обмануть (кого-либо) get round вернуться к чему-либо после перерыва (to) get round убедить кого-либо сделать по-своему get round убедить get round добираться (до сути дела и т.п.) get round to вернуться к чему-либо после перерыва get someone round to one’s way of thinking убедить кого-либо в своей правоте get someone round to one’s way of thinking уговорить кого-либо принять свою точку зрения get someone round to one’s way of thinking убедить кого-либо принять свою точку зрения he got there round about midday он добрался туда около полудня he got there round midday он добрался туда около полудня he hasn’t got round to doing it у него руки не доходят до этого he hasn’t got round to his job yet он свою работу ещё не трогал he hasn’t got round to it у него руки не доходят до этого she got round him ей удалось его уговорить the word got round that стало известно, что then he got round to facts затем он перешёл к фактам then he got round to facts затем он обратился к фактам we finally got round to answering our correspondence мы наконец выкроили время, чтобы ответить на письма


    Example Sentences

    word got round that a movie star was spending the night at a local motel

    Recent Examples on the Web

    Guests get round-trip flights (business class for top suites and intercontinental trips), specialty dining, unlimited beverages including wines and spirits, an in-suite mini-bar, shore excursions at every port, gratuities, a pre-cruise luxury hotel stay, and ground transfers to and from the ship.

    Fran Golden, Travel + Leisure, 8 Mar. 2023

    The cub was taken to get round-the-clock care.

    Minnah Arshad, Detroit Free Press, 5 Mar. 2021

    This is why young internet-savvy Nigerians have been preparing for the worst by investing in virtual private network (VPN) services, one of the primary ways citizens can get round a national internet shutdown.

    Yomi Kazeem, Quartz Africa, 21 Oct. 2020

    But on Monday, as U.S. and Chinese officials met in person in Rome, the U.S. presidency has warned China against helping Russia to avoid or get round its sanctions.

    Patrick Frater, Variety, 15 Mar. 2022

    Customers also get round-the-clock access to a nutritionist via text message who acts as a concierge for subscriptions.

    Meimei Fox, Forbes, 12 Nov. 2021

    There’s free parking on site, and clients with full-time memberships get round-the-clock access.

    Alex Demarban, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Oct. 2021

    To get round this, the National Bank introduced a cash withdrawal and limits on withdrawal as of last month.

    Samuel Getachew, Quartz Africa, 14 Sep. 2020

    These cells help to get round a structural problem in our eyes, where the light-sensing cells of the retina lie behind a tangled mass of nerves and blood vessels.

    Discover Magazine, 27 Apr. 2011

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘get round.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    1653, in the meaning defined above

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of get round was
    in 1653

    Dictionary Entries Near get round

    Cite this Entry

    “Get round.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    Last Updated:
    11 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Merriam-Webster unabridged


    1) выздороветь, оправиться от болезни, прийти в себя после обморока

    Синонимы: to recover, to cure, to heal, to come to one’s senses

    Пример: When a deep injury is done to us, we never get round until we forgive. (Alan Paton)

    2) дойти (до сути дела), приняться (за что-либо), начать, заняться

    Синонимы: to grasp, to comprehend; to settle to, to sit down to, to set about, to take up

    Пример: Dickens, as you know, never got round to starting his home page. (Terry Pratchett)

    3) уговорить, убедить, перехитрить

    Синонимы: to talk into, to persuade, to urge, to coax, to cajole, to outwit, to outfox, to outmaneuver

    Пример: My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to get round my wife to marry me. (Michael Franti)

    4) посетить, нанести визит, навестить

    Синоним: to visit, to drop in

    Пример: Whenever I played Columbus, Ohio, I got round to my close friend, a medium who had mysterious powers. Her Indian guide was Mohawk. (Ethel Waters)

    5) привести в гости

    Синонимы: to bring around, to bring over, to fetch over

    Пример: I like when guests come over early and get their fiends round, and we chop veggies and talk and play music. (John Stamos)

    6) распространяться, становиться известным

    Синонимы: to go about, to spread out, to span

    Пример: It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded make gossip get round, for they speak of persons instead of things. (Lawrence G. Lovasik)

    7) обойти, избежать, преодолеть

    Синонимы: to evade, to avoid, to bypass, to overcome

    Пример: Satellite broadcasting makes it possible for information-hungry residents of many closed societies to get round state-controlled television channels. (Rupert Murdoch)

    Проверьте себя: Google, Microsoft and Yahoo should be developing new technologies to get round

    1. cyber bullying.
    2. breakthroughs in data storage technologies.
    3. government sensors and barriers to the Internet.

    Правильный ответ на нашу предыдущую «проверку» – вариант A.

    Фразовый глагол get round

    Also found in: Wikipedia.

    References in periodicals archive

    Lisa asks for assistance with her situation, but it isn’t long before word gets around that she’s there.

    These days, the ‘Phonics are now nearer to elder statesman status than the self-assured youngsters who announced their arrival with 1997’s Word Gets Around.

    With career sales topping 10 million albums, the South Wales band have recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of their ’97 debut LP Word Gets Around.

    It’s 22 years since the Stereophonics released debut album Word Gets Around, but frontman and songwriter Kelly Jones shows no signs of slowing down.

    «But once people start to perform, the word gets around and much more notice is taken of them.

    Facilities manager Sue Sparrow, who applied for the funding, said: «The club has been running for almost two weeks now and we have seen a steady increase of the number of children attending day on day and we’re sure that’s set to increase as word gets around! We are confident that providing free breakfasts for all our students will have a positive impact on attendance and attainment.

    This tour — featuring shows over two hours long — also comes on the eve of the 20th anniversary of their first album Word Gets Around.

    This tour comes on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the release of their debut album Word Gets Around — and the ‘Phonics still exude the kind of stadium rock strut and confidence you can’t help but feel would be difficult to get away with today.

    «The word gets around very quickly and they’re on their phone to their parents, wife or whoever it is.»

    Catch them while you can at an intimate clubs because, as we’ve seen in Manchester, once word gets around they soon graduate to bigger venues.

    Known for their energetic live performances, Stereophonics gained popularity with their debut album 20 years ago, Word Gets Around .

    It’s 21 years since Stereophonics released their debut album Word Gets Around.

    Their debut LP Word Gets Around was released in August 1997 and charted at number six in the UK.

    When people find out from their friends that they couldnt hear a presentation clearly, word gets around and people stay home, she said.

    The community has its celebration, and word gets around that a hurricane is set to come ashore «somewhere» in the Louisiana area, which prompts some to evacuate while others decide to stay.

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