The word gloomy in a sentence

Synonym: bleak, dark, depressing, dim, discouraging, dismal, dreary, glum, melancholy, sad, somber. Antonym: delightful, gay, happy, jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, pleasant. Similar words: glove, globe, economy, glower, global, agronomy, autonomy, boom. Meaning: [‘gluːmɪ]  adj. 1. characterized by hopelessness; filled with gloom 2. causing dejection 3. depressingly dark 4. causing or suggestive of sorrow or gloom 5. reflecting gloom. 

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(1) The little boy sat in a gloomy corner.

(2) The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving.

(3) Daniel seems very morose and gloomy.

(4) I’m haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories.

(5) It was a wet and gloomy day.

(6) You must rid yourself of this gloomy mood.

(7) Inside it’s gloomy after all that sunshine.

(8) Now, don’t start to get gloomy.

(9) Margaret Atwood’s novel depicts a gloomy, futuristic America.

(10) The report paints a gloomy picture of the economy.

(11) I felt a gloomy foreboding that something was going to go wrong.

(12) He looks gloomy today.

(13) The committee’s view was in fact far from gloomy.

(14) Suddenly,[] the future didn’t look so gloomy after all.

(15) They found him in gloomy, downbeat mood.

(16) They took a gloomy view about the whole thing.

(17) The gloomy atmosphere in the office oppressed her.

(18) Anne dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her mind.

(19) Dad’s a gloomy old moaner.

(20) The cemetery is a gloomy place.

(21) She paints a gloomy picture of the future.

(22) The writer paints a gloomy picture of the economy.

(23) We sat in gloomy silence.

(24) Officials say the outlook for next year is gloomy.

(25) It was a gloomy room with one small window.

(26) We waited in a gloomy waiting-room.

(27) His gloomy prognostications proved to be false.

(28) What are you so gloomy about? Cheer up!

(29) A few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.

(30) His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.

More similar words: glove, globe, economy, glower, global, agronomy, autonomy, boom, room, dichotomy, bedroom, parking lot, bathroom, courtroom, mushroom, classroom, loop, look, floor, loose, flood, look in, look up, look to, look out, look on, look for, balloon, look at, bloody. 

мрачный, угрюмый, хмурый, сумрачный, темный, унылый, печальный


- мрачный; тёмный

gloomy sky — тёмное небо
gloomy house — мрачный дом
gloomy weather — тёмная, мрачная погода
a gloomy outlook over factory buildings — мрачный вид на заводские здания

- угрюмый; печальный; хмурый

gloomy companion — невесёлый попутчик /собеседник/
to feel gloomy — хандрить

- унылый, удручающий

gloomy prospects — печальные /мрачные/ перспективы
he took a gloomy view of everything — он всё видел в мрачном свете

Мои примеры


gloomy day — хмурый день  
gloomy / sad feeling — грусть, чувство грусти  
gloomy foreboding — мрачное предзнаменование  
gloomy landscape — угрюмый пейзаж  
gloomy silence — гнетущая тишина  
gloomy prophecies — мрачные прогнозы  
bleak / gloomy landscape — унылый вид  
dismal / gloomy outlook — мрачный вид  
gloomy vein — мрачное настроение  
feel gloomy — хандрить  

Примеры с переводом

I’ve never seen you looking so gloomy.

Никогда не видел тебя таким мрачным.

It was a gloomy room with one small window.

Это была мрачная комната с одним маленьким окошком.

We’ve had a week of gloomy weather.

У нас неделю была пасмурная погода.

Daniel seems very morose and gloomy.

На вид Дэниел очень угрюмый и мрачный.

Be careful, the staircase is a little gloomy.

Будь осторожен, лестница не очень хорошо освещается.

You suit the gloomy habit of my.

Вы очень гармонируете с моей мрачной натурой.

The report paints a gloomy picture of the economy.

Отчёт рисует мрачную картину экономики.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…our eupeptic colleague was unfazed by our gloomy expressions and dire predictions…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

gloom  — мрак, уныние, темнота, мрачность, тьма, хмуриться, заволакиваться, омрачать
gloomily  — мрачно, угрюмо, хмуро, уныло, с унылым видом
gloominess  — мрачность, унылость

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): gloomier
прев. степ. (superlative): gloomiest

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word gloomy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use gloomy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «gloomy».

Gloomy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word gloomy in a sentence.

  1. He settled on a gloomy setting to indicate a loop coming to an end.

  2. However, the delegates did not like the design as it was too dark and gloomy.

  3. Pevsner described it as «a busy, somewhat gloomy piece with many small scenes».

  4. The ambience at Hut Point was gloomy, and the unrelieved diet of seal was depressing.

  5. Against this gloomy background Shackleton initiated preparations for his proposed journey.

  6. Expecting to be inspired in Berlin, U2 instead found the city to be depressing and gloomy.

  7. On his return to London he suffered from melancholia, and painted many notably gloomy works.

  8. As a result, Horodecki went slightly mad and built this gloomy house in his daughter’s memory.

  9. The régime was austere, the rooms gloomy, the food mediocre, and the required uniform elaborate.

  10. On his return to London he suffered from depression and painted a number of notably gloomy works.

  11. Conditions at Hut Point were gloomy and depressing, with an unrelieved diet and no normal comforts;.

  12. Van der Weyden depicts Hell as a gloomy, crowded place of both close and distant fires, and steep rock faces.

  13. He worked on Werther intermittently for several years, but it was rejected by the Opéra-Comique as too gloomy.

  14. The result was described by one visitor to the chamber as «dark, gloomy, and badly ventilated, and so small ..

  15. And so I came to the Second Test in Sydney ready to drape myself in the gloomy colors of a Test opening batsman.

  16. Trombones introduce Mephistopheles with three flashing chords or support the gloomy doubts of Narbal in Les Troyens.

  17. A critic writing for The Huffington Post suggested that they had «injected some humour into the famously gloomy soap».

  18. The album’s third track, «Closedown», contains layers of keyboard texture complemented with a slow, gloomy guitar line.

  19. We had continued squalls of sleet, snow, and rain, and the heavens were perpetually hid from us by gloomy dismal clouds.

  20. Disintegration was Smith’s thematic return to a dark and gloomy aesthetic that the Cure had explored in the early 1980s.

  21. After a gloomy August for the campaign’s fundraising, in September, corporate moguls «opened their purse strings to Hanna».

  22. His eyes were upturned to the gloomy skies, and his nostrils eagerly drank in the precious air that was soon to be denied them.

  23. The atmosphere of the royal court became gloomy and morbid in the wake of the prince’s death, and entertainments became dry and dull.

  24. Louis himself was very dejected and gloomy and sat with his «chapeau» far over his eyes, his face downcast and supported by his hands.

  25. Mordvinov reported that the young women were in a gloomy mood and seemed to sense the political upheaval that was about to be unleashed.

  26. Mordvinov recalled that the young women were in a gloomy mood and seemed to sense the political upheaval that was about to be unleashed.

  27. The band’s dark and gloomy sound, which Martin Hannett described in 1979 as «dancing music with Gothic overtones», presaged the gothic rock genre.

  28. The scene beyond the window contains a cast of characters numbering in the many hundreds, before an expansive landscape and threatening and gloomy sky.

  29. The results justified their gloomy premonitions; the party’s share of the vote fell to 7.5%, and seven of its thirteen seats, including Ladywood, were lost.

  30. This book’s solemnity is in contrast to the bright colours found in most contemporary books of hours and seems to reflect a rather gloomy and mournful court outlook.

  31. Hitler replied favourably, and word of this response came to Chamberlain as he was winding up a speech in the House of Commons which sat in gloomy anticipation of war.

  32. Richardson recalled, «He was a kind of brilliant butterfly, while I was a very gloomy sort of boy», and «I found his clothes extravagant, I found his conversation flippant.

  33. Rodgers and Hammerstein were also concerned about what they termed «the tunnel» of Molnár’s second act—a series of gloomy scenes leading up to Liliom’s suicide—followed by a dark ending.

  34. Aino Sibelius later recalled other visits to Voigt that autumn at which Sibelius, whose mood she described as gloomy and taciturn, delivered further piles of music manuscript to the copyist.

  35. Considering that damp and gloomy low places provide suitable conditions for the growth of bamboo, Shen deduced that the climate of Yanzhou must have fit that description in very ancient times.

  36. Dreiser recounted the gloomy mood of Kroonland’s passengers after hearing the news of Titanic’s sinking, observing that the «terror of the sea had come swiftly and directly home to all».

  37. Former college archivist, Brigid Allen, has described it as «a kind of gated tunnel between high buildings, paved, scattered with seats and tables, and filled with gloomy foliage of the purple-leaved plum».

Synonyms for gloomy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word gloomy has the following synonyms: blue, dark, depressing, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, dispiriting, grim, sorry, drab, drear, dreary, cheerless, uncheerful, depressive, saddening, sad, glooming, gloomful, sulky, glum, long-faced, dejected, darkening and hopeless.

General information about «gloomy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word gloomy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «gloomy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «gloomy».

gloomy — перевод на русский


And don’t be so gloomy.

Ну что ты такой мрачный?

My neighbor looks somewhat gloomy.

Что-то сосед мой мрачный.

— Why are you so gloomy then?

Так чего ж ты мрачный?

Why do you look so gloomy?

Вы что такой мрачный?

On this summer day, gloomy old Eeyore, being stuffed with sawdust, had lost his tail again.

В этот летний день мрачный старый Ушастик объелся опилками и снова потерял свой хвост.

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What is that gloomy racket?

Что это, угрюмая ракета?

No way, it’s that gloomy girl.

Не пойдёт, угрюмая девушка.

Is she gloomy?

А она угрюмая?

Cold, gloomy and easily accessed by a Frenchman through a tunnel.

Холодная, угрюмая и французу легко пробраться через туннель.

Anyone know if Gloomy Glen is a person or a place?

Кто-нибудь знает, Угрюмая Лощина — это человек или место?

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and it is gloomy and drizzling all day long.

а всё хмуро и моросит дождь, весь день.

No need to look so gloomy.

Не смотрите так хмуро.

Rainy days and Christmas, it’s gloomy outside, sometimes people are alone, that’s when we get the suicides.

В дождливые дни и Рождество возрастает насилие. Хмуро снаружи, иногда люди одиноки, вот тогда время самоубийств.

If he was gloomy and angry but he kept going .

Пусть он хмур были зол, но шел,

They see I’m gloomy, now hungover for good.

Они видят, что я сейчас слишком хмур и похмелен, чтобы веселиться.

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Yeah, it’s gloomy in here.

Да, тут мрачновато.

Well, it is a little gloomy, I agree.

Здесь, и впрямь, мрачновато.

It’s a bit gloomy…

Мрачновато как-то.

Looking gloomy.


Pretty gloomy, huh?

Мрачновато, да?

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Why are you so gloomy, Maeda?

Да что ты такой грустный, Маэ-тян?

Why so gloomy?

Почему такой грустный?

A gloomy peace brings with the morn. Some shall be pardoned and some punished.

Наш грустный мир приносит дня светило.

Eddie, you seem kind of gloomy.

Эдди? Ты что-то грустный.

I’ve been feeling very gloomy all day!

Я очень грустный весь день!

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No gloomy ones, you understand?

Не унылую, понимаете?

Cheer up that gloomy room of yours no end.

Хорошо освежит вашу унылую комнату.

I still think it looks too gloomy.

Видите, какие унылые?

I’m here to cheer up those gloomy faces of yours!

Как дела? Что это вы все такие унылые?

That’s pretty gloomy.

Это слишком уныло.

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Gloomy days of intoxication.

Темные дни в дурмане

The pictures will be very gloomy.

Кадры будут тёмные.

How can you live in such a gloomy house?

Как вы можете жить в таком темном доме?

Hmph, it’s very gloomy.

Здесь темно.

it’s a gloomy and sordid story, a metaphor of abjectness.

Это темная и грязная история, метафора подлости.

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Your films are so bleak and gloomy

А у вас всё какое-то серое, печальное.

Mama, do you also have the gloomy feeling?

Мама, у тебя тоже бывает серое чувство?

The gloomy feeling.

Серое чувство.

And Sophia has… the gloomy feeling.

У Софии тоже… серое чувство.

I dyed it, so that I’m not gloomy on top as well.

Я крашусь, чтобы вверху тоже все не было серым.

Dear mum, don’t be so gloomy.

Мамочка, не надо грустить.

Anyway, about the crutches… my father said, «Don’t let’s be gloomy.

Значит, про костыли… Папа сказал, «Не надо грустить.

Well, don’t be so gloomy, huh?

Ну и ладно, не грусти.

Don’t look so gloomy, Elvis.

Не грусти, Венерочка.

You’re not getting gloomy, are you, Gus?

Ты же не грустишь, правда?

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Definition of Gloomy

dim; dismal

Examples of Gloomy in a sentence

Because the sky looked gloomy, I took an umbrella to work.


My retirement funds have decreased because of the gloomy economy.


During the funeral, the widow had a gloomy expression on her face.


The marathon is being cancelled because of the gloomy weather.


Looking at the gloomy painting makes me very sad.




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Become a hero in the gloomy world, which is full of enemies.


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Станьте героем в мрачный мир, который полон врагов.


Eugene: No matter how gloomy it sounds, I have to agree with it.


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Евгений: Как бы мрачно это не звучало, я вынужден с этим согласиться.


Give this floral cocktail and gloomy day would become so sunny!


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Подарите этот цветочный коктейль и хмурый день обязательно станет солнечным!


Gloomy and kept experimental, the second album was not that great success.


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Мрачно и экспериментально, второй альбом не принес большого успеха.


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Alliance painted a gloomy picture to creditors- Banks/ Alliance bank.

Harry Potter’s favorite disguise myself, and it looks very dull and gloomy.


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Переодень любимого Гарри Поттера, а то он выглядит очень скучно и мрачно.


Alliance painted a gloomy picture to creditors.

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Dim and gloomy existence is necessary to such successful inhabitant.


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Тусклое и беспросветное существование предстоит такому благополучному обывателю.


Coffee il Vento d’oriente TM’Fragrante’ makes a gloomy day bright a.


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Кофе il Vento d’ Oriente TM« Fragrante» делает хмурый день.


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Ух ты, здесь так мило и мрачно.

But the prospects for altcoins look gloomy in both cases.

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А вот перспективы альткоинов выглядят мрачно в обоих случаях.

It was very dark, dank and gloomy— it seems almost Dickensian,

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В здании было очень темно, сыро и мрачно, как в школах из романов Диккенса.

Low gloomy clouds creeping, almost touching his roof.


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Низкие хмурые тучи ползут, практически касаясь его крыш.


This gloomy picture has changed dramatically and positively over the past six years.


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За последние шесть лет эта мрачная картина радикальным и позитивным образом изменилась.


Here you can find the gloomy atmosphere, mysteries, you can tickle your nerves.


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Здесь можно найти мрачную атмосферу, загадки и тайны, можно пощекотать себе нервы.


Quit with this gloomy face and these answers.

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Оставь это мрачное лицо и такие ответы.

Therefore, there is a gloomy graveyard crosses, monsters, pumpkins and skeletons.


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Поэтому есть мрачное кладбище, кресты, монстрик, тыквы и скелеты.


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Stevenson’s rather gloomy narration atmosphere in some sense comes very

close to science fiction.


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Довольно мрачная атмосфера повествования Стивенсона в какой-то мере приближается к научно-фантастической литературе.


There’s a gloomy face… that matches the day.

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Вот хмурое лицо под стать этому дню.

Once out of that gloomy castle, my health seems to improve.

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Вне стен этого мрачного замка, мое здоровье, кажется, улучшается.

The gloomy economic situation dampened the demand for these commodities.


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Безрадостная экономическая ситуация вела к снижению спроса на эти виды сырья.


The mood of the show ranges from gloomy to ironic, from thought-provoking to humorous.

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Настроение передачи- от мрачного до ироничного, от наводящего на размышления до юмористического.

A gloomy demonstration is observed on the square and population begs for mercy.

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На площади же в это время наблюдается мрачное шествие, народ просит о проявлении милосердия.

His gloomy mood rubbed off on me, and I said softly,

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Его мрачное настроение распространилось на меня, и я тихо сказала:

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Despite the gloomy weather, about 8 thousand people participated in the race.


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Несмотря на пасмурную погоду в воскресенье, в гонке участвовало около 8 тысяч человек.


But that’s enough with the gloomy statistics- let’s talk action.


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Но хватит мрачной статистики- давайте действовать.


Results: 525,
Time: 0.0445





Английский язык для 7-го класса

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Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
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Read the words, look them up and then study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.

  • gloomy [ˈɡluːmi] (adj): gloomy weather, a gloomy day, a gloomy sky. A gloomy person, a gloomy face. Nobody wanted to leave the house on a gloomy day like that. If you say that the sky is gloomy, you mean that the sky is covered with clouds. On that day John looked gloomier than usual.
  • particular [pəˈtɪkjʊlə] (adj): a particular thing, a particular person, a particular place; in particular, nothing in particular, nobody in particular. This particular story is very difficult to read. Let me ask you about one particular student in your class. Are you look- ing for anything in particular?
  • kindly [ˈkʌɪndli] (adj): a kindly woman, a kindly smile. Someone who is kindly is kind and caring. She smiled at us with a kindly smile. The kindly old woman let the boy stay in her house.
  • anxious [ˈaŋ(k)ʃəs] (adj): an anxious face, an anxious look, an anxious person, to be anxious about sth. Let’s go home: Mother will be anxious. Why do you look so anxious? Is anything wrong? Do you know that Martin is very anxious about his job?
  • fussy [ˈfʌsi] (adj): a fussy woman, a fussy parent, to be fussy about sth. Fussy people are difficult to please. I hope the little girl is not fussy about her food. — Tea or coffee? — I’m not fussy.
  • to promise [ˈprɒmɪs] (v): to promise sb a present, to promise to come home early. Did father promise to take us to the circus on Sunday? The child promised to behave well. — Say that you promise. — OK, I promise.
  • a promise (n): to make a promise, to break a promise, to keep a promise. He is always making promises and then breaking them. — Are we going to the stadium to watch a football match on Friday? — Yes, it’s a promise.
  • solemn [ˈsɒləm] (adj): solemn words, a solemn speech, solemn music, a solemn promise. His words sounded so solemn, that I believed him. I give you a solemn promise that I’ll come back and help you.
  • solemnly (adv): to speak solemnly, to nod solemnly, to move solemnly tremendous [trɪˈmɛndəs] (adj): a tremendous idea, a tremendous scene, a tremendous party. We walked through the forest of tremendous old trees. What tremendous news! Have you ever seen such a tremendous view before?
  • to wave [weɪv] (v): to wave one’s hand, to wave to/at sb, to wave in the wind. We waved at our friends from the train. Mother waved goodbye to us from the window.
  • to seem [siːm] (v): to seem nice, to seem important, to seem like a good idea. The temperature seems lower than it is. The medicine seems to be very helpful. The story seems interesting, doesn’t it? murmur [‘m3:mg] (v): to murmur sth. If you murmur something, you say it very quietly, so that not many people can hear what you are saying. The frightened boy could only murmur his name to the teacher.
  • mumble [ˈmʌmb(ə)l] (v): to mumble sth. If you mumble, you speak very quietly and in such a way that your words are difficult to understand. Stop mumbling, please. He mumbled something in answer to my question.
  • to bend [bend] (bent [bent], bent) (v): to bend down, to bend over sth, to bend one’s head. She tried to warm her hands bending over the fire. The boy bent his head, but said nothing. The strong wind made the flowers bend to the ground.
  • a paw [pɔː] (n): a cat’s paw, the paw of a dog. They called their cat Socks because it was a black cat with white paws. Tigers have paws. weight [wert] (n): the weight of the roof, 20 kg in weight, to be of the same weight. I’d like to know the weight of the vegetables. Bananas are usually sold by weight. To put on weight, to lose weight . If you want to lose weight, you should eat less.
  • to weigh [weɪ] (v): How much do you weigh? Do you weigh 60 kilos? He weighed the stone in his hand.

Перевод задания[править | править код]

Прочтите слова, найдите их, а затем изучите словосочетания и предложения, чтобы узнать, как их использовать.

  • мрачный (прил.): мрачная погода, мрачный день, мрачное небо. Мрачный человек, хмурое лицо. Никто не хотел выходить из дома в такой хмурый день. Если вы говорите, что небо мрачное, вы имеете в виду, что небо затянуто облаками. В тот день Джон выглядел мрачнее обычного.
  • особый (прил.): конкретная вещь, конкретный человек, определенное место; в частности, ничего особенного, никого конкретно. Эту историю очень трудно читать. Позвольте мне спросить вас об одном конкретном ученике в вашем классе. Вы ищете что-нибудь конкретное?
  • добрый (прил.): добрая женщина, добрая улыбка. Добрый и заботливый человек. Она ласково улыбнулась нам. Добрая старушка позволила мальчику остаться в своем доме.
  • тревожно (прил.): тревожное лицо, тревожный взгляд, тревожный человек, беспокоиться о ч. Пойдем домой: мама будет беспокоиться. Почему ты выглядишь таким встревоженным? Что-то не так? Вы знаете, что Мартин очень озабочен своей работой?
  • суетливый (прил.): суетливая женщина, суетливая родитель, суетливая о чем-то. Суетливым людям сложно угодить. Надеюсь, девочка не привередлива в еде. — Чай или кофе? — Я не привередливый.
  • обещать (v): пообещать кому-нибудь подарок, пообещать прийти домой рано. Отец обещал отвезти нас в цирк в воскресенье? Ребенок обещал хорошо себя вести. — Скажи, что обещаешь. — Хорошо, обещаю.
  • обещание (сущ.): дать обещание, нарушить обещание, сдержать обещание. Он всегда дает обещания, а затем нарушает их. — Собираемся ли мы в пятницу на стадион смотреть футбольный матч? — Да, это обещание.
  • торжественный (прил.): торжественные слова, торжественная речь, торжественная музыка, торжественное обещание. Его слова звучали так торжественно, что я ему поверил. Я даю вам торжественное обещание, что вернусь и помогу вам.
  • торжественно (нареч.): говорить торжественно, торжественно кивать, торжественно двигаться.
  • потрясающе (прил.): потрясающая идея, потрясающая сцена, грандиозная вечеринка. Мы шли через лес огромных старых деревьев. Какие потрясающие новости! Вы когда-нибудь видели раньше такой потрясающий вид?
  • махать (v): махать рукой, махать в / в sb, махать по ветру. Мы махали друзьям из поезда. Мама помахала нам на прощание из окна.
  • казаться (v): казаться милым, казаться важным, казаться хорошей идеей. Температура кажется ниже, чем есть. Лекарство кажется очень полезным. История кажется интересной, не правда ли? роптать (v): роптать sth. Если вы бормочете что-то, вы говорите это очень тихо, чтобы не многие люди могли услышать то, что вы говорите. Испуганный мальчик мог только шептать учителю свое имя.
  • бормотать (v): бормотать sth. Если вы бормочете, вы говорите очень тихо и так, что ваши слова трудно понять. Перестань бормотать, пожалуйста. Он что-то пробормотал в ответ на мой вопрос.
  • наклониться [наклониться] (наклониться [наклониться], наклониться) (v): наклониться, наклониться над STH, наклонить голову. Она пыталась согреть руки, склонившись над огнем. Мальчик наклонил голову, но ничего не сказал. Сильный ветер заставил цветы наклониться к земле.
  • лапа (сущ.): лапа кошки, лапа собаки. Они назвали своего кота Сокс (носки), потому что это был черный кот с белыми лапами. У тигров есть лапы. вес [wert] (n): вес крыши, равный 20 кг, должен иметь такой же вес. Я хочу знать вес овощей. Бананы обычно продаются на развес. Чтобы поправиться, похудеть. Если вы хотите похудеть, вам следует меньше есть.
  • весить (v): Сколько вы весите? Вы весите 60 кг? Он взвесил камень в руке.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

Forest: If the trees are high and nice, you will inherit a fortune; if you are alone and gloomy in a forest, it indicates that you can’t distinguish who your true friends are; if the forest is on fire, prepare for disaster

That evening the heavens opened upon the world and, depressed by the rain and the generally gloomy outlook, the young man all but gave up hope of ever finding true happiness

When they got to the gloomy hallways at the bottom of the institution, he could see she wasn’t eager to go back into the rain that was still pouring onto the streets

Their gloomy presence conveyed the same

Some days are gloomy, the air thick with pain

irrational postie this side of the Gloomy Forest, now give it ‘ere, could be immediate answer needed, lottery won a million ducits, in fact all sorts ‘of wonderful things!»

“I’m still taking them for a two day hike, maybe not as far as this gloomy canyon but into the forest

Gloomy as night he stands, in act to throw

A north wind blew us strongly through the gloomy day

Even in the gloomy atmosphere, I could see he was extremely handsome

“Oh, child…” He in turn shook his head sorrowfully, stepping past her and clasping his hands behind his back in gloomy rumination

It was unfortunately a repetitive, gloomy tale lived out over and over again in our modern-day societies

There had been so few sunny days since coming to Skyrim, she wondered if the gloomy weather was typical for the province or if she simply had had bad luck

But an unlikely friendship forged over Cyrodilic drink shared on a log in the middle of gloomy Hjaalmarch? Now that was something entirely unexpected

But the new location, decidedly gloomy and ironic as it was, coupled with Mercer’s wheezy DRAFT

And he stared back at his gloomy image

The two ran ahead, hearing the gloomy creatures behind them groaning and hollering in shrill tones

The state, by encouraging, that is, by giving entire liberty to all those who, from their own interest, would attempt, without scandal or indecency, to amuse and divert the people by painting, poetry, music, dancing; by all sorts of dramatic representations and exhibitions; would easily dissipate, in the greater part of them, that melancholy and gloomy humour which is almost always the nurse of popular superstition and enthusiasm

It was too nice a day for gloomy thoughts

It was the same size as the other cells, dank and gloomy

Several years ago we advertised in the Seattle Sunday paper during an especially gloomy, rainy Seattle winter and Seattle folks rang our phones all day

Close behind the town the forest rose in a dense, gloomy wall

Holland leant forward, breaking the gloomy atmosphere that had settled on the room

It was gloomy beneath the canopy, the wet undergrowth making it difficult to see

wrapped in gloomy reflection, and then part

The sky was gloomy, and

What was he doing here in this gloomy place where the moon never shone? Why were the trees packed so tightly together, blocking out the sky?

Discouraged by her comments, Colling did not reply, and they drove in gloomy silence

Celia hoped he could also propose some solution, some idea that would bring hope instead of the gloomy despair and doubt that seemed to hang in the air

The future was looking gloomy

She was stiff and heavy in her body after having sat almost immovable on the ground all afternoon sending gloomy glances at the arrogant man

Something had clearly gone awry with these gloomy predictions

But Faith felt a certain gloomy satisfaction

touch of her skin, the gloomy gray disappearing faster with the more excited she

Now midday, though in Ardara it was always dark and gloomy, Dacian and the

The tall trees made it rather gloomy if we strayed away from the open areas near the river and the various streams

It gave my name a gloomy feeling and Sis didn’t feel comfortable addressing me by anything other than Dai-chan

At first Maggie thought that the hall must once have been a place where nobles gathered to eat and drink, but the more she looked, the more the gloomy atmosphere of the place convinced her that this was not so

The sun began to dip once more and cast a rather gloomy

A resplendent sunny day can become gloomy and rainy in a matter of minutes

There, one can stumble unto the mournful, gloomy and cold underground dungeons where the Japanese used to keep Filipino prisoners during

The black outfit he wears matches his gloomy face

For no man can shine light on these gloomy swamps of the German people and take heed of the traps that line his path unless he has the Word of God as a lamp to guide his feet and a light to shine on his way

But there was little cheer among the returning raiders; their gloomy mood spread to the folk of Eid, when they learned of the tragic fates of Haki and Halfdan

Why are you so gloomy and not cheerful? I answered her and said «O Lady I have been reproached by a very good woman who says that I sinned against her

It was dark and gloomy beneath the trees and Lorna saw that the clouds were settling in from the north; and with a shiver of excitement realized that she was most probably, by the time evening came, going to see her first snow in the Northern Hemisphere

Anyway, with this gloomy mind set, I started for the

He’d painted a gloomy picture of what would happen if someone else got their

can exit this gloomy place

Right now, sitting in the shadows with a gloomy expression, Thalia looked a lot like one of the Hunters

Chiron’s expression was gloomy

The dog still howled, and his was a gloomy sound

He could see himself standing over his own body in a dark and gloomy wilderness

Everything in the forest was now becoming dead and gloomy; the trees and plants yelled out for help, and the animals of the forest began to die one after another

only low levels of light into the gloomy interior of the cathedral which

‘ God is the illuminator of the gloomy and the power of those who are faint

Think of the times when you were gloomy and sad

Outside the weather was gloomy, a raw and sullen kind of day, all mist and hopelessness

«Why are you always so gloomy?» Mary was asked

The four-storied building was large, gloomy and wrapped in a thick ivy that covered even the chimney

gloomy you were when you left them? On the other hand, think of times spent

Olivia helplessly acquiesced, and they descended the cliffs, crossed the plateau and once more approached the gloomy, age-haunted ruins

“The boy’s been rather gloomy lately,” Pire mused

He is called Conan, and is himself a barbarian, one of those gloomy Cimmerians whose ferocity our soldiers have more than once learned to their bitter cost

Palace and prison were connected by a long closed gallery, whose vaulted roof rose on gloomy arches

He had his opportunity to kill Conan, and he let it pass, engrossed in his own gloomy ruminations

The men murmured, though they did not let their murmurings reach the ears of their implacable master, who tramped the poop day and night in gloomy majesty, or pored over ancient charts and time- yellowed maps, reading in tomes that were crumbling masses of worm-eaten parchment

‘What are we to do, then?’ asked Balthus uneasily, grasping his ax as he stared at the gloomy arches above him

They turned down a smaller corridor, done in jet and black jade, gloomy and awful, which ended at a brass door, over whose arch a human skull grinned horrifically

All men were familiar with the sight of those gloomy craft; and the most fanatical votary of Mitra would not dare touch or interfere with their somber voyages

With his hand on his hilt he peered into the gloomy arches

Mainwaring’s naturally gloomy face tightened as he ran his tongue along the inside of his dentures

The few bay trees interspersed among the smaller pond cypress served to cover the yard with gloomy darkness, none able to match the stately height or signature shadow of the regal river cypress

It truly was a vast animal graveyard that disappeared into the gloomy distance – a visual dreamlike reality

(Bit gloomy, but I think there is something of this in all of us sometimes)

“But why such gloomy

It was a gloomy and drizzly day in Ratio World, in the area of the Fantasy Hunters’ office, at least

Within the gloomy bedroom stood a four-poster bed, in which laid a motionless body

However, after additional consideration, she finally decided that she was most certainly going to attend her own wedding and, after being offered a hideously heavy and gloomy traditional Bedouin dress, Musab was able to produce a lovely cream coloured satin gown that softened her disapproval of the process

When I go straight to my room, the door was open and I saw Kyoshiro sitting down near the window looking gloomy

By the gloomy expression on his face Murbella realized that it was not a wise move to have brought up the prophecy to the Rakai

A pack of gufders, resting under the gloomy shade of a pihok tree, had picked up the sounds of the mynamathers

Inside the dark and gloomy space he saw pieces of things hanging out of the roof

He felt a gloomy cloud over him

rejection for that gloomy day

But while the adversaries forgot the war to remember things of the past, Úrsula had the gloomy feeling that her son was an intruder

Many of them did not even know why they were fighting in the midst of that motley crowd, whose differences of values were on the verge of causing an internal explosion, one gloomy authority stood out: General Te6filo Vargas

The entire area appeared to be gray and gloomy

She had been born and raised in a city six hundred miles away, a gloomy city where on ghostly nights the coaches of the viceroys still rattled through the cobbled streets, Thirty-two belfries tolled a dirge at six in the afternoon

What a gloomy prospect this, to find one’s final resting place away from light, sharing one’s eternal bed with ex-monsters

She kept on thinking about him during the arduous muleback crossing of the hallucinating plateau where Aureliano Segundo had become lost when he was looking for the most beautiful woman who had ever appeared on the face of the earth, and when they went over the mountains along Indian trails and entered the gloomy city in whose stone alleys the funereal bronze bells of thirty-two churches tolled

She was still thinking about Mauricio Babilonia, his smell of grease, and his halo of butterflies, and she would keep on thinking about him for all the days of her life until the remote autumn morning when she died of old age, with her name changed and her head shaved and without ever having spoken a word, in a gloomy hospital in Cracow

Its body was covered with rough hair, plagued with small ticks, and the skin was hardened with the scales of a remora fish, but unlike the priest’s description, its human parts were more like those of a sickly angel than of a man, for its hands were tense and agile, its eyes large and gloomy, and on its shoulder blades it had the scarred-over and calloused stumps of powerful wings which must have been chopped off by a woodsman’s ax

He had given himself the permission denied by Fernanda and only once and for the minimum time necessary, so without pausing he went along the eleven blocks that separated the house from the narrow street where dreams had been interpreted in other days and he went panting into the confused and gloomy place where there was barely room to move

Gabriel had turned in his return ticket in order to stay in Paris, selling the old newspapers and empty bottles that the chambermaids threw out of a gloomy hotel on the Rue Dauphine

The supper had been a somber, nearly gloomy affair that had upset Miriam of Magdala to no small degree

who Pantat is, he is one gloomy SOB

about this gloomy country

gloomy and nothing was said until we arrived at Guy Metro near

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