The word genius in a sentence

Synonym: gift, inspiration, intelligence, master, prodigy, talent, wizard. Antonym: idiot. Similar words: eugenic, intelligence agency, cranium, aluminium, penis, denial, enigma, senile. Meaning: [‘dʒɪːnɪəs]  n. 1. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality 2. unusual mental ability 3. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field 4. exceptional creative ability 5. a natural talent. 

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(1) Genius without educaton is like silver in the mine. 

(2) Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. 

(3) Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. 

(4) Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. 

(5) Genius often betrays itself into great errors. 

(6) Rules and modesty destroy genius and art. 

(7) Genius only means hard-working all one’s life . 

(8) Greatest genius often lies concealed.

(9) I know no such thing as genius, it is nothing but labour and diligence. 

(10) Genius is formed in quiet, character in the strenm of life. 

(11) Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life. 

(12) Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. 

(13) When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by his sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. 

(14) His work bears the unmistakable stamp of genius.

(15) Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.

(16) ‘The man is a genius[],’ marvelled Claire.

(17) This is a work of indisputable genius.

(18) He’s some kind of mathematical genius.

(19) Adversity is the midwife of genius.

(20) Her idea was a stroke of genius.

(21) No double diligence, neither can, no genius.

(22) It is rare to find such genius nowadays.

(23) The film reveals Fellini’s genius.

(24) Li Bai was a great genius.

(25) Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius.

(26) Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results.

(27) love the hard science, hard work out of genius.

(28) Perseverance can somtimes equal genius in its results.

(29) His genius was neglected for several years.

(30) No one is born a genius.Just keep on doing what you like and that itself is a talent.

More similar words: eugenic, intelligence agency, cranium, aluminium, penis, denial, enigma, senile, even if, senior, zenith, opening, lenient, evening, serenity, juvenile, penitent, enigmatic, happening, denigrate, screening, gardening, penitence, gene, glistening, impenitent, convenient, agent, genre, inconvenient.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word genius, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use genius in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «genius».

Genius in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word genius in a sentence.

  1. They did a genius job on it.».

  2. We’re not quite genius like him, I think.

  3. His genius runs to various schools and styles.

  4. The Latin genius flashes from the kitchen pans.

  5. He’s also such a genius when it comes to lyrics.».

  6. Her portrayal of Romeo was considered genius by many.

  7. But is there in art any originality of genius without naïveté?

  8. Eliot, if I didn’t think Dylan a genius of and with language.».

  9. The vestibule features a ceiling fresco of Pheme with a genius.

  10. She offered readers the first representation of a female genius.

  11. Palfrey also praised Holmes, referring to him as «a man of genius ..

  12. Yeats said that Synge was «the greatest dramatic genius of Ireland».

  13. According to his brother Jack, «[h]e always considered Nixon a genius.».

  14. Conductor Kent Nagano remarked in the same issue that «Frank is a genius.

  15. Critics also consider Steinbock important because of his artistic genius.

  16. Shakespeare combined poetic genius with a practical sense of the theatre.

  17. Is this to be an ever-recurring celebration of the arrival of Irish genius?

  18. The presiding genius of the Elder years has, of course, been David Pountney.

  19. Lind’s genius as a singer was unbounded, as was his desire for her success.».

  20. Tom’s son, Tom Swift, Jr., is now the primary inventive genius of the family.

  21. We can easily prove that Benjamin was the only genius in the Confederate cabinet.

  22. Gilbert, Arthur Sullivan, and their catalyst business genius, Richard D’Oyly Carte.

  23. This is the triumph of genius; that, surviving the centuries, enlightens the world.

  24. Both of them were strongly influenced by Saint-Saëns, whom they revered as a genius.

  25. Sherwood also defended MGM’s cutting of the film and called von Stroheim «a genius ..

  26. Beiderbecke was portrayed as a tragic genius along the lines of Ludwig van Beethoven.

  27. In Hensher’s judgement, «Wagner was a genius, but also a fairly appalling human being.

  28. The Emperor brainwashes Clancers to kidnap the visiting robotics genius Professor Theo.

  29. She refused, saying that after being married to one genius, she could only marry another.

  30. Lambert’s genius and philosophical erudition are reflections of Balzac’s self-conception.

  31. He observed, «Wagner, though a tremendous genius, gorged music like a German who overeats.

  32. Jackson was seen as a stylish and elegant batsman, with a genius for timing and placement.

  33. In the advertisement, she defends writing a reality-based «fiction» about a female genius:.

  34. Thus he demonstrates Balzac’s conviction that genius alone is useless without determination.

  35. Other allegations center on Murray Chotiner, painting him as the evil genius of the campaign.

  36. By birth a child of New EnglandBy adoption a citizen of RomeBy genius belonging to the world.

  37. Lodge later concluded, «Once again, brother Nhu proves to be the evil genius in Diệm’s life.».

  38. It has towers and decoration and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of.».

  39. In the 19th century, critical admiration for Shakespeare’s genius often bordered on adulation.

  40. That he did represent the genius of the average is the most convincing proof of his strength.».

  41. His genius was to repackage these antiquated adventures to fit the fashion of postwar Britain ..

  42. Chad Lindberg portrayed the genius Ash, who uses his vast computer skills to track the paranormal.

  43. He possessed a great capacity for taking pains, which, it has been said, is the mark of a genius ..

  44. Sebastian, a quiet and lonely genius who provides a compassionate yet compliant portrait of humanity.

  45. An anonymous review from the time called Wright «a very great and uncommon genius in a peculiar way».

  46. Rosen believes that in the composer’s later years, without losing his craft or genius, he «renounced ..

  47. To cut the knot, which calm prudence was puzzled to untie, was worthy of the magnificence of his genius.

  48. Starting with that appearance and thereafter, Bob has assumed the role on The Simpsons of an evil genius.

  49. Bradman interpreted Morris’ unorthodox methods—he often defended with his bat not straight—as a sign of genius.

  50. By the middle of the century his genius was noted as much for its intellectual as for its imaginative strength.

Synonyms for genius

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word genius has the following synonyms: ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wi, brilliance, flair, mastermind, brain, brainiac, Einstein and wizardry.

General information about «genius» example sentences

The example sentences for the word genius that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «genius» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «genius».

гений, гениальность, одаренность, гениальный человек, гениальная личность


- тк. sing одарённость; гениальность

a men of genius — гениальный человек
Goethe had genius — Гёте был гениальным писателем
the impress of genius — печать гениальности
it is a work of genius — это гениальное произведение
there’s genius in the way this was painted — эта картина была написана гениально

- (pl -niuses) гений, гениальный человек, гениальная личность

Shakespeare was a true genius. — Шекспир был поистине гением.

- тк. sing талант; склонность; способность

genius for /to/ acting — актёрский талант
to have a genius for music — обладать большими музыкальными способностями
he has a genius for making friends — у него особый талант заводить друзей /сходиться с людьми/, он гений общения
he’s got a genius for saying the wrong thing — он вечно говорит не то, что следует

- (pl -nii) гений, дух

good genius — добрый гений (человека)
tutelar(y) genius — ангел-хранитель
he is my evil genius — он мой злой гений

- (pl -niuses) чувства, настроения, связанные с каким-л. местом
- (pl -niuses) дух (века, времени, языка, закона, нации и т. п.)

the genius of the Renaissance period — дух эпохи Возрождения
the French genius — дух французского народа
war is repugnant to the genius of the people — война противна духу народа
the genius of our language is its use of short words which do not change their endings — специфика нашего языка состоит в употреблении коротких слов, окончания которых не изменяются

Мои примеры


a towering genius of his time — выдающийся гений своего времени  
a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius — угрюмый молодой гений, почти что мизантроп  
the highest development of his genius — полное раскрытие его гения.  
rare genius — редкая, исключительная одарённость  
spark of genius — проблеск гениальности  
man of genius — гениальный человек  
to demonstrate / show genius — проявлять гениальность  
artistic genius — гениальный актёр  
budding genius — юное дарование  
inventive genius — гениальный изобретатель  
a transcendent genius — исключительная одарённость  
evil genius — злой гений (человека)  

Примеры с переводом

Shakespeare was a true genius.

Шекспир был поистине гением.

Goethe had genius

Гёте был гениальным писателем

My father was a genius at storytelling.

Мой отец был гениальным рассказчиком.

It was a stroke of genius.

Это было гениально.

Leonardo da Vinci was a universal genius

Леонардо да Винчи был гением-универсалом

He’s admired for his comic genius.

Им восхищаются за его комедийный гений /талант/.

He’s a genius at home decoration.

Он гений по части украшения дома.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Warhol’s genius for publicity

Chaplin’s comic genius is preserved on celluloid.

The man was a genius. We shall not see his like again.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): genius
мн. ч.(plural): geniuses

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Very simple: I need a programming genius who knows physics and chemistry.


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Тут все просто: мне нужен гениальный программист, знающий физику и химию.


Hey, genius, it’s not about the money.

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Эй, умник, мы здесь не из-за денег.

Luc Allamand, genius businessman, has just received the most surprising news in his life.

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Люк Аламанд, гениальный бизнесмен, только что получил самую удивительную новость за всю свою жизнь.

What genius invented the keyboard?

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И какой умник придумал эти клавиатуры?

The Gnome Genius trip can be tracked on the map.

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Путешествие Гномика Гениуса можно отслеживать на карте.

It was here in 1746, gave a concert of genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


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Именно здесь в 1746 году давал концерт гениальный Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт.


Okay genius, but the title is Chang does Greendale, oh wait.

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Ладно, умник, но оно называется» Ченг имеет Гриндейл»… постойте- ка.

And Genius, the State Prosecutor.

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И Умник, он же Государственный Прокурор.

A genius like him tied to a girl like her forever?

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Навсегда ли привязываются гении, как он с девушкой, как она?

Well, genius, there is an orange tree in the backyard.

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Слушай, умник, там во дворе апельсиновое дерево.

We’re an advanced, genius alien race just looking for a home.

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Мы высокоразвитая, гениальная инопланетная раса, которая ищет новый дом.

Now everywhere the genius of mathematical analysis and forecasting of currencies.

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Сейчас везде одни гении матанализа и прогнозирования валют».

Each nation has its genius who has an enormous creative consciousness.


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У каждого народа есть гении, обладающие пламенным творческим сознанием.


Between your genius and my nothing, we make a great team!

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С твоей гениальностью и моей никчемностью, мы составляем отличную команду!

It’s Locke’s genius idea to go turn the wheel again.

Genius wants to get out on the street and work this.

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Умник хочет вернуться на улицу и все разузнать.

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Don’t eat, genius. You won’t be able to talk.

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Не ешь, умник Ты не сможешь разговаривать.

Wedding Dresses from the Spanish brand to conquer the beauty of fabrics and silhouettes genius!


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Свадебные платья от испанского бренда покоряют красотой ткани и гениальностью силуэтов!


J-Bird, and I have a genius idea on how to find this actress.

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Джулс- птичка, у меня есть гениальная идея, как найти эту актрису.

I have already seen it, genius.

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Тогда развяжи его, умник!

In scientific research,

there’s a very thin line between stupid and genius.

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В свое оправдание:

в научных исследованиях очень тонкая грань меж глупостью и гениальностью.

But you must be for pissing off a genius.

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Мы следили за тобой, умник.

We never had the genius of your father.

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Results: 2271,
Time: 0.0248





Sentences with the word Genius?



  • «the nearest approach to genius«
  • «Mozart was a child genius«; «he’s smart but he’s no Einstein»
  • «a budding genius«
  • «arrive home at a reasonable hour»; «commonsense scholarship on the foibles of a genius«; «unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated»
  • «a dark scowl»; «the proverbially dour New England Puritan»; «a glum, hopeless shrug»; «he sat in moody silence»; «a morose and unsociable manner»; «a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius«- Bruce Bliven; «a sour temper»; «a sullen crowd»
  • «he isn’t stupid, but he isn’t exactly a genius either»; «I don’t know either»; «if you don’t order dessert I won’t either»
  • «Fear God as your father»; «We venerate genius«
  • «he has a flair for mathematics»; «he has a genius for interior decorating»
  • «the path of virtue»; «we went our separate ways»; «our paths in life led us apart»; «genius usually follows a revolutionary path»
  • «the taproot of his resentment»; «genius and insanity spring from the same taproot»
  • «untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient»; «an untutored genius«; «uneducated children»

Not to be confused with genus, the word genius is a fairly common one. However, just because we hear the word genius everywhere does not mean that we really know what it means. Thankfully, the Word Counter is here to help with a guide to the meaning of genius, so you can get one step closer to becoming one.

What Does the Word Genius Mean?

According to Collins English Dictionary, the noun genius refers to a person who is highly intelligent, creative, or talented. It can also refer to the concept of that intelligence or talent. The word genius is two syllables (gen-ius), and the pronunciation of genius is dʒiːniəs

According to Dictionary, the word genius can also refer to a Roman myth in which a person has one guiding spirit that leads them from birth to death. This guardian can also guide an institution or a group of people. In ancient legend, this could be an evil spirit, demon, or ​tutelary deity that is good or bad. This type of spirit also exists in Arabian mythology as a jinn or demon.

What Are Translations of the Word Genius?

Geniuses exist all over the world in many forms. Therefore, it is inevitable that languages around the world created their own words for genius, which are listed below. 

This list of translations of the word genius can give you the ability to communicate with people who speak other languages about the concept of genius and geniuses:

  • Turkish: dahi‎
  • Sorani: بلیمه‌ت‎
  • Korean: 천재‎ (天才‎)
  • Hungarian: géniusz‎, zseni‎, lángész‎, lángelme‎
  • Tagalog: henyo‎
  • Spanish: genio‎ (masc.), genia‎ (fem.)
  • Irish: duine ardéirime‎ (masc.)
  • Macedonian: гениј‎, генијалец‎
  • Mandarin: 人才‎ (réncái), 天才‎
  • German: Genie‎ (neut.)
  • Slovene: genij‎ (masc.)
  • Vietnamese: bậc anh tài‎
  • Galician: xenio‎ (masc.)
  • Basque: jeinu‎
  • Dutch: genie‎ (neut.)
  • Azeri: dahi‎
  • Malay: pintar‎
  • Latvian: ģēnijs‎ (masc.)
  • Thai: อัจฉริยบุคคล‎ (àtchàríyá bùkkon)
  • Catalan: geni‎ (masc.)
  • Russian: ге́ний‎ (masc.)
  • Khmer: ទេពារក្ស‎ (teipiereak)
  • Welsh: athrylith‎ (masc.) (f)
  • Bulgarian: гений‎
  • Finnish: nero‎
  • Polish: geniusz‎ (masc.)
  • Czech: génius‎ (masc.)
  • Greek: μεγαλοφυία‎ (fem.), ιδιοφυία‎ (fem.)
  • Japanese: 天才‎ (てんさい, tensai)
  • Esperanto: geniulo‎
  • Persian: نابفه‎ (nâbeğe)
  • Icelandic: snillingur‎ (masc.)
  • Romanian: geniu‎ (neut.)
  • Arabic: عَبْقَرِيّ‎
  • Portuguese: génio‎ (masc.) (Portugal), gênio‎ (masc.) (Brazil)
  • French: génie‎ (masc.)
  • Estonian: geenius‎
  • Swedish: geni‎ (neut.)
  • Hawaiian: akamai‎
  • Armenian: հանճար‎
  • Indonesian: genius‎, jenius‎

What Is the Etymology of Genius?

According to Your Dictionary of the English Language, the word genius comes from the original Latin genius. This refers to the secondary definition of genius as a person’s guardian spirit. The Latin genius stems from the Latin gignere, meaning to beget or to produce. Gignere comes from the Old Latin genre and its root gen, which also gives us words like genus.

How Can the Word Genius Be Used in a Sentence?

The word genius is versatile and can be used to describe many people who are talented in various ways. To get a sense of how to use the word genius in a sentence, reference the examples below. Then, see if you can use this word of the day in conversation today!

Destiny was an evil genius; a child prodigy with a high IQ, it was her inborn nature to be incredible at mathematics. However, she decided to use her exceptional ability and natural talent for evil, not good.

Da Vinci was a man of genius in many ways; a man of superior intellectual faculties and the superior power of invention, he was a special success for many kinds of action. This distinctive character was on the same level as Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.

The young genius had exceptional intellectual ability; however, she struggled to use such ability to have great influence over others. Her inspiration worked best behind the scenes, from her poetry to her musical genius.

She was a genius when it came to design; the woman was able to use her special taste to find new combinations of pieces. Her extraordinary creative process and uncommon vigor of mind caused her to quickly rise to the top of the interior decorating field.

What Are Synonyms of the Word Genius?

Sometimes genius just isn’t the right word for a particular situation; in this case, you can use a synonym. A synonym is a word that has the same or a similar definition as another word or phrase. If you’re looking for a synonym for the word genius, this list from Power Thesaurus is sure to help:

  • ability
  • ace
  • adept
  • aptitude
  • artistry
  • bent
  • brain
  • brainiac
  • brains
  • brilliance
  • brilliant
  • capability
  • capacity
  • champion
  • cleverness
  • demon
  • egghead
  • einstein
  • expert
  • expertise
  • facility
  • faculty
  • flair
  • gift
  • hotshot
  • ingenuity
  • intellect
  • intellectual
  • intelligence
  • knack
  • maestro
  • master
  • mastermind
  • maven
  • mavin
  • mind
  • prodigy
  • savant
  • scholar
  • sensation
  • skill
  • star
  • superstar
  • talent
  • thinker
  • virtuoso
  • whiz
  • wizard
  • wizardry

What Are Antonyms of the Word Genius?

To learn words that mean the opposite of the word genius, this list of antonyms of genius from Power Thesaurus can help get you started:

  • amateur
  • as daft as a brush
  • berk
  • bird-brain
  • blockhead
  • boob
  • clod
  • clot
  • clown
  • coocoo
  • cretin
  • damn fool
  • disorganised person
  • dolt
  • donkey
  • doofus
  • dope
  • dumb
  • dumb as a bag of hammers
  • dumb as a box of rocks
  • dumbbell
  • dummy
  • dunce
  • fat-headed
  • fathead
  • fool
  • gander
  • glimmer
  • goof
  • half-wit
  • halfwit
  • idiot
  • ignoramus
  • imbecile
  • inability
  • incapacity
  • jackass
  • moron
  • nincompoop
  • nitwit
  • simpleton
  • stupid
  • stupid person
  • turkey


Overall, the word genius commonly refers to distinguished mental superiority, uncommon intellectual power, or a peculiar structure of mind, as well as extraordinary intelligence and aptitude of mind. 

Genius can take many forms, from artistic genius to mathematical genius. Someone who is a genius might have a high intelligence quotient or a special understanding for one domain. This can also be used to refer to the guardian spirit of a person or guardian spirit of a place.


  1. Genius synonyms – 2 140 Words and Phrases for Genius | Power Thesaurus 
  2. Genius antonyms – 1 819 Opposites of Genius | Power Thesaurus 
  3. Genius Definition & Meaning | 
  4. ​Genius Meaning | Best 25 Definitions of Genius | Your Dictionary
  5. Genius definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

The genius of Obagi is that it deals more with skin health rather than skin beautification –

This database is the realm of genius; because to be

by virtue of his birth has access to genius

He then had stared at it into seeing genius

It doesn’t take a genius to work out what went wrong

“Stupidity is often confused with genius,” Roman said wiping the last of

Now where are those lists? They should be in that filing tray … What a heap of papers! Ah, bingo! Good old Caroline, in one of her moments of sheer genius, went and marked up all the class lists so that younger siblings are crossed out

He’s a genius Heather

A score of one fifty or higher is considered genius

“When these genius types run out of work they start screwing with each

“Find work in a factory? Are you hearing me mother? He’s a genius and

Heather tells us that you’re a genius, Roman

he was for a genius

The man is a genius when it comes to carpentry

I’m sure it was too farfetched for that genius mind of his to grab hold of,

Naturally my sister was a genius and she always would get about the highest grades in her class and always get first honors and I had to suffer because of that

genius think at a time like this, in a situation there is no way out of, in a problem

The difference between the genius of the British constitution, which protects and governs North America, and that of the mercantile company which oppresses and domineers in

One didn’t have to be a genius to work out that, in the long term, the fair folk’s position was untenable

Drau’d was a genius builder, his talents easily adapting to defensive construction of the battlefield

I was most impressed with what Stephen Hawking (described by some as «the most prominent genius of this world») had to say, at the time, about ‘wormholes’

how I had made fun of this genius of a man, and his ingenious

So who’s the true genius? Who came up with the idea first!

Jista is a genius, with unequaled insight and intuition, in my experience

Such a waste of genius! But the balance is

’ Monty knew the agency prized his cleverness but think too far outside the box and they might decide your genius wasn’t worth the risk

He remembered one student saying that the guy who designed that courthouse was considered an American genius, but Martin laughed as he paused and looked at its heavy, ugly walls, before entering the Plaza Cafeteria

The genius of exclusive companies, besides, is unfavourable, it has already been observed, to the growth of new colonies, and has probably been the principal cause of the little progress which they have made in the East Indies

“Well, yeh, they were depressing times no doubt, but that guy was a genius, for his time

Such advantageous situations have enabled those two colonies to surmount all the obstacles which the oppressive genius of an exclusive company may have occasionally opposed to their growth

But in the manner in which they both govern their new subjects, the natural genius of an exclusive company has shewn itself most distinctly

But if the genius of such a government, even as to what concerns its direction in Earope, is in this manner essentially, and perhaps incurably faulty, that of its administration in India is still more so

The genius of the administration, therefore, so far as concerns the trade of the company, is the same as that of the direction

As he walked in the darkness on his way there, he thought how the whole concept of Fallingwater represented the genius of the American experiment

A genius who would struggle to live as a scientist amongst those who were surpassing

Wright, a fellow Welshman, was no doubt a genius

Not that he was the aloof genius the media had made him out to be

When they have been allowed to act according to their natural genius, they have always, in order to confine the competition to as small a number of persons as possible, endeavoured to subject the trade to many burdensome regulations

We raised a sceptical eyebrow at this information thinking which genius on the staff had thought this one up

Upon the first dawning of his genius, it was represented to him, that by going into the church he could easily find a much more quiet and comfortable subsistence, as well as a better situation for pursuing his studies; and he immediately followed the advice

He is supposedly some sort of genius

Sheer liberal genius (read: imbecility

The man with the blue eyes was deep in conversation about higher consciousness and how all the prophets, artists, poets and many of the Nobel Peace Prize winners had embraced natural highs to reach their true genius and potential and helped to make the world a better place

He walked up to the archways that stood around the base of the building, marvelling at the genius of its architecture

I think it was Aristotle who said, “There was never a genius without a touch of madness

That afternoon, Tony Reilly took over the offense and made me look like a genius

It didn’t take a genius to realize that Coal was fond of him and that he, in fact, now had a lady in his life

You are as clever as a tree full of owls in your own eyes, even if the professors don’t recognise your genius yet! By your fifth year it takes a few hours of thinking to reach a decision and after twenty years in private practise it takes at least a week

Although it is unlikely that aging societies will……or could, for that matter, be restored to their former rank, (age has a manner of setting limits on its own resiliencies or ability to heal itself), each retains a remarkable capacity (or genius) for transforming itself into something new, that is vibrant and wholesome although not altogether new however retaining, in some manner, its former character; allowing a society to maintain its relevancy in a changing environment in search of a ―new‖ identity

This measure, while upsetting the bi-cameral symmetry that remains the underlining genius behind our form of government, would likely invest (disproportionate) political influence in the hands of citizens residing in relatively fewer, however more densely populated states

The genius behind Capitalism, however, is that it is self-correcting whenever left to its own market devices

Churchill, he wasn’t exactly known as a tactical and strategic genius, in spite of his carefully-dramatic word-play in the House

was widely regarded as a military genius, perhaps most of all by himself

Howard-Smythe was a genius

I feel a lot better—you’re a genius!” McKenzie recovered quickly enough to say “Well, that’s enough for today, come back tomorrow for another treatment

Now what? Should she mention what George had said about his problems? No, but saying nothing went further than just protecting Truman: it didn’t take a genius to know that a person who was witness to such things could easily be in grave personal danger, particularly with politicians and corrupt police involved

As I uttered these words, I suddenly had a flash of genius or perhaps insanity:

Almost an inspiration! Clive really was a genius, in some ways

has defined genius as the capacity for hard work

Genius is more than that — much more; but no

listen to the finished art of the master genius, is the

The death of a dear friend, wife, brother, lover, which seemed nothing but privation, somewhat later assumes the aspect of a guide or genius; for it commonly operates revolutions in our way of life

Trusting his genius brother, Russell slipped the Zip-Linq over his head

‘Only a genius like you could think of a plan like that

And even if by some stroke of luck or genius that he couldn’t really bother to believe in at that time he did somehow escape, there was no telling whether he’d be on time

We can find a mean mark and rate very good IQ and set a mark for the dumb and the genius

A historic innovation, and genius mechanics

One ambassador said, “To suggest the evidence for the trials was faked would be to suppose (in Stalin) the creative genius of Shakespeare

intelligence, solve the problem, a genius, in terms of memory and attention, however, IQ is not

— For starters, do not build that machine, genius!

Luke was in amazement that a man labeled as a genius in science would have had to conduct a research on a field of study he was known for

I tried to imagine how an exorcist genius like him could ever feel fear, when his phone began to flash

retained and harnessed, it lifts man to the levels of a genius

expression into another form that will lift one to the status of a genius

must be interested in starting the journey towards creative genius and

becoming a creative genius at his work while he continues to enjoy

then such a person could be called a sexual genius

inherent genius and the sixth sense for success that can never happen

There were several holes in the floor like he’d put up a good fight, but even a genius like him didn’t stand a chance

creative genius that will lead to success

One genius told me, “I can feel the power within me

The owner responds, «Genius, my ass

but a man with a genius for reality! This world of mine cannot be

It may have been genius, but it was ugly, so ugly I called

It was their genius that created the institutions that allow all men and women to strive for a better and more beautiful existence for themselves and their families

It was in one amazing “scattered setting” that the political genius of the framers of the Constitution for the first time formed in words a society that allows the better attributes of each individual to be encouraged and released to exploit the potential that is there

The trailer was another of Pa’s genius ideas

genius if you had an axe to grind

In the phenomenal genius

It is the genius of that race to create problems of a moral character in whatever business they achieve a majority

Being a sociopath and a genius are traits that sort independently in the makeup of the personality structure

As Johnnie Babcock later put it, a public relations genius, which my father was, clearly relishes the opportunity to crown a prince or king, providing it is he who also is feted

He was a genius with figures; for him, statistics was a walk in the park

“And I won’t have you filling my head full of hot air, like it was an act of genius or something!”

“But where’s genius?”

Roy was a genius

Whalen, Ithaca College, said, “Roy had that rare combination of business genius and personal insight that enabled superb service to his industry and to education…

He prided himself on what a stroke of genius it

I am wary of the word «genius,» but I am forced, reluctantly, to so describe Leoba

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