Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word gaze, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use gaze in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «gaze».
Gaze in a sentence
Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word gaze in a sentence.
The gaze of the sitter rarely engages the viewer.
Van Gogh’s gaze is seldom directed at the viewer.
Several takes were done to cover MacNicol’s gaze.
Eve avoids Adam’s gaze, although, according to Walter S.
JAMES COOK DISCOVERER OF HAWAII; thus, his gaze is westward.
Báez’s portraits continue to question the idea of the male gaze.
Now draw up to the fire an’ gaze into the embers …gaaaaze into ’em deep!
The two girls gaze out wistfully from beneath the outstretched arms of Mrs.
They gaze reverently at the newborn figure of Jesus who lies on Mary’s robe.
His coal-black eyes are rigidly focused in a gaze that expresses compelling force.
Her eyes gaze downward in humility, in contrast to her relatively extravagant clothes.
Diane’s prolonged eye-contact with Dan at Winkie’s is another example of the trans gaze.
He turns to lash Tuptim, but under Anna’s gaze is unable to swing the whip, and hurries away.
Nerone and Poppea sing a rapturous love duet («I gaze at you, I possess you») as the opera ends.
I tried to ignore but his gaze held my eyes when he told me the truth about the basket of lies».
According to film scholar Richard Dyer, Monroe’s star image was crafted mostly for the male gaze.
They gaze toward the legend IN GOD WE TRUST, the only one of the national mottos usually present on U.S.
Darcy’s gaze through the window works as a movie screen, projecting Elizabeth’s actions for him and the viewer.
At the song’s conclusion, Ono sits beside Lennon at the piano; they gaze at one another, and then kiss briefly.
Damon is torn between his desire to watch her and the «delicate refinement» of knowing he should avert his gaze.
The final shot, in which Anne and Wentworth gaze into the ocean, was taken from the 1984 historical film The Bounty.
Pat Nixon later stated that her rapt gaze was because she did not know exactly what he would say, and wanted to hear.
His gaze has «une puissance» («a power»), which he tries not to use, since it has brought him nothing but misery in the past.
While removed from the public’s gaze, Dylan and the Band made music very different from the recordings of other major artists.
The Infanta, however, stands in full illumination, and with her face turned towards the light source, even though her gaze is not.
When I gaze at a sunset sky and spend hours contemplating its marvellous ever-changing beauty, an extraordinary emotion overwhelms me.
In South African mythology, Betelgeuse was perceived as a lion casting a predatory gaze toward the three zebras represented by Orion’s Belt.
In 1967, secluded from public gaze, Dylan recorded over 100 songs at his Woodstock home and in the basement of the Hawks’ nearby house, «Big Pink».
This element of the coronation service is considered sacred and is concealed from public gaze; it was not photographed in 1937 or televised in 1953.
Finally, from the intensity of Adam’s gaze, it can be concluded that he is experiencing sexual arousal and the primal urge to reproduce for the first time.
Art historian Charles de Tolnay believed that, through the seductive gaze of Adam, the left panel already shows God’s waning influence upon the newly created earth.
Tuttle and other critics have interpreted the gaze of Adam upon his wife as lustful, and indicative of the Christian belief that humanity was doomed from the beginning.
Writing for The Guardian, Martin Amis remarked that «the seriousness and steadiness of [Winslet’s] gaze effectively suggest the dawning amplitude of the Murdoch imagination».
But she also conveyed the complexity of the young Mrs Hackett’s character through her soft, feminine, pale-blue dress counterpoised by the dramatic black hat and direct gaze.
She is the only figure from this group shown to look directly at Christ and serves as one of the key painterly devices to direct the viewer’s gaze upwards towards the crosses.
Balty considered it likely that the portrait depicts Odaenathus, noting the similarities to the tiara portrait: the eyes are also wide open, and the gaze has the same intensity.
There are differences in posture, gaze and facial expressions in the most common variants of progressive supranuclear palsy, and falling backwards is more common relative to DLB.
The flocculus, a brain lobe thought to be correlated with gaze stabilization (coordination between eyes and body), was large in Carnotaurus and other South American abelisaurids.
This action, Searle claims, effectively destroyed the work’s formal balance and left the listener, like Dante, to gaze upward at the heights of Heaven and hear its music from afar.
In his free time, he would head down to Beale Street, the heart of Memphis’s thriving blues scene, and gaze longingly at the wild, flashy clothes in the windows of Lansky Brothers.
The authors state that Africa is presented from a Western gaze; «what is presented as ‘authentic’ blackness conforms to the projected fantasy of predominantly white gaming audience».
You gaze in and walk on.» Harvey points out that Dylan subsequently elaborated this style of self-deprecatory, absurdist humor into more complex songs, such as «I Shall Be Free No.10» (1964).
He stresses that the lesbian understanding of the film has overshadowed potential trans interpretations; his reading of Diane’s trans gaze is a contribution to the queer narrative of the film.
He noted that the painting is the only «canonized» one depicting the October 1 ceremony, and that other artists have tended to give the people’s perspective, subjecting themselves to Mao’s gaze.
Her acknowledgment is accentuated by the painting’s crop, which focuses the viewer’s gaze in a near-invasive manner that seems to question the relationship between artist, model, patron and viewer.
Rita and Betty then gaze at each other in the mirror «drawing attention to their physical similarity, linking the sequence to theme of embrace, physical coupling and the idea of merging or doubling».
Not only do the life-size proportions of the painting preclude such an appreciation, but also the fact that the heads of the figures are turned in different directions means that our gaze is deflected.
Dhanens observes how Mary’s eyeline extends beyond the horizon of her panel, a common feature of Netherlandish diptychs and triptychs, where the saint’s gaze is directed towards an accompanying image of a donor.
Synonyms for gaze
Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word gaze has the following synonyms: regard and stare.
General information about «gaze» example sentences
The example sentences for the word gaze that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «gaze» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «gaze».
взор, пристальный взгляд, посмотреть, пристально глядеть
существительное ↓
глагол ↓
- пристально глядеть, вглядываться; глазеть; уставиться
- поэт. созерцать
Мои примеры
a cult leader who attracted followers with his magnetic gaze — глава культа, который привлекал последователей своим магнетическим взглядом
the bored gaze of the successful film star — скучающий взгляд успешной кинозвезды
She fixed her gaze on the man. — Она пристально на него посмотрела.
to gaze devouringly at smth. — с жадностью смотреть на что-л.
to drop one’s eyes / gaze — опустить взгляд, потупить взор
to gaze / stare / look fixedly — пристально смотреть
to gaze intently — пристально смотреть
admiring gaze — восхищённый взгляд
intense / rapt / steady / unblinking gaze — пристальный взгляд
wistful gaze — задумчивый взгляд
to give a guiltless gaze — смотреть невинными, честными глазами
intent gaze — пристальный взгляд
steadfast eye / gaze — пристальный взгляд
Примеры с переводом
His gaze settled on her face.
Его взгляд остановился на её лице.
She gave me an innocent gaze.
Она простодушно взглянула на меня.
He didn’t dare to meet her gaze.
Он не посмел встретиться с ней взглядом.
He gazed on Niagara Falls like entranced.
Он как зачарованный смотрел на Ниагарский водопад.
She turned to meet his gaze.
Она повернулась, чтобы встретиться с ним взглядом.
She directed my gaze upward.
Она направила/устремила мой взор вверх.
The climbers stood on top of the mountain, gazing at the splendid view.
Альпинисты стояли на вершине горы, созерцая прекрасную панораму.
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Примеры, ожидающие перевода
She felt foolish and unsure under his piercing gaze.
She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
…a hill from which one can gaze upon the towers of that great and historic city…
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Возможные однокоренные слова
gazer — пристально глядящий человек, наблюдатель
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: gaze
he/she/it: gazes
ing ф. (present participle): gazing
2-я ф. (past tense): gazed
3-я ф. (past participle): gazed
gaze — перевод на русский
Piercing gaze. Deerstalker cap.
Пронзительный взгляд.
» I gaze outside dreaming tenderly of your little hut safe from humidity. »
Я бросаю взгляд, наполненный нежностью, на твою хижину, защищённую от дождей.»
She sensed my gaze.
Она почувствовала мой взгляд.
His languid gaze says more than I can tell.
Его томный взгляд сказал более чем достаточно.
And… how can I say he had a tough gaze.
И потом, у него был, что называется, жёсткий взгляд.
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Is a boy meant to spar with or gaze at a star with?
Парень нужен, чтоб подраться или чтобы вместе смотреть на звёзды ?
I had the androids construct a perfect replica of Stella so that I could gaze upon her and rejoice in her absence.
Вы сбежали от жены и привезли ее сюда. Андроиды создали точную копию Стеллы, чтобы я мог смотреть на нее и наслаждаться ее отсутствием.
No! Don’t stop to gaze at the river.
Не останавливайся смотреть на реку.
You are forbidden to gaze at the book.
Вам запрещено смотреть в книгу.
while Lord Etherington, his look startling with the complication of feelings, remained gazing on the poor woman.
Лорд Эттерингтон, с помрачневшим лицом, продолжал смотреть на бедную женщину.
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Gazing at you I get the heat
Глядя на вас, чyвствyю тепло
Eyore stood there, gazing sadly at the ground.
Иа продолжал стоять, понуро глядя в землю, и Винни-Пух обошёл вокруг него.
I’d also like to add, as I gaze upon your beauty… I’ve never seen an angel fly so low.
Я также хочу добавить, что, глядя на вашу красоту я понимаю, что передо мной ангел.
Gazing out on the forest of stones in the Vézelay basilica, the traveler has no trouble imagining the worst.
Глядя на каменный лес везелевской базилики, Странник может легко представить себе худшее:
My dear Count, to sit gazing at you for any length oftime, drunkenness is absolutely mandatory.
Мой дорогой граф, когда сидишь, глядя на Вас, напиться просто необходимо.
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«His gaze from staring through the bars has grown so weary
«Глаза её, смотревшие так долго сквозь прутья клетки,»
..then I lowered my gaze, without looking at her boobs.
…потом опустил глаза, не глядя на ее грудь.
Hold his gaze,
Глаза — в глаза.
And the bride is blushing now as the groom is gazing into her eyes.
Наша невеста покраснела, когда жених заглянул ей в глаза.
You know, a moment ago, I saw you smile at your colleague, flash her a glance, then shift your gaze.
Знаете, только что я видел, как вы улыбнулись вашей коллеге, Окинули ее взглядом и отвели глаза.
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His gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth and flesh.
Взор его пронизывает облака, тени, землю и плоть.
«When all the major peaks in the European Alps were conquered by man his gaze upward, rushed to distant lands, where giant mountains towering to the sky, reflecting the rays of the sun through the clouds.
«Когда все основные вершины в Европейских Альпах были завоеваны человеком, его взор, направленный вверх, устремился за тридевять земель, где гигантские горы возвышались до самого неба, отражая сквозь облака лучи Солнца.
My gaze fell upon him in particular.
И охотнее, чем на других, останавливала на нем свой взор.
«As you sit here and gaze upon the waters, «please read out loud the poem «by the great Scotsman Robert Burns.
Как только ты присядешь и обратишь взор на море, пожалуйста, прочитай вслух стихотворение, написанное великим шотландским писателем Робертом Бёрнсом.
She is my charge, so avert your gaze.
Она моя забота, убери с неё свой взор.
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It is better than to gaze into sea or sky.
Это лучше, чем любоваться небом и морем.
I loved you as king sometimes as husband but one cannot gaze too long at the sun.
Я любила тебя как короля иногда как мужа но нельзя долго любоваться солнцем.
Where we can gaze into the stars
Где мы сможем любоваться звездами
They want little versions of themselves to gaze up and say «i love you»?
Они хотят иметь свою маленькую копию, чтобы любоваться ей и говорить «я люблю тебя»?
Paddy, honest, I’m really flush. Mimi, chuck yourself under the King’s horse, gaze at your chuff in a mirror, but please, in the spirit of equality, tell me what I owe.
Мими, можешь хоть кидаться под королевскую лошадь, любоваться своей пиздой в зеркале, но пожалуйста, во имя духа равенства, скажи мне, сколько я тебе должен.
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Dare you gaze upon the unspeakable?
Взглянуть на неописуемое?
«All who gaze on the face of the Mayan king shall be struck down by his wrath.»
«Любой, кто осмелится взглянуть в лицо короля Майя будет повержен его гневом.»
And now, let me gaze with reverence
А теперь, дай мне взглянуть с почтением
I nearly wanted to gaze upon your magnificence.
Я лишь хотел взглянуть на твое великолепие.
Then I’ll have to pierce your shell and gaze within?
Тогда мне придется пробить твою защитную скорлупку и взглянуть изнутри?
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Rise, infidel, so that the court may gaze upon your face.
Встань, язычница, чтобы суд смог посмотреть на тебя.
Its just that I came out for a stroll on this wonderful night. to take in the fresh air, and to gaze upon the moon.
Я просто вышел на прогулку в эту прекрасную ночь подышать свежим воздухом и посмотреть на луну.
I’m dying,and I just need to gaze at your beauty one last time,» and then. and then she gets here,and I flash her the artery.
Уя умираю, и € просто хотел посмотреть на твою красоту в последний разФ, а потом, когда она доберетс€ сюда, € поражу еЄ своей артерией.
I can hardly bear to gaze at it.
— Я с трудом заставляю себя посмотреть на неё.
Apologies to your daughter, that I could not linger to gaze upon her.
Передай мои извинения твоей дочери, что я не смог задержаться и посмотреть на неё.
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My Sultan, he’s the one who dared gaze on the Princess twice.
Вот кто осмелился дважды увидеть царевну, великий султан.
Let me gaze upon the champion of capua.
Позволь мне увидеть чемпиона Капуи
But if we win this war, my children’s children may one day… gaze upon a real Catarius.
Но если мы выиграем эту войну, дети моих детей однажды могут… увидеть настоящий катариус.
Yet I would give life to gaze upon forgiveness in your eyes again.
Но я бы отдала жизнь, чтобы увидеть в твоих глаза прощение.
All I wanted was one loving gaze and… one warm word from my father.
Я всего лишь желал… Хоть раз увидеть любящий Ваш взгляд… Одно бы слово доброе услышать…
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You gazed deeply into her eyes and told her you loved her.
Ты так пристально смотрел в ее глаза и говорил, что любишь ее.
Earlier this evening, I happened to gaze out the window and a brassiere caught my eye.
Ранее этим вечером, так получилось, что я пристально смотрел в окно и мне на глаза попался бюстгалтер.
I turned my gaze upon you in Jotunheim, but could neither see you nor hear you.
Я пристально смотрел на вас в Ётунхейме, но не увидел.
I came to this hallowed chamber one year ago… …to restore the American dream for all as we gaze at the horizon of possibilities open to us in the 321 st century.
Я пришел в эту святую комнату год назад с миссией: возродить американскую мечту для всего нашего народа поскольку мы пристально смотрим в обширный горизонт возможностей, открытых для нас в 321 веке.
We stand here all together And gaze at Hodder on high
Мы стоим здесь вместе и пристально смотрим на Ходдера в вышине.
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Definition of Gaze
to stare off, fixing your eyes on something
Examples of Gaze in a sentence
Natalie stood on her hotel balcony, feeling thankful that she could gaze out at the sunset from such an amazing view.
Ben could gaze at Ruby’s face all day long, so in love that he hates to take his eyes off of her.
The doting young mother would gaze into her baby’s eyes all day long if she didn’t have other things to do.
The drill sergeant’s steel gaze scared almost everyone he set his eyes upon.
When window shopping, I usually gaze at the shoes and purses in the store window for at least half an hour.
Other words in the Neutral category:
Most Searched Words (with Video)
Synonym: gape, gawk, stare. Similar words: magazine. Meaning: [geɪz] n. a long fixed look. v. look at with fixed eyes.
1 I shifted uneasily under his gaze.
2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.
3 He shifted his gaze from the child to her.
4 His eye/gaze roved hungrily about the room.
5 Her gaze met Michael’s for a split second.
6 He kept his gaze fixed on the car ahead.
7 She found herself unable to meet his gaze.
8 I averted my gaze/eyes while he dressed.
9 She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
10 Her gaze sharpened,( as if she had seen something unusual.
11 Her gaze followed Simon’s through the archway.
12 Her gaze rested on the old man’s mouth.
13 Ellen smiled uncomfortably and lowered her gaze.
14 His gaze fastened on the jewels.
15 Her eyes fell before his steady gaze.
16 Her gaze fell on Kate’s tousled hair.
17 His gaze travelled over her face.
18 She felt increasingly uncomfortable under the woman’s steady gaze.
19 Pop stars are constantly exposed to the public gaze.
20 She refused to meet my gaze.
21 He had an extraordinarily penetrating gaze.
22 Her steady gaze did not waver.
23 He turned his gaze on me.
24 His gaze roamed over her.
25 He could not meet Connor’s steady gaze.
26 Her gaze drifted around the room.
27 His gaze settled on her face.
28 I met his steady gaze.
29 Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them—we «bear a charmed life», which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
30 The lake is like an open book, day like the steady gaze of a reader.