The word game hangman

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hangman is a guessing game for two or more players. One player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the other(s) tries to guess it by suggesting letters within a certain number of guesses. Originally a Paper-and-pencil game, there are now electronic versions.


Though the origins of the game are unknown, a variant is mentioned in a book of children’s games assembled by Alice Gomme in 1894 called Birds, Beasts, and Fishes.[1] This version lacks the image of a hanged man, instead relying on keeping score as to the number of attempts it took each player to fill in the blanks.

A version which incorporated hanging imagery was described in a 1902 Philadelphia Inquirer article, which stated that it was popular at «White Cap» parties hosted by «Vigilance Committees» where guests would wear «white peaked caps with masks».[2]


The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes representing each letter of the word. Rules may permit or forbid proper nouns, such as names, places, brands, or slang. If the guessing player suggests a letter which occurs in the word, the other player writes it in all its correct positions. If the suggested letter does not occur in the word, the other player removes (or alternatively, adds) one element of a hanged stick figure as a tally mark. Generally, the game ends once the word is guessed, or if the stick figure is complete — signifying that all guesses have been used.

The player guessing the word may, at any time, attempt to guess the whole word.[3] If the word is correct, the game is over and the guesser wins. Otherwise, the other player may choose to penalize the guesser by adding an element to the diagram. On the other hand, if the guesser makes enough incorrect guesses to allow the other player to complete the diagram, the guesser loses. However, the guesser can also win by guessing all the letters that appear in the word, thereby completing the word, before the diagram is completed.[4]


A classroom game of hangman

As the name of the game suggests, the diagram is designed to look like a hanging man. Although debates have arisen about the game,[5] it is still in use today. A common alternative for teachers is to draw an apple tree with ten apples, erasing or crossing out the apples as the guesses are used up.

Some modifications to game play (house rules) to increase the difficulty level are sometimes implemented, such as limiting guesses on high-frequency consonants and vowels. Another alternative is to give the definition of the word; this can be used to facilitate the learning of a foreign language.


The fact that the twelve most commonly occurring letters in the English language are e-t-a-o-i-n-s-h-r-d-l-u (from most to least), along with other letter-frequency lists, are used by the guessing player to increase the odds when it is their turn to guess. On the other hand, the same lists can be used by the puzzle setter to stump their opponent by choosing a word that deliberately avoids common letters (e.g. rhythm or zephyr) or one that contains rare letters (e.g. jazz).

Another common strategy is to guess vowels first, as English only has five vowels (a, e, i, o, and u, while y may sometimes, but rarely, be used as a vowel) and almost every word has at least one.

According to a 2010 study conducted by Jon McLoone for Wolfram Research, the most difficult words to guess include jazz, buzz, hajj, faff, fizz, fuzz and variations of these.[6]


The American game show Wheel of Fortune was inspired by hangman. Merv Griffin conceived of the show after recalling long car trips as a child, on which he and his sister played the game.[7]

Brazil also had a show in the 1960s and again from 2012–2013 called ‘Let’s Play Hangman’, hosted by Silvio Santos. Brazil would later get its own version of Wheel of Fortune, running from 1980 to 1993, again from 2003 to 2012 (during which the new Let’s Play Hangman aired), and again since 2013 to the present. These shows were also hosted by Santos.

In July 2017, the BBC introduced a game show of its own called Letterbox, which is also based on hangman.[8]


  1. ^ «Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland (Vol. I), by Alice Bertha Gomme»., via Project Gutenberg
  2. ^ «The Philadelphia Inquirer 16 Feb 1902, page Page 39». Retrieved 2023-02-12.
  3. ^ Kapoor, Leena; Prakashan, Goyal Brothers (2021-01-01). Solutions to GET Smart Book for Class 4. Goyal Brothers Prakashan.
  4. ^ Sahoo, Reeta Sahoo, Gagan. Computer Science with Python. New Saraswati House India Pvt Ltd. ISBN 978-93-5199-980-5.
  5. ^ Foreign English Teacher Under Attack For Playing Hangman Game] «Foreign English Teacher Under Attack for Playing Hangman Game | Japan Probe». Archived from the original on 2010-12-25. Retrieved 2011-03-11., Japan Probe, July 23, 2010
  6. ^ McLoone, Jon (13 August 2010). «25 Best Hangman Words». Wolfram Research. Archived from the original on 15 August 2010. Retrieved 14 March 2015.
  7. ^ Griffin, Merv & Bender, David (2007). Merv: Making the Good Life Last. New York: Simon and Schuster. pp. 99–100. ISBN 978-0-7434-5696-8.
  8. ^ «Letterbox — UKGameshows».


Guess letters one at a time to solve the word puzzle. Tap a letter to guess it. Each time you solve a word, the balloons you save are added to your score. Up for a challenge? Increase the difficulty and you’ll have fewer balloons to hang on to!


Use your vowels. Looking at vowels is a good way to start. Since there are only 5, you can fill in some blanks pretty quickly. They can even help you guess the answer straight away. For example, if you try the letter A and the word looks like this ‘_A_A_A’, you might be able to guess straight away that the answer is BANANA just from one letter.

Etaoin shrdlu. «Etaoin shrdlu» is two words listing the most commonly used letters in the English language, in order of frequency. «E» is the most commonly used letter, «t» is second-most common, etc. After trying your vowels, try out a few letters from this list to see if they appear in the word!

Break down phrases. When trying to guess a phrase, break it up and look at each word rather than focus on the letters. If you can guess just one word then it may lead you to the other words in the saying. You can also use the tip at the top of the window for extra help.

Don’t forget your Js and Zs. The letters J and Z always trip people up. They’re both fairly rare and it’s not always obvious when you need one to complete a word or phrase. Don’t guess a Z or a J at the very beginning, but keep them in mind as you play.

It can be helpful to learn the most difficult and most common words used in Hangman. Get some helpful tips on how to further build your Hangman strategy.


Hangman teaches you spelling, vocabulary, and other related language skills. Hangman can also help expand your topical knowledge.

If you like word guessing games, try your skills playing some other fun and free games like Play Four or the Daily Crossword. 

Guess the letters in the secret word to solve the puzzle. You can guess a letter by clicking it or typing it on your keyboard. You’ll score points for each correct letter you guess, and if you solve the word, you score for how fast you get it and how many balloons you had left. Get the highest total score after 5 rounds to win the game and earn a trophy!

Choose quick play to jump right into a game, or create a private match to play with your friends. Press the copy button and send them the URL so they can join your room.

During the game, click on your avatar to pull up the customize menu.


Use your vowels. Looking at vowels is a good way to start. Since there are only 5, you can fill in some blanks pretty quickly. They can even help you guess the answer straight away. For example, if you try the letter A and the word looks like this ‘_A_A_A’, you might be able to guess straight away that the answer is BANANA just from one letter.

Etaoin shrdlu. «Etaoin shrdlu» is two words listing the most commonly used letters in the English language, in order of frequency. «E» is the most commonly used letter, «t» is second-most common, etc. After trying your vowels, try out a few letters from this list to see if they appear in the word!

Break down phrases. When trying to guess a phrase, break it up and look at each word rather than focus on the letters. If you can guess just one word then it may lead you to the other words in the saying. You can also use the tip at the top of the window for extra help.

Don’t forget your Js and Zs. The letters J and Z always trip people up. They’re both fairly rare and it’s not always obvious when you need one to complete a word or phrase. Don’t guess a Z or a J at the very beginning, but keep them in mind as you play.

It can be helpful to learn the most difficult and most common words used in Hangman. Get some helpful tips on how to further build your Hangman strategy.

What are some of the hardest Hangman words?

One of the hardest words in Hangman is Jazz. Jazz is great because it includes J and Z, two of the most uncommon letters in the alphabet. Along with this, it only has 3 letters in it, which makes it harder for players to guess.

Other great options are words that don’t use the typical A, E, I, O, and U vowels. Some great examples are psych and synth. Both will be hard for opponents to guess due to their lack of vowels.

What do you learn from playing Hangman?

Hangman teaches you spelling, vocabulary, and other related language skills. Hangman can also help expand your topical knowledge.

If you like word guessing games, try your skills by playing some other fun and free games like Play Four or the Daily Crossword. 

4.5 Rating Star


Hangman Instructions

Guess letters one at a time to solve the word puzzle. Tap a letter to guess it. Each time you solve a word, the balloons you save are added to your score. Up for a challenge? Increase the difficulty and you’ll have fewer balloons to hang on to!


Use your vowels. Looking at vowels is a good way to start. Since there are only 5, you can fill in some blanks pretty quickly. They can even help you guess the answer straight away. For example, if you try the letter A and the word looks like this ‘_A_A_A’, you might be able to guess straight away that the answer is BANANA just from one letter.

Etaoin shrdlu. «Etaoin shrdlu» is two words listing the most commonly used letters in the English language, in order of frequency. «E» is the most commonly used letter, «t» is second-most common, etc. After trying your vowels, try out a few letters from this list to see if they appear in the word!

Break down phrases. When trying to guess a phrase, break it up and look at each word rather than focus on the letters. If you can guess just one word then it may lead you to the other words in the saying. You can also use the tip at the top of the window for extra help.

Don’t forget your Js and Zs. The letters J and Z always trip people up. They’re both fairly rare and it’s not always obvious when you need one to complete a word or phrase. Don’t guess a Z or a J at the very beginning, but keep them in mind as you play.

It can be helpful to learn the most difficult and most common words used in Hangman. Get some helpful tips on how to further build your Hangman strategy.


Hangman teaches you spelling, vocabulary, and other related language skills. Hangman can also help expand your topical knowledge.

If you like word guessing games, try your skills playing some other fun and free games like Play Four or the Daily Crossword. 

What are some of the hardest Hangman words?

One of the hardest words in Hangman is Jazz. Jazz is great because it includes J and Z, two of the most uncommon letters in the alphabet. Along with this, it only has 3 letters in it, which makes it harder for players to guess.

Other great options are words that don’t use the typical A, E, I, O, and U vowels. Some great examples are psych and synth. Both will be hard for opponents to guess due to their lack of vowels.

What do you learn from playing Hangman?

Hangman teaches you spelling, vocabulary, and other related language skills. Hangman can also help expand your topical knowledge.

If you like word guessing games, try your skills by playing some other fun and free games like Play Four or the Daily Crossword. 

Guess the letters in the secret word to solve the puzzle. You can guess a letter by clicking it or typing it on your keyboard. You’ll score points for each correct letter you guess, and if you solve the word, you score for how fast you get it and how many balloons you had left. Get the highest total score after 5 rounds to win the game and earn a trophy!

Choose quick play to jump right into a game, or create a private match to play with your friends. Press the copy button and send them the URL so they can join your room.

During the game, click on your avatar to pull up the customize menu.


Use your vowels. Looking at vowels is a good way to start. Since there are only 5, you can fill in some blanks pretty quickly. They can even help you guess the answer straight away. For example, if you try the letter A and the word looks like this ‘_A_A_A’, you might be able to guess straight away that the answer is BANANA just from one letter.

Etaoin shrdlu. «Etaoin shrdlu» is two words listing the most commonly used letters in the English language, in order of frequency. «E» is the most commonly used letter, «t» is second-most common, etc. After trying your vowels, try out a few letters from this list to see if they appear in the word!

Break down phrases. When trying to guess a phrase, break it up and look at each word rather than focus on the letters. If you can guess just one word then it may lead you to the other words in the saying. You can also use the tip at the top of the window for extra help.

Don’t forget your Js and Zs. The letters J and Z always trip people up. They’re both fairly rare and it’s not always obvious when you need one to complete a word or phrase. Don’t guess a Z or a J at the very beginning, but keep them in mind as you play.

It can be helpful to learn the most difficult and most common words used in Hangman. Get some helpful tips on how to further build your Hangman strategy.

4.5 Rating Star


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The ultimate guide on how to play the world’s most popular word game

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Can you beat the clock to guess the hidden word before the poor stick figure meets its doom? Hangman is a quick and easy game that’s perfect if you’re trying to kill some time, prove your vocab superiority, or turn a boring old study session into something more exhilarating. In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about playing this classic game.

Things You Should Know

  • The object of hangman is to guess the secret word before the stick figure is hung. Players take turns selecting letters to narrow the word down.
  • Players can take turns or work together. Gameplay continues until the players guess the word or they run out of guesses and the stick figure is hung.
  • If you want to play with younger kids, use a snowman instead of a hangman to avoid scaring or offending anyone.
  1. Image titled Play Hangman Step 1


    Choose one person to be the “host” and make the puzzle. One person will choose the word and draw the hangman. Other players will guess letters to try and identify the word the host picked. Every player can take turns being the host, or you can play multiple rounds with the same host.[1]

    • The host must know how to spell the words they choose for each round.
  2. Image titled Play Hangman Step 2


    Pick the secret word if you’re the host. The other players will need to guess your word letter by letter, so choose a word you think will be difficult to guess if you want to make things harder on them. Difficult words usually have uncommon letters, like “z,” or “j,” and only a few vowels.[2]

    • For longer games, you can also choose phrases if everyone agrees it’s okay.
    • If you’re playing with younger students, don’t choose a word they may not know.
    • The host can give a hint or category like animal, vegetable, or movie star to make the game easier.


  3. Image titled Play Hangman Step 3


    Draw a blank line for each letter in the word. As the host, you’re the “executioner” in charge. So, let’s say you choose the word “zipper.” You’d draw 6 blanks with 1 spot for each letter ( _ _ _ _ _ _ ). Don’t tell anyone the secret word![3]

  4. Image titled Play Hangman Step 4


    Start guessing letters if you are the player. You can have each player take turns or have the players work together and choose letters as a group. Once the word has been chosen and the players know how many letters in the secret word, players begin guessing which letters are in the word. For example, you might begin by asking, “Is there an ‘e’ in your word?”[4]

    • A lot of players like to start by guessing common letters, like vowels, or “s,” “t,” and “n.”
  5. Image titled Play Hangman Step 5


    Fill the letter in the blanks if the players guess correctly. Whenever a player guesses a letter that is in the secret word, the host fills in the relevant blank. For example, if the word is “zipper” and the players guess “e,” then the host will fill in the 5th blank with an “e:” (_ _ _ _ e _).[5]

    • If the players guess a letter that repeats, fill in both letters. If they guess “p,” you would have to fill in both “p”s. ( _ _ p p e _ ).
  6. Image titled Play Hangman Step 6


    Draw part of the hangman when the players guess wrong. Whenever a player guesses a letter that is not in the secret word, they get a strike that brings them closer to losing. To show this, the host draws a simple stick figure of a man being hung, adding a new part to the drawing with every wrong answer. This is also where you can adjust the difficulty of the game; the more marks you make, the more wrong guesses the players have.[6]
    The traditional order is:

    • First wrong answer: Draw and upside-down «L.» This is the post the man hangs from.
    • Second: Draw a circle for the “head” under the horizontal line of the “L.”
    • Third: Draw a line down from the bottom of the head for the “body.”
    • Fourth: Draw one arm out from the middle of his body for the “arm.”
    • Fifth: Draw the other arm.
    • Sixth: Draw one diagonal line from the bottom of the body for the first “leg.”
    • Seventh: Draw the other leg.
    • Eighth: Connect the head to the post with a “rope.” Once you draw the rope the players have lost the game.
  7. Image titled Play Hangman Step 7


    The players win when they guess the correct word. If the players get every letter of the word before the host finishes drawing then they win. At any point a player can try to guess the entire word instead of a single letter, but if they guess the wrong word then the host should treat it as if they guessed a wrong letter.[7]

    • If the host ends up drawing the entire hangman, the players lose and the game is over.
    • To make the game harder, make a rule saying that the players can only guess the secret word once before they lose.
    • To make it easier, the host can reveal the first letter of the word, as well as any letters similar to the first one.
  8. Image titled Play Hangman Step 8


    Play online or on an app to practice by yourself. We like this version of online hangman, but there are plenty of options out there if you search! Many games use online dictionaries to choose words, allowing you to practice building your vocabulary while you play. You can even play games against opponents from all over the world with some apps and sites.[8]

    • Looking for a challenge? Try Cheater Hangman or specific hangman lists, like movie quote hangman.
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  1. Image titled Play Hangman Step 9


    Change the hangman to a snowman for younger children. If you are worried about exposing younger children to images of violence, use a snowman instead of a hanging. Start with three circles for the body, then add eyes, nose, and buttons for each wrong answer. The rest of the rules remain the same.[9]

  2. Image titled Play Hangman Step 10


    Play “In & Out” Hangman for a more challenging game. This game works best with longer words or phrases. The rules are the same with one big exception: every other letter you guess should not be in the secret word. The player needs to alternate guessing letters that are in the word (the «in» round) and letters that are not in the word (the “out” round) until they win or lose.[10]

    • If the player says a letter that is in the secret word the host writes it in regardless of the round the player is in. If they guess a letter that is in the word while on the “out” round, they still get a strike, however.
    • To make this easier, the host can write out every letter of the alphabet and cross them out as they are eliminated.
  3. Image titled Play Hangman Step 11


    Use vocabulary words to turn hangman into a classroom game. Hangman can be a great tool for teachers to get their students engaged in learning new words. To make it truly effective, however, add an additional rule: when the students guess the secret word, they have to know the definition of it to win.[11]

    • List all of the potential vocabulary words to make the game go faster.
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    Is there a time limit on how long you can spend to guess a letter?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    No, not officially. But if you want to increase the stakes in the game you can 100% come up with a time limit! It could be as short as 15-30 seconds if you’d like!

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    How many vowels do you get for free in hangman?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    You might be thinking about Jeopardy, where you have to buy vowels. There are no rules around vowels in hangman; you can choose as many as you’d like.

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    How can I pick a word?

    Community Answer

    It is completely up to you. As the «host» you may want to try and outwit the players. Pick words low on vowels, or with unusual letter combinations for a bigger challenge. Experience in playing the game brings new ideas.

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Article SummaryX

To play Hangman, you’ll need at least 2 players. First, one player comes up with a word or phrase for the puzzle. That player draws a dash for each letter in the puzzle, leaving a space between words, then draws the gallows above the dashes. Now, the other player guesses letters one at a time that they think are in the secret word or phrase. If they guess right, the player who made the puzzle writes in the letter over any corresponding dashes. If they guess wrong, the player who made the puzzle draws a head hanging off of the gallows and writes down the incorrect letter for the guessing player to use as a reference. Each time the guessing player chooses a wrong letter, a new body part is added to the hangman. The hangman should consist of a head, a body, 2 arms, and 2 legs. If the guessing player correctly guesses the puzzle or fills in all of the letters before the hangman is complete, they win. If they don’t, the player who came up with the puzzle wins. Once a player wins, switch roles so that the guessing player from the previous round is now the player coming up with the puzzle. To learn how to play variations of basic Hangman, read on!

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  • Marco Bento

    «It expands the mind, as I had to choose the alphabetical letters wisely because of the amount of limited chances. I…» more

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With this game, EFL/ESL students can learn new words and recall the familiar ones.
Native speakers may check their spelling competence and maybe luck.

Rules of the game are pretty simple: your “survival” depends on your knowledge of English.
Guess the word, spell it correctly, and get saved. Is motivation enough?

Hey, don’t be afraid, it’s just a game!

Note: Use only the lower case letters of your keyboard.

Vocabulary test

Play and create your own free Hangman puzzles

Free Online Hangman Games

Free Online Hangman Games

Hangman games are educational word puzzles that expand your vocabulary and are a fun way to learn and teach. These word search puzzles are also a great way to:

  • Strengthen and improve your vocabulary
  • Help children learn names, places & more
  • Have fun while learning!

How To Play

To Solve the word searches made on ProProfs, follow the instructions below:

  • Click on one of the letters that you think might be in the word. If it is in the word, it will appear in all the blanks where it is supposed to be. If not,
  • Continue clicking the letters you think are in the word until the word is finished.
  • If you make too many wrong guesses and the person is constructed entirely before the word is finished, your game is over. Finish quickly to get the higher score.

How To Play

Tips To make It Easier

Tips To Make It Easier

    Most hangman games are not too dificult, but like any word game they can sometimes be tricky. These tips should help you solve the puzzle and win.

  • Choose the most common letters first: It is best to start with the most common letters used in the English and not more obscure letters like q or x. Begin by choosing letters like a,e,r,s,t,l,n.
  • Place a vowel: Every word needs a vowel, so try to place a vowel in a word right away. If you have a lot of empty spaces and a lot of consonants, you are probably missing a vowel.
  • Guess the final letters: After a few letters, you may be able to guess the final word. Guess the final letters to see if you are correct.

Why Hangman Games

Hangman games are a great way to test your vocabulary. Childern love them and these can be excellent tool for teachers to help their students expand their vocabulary. Students can learn new words, names of significant places or histrocial persons.
Create your own Hangman games on ProProfs and share with friends!

Why Word Search

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