The word fun in japanese

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Fun mini-concerts at each small hall!


Bloons: Fun new ninja kiwi game.


Fun Things (for a rainy day)Intro

(まさかのときに備えて)面白いこと 導入

Exciting levels to cross with unlimited Fun!


Fun facts about feet and their work | BDAC

足と自分の仕事についての楽しみ事実 | BDAC

Fun at parties, great conversationalist, affable.

パーティでは楽しく とてもおもしろい話ができ 親しみやすい そして彼は

Fun mode is free, designed for practice.

楽しいモードは無料, 練習用に設計されました。

Fun and efficient pop-up toolbox.·


Fun creative game for the entire family.


Fun is the key to relaxation nowadays.


Fun for beginners! Easy to understand!

初心者にも楽しい! わかりやすい!

Fun places in Saigon and surrounding areas 2/9 days


Fun Bubble Shooter game: let the bubbles grow by shooting at them.


Affordable Family Fun at Great Wolf Lodge!


Family Fun Vancouver We all love a good deal!

家族楽しいバンクーバー 私たちは皆、大変好きです!

POS software retail PosBill Fun advertises with many features and a sophisticated overall concept to customers.


Celebrity — Speed dating hitch scene We Connect People For Fun.

有名人 - スピードデートのヒッチシーン 私たちは、楽しみのために人々を接続します.

Kissimmee: Home Base for Florida Fun!


Biking · Family Fun Canada Whistler in winter?

自転車・家族の楽しみカナダ 冬のウィスラー?

Celebrating 10 YEARS of the Family Fun Canada Network!


No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain Fun

Results: 10980. Exact: 10980. Elapsed time: 136 ms.

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I mean… I wouldn’t have

been so afraid to just… have fun.

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I’m sorry. Just go have fun, and be careful.

Improve your listening skills with fun questions and answers. Pronunciation Lessons.

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So, uh, why do they call you Happy? Fun.

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Have fun. Yeah,’cause I’m just saying, you know,

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Delicious, Fun, and Healthy”.

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Fun is possible snorkeling experience even for beginners.

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K: Yes, that’s the fun, that’s the yoga of it.

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What the hell you do that for? I was having fun.

We shall strike a balance between culture and fun.

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Do we even need to make it fun?

I have only read fifty pages so far,

but it’s fun.

It makes otherwise dull days fun.

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Expanding the definition of fun.

I think it might be fun to do this every year.

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Make your child’s development more fun!

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Deliciousness Fun and Health.

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Introducing the cute, interesting, fun, beautiful video.

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For Halloween fun! feature costume!

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Next page】 Fun of the circuit, joy of running through BMW….

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Okay, if he was, I would be having way more fun.

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Let’s think together at the Blue Planet Prize Fun School!

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If that is fun then do it by all means.

(動画)Too much fun~(laughs)!

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Barbie- Fun games for girls, videos& activities.

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(動画)Too much fun~(laughs)!

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Results: 15878,
Time: 0.047





  1. Words
  2. Sentences

Definition of fun

  1. (n) fan
  2. fun
  1. (n, adj-no) charm; attractiveness; amiability; winsomeness

    She is not at all a beauty, but she has an unspeakable charm.

  2. courtesy; ingratiating behaviour
  3. (n) entertainment; amusement; fun
  1. (n) amusement; fun; brief entertainment
  1. (adj-i) enjoyable; fun
  1. (n) interest; fun; inspiration
  1. (n) play; sport; fun; caprice; joke; jest; flirtation
  1. (n) entertainment; fun; amusement of the company
  1. (n) minute

    We have a break from 10:40 to 11:00.

  1. (int) bullshit; shit; damn
  2. (n) feces; excrement
  3. (adj-f) damn (adds emphasis and or annoyance to next word, e.g. damn hot, damn kids, etc.); damned
  1. (n) interest; appeal; attraction; fun

    It wasn’t a very interesting novel.

  1. (int) hmm; well …; humph; huh; pshaw; pish
  2. (pref) roughly; harshly; violently
  1. (n) interest; fun
  1. (n) Hun
  1. (n) proboscis
  1. (n) entertainment; amusement; fun
  1. (n, n-pref, n-suf) Finland
  2. (adj-t, adv-to) fragrant; aromatic

Words related to fun

Sentences containing fun

Japanese Phrase Lesson 9: Fun and interesting! 楽しい!おもしろい! – Review Notes

Today we learned the Japanese words for “fun” (tanoshii) and “funny/interesting” (omoshiroi). In this review, we will learn the negative and past tense of these words, as well as the word for “boring.”


Number 1:

Tanoshii means “fun.”

When used as an exclamation, it means “this is fun” or “I’m having fun!”

If you want to say that something is not fun, you can say “tanoshikunai.” Add “desu” to the end of the sentence to increase the politeness level.

If you want to say something was fun, you can say “tanoshikatta.”

If you want to say something was not fun, you can say “tanoshikunakatta.”


Example 1:


Nihongo o benkyō suru no wa tanoshii!

Studying Japanese is fun!


Example 2:


Shigoto wa tanoshikunai.

Work is not fun.


Example 3:


Pātī wa tanoshikatta.

The party was fun.


Example 4:


Pātī wa amari tanoshikunakatta.

The party was not very fun.


Number 2:

Omoshiroi means “interesting” or “funny.”

If you want to say something is not interesting or funny, you can say “omoshirokunai.”

If something is not interesting or fun, you can also use the word for “boring” – “tsumaranai.”


Example 1:


Kono eiga wa omoshiroi.

This movie is interesting/funny.


Example 2:


Kono eiga wa omoshirokunai.

This movie is not interesting.


Example 3:


 Kono eiga wa tsumaranai.

 This movie is boring.


Past tense forms:

omoshirokatta – was funny/interesting

omoshirokunakatta – was not funny/interesting

tsumaranakatta – was boring



Now you know how to say interesting – omoshiroi, and fun – tanoshii. We also learned the negative and past tense forms. You can use these words by themselves as exclamations, or in longer sentences as adjectives! To make the sentence more formal, just add “desu.”





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Home>Words that start with F>fun>English to Japanese translation

How to Say Fun in JapaneseAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say fun in Japanese, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Japanese better.

Here is the translation and the Japanese word for fun:


Fun in all languages

Dictionary Entries near fun

  • fully understand
  • fumble
  • fumes
  • fun
  • function
  • functional
  • functionality

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«Fun in Japanese.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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