frightened by his ardent burning eyes — испугавшись его пламенных горящих глаз
frightened at the very thought — пугающийся от одной только мысли
to be frightened / startled — пугаться
frightened child — испуганный ребенок
be frightened out of senses — перепугаться до полусмерти; перепугаться до обморока; одуреть от страха
frightened at — испуганный на
to be frightened — испугаться быть испуганным
easily frightened / scared — пугливый
be / get frightened / scared — напугаться
be / become frightened — оробеть
get frightened — перепугаться; сробеть
What are you frightened of?
Чего ты боишься?
He’s always been frightened of spiders.
Он всегда боялся пауков.
Don’t be frightened. We’re not going to hurt you.
Не бойся, мы тебя не обидим.
The story really frightened me.
Эта история действительно напугала меня.
The boy was frightened to speak.
Мальчик испугался говорить.
The child was badly frightened by the mask.
Ребенок был сильно напуган маской.
He drove at a speed which frightened Lara to death.
Он ехал со скоростью, которая испугала Лару до смерти.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
His mockery frightened her and cut her to the bone.
…frightened by the phantasms of his own making…
It frightened and humbled him but also made him feel darkly charmed.
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frighten — пугать, стращать, страшить, перепугать, тревожить
frightening — пугающий, страшный, ужасный
frightened — перевод на русский
So seriously that it frightens me.
Так, что сам боюсь.
I’m so frightened!
Я так боюсь!
You’re not frightening me, Bill Cardew.
Я не боюсь тебя, Билл Кардью.
But I’m frightened.
Но я боюсь.
That’s why I’m frightened, for you.
Поэтому я за тебя боюсь.
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What is he, he draws and frightens us all so?
Что он есть, почему он нас так притягивает и в то же время пугает?
Something that draws and… and frightens me.
Что-то, что притягивает меня… и пугает.
My, your passion frightens me.
Твоя страсть пугает меня.
Doesn’t it frighten the fish?
Это их не пугает?
That’s what frightens you, isn’t it?
И это вас пугает.
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Я уже напугал вас.
I’m sorry if I frightened you.
Простите, если напугал вас.
Well, I don’t wonder you frightened her.
Неудивительно, что ты ее напугал.
Some prowler may have frightened her.
Должно быть, какой-то бродяга её напугал.
I frightened you, didn’t I?
Я напугал тебя тогда, ведь правда?
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I was so frightened when I heard of your accident.
Я была так напугана, когда услышала о вашей аварии.
She’s so young, she’s just a little frightened at the whole idea.
Она так молода, она просто немного напугана всем происходящим.
They were only here last night because… because Grazia had been very frightened.
Они оставались только на эту ночь, потому что… потому что Грация была очень напугана.
Grazia! Oh, Grazia, darling, I’ve been so frightened!
О, Грация, дорогая, Я была так напугана!
So frightened!
Так напугана!
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I’m sorry to disturb you, but I’m frightened.
Простите, что мешаю, но мне страшно.
I’m frightened.
Мне страшно.
I’m frightened, Auntie Em!
Мне страшно, тетя Эм! Страшно!
I’m frightened. Ha-ha-ha, defeatist.
— Слишком всё хорошо, мне страшно.
Myra… I’m frightened.
Майра, мне страшно.
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Why are you frightened?
Чего ты испугалась?
— Well, I’m just frightened, that’s all.
— Я испугалась, вот и все.
A Texas girl frightened by a coyote?
Техасская девушка испугалась койотов?
I was frightened for a minute.
В какой-то момент я даже испугалась.
It was dark down here, and Mrs. Reed coming in unexpectedly frightened me.
Просто здесь было темно и мисс Рид вошла неожиданно. Я испугалась.
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I’m not easily frightened, sir.
Меня трудно испугать, сэр.
You think I am easily frightened after what I did?
Думаете, меня легко испугать?
— We must frighten her.
— А что, если испугать ее?
— Ned was afraid the dress might frighten you. — Oh, nonsense.
Нед опасался, что это платье может тебя испугать.
I shall hide, so as not to frighten her.
Спрячусь, чтобы не испугать её.
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And you were a little frightened, Miss Neilson?
» вы были немного испуганы, мисс Ќельсон?
Don’t let me see you are frightened.
Не позволяйте мне видеть, что Вы испуганы.
— Not if you’re frightened.
— Нет, если Вы испуганы.
No wait, listen to me — under the Magister you have been frightened, injured, your property destroyed.
Нет, подождите, послушайте меня — служа Магистру, вы были испуганы, обижены, ваше имущество было уничтожено.
Very, very frightened that they botched it.
Они были очень испуганы .
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Frightening, isn’t it?
Пугающее, не так ли?
Something downright frightening if you ask me.
Что-то совершенно пугающее, если спросите меня.
See, this… frightening… marvel… this dishevelled body… this ruffled star… distraught.
Узрите… пугающее… удивительное… усеянное кратерами тело… всклокоченную звезду… полную безумия.
That at the end of this whole thing, there is a frightening…
В конце всего пугающее…
A frightening place that just smells of death.
Пугающее место, пропахшее смертью.
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Do not be frightened, Miss, you are only going to serve as company, to your friend Dinamo.
Не пугайтесь, сеньорита, Вы лишь составите компанию Вашему другу Динамо.
Don’t be frightened.
Не пугайтесь.
Don’t be frightened, dear.
Не пугайтесь, дорогая.
It’s all right, don’t be frightened.
Все хорошо, не пугайтесь.
No, don’t get frightened.
Нет, не пугайтесь.
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Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > frightened
a испуганный, напуганный
Синонимический ряд:
1. afraid (adj.) afraid; aghast; alarmed; anxious; apprehensive; aroused; distressed; disturbed; fearful; fearsome; petrified; scared; scary; terrified; timid; timorous; unsettled; worried
2. alarmed (verb) alarmed; awed; frightened; panicked; scared; startled; terrified; terrorised; terrorized
English-Russian base dictionary > frightened
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > frightened
испуганный, напуганный
frightened child [horse] — испуганный ребёнок [-ая лошадь]
frightened at the thought of his coming examination — перепуганный одной мыслью /дрожащий от одной мысли/ о предстоящем экзамене
НБАРС > frightened
Общая лексика: испуганный, напуганный, ( frightened) от слова frighten — испуганный. , оробелый, оторопелый
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > frightened
Англо-русский современный словарь > frightened
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > frightened
frightened p. p. от frighten frightened испуганный
English-Russian short dictionary > frightened
испуганный, напуганный
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > frightened
English-Russian big medical dictionary > frightened
Англо-русский технический словарь > frightened
frightened at
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > frightened at
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > frightened
past participle
of frighten
* * *
(a) испуганный; напуганный
* * *
испуганный (about, at, of)
* * *
[‘fright·ened || ‘fraɪtnd]
испуганный, напуганный* * *
* * *
испуганный (about, at, of)
Новый англо-русский словарь > frightened
испуганный, напуганный
(1). See afraid, .
(2). See easy, .English-Russian word troubles > frightened
English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > frightened
English-Russian smart dictionary > frightened
frightened at the thought of his coming examination
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > frightened at the thought of his coming examination
frightened child
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > frightened child
frightened at the very thought
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > frightened at the very thought
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
frightened — frightened; un·frightened; … English syllables
frightened — index leery, recreant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
frightened — [adj] very scared abashed, affrighted, afraid, aghast, alarmed, anxious, butterflies*, chicken*, chicken hearted*, cowed*, dismayed, fearful, frozen, have cold feet*, having kittens*, hung up*, in a cold sweat*, in a panic*, in a sweat*,… … New thesaurus
frightened — [frīt′ nd] adj. filled with fright; terrified SYN. AFRAID … English World dictionary
frightened */ — UK [ˈfraɪt(ə)nd] / US adjective Collocations: Frightened describes how you feel: I am frightened of spiders. ♦ She looked very frightened. Frightening describes things or situations that make you feel frightened: The look on his face was… … English dictionary
frightened — fright|ened S2 [ˈfraıtnd] adj feeling afraid = ↑scared ▪ Don t be frightened. We re not going to hurt you. frightened of ▪ I was frightened of being left by myself in the house. ▪ Her father had an awful temper and she was always frightened of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
frightened — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, look, seem, sound ▪ become, get ▪ I got frightened when he lost his temper … Collocations dictionary
frightened — fright|ened [ fraıtnd ] adjective * feeling or showing fear, especially suddenly: SCARED: The puppy looked cold and frightened. Bruckner was watching him with wide, frightened eyes. frightened to do something: Now he is frightened to go out at… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
frightened*/ — [ˈfraɪt(ə)nd] adj feeling or showing fear Syn: scared The puppy looked cold and frightened.[/ex] Bruckner was watching him with wide, frightened eyes.[/ex] There s nothing to be frightened about.[/ex] I ve always been frightened of snakes.[/ex] I … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
frightened — adj. frightened about, at, of (frightened at the very thought) * * * [ fraɪtnd] at of (frightened at the very thought) frightened about … Combinatory dictionary
frightened — [[t]fra͟ɪt(ə)nd[/t]] ADJ GRADED: oft v link ADJ of n/ ing, ADJ to inf If you are frightened, you are anxious or afraid, often because of something that has just happened or that you think may happen. She was frightened of flying… Miriam was too … English dictionary
Other forms: frightenedly
Someone who’s frightened is scared or anxious. A frightened camper might tremble with fear as she listens to the scary campfire stories her counselor tells.
When you’re frightened, you feel fearful — you might be frightened of thunderstorms or frightened of strange dogs. A frightened airplane passenger might panic and cause other people to become frightened. The adjective comes from frighten — before the 1660s, the verb was instead fright. All of these words share an Old English root, fyrhtu, «fear, dread, trembling, or horrible sight.»
Definitions of frightened
frightened child cowered in the corner”-
filled with fear or apprehension
thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘frightened’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Wikipedia.
v. fright·ened, fright·en·ing, fright·ens
1. To fill with fear; alarm.
2. To drive or force by arousing fear: The suspect was frightened into confessing.
To become afraid: told ghost stories to campers who frightened easily.
fright′en·er n.
fright′en·ing·ly adv.
Synonyms: frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, terrorize, startle, panic
These verbs mean to cause a person to experience fear. Frighten and the more informal scare are the most widely applicable: «The Count’s mysterious warning frightened me at the time» (Bram Stoker).We scared each other telling ghost stories before bed.
Alarm implies a state of fearful anxiety, often brought on suddenly: The sight of the approaching shark alarmed the swimmers.
Terrify implies overwhelming, often paralyzing fear: «It is the coming of death that terrifies me» (Oscar Wilde).
To terrorize is to strike fear into another, often for purposes of coercion: «The decent citizen was terrorized into paying public blackmail» (Arthur Conan Doyle).
Startle suggests a momentary fright that may cause a sudden, involuntary movement of the body: The clap of thunder startled us.
Panic implies sudden frantic fear that often impairs self-control and rationality: The realistic radio drama panicked the listeners who tuned in after it had begun.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
– frightened
1. ‘afraid’ and ‘frightened’
If you are afraid or frightened, you feel fear because you think something bad will happen.
The children were so afraid that they ran away.
She felt frightened.
You can also say that you are afraid of someone or something, or frightened of them.
Tom is afraid of the dark.
They are frightened of their father.
If you don’t want to do something because you think it might be harmful or dangerous, you can say that you are afraid to do it or frightened to do it.
Many crime victims are afraid to go to the police.
She was frightened to go out on her own.
Be Careful!
Afraid is used only after linking verbs such as be and feel. Don’t use it in front of a noun. For example, don’t talk about ‘an afraid child‘. However, you can talk about ‘a frightened child’.
He was acting like a frightened kid.
2. another meaning of ‘afraid’
If you are worried about something, you can say that you are afraid of doing something wrong, or afraid that something will happen. You don’t usually use ‘frightened’ in this way.
She was afraid that I might be embarrassed.
She was afraid of being late for school.
3. ‘I’m afraid…’
If you have to tell someone something and you think it might upset or annoy them, you can politely say ‘I’m afraid…‘, ‘I’m afraid so‘, or ‘I’m afraid not‘. ‘I’m afraid so‘ means ‘yes’. ‘I’m afraid not‘ means ‘no’, and both of these expressions are used as responses to questions.
‘I’m afraid Sue isn’t at her desk at the moment. Can I take a message?’
‘I hear she’s leaving. Is that right?’ – ‘I’m afraid so.’
‘Can you come round this evening?’ – ‘I’m afraid not.’
– frightened
1. ‘frighten’
If something frightens you, it makes you feel afraid.
Rats and mice don’t frighten me.
Frighten is almost always a transitive verb. Don’t say that someone ‘frightens’. If you want to say that someone is afraid because of something that has happened or that might happen, you say that they are frightened.
Miriam was too frightened to tell her family what had happened.
He told the children not to be frightened.
For more information, see afraid — frightened
2. ‘frightening’
Don’t confuse frightened with frightening. Something that is frightening causes you to feel fear.
It was a very frightening experience.
It is frightening to think what damage could be done.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | frightened — made afraid; «the frightened child cowered in the corner»; «too shocked and scared to move»
afraid — filled with fear or apprehension; «afraid even to turn his head»; «suddenly looked afraid»; «afraid for his life»; «afraid of snakes»; «afraid to ask questions» |
2. | frightened — thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation; «became panicky as the snow deepened»; «felt panicked before each exam»; «trying to keep back the panic-stricken crowd»; «the terrified horse bolted»
afraid — filled with fear or apprehension; «afraid even to turn his head»; «suddenly looked afraid»; «afraid for his life»; «afraid of snakes»; «afraid to ask questions» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
adjective afraid, alarmed, scared, terrified, shocked, frozen, cowed, startled, dismayed, unnerved, petrified, flustered, panicky, terrorized, in a panic, scared stiff, in a cold sweat, abashed, scared shitless (taboo slang), terror-stricken, shit-scared (taboo slang), affrighted (archaic), in fear and trepidation, numb with fear She was too frightened to tell them what happened.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
sợ hãi
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj person, animal → ängstlich, verängstigt; voice, eyes, look → ängstlich, angsterfüllt; to be frightened (of somebody/something) → (vor jdm/etw) Angst haben; are you frightened of the dark? → hast du Angst vor der Dunkelheit?; don’t be frightened → hab keine Angst; they were frightened (that) there would be another earthquake → sie hatten Angst (davor), dass es noch ein Erdbeben geben könnte; to be frightened to do something → Angst (davor) haben, etw zu tun; I was too frightened to look → ich hatte zu viel Angst or war zu verängstigt, um hinzusehen; to be frightened about or of doing something → Angst davor haben, etw zu tun; to be frightened to death or out of one’s wits → zu Tode erschrocken sein; to be frightened to death that… → Todesängste ausstehen, dass …; to be frightened to death of somebody/something → eine Todesangst vor jdm/etw haben; like a frightened rabbit → wie ein verängstigtes Kaninchen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈfraɪtnd] adj to be frightened (of) → avere paura (di)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(frait) noun
1. a sudden fear. the noise gave me a terrible fright.
2. a person who looks ridiculous. She looks a fright in those clothes.
stage frightstageˈfrighten verb
to make (someone) afraid. She was frightened by a large dog.
ˈfrightened adjectiveˈfrightful adjective
1. terrible or frightening. I had a frightful experience.
2. very bad. He is a frightful liar.
ˈfrightening adjectiveˈfrightfully adverb
very. He’s frightfully clever.
take fright
to become frightened usually suddenly and quickly. She took fright and ran away.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مَرْعُوب vystrašený skræmt verängstigt τρομαγμένος asustado pelästynyt effrayé prestrašen impaurito おびえた 겁먹은 bang skremt przestraszony assustado напуганный skrämd รู้สึกตกใจ korkmuş sợ hãi 受惊的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. asustado-a, atemorizado-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012