The word friendly in a sentence

Antonym: inimical, unfriendly. Similar words: friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, make friends with, nutrient, experience, experienced, orientation. Meaning: [‘fren(d)lɪ]  n. troops belonging to or allied with your own military forces. adj. 1. characteristic of or befitting a friend 2. favorably disposed; not antagonistic or hostile 3. easy to understand or use 4. of or belonging to your own country’s forces or those of an ally. 

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1. A man who has friend must show himself friendly

2. We had a friendly match with them.

3. He nodded to me in a friendly way.

4. She has such a kind, friendly personality.

5. Frank was a genuinely friendly sort.

6. We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.

7. I was just being friendly.

8. Godfrey had been friendly to me.

9. He was friendly in a funny sort of way.

10. The children here are quite friendly with one another.

11. He is friendly to us all.

11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

12. He was always friendly to his subordinate officers.

13. I think she’s very friendly.

14. The talk was conducted in a friendly atmosphere.

15. The invitation was meant as a friendly gesture.

16. She smiled again in a friendly manner.

17. Everyone was very friendly towards me.

18. Stop mucking about and take my friendly advice.

19. We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy.

20. We’re always sure of a friendly welcome at this hotel.

21. Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.

22. ‘You must be Annie(,’ he said in a friendly tone.

23. They were very friendly, but I quickly saw through them.

24. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.

25. Are the people friendly?

26. He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.

27. Service was outstandingly friendly and efficient, falling down on only one detail.

28. The two countries have maintained friendly relations for many years.

29. Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.

30. He was a very nice person, always pleasant and friendly.

More similar words: friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, make friends with, nutrient, experience, experienced, orientation, by and large, a bundle of, African, frigid, badly, deadly, rapidly, allegedly, hardly any, supposedly, refrigerator, repeatedly, reportedly, dried, alien, series, priest, upwardly mobile, client, briefly, carrier, barrier. 

friendly — перевод на русский


I guess I felt bad that his supposed friend was betraying him and what my brother was doing to him, but I was just trying to do him a favour.

Наверно, было гадко, что его так называемый друг предал его. И как мой брат с ним обходится. Я просто хотела поддержать его.

But I guess it never occurred to me that my best friend would betray me.

Я думал, что со мной такого никогда не случится. Что мой лучший друг предаст меня.

Look, he’s not my friend anymore.

Я знаю, что он твой друг, но он и наш друг тоже. Он больше мне не друг, понял?

He’s not my friend anymore.

Он больше мне не друг.

My friend was lying to my face and going behind my back. Yeah.

Мой друг лгал мне прямо в лицо и действовал за моей спиной.

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‘Cause your good friend is now marrying your ex-boyfriend.

Потому что твоя подруга выходит замуж за твоего бывшего.

see you later… thank you for helping my friend.

До скорого… Спасибо за помощь, подруга.

«My husband… and my best friend!»

Мой муж — и моя лучшая подруга!

«My best friend»

«Моя лучшая подруга!»

Are you a friend of Miss Arnold’s?

— Вы подруга мисс Арнольд?

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«Our friend has gone back to his booze again!»

«Наш приятель снова начал пить!»

My friend, the student, he got himself a girl.

Мой приятель студент познакомился с девушкой

What did your friend do?

И как поступит твой приятель?

Mrs. Gilson, this is Mr. McDowell and his friend, Mr. Forgan.

Миссис Гилсон, это мистер МакДаул и его приятель, мистер Форган.

There’s a party down on the third floor, a friend of mine.

Тут по соседству мой приятель устраивает вечеринку.

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I hope I shall stay long enough for us to become real friends.

Я задержусь здесь подольше, чтобы подружиться с вами.

The most sensible thing for you to do is to be friends with me.

Для тебя разумно подружиться со мной.

She was crazy to make friends with you.

Она очень даже хотела подружиться с тобой.

I’ve decided to make friends with them.

Я решила подружиться с ними.

She wants to be your friend.

Да, и она хочет с тобой подружиться.

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I think your friend Cam might be the worst human being in the world.

Мне казалось, твой дружок Кэм оказался худшим человеком на нашей планете.

Stay here then, my friend, and whine all you like!»

Ну так оставайся дома, дружок, и ной как обычно!»

— So that’s your fine friend, is it? The dirty, filthy brute!

Твой любезный дружок — грязное животное.

— Have you seen your face, my friend?

— Ты свое лицо видел, дружок?

I suppose it’s no good asking if you’ve had a visit from an old friend today?

Полагаю, можно не спрашивать заходил ли сегодня старый дружок?

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Impetuous, friendly, enthusiastic, guileless.

Пылкий, дружелюбный, увлеченный, простодушный.

He doesn’t look very friendly.

У него не очень дружелюбный вид.

Francesca is extremely well-behaved, and has a charming friendly disposition.

Франческа на редкость хорошо себя ведет, у нее прелестный дружелюбный нрав..

You’re so friendly.

Вы такой дружелюбный.

It was a friendly voice.

Дружелюбный голос.

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You need to call your little friend, and tell her to come to work now.

Позвоните своей подружке и передайте, чтобы вышла на работу немедленно.

Louis and Jeanne, ah yes, are good friends. Rataplan

Тра-та-та, о-ля-ля Виват подружке короля!

when Jeanne has no clothes, Louis and Jeanne, ah yes, are good friends.

Тра-та-та, о-ля-ля Виват подружке короля!

Did you lend it to a friend?

Может одолжила подружке?

I should like to meet your friend.

Я хотел бы познакомиться с твоей подружкой.

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Harry, you and I have been friends for years.

Мне необходимо принять решение. Гарри, мы дружим много лет.

We’re all so very friendly, popping in and out of each other’s houses.

Мы все дружим, частенько заглядываем друг к другу в гости.

We’ve been friends since we were knee-high to a niblick.

Мы дружим с тех пор как еще под стол пешком ходили.

I know Carl. We’ve been friends for so long, I…

Я хорошо знаю Карла, мы дружим уже довольно давно, я…

I’ve been your friend a long time, I’m reasonable.

Мы с тобой дружим уже довольно давно, Сэм. Ты знаешь, что я не безумен.

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Let’s keep our discussion on a friendly basis.

Давайте переведем разговор на дружеский лад.

This is a friendly visit.

Это дружеский визит.

— Just a friendly visit to the nick.

— Всего лишь дружеский визит.

This explains why S.I.U. organizers, when they approach members of unorganized crews, get a friendly welcome.

Это объясняет почему учредители МПМ вступая в переговоры с экипажами, не состоящими в профсоюзах, получают дружеский прием.

For the fist time in a long time Ola received the Braaten family in a friendly manner.

Впервые за всё время Ола выказал дружеское расположение семье Браатенов.

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I thought you’d given up that sort of friend.

Я думал, ты избегаешь знакомых такого типа.

It’s so nice to run into you here, just when I was beginning to despair of finding any old friends here in Monte.

Как приятно встретить вас здесь! Я уже почти отчаялась встретить кого-нибудь из знакомых в Монте!

At my friend’s house.

Переночую у знакомых.

What are your toney friends up on Union Street going to say?

Что-то скажут на это твои знакомые с Юнион-стрит?

— Old friends?

Вы старые знакомые?

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Examples of how to use the word “friendly” in a sentence. How to connect “friendly” with other words to make correct English sentences.

friendly (adj): behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone

Use “friendly” in a sentence

He appears to be a friendly guy.
There is a friendly atmosphere in the office.
He’s friendly with everyone in his class.
Vietnam is a friendly country.
Your father seems very friendly.
She gave me a friendly smile.
The atmosphere is relaxed, informal and friendly.

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Definition of Friendly

kind and pleasant to other people

Examples of Friendly in a sentence

Mai is generally considered to be the opposite of the friendly Ashley, as she never talks with anyone that she isn’t familiar with and doesn’t care to make friends.


I try to be friendly with everyone that I meet, but it’s hard to be nice to people that don’t seem to care about anyone’s feelings but their own.


Sometimes people think that I’m not friendly, but the truth is I’m just quiet, and don’t always feel like talking to others.


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In English grammar, there are different words that play different roles. Here we will explain how the word “friendly’’ acts as an adjective, noun, or adverb.

The word “friendly’’ is definitely regarded as an adjective as it can be used to describe a noun or its equivalent and it also plays the role of a noun or an adverb fulfilling their features.

Now we will get a sufficient discussion on the usage of the word along with examples and detailed explanations to make it out very well.

An adjective is not only a describing or modifying word but also acts as a subject complement. Let us check when “friendly’’ is an adjective.

The word “friendly’’ is certainly apprehended as an adjective when it is in the use of a modifying word and describes a noun or its equivalent to depict the pleasant and helpful nature of somebody.

Now we will find the aspects in the following table where the examples and explanations are given when the word “friendly’’ is an adjective.

Situation Example Explanation
1. We can apply the word “friendly’’ we wish to refer to people who are always pleasant and helpful towards others. Ashok will be remembered as a kind and friendly person. In this example, the word “friendly’’ plays the role of an adjective that describes the nature of “Ashok’’. The term indicates a pleasant and helpful nature towards other people.
2. “Friendly” can be used as an adjective when we need to mention people’s behavior. My two friends went to the office where the receptionist at the counter greeted them with a friendly smile. Here the word “friendly’’ is used as an adjective that gives us information about the person’s behavior.
3. The word is also used as an adjective when we use it to talk about places or situations. Delhi is a very friendly city. In this example, the word “friendly’’ is used as an adjective that gives us the situation of a city.
4. “Friendly” can be used as an adjective when we refer to a game that is not part of competing but is played for fun and enjoyment. Argentina arrived in the city and played against Brazil in a friendly match. This is the sentence where the word “friendly’’ has been used as an adjective that describes the match that will be for fun and enjoyment, not a competition.
5. The word can be inserted in a sentence as an adjective when we refer to a country or government that has a good relationship with people. The new country always tries to maintain a friendly relationship with the neighboring countries. In this example, the word “friendly’’ acts as an adjective that refers to the good mentality of a country.
6. “Friendly” does the function of an adjective when we refer to people competing with each other but are friends. In school, I have two friends named Nanda and Manas who have a friendly rivalry between them. This is the example where the word “friendly’’ works as an adjective that indicates competition between two but has a good relationship.
7. The word “friendly’’ can be used as an adjective when it is referred to a company that has agreed to have a friendly takeover and another should buy it. Tata company has friendly dealings with Apa company. In this sentence, we see that the word “friendly’’ acts as an adjective and refers to a company that has a warm relationship with another company.
Aspects and examples of “friendly” as an adjective

Is “friendly’’ a descriptive adjective?

Adjectives have different types based on their functions in English grammar. Let us examine if the word “friendly’’ is a descriptive adjective.

The word “friendly’’ can undoubtedly be applied as a descriptive adjective as it plays the function of modifying or describing a noun or noun equivalent with the meaning amicable or neighborly.

Let us study the examples in the tabular format below where the word “friendly’’ has been used as a descriptive adjective to learn its authentic usage in an interesting way.

Example Explanation
1. Ishika behaved with me in a friendly manner. In this sentence, we have seen that the word “friendly’ is used as a descriptive adjective. It gives us more information about the noun “manner’’ here.
2. Our teachers are always very friendly towards us. In this sentence, we have come across that the word “friendly’’ acts as an adjective and describes or modifies the noun “teachers’’.
3. The local people of Odisha are very friendly to visitors who come to make outings here. In this scenario, the word “friendly’’ does the function of a describing word i.e. an adjective, and provides us with more information about the noun “people’’.
4. All the people in the neighborhood maintain friendly correspondence with each other. Here we have seen that the word “friendly’’ works as an adjective and gives us more about the noun-equivalent.
5. A friendly smile is always welcomed by all. In this example, we have found that the word “friendly’’ is used as an adjective and acts as a modifier of the noun “smile’’.
6. Sohini is a good girl whose friendly smile encourages her friends to share their secrets with her. Here it is seen that the word “friendly’’ is used as an adjective and gives us more information on the noun “smile’’.
7. The friendly breeze helped us to sail on the sea further. This example provides us the information that the word “friendly’’ acts as an adjective and describes the noun “breeze’’.
Examples and explanations of “friendly” as a descriptive adjective

Is “friendly’’ a noun?

A noun is an important part of speech in English grammar that shows the names of places, persons, or things. Now we will check if “friendly’’ is a noun.

The word “friendly’’ can definitely be used as a noun as it refers to something that has an aspect of some idea of conception. Its plural form is “friendlies’’.

When is “friendly’’ a noun?

The word “friendly’’ can acts as a noun when it is formed of “friendship’’ and refers to an abstract idea. It is also used as a noun when we mention relationships among people with the word “friend’’.

Let us study the following sentences in the table below to understand the usage of the word “friendly’’ as a noun for better realization.

Example Explanation
1. We all went to the stadium to enjoy a friendly football match between East Bengal and Mohamedan club. In this sentence, the word “friendly’’ acts as a noun. It refers to a game and not a part of an important competition.
2. Sourav played for Bihar in a friendly match against Jharkhand. This is the example where the word “friendly’’ has been used as a noun and refers to a game.
3. We all like to enjoy the friendlies between Chile and Argentina. In this example, we have come to know that the word “friendlies’’ does the function of a noun in the plural form. It refers to the matches played between two teams.
4. We have a strong friendships with our fellow classmates. Here it is found that the word “friendship’’ has been used as a noun that refers to an abstract idea.
5. Our club has been invited to take part in a friendly match by our neighboring club. In this example, we see that the word “friendly’’ acts as a noun that refers to matches.
Examples and explanations of “friendly” as a noun

Is “friendly’’ an adverb?

An adverb, unlike an adjective, acts as a modifier of other parts of speech like an adjective, verb, or other adverbs. Now we will explain if “friendly’’ is an adverb.

The word “friendly’’ must be considered as an adverb as its function is to modify an adjective, verb, or another adverb.

Now we will find the sentences where the usage of word “friendly’’ has been used as an adverb and help us to learn it very clearly.

Example Explanation
1. Gourav smiles friendly at his friend. In this example, we see that the word “friendly’’ is used as an adverb to tone down the verb “smiles’’.
2. His behavior is friendly towards his friends. In this sentence, the word “friendly’’ acts as an adverb that modifies the noun “behavior’’.
3. Sougata received them friendly. This is the example where the word “friendly’’ comes under the category of an adverb that does emphasize the verb “received’’.
4. Ankita received and waved my hands friendly. In this sentence, the word “friendly’’ plays the function of an adverb. It modifies the verb “waved’’.
5. Hasy extends his helping hands friendly. In this example, the word “friendly’’ does the function of an adverb. It modifies the verb “extends’’.
Examples and explanations of “friendly” as an adverb


This article is on the discussion the usage of “friendly’’ as an adjective, a noun, and an adverb. It will certainly be beneficial to us while constructing any sentence. We will get sound knowledge through careful and through reading.

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