The word friday in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “friday” in a sentence. How to connect “friday” with other words to make correct English sentences.

friday (n): the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday

Use “friday” in a sentence

What will you do on this Friday?
I need your answer by Friday.
The meeting was put off until next Friday.
Her funeral will be held on Friday.

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On Friday, March 14, Pope Benedict XVI made an addition to the Good Friday prayer which had the Jewish community worldwide in an uproar

I don’t mention any of this, in my monthly phone call to Amy, but entertain her with a description of the demo we had last Friday afternoon by a local potter

‘I’ll see you on Friday, then

Organising the programme for Friday afternoons for the next three months is taking up an incredible amount of my time and a lot of effort

We arranged to meet at his office in Janus as soon as possible, that is tomorrow; I am starting lessons on Friday

At ten thirty, the official coffee break in his office, he telephoned Kara to say that he’d pulled it off and that it would be safe for her to arrange transport for Thursday or Friday

mark the passing of a moment on a Friday afternoon

On the Friday, their work continued, but as a reward for their

Now it was, of course, very presumptuous of him to dare to say to her: “Fancy a drink on Friday?”, but he dared, for he had a good job, was full of the confidence of youth and he knew deep in his bones that there was many a young lady who would be glad to join him for a drink

She did see a young man, who seemed oddly familiar, watching her at the Friday night rave in the student union, but then boys always watched her and she was hopeless with names and faces

“He’s not that bad, I suppose”, she said to one of her friends on the following Friday night as they walked into the pub

When you’re out on a Friday or Saturday night, many think this presents the best opportunities

Friday takes its usual hectic course; I get home before the kids, which is unusual, but within ten minutes they arrive home (the bus, it would appear was held up en route) and I outline what’s been arranged

He had done her well on Friday, he had used his med panel to set his hormones higher than the church thought proper but he had been sure she was set for a week

He spent most Friday and Saturday nights in the pub and then went to his local nightclub

He wondered why Glayet was so determined she had to let this run late into the evening on Friday

That was good, he had promised Ava that Friday evenings would be hers

‘Yes, he guessed that’s why I wanted the day off on Friday

Karen got really mad when she heard, and came up to the rehearsal with Jo last Friday

On Friday morning Ali hit the ball for

On the Friday afternoon, having travelled to the heart of the

‘There wasn’t any news on Friday but I expect to hear something this week

the fact that he was spending a Friday night at home with his mum

I can’t believe that I’m actually going to be leaving here this Friday

‘Grateful that it’s Friday … and you?’

to her: “Fancy a drink on Friday?”, but he dared, for he had a good

seemed oddly familiar, watching her at the Friday night rave in the

The 13th was a Friday … obviously not bad luck for Bunty! So it is conceivable that if she went for an interview on the Friday she might just have started work on the following Monday which would be the 16th

He spent most Friday and Saturday nights in

He’s looking a lot calmer than he was on Friday so I assume Ginny is better than she was

Conveniently for me, the post includes a copy of Lizzie Goulden’s speech at the operatic society last Friday … I spend the morning writing my article about the society, then sit thinking about Jo Liddington, pen in mouth, gently chewing the top

‘He’s got a space this afternoon at four, but then he’s got a couple of days off so the first one I have after that would be Friday morning

‘Yes, it should be ready by then but perhaps you had better ring up on Friday morning, just in case there has been a glitch of some sort

Probably best to hit a couple of clubs, Friday, Saturday

Taking their coffee with them Arbnor Jasari and Helen, his Girl Friday, unlock the doors and venture out into the bright sunshine of a clear Spring day

She was called into her tutor’s office on Friday afternoon after her last lecture

Mondeo drivers tend to go home on a Friday night

Every Friday in Mr

The sandwiches look as though they have been on the shelf since Friday morning, but beggars can’t be choosers

I’d played cards with Johnny on Friday, won sixty-seven bucks as a matter

much if Roman was a no show at Scotty’s Friday

I have more lunch than usual on Thursday and, as I have decided that it would be sensible to take the day off on Friday, there is a holiday feel about work for me during the afternoon

I spend the next couple of hours drawing up a timetable for the move scheduled for a Friday

It is Good Friday and something deep within me demands that I go to church

I’d told him all about the earthquake last week but he’d been out of the office on Friday and hadn’t heard the latest

Friday Afternoon when he was spending the day at the river with his good friend Julia

Harold has been courting me every Tuesday and Friday during his trips to Stratford once his company’s business was dispatched

Harry met up with Aaron the next Friday afternoon

What happen to Saturday, or Friday for that matter? «It can’t be Sunday

Well it’s my birthday and the true day (I was born on Friday the 13th, I wrote this on my birthday Friday, the 13th and what better way to enjoy it then to write you

Gently his counterpart, drooped to kiss the tears from Lizzy’s face, and then said, «I will put all we need into this trunk, and meet you here in the barn on Friday

It appeared from what was written, that the following Friday was their target date

Actually he was working nearer Gilgandra where he usually spent most Friday evenings drinking at the Railway Hotel

This Friday night Bruce decided to visit Coonabarabran as per the advice of one of his mates

This time I’m assured that Wesam is arriving Friday, April 22 and he has arranged transportation to take him from the airport to our house

He is landing about 6 PM so I’m guessing he will come to our house Friday, April 22 around nine a clock at night would be my guess

She was so tired and probably depressed by the lunch hour situation that she took Thursday and Friday off

Louis and the day before the wake for his daughter again Jeffee with that Friday the 13th luck made a big mistake and got hit with something even I was my rotten luck couldn’t even imagine was possible

On this wonderful yesterday of March 24 the day that was going nicely for me, she called me back and said that this student has reconsidered and she would let me know by Friday evening if he really did want to move in

This game was played on a Friday night at Phoenix Giants Stadium in Tempe, Arizona

Again that Friday night, Rich Hinton pitched one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen

Defoe met with Ferguson at the pub for a sandwich and pint on a Friday

a curious twist of logic – is held in the Friday Market

The next day was Friday, the last before the election day

But that Friday, when the candidates were sitting on their chairs on top of a wooden podium, questions were called for

been wanting to try on Friday and then come up with healthy alternatives for your busy days

This may mean that Friday nights are special pizza nights, but the rest of the week is

Friday, I went to a cinema

was that I was going Friday at a premiere, but

It was a Friday evening and she was driving about town looking for the right kind of boy to pick up

She would have liked several drinks, it being Friday night, but she didn’t want to spend a long time in the bar for fear of some man wanting to pick her up

It is Friday night, and the senior library is a busy place

Their first stop on this Friday early evening is a girls’ interscholastic college volleyball game

It had been a lovely Friday night when his call came

can’t taste a thing but Missus F from the Friday club says I should

He was glad to drive home early that Friday afternoon to

Friday night and booked in at the Old Quay House Hotel in the

“He asked me if we could go out on Friday night to the ‘Picture Palace’ then he said he was sure that you would like him to look after me as you were such good friends and you would do the same for him

“He called for me that Friday night and he was the perfect gentleman but what I didn’t know was that he had planned everything in advance and I was going along unknowingly with everything

With some persuasion, Abbott had agreed to it, and at twelve o’clock on Friday, the guards came to unlock Raven’s door

But he agreed to their terms and found himself entering the dining hall on Friday at lunchtime, eyes keenly searching the crowded hall for the first glimpse of Alexia

She slept most of that day and the next, and by Friday she was slept out

Good Friday was exactly that — warm and sunny with only a few marshmallow clouds drifting overhead

The number one slot Friday night was Millicent vs Kiri

This was Friday evening at 4

Rabbi H and his mother lit the candles and said the prayers for the Friday night service

So it was business as usual, when, over a year later, our pals, now including Akbar and Rita, were having their usual Friday evening get together after a busy week on the roads

She came by the first Friday and as she was making up the bank deposit she saw the envelope with about two hundred or so dollars in it

I went home that Friday night and talked it over with my wife

This was on a Friday and by noon on Sunday I was almost as bad as I had been when I left the hospital

It became a bit of a Friday night game and every time the police moved in he would turn into an open veldt between two narrow poles and escape

She seemed surprised to hear my voice even though she knew I would call today as I did every Friday morning

Well, would the second week end at close of business on Friday afternoon? Or, would we be split up and delivered on Saturday morning? Would they consider the weekend part of the week so that we stayed as a class of four until sometime Sunday afternoon, or would arrangements take a while so that we would stay in our hut until our new owners collected us Tuesday or even next Wednesday? We had no power, but we could speculate, and as that was all we could do, we did

Friday morning arrived and we were all quite nervous

All houses have intruder alarm systems with armed response as standard as you most armed robberies happens at your own home after 10pm on Thursday and Friday nights

3 million budget was approved Friday by the Lennox Police Services Board

Friday afternoon I thought more about clarity

“And Friday night—I could have taken so much more,” he said

I’d never expected to see it again when I left last Friday

Friday afternoon, the third day of Hanbleca, was very hot

Предложения со словом «Friday»

Friday afternoon, a few days before Christmas 2009.

Пятница, конец дня, 2009 год, канун Рождества.

Their employees work Monday through Friday, they take the weekends off.

Их сотрудники работают с понедельника по пятницу и не работают по выходным.

We know this because our security researchers see repeated spikes of malware on a Friday afternoon.

Мы знаем это, потому что исследователи безопасности замечают повторяющиеся скачки в работе вредоносных программ в пятницу вечером.

It basically said this: Before you bail on religion, why don’t we come together this Friday night and see what we might make of our own Jewish inheritance?

В нём говорилось: Прежде чем поставить крест на религии, почему бы нам не собраться в эту пятницу и обсудить, что можно сделать с нашим еврейским наследием?

I find a really good time to do this is Friday afternoons.

Мне кажется, лучшее время для этого — днём в пятницу .

Friday afternoon is what an economist might call a low opportunity cost time.

Время в пятницу после обеда экономист назвал бы временем низких альтернативных издержек.

Most of us are not sitting there on Friday afternoons saying, I am excited to make progress toward my personal and professional priorities right now.

Мало кто сидит в пятницу после обеда и думает: Я хочу работать ради достижения моих личных и профессиональных целей прямо сейчас.

So take a little bit of time Friday afternoon, make yourself a three-category priority list: career, relationships, self.

Так что найдите немного времени в пятницу днём, чтобы написать список приоритетов по трём категориям: карьера, отношения, личность.

Friday we are attending a symposium on molecular positronium.

В пятницу нам надо на симпозиум по молекулярному позитронию.

The day after Thanksgiving -Friday — is also a day off for most people, and they begin Christmas shopping on that Friday.

Пятница, сразу после Дня Благодарения, для большинства людей тоже нерабочий день, и в эту пятницу они начинают делать покупки к Рождеству.

So, Thanksgiving weekend — it’s Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, — all those days people are off.

Выходные в честь Дня Благодарения — это четверг, пятница , суббота, воскресенье — все эти дни нерабочие.

We then lost another major figure of the musical world, the conductor Sir Georg Solti who was to have conducted the Verdi Requiem on the last Friday of the season and he had been a very good friend of Princess Diana and indeed had rung me up just after Diana’s death to say that he wanted to dedicate this Verdi Requiem to her memory.

Затем мы потеряли еще одну важную фигуру в музыкальном мире, дирижера сэра Георга Шолти, который должен был дирижировать Реквием Верди в последнюю пятницу сезона, и он был очень хороший друг принцессы Дианы и даже звонил мне сразу после смерти Дианы, чтобы сказать, что он хотел бы посвятить Реквием Верди в память о ней.

They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Spring Bank Holiday and August Bank Holiday (Late Summer Bank Holiday).

Это : Рождество , День подарков , Страстная Пятница , Пасхальный Понедельник , весенний Банковский Праздник и августовский Банковский Праздник.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter when the church marks the death of Christ.

Страстная Пятница это пятница перед Пасхой , когда церковь отмечает день смерти Христа .

The religious holidays such as Good Friday, Ramadan are observed, of course, by the religious, but they have no national or official legal status.

Религиозные праздники такие , как Страстная Пятница , Рамадан , конечно , отмечаются верующими , но они не имеют национального или официально — го узаконенного статуса .

Friday turned out to be another lesson in humility.

В пятницу Харрисон получил еще один небольшой урок скромности.



I play tennis two times a week: on Wednesday and Friday.

Я играю в теннис два раза в неделю — в среду и в пятницу .

Good Friday is the day that the women of the family bake paska, Easter bread.

Страстная пятница является днем, когда женщины пекут Паску, или Пасхальный кулич.

Dating back to medieval times, the buns were traditionally eaten on Good Friday, but they are now popular all around the Easter season.

Еще в средневековые времена булочки были традиционно ели в страстную пятницу , но они в настоящее время пользуются популярностью весь Пасхальный сезон.

They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday.

К ним относятся: Рождество, День подарков, Новый Год, Страстная пятница , Пасхальный понедельник, Майский день, праздник Весны и праздник Лета.

They are Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday, and Summer Bank Holiday.

Это — Рождество, День подарков, Новый год, Страстная пятница , Пасхальный понедельник, Первое мая, Весенний банковский праздник и Летний банковский праздник.

Friday was the last day in England.

Пятница была последним днем в Англии.

These needs might include the need for friendship, goodwill, credibility, recognition of status and authority, a desire to be appreciated and promoted as well as the need to get home earlier on Friday evening.

Нужды включают в себя дружбу, добрую волю, убедительность, признание статуса и авторитета, желание быть оцененными и продвинутыми по службе, а также желание попасть домой пораньше в пятницу вечером.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I take my English textbook, vocabulary and exercise-book and go to my English lesson.

Каждый понедельник, среду и пятницу я беру учебник английского языка, словарь и тетрадку и иду на урок.

English families often go out for an evening meal, especially on Friday nights.

Английские семьи часто идут куда — нибудь на ужин, особенно в пятничный вечер.

This work is only at the weekdays, from Monday till Friday.

Эта работа только по будням, с понедельника по пятницу .

The contest will be held on Friday, and the winner will present their speech at the ceremony next week.

Конкурс пройдет в пятницу , а победитель представит свою речь на церемонии на следующей неделе.

I am preparing an interview for Will to conduct on Friday with the the Deputy Assistant Administrator of the EPA.

Я готовлю интервью для Уилла с заместителем помощника руководителя охраны окружающей среды на пятницу .

At the planning meeting on Friday a friendly fellow came up to me and congratulated me on my successful bid.

На собрании в пятницу ко мне подошёл доброжелатель и поздравил с удачной покупкой.

One of your movers saw Nanna and Amir on Friday.

Один из ваших грузчиков видел Нанну и Амира в пятницу .

Two names by Friday or the pay overruns come out of your salary.

Два имени к пятнице , или я вычту деньги на дополнительные расходы из твоей зарплаты.

Full thesis is still at the typist, but you should have it by Friday.

Полный текст диссертации ещё у машинистки, но вы получите его к пятнице .

I stole a penny from my mother’s purse, and I ate a sausage on Friday.

Я украл пенни из кошелька мамы и ел колбасу в страстную пятницу .

And I sincerely hope this won’t cast a cloud over our date on Friday.

И я от всей души надеюсь, что этот факт не омрачит наше свидание в пятницу .

Beacon Hills High School is back open after being closed Thursday and Friday.

Старшая школа Бейкон Хиллс снова открыта после закрытия в четверг и пятницу .

The arterial road that ran by the church was already thick with speeding traffic: perhaps it was Friday, early escapees hurrying home.

Узкая дорога, проходившая рядом с церковью, была слишком тесна для нескончаемого потока автомобилей.

Friday night traffic spilled around us in a bright sparkle of lights.

Пятничный вечерний поток машин лился мимо нас яркими искрами света.

The detective and his gal Friday walked off into the fog and left the lovers in their embrace- an embrace that would last forever…

Детектив и его девчонка — Пятница Ушли сквозь туман оставив обнявшихся влюбленных… Объятие, которое будет длится вечно.

Are you planning on going to the holiday concert rehearsal on Friday?

Ты собираешься идти на репетицию праздничного концерта в пятницу ?

Six people protesting on a Friday and you just lent them a megaphone.

6 жалких человек протестующих в пятницу , и ты приставил к их хилым голосам громкоговоритель.

I just stopped by ’cause the psych department moved their conference to Friday.

Я зашла потому, что факультет психологии перенёс конференцию на пятницу .

The concerts were to be on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Концерты должны были состояться в среду, четверг, пятницу и субботу.

This Black Friday sales incentive says the assistant manager could win a new high definition TV.

Тут написано, что помощник менеджера может выиграть новое телевидение высокой четкости.

The first witness Friday morning was a shaggy-headed nerd with a thin red beard and heavy bifocals.

Первым свидетелем в пятницу утром выступал лохматый чудак с рыжей бородой в бифокальных очках.

I’ll give you Amy’s session and my further notes on Friday, all right?

Я назначу тебе встречу с Эмми и дам дальнейшие указания на пятницу , хорошо?

It was during a Friday night game of charades that Lynette was clued in to the truth of Eddie’s life.

Во время обычной пятничной игры в шарады Линетт узнала всю правду о жизни Эдди.

The high school football stadium might be just about tolerable this coming Friday night.

Школьное футбольное поле могло быть вполне терпимо в ближайшую пятницу .

We’ve got a good story on Friday about a pair of Siamese twins in local government.

У нас есть на пятницу хороший материал о сиамских близнецах, работниках местной администрации.

Friday night, Morgan and I would normally gorge ourselves on some processed food, play some video games.

Обычно по пятницам вечером мы с Морганом плотно едим, играем в видео — игры.

We’re gonna have a screening of the cut footage at the apartment on Friday.

В пятницу устроим просмотр отснятого у меня на квартире.

I don’t expect to be finished until Friday, at least.

Я постараюсь управиться с ними до пятницы , но вряд ли успею.

Can this please wait until Friday?

Это может подождать до пятницы ?

The Committee’s press conference could be arranged for the morning of Friday, 22 May.

Пресс — конференция Комитета могла бы состояться в пятницу , 22 мая, утром.

Similarly, the request to enter the headquarters of the Republican Guards was presented on Friday, 15 March 1996.

Кроме того, просьба войти в штаб — квартиру республиканской гвардии была представлена в пятницу , 15 марта 1996 года.

Your mother will be back Friday morning.

Мама вернется с утра в пятницу .

Come Friday, we’ll have a president with a full head of hair.

В пятницу у нас будет президент с пышной шевелюрой.

Friday nights and all day Sunday.

В пятницу вечером и весь день в воскресенье.

The most recent theft of several hundred Euros in cash occurred last Friday.

Последняя кража нескольких сотен евро наличными была совершена в прошлую пятницу .

I’d love to any night but Friday.

Я с удовольствием — в любой вечер, кроме пятницы .

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Friday | Friday Sentence

  • This was Friday night.
  • It was Friday afternoon.
  • That was Friday night.
  • That was on the Friday morning.
  • Last Friday afternoon.
  • Next Friday is your birthday.
  • It was Friday morning.
  • Likewise Friday morning.
  • The preceding Friday had been such an occasion.
  • On the Friday all three were condemned.
  • Horses were very hard to borrow that Friday afternoon.
  • Carse motioned to Friday to switch off the mike.
  • I baptized 10 Friday night.
  • The school would close on the Friday before.
  • On the Friday the party was to some extent broken up.
  • I cannot come till Friday afternoon.
  • But Friday afternoon was too hot for the walk thither.
  • And after that he came every Friday and stayed an hour.
  • We had our first fall of snow on Friday last.
  • So when Friday came the assembly room was crowded.
  • Why, she was all right Friday evening.
  • Cut your hair on the first Friday after the new moon.
  • It was Friday night, and we were shutting up.
  • He spoke to her last Friday morning in the study.
  • The campus was astir with the movement of a Friday night.
  • Owen gave up his fight against morphine late Friday night.
  • The end came suddenly one Friday afternoon.
  • Good Friday passed silently, gloomily.
  • On Friday afternoon one of the men brought it round.
  • I was staying with cousins, and it was a Friday evening.
  • That Friday gang probably musters a hundred by this time.
  • The debate was set for the first Friday in the new year.
  • And finally Friday came, and the last night.
  • On Friday night during question time one man got up.
  • The third dayes iourney, being Friday of the first weeke.

How To Use Friday In A Sentence?

  • On Friday night there was about $6,500 in cash in the bag.
  • On Friday I have another funeral.
  • On Friday morning Louisa was absent.
  • So Friday closed round Donelson.
  • But on that Friday night I was restless.

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence


On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Friday in a sentence

Friday sentence

sentence with Friday

Friday used in a sentence

Friday make sentence

make sentence with Friday

make sentence of Friday

Friday sentence in english

  • Use the word Friday in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Do you know if she was home last friday night?

The experiment took place in the Marsh Chapel of Boston University on Good friday 1962.

Uh, no… I’ll tell you, if you don’t hear from me by next friday, the whole thing’s off.

And I’ll see you friday at Audrey’s.

Bye-bye. I’ll be seeing you on friday.

The initial advertising campaign traded instead on the bogus moving back of the premiere from friday 13.

Black friday for roast beef.

On friday, she’d eaten a sumptuous dish of snails and fish.

To be by him executed and put to death on friday, the 27th day of January, 1933. Between the hours of 1 o a. m. And 4 p.

Oh, Mr. Stewart, I expect that order from you by next friday.

Drove here friday from Detroit.

They’ll come to dinner next friday.

Paula, I’ll want you and Ernest for dinner next friday.

I’m dining with you next week, friday.

friday, a week from tonight.

Next friday evening… at the Oliver Jordans’, dinner at 8:00.

We’re invited there for dinner next friday night… and I’m going to wear my new silver with the white fox.

friday, it rained all day. There was a no ball game.

-Yes, I’m the Boy friday, so to say.

Every friday they get in ten grand for the payroll ..

Don’t mind him, friday the 13th.

And find him before 9:00 on friday morning.

Every friday, the cashier takes a certain route with the employee payroll.

friday … I’ll find some pretext to go to Rouen with Berthe.

friday, at the Korsunskys’ .

It’s got to be ready by friday, mind you, because his daughter’s getting married…

I don’t mean a week from next friday.

It’s like this, miss. You see, the horse is kind of tired today… on account of having won the Grand National on friday.

He’s staging a comeback friday night. — Yeah?

What about the man they found last friday night… near the embankment?

So they last met on friday?

So I’ll be waiting for you next friday at 3:30 sharp, okay?

Wednesday, Thursday, friday, Saturday…

Also of friday‘s meeting, all of article, erm… 2.

Monsieur Gattard will continue with… second and third form French on Thursdays… which will replace Dr. Spitzer’s science section… moved up to friday afternoon.

You open at the State friday.

The ship is due to arrive friday.

I might friday night for a little while… if you’ll stop annoying me.

So you got to crack it by friday night.

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