fought — перевод на русский
You think I’m teaching you how to fight? Huh?
Думаешь, я учу вас сражаться?
Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse.
Каждый раз, когда я пытаюсь сражаться становится все хуже.
why do you still go on fighting?
Почему же ты продолжаешь сражаться?
Why does Musashi continue to fight?
Почему Мусаси продолжает сражаться?
We’ll fight for you!
Мы будем сражаться за тебя!
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Kids are always gonna get into fights, right?
Дети всегда будут драться, верно?
! The last thing she remembers is getting in a fight with you, so you can’t come back here and tell me that you didn’t touch her!
Последнее что она помнит, как начала драться с тобой, так что ты не можешь вот так вот прийти и говорить что ты ее не трогал!
What if we have to, like, fight?
Что если нам придется, ну, драться?
«Stop the fighting, boys.»
Ребята, перестаньте драться!
Start fighting.
Начинай драться. Ну же!
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It’s not enough to love her, we’ve got to fight for her.
Но просто любить недостаточно, нам надо бороться за неё.
She stated that she felt as if she were fighting against an unknown force stronger than her own.
По её словам, сила, с которой ей приходилось бороться, была много больше её собственной.
I must fight for him.
Я должна бороться за него.
— I’ll fight it.
-Я буду бороться.
I’ll fight it.
Я буду бороться.
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You want to have one round of fight against me?
Хочешь вызвать меня на бой?
Fighting around Plevna.
Бой около Плевны.
His last fight in Racine was with Lefty Schnitzler
Его последний бой в городе Расин был с Левшой Шницлером.
Let’s fight.
Бой начался.
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Fight’s the word.
Драка это подходящее слово.
There’s a fight!
Там драка!
What’s the idea, fighting here and driving away my customers!
Что вы вытворяете? Драка! Вы отпугиваете покупателей!
Ain’t no fight.
Это не драка.
I didn’t know they had a fight.
Я не знал, что была драка.
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— You mean they want us to go on fighting?
Ты подразумеваешь, они хотят чтобы мы продолжали воевать?
His task was defending his people… … insteadofdesertingthem to fight in foreign lands.
Его долгом было защищать свой народ, а не отправляться воевать в чужие земли.
Your pa went wild when they wouldn’t let him fight.
Ваш папенька рассвирепел, когда его не взяли воевать.
All he wants is to get across and fight.
Он хочет только воевать.
He thinks it’s funny we want to fight with this curious detachment.
Он находит смешным, что мы хотим воевать таким забавным отрядом.
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But what kind of a man gives up before the fighting starts?
Но какой мужчина выйдет из игры еще до того, как началась борьба?
The fight’s not over yet, not over.
Борьба еще не решена, не решена.
This is not his fight yet.
Это пока не его борьба.
Even down in texas, we know that watering stock don’t only mean just giving the cows a drink. But you’re right. All that stuff— dirty politics— that ain’t up my alley… but fighting is.
Даже у нас в Техасе известно что вода существует что бы ее пили не только коровы но вы правы все это грязная политика и это не мое дело мое дело — борьба!
What she’s doing now is called fighting the heart.
Сейчас у неё происходит борьба в душе.
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-Look, what’s the use of fighting, Hildy?
Зачем ссориться, Хильди?
But since it is so with us, I see no great need to fight.
но если у нас это так, то не вижу нужды ссориться.
Be good! You’re always fighting!
Кончайте ссориться!
It is not moment for fighting itself, perhaps it appears an airplane.
Не время ссориться, может прилететь самолет.
Pals shouldn’t fight.
Друзья не должны ссориться.
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I’m trying to get those guys to fight it out on the soccer field.
— Ты знаешь, что происходит между твоим братом и североафриканцами? Я пытаюсь прекратить войну за футбольное поле.
I’ll create a big fight.
Я развяжу войну.
You’re backing Reform till you get yourself jockeying into picking a fight with Nick.
Ты поддерживаешь реформы, и втягиваешь себя в войну с Ником.
And in the United States, their president, Mr Lincoln, is fighting a war for that principle.
а в Соединенных Штатах президент, мистер Линкольн вел за это войну.
But if you stopped fighting?
А если прекратить войну?
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You wanna fight? Come on.
Хочешь подраться?
You want a fight?
Подраться захотел?
The rough house, the rough house. It’s the roughest, toughest joint ya ever seen. — Come in and pick a fight, boys.
Заходите, вы подраться не хотите?
If you’re out for a fight, say so.
Если ты пришёл, чтобы подраться, так и скажи
Do you also want to fight with me?
Вы также хотите подраться со мной?
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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fought, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fought in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fought».
Fought in a sentence
Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fought in a sentence.
I fought men and I hit women.
They fought and died together.
Demosthenes fought as a mere hoplite.
He also fought as a lightweight boxer.
He fought to win, but not at any price.
All had fought at Gallipoli dismounted.
When it was raided, they fought for it.
The English slept where they had fought.
If the battle of Wibbandun was fought c.
Meanwhile, Team USA fought back to 40–39.
Larson later reported, «He fought us all the way ..
He hated Li and fought with him at the fish market.
In August, he fought in the Battle of Mouquet Farm.
He fought several campaigns in the Forty Years’ War.
England eventually won the closely fought series 4–3.
On one occasion the scientists’ rival teams fought each other by throwing stones.
For the next two decades he fought loyally for his brother and overlord at Tikal.
On his return he joined the United States military and fought in the Vietnam War.
The Métis and Lord Selkirk’s settlers fought at the Battle of Seven Oaks in 1816.
Deodato fought in the courts for three additional years to get his film unbanned.
For two days, the 34th Infantry fought the advancing North Koreans in bitter house-to-house fighting.
Around 7,000 Finnish Reds defended Helsinki, but their best troops fought on other fronts of the war.
It has been suggested that this battle was confused with the «Battle of Asreth» in Circinn, fought c.
For his own reasons, he fought against ratifying the handiwork of the 1787 Philadelphia convention ..
After World War I began in 1914, Piłsudski’s Legions fought alongside Austria-Hungary against Russia.
McKinley was a noted protectionist, and was confident of winning an election fought on that question.
On the May 10 episode of Raw, Benjamin fought Alexander in a match with Alexander losing to Benjamin.
Describing herself as a «scrappy, tough kid», she has said she fought frequently with other children.
Myosin fought back before Chiswick Bridge to reduce the deficit, but Actin won by around two lengths.
In the second quarter, Virginia Tech fought back and narrowed Louisville’s lead to a single touchdown.
Hancock and English fought to a near-draw in the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote to James A.
Yeomanry regiments fought mounted and dismounted in both the First World War and the Second World War.
Abdullah and Kanadbak started pillaging the areas of Nishapur, and fought heavily to capture the city.
From 1642, Charles fought the armies of the English and Scottish parliaments in the English Civil War.
In its aftermath Carthage attempted to avoid paying in full the foreign troops who had fought its war.
Continuing beyond Saltillo, Taylor’s army fought a larger Mexican force, led by Santa Anna, in the Battle of Buena Vista.
At the Second Battle of Newtonia on October 28, Slayback’s battalion fought dismounted to the left of Thompson’s brigade.
The Italians fought from behind the wall until the Australians were inside it, attacking with hand grenades and bayonets.
The unit had fought in Papua in 1942 in the Battle of Buna–Gona and had since conducted intensive training in Queensland.
She fought at the Battle of Jutland on 31 May 1 June 1916, during which she was hit twice and suffered negligible damage.
The Peloponnesians fought to prevent their ships from being towed away, and Pharnabazus’s troops came up to support them.
When aggravated by another pigeon, it raised its wings threateningly, but passenger pigeons almost never actually fought.
She was part of the Danube Flotilla, and fought the Serbian and Romanian armies from Belgrade to the mouth of the Danube.
During the remainder of August 1944, the rump of the division fought hard to keep the Partisans out of the security zone.
Robert Benhale of Norfolk fought a Scottish champion named Turnbull and his large dog between the armies and killed both.
Davies was described as a «tough old pro» who had fought over 40 times professionally but he lasted only five rounds before the referee stopped the fight in Owen’s favour.
Cardiff-born boxer Jack Petersen fought at the ground on several occasions, including victories over Hein Müller and George Cook that attracted crowds of more than 40,000.
Bean wrote that Shout fought with «splendid gaiety» throughout the assault, historian Stephen Snelling adding that Shout was «laughing and joking and cheering his men on».
The regiment fought next in the Sidi Rezegh area on 27 and 28 November, finding itself once again outgunned by enemy armour returning from its raid on the Egyptian border.
Moreover, if a battle was fought in a Senatorial province, Augustus’s proconsular imperium maius allowed him to take command of (or credit for) any major military victory.
General information about «fought» example sentences
The example sentences for the word fought that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fought» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fought».
Definition of Fought
to strongly work for or against someone or something
Examples of Fought in a sentence
The Indians fought to keep their land, but ended up losing the battle.
Because he didn’t want to move, the boy fought his parents every time they searched for a house.
In the ring, the boxer fought to beat the other fighter in a very close match.
Women can vote today because of brave men and women who fought to make it legal.
Although we fought to get the bar shut down, it is still open today.
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Мои примеры
fought to keep the union intact — боролись за сохранение союза в целости и сохранности
hard-fought field — серьёзное сражение
he fought for his own hand — он защищал собственные интересы
the children fought a mimetic battle — дети играли в войну
the children fought a mimical battle — дети играли в войну
hard fought — ожесточенный; упорный
hard-fought — с напряжёнными боями; с тяжелыми боями; ожесточённый
Примеры с переводом
She fought her fear.
Она боролась со своим страхом.
He fought like a tiger.
Он дрался, как тигр.
They fought like heroes.
Они сражались как герои.
I remember how they fought.
Я помню, как они дрались.
He fought the urge to cry.
Он сдерживал желание заплакать.
We fought them and put them to the run.
Мы сразились с ними и обратили их в бегство.
Rebels fought to liberate the country.
Повстанцы боролись за освобождение страны.
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Примеры, ожидающие перевода
The men fought their captors and escaped.
He fought his bloodless battles in the courtroom.
We fought tooth and nail to get these plans accepted.
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1. The two brothers fought together against their attackers.
2. Molly had fought and overcome her fear of flying.
3. The two men fought a duel over the lady.
4. Feeling were so intense that they fought a duel.
5. The policeman fought off two men who attacked him.
6. She had fought many battles[], vanquished many foes.
7. We fought for the honour of our country.
8. The team fought back to win the game.
9. He fought off three men who attacked him.
10. They fought for control of the islands.
11. My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.
12. A tumult of feelings inside her fought for supremacy.
13. The two opposing armies fought through to the end.
14. She fought the disease with unfailing good humour .
15. Somehow the small but formidable woman fought her way through the crowd to reach her son.
16. He fought in the N African campaign during the last war.
17. She fought off her attacker by kicking him in the balls.
18. A man used to wielding an axe fought best on foot.
19. She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.
20. 5(,000 American servicemen who fought in Korea are still unaccounted for.
21. Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.
22. It’s better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all.
23. We have fought scores of battles in order to win victory.
24. She has fought a one-woman campaign for ten years about the lack of childcare provision in the town.
25. He fought fiercely, but his opponent easily got the better of him.
26. A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.
27. They battled against other Indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.
28. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.
29. The committee fought the matter out for hours, and still could not agree.
30. The important thing in Life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.
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